SF6 Year 1 Patch Notes - A.K.I.
2 сағат бұрын
SF6 Year 1 Patch Notes - Rashid
2 сағат бұрын
SF6 Year 1 Patch Notes - Cammy
4 сағат бұрын
SF6 Year 1 Patch Notes - Lily
7 сағат бұрын
SF6 Year 1 Patch Notes - Zangief
7 сағат бұрын
SF6 Year 1 Patch Notes - JP
7 сағат бұрын
SF6 Year 1 Patch Notes - Marisa
9 сағат бұрын
SF6 Year 1 Patch Notes - Manon
14 сағат бұрын
SF6 Year 1 Patch Notes - Dee Jay
14 сағат бұрын
SF6 Year 1 Patch Notes - E. Honda
16 сағат бұрын
SF6 Year 1 Patch Notes - Dhalsim
16 сағат бұрын
SF6 Year 1 Patch Notes - Blanka
19 сағат бұрын
SF6 Year 1 Patch Notes - Ken
19 сағат бұрын
SF6 Year 1 Patch Notes - Juri
19 сағат бұрын
SF6 Year 1 Patch Notes - Kimberly
21 сағат бұрын
SF6 Year 1 Patch Notes - Guile
21 сағат бұрын
SF6 Year 1 Patch Notes - Chun-Li
21 сағат бұрын
SF6 Year 1 Patch Notes - Jamie
21 сағат бұрын
SF6 Year 1 Patch Notes - Luke
SF6 Year 1 Patch Notes - Ryu
@kekon3 3 сағат бұрын
I think Light Snake Step is a change made because let’s be honest, aki isn’t hurting for ways to deal with a fireball, and in practice I imagine it isn’t most people’s first, second or third choice. I only ever saw it cancel normals or as a fake out so it might actually just be them leaning in on that niche usage.
@protodot2051 3 сағат бұрын
Cool, cool, now give her decent lights, capcom.
@punkypony5165 8 сағат бұрын
Thanks for taking the time to make these videos.
@TheCangu97 10 сағат бұрын
Baf this video is old The parru mechanic is being discussed again, tho A lot of people call parries "random", as there is no counterplay to them. Even in SF6, where parries are severely weaker and more risky than they were here. I say the opponent being on point doesn't need to be countered, and they're not random for landing a parry but rather entirely in your head. What do you think about this?
@Bafael 10 сағат бұрын
Acting like there's no counterplay is always dishonest because there's throwing in both games but I agree that it rewards insight and the effect of "forcing players to be unpredictable" is ultimately good for neutral
@konkeydonk 11 сағат бұрын
wish they fixed his reversal startup womp womp
@iiequinox8044 12 сағат бұрын
I desperately wish they'd give Dhalsim's Back MK 6 frame start up - his lack of meterless damage is rough, and the fact that he can't even force a decent counter hit combo makes him feel terrible to try and open someone up with. You're stuck with spending 3 bars on DRC which just sucks now that light combos are nerfed.
@goldennut763 13 сағат бұрын
the return of the king! i dont really even play SF games but the way you format these patch videos has my undying attention
@yourstillwithme 15 сағат бұрын
I think this patch was absolute dogshit and its hilarious to me.people think its "fine" How was drive rush not nerfed AT ALL? LOL Or dmg frkm level 3 supers? Or buffs to level 1 and 2? Dr being: plus on block, only costing 1 bar, builds that bar back via pressure anyway if blocked, counter hit + frsmes on hit, insanely fast is a stupid mechanic and theres 0 reason to not just spam it and yolo it all the time almost. Its incredibly strong at ALL levels of play andturns sf into an Anime fighter. And dont tell me fadc ultra was stupid too or 3s parry waa broken either because thats not true lol Level 3s are so dumb because a SINGLE mistake is 50%+ easy and if you have crit 3 its an easy 60% regardless of maximizing dmg or not because combos are so easy. the entire meta is hold on to level 3 incase you need it and the wntire gameplay flow hasnt changed at all. All this patch did is shift the characters who are "good at the meta" and it disnt change at all how the game was played or how to approach the game at all. When SSF4 came out, it CHANGED the gameplay and turtling got strong, not trade DP ultra. Game changed. When UMVC3 came out, Dante was COMPLETELY reworked, magneto was heavily changed, wolverine and akuma COMPLETELY changed, and the DHC glitch waa completely removed. When SSF4 AE dropped, Dive Kicks became meta, not turtle characters and how the game was played changed completely. Season 2 of SF5 changed by removing invincible meterless dps. Hated thst game, but at least it CHANGED. SF6 was literally just like "uhhh herea some frame data changes kinda guys but all the things we should have changed that people wanted will stay the same" SF6 is ass lol
@StreetfighterTips 23 сағат бұрын
Stealth nerf on lvl 2, it no longer builds drive gauge when used in a drive rush combo.
@RockZerr Күн бұрын
i see broski and hikaru using the light snake step all the time. looks good to be able to be unpredictable. instead of doing a blackstring ending on minus with gaps in between for reversals you can just get some space and your opponent has to adept to your new position.
@fordy5788 Күн бұрын
Any Cammy mains who cry about ex spinning knuckle love easy mode. One of fastest walk speed in the game nah too hard.
I get the change to Denjin moves now being heavy only, but I think it would've been nice to keep it for all strengths so you can apply it to any speed of the projectiles. Instead of locking it to heavy I would've made it so that tapping the button uses the normal version, and holding applies the Denjin effect.
@ADreamingTraveler Күн бұрын
The light snake step change is interesting. The old version of it was basically useless but they completely repurposed it into something entirely new.
@taylorbee4010 Күн бұрын
Also does links
@srkvhozite2424 Күн бұрын
Vehemently disagree with the idea the Manon being straight forward is bad. Every game should have a balance of simple and complicated characters. The issue is that she is just under tuned.
@Chun-believable Күн бұрын
As a Chun-Li, looking at Ken and Luke, this patch sucked.
@Bafael Күн бұрын
Both Chun li and Ken were barely changed
@Chun-believable Күн бұрын
@@Bafael Ken deserved worse. Is this coming from salt and bias? Partially.
@lucaslennan3356 Күн бұрын
I switched to Ed when he came out (sorry I lost faith). But I would definitely play her again if she just got some more fireball invincibility. Oh my god her spin is so bad.
@camronh14 Күн бұрын
@BiggBossChanel Күн бұрын
Broski just posted some legend rank matches and he found that you can reliably use light snake dash to bait out some invincible reversals
@lawnbb12372 Күн бұрын
the spin knuckle change is game changing and very crippling. She was the antizoner and now she is just the worst rushdown characater. She lost her niche and will probably dissappear from competition entirely outside of die hards. She has no real purpose now.
@ChiefKenn Күн бұрын
if the character literally has nothing else of note other than that then i would strongly question the quality of their design cammys has always remained as a deeply oppressive force because she does strike-throw better than anyone, not because she just beats projectiles; you would question why a character with insanely strong dash and walk speeds, very fast and effective buttons (she didnt even receive the universal cr.mk nerf like many others), and a fast EX divekick, NEEDS a free reactable fireball punish that leads to a full combo and full offense??? not to mention that unless you haven't been playing street fighter for a long time you should know that patience against fireballs is key and this game gives you many tools to do so; and one of which was buffed! tanking fireballs from full and 3/4 screen literally has no downside now if you parry them, cammys opponent is not getting any closer to their win condition by chucking plasma at the ranges that cammy could easily react spin knuckles with. Call her fair, say she has some bad matchups, but to say she's just, *done*? come on now.
@ChiefKenn Күн бұрын
now if you wanted to make the argument that akuma is better than yeah im right there with you, he is fucking incredible, and probably overtuned although i dont think we should call that just yet, its been less than 2 weeks lol
@lawnbb12372 12 сағат бұрын
She is in the same position that Ryu was last season. She has nothing that makes her special anymore. If you want to play rushdown play Juri she does everything Cammy does but better. She has no purpose now she is fine as a character but why play her? Kim might be worse but atleast she is unique Cammy is just pointless.
@Enoby_Darkness Күн бұрын
yeah I remember when someone made a video saying "Daigo is wrong about Aki" or something Well, evidently the devs agree with Daigo
@KiTTtheKiDD Күн бұрын
Are you talking about broski? His video was called "5 reasons aki is stronger aki than you think." It just had Daigo in the thumbnail
@Keeganners Күн бұрын
happy birthday zangief
@AuntBibby Күн бұрын
thank u baf
@KillaRock404 Күн бұрын
AKI looks like she might be one of the most dangerous characters now
@Megaman.ExE7 Күн бұрын
Thanks for these Patch Notes Baf. As always, you deliver
@yabbadabbindude Күн бұрын
Oh no its over. I love these patch break down vids
@PanagiotisPolitis-bl9xj Күн бұрын
"Time to circumsise!" -Ken during ex tatsu
@steeltoedsandals Күн бұрын
Congratulations on graduating Baf!
@ShinehexX Күн бұрын
Her changes are good but frustrating to me. I was hoping they would expand her combo ability a little more than that or make it so you can choose when you spend your windstock by holding the button down when you do a special. Great video, thank you.
@SerbianKnifeFight Күн бұрын
Loved the doodle at the end
@menacingmallard Күн бұрын
thank you for all the hard work 🫡🫡
@yorkie4295 Күн бұрын
@orlandocantu8471 Күн бұрын
This is why you're the best man. I wait to see your videos when a big balance patch drops since SFV
@MitoNova583 Күн бұрын
hi Oro
@notswush Күн бұрын
One observation about the light kick snake step buff: I've been seeing really good aki players use it to bait DI as a special cancel off of akis more minus on block buttons, like stand heavy kick. Before, stand heavy kick was only cancellable into options that lost to DI or reversal, and now you can cancel your buttons into light snake step to safely get into akis ideal midrange space. Example: clips.twitch.tv/BlightedAdorableFiddleheadsPeteZaroll-eE0tnkXxjr_6Qd9D
@ShinxBOOM247 Күн бұрын
Two things that weren't mentioned that Broski noticed in his Aki patch list video (just so they're here for people who haven't seen that video): c. HK: the punish counter buff effects all of the hitboxes of this move, not just when landed as an anti air. She can consistently follow this up with a Drive Rush c. LP or s. LK on punish counter even when landed at a distance as a whiff punish or something s. LPLP TC: the TC being +1 also allows it to combo into Drive Rush s. MP, which is a pretty nice damage boost that sorta compensates for the added scaling on light starters
@Bafael Күн бұрын
I show that second one in this video. I found the first but it didn't seem useful so I didn't include it, but cr hk isn't useless as a whiff punish and broski is much more incentivized to explore the limits of this character's potential than I am
@Noonanx09 Күн бұрын
AKI main here, so here's a few small notes -2HK moves her forward a bit during the attack now. She still ends where she started, but the attack itself has more horizontal range and matches the animation. -For the light snake step change, before, it seemed to be for the purposes of staying in place to avoid fireballs, since it (still) has upper body projectile invul through its recovery. Now that it moves backwards, high level players have found utility in using it as a slither feint. The kick followup to slither stance has a 3f gap from heavy kick, so cancelling into light snake step can make DPs (and some DRs) whiff. Hikaru in particular has been seen using it to get people to flinch and then punishing whiffed buttons with light whip. Anything else I would have mentioned has already been said (fireball into EX snake step cancel change and cMK)
@Noonanx09 Күн бұрын
Thanks a million for doing all of these videos, Bafael! You do a fantastic job demonstrating and putting these changes into context. I super appreciate it.
@PME_FGC Күн бұрын
4:40 Saw an Aki use the backward movement on it to specifically shimmy a DeeJay in the TNS bracket last week in the corner, making his OD DP on wakeup completely whiff, it was beautiful I use coward crouch to duck under fireballs instead of this, so repurposing it to move Aki backwards and give it a different use is great in my book
@theexploderofworlds3855 Күн бұрын
You think the spin knuckle change is """"more fair""""???????? It literally makes the character useless and bottom 1. You have no idea what you are talking about, that is an absolute death sentence nerf, there no reason to pick her at all now, shes useless. Any character with a fireball just automatically wins against her now. Why are so many people delusional that this change is """""fair"""""?????? Its absurdly unfair to cammy, i shouldnt need to predict or read to beat a fireball with spin knuckle, i should be able to punish you for throwing a fireball on reaction every time. You are objectively wrong about this change being """"fair"""".
This shit is cracking me up. Why did you use so many quotation marks? ahahahaha
@Bafael Күн бұрын
Omg is this satire? This comment is peak
@theexploderofworlds3855 Күн бұрын
@@Bafael You have no idea what you are talking about. None. If the spin knuckle nerf is """fair""" then the sky is green and the grass is blue.
@theexploderofworlds3855 Күн бұрын
@@DUFFNOTDUFF We get it, you lose to cammy a lot despite her being bottom tier.
@theexploderofworlds3855 Күн бұрын
@@Bafael You dont understand fighting games. You have no idea what you are talking about and that absurd comment about how this completely unfair nerf is somehow """"fair"""" is proof of that. All your content is disposable. You dont understand the genre at all.
@theexploderofworlds3855 Күн бұрын
Spin knuckle change completely kills the character. Shes absurdly weak now, literally a 1-9 matchup against any character with a fireball. Its so depressing, they are literally surgically removing any benefit to having good reactions from the game. Seriously that change to spin knuckle needs to fuck off, the move might as well not exist anymore and cammy is bottom 1 now because of it. I hate this game i hate the devs im so fucking sad and depressed over this shit. The only fun thing about the game at all for me was beating fireballs on reaction with ex knuckle and they just took it away because the devs hate fun. Uninstalled over it. Refuse to play a game where the devs clearly have a seething hatred against my character and want her to be absolute bottom 1 weakest, and thats clearly how they feel about cammy.
@nonuvurbeeznus795 Күн бұрын
Fighting games aren't for you
@theexploderofworlds3855 Күн бұрын
@@nonuvurbeeznus795 We get it, you lose to cammy a lot despite her being bottom tier. You dont need to cope to me.
@yagami999913 Күн бұрын
Yeah, fighting games aren't for you ...
@theexploderofworlds3855 Күн бұрын
@@yagami999913 OK so you lose to bottom tier cammy a lot? Sucks for you. Fighting games arent for you, you should stop playing them since you are clearly bad. Keep losing to bottom tiers.
@destroybuster Күн бұрын
That's the ONLY thing that matters to you?
@SkyBungis Күн бұрын
That oro is epic as heck. Thanks for all your hard work baf youre an awesome individual
@medici3048 Күн бұрын
Small correction: AKI could already cancel regular fireball into EX slide before, but ONLY on frame 36; they changed it to be cancelable from frame 36 onwards, so she can delay the slide to make approaching behind fireball better. AKI is cool :D
@Omnicrom Күн бұрын
I don't actually play Street Fighter 6, but I love to watch fighting games and I always enjoy your commentary and I think you make really great videos. Best wishes to you, godspeed on future endeavors, and hey, that's you and Oro!
@Coopssb Күн бұрын
Just started learning aki after the patch and this video was huge to bridge the gap from previous combo videos of season 1 with the new changes. Thank you!
@WoWisdeadtome Күн бұрын
As a Guile main that nerf to spin knuckle is an absolute game changer in this match up. Before I had to throw booms from just outside poke range where the Cammy player will have a hard time reacting and is super dangerous anyway. From normal projectile range I'd just get punished, even with Guile's excellent recovery.
@PinkuSugoi Күн бұрын
thank you for your hard work
@PME_FGC Күн бұрын
Wait, he has a counter?
@MarakamiSG Күн бұрын
AKI bros living
@camshaft6496 Күн бұрын
Thanks Baf
@user-bv3ok2re3s Күн бұрын
Rip Marisa, even the og leader of Marisa Big Bird has abandoned Marisa. Low tier or not, I guess time will tell.