@evo4gplus 2 күн бұрын
Bro said he was coming back in a 'season 8 midseason patch' video and hasn't came back yet when season 11 already started 💀
@Damion- 3 күн бұрын
@LawrenceChanBetts 3 күн бұрын
venture is a dive but can he also work as a rush? and is he flex or main DPS
@user-bs7lo4ho5j 8 күн бұрын
I'm glad that this video is probably ordered because that means i get to say "As if I'm going to take advice from someone who says Mayo is the best condiment"
@thereligion4169 8 күн бұрын
I would say better is paper being poke and rush being rock for alliteration and dive being scissors because quite literally you try to cut or divide the team’s attention: the counters also still align, much easier way to remember.
@SkeeziOS 9 күн бұрын
Amazing guide! Thanks to you, I will avoid the tank role permanently here on out
@Turtle_on_da_skateboard 11 күн бұрын
Tf is rock scissors paper
@Herethick 13 күн бұрын
Can someone explain what is the anchor playstyle? I've only heard of dive, rush and poke and I have no idea what it is
@FactVault268 14 күн бұрын
There are 3 different roles for Tank
@AndycaneWmans 15 күн бұрын
Doom is confusing
@thatoneleaf9895 16 күн бұрын
I play casual (mainly arcade modes), but here are my top hero statistics anyways: Above 1hr heroes: Zenyatta (4hr), Ana (4hr), Echo (3hr), Moira (3hr), Junker Queen (2hr), Ashe (2hr) And then 1hr heroes: Cassidy, Genji, Orisa, Soldier, Mercy This past week I've been playing more Ana, JQ, and Mercy, and Moira if it's that one mode where if you win a game, the heroes you picked are now locked.
@Overwatch_esports 16 күн бұрын
우리 아이치 이런거 하니?
@kakarottuzumaki4346 18 күн бұрын
6:52 Min.: Where have Moira, Kiriko and Zen to Aim? Right they dont have to. Ana and Bap understand i but the outher 3 makes no sense at all. I as a Mercy Main would say there are 4 Supports that works realy good with Mercy. Moira (IF she Acualy heals...), Ana, Kiriko AND my Personal Favorite: Baptis. He is my absolutly Favorite co Heal tbh. Brig could work but only if your Chomp is hard in your face. Lucio is absolutly Meh pick. Works better then Zen but good is he not. If i would have to ranket them based of season 10 the following Ranking: My Favorits: 1. Bap 2. Ana 3. Kiriko 4. Moira 5. Life Weaver 6. Brig 7. Lucio 8. Illari 9. Zen 10. Mercy Reasons: 1. Bap is by FAR the best co Heal for a mercy. The Senergie is to great and his dmg out put makes him a good blue beam target if he have the aim and no once is hurt and a better target. 2. She is great and her healing is insane high. Plus the Anti is also wonderfully. 3. Her kit is great to counter stuff plus she can make me albe to go for risky rez like bap do. Plus her healing output and her dmg is great to. So basicly the wish version of baptis. 4. Coin Flip. Heals she or is she tik tok moira. Heal Great so if she heals nice. 5. His Grap saves my b00ty too many times tbh. 6. Good in some team comps that be havy dive. 7. Too less healing out put at the Single targets. If not so much cames in stronge. 8. Tooo depened at her turret. No positives here... 9. His Healing out put is like he would exist besides the ult. Nearly NEVER a good idea to pick him. 10. HOW DARE YOU TO STEAL MY HERO... I hate NOTHING more (besides Mei players) then those ugly mercy thiefs that dont swap off form MY girl after many many friendly asks. I want see her in good hands as a hetero mercy otp. So i want see her in MY hands. :>
@L1ghtJump3r_ 21 күн бұрын
Ajax is a football club in the Netherlands
@user-sj2sd1qv9j 28 күн бұрын
언제 돌아오노
@eee_inn2658 Ай бұрын
Your math at the beginning is wrong. 17 choose 2 is 136, not 137. No idea where you got that extra one.
@danielburdisso1483 Ай бұрын
This isn’t the most accurate way to count the number of one tricks, a profile that has 3 heroes can still be a one trick, you need to actually look at the time played on each profile’s heroes
@Bighomer5 Ай бұрын
Good content if a bit long winded
@lukastrojak4566 Ай бұрын
never heard anyone say that before.
@vnshngpnt Ай бұрын
Except all of this does not apply to <Plat
@user-ee9rr8xx6l Ай бұрын
아이치 바보
@TacoDehWinner Ай бұрын
what if you counter a counters counter when encountering a Lucio bopping me OFF THE DAMNM CLIFFF!~!!!\
@grangergonzalez9821 Ай бұрын
Reaper is not a Flex nor Main DPS, he plays a lot like a Tank, he positions in the frontline, has forms of survivability and has invulnerability to damage, his ability used to also negate crowd control abilities that are inflicted on him, allowing him to escape certain situations, but Blizzard's lack of understanding and the OW community's cowardly and dastardly hypocritical takes on Reaper because they refuse to give up space for their own lives made Reaper get fucked in the ass Numerically, aka he needs Numerical stat buffs in the first place so he can become a viable character in Every composition, Jeff Kaplan made that apparent but the rest of the OW team and the community kept bitching, that is exactly why Reaper is so awkward, because his playstyle was more akin to a Tank than a DPS, which I fuckin love cuz he is the ONLY DPS in the game with abilities that Rival Tanks themselves, hence why he is the most common pick for Tankbusting.
@orgaysis Ай бұрын
Ground, flank(including snipers), air, anti-air, Wall.
@cesaresp101 Ай бұрын
Link to website?
@jacobbaartz7710 Ай бұрын
Woah woah woah, "lucio the most braindead support"?
@kadevanschindel5218 Ай бұрын
0:50 his math is massively off is it not?
@Gusburg Ай бұрын
what a waste of time he couldve learned the piano irl and wouldve been more impressive
@alejandrogarcia-sw4ic Ай бұрын
This videos are for few % of played. Mostly players, gold and silver, only see tanks and DPS going kamikaze and then cry for heals
@vance2379 Ай бұрын
bro, last night, our team picked their heros, except the healers. scratched my head and said "lucio, kiriko". they did it. in ranked, we had 0 deaths the entire game. okay soldier died once. R.I.P.
@D3LTAG1RL Ай бұрын
i met kalios in ranked, we lost and then he sent a hitman to my house to kill my family :( still have back pain from the time his goons slammed me on the concrete
@dinosaurkin5093 Ай бұрын
not going to play Overwatch until 6v6 comes back because fuck this counterpicking BS.
@guilhermevalente708 Ай бұрын
I don't get the math, in the context of this video shouldnt there be 167,552 different team compositions? 11x17x17x8x7
@Zubey_15 Ай бұрын
Does this Moira still play I would love to see how he plays now
@ElyjahDHerring 2 ай бұрын
Picks with DPS Moira is crazy
@CB-xp9ew 2 ай бұрын
some analysis on how they aim would be nice too
@finnnish1247 2 ай бұрын
Is the into clip on youtube with the Korean commentators? I can only find English
@potato4481 2 ай бұрын
W videos
@michaelmassari39 2 ай бұрын
@shirakuyanai4095 2 ай бұрын
Tank: take damage for the team Offensive dps: annoy tf out of the enemy team and redirect the line of fire towards you to take some heat off tank Defensive dps: make enemies fear you and don't wanna get near Main heal support: provide the majority of healing for the whole team Secondary heal support: protect backline and sometimes heal the team and/or deal damage
@alejandrogarcia-sw4ic 2 ай бұрын
I love Moira. I did 49 kills with 22.5k heals. But your strategy to isolate suppor of tanks you did to your team every time you play as tracer
@Zkeleton969 2 ай бұрын
I miss off tanks
@alphahawk325 2 ай бұрын
Is this patched?
@nebulaepsilon Ай бұрын
Nope just happened to me on rein in mirrorwatch
@destructo3457 2 ай бұрын
We miss you 😔
@concernedcommenter8258 2 ай бұрын
I intuitively understood some of this but never fully had a run down- good video.
@apple-de8tx 2 ай бұрын
Why can't NA do this... Bring back the bird noises team and selfless and taimou
@dodoff927 2 ай бұрын
junkrat is hella fun in tight places
@Gabriel-rb8tw 2 ай бұрын
I think that sombra provides psychological damage if properly played. I try to start making the sups and dps lifes a misery, then annoying the thank, after a while the whole team is focused on chasing me instead of the objective. Not always work but fun regardless
@Green24152 2 ай бұрын
Would having both Main and Flex DPS be Bastions be a viable strategy, if allowed? (Other roles are whatever you want.)
@Flitchy 2 ай бұрын
i really really hate that you put them in rock,scissors,paper order