April No Borrow: Half Way Mark
Time and Place Tag
2 ай бұрын
Four Down; Thirty Two to Go
2 ай бұрын
I’m So Annoyed Booktube Tag
Damaged and Full of Meaning
9 ай бұрын
Midyear Catch Up: Long Time No See
Starting Off on the Right Foot
Turning the Year
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Best of this week's bunch
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Summer Wrap-up of a Sort
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Heat-Addled Tag: Numbers
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Early July Reading - Friday Reads
Friday Reads: Mostly Canadian Novels
Book Postscript Tag: Wrapping Up 2021
Friday Reads - September 9, 2021
Friday Reads - September 3, 2021
Friday Reads - August 27, 2021
2 жыл бұрын
Friday Reads After A Long Break
@mildrumpus 2 ай бұрын
I discovered your channel through this video. Happy Reading! 😎📚👍
@recentlyseenreading 2 ай бұрын
Thank you -- I'm bopping between books at the moment as the mood strikes me but staying strong on the no borrow :)
@Leoslittlebooklife 3 ай бұрын
How wonderful to watch two new videos, Heather! I read only one Atwood novel (of course the one everyone reads, The Handmaid’s Tale) and I had such high expectations. But I found her writing not that great, personally. I think she is indeed regarded THE Canadian writer of our time, interesting to learn how she actually represents just a part of Canada.
@recentlyseenreading 3 ай бұрын
Very much trying to get back in the video habit. Atwood's popularity puzzles me, especially when she's positioned as a feminist icon. In many ways she's a conservative thinker -- though I think she'd be annoyed at that description. Once once annoyed, she'd make a deflecting comment -- it's how she deals with most forms of public criticism.
@hartereads 3 ай бұрын
Your review makes me want to retry reading Orbital. Normally, I love a book this; I think I wasn't in the right frame of mind the first time and didn't finish it.
@recentlyseenreading 3 ай бұрын
It’s an odd little book in many ways and I can see how a passing frame of mind would shape your response. I notice that a lot in myself lately - I’d rather come to books neutrally, with a fully open mind, but I don’t seem to be made that way anymore.
@RememberedReads 3 ай бұрын
Brilliant to see you pop back up with this one! 👍
@recentlyseenreading 3 ай бұрын
Thank you! I’m very rusty and struggling with when to film. It’s non stop construction noise here during the week but the returning light makes it easier to imagine a new routine.
@booksimnotreading 3 ай бұрын
So sad to hear how you feel about more recent deckled edges, but you are not alone by any means. My husband loves Folio Society books and they are just decorative to me. As they are very expensive, so I do find that annoying. Thank you so much for doing this tag! 💛
@recentlyseenreading 3 ай бұрын
Deckled edges are small beer in the swirling mass of things we can be annoyed about really. It’s amusing though that my autocorrect changes deckled to deviled 😄
@booksimnotreading 3 ай бұрын
@@recentlyseenreading 😂
@josmith5992 3 ай бұрын
That’s crazy about the academic ebook prices! I did notice on a university press site I was looking at that the ebook was the same price as the hard cover and I thought that was ridiculous but $500! I’m with you Heather, don’t really care about the aesthetics of books or other peoples bookshelves 🤷‍♀️
@recentlyseenreading 3 ай бұрын
Ebook prices for libraries are a mystery for most people. Not surprisingly, there’s an expectation that they’re priced roughly the same as Amazon ebooks. Some academic ebook publishers are better than others but print is always going to be less expensive and will last longer. Streaming video in libraries is similarly wild costwise.
@LauraFreyReadinginBed 8 ай бұрын
Thank you for the detailed captions. "gratuitous street noises" made me laugh :) I love books like this too, they have a history! I just noticed my own copy of a Virginia Woolf book is annotated and has someone's name written in it, along with some notes about a university class - I looked them up and they still live in Edmonton, are a little older than me, so they probably read it for a class at University of Alberta in the mid 90s. It also have a few phone numbers jotted down, sans area code. I love that!
@recentlyseenreading 8 ай бұрын
A new goal: captions that make people laugh :) Part of the pleasure of second hand books is all the traces of the previous owners and now we can supplement them with some light cyber sleuthing.
@fionamartin2735 8 ай бұрын
I would love to see a library tour or a video about some of your favorite books on your shelves! 💜
@recentlyseenreading 8 ай бұрын
Library tour sounds daunting somehow but favourite books is something I can add to the video possibility pile. :)
@salenacum 8 ай бұрын
glad to hear your getting sober from the library babe. we were worried about u.
@NicholasOfAutrecourt 8 ай бұрын
Heather, you've mentioned before that a lot of what you read has to do with libraries and their practices (curation maybe?) in the early twentieth century. Are you "just" a passionate amateur or do you teach and publish about these subjects, too? I'm just wondering how you might have found yourself stumbling across someone like Eliza Ritchie. And if you don't want to share, I completely understand. Whenever I watch one of your videos, I get a bit jealous that I'm not as wide-ranging a reader, or nearly as quick as you are. I'm lucky to finish thirty to forty books a year. And congratulations on making it to October before you broke down and visited the library.
@recentlyseenreading 8 ай бұрын
Hey John. I was an academic librarian for a decade (working on the collections and budgeting side of the house) at a library associated with Ritchie so some of the reading and research flows from that. And I'd like to publish the research but I think that's a ways off for me. (I'm a very slow writer.) Reading speed is something that seems to make everyone unhappy, largely because it leads to comparison, the thief of joy. My reading speed varies by what I'm reading -- slower for harder things; faster for fluffier things. Reading breadth is a weird thing. The list of things I'm not interested in is enormous, huge, nearly infinite. What catches and keeps my attention usually leads to another thing.
@pastorytime2683 9 ай бұрын
Oh I'm the same at the library! Though luckily (?) I can only get 15 out at a time. I've had my eye on The Story of Jane for a while! Hope you get to some shorties! Siân ❤
@recentlyseenreading 9 ай бұрын
Unlimited library loans are a) enablers and b) wonderful. I’ve gotten through a couple of shorties but have slowed down with some heavier subjects and hurricane prep. There are two documentaries out there about the Jane collective - both illuminating - and I think the book will fill in some gaps.
@TheQuietMidden 9 ай бұрын
I'm not sure I trust you'll make it through this month without borrowing but I do wish you all the luck. University Women and Organizing Women are going on my TBR. Your rule this month is No Borrow, mine is No Burrow. 😅 Happy reading!
@recentlyseenreading 9 ай бұрын
I haven’t given in to the borrow temptation yet. The stack to return is growing which bodes well. I’d trust myself more if I didn’t check the catalogue every day to see that new books have come in. Ridiculous I know.
@TheQuietMidden 9 ай бұрын
Ha! Seems like checking catalogues is a great strategy to keep that wild inner squirrel content for now.
@bouquinsbooks 9 ай бұрын
I have about 40 books borrowed from the library right now, but I will read very few of them. I will bring most of them back unread, and I am ok with that. I love the idea of a no borrow month, though for me, it would be to force myself to read the books that I buy rather than the books from the library. Good luck with your challenge!
@recentlyseenreading 9 ай бұрын
Every once in a while I try returning books unread - it’s a very sensible approach that somehow makes me uneasy. All very illogical.
@awebofstories 9 ай бұрын
I'm sorry that you have to deal with the construction...we had to go through that a few years ago and it was such a headache! I usually do my filming in batches on days that I have to put make up on! I like it because it gives me some flex time in terms of editing and posting.
@recentlyseenreading 9 ай бұрын
The construction is an irritant but I’m working on ignoring it - otherwise it will eat up my life and that would be worse than the noise. My sense is that batch filming is an ordinary thing and I should be able to shift my approach, especially since I’m not a consistent poster. Time will tell I suppose.
@NicholasOfAutrecourt 9 ай бұрын
Heather, did you ever read "In The Freud Archives"? If so, what did you think? I've been interested in it ever since I noticed NYRB reprinted it several years ago.
@recentlyseenreading 9 ай бұрын
Hi - I read it years ago when it first came out but I don’t have a particularly distinct memory of it. It’s merged in my memory with a lot of the 1980s feminist books I was reading at the time. The furor over the libel trials is very interesting-no one comes out of it covered in glory.
@SueJacksonDE 10 ай бұрын
So sorry to hear about your ankle - that sounds painful. Hope it continues to heal well. I hadn't heard of Disc System before - Kinauvit? sounds fascinating. And I haven't read (or heard of) Sylvia Townsend Warner before. In the Upper Country sounds interesting. From the U.S. perspective, I have often read books about runaway slaves that basically end with - "and they got to Canada, The End." So, it would be interesting to read a story about what happens next. The Love Songs of WEB DuBois is on my want-to-read list. Sounds like July was a good reading month for you! Best wishes for quick healing!
@recentlyseenreading 10 ай бұрын
The healing is steady and I’m working on my attitude-a bit more cheerfulness will help. Canada has a 200+ year history of slavery that we tend to hide behind the Underground Railroad stories. In the Upper Country is a good antidote to that and add an indigenous perspective as well.
@LauraFreyReadinginBed 10 ай бұрын
How am I just figuring out that you are Canadian? 😅 sorry to hear about your ankle, I sprained mine last June and it still acts up occasionally. I will look for the Dunning at the library.
@recentlyseenreading 10 ай бұрын
People have told me that my accent can be a bit tricky to figure out-but yes Canadian. I’m trying not to hate my ankle though I’m still referring to it as “you murderous bastard”. Part of whole bad attitude package I’m cultivating.
@josmith5992 10 ай бұрын
Sorry to hear about your ankle Heather, I hope it’s feeling quickly. Pain and reading don’t go together well! These all sound so interesting, I keep meaning to read Sylvia Townsend but haven’t picked her up yet, I’ll take your advice and not start with this one though.
@recentlyseenreading 10 ай бұрын
The ankle is improving a bit every day and I’m pain free for most of the day. I hope you’ll enjoy Warner - she also wrote fantasy - elvish stories that can be a good place to start.
@eyesonindie 11 ай бұрын
Just this morning, I saw that New Directions was publishing The Halt During the Chase and I had added it to my pre-order list! What a coincidence! Also, Sylvia Townsend Warner is also one of my favorite authors (maybe my favorite?) but I haven't read the Don Juan book. Will be eager to hear what you think of it! Thank you so much for sharing this great update!
@recentlyseenreading 11 ай бұрын
Hi Sarah - The Don Juan is an odd duck and a bit uneven. It has an unusually abrupt ending which makes sense but is also a puzzling narrative choice. In sections it’s similar to The Corner That Held Them (one of my favourite novels) - groups of people as the focus rather than individualized characters. Not the place to begin with Warner but an interesting read.
@eyesonindie 11 ай бұрын
@@recentlyseenreading so good to know! I also loved The Corner That Held Them. I'm reading Summer Will Show right now but having some complicated feelings about some of the language and how some of the characters of various races are depicted. Sometimes it is so hard to reconcile 2023 sensibilities with books written 100 years ago!
@novelideea 11 ай бұрын
Happy to see you back and I hope that life is improving so we can keep you here!
@recentlyseenreading 11 ай бұрын
Thank you-things are on the mend so I’m hopeful that I can slide back into routines.
@pennyg156 Жыл бұрын
Good Saturday, Heather. I too just purchased a copy of Du Bois. Plan to read in preparation for reading Love Songs. My education or exposure to black literature is lacking but I've think I've made a valiant effort in the last 5 yrs. Also reading a little book by Farah Jasmine Griffin _Read Until You Understand_ the profound wisdom of black life and literature. And in fiction, _The Last Wild Horses_ by Maja Lunde and still struggling through Great Expectations I started in Dec. and enjoyed a reread of The Good Lord Bird and Julius Winsome. I read an article about the Japanese word , Tsundoku. I think, roughly translates to that stack of books you have but haven't read. I think the gist of the article was unread books on your shelves are a good thing and just knowledge waiting for you rather than a task to complete. I have quite a few unread on my shelves and at 70 I wonder at the wisdom of that not to mention rereads. I have an recent ongoing debate myself every time I make a book purchase. Apparently, my illogical self is winning the debate as I am still buying books. Enjoyed your video.
@recentlyseenreading Жыл бұрын
That sounds like a good stack of reading. I’m actively avoiding counting unread books on our shelves even though I see lots of people keeping track of their number. I’ll never read everything I want to read so counting the ones I happen to own doesn’t seem helpful. A read book, though, is one that I might be able to give away and make room for another book.
@josmith5992 Жыл бұрын
Savage Coast sounds really interesting but yes, I’d probably have to brush up on the Spanish civi war. I’m also planning on rereading Where Angels Fear to Tread for Jen’s project, it’s definitely not his strongest but it’s a real mix of tragic and funny if I remember rightly. I know what you mean about the library Heather, I have to limit my borrowing because I certainly have enough books at home!
@recentlyseenreading Жыл бұрын
I think a quick whip though an encyclopedia article give you a sense of what was going on politically. There’s also a decent introduction to the novel that covers the basics. I hate reading introductions to fiction so I skipped it and was a bit disoriented for the first 60 pages or so. I’m slowly working my way through my library backlog but I think there’s a month’s work of steady reading before my borrowed shelf starts to look empty
@pennyg156 Жыл бұрын
Enjoyed your video. Interesting selections! Added them to my mountain of a tbr. I too enjoy Antarctic exploration literature. I don't think I've read a lot if any from the spouse or family perspective. Happy retirement! When I first retired I found the lack of schedule or structure a little disconcerting. But now, after eight yrs I'm happily unscheduled and unstructured! Hope you have a wonderful reading yr!
@recentlyseenreading Жыл бұрын
Thank you -- I’m hoping it will be a good year and that I'll soon settle into the freedoms of retirement. The joy of no alarm clock is a wondrous thing. If Kathleen Bruce Scott catches your fancy there's a biography by her granddaughter and a collection of her diaries out there in the second hand market.
@josmith5992 Жыл бұрын
Hi Heather, some really great reads here, especially the non fiction and both the Tove Jansson and Maggie O’Farrell sound like my kind of read- I look forward to your thoughts.
@recentlyseenreading Жыл бұрын
I've started the O'Farrell and I think it's pretty good -- hard to be definite at the halfway point. It has very vivid descriptions -- not something I'm always caught by. I think I'm going to end up liking it more than Emma Donoghue's latest (Haven).
@josmith5992 Жыл бұрын
I must admit I didn’t know Emma Donoghue had a new one out. I really enjoyed The Wonder but Akin was less successful so now I’m a bit more hesitant to read her.
@novelideea Жыл бұрын
I love Tove Jansson. Everything I have read by her I have walked away smiling. I'm looking into Ducks. Thank you for bringing it to our attention.
@recentlyseenreading Жыл бұрын
Jansson is great. I fell hard for the Summer Book and have been slowly reading my way through her work - still have all the Moomin books waiting for me.
@novelideea Жыл бұрын
@@recentlyseenreading I loved the Summer Book as well. I read it for Women in Translation month. I love the Moomin books too. Such an utterly charming bunch of creatures.
@pennyg156 Жыл бұрын
So enjoyed your thoughts. I have read Simpson before and enjoy her writing but not certain about this collection. Are they actual letters/correspondence? If so, that itself seems a rarity. Wishing you the best, I've had a difficult summer myself. Good health is such a joyous thing! Thanks for taking time to film.
@recentlyseenreading Жыл бұрын
Thank you. And yes, good health is an amazing thing -- health scares are a potent reminder to focus on the joy. The Simpson/Maynard book do seem to be actual letters but they're more like mini essays rather than chatty letters. There are bits about personal lives and family events but those relationship building sections take second place to the working through of idea. I'm probably too hard on the collection -- maybe borrow it from a library if you can?
@jeremyfee Жыл бұрын
Jim makes a lot of great tags. It was nice hearing your answers here.
@recentlyseenreading Жыл бұрын
Thanks - this was a fun and straightforward tag to do.
@AnnNovella Жыл бұрын
Some great recommendations. Georges Simenon is a mixed bag, I'm afraid. I have never been blown away by his writings.
@recentlyseenreading Жыл бұрын
I’m not likely to pick him up again. There are many mid century mysteries out there that will meet my need for distraction.
@TheQuietMidden Жыл бұрын
A few weeks ago I found that same edition of Tale of Genji in perfect condition at the only used book store in my area. I've read parts of it decades ago but I'm hoping to read the whole thing soonish. Eight Men Speak went immediately on my wish list. Middlemarch and SoS, eh? Eep, I haven't read them. A shamefaced defense: I will be reading Middlemarch in October.
@recentlyseenreading Жыл бұрын
No shame in not getting to Eliot - too many books in the world for that. I’m finding the Royall Taylor translation helpful because of the short character lists at the beginning of each chapter. I guarantee that I’d lose track otherwise.
@sterlingreads547 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for doing the tag! 200+ books, wow! I’ve never read that much in a year 👍 Stay cool 🧊
@recentlyseenreading Жыл бұрын
Yup I’m speedy - I was as a kid too and I got faster over time. The humidity is dropping here and we’ve had a couple of overcast mornings which has helped immensely.
@jimsbooksreadingandstuff Жыл бұрын
Thanks for tackling the tag :) Great answers. @How the one armed sister sweeps her house" is definitely on my radar a lot of booktubers rate it highly. 227 is a lot of books in a year. I managed just 70 last year (not that it is a competition, as you aptly remind us). I see the Pope is visiting Canada to apologise to the indigenous peoples at present, there is a lot to apologise for...
@recentlyseenreading Жыл бұрын
The papal visit is controversial but I’m not sure how much international press the differing views are getting. I’m hoping Jones will publish another novel soonish - her ability to move among points of view was one of the pleasures of her novel.
@TheQuietMidden Жыл бұрын
Losing focus is a natural side-effect of paying attention to the despicable, upsetting stuff in the world. Sometimes I find it difficult to even comment on booktube when I'm distracted by all the upsetting news. Passat is fascinating! Thank you for bringing her to my attention. Ah! I appreciate your thoughts on the Simenon. I was thinking of trying that series as a break from my usual reads. I'll look elsewhere now.
@recentlyseenreading Жыл бұрын
The Simenon was disappointing-I was hoping he’d be a source of easy, distraction reading but no. I find older mysteries a bit hit or miss for this kind of thing but don’t regret shifting my attention elsewhere. I might try a re-read of some Ngaio Marsh or Marjory Allingham in his place. And yes loss of focus as a natural side effect is a helpful framing.
@TheQuietMidden Жыл бұрын
So happy to see you back! Last week my husband was asking me about Canadian booktubers and I was telling him about your channel, how much I've enjoyed it, how I hope you'd make more videos. :) Looking forward to the Maynard/Simpson book, too. I'm going to need to get my hands on the Belcourt. Ducks sounds intriguing. I worked in Alberta on the rigs when I was young and that experience shaped me in profound ways.
@recentlyseenreading Жыл бұрын
Thank you for the encouraging comment 😄. I haven’t yet found a new recording rhythm - that will come heat wave permitting. The Belcourt is definitely worth the splurge. You can get a sense of Beaton’s experience here: beatonna.tumblr.com/post/81993262830/here-is-a-sketch-comic-i-made-called-ducks-in.
@TheQuietMidden Жыл бұрын
@@recentlyseenreading Maybe your booktube rhythm is free jazz. 😁Thanks for the link. I'm liking what I see. "It's complicated." Yes, it sure is.
@lindysmagpiereads Жыл бұрын
When I did this tag, I picked Christi Belcourt’s art book as the most beautiful too. I didn’t know that Kate Beaton has a new book. Thanks for bringing it to my attention. 😊
@recentlyseenreading Жыл бұрын
I was bold and pre-ordered Ducks - I’m usually a borrower but I think this one is going to be special. And Belcourt’s work is gorgeous.
@sterlingreads547 2 жыл бұрын
It’s good to see you back! You’re making me want to re-read Middlemarch.
@recentlyseenreading 2 жыл бұрын
I'm starting to re-read a handful of books from my deep dark past and I'm glad I started with Middlemarch. So much of the dynamics of the couples went over my 20-year old head.
@IlliteratelyYours 2 жыл бұрын
Definitely looking for more Canadian literature. I feel like the majority of English literature is either British or American, so it's nice to see stories like Astra (which I've never actually heard of) that discuss diverse parts of the country. I think there's this image of Canada from the outside of it always having first-world luxuries, and consisting mostly of middle-class people of European descent, but it's cool to see the complexities of the nation through literature. Thank you so much for posting!
@recentlyseenreading 2 жыл бұрын
You’re welcome. And very much yes - Canada get looked at through rosy glasses. There are lots of less rosy stories out there but they don’t always surface on BookTube.
@TheQuietMidden 2 жыл бұрын
Even though you didn't make a lot of content this year, I am grateful for what you've made. Your reads introduce me to books I haven't heard about elsewhere. Thank you! For example, I've been lazily on the lookout for a book like Dukesang Wong's for years. I had no idea that one existed. I am interested in A Little Devil in America but was a little put off by it being half memoir. Glad to hear it works well. I hope 2022 doesn't eat your brain as well. Good thing you got Big Brain and you still have lots left. 😁
@recentlyseenreading 2 жыл бұрын
Such kind words :) The Wong is an amazing read -- astonishing in how vivid it is and how unlikely it's survival.
@TheQuietMidden 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for bringing the McLaren to our attention. I'll definitely seek that out. I'm always looking for more Canadian nonfiction that isn't memoir.
@recentlyseenreading 2 жыл бұрын
Oh yes, lots and lots of memoir floating around. It's odd that Canadian nonfiction doesn't show up on Booktube much. The McLaren's probably fairly straightforward to find in used book stores -- though it's still in print.
@RememberedReads 2 жыл бұрын
Interesting to hear more about Swimming Back to Trout River. You've included some details that I hadn't heard in other reviews, so thanks for that. 👍
@recentlyseenreading 2 жыл бұрын
Entirely possible I’m not the right reader for Feng’s book and there are likely more charitable readings out there. The sections with Junie and her elderly grandparents aren’t badly done, it’s mostly that function of Junie’s disability seemed off to me.
@SueJacksonDE 2 жыл бұрын
You're reading such an intriguing collection of books! I'm not familiar with most of them, but they all sound interesting and unique! Enjoy your books!
@recentlyseenreading 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you -- it's all a bit random some days -- can't stick to a reading list at all.
@SueJacksonDE 2 жыл бұрын
@@recentlyseenreading Variety is the spice of life!
@SueJacksonDE 2 жыл бұрын
Nice to "meet" you, Heather! Wow, you've been reading such interesting books lately! I haven't read (or heard about, except for A Psalm for the Wild-Built) any of these, but they all sound fascinating - and set all around the world! I love to read books set in different places. Great update! Enjoy your books!
@recentlyseenreading 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you Sue - it’s been a particularly good stretch of reading after some time in the doldrums.
@sterlingreads547 3 жыл бұрын
Great video! Did you know Rick is spinning the wheel again on the 28th. I started Christina Lamb’s Our bodies, their battlefield but I set it aside. I just couldn’t take it at the time. I plan to pick it back up soon, it sounds like it’s going to be even more of a struggle than I thought 😊
@recentlyseenreading 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you. I saw Rick's second spin -- I think I'll use the same list and hope number 15 doesn't come up again :) Probably should find something on the shelf to swap in just in case. The Lamb is hard going. The stories are important and triggering but it's badly done as a book. I think I was hoping for something more substantive, something that saw and understood the emotional and physical costs but that was more rooted in the vast literature about sexual violence and its consequences. It's been 46 years since Brownmiller's Against Our Will so there's lots to draw on.
@TheQuietMidden 3 жыл бұрын
Yay, another Canadian! I'm happy to have found your channel. Looking forward to going back through your videos.
@recentlyseenreading 3 жыл бұрын
I have the same sort of reaction when I spot another Canadian Booktuber. We seem rather too well camouflaged!
@MargaretPinard 3 жыл бұрын
Great selections, and lovely analysis--I'm glad to have followed your comment here 🙂
@MargaretPinard 3 жыл бұрын
Hello! I just finished Lean Out by Tara Henley, and she has an interesting mention of the mayor of Bogota and how to make city planning aim at happiness and equality rather than the status quo. Your public transit point brushes up against this...interesting discussion! :D
@recentlyseenreading 3 жыл бұрын
Hi Margaret -- it's amazing how simple changes in very ordinary infrastructure can make lives better or much worse.
@laurac56 3 жыл бұрын
Nice to see you again! The only book that I’ve heard of from your stack is The Slaves of Solitude which I thought was okay. I’m interested in Katherine Mansfield. I’ve never read her, but I remember her being on my Dad’s shelf when he was a college English professor. What is she like?
@recentlyseenreading 3 жыл бұрын
Mansfield is a bit like Woolf -- they'd both hate that comparison :) Mansfield doesn't do plot really and so she avoided novel writing. Her short stories, as I remember them, focus on small details and deal with characters' moments of realization.
@jessalexander71 3 жыл бұрын
It's nice to see you back.
@recentlyseenreading 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you - I’m hopeful about establishing a new routine.
@NicholasOfAutrecourt 3 жыл бұрын
I can barely even hear you in this video.
@recentlyseenreading 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the feedback.
@HannahsBooks 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this beautiful video. “We need to cry off camera”-indeed! So many of your suggestions are fantastic. I love that you are going to participate in budget discussions. And best of all is your call to expand our kinship circle. ♥️
@recentlyseenreading 4 жыл бұрын
The budget meetings have gone well -- online only. And the local letter-writing campaign worked. The city has cancelled its plans to purchase an armoured vehicle and the funds will be re-purposed to a range of better purposes. I'm continuing to attend remotely so that I can get a sense of what the dynamics of council are and how they typically handle business.
@HannahsBooks 4 жыл бұрын
Recently Seen Reading Wonderful!!!
@HannahsBooks 4 жыл бұрын
Nice to see you back! Interesting to hear your thoughts on In the Dream House. I am looking forward to reading it sometime soon. Good Talk sounds fascinating, too. How wonderful to at least have the new Mantel to keep you company during this great closing. I hope we will all be able to read and concentrate again soon as we settle into new patterns a bit more.
@recentlyseenreading 4 жыл бұрын
Yes -- new patterns for everyone and patience with ourselves as we learn to adapt. I think I should start to keep a list of all the ways we're referring to this time: "great closing", "great indoors time".
@HannahsBooks 4 жыл бұрын
Recently Seen Reading Yes! I recently saw “the time of adaptation,” “the isolation,” and “global quietude.” All interesting efforts to make it less apocalyptic, perhaps.