Blackmoor Foundations
9 сағат бұрын
How To Win At RPGs: Useful Reminders
14 сағат бұрын
Doom Squad: Napoleonic Style
21 сағат бұрын
Starfighters! The Chase
Күн бұрын
Doom Squad Escort Mission
14 күн бұрын
Starfighters! by Jaye Wiley
14 күн бұрын
Doom Patrol
21 күн бұрын
Starfighters! An Introduction
21 күн бұрын
A Song of Knights and Fae
21 күн бұрын
An Introduction to Doom Squad
En Garde: Bridge Duel
Ай бұрын
Song of Heroes and Undead
En Garde: Pistols At Dawn
RETVRN to Song Of
Ай бұрын
En Garde: Have At Thee!
Ай бұрын
Paper App Dungeon
Ай бұрын
Fistfull of Lead: Elf Hunt
Be Like A Crow
Ай бұрын
En Garde: An Introduction
A Billion Reviews
2 ай бұрын
Vector Combat and You
2 ай бұрын
A Billion Drones
2 ай бұрын
@ethanmckinney203 Сағат бұрын
I really wish you weren't using "thrust" when you mean "vector," and then also using "thrust" to mean "thrust." It's really grating and I'm sure that it makes it harder for people who don't already know the system to understand it.
@ethanmckinney203 Сағат бұрын
Model-6 computers are insane on ships this tiny (assuming that I heard you correctly).
@ethanmckinney203 Сағат бұрын
Missiles have 5G thrust, but are limited to how many times they can thrust.
@AuthoritativeNewsNetwork 20 сағат бұрын
Surprised there's not more synergy between striking no helmet (2-in-6) and the pummelling rules. 🤔
@PounceCleveland Күн бұрын
Warhammer just wrecks IGOUGO and makes it tedious. Other wargames, particularly Osprey’s “Rampant” series, as you’ve explained just does it better. In “the Pikeman’s Lament” you can take regimental gun that can tear into a unit… but it only activates on an 8+. Woe to the over-eager commander who tries to activate that gun first before all his other units and rolls 7 or less. End of turn.
@crikeymiles Күн бұрын
This video is a triumph. Off to get me a copy. I owned 2rd edition AD&D as a kid, but never played it. Now I want a copy of the OG game, it looks like a better Mighty Empires the way you explain it.
@tagg1080 Күн бұрын
The list grows... -D&D is a wargame... -Because it is actually a chainmail supplement... -chainmail is a streamline of tony baths medieval rules leading into his hyboria campaign... Blackmoor was a more tolkienized fantasy supplement for chainmail. D&D was a more pulp fiction supplement for chainmail. Fascinating stuff. I look forward to seeing the collective understanding in another 6 months.
@alfredpotts6136 Күн бұрын
Most of the games you mention have mechanics built into try and overcome the limitations of IGOUGO. Take Xenos Rampant, there you have a lot of units with abilities like Firefight that involve you during your opponent’s turn. This isn’t just involvement by making saving throws, it’s an opportunity to inflict casualties on the enemy and disrupt their plans during their turn, a sort of interrupt or reaction -lite mechanic. Haven’t played 40K since 3rd edition, but from what I recall, your only opportunity to intervene during an enemy turn was to put your units onto overwatch, then to snap fire at an enemy unit during their move. This has to be planned for in advance and meant you couldn’t do much in your previous turn. As you say, many of these games could be IGOUGO depending on the draw of counters/cards or success rolls, but in practice they are generally fairly mixed and there is always that edge of unpredictability that keeps you hoping, rather than a pure IGOUGO where you know that next turn, your enemy will move ALL those units against you with very little you can do to prevent it.
@neilburton2803 Күн бұрын
Really useful illustration of 2x2 which I am looking at using with a few additions and changes re Command and Control plus using a solo mechanism
@billcedarheath387 2 күн бұрын
For me, and I’ll say it again for this video, it’s all about Chit/Token/dice draw. - Blind turn based keeps players engaged. The flow of the game is in a state of flux and you need to be constantly engaged even if it isn’t your active turn. - Bring alive the chaos of battle. It can be difficult to lead in battle for various reasons. Blind pull for turns emulates that very well. - Blind pull is great for solo play where you play each side to the best of your ability. It is far more interesting as it adds a layer of tension and decision making when it is just yourself. - For the same reason as solo play. Tension of who will go next based on the pull. Weighing the pros and cons of pushing all in or holding back for defense increases with the tension of battle flow. So many good reasons for chit pull and very few not to play this style of determining turns. My friends and I will implement it whenever possible. For solo play… it’s a must for me. I’ll always switch to chit draw turns. Far more fun solo.
@rwustudios 2 күн бұрын
Written orders are superior to both. Sticking to this.
@TheJoyofWargaming 2 күн бұрын
A vastly underutilized mechanic, to be sure. Probably the best way to handle simultaneous activations.
@rwustudios 2 күн бұрын
@@TheJoyofWargaming definitely true but it is definitely much harder to implement and you need dedicated players and an impartial ref. For solo I find that it is absolutely amazing to write orders. Giving a little bit of time so that you forget what you wrote for one side. Oh man that's awesome!.
@maximillianhovar5877 2 күн бұрын
Instant 5e shade thrown😂
@raysandrarexxia941 2 күн бұрын
I don't think the argument is whether people LIKE "I go, you go," but rather there are MUCH BETTER OPTIONS
@TheJoyofWargaming 2 күн бұрын
Better for what? It's a tool, and it works great when used properly. Most complaints stem from games that use it when other tools would provide better service.
@charleslatora5750 2 күн бұрын
😃👍! House Rule if one side doesn't get to move any troops for three consecutive turns, they get a freebie move of one unit. Hopefully they're bad luck breaks by then or otherwise you can give them one free unit move every two to three turns if they have zero units activate
@charleslatora5750 2 күн бұрын
Maybe make it a half movement.
@caleb-hines 2 күн бұрын
A bit of push back: The issue with IGOUGO isn't just about players waiting between turns. It's about how much the first player can change the game state before the second player gets a chance to react. This becomes a bigger problem if there are a lot of units per side, or if the turns represent relatively long-ish units of time. It also allows a higher degree of coordination between units, which may not always be desirable.
@TheJoyofWargaming 2 күн бұрын
Solid analysis. Great point.
@rwustudios 2 күн бұрын
Agree. Again I point to the solution. Written orders. The only other acceptable answer for fog of war simulation is alternating Randomized unit activation.
@TheJoyofWargaming 2 күн бұрын
@@rwustudios The card driven activation splits that baby. It is one of Fistful of Lead's strengths. It combines the randomized order with some limited control over when to move your own units, while preserving the fog of war of not knowing when your opponent can move his.
@rwustudios 2 күн бұрын
@@TheJoyofWargaming I need to view your fistful of lead videos it seems.
@argy8141 2 күн бұрын
Hi Jon, just to add your insightful comment at the start. I don't care about activation it's the downtime I can't stand. So if it's IGOUGO then I look for the counterbalance to keep me interested. All the systems below are IGOUGO but with counterbalances Song of blades engine, you covered 7TV you have a number of activation points that you can use to allocate activations to. You can save activation points and make multiple activations, but you gain activation points at the end of each turn. It's unlikely every model moves but it still can have downtime. Void Admiral - It's IGOUGO but at unit size level (small to large) and there are 4 (maybe 5 if you count swarming units) unit sizes. So unless you or your opponent takes units in one size specification it feels like alternate activation. Quar Ryffles - you get 3 activation points each turn but it could be 4 or 5 but you only know it's 4 once you've completed the 3rd and likewise you only know if you've got a 5th activation after you've made the 4th. Again small number of activations keeps it similar to alternate activations One hour skirmish with the variable number of activations based on a card draw and the instant turn end on revealing a joker. Pikemans lament is similar to Song of Blades except that each unit has to pass a "morale" check to activate. On a failed check your turn ends. GW Blood Bowl has skill checks for some actions, again failure means turnover but because it is almost like melee, you are involved a lot of the time via opposed rolls. Personally I find the whole game too slow but a smaller scale spinoff Blood Bowl 7s uses a smaller pitch and smaller model count and can absolutely wizz by. Port Royal (currently on KS by Firelock Games) each model activation may cause a reaction but there aren't any real gameplay videos. Mantic's Armada generates unit initiatve order via game state - Wind blows from 8 points on a compass (N,NE,E,SE,S,SW,W,NW) and is it sweeps across the board, you move when it hits your model. Positioning becomes important for shooting (broadsides) but also activation (catching the wind) Modiphius have done a emailshot recently on Five Parsecs [IGOIGO (loved that)] about a new game mode Five Parsecs: Tactics which looks to use bigger unit sizes (ie not individuals) and competitive (1 on 1). I'd be interested to see what the activation mechanics look like for that. So upshot for me, is how to keep people "in the room" rather than them being distracted by social media because they are bored. Years ago, not an issue, now with wifi and smartphones it's very much how to keep people in the moment. Have fun and a great weekend.
@btrenninger1 2 күн бұрын
I'm only partially sympathetic to the complaints about waiting. One should not be looking at one's phone but using that time to come up with proper responses. Turn order considerations for me should be tied more to scale of the system both in space and time. In general short time scale (usually short distance scales too) are more amenable to activation systems or any system where opponents are in a more reactionary mode. Large timescales less so. But, also the nature of the armies/conflict. I go you go may be quite appropriate for Napoleonics where everyone is marching in discrete lines and protecting one another's flanks. But even then some sort of limited activation system might be included to account for those critical times (which happen) when a unit or two fails to move out and leaves their neighbors flanks wide open. These sorts of considerations are more important than player attention span. Players, get better.
@argy8141 2 күн бұрын
I do agree, but when I've gone into Warhammer World in Nottinghaw, what I see is a lot of people sitting and looking at their phones, not looking at the tabletop and I suspect they are not all looking at game stats. Perhaps I've got too many low attention span friends. But what I have noticed is the games they like playing and therefore the ones that get played are those where people are engaged and they are not waiting 40 minutes while their opponent moves all of their models. YMMV and I'm genuinely really happy for you if it is.
@btrenninger1 2 күн бұрын
@@argy8141 I hear you. But I it's a two-way street. Yes, rules should be engaging. Yes, players should work at staying engaged. I've never played Warhammer so can't really speak to its nature. But I suspect there are other aspects of its rules in conjunction with the move sequence that lead to disengagement. Perhaps it's just not an interesting game? I dunno because a lot of people play it. A good game, they'd be analyzing the moves to determine what was the best follow-up. How do I get out of this one?
@argy8141 2 күн бұрын
I think a lot of people play Warhammer because it's accessible and there is a community. It's almost like every familiy when I grew up had Monopoly, it's certainly not the best board game out there and largely made worse by people's house rules. If i was more critical in my post and reply to you, the biggest issue I have is me and that if I get to play wargames with other people every 2-3 weeks I don't want to spend 30 minutes of my time waiting for my activations. I 'm pretty sure I know what I'm going to do and it's a level of success rather than wholescale tactic change. IGOUGO tends to lead to big changes in the tabletop situation. I've seen it tend towards big swings in game state which results in too many single turns ending a game because of the total domination without appropriate reaction. A bad set of rules possibly. So I've mischaracterised my dislike as lack ot interaction whereas it's more to do with being forced to be passive to the game situation and that creating disinterest. End result is the same, I much prefer playing 2-3 skirmish games with alternate activations than a single lengthy IGOUGO game, where the result is largely determined after turn 1. Have a great weekend
@Corvinuswargaming1444 2 күн бұрын
Playing the Civil War rules Regimental Fire and Fury and the Napoleonic rules General D’Armee 2 makes the whole side activation more balanced. In both rules there are opportunities for defensive fire and counter charges by the inactive player. Each game turn in those systems also has an initiative roll to see who will be active for the first player turn, so its not fixed at the start of the game. The Baroque rules for Renaissance have a similar system and more opportunities for reaction moves. These small features remedy a lot of the issues with whole side activation
@caleb-hines 2 күн бұрын
I was just thinking about Baroque and Impetus yesterday. Been a long while since I played them. I remember thinking the reactions were probably a good idea in general, but maybe one that just didn't translate well to solo play. I think if I try it again, I may use a die roll to determine reactions.
@garfieldv2 2 күн бұрын
Where in the dmg does the rule for wolverine fur sit? Cheers.
@TheJoyofWargaming 2 күн бұрын
It's covered twice. Page 12. Right under the table for secondary skills. Page 110. Top of the right hand column.
@garfieldv2 Күн бұрын
@TheJoyofWargaming Every now and then, over my journey of watching your fantastic videos, I've been puzzled by some of the rules references. Now I know why. I sent away, through, rpgnow (wargames vault affiliate site.), for all 3 books. The inside cover is copyrighted 2012. Guess someone over the years was revolted over the idea of explicit animal skinning? The closest I have is pg.27 - values of other rare commodities. Furs are characterised under pelt, trimming, cape/jacket and coat. But wolverine didnt make the list. Oh well.
@garfieldv2 Күн бұрын
@TheJoyofWargaming I wrote a reply this morning but it's not shown up. I've discovered that my dmg that I have via drivethrurpg, is copyrighted 2012 and has been edited. I can find no direct reference to the notes you're referring to. Oh well. Cheers.
@TheJoyofWargaming Күн бұрын
@@garfieldv2 No probs, here you go: "When secondary skills are used, it is up to the DM to create and/or adjudicate situations in which these skills are used or useful to the player character." And "There will be times in which the rules do not cover a specific action that a player will attempt. In such situations, instead of being forced to make a decision, take the option to allow the dice to control the situation."
@griffithmorgan4966 2 күн бұрын
I think my favorite part is where you discuss how people can explore RPGs on their own terms. Seems a lot of people do not realize that when you buy the rules the game is yours to do with as you please. There is no right or wrong.
@TheJoyofWargaming 2 күн бұрын
You cheeky boy. I see what you did there, even if you don't. You make a big leap from generalities to specifics. Arneson's brilliance came when he set aside a game that didn't work for him and made one of his own, not in claiming that his own work was really just Gary's work.
@griffithmorgan4966 2 күн бұрын
@@TheJoyofWargaming his leap occurs long before Gary see's it. It is also very distinct from Wesely's game. Braunstein is so much different a play style from Blackmoor.
@idreamofminis 2 күн бұрын
The Bolt Action/Beyond the Gates of Antares dice-pull system brought be back to wargaming. After playing nothing but GW IGOUGO and getting brutally tabled over and over again to the point of quitting wargaming, the Warlord Games' dice-pull mechanic was so refreshing. I think the dice-pull combined with some kind of possible reactions is my favorite way to play. PAX
@bryanblalack4340 3 күн бұрын
I really like your deep dive into this aspect of OPR! However, I think it is a bit of a strawman to say, "No one is talking about this." Especially when every content creator I've seen talk about OPR mentions it. Now you make excellent points that may not come up, and you definitely expanded on the strategy of AA and even gave a mention to Objective locations and deployment. Good discussion though!
@TheJoyofWargaming 2 күн бұрын
Don't mind the clickbait. It's all part of the game.
@bobiojimbo 3 күн бұрын
We already have isakai in English: fish out of water.
@dartmart9263 3 күн бұрын
I remember the cool Blackmoor video!
@Wibstozbin 3 күн бұрын
Imagine if the game that Dave Arneson and Gary Gygax were playing together never reached our hands? During that time, People were publishing work using typewriters. Dave Arneson did not know how to type on a typewriter, let alone create a decent layout for the material. Without having Gygax as a primary contributor, this game might have never left the cutting room floor. Without Gygax, we might have had to wait for Griff Morgan to bring the game to us 50 years later.
@toddcarlson5324 4 күн бұрын
I'll probably get slammed for asking but why can't the game be both a Wargame and an RPG regardless of its origin? As you have shown, it can be used to work a 4x campaign (explore, expand, exploit, and exterminate) with elements of role-play and it can also be used for a straight-up RPG (i.e. A DM running a group through a single or multi-adventure campaign). Calling out different groups because they enjoy a different way of playing the game seems as divisive (well, not as divisive) as those who try to shoe-horn the game into the specific (and problematic) narratives that plague the game world today. Thanks for the review! Looks like a great book.
@TheJoyofWargaming 4 күн бұрын
@@toddcarlson5324 There is a lot to this, but here are a few scattered observations: 1. Wargames and RPGs are closely intertwined. But modern RPG's focus on narrative over game play introduces a massive confounding factor, particularly when you try to shove the square peg of story into the round hole of gameplay. 2. The taxonomy and language matter if we are to have productive conversations. 3. You can judge the effectiveness of methods without judging the value of a method's practitioner. 4. You can judge analysts who insist on using the wrong methods, and snake oil salesmen who promise remedies that simply don't work.
@horacioaugustofilho6487 4 күн бұрын
I wish someone made a video about the Egg of Coot. It sounds intriguing.
@cpmf2112 4 күн бұрын
Dave Arneson is definitely not "the" guy who invented RPG's. It seems clear from the various histories that RPG's existed in various forms before Dave or Gary started playing.
@TheJoyofWargaming 4 күн бұрын
@@cpmf2112 It all hinges on what you mean by "RPG", doesn't it?
@RHampton 4 күн бұрын
Thank you so much for the flip thru. I don't mind you going backwards and forwards. I am now going to put this on my wishlist.
@rwustudios 4 күн бұрын
Thanks for doing the Review brother. The EGG of Coot theory should now be circulated.
@eatcomics 4 күн бұрын
Nice, I was gonna buy this when it was released
@TheRyujinLP 4 күн бұрын
I'm a simple man, I see a Blackmoor video and I click (no joke, I didn't catch this was a Joy of Wargaming video to a split second I clicked on it). As much shit as I give D&D (at lest modern D&D, OD&D played with the way it was meant as a expansion to Chainmail is a very different, and better, beast), Blackmoor has always been more my style. It's actually a very different game then D&D, your HP pool didn't go up but you would reroll your HP before battles (representing the fact that some days we're not at our peak while other days we're just unstoppable), armor class was an armor save, your ability to dodge and avoid damage went up with levels not HP, it was 2d6 roll under and had skills and so on. And it was more science fantasy (one of the characters found a suit of power armor and a cyborg horse and there were laser and particle beam L shaped "staffs" that if you read their descriptions were clearly rifles... so for me, it's a yes please!) mike with some Hammer Horror vibs, so much more up my ally (I'm a Vampire Hunter D fan and that's the vib I get from the setting). So yeah, I do not mind if you dive more into this topic. As for who did what, I think it's safe to give Anderson the credit on inventing the concept of table top RPGs. Yeah, it was an organic evolution of what came before hand but if we go down the kinda-sorta route then nobody invented anything. Sure, there were things kinda sorta like a smart phone as far back as the 90's but if you actually look into them... they were only smartphone like in the most abstract sense of the term. It wasn't until Steve Jobs rolled out the Iphone did someone had the foresight to get all the elements to gel. He didn't whole cloth invent every feature, but that doesn't matter. No one before figured how to get them all into one package and to work in a way anyone can us. Same thing with Blackmoor. Everything in it came from ideas that were in common use in one way or another. It just took his genius to gel them all together into something that worked. That's how thing re made int he real world, that's how realy people get shit done. They don't hand forgue every part and only pull from their own head. That's stupid. They look at what works and go, "How do I make it better." and if they don't have the skill to build it, the find the right person to. So yeah, I think it's safe to give Dave this crown. Now for D&D.... that I'm going to give to Gary. Yeah, Dave inspried him and helped out with it but as I explained above, they are very different games. After Dave showed Gary Blackmoor, Gary ran his own version of it called Greyhawk which used the basic idea but ran with it's own rules based off off what Gary liked. So Grayhawk had as much to do with Blackmoor in terms of rules and feel as much as D&D and, say, Rolemaster have to do with each other. They're both RPG's and that's it. Of course D&D also wasn't 100% Greyhawk but Gary taking his and Dave's (but mostly his) ideas and trying to make something would make sense to people who weren't mad lad game developing geniuses. Just my take away on the topic.
@btrenninger1 4 күн бұрын
The first Wizard was played by a fellow named Gaylord? Some things can only happen one way. It's fated.
@charleslatora5750 4 күн бұрын
Very nice. Always. Very informative your videos. I spent the morning kit bashing some old figures that had missing weapons from their 1st time
@steveyoungwork 4 күн бұрын
just ordered it, $30 uk postage well worth it!
@cptlightning1585 4 күн бұрын
I think you misread that helmet paragraph. Wearing a "great helm" with the associated weight and vision restriction gives the head an AC of 1, else it is assumed the armor the character is wearing has "an appropriate type of head armoring", thus the head is equal to your armor's AC (possibly without the shield bonus?). If you are for some reason specifically helmetless then the head is AC 10. But the point you were making about abstraction still stands
@zelbarnap 4 күн бұрын
This is awesome Thank you for showing how Gary does it! Wise man
@LordCandyDish 4 күн бұрын
Mr. Wargaming, great video as always. Off topic question, I remember you recommending a channel that was using the Solo Wargaming Guide to play an ancients campaign, but can't remember what channel that is, do you? I've tried checking the video descriptions from your solo campaigns to no avail. Thanks and keep up the great work!
@jasonjacobson1157 4 күн бұрын
"EGG of Coot" was a shot at Greg Scott. Has nothing to do with Gygax. This is well documented. Scott had mocked fantasy gamers in some 'zines. Thanks for sharing this. Now I wants it.
@MoonMoverGaming 4 күн бұрын
I'm glad to finally have an answer to this. It's a really bizarre name without the context.
@TheRyujinLP 4 күн бұрын
Especially given that the EGG of Coot was a thing well before D&D was even an idea in Dave's or Gary's heads. Though to be fair, after their failing out he did use if to take shots at Gary so this probably why so many people think it's always been about him.
@TheJoyofWargaming 4 күн бұрын
@@jasonjacobson1157 Thank you!
@elliotvernon7971 2 күн бұрын
@@TheRyujinLP The First Fantasy Campaign version of the Egg of Coot is clearly a shot at Gygax, even if the Egg’s origin was Greg Scott. To be fair, Gygax was using anagrams of Arneson for bad guys in his early modules, so they both gave as good as they got against each other.
@TheRyujinLP 2 күн бұрын
@@elliotvernon7971 Yeah, that's probably why people thought it was always about him since that's probably the first time most people outside of the Twin Cities and Lake Geneva area ever heard of the Egg (any one else get the mental image of a medieval Dr. Robotnik whenever they come across talks about the Egg of Coot or is this just me?)
@jasonjacobson1157 4 күн бұрын
@sabondage 4 күн бұрын
Mind blown 🤯 Looks like my DM'ing is about to get a lot more interesting!
@TheJoyofWargaming 4 күн бұрын
It's going to get easier in a lot of ways, but it's also going to get a lot more exciting as you open yourself up to players surprising you in new and even more aggravating ways.
@BobIrving2 5 күн бұрын
Loving this series! I'm sure I won't get all the way through but I'm a new solo player and think ad&d would work great. Love how you highlight the quirkiness and genius of Gary Gygax. Yes, OSRIC is better organized, so probably better for DM reference. But you can't beat going back to the source. So inspiring!
@srpyle 5 күн бұрын
Thank you again for covering my games!
@planetsmashergames 5 күн бұрын
I really enjoyed this video, and it inspired me to try a totally different and more 'sound stage' type of set up for my most recent video. Thanks for sharing this!
@TheJoyofWargaming 5 күн бұрын
Can't wait to see it.
@srpyle 5 күн бұрын
Again, two years late, but I thank you for covering this. Because I am a nutter and love supers, I also wrote Super Mission Force and Super Skirmish Gaming, both systems trade a bit of detail for smoother, faster play. Also, Crossover Miniatures make excellent super figures in 28mm! Thanks, again!
@TheJoyofWargaming 5 күн бұрын
You should film more videos. I rather enjoyed your example combat on the rooftop terrain.
@srpyle 5 күн бұрын
Sorry it took me two years to see this! Can I send you a copy of my latest solo / co-op skirmish game? It’s 2D Delves, a revisitation of Goalsystem Delves with a Traveler-like resolution mechanic and heavy procedural elements. Love your channel! Thanks!
@TheJoyofWargaming 5 күн бұрын
Thank you for reaching out. Would love to see it and show it off to the world. I've sent word via our mutual barbarian friend.
@user-xv8lo7cd8j 5 күн бұрын
You should add your video to Boardgamegeek.
@Mailed-Knight 5 күн бұрын
May I please know where you got that spaceship?
@TheJoyofWargaming 5 күн бұрын
A friend sent it to me, but you can get one from Khurasan Miniatures. Look for the dropship in the generic 15mm sci-fi section.
@Mailed-Knight 4 күн бұрын
@@TheJoyofWargaming Thank you.
@eatcomics 6 күн бұрын
D&D is so much more interesting as a wargame tbh
@TheRyujinLP 6 күн бұрын
*Looks over my shelf* Let's see, The Fantasy Trip, GURPS, Traveller (The new Era outside of Snap Shot), Cyberpunk, Bubblegum Crisis, Big Eyes Small Mouth (which was a gift, GURPS makes it pointless), and Battletech. Not a single inch of D&D and proud to be.