My Top 10 Fave Anime Openings!
14 күн бұрын
My Kingdom Hearts Journey (Part 2)
My Kingdom Hearts Journey (Part1)
@ETHomerin 2 күн бұрын
The pizza was one of the best natural human elements they've added in this epic fantasy story with magic, angels, and monsters. 10:06 in: I've been wondering if falling into a burning mako reactor will be the fate of a character ever since this line when I played Remake. Hojo, Fuhito, Hollander, and Shinra ultimately get impaled by their own swords. Is being swallowed up by a Midgar reactor the fate that the Planet has in store for Scarlet? An interesting thought on Cloud and cats lol: Between Zack the Puppy, Stamp, and the representation of Fenrir, there is also room for interpretation with cats. Cats in real life will love their owners as much as a dog, but the way they show affection and the way they open up to it with strangers is different. They tend not to want their space invaded quickly and come around when you let them do their own thing, in general, that is. Cloud and Tifa's relationship right now is like a pair of cats lol. Reach out the paw, hesitate, 'wait hold on,' can't go too fast or he might cat out.' Once we get to the memory sequence then he'll be ready to accept the belly scratches. Do the whisperers look a little grayer in Remake? Or is it my imagination with the black and white dynamic being introduced in Rebirth? Also, I have absolutely to desire to ever parachute lol. Lately I've been writing up Midgar Raid theories. I'll share some soon when I've got them worked out. I'm trying to have every one of the characters have their own personal battle. The tricky part is using elements of Deepground without it contradicting the arcs of Dirge. I can see a Restrictor being involved, as anything I've seen in Dirge online or read about, indicates that they are not controlled by force, but seem more like sociopathic Soldiers who are loyal. With Sephiroth's barrier out of the way, the logical plan for Scarlet and Heidegger who would then have an opportunity to rule after Rufus's seeming death would be to use an army of Solider's and Deepground troops. But if that button of Scarlet's is only a means of communication to call the Restrictors who in turn approve use of DG troopers and Tsviets, then the Restrictors, who might not want to get involved, could decide to take their chances and wait out the situation. Especially if they thought the battle above would finish off some of their higher ups they might not have faith in. Therefore, Deepground could remain a secret, but Vincent and Yuffie might have some hints to another secret. Consider Vincent's suspicions during the intro to Dirge. Chapter 1 of Part 3 theory: In Crisis Core, Genesis told Sephiroth inaccurate information about Jenova Project-S; countless failed experiments to create the perfect monster. While this was wrong, what if he thought he was telling him the truth? We know Genesis went deep into Modeoheim's reactor and lab. A sight that was abandoned. What if Genesis discovered a failed second phase of the project, when Hojo got creative with some of Sephiroth's cells. In OG he recaptured Ifalna at the Icicle Inn. Did he extract some of her cells here and try to mix them with Sephiroth's cells, Makonoids, and other local wildlife? While the results would have been a failure, how would Cloud respond to remaining evidence of such a project were the party to stumble upon it on their way to Icicle Inn. Could this be another lie with the truth that Sephiroth will use as he erodes away Cloud's mind on the way to the crater? Chapter 2 of part 3 theory: If Sephiroth wants to distract Rufus and cause havoc between Shinra and Wutai, the Great Glacier might make a great location for a sky battle above. Quiet and muffled in the snow beneath the thick clouds, crazy above them. Raining machine parts? Rufus knows Glenn is part of Sephiroth now, and Hojo would be happy about it. But if Heidegger, Scarlet, and Palmer do not, how would they feel if Glenn revealed Rufus's connection to Avalanche and surviving Turks? Trust destroyed. And they are already nervous about him from that question he asked them in Rebirth. 'If you all knew my father was slipping, why didn't any of you stop him?"
@jazzy_okami 2 күн бұрын
Yea I loved the addition of the pizza scene and just making J,B & W more well rounded characters. Lol I agree with your take on cats! (& I’d personally wouldn’t mind if Scarlet fell into a reactor lol..) The whispers are indeed greyer here! Gives a more apparent difference compared to the black & white materia whispers. Honestly I’ve wondered how they could successfully integrate more Deepground or even avalanche lore into the third, and I like your idea. Or maybe even a side quest while Cloud is gone and Vincent has to sneak out to investigate something? I think icicle inn will definitely be a great spot to integrate more lore than OG did (but even in the power of fully acted and cg scenes of ifalna and gast from the og only would still be impactful) but I also feel that it’d be a great opportunity for Sephiroth to meddle some more as you’ve mentioned!
@ETHomerin 2 күн бұрын
Absolutely about Ifalna and Gast. Infact, I think seeing that footage could hint to the true Cloud about what really happened at the Forgotten Capitol. Any Jenova truth might bring him too close to his truth. And that means a very edgy, angry, scared Cloud. He might get very mean with Elena if she throws that punch at him like in OG. Do you think a party argument on the Great Glacier could happen if Cloud is too on edge? Like if he gets angry with Tifa who tries to get close to him when he's in denial about Aerith's death, Yuffie (near her own breaking point) gets mad at his response, he yells at Yuffie and asks why did they take a kid with them, and Red jumps to her defense? (three sixteen-year-olds going at it)? I can't wait to see Gast's face. A good ethical scientist in love with a wonderful woman, after we've had to see Hojo's wrinkles and shades for so long. Plus we might get some long-planned Nojima dialogue between those two. Deepground integration isn't as hard as it may seem, as long as the Tsviets don't get involved with the party. For example: a Restrictor could be in a different outfit like a Soldier, or it's armor, but say a line of dialogue to one of the executives in private that tell us as an audience everything. If we actually saw a Tsviet above ground level, I'd guess Shelke meets Cait. But I don't think that will happen. But surprise me!!! What if the party gets separated by the Proud Clod in Midgar before the exiled Turks and other Avalanche members fight it for them (Scarlet and Heidegger eject out) and each party member gets their own fight? Vincent could rush to Hojo alone and meet a Restrictor guarding him. First phase: Restrictor throws a seeking chip on him that creates a moving, closing forcefield dome that pushes him away from Hojo. To survive it and push the game over damaging field, Vincent will have to change forms to confuse it. But it still moves him father into the building, away from the sister ray. Phase two: in a descending elevator. Third person circling shoot out. Phase three: the restrictor knows that Vincent is stronger but doesn't know why he's holding back (because of Chaos). The solution: gambling 'Winner take all.' The Restrictor pulls out a card: the Sapphire Siren. Round three is a Queen's Blood match. Whoever wins gets a power boost akin to that of the Emerald Witch or Crimson Blood Queen. Vincent wins, and the mysterious armored being concedes, and tells Vincent there will be no trouble from him. Maybe the Restrictors communicate and decide the upper management is crap. Speaking of the cat and Dirge, Number 6 introduces himself in Dirge. Will Cait die again? I thought the other day: in OG we don't see Hojo after the Whirlwind Maze Cloud meltdown, until he's prepping the cannon. His tell cards that he is rooting for Sephiroth show pretty obvious at the crater when he eggs on Cloud, and even says he created him. Rufus would be able to gather accurate information from Tseng who is loyal to him and knows nearly the truth about Cloud and Zack. Rufus is messed up, but not evil. He's about as grey as Genesis. Vengeful, but wanting to do right. Will Hojo be imprisoned after the crater? If so, who could break him out for his Midgar Raid arc? Maybe a virus/hacked Chadley? We saw Hojo meddle with his real body in Rebirth. But most of all, I will be thinking about Gast and Ifalna. How old were they? Gast's birth is not on the timeline as far as I know. His mustache and PS1 sprite made him look old. But what if he was just a young idealistic professor with swagger who could hit it off with deep thinking beautiful women? I hope they were both young and beautiful! Him being younger and more brilliant than Hojo would be fitting. Gast in his twenties, rocking the que ball look. Eccentric and passionate. I could see why Ifalna liked him lol
@anabanana4526 3 күн бұрын
Thirst queen Jessie. Bruh gets hotties throwing themselves on him and Cloud just 😒. He's different with Tifa though ain't he 😏.
@Mychel_Nox 3 күн бұрын
That thumbnail is the absolute cutest thing. Well done. 😂
@jazzy_okami 3 күн бұрын
Thank you!! It was fun putting it together :,)
@ETHomerin 5 күн бұрын
I forgot about the sword purist comment lol and the cats. They just rub it in, but he asks for it! I got used to his slightly warmer attitude from Rebirth! Your cat faces cracked me up. The night on the town seems to cheer him up. We know he matches well. Sephiroth must have really messed with him last night... Been finally watching through all of Before Crisis in detail. Tifa's cat! And Shotgun (I think)! Then I watched the Crisis Core version of the events before going back to keep watching the full BC. The strange differences only make things eerier. I wonder if they'll do something with this. From Cloud's perspective we get a sword throw, but from the Turk's perspective we get a Sephiroth jump. The Kinase/Nomura/Nojima trio say the crux of VII is Nibelheim/the life stream sequence. Between these changes that once seemed like casual changes, but now feel almost diliberate, and the dreamy feeling multiple worlds element in the VIIR series. So psyched! Gotta finish BC!
@jazzy_okami 5 күн бұрын
Yea it's been really interesting to play it back right after Rebirth and noticing things I didn't before! Most if not all has to be intentional!
@ETHomerin 5 күн бұрын
With Kitase influence, be it director, writer, or producer, there's always something we can never understand until he's ready to dish it out! Such a fun journey. And the playable Turk has impacted most of the party so far. I wonder if we'll meet her in Wutai...
@jazzy_okami 4 күн бұрын
@@ETHomerin It would be cool to bring some of that lore into it, as well as previous Avalanche members!!
@Step43099 5 күн бұрын
Cloud is so funny bruh. “Let’s get this over with” to “in your dreams maybe”. It’s hard to not read that dialogue as jealous and extremely protective over Ms. Lockhart; thinking about it now though guys like that probably remind Cloud of Emilio, Lester, and Tyler from Nibelheim. “Secretly” competing for her affections, trying to get her alone with them and only seeing her as a prize to win in the end to marry
@jazzy_okami 5 күн бұрын
I agreee 😭😭
@JDavis4545 5 күн бұрын
The first minute is chefs kiss😂😂😂
@jazzy_okami 5 күн бұрын
Gooouhuhuhood MornaaaaahahaaaaaaAHHHHHHHHH
@anabanana4526 6 күн бұрын
RIP Nujabes. What a groundbreaking project Samurai Champloo was. My honorable mention would be FLOW's "Days" from Eureka 7. They were singing it on the subways it was so big. And AKFG + anime = magic. I also watched FMA's first series. But I quickly adapted to Brotherhood to the point where I even watched it broadcasted live, unsubbed lol. Also why does everything elders don't understand have to been seen as demonic? Hi from Florida lol.
@jazzy_okami 6 күн бұрын
Yess Days is also great!!! And despite the og being special to me, Brotherhood really is amazing and deserves all the praise. You’re from FL TOOOO?! Yea it was BAD my professor from my 1st college illustration class (before I moved states) really hated anime. While I was developing my style, she was basically wondering why I liked drawing anime because it all “looked the same” and that I should stick to realism :,)
@anabanana4526 6 күн бұрын
@@jazzy_okami yeap. I live down in South Florida. But it would be nice to leave because of the rising prices! Anyway, that just goes to show you that professors and teachers don't always know everything. There are people who make good money just doing anime and manga-related commissions on social media!
@Mukation 10 күн бұрын
The romance is really the least interesting aspect of the trios dynamic, especially in the remake trilogy, were Tifa and Aeriths friendship is explored aswell. In the OG game, pre all the expanded media it was obviously up to the player entirely since the Highwind scene has two versions (one were he recipocates Tifas feelings and one were he doesn't). We don't even get to know if Cloud and Tifa survive meteor, just the hint that the gang on the Highwind did, due to the flashforward post credits with Red. But post the expanded media, it's evident that Tifa is the path the devs chose, even while still sprinkling in some grey here and there so that the players who favoured Aerith in their playthrough could keep their head canon alive. For example, while Cloud and Tifa live together, they apparantly don't share a bed and Denzel is adopted and Cloud says he thinks Aerith put them on the path to meeting (On paper if they wanted to give a decicive answer, having Denzel be Tifas and Clouds biological child would do that). As for the bed, Clotis can assume he does sleep next to Tifa, but uses the bed in his office for whenever he comes home late, as he's runs a delivery firm and might get late night deliverys every now and then and as the good "husband" he doesn't want to risk waking her up. Regardless of wheather you think he would have chosen to pursue Aerith had she lived, you have to acknowledge that he wouldn't live with a woman he has known all his life, a woman he knows loves him romantically and even bring a kid home for them to raise together, if he didn't love her romantically too. Cloud is simply not that cruel. Oh, loved the video! You have such a relaxing and soothing voice aswell :)
@jazzy_okami 10 күн бұрын
Why thank you, it’s nice that you think so :,) I appreciate you watching and sharing your thoughts! And I can’t argue with any of it haha. I do strongly agree with your beginning statement. I’m here for the meat and potatoes, regardless of who I quietly ship (maybe not so quietly anymore but eh.) ik this debate can get extreme in other places. You state a lot of what’s already given to us with no reaching which is how I’ve accepted much of the FF VII media I’ve consumed (besides theorizing on what’s to come). But it’s interesting to see how others think for better or for worse sometimes lol
@LibraScope 12 күн бұрын
I don't usually have time for let's play content these days, but I wanted to at least check this first one out, to show a bit of support and get it off on the right foot in the eyes of the algorithm. I replayed Remake last year around this time, so it's still fairly fresh in my mind. But it was still interesting to see these sections again after playing Rebirth. The subtlety in the performance differences for Cloud and Barret are interesting, with Cloud having a deeper, flatter sound, and Barret sounding almost like a motivational speaker, lol. Obviously intentional given their characterization at these areas of the plot, and not something I DIDN'T notice on first playthrough. But back to back with Rebirth it's much more stark, and I think can be better appreciated. Out of curiosity, are you playing the PS4 version? If so, is there any particular reason why? 👀 Also, I didn't see you do it (I might've missed it though), but one cool trick you can do with Barret in combat, is after he fires a full barrage with Square, and that last big attack goes off, you can hit Triangle to Charge for a unique animation that's actually slightly faster than his normal recovery, on top of charging up Overcharge simultaneously. Works in Rebirth too, and makes it so that he can put steady damage/pressure down more consistently.
@jazzy_okami 12 күн бұрын
Well thanks for tuning in, much appreciated! It’s been interesting playing this again after Rebirth. I am playing the ps4 version indeed! Basically due to laziness since I don’t use my ps4 that much and our ps5 is in the living room area haha. But ik I’ll have to switch over if I want to play Intergrade and Rebirth. It’s the first time I’ve connected a PlayStation to stream on my desktop so I thought It’d be more of a gentler shot. I did not do it in this Ep (admittedly I’ve only ever done that a handful of times)! Just like drawing or doing anything else in front of a camera my brain has to relearn some things/ I don’t act as comfortably haha. I also don’t use shortcuts as much in this ep since I forgot 😭 but I’m all warmed up now thankfully (on stream I’m now in Wall Market)
@LibraScope 12 күн бұрын
@@jazzy_okami Ahhh, gotcha! That makes perfect sense! I don't know if I could go back to the PS4 version. The 60fps is just too goooooooood. Oh, that also makes sense. I don't use shortcuts, because I prefer the pacing that comes with pausing for menu navigation. So you've absolutely got me beat there :D For what it's worth, I don't know that I could ever do streams, so I'm in awe of your bravery, lol.
@jazzy_okami 12 күн бұрын
@@LibraScope the loading screen/times are noootttttt itttttttt LOL I almost gave up because I was having too many difficulties thinking my desktop and PlayStation just weren’t vibing but luckily it was only THAT day (lucky me being it the first stream of the game… ) and things are better now (a little nervous about the ps5 but I’ll cross that bridge when I get to it lol) And I agree with you. I only use shortcuts sparingly when my brain wants what I set there. Someone pointed it out (the not using shortcuts) but now that I know someone else doesn’t care for them I feel a bit better about my play style 🥹 Streaming can be daunting at first but I feel like being a smaller streamer has been fun so far! I initially considered being a V-Tuber but then thought it made no sense if I was going to show my face on KZfaq lol
@LibraScope 12 күн бұрын
@@jazzy_okami Oh yeah, the instant PS5 loading times are soooooo nice in comparison! In glad your technical difficulties were temporary, and hopefully when you move to PS5 it's smooth sailing. Hahaha, the devs have repeatedly said they wanted the games to retain some of that turn based feel, so I'd say if anything you're playing it the intended way 😎 While I absolutely get why some people do the v-tuber thing, I'll always find channels that don't do it more personable. Maybe I'm just old fashioned, but it feels like even more of a barrier than just doing voice over, lol. I like the approachability you specifically bring to your content, as you are!
@jazzy_okami 12 күн бұрын
@@LibraScope fingers crossed!!! You’re right. I think that comment, the technical difficulties & being live made me overthink. And ah thank you!! :,) If you’re old fashioned, then I am too! I think it has something to do with being a witness to the start of KZfaq. Ik there’s certain boundaries you need to set, & parasocial relationships seem scary when you’re on the other side, but it’s all about creating and doing what makes ya happy! And I’m happy that I can make content involving things I enjoy and in turn make fellow creative friends and interact with others (right now for example!)
@Step43099 12 күн бұрын
Cloud you're not slick we can see you smiling every time Tifa speaks bro is smitten. Someone else mentioned Traces of Two Pasts and it made me think about how much it and 2000 Gil To Become A Hero colors my perception of the scenes between Cloud and Tifa. Even now in the beginning of Remake when their relationship is still new and freshly renewed how it enforces some of the decisions they make and how they act. Also there's a very funny group call with a bunch of the voice cast re-enacting the elevator scene and it is some of the funniest shit I've seen. Hearing Jessie and Tifa try to be Barret and Cloud is gold
@jazzy_okami 12 күн бұрын
He ain’t sliiiick! It’s been cool playing this again and paying more attention to things like how he treats others differently (esp how he talks to and looks at Tifa) I saw that vid! I loved seeing everyone else’s reactions too it made me laugh even more lol now I gotta go watch it again
@ETHomerin 12 күн бұрын
Always happy to see your videos, Jazzy! And I keep thinking about those cool shirts. I might wind up getting one. Also I read 'Traces of Two Pasts.' Awesome. And with Zangan, accurately informative! I didn't realize Cloud never said a word just to keep Tifa out of trouble. I always figured he got mad at the boys right then. Biggs = X! Jaw dropping! Makes sense with Remake's ending and Bigg's little role in Rebirth. I never expected Faz to turn into 'that,' but the moment he said "how could you be so cruel" I felt myself getting nervous. Like something was suddenly disturbingly wrong. My favorite part was the third part though. That was some good quality new story! Thank you for the suggestion! I thought the other day: With a story full of so much black wing and white wing symbolism, is it not romantic that the only feathers Cloud's friends compare that iconic hair to are yellow? The same color as the flowers we are told to follow. :) Of course I can't resist bringing up 36:00 in. You need not remind me of that theory I mentioned to you before. A silhouette over Cloud on the ground: Sephiroth. The masamune through Claudia's navel, lifting her into the air like he would Cloud in at the reactor. Her face: "Cloud, run away. You have to leave, you have to live." A flash image of Sephiroth flinging her into the burning house. Sephiroth in the flames, but this time he doesn't walk away from you, he approaches. I like the chocobo feathers better lol When Aerith says, "Wait, you think someone's out to get you" we hear in her voice how ridicules the thought sounds. So perfect. Makes me think of the theme 'Anxious Heart.' A lot of people thought AC overly repeated Cloud's arc, but after watching you analyze Cloud in a previous video, I thought about the five stages of grieving. Now I feel like it actually fully completed his arc. Denial/anger in VII, bargaining before AC, and depression/acceptance during AC. One could say this story is very therapeutic! Hope things are going great for you! All good on this end!
@jazzy_okami 12 күн бұрын
You should def get a shirt!! I'm glad you got to read and enjoy it! Def does a nice job adding more to the story. That's an awesome thought about color symbolism! And the stages of grieving is where my mind meant as well. Ik AC gets a lot of flack, but that along with OTWTAS there is some good stuff in it. And it think the Remake trilogy could even fix some mistakes/fill in some holes. Things are def going, thanks for asking! Looking forward to making more content and having more interactions! Glad you're good 😄
@ETHomerin 11 күн бұрын
@@jazzy_okami Can you send me the link to where I can purchase them. I have to be fiscal right now because I've registered for EMT courses in the fall and will probably be doing a lot of volunteer work at fire fighting stations this summer, but soon I plan to get one. I also have one other nagging thought: could the different methods of the Jenova cell injections of Sephiroth (direct), Angeal (indirect), and Genesis (more indirect), be subversive writing? Considering what little we know about Lucretia's actions pre/post project S, and Gillain's actions pre/post project G, what if the success of the cells was dependent on the mental state of the carrier? While Sephiroth is biologically Hojo's, did the Jenova cells inside Lucrecia prey on her feelings and make a child what she wanted? A split image between her and Vincent, but unfortunately, also the perfect vessel of Negative Lifestream.
@jazzy_okami 11 күн бұрын
@@ETHomerin mamono.world ! And oooh that’s definitely something to think about. I wonder if maybe some more history will be touched on in the new Ever Crisis update.
@ETHomerin 11 күн бұрын
@@jazzy_okami Thank you! I'll check it out now! Maybe. I can't wait for what's next. I wonder if the parentage of Sephiroth comes out at the crater because Vincent and Hojo being near each other, and then if that additional part were a secret, that Hojo would throw that at him during Midgar Raid! .Like moving one beat to earlier then replacing the original drop with something to enhance it. But I don't know if that's part of their method. I'll have to go over Remake and Rebirth to see if I can find a similar example. But for all we know, Chaos might keep Vincent from saying things. And the reveal of his mother might belong in the crystal cave with Lucrecia. I heard the masamune origin is next. I hope it came to him in the optional OG ancient forest, or better yet, something entirely new!
@CoreYZX 12 күн бұрын
I appreciate this cause i didnt play the remake
@jazzy_okami 12 күн бұрын
Hope you enjoy this journey!!
@JDavis4545 12 күн бұрын
I’m excited to see what comes next in your FF7 series!
@jazzy_okami 12 күн бұрын
@JustReefy 17 күн бұрын
W list. W video as always 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
@jazzy_okami 17 күн бұрын
Thank you Reefy!!!! 🥹🙏🏽
@LibraScope 18 күн бұрын
*runs in* I knew exactly two of these! Also, you have a good singing voice! Also also, Final Fantasy X-2 is underrated! Also also also, no K-On???????? *scampers out*
@jazzy_okami 18 күн бұрын
Ooh you have to check some things out!!! Which ones did you know? Lol and THANK YOU ;-; I’ve been out of practice for a min (I don’t do vocal exercises/warm ups as I should) but I still enjoy singing (goofy and seriously) It IS underrateddd idgaffff I love that game. I LOVE K-On! I guess I might need to make a part 2 at some point lol
@LibraScope 18 күн бұрын
@@jazzy_okami The only ones I knew were the Naruto one, and the Sailor Moon one. And if you'd have asked me two years ago, it would've only been the Sailor Moon one, lololol.
@jazzy_okami 18 күн бұрын
@@LibraScopeah right I should’ve guessed Sailor Moon being one of them lol well if you ever wanted to check out a new anime, I recommend ALL of these 😂
@LibraScope 18 күн бұрын
@@jazzy_okami I'll keep that in mind. I've thought about Full Metal Alchemist as one, since I've heard it's shorter, and I absolutely prefer narratives that - as you mentioned about one of them - want to tell a story and then be done.
@jazzy_okami 18 күн бұрын
@@LibraScopeyea! I think the majority I’ve mentioned (save for 2 or 3) are only 1-2 seasons long!
@cloud1stclass372 19 күн бұрын
Samurai Champloo is the GOAT. It is the anime opening that smells of sunflowers.
@jazzy_okami 19 күн бұрын
@DragonHeroKing12 19 күн бұрын
Love the list of a lot of old-school songs. Being me back, being a kid in the early 2000s
@jazzy_okami 19 күн бұрын
Oh to be a kid againnn 😭😭
@Ichigo8691 19 күн бұрын
Very enjoyable video 🙂
@jazzy_okami 19 күн бұрын
I’m glad you enjoyed it!!!
@JDavis4545 19 күн бұрын
I’m digging the vocals😁
@jazzy_okami 19 күн бұрын
@Step43099 22 күн бұрын
There simply must be a Big Zack Snack tee in honor of the meal I grew up on
@jazzy_okami 22 күн бұрын
I think that’s a GREAT idea!! Lol
@SouthSideFrank 24 күн бұрын
Nice job, Jazzy! I can see you doing more of these kinda vids. The possibilities are endless. Cheers!
@jazzy_okami 24 күн бұрын
Thank ya Frank!! I’m def looking forward to doing more of these 🙏🏽☺️
@LibraScope 25 күн бұрын
Not really a main point of your video, but I LOVE how you mention that people don't always have the means to critique art in the most helpful ways. You have to learn how to critique things in an effective manner; it's not just about saying your thoughts unfiltered. It really is an artform in and of itself, in a way. And I think it's a fantastic skill to learn that can help broaden the scope of the type of people you can share your art with. The more effectively you can communicate with other artists about your work and their work, the more you can grow together. Learning the skills for healthy critique have not only helped make it easier to brush off less helpful criticisms aimed at hurting me. They've not only helped me reflect on my own work to recognize elements I can improve on. But it's been a wonderful avenue for me to find other creatives over the years. Sometimes they're longterm friends. Sometimes it's fleeting. Many of those people you might not talk to much as the years go by. But mutual, consensual critique, and discussion of artistic goals/how to improve can have a very strong, lasting impact on you even after you part ways with those people. Also, 'tracing is a learning tool' is 10/10. Trace. Make you own connect-the-dots'. Whatever helps build that line confidence and helps you behind to understand the intent your favorite artists had with their lines. Also also, goes without saying obviously, but your style is killer. Chef's kiss. I also like the intent I see behind a lot of it. I'm particularly a fan of art that feels like it has something to say. Great video as usual, and I'm looking forward to more!
@jazzy_okami 25 күн бұрын
YES it is in a way an artform. The second I feel someone is misusing the term critique or is lacking in appropriate wording I immediately shut it down or ignore it. Mental health is way too important for positive growth, and growing together as a community is always ideal to me! And along with a healthy mindset needs to come mutual energy and respect for sure. I'm glad that nowadays tracing (for study and ref obvs) is more commonly talked about. I remember arguing with another artist about this, and unless you have a computer for a brain or a GODLY photographic memory, I don't think it's appropriate or even feasible to place this pressure on fellow artists to automatically remember or easily pick up on how to draw a car, or a squirrel or whatever freehand. Thank you so much ;__; that means a lot! It's been quite a journey hahaha.
@LibraScope 25 күн бұрын
@@jazzy_okami Absolutely, absolutely, absolutely! I have drawn for as long as I can remember (when I was really little, I used to want to write and illustrate children's books, and even made a few out of printer paper that I'd then staple together into a book). But I never took technique seriously until AFTER I graduated from high school. I fell in love with the anime Azumanga Daioh, and the artstyle felt achievable enough that I traced it a bit, did connect-the-dots kind of line confidence studies, and then eventually moved to fanart. I probably wouldn't have any real illustration skills at all if it wasn't for that, because it really does work as an effective stepping stone to more. From there I got... I think it was the first edition of the "Idiot's Guide to Manga Illustration", put my head down, and started working on actual fundamentals. I was so proud when I made my first anatomically accurate base.
@jazzy_okami 24 күн бұрын
@@LibraScope whoa Azumanga Daioh what a throwback! Lol I love how we are (dare I say it) the most creative as kids, making our own crafts for things & figuring things out not even fully realizing we are building on our learning & experience 😭 we just wanted to do well and have fun
@LibraScope 24 күн бұрын
@@jazzy_okami Azumanga is so special to me! I'm super glad I found it. Also yes! I agree. There's something to be said for restrictions breeding creativity of course. But a complete lack of them like we have when we're very young, can also feel so free and compelling. It's what I think makes works like Katamari Damacy so powerful.
@jazzy_okami 24 күн бұрын
@@LibraScope ah another Katamari fan? :,) that’s so cool
@CoreYZX 26 күн бұрын
Aye appreciate you showing us your thoughts and sharing more of your process! I personally would love a sketchbook tour maybe that will get you more comfortable with this video type
@jazzy_okami 26 күн бұрын
Of course! And I think I’d be down for doing a sketchbook and iPad tour video for sure!
@JDavis4545 26 күн бұрын
I love how you made your art style your own. It definitely makes you unique and I think it’s important to make your own creative signature. It definitely shows in everything you do and it’s exciting to watch you grow!
@jazzy_okami 26 күн бұрын
Tysm :,)
@wontononionslicer1004 26 күн бұрын
I was telling everybody: no multiple timeline or dimensions, zack STILL FCKING DEAD!!!, and Aerith still dead.
@francelisfigueroa7167 29 күн бұрын
Thats so cool. it just tickles my tummy
@jazzy_okami 29 күн бұрын
😂😂😂 thank you!!
@Joshiepoo2525 29 күн бұрын
We seem to have very similar interpretations. 🌝
@jazzy_okami 29 күн бұрын
Theory twins!!
@jeremyseaton3314 Ай бұрын
But what about Johnny? Zack never met him.
@jazzy_okami Ай бұрын
He’s never met Marlene or Elmyra either; that’s why I think it’s in combination with Biggs’s memory too. Considering how we see Zack kind of travel to different worlds, it seems he’s an anomaly
@adihsarstilinskih8237 Ай бұрын
Okay I'm subscribing. I just saw you have introspective videos on Cloud and Zack on the side and I need to support my fellow Melanin princess. You make good, valid and well thought out points and your hair is friggin fantastic. Sold. I'm a fan. :D
@jazzy_okami Ай бұрын
AHHH PERIOD, thank you sooo much ;-; I appreciate it! That means so much to me, and that just makes me even more happy that I decided to give KZfaq another try so I can represent and have these cool interactions!! I hope you enjoy the rest of the content and continue to share your thoughts ❤️🙏🏽
@ClockWorksb Ай бұрын
I love him, there’s always so many layers to his character but anytime u see him achieve some form of happiness u wanna jump and cheer for him
@jazzy_okami Ай бұрын
Agreed 🥹 he’s been through so much😭😭😭
@elftball1744 Ай бұрын
I just need my boy zack to get his happy ending 😭. Zerith to me is the star crossed tragic lovers and I do believe we will see them unite in the lifestream in part 3 bc we never saw it in AC. Just my thoughts on ships lol
@jazzy_okami Ай бұрын
Honestly I’m right with you there! 😭 with how they brought him back, we better get some closure lol
@adihsarstilinskih8237 Ай бұрын
Finally someone who seems to give a shit about Zack. He also shouldn't be disregarded in this. People seem to forget that Zack is a GOOD man. He didn't just abandon Aerith and they were...ARE.. in love. Aerith should know what happened to him BEFORE she ever decides to move on with Cloud or not. Give this woman closure first before throwing her on another guy.
@jazzy_okami Ай бұрын
@@adihsarstilinskih8237 AGREED
@elftball1744 Ай бұрын
After watching your vid my mind was blown. I refuse to think this was another marvel multi worlds. I knew it had to be the lifesteam and you cleared a lot of what I couldn’t make sense. Thank you! I can’t wait for part 3!
@jazzy_okami Ай бұрын
Fingers crossed it plays out okay! Haha thanks for tuning in ❤️
@AFT6IX Ай бұрын
@jazzy_okami Ай бұрын
@exz1tar Ай бұрын
Just remember its cannon to FF10. With farplane and shit like that.....
@TakariCritic Ай бұрын
I totally agree with your last point, Cloud needs to stabalize himself before entering into a emotional romantic partnership. (Though he makes a great effort in Advent Children)
@jazzy_okami Ай бұрын
He definitely does especially at the end! Wonder if we’ll get a glimpse of more post AC weather it’d be a cutscene, book or (dare I say it) DoC Remake 🥹
@DingoDIDeatmybaby Ай бұрын
I haven't read the compilation texts, but why try and "clone" Sephiroth using adults instead of just injecting more fetuses with Jenova cells? He was already obviously physically gifted as a kid, so that should be more than enough for the corrupt Shinra scientists to experiment on more fetuses.
@jazzy_okami 28 күн бұрын
(Sorry for the late reply!) Although Idt I can give the most concrete answer, given the fact that growing babies isn’t time efficient and the fact Seph had rebelled against Shinra (& all that went down with Angeal and Genesis would = failure) it seems Hojo’s current method was of new interest to get right. Hojo’s focus was also divided by his interests gaining knowledge through his diverse experiments (including Deepground). The ultimate goal is to “make” a cetra to lead Shinra to the promised land, and he was intending on cross breeding his test subjects (Aerith included)
@LibraScope Ай бұрын
I definitely like this format, and I think the length is just right. Not so slow that I get bored caught up in the minutia, but not so fast that I don't get a feel for the intent of the choices you're making. The fact that your art and skill are fantastic of course doesn't hurt, lol. I personally really enjoy doing art studies like this, and sketching through to lineart is my FAVORITE part of the process... partially because I'm very bad at shading, lol. I really like your style, and it really strikes a balance between detail/impression and edges/curves that I'm super into. My work doesn't necessarily look like yours, but it has a similar vibe I feel. Anyway, great work!
@jazzy_okami Ай бұрын
Thanks so much for the feedback! That’s good to know, I’m excited to continue doing more 🥹 Haha I too like the sketching to lineart phase the most 😂 do you also plan on posting art vids as well? I’d love to see more!
@LibraScope Ай бұрын
@@jazzy_okami I've done a few in the past. But I haven't done any for like a year and a half, because I actually use Krita on Windows, and a really old Cintiq 12WX display tablet... which uses a weird aspect ratio/resolution, and has to be converted from VGA to HDMI. So when I got a new laptop at the end of 2022, I had to spend a billion years trying to convince it to work with a tablet from like 2007, lol. I actually just got it working seamlessly (or as seamlessly as I can get it) about a week and a half ago. I want to do more art videos eventually, but it's hard to say when I can get to them, since they never do particularly well. Assuming YT allows me to link to other YT videos in a comment, I can share a couple of the ones I've done in the past if you wanted. I don't wanna be disrespectful and do that without your permission in your comments though, lol.
@LibraScope Ай бұрын
@@jazzy_okami Ahh, I just realized that I don't think KZfaq properly posted my response to this! Sorry :') TL;DR I have made a few art videos in the past that I can share if you wanted. But for the past year and a half or so, I haven't had access to my drawing tablet until very recently, because it's a Cintiq from 2007 that requires 'convincing' it to work with modern computers, lol. Hopefully this comment postsssssss.
@jazzy_okami Ай бұрын
@@LibraScope no worries! I’d love to check em out. And oh man :( I hope you find a means to get back into it at some point!
@LibraScope Ай бұрын
@@jazzy_okami I actually just fixed the most frustrating issues with my tablet a short while back, so I was able to find time to draw a few things recently :D One of them is an attempted replacement channel avatar, but I'm not a graphic designer, and I don't really have any graphic designer friends to get feedback from so it's been really slow going, lol. These are probably the two art-related videos I've done that I think are the most focused/interesting. I tried to give them an educational point that didn't just tackle a subject a billion other channels have done: kzfaq.info/get/bejne/hZtlhaaUrd3LZWw.htmlsi=GqyufY595JrTg7VO kzfaq.info/get/bejne/nrCqf7qWs5fUqKM.htmlsi=xSAEI7cqXTlGQwk6
@CoreYZX Ай бұрын
OOO we on a art vibe this round? Im here for it teach usss
@jazzy_okami Ай бұрын
Eyyy you got it!! ✨
@CoreYZX Ай бұрын
@@jazzy_okami I would like 3 more please lol same vibes your explaining style reminds me of Ohnips a bit just how calm you are in explaining your process
@jazzy_okami Ай бұрын
@@CoreYZX omg 😭🥹 I love OhNips’s art!!! And I can definitely do that! If you have a character you recommend lmk! I def wanna do a sora one
@JDavis4545 Ай бұрын
It’s so cool to see how talented you are in different forms. Watching you draw and taking time to try something new is a breath of fresh air. Good video as always
@jazzy_okami Ай бұрын
😭Thank you so muchhh!! ❤️❤️
@wmen48 Ай бұрын
Some minor thoughs. Zack v Sephiroth part was ok. But it kinda went over Aerith v Sephiroth who are the angel and devil on Clouds shoulder. Recently a friend of mine who is a green enviromentalist played og first time. She said that there is no romance in the game. That the cause is what's important and it's just kids messing around during free time. While for most this take isn't theirs it shows how the story itself is good. Though I would argue some romance adds to it. Eg. in temple of the ancients Cloud breaks Sephiroths control when the whispers attack Aerith. If it's just a friend that control is weakerer to break than when a loved one is attacked. Cloud actually is looking for a family - his friends. He just has problems expressing it. When you talked about personalities around him, he has most of them. And we can see how he interacts with them. I don't think Aerith and Tifa are good at that though. Of course he is more willing to let them do more around him. But I would argue the best to get to him are Zack and....Vincent. Zack is the big brother. They get along because they have the same background and Zack included Cloud as his friend just like Cloud always wanted. Vincent on the other hand is Clouds quite side cranked to eleven. Vince never speaks if it's not important and Cloud feels this on a relatable level. Also Cloud mentally is 16 while Vince is around 50 (serious father-son vibes). Even their absence from the world (coffin sleeping and tank imprisonment) is a mirror image of them. Having both of them around himself Cloud can model his life how he wants it to be (just like most teenagers do). At his lowest in AC he finds comfort in only relatable person - Vincent.
@jazzy_okami Ай бұрын
I wanted to put Zack and Seph in the same section since they are admirable figures in Cloud’s life and I already state that Aerith is like a guardian later (also lifestream white vs black is something I already touch on). That and I appreciate Square’s treatment of masculinity and how one soldier who is pretty powerful (Zack, and that fact gets glossed over a lot) and another is extremely powerful, knows that, hides true emotions and is incapable of making strong bonds (Seph, which imo he actually does want deep down.) I think with the compilation like AC in mind, and the additional extension of character scenes in Remake/Rebirth, Aerith and Tifa are good at it (as shown in some scenes), keeping him on the straight and narrow at least so he’s less likely to break down. Letting let loose have fun, break the nerves and bring out his gentler side. Love =\= a romantic moment. While I agree the TotA scene with Aerith, Cloud’s strong emotions helps break control, love is… love whether you want to put a label on it or not. Cloud cherishes everyone, & obviously Aerith and Tifa are up there in his eyes but at that dire moment Idt anyone is thinking romantically, it’s just an over encompassing love and fear of not wanting that loved one killed, but that’s just my opinion. Although I recognize how Vincent and Cloud bond, I don’t talk about Vincent because I opted from talking too much about the rest of the story lined up with og that’ll be in part 3, so Cid and Vincent’s relationship with Cloud at that point aren’t quite developed yet.
@sondowultimate Ай бұрын
KZfaq brought me to your channel oh yeah i like ya theory followed
@jazzy_okami Ай бұрын
I appreciate it!! 🙏🏽
@anabanana4526 Ай бұрын
Ey, if it works, it works 😂
@ad21563 Ай бұрын
I wish they never did this fate ghost, mutli timelines, paraellel universe stuff. It never works out.
@jazzy_okami Ай бұрын
That’s okay. But As stated in my video, I believe it’s a bit different (& more simple/faithful to lore) than the semantics of timelines and parallel universes.
@ad21563 Ай бұрын
@@jazzy_okami of course, I love your video and ideas. I hope you are on point, that would make me happy with the game.
@jazzy_okami Ай бұрын
@@ad21563 I honestly hope so too cause that’s the only thing that makes sense to me now haha. Thanks for tuning in!