19 сағат бұрын
The Wolf
14 күн бұрын
Confessions of an Evil Gentrifier
Face Your Fears
14 күн бұрын
Being Black in White Corporations
What is Culture?
Ай бұрын
Ай бұрын
The Price of Emotion: IQ Tax
Flowers for Glenn Loury
Ай бұрын
Bloody Hands-We're All Guilty
Guy Robert Porter
4 ай бұрын
@joshuak2810 2 күн бұрын
Black or White does not matter! We have an American culture! America 🇺🇸. America is one of the FIRST nations on Earth to ABOLISH slavery and promote freedom for ALL! Right at Americas founding, we began discussions surrounding the abolishment of slavery.
@SeanLKearns 3 күн бұрын
I think the biggest challenge to white americans as far as understanding our cultural evolution is the inability for us (european americans) to grapple with the reality of our history. Primarily the genocide of native americans, the forced removal of africans, and the institution of chattle slavery. We as a "culture" would rather use the american myth to justify our behaviors and disregard our part in the continuation of white supremacist dogma, than face the truth. Until we begin to undo the inherent racism of the system that displaces and disenfrachises black and brown people in our society and devolve and divest from a euro-centric world view, we will always feel like cultural orphans, being forced to tie our identitys to this or that european nationality. "White culture" as a whole has the problem of benefiting from a system designed to oppress minorities and until we fully embrace the reality of that, and critically examine the material conditions of the foundation of this country (that being genocide and slavery) im afraid we do not have the right to dictate to other cultures how we should be treated. National identity is a whole other story ofcourse, this is coming from an irish-polack cultural catholic, ethnically jewish American and I just want my home state of florida to one day recognise the major part we played in the genocide of native americans, the institutions of slavery, and Jim Crow, and the continuation of systemic racism. I understand to a certain extent where youre coming from but to be completely honest this conversation should begin with recent history and gradually work backwords to atleast the crusades and maybe even further than that tbh. Theres a lot of bad stuff in there. Theres some good that came out of it. But reconciliation has to be the main objective.
@yosoytercio245 4 күн бұрын
This was/is great. a fully produced version of this would be magnificent.! Gracias.
@yosoytercio245 4 күн бұрын
@RickJulian_HUMANS 4 күн бұрын
@@yosoytercio245 thanks for watching
@RickJulian_HUMANS 4 күн бұрын
This is a screen recording of an actual conversation between "me" and ChatGPT who was instructed to assume the POV of a personal AI 50 years from now, in a world in which many humans were no longer embodied. None of ChatGPT's responses were scripted.
@bean-whipped864 10 күн бұрын
We gotta yapster over here jeez
@RickJulian_HUMANS 10 күн бұрын
@@bean-whipped864 Couldn’t agree more. All my videos would be better if they were half as long. Practice, practice. . . the art of brevity. Thanks for the comment.
@Bepeze 14 күн бұрын
Ok. I'm going to watch the whole video but you mention benefits. Seriously, we are in a terrible time of inflation and some already could barely afford to live where they were. What now. Where do these people go. IMO these are the questions that have to be addressed before we do a sweeping generalization of the process as if it always benefits everyone. Unfortunately African Americans often don't make the same amount as their counterparts and for that reason we often suffer after gentrification. And that I understand. What I don't get is how at it's core it could be good overall. Sure neighborhoods become mixed and a better representation of the U.S. as a whole. But would you agree that gentrification rarely ever ends up good through and through for everyone. Especially so in terms of generational wealth. It's the reason there's such a disparity right now. Houses were wealth builders. Who owns America? That's my issue.
@julianag4761 14 күн бұрын
Rick, may your journey in the transcending awake be gentle and freeing 🙏🫶
@RickJulian_HUMANS 14 күн бұрын
Thank you, @julianag4761 --that's my hope for you and all people too.
@yvettemorris7295 16 күн бұрын
It’s not a conspiracy; if blacks are not contributing to building wealth by keeping their neighborhoods clean and non violent then I agree with whom ever moves in and keep the neighborhood safe and secure! I need to be able to walk my dog without a fear of being attacked or robbed! I don’t want to see crackheads in my neighborhood! I’m just saying!
@yvettemorris7295 16 күн бұрын
Thank you for this information; I appreciate it! I’m all for gentrification; I’m from South Central L A and I now live in a small town rural town; away from LA ! No not all blacks are ghetto; of course not BUT you still have to be very careful; I’m a black female navy veteran and I’d rather live in a predominantly white neighborhood
@RickJulian_HUMANS 16 күн бұрын
I get it, @yvettemorris7295. It was much easier for me as a single man to move into the neighborhood when I did. I honestly wouldn't have recommended a single woman do the same-too much safety risk. Happy to hear you've found a good place for yourself, and are comfortable living where you do. Thanks for watching and commenting.
@yvettemorris7295 16 күн бұрын
@@RickJulian_HUMANS Thank you for the insight on this topic! Take care my friend
@RGK147 19 күн бұрын
Racism is human nature, that's why humans invented the concept of countries to keep the races separate.
@newparadigm7444 20 күн бұрын
The Irish were never racist untill we let tens of thousands of blacks come into our country They are given free houses, free education up to and including university, free healthcare and unlimited social welfare and still they resent us and run wild terrorising neighborhoods and demanding more. The only solution is peaceful separation, they have to go back. Ireland for the Irish!
@Jack-qr2iy 16 күн бұрын
“Racism “ is slur exclusively targeted against “white” people around the World,it’s used to shut down and intimidate ,racist is a horrible word
@MakkerDon Ай бұрын
everyone hates everyone, rascism is forever, dont hold your breath, just be a better person, but some groups dont seem to want to advance, they will always be hated
@RickJulian_HUMANS Ай бұрын
I agree, it will never die completely-it's part of our animal nature to trust others that look like us more than those who don't. Thanks for your comment, @MakkerDon-keep on being the best person you can be.
@user-ly6sn1lt2f Ай бұрын
I've always said that phil was hypocritical, as much as he talks about " white supremacy Or " them folks" his favorite country that he " loves" to visit out of all the countries in africa is the country with the most white people, he said yesterday that he loves the beautiful landscape of Capetown, but fails to mention that the landscape was designed by " them folks," he's been told by t west of "afrisynergy " podcast that using the phrase " white supremacy " is not good psychologically for blacks, but he continues using that word cause I guess race baiting brings him money.
@RickJulian_HUMANS Ай бұрын
Phil wouldn't move to Africa in a million years-he's a spoiled American through and through. Yep, "white supremacy" is the new ism and he's riding the money train hard. Thanks for watching and commenting, Nick
@johnbowkett80 Ай бұрын
@SynomDroni Ай бұрын
Perpetual victimhood will set anybody free.
@ChrisJS1987 Ай бұрын
And it's not going to be legal guns that they buy. They will buy trafficked and untraceable guns. Probably some of the military gear that was left in Afghanistan that is still on the black market.
@kevinnolan1339 Ай бұрын
How about a token reparation of say £1 for every year of British colonial violence, torture, deportations, cultural genocide, rape, deindustrialisation, theft, etc. So, India would get about £200, Ireland £800 and so on. This would achieve a number of things - provide an opportunity for British people to learn the facts of the empire, acknowledge them, apologise, and move on. This would be accompanied by the return of all the loot (an Indian word) to the former colonies. As a minor player on the world stage, the UK will need all the friends it can maintain. India, for example, already the most populous country, will likely resume its pre-empire place as the richest country. (I wonder how many British people are aware that India was a great economic and industrial force before the brits arrived to drive it into penuary?).
@Stan.k.Phlaps6447 Ай бұрын
How about the entire world pays the British for ending the slave trade all around the world?
@RickJulian_HUMANS Ай бұрын
Let’s have a token reparation of $1 to every human who has been violated by another person or country in a traumatic way. Who isn’t on that list?
@derekwhite2929 Ай бұрын
Don't know how I'm still corporeal myself, certainly shouldn't be and wouldn't know what to do with money except try to find a way of healing (if it's @ all possible)
@derekwhite2929 Ай бұрын
I've got no idea how or why I'm still corporeal 😢 certainly shouldn't be.
@RickJulian_HUMANS Ай бұрын
You are still here to finish your mission in life. What is it, Derek ?
@tonypetrie545 Ай бұрын
Do the first slaves in USA get their money. Irish people were the first so they should get money before any other.
@whitiemarsh3671 Ай бұрын
The argument here is that it was a different type of slavery so it can be skipped over. I'd imagine if those Irish people had the right level of melanin the argument would be different
@robertstubbs8062 Ай бұрын
This guy is living in a dream world. Is he seriously suggesting that I contribute to giving black people that I don't know or have never met money for something that happened hundreds of years ago ? Which, by the way, was perpetrated by the black man's ancestors who sold their own people as slaves. None of this hasn't anything to do with people of the 21st century. I owe them nothing !!!
@Stan.k.Phlaps6447 Ай бұрын
Do europeans get reparations from the Ottomans and Arabs?
@carmelhegarty9829 Ай бұрын
As an Irish Woman born , bred, and raised in Ireland, we suffered ---800yrs. Of British Colonial Tyranny ----- REPATRIATIONS???----- NO---- We've SURVIVED- There's no way ever they can COMFORT US with money they've stole from someone else. GOD THE ALMIGHTY WILL BE OUR REPATRIATION , to the Black People , Jew's , and every other Race who has been Victims of Injustice, Tyranny, and Inhumanity. Thank you for your post. God Bless You . 🙏🇮🇪🙏
@JohnDaubSuperfan369 Ай бұрын
Get a feckin grip, Carmel!
@carmelhegarty9829 Ай бұрын
@@JohnDaubSuperfan369 If I needed a ""GRIP"- I most definitely wouldn't ""Grip"- you . 📎📎📎🙏🇮🇪🙏
@Eyeswideopen100 Ай бұрын
If you spend money on designers bs you should not be given jack sh&t... anyway fcuk reparations no amount of money can never fix this.
@TheFartbreakKid Ай бұрын
Are white English due reparations due to being invaded by Romans and Vikings?
@patrickoconnor6979 Ай бұрын
What about getting reparations from the black tribes who sold your people in the first place.
@freshlyfe4400 Ай бұрын
Why are you speaking on black issues we police ourselves? I don't hear this talk about native American reparations your Japanese reparations or even Jewish reparations but when it comes to black people, all half of the blacks are going to spend it. Where do you get this stuff from?
@RickJulian_HUMANS Ай бұрын
@freshlyfe4400 I'm speaking on issues that affect all Americans. There are no free lunches in life-there's a price for everything. How do you think reparations will affect the black community?
@freshlyfe4400 Ай бұрын
@@RickJulian_HUMANS It's a dead old. Who cares? They owe that native Americans get reparation. Japanese Americans got reparations after they was putting those in internment camps. Jews got reparation why's a problem when black people went their reparations as old over 400 years of slavery. A lot of these conditions in America that face the black community is because of slavery Jim Crow and discrimination and other racist practices
@RickJulian_HUMANS Ай бұрын
@freshlyfe4400 Ай бұрын
@@RickJulian_HUMANS thats 2019 and stop deflecting your are not qualified to have a say on reparations period I don't care how many black middle class friends you have.
@JohnDaubSuperfan369 Ай бұрын
​@@RickJulian_HUMANS As a first world citizen (european), I can vouch for "free lunches", they are absolutely abundant in functioning societies. I'm nearly 30 and have never worked a day in my life, nor will I ever have to, I can just do whatever I choose to do on a daily basis without having to even think of money, my rent is paid by the government and my benefits cover everything else. The blacks built your joke of a country, the least you can do is give em your monopoly money.
@MrBlueski93 8 ай бұрын
You would be a formidable spiritual warrior if you surrendered your life to Christ
@Ethicalhate 8 ай бұрын
Happy to join you on this journey
@RickJulian_HUMANS 8 ай бұрын
Welcome aboard!
@reddiver7293 8 ай бұрын
They are projections, not perceptions. Leftists want to complain and point to inequities. But have no interest in bringing about solutions. Other than demands for money and special privileges from white people and society at large.
@Wandering.Homebody 8 ай бұрын
I m an averagely attractive, middle aged white woman, and I dont feel anything like the woman in the clip. I m rather contentedly pottering about my days, i like my job, my friends, my flat, my neighbourhood, my city. I ve been to about 100 countries, among them some third world countries, in one of which I ve lived for years. The brown people who live there, some of whom I became close friends with, are nowhere near als oddly whingy than their counterpart in the States. Also, the stunning factor about 70% of the people ending it being white males isnt that that they are white, but male. 70% whites isn't THAT far off, proportionality wise, but 70 % white MALES is, because if it's 70% only white males, there will be even more males, overall, so that statistic is super out of whack.
@TheLastDispensation 8 ай бұрын
Please stop. People are just people. Race is a social construct! . . Are you white? Gray? Do you laugh? please stop!
@Katiemadonna3 8 ай бұрын
White person here, in the broken northwest indiana, no white people are happy, in fact they are pretty rude and cruel.
@edjr194 8 ай бұрын
You are white
@squeaker19694 8 ай бұрын
White person here. Australian. Its the human condition, that we always want more or something different to what we have. Ive got to the pount in my life having grown up poorish, compared to others in my community. Dreamt of having wealth one day. At 53 I have more than I need and its a burden. I now wish I could just live in a mud hut and grow my own food. I just wish this affluent consumersist world in which I live would just leave me alone. Its toxic . We worship stuff more than relationships and helping e a ch other. Affluent societies are robbed of the need to collaborate and support each other. Just look at how communities come together when theres a crisis. This is what we evolved to do, not sit in our comfortable homes comparing ourselves to fake perfection on a screen.
@davidalexanderlourie4371 8 ай бұрын
The illusion of happiness is generated by marketing agencies to encourage the masses to consume, to have the confidence to spend and to isolate dissenters and questioners. Isolation hinders discussion, and the social organization requires to make meaningful change. For decades many white people have looked to other indigenous cultures to find what is needed to fill the gaps in their lives. What white people most likely miss is a sense of community and belonging. Family and tribal identity has to some extent replaced by brand loyalty, fads and fashions, loyalty to forms of music, sports teams, makes of motor vehicle, sport and club membership as families have scattered in a culture of mobility and chasing economic opportunity. What brings people together are common interests and common struggles. The power of the propaganda /media to shape and form personalities and create the isolating cult of the individual is a deliberate effort to abort the social cohesion required to create the social organization required for positive democratic change. Being a successful consumer does not mean a successful or contented human being. The perpetual growth economy depends on perpetual dissatisfaction with consumption being the answer to problems created by marketing.