@thecrazyindian4951 11 күн бұрын
BA history that too from open university will it affect my placement in Bschool
@Gatsbys_gyan 11 күн бұрын
What are your grades like?
@sudhanshukumarsingh8628 15 күн бұрын
556 students were placed this year ,were they were total students or there more students?? At mdi gurgaon
@mayank7158 18 күн бұрын
It's very sad what Hamas has brought upon Gaza
@khizerkhan8156 19 күн бұрын
this is the best interview, I have ever laid my eyes on !!!!!
@Gatsbys_gyan 19 күн бұрын
Thank you so much!
@freakyfiak 23 күн бұрын
Can you ask her to list YT channels she used during her MBA, especially for quant related subjects?
@Gatsbys_gyan 22 күн бұрын
So there are different videos for every concept. Say for Finance Channels run by CAs will come handy. For stats and Economics random videos from here and there. NPTEL is useful as well.
@sathwikathummalapalli6558 23 күн бұрын
Very Inspiring😀
@sudhanshukumarsingh8628 23 күн бұрын
The placement committee things really messses me up while im preparing hope those things didn't happen to me
@Gatsbys_gyan 23 күн бұрын
1) You can Join the PC to control your prospects. 2) Never get into conflicts 3) Always be aware of your actions that might invite disciplinary subjection. Rest, have fun buddy!
@hemant4068 27 күн бұрын
Hlo bhaiya, I am also preparing for CAT and pursuing Graduation currently ( 3rd year)from English language and literature. Will it make any difference as I have no job experience and high achievements .
@Gatsbys_gyan 27 күн бұрын
Just score really well on CAT and everything else will fall into place.
@hifzanadil5956 28 күн бұрын
100% agree very well pointed out those stupids can't digest such a massive support for a particular religion from different parts of globe.
@manojchakrabarty758 Ай бұрын
It's Israel land... Not Palestinians land.
@Gatsbys_gyan 29 күн бұрын
The video isn't about that right?
@khushijain2002 Ай бұрын
Also, how is the reaction to an active genocide by doing whataboutery sane in any universe!!!
@Gatsbys_gyan Ай бұрын
Exactlyyyyyyyyyyyyy. Now that I've tried questioning this behavior I'm being labelled as an irrational hindu blindsided by articles. The crux is both of them are separate matters and just because one conflict is getting attention all across the world, doesn't mean that you go around invalidating it.
@khushijain2002 Ай бұрын
Saw the first photo you showed on an acquaintance's story and all of this backlash is really showing me what kind of people I actually want to surround myself with.
@Gatsbys_gyan Ай бұрын
I've reached a point where I fear discussing politics with people I know. Most of us are brainwashed to such an extent that we hold our ideologies very dear to ourselves.
@khushijain2002 Ай бұрын
@@Gatsbys_gyan sometimes it's more about morality and basic humanity than an ideology
@Gatsbys_gyan Ай бұрын
@@khushijain2002 Yeah Morality outweighs ideology anyday!
@sajimalik176 Ай бұрын
Hindu should focus on their own issues and religion.. hindu in Pakistan are living in peace.. and whats happening between Palestine and Israeli us an eye opener to the whole world how evil Israeli are and those supporting Israeli are acting mentally fked up.. the genocide on innocent gazan and rafah has changed the whole world..
@ProphetMohammad69 Ай бұрын
Ignorent 😂.
@Gatsbys_gyan Ай бұрын
@Purusaini8979 Ай бұрын
Dude you have said what I wanted to say !!!! People who don’t have any historical references about those two fighting each other especially young people of our country saying very good what’s happening to them . Keeping aside everything what had happened with us , we should feel the pain of those suffering without any reason. This should not be anyway related to any religion. Innocent childrens are dying and people keep commenting “ very good , you deserve this , out of context nonsense stuff” . I feel somehow we are loosing all our social values this is inhumane behaviour.
@Gatsbys_gyan Ай бұрын
Polarization is the reason we're losing all our social values maybe. With regard to Hindus, starting a new movement is far more reasonable than sabotaging one. Why don't people get this.
@vipulchandrajha8533 Ай бұрын
I am your subscriber. The reason some people have expressed their anger on 'All eyes on' Rafah post because of the hypocrisy. 1. When China butchered Uighur Muslims in Xinxiang, nobody from Muslim world protested. (Affected people - 1M+) Why? Because they need China's money. 2. When Saudi Arabia butchered the people of Yemen in 2015 (15k + died, 3M+ affected), again nobody protested. Why? Because Saudi is their daddy. 3. Currently, there is a humongous conflict in South Sudan, the worst hunger crisis, do you see any Muslim talking about it, even though those dying in Sudan are Muslims only. Because the perpetrators are Muslims also. Won't suit their agenda. 4. I see no support from Muslim community for Hindus who are facing genocide in Pakistan & faced in Kashmir. Liberals even deny it by calling it a class struggle. 5. Single mob lynching incident in India, and they create ruckus. 6. Believe me, there is a deep hatred for Jews. First Hamas attacked them, not Jews. For Jews, it's a fight for their existence. 7. There is an easy way to end this war. 'Asking Hamas to surrender who started it.' But no, Hamas officials are enjoying in Qatar & left their people dying. Why the hell nobody's questioning Hamas? Hypocrisy!! Being liberal is fine, but being a hypocrite is not! When I see selectivity, and biased opinions, it's problematic. I don't know if you like to hear alternative opinions, or may delete my comment. But as your subscriber, I am sharing my opinion.
@Gatsbys_gyan Ай бұрын
What you say makes sense. Thanks for commenting first of all. I want to ask you if one of the reasons for this can also be the coverage? For example when Russia annexed the Kremlin, not a lot of people were affected. During a similar exercise of hegemony in Ukraine, the response was starkly different. Also if people called out Muslims for everything you mentioned above, I stand by them. I'll definitely not support the clueless behavior. My problem is though when I see people foolishly hopping on to the Hindutva bandwagon and demanding support as if it was an indicator of nationality. I'm not sure if I'm able to put my point across well but the way Hindus themselves are being targeted by other Hindus isn't really wise. Like I mentioned in the video as well, I'm all in support of starting an individual moment for supporting Hindus from grief-stricken areas. Just that if you launch it as a response to something, it demeans the entire purpose of it.
@Gatsbys_gyan Ай бұрын
Also, thank you for being my subscriber and not having unsubscribed due to an ideological difference. Hahahah I'm definitely risking a few of them with this unplanned video.
@mhd7781 29 күн бұрын
I'm really sorry for saying this, but I agree with whatever you've mentioned in your comment... About Muslims being hypocrites, and not supporting humanity when needed... But what do you mean by Hamas started this? What do you mean by Jews protecting themselves and fighting for their existence? The land of Palestine was snatched from their people by the British and given to the Jewish refugees who were welcomed to the state with open arms. I do agree with the fact that Hamas is a terrorist organization but don't you think killing women and children amounts to tens of thousands is wrong as well? Don't you think the bombing of universities, libraries, and many other important artifacts is just pulling away the educational and knowledge-gaining rights of the layman in Palestine? Leave all those places, what about bombing hospitals? Leave that, what about bombing the so-called ""ANNOUNCED" "SAFE ZONE"" Rafah, that too by the state of Israel. Please do try looking at this issue not from a religious pov, instead look at it as a humanitarian crisis. In no way will I say or agree that Israel is protecting the faith and belief of Jews by killing innocent people.
@parizatverma2876 Ай бұрын
The main problem is that some people lack knowledge about geopolitics, even when discussing the current situation of Hindus in Pakistan. They seem to be supporting just to fit in socially. The truth is that no one seems to care about anything. #pseudo Hindus(Biggest fuckers)
@parizatverma2876 Ай бұрын
Nothing against your opinions.
@Gatsbys_gyan Ай бұрын
Well, even if they do care they're botching up the importance of an event like that by bringing it in light in response to something. It's a little naive that a specific community is getting support, so why shouldn't we?
@hritz3988 Ай бұрын
With all due respect mate, It is because of the stupidly incomplete and self proclaimed rational people like you that some of the major countries have been completely hijacked over by people from a particular religion (everyone knows what), you're literally not understanding the pattern here. The Hindus are just calling out the hypocrisy of Muslims. If you're completely mum on the issue of Kashmiri pandits who're a part of your own country (on the contrary you call it a propaganda), and you whine all day and night about Palestinians just because they're of the same faith. It reflects the extreme affinity with religion here, which has proved / is proving to be extremely dangerous for other communities who want to survive peacefully. When you're more religious ( and the religion too is an abrahamic one ) than you're a nationalist, It's a death call for the country you're in. Read some history and statistics to understand the pattern and not just novels and articles with an agenda. I know I may not be making sense to you here, but that's the thing with being unaware. You'll never know until it strikes you. Be a lil more rational about rationality. Think. Also don't defend/attack anyone with incomplete information about the matter as a whole.
@Gatsbys_gyan Ай бұрын
1) Calling out people for not supporting a specific event is foolish. 2) You don't get to decide who lives in the country and who doesn't on the basis of their religious affinity. 3) With regard to Kashmiri Pandits, had it been a case in recent times, I think people might have come out in support. Regardless, as a society it shouldn't really matter what a section does or doesn't do in moments of misery. 4) The Hindus are NOT calling out the hypocrisy of Muslim. They are calling out every single person who put up the RAFAH post. 5) I'm more aware about the statistics than anything else, I'm a pandit myself but the way extremism has engulfed interactions on such a significant level across the entire nation is questionable. 6) People are also more Hindu than they're Indians. That's the reason a certain party continues to stay relevant despite failing across many fronts. You can watch thousands of testimonials where people put forth the fact that we're voting for a Hindu party, we don't care about development.
@Gatsbys_gyan Ай бұрын
Also sharing a story doesn't mean whining all day and right. It was more of a trend that had garnered support across the world and people from India looped in as well. More importantly, like I mentioned in the video I'm all up for emancipation of Hindus from grief-stricken areas. But the timing and invalidation of every other event just because people were silent on a specific issue doesn't make sense.
@hritz3988 Ай бұрын
@@Gatsbys_gyan Bro, That's why I said, You won't get it. I was in your place a couple of year ago. I exactly know what you think like. But just for God's sake, Read about the fucking religion as a whole, the patterns, the history, the culture. And if you've got no time for that. Just don't share your opinion. You cannot stand for/against anyone unless you know them. Now coming to each and every point of yours. 1) Only the hypocrisy and religious affinity is being criticised. If your dad is ill, you'll care about him more than the uncle living in the other village. And you're not, that means you're not loyal to him but to the uncle living in the other village. 2) You cannot argue for every religion as a whole if you're not educated on that particular religion. I can't decide for someone but I can surely raise my voice for someone who is not loyal to my country. And now you'll say how does one decide who is loyal and who's not. Brains bro. Brains. Use some. There's enough data on the internet. 3) LOL !, is the Kashmiri Pandit issue over ? Have the Kashmiri Pandits resettled ? Aren't they being targeted again ? And why just Kashmiri Pandits ? What about Kanhaiya Lal and all just people who've victim of extremist ideology. See again. I CAN CLEARLY SEE YOU'RE SO UNAWARE on the issues. 4) Nah, Not just muslims. Every individual who chooses to stay silent of his own country's issues and starts promoting a trend or money or attention. Why do I even have to explain this lol. 5) Sure, when you choose to resist instead of staying silent, it's often termed as extremism. Extremism wasn't there when out nation was literally divided, when lakhs of people died, were R@ped. But now that people have been calling out and resisting the hypocrisy. it's extremism. 6) SEE, again. What do you mean by a Hindu ? Why would a Hindu be in any case against India ? What's the motive ? How can you even compare the two religions when you don't understand the basic difference between them ? Are you so blind to ignore the fact that literally hundreds if not thousands of terrorist organisations are dedicated to kill all the non believers. Equating the islamic extremism to hindu extremism is like comparing a tiger to a kitten. And what in the world is making you think that development and maintaining religious identity can't go hand in hand ? What is happening to developing nations in the west ? You wan't that to happen in India ? I mean I'm amazed by how educated people like you are just so unaware on basic ground Level knowledge. I wish I could talk to you in person and make you understand. Because according to me, no same person would ever put such video unless he's extremely unaware.
@Gatsbys_gyan Ай бұрын
​@@hritz3988 How about you do actually talk to me in person, prove my viewpoints wrong and I publish the video on my channel?
@Gatsbys_gyan Ай бұрын
​@@hritz3988 Also me citing the Kashmiri Pandit exodus isn't a reflection of what I know but what everyone in India is responding to Rafah with.
@sahabrandon1 Ай бұрын
And in india off campus placement is a scam 💯
@Gatsbys_gyan Ай бұрын
So I've applied at 100+ places and I really feel it's a scam to a good extent
@charuduttmalhara5757 Ай бұрын
One of the best videos for HR professionals!
@Gatsbys_gyan Ай бұрын
Thank you so much for your constant support!
@SyedAysha7869 Ай бұрын
Sir I'm in 2nd semester of B.A, i really wanna do it , i can , But as humanity background, is there any problem ?????
@Gatsbys_gyan Ай бұрын
Hello maam, there's no problem whatsoever. Just score well in CAT and everything will fall into place.
@SyedAysha7869 Ай бұрын
@Rohani589 24 күн бұрын
Age limit 20
@viditagarwal3486 Ай бұрын
Thank you! Super informative
@Gatsbys_gyan Ай бұрын
Check out 1:18:10
@viditagarwal3486 Ай бұрын
@@Gatsbys_gyan Haha yes, thank you!
@freakyfiak Ай бұрын
thanks for this interview
@Gatsbys_gyan Ай бұрын
Thanks for watching!
@ashton_martin_MSN Ай бұрын
Bhai MMS wale ko laa podcast pe, MHRD and MSc fin program nalla hai.
@Gatsbys_gyan Ай бұрын
Hahahahaha Nalla toh nhi hain. But yeah sure June ke second week tak MMS wale bande ke saath record karunga
@ashton_martin_MSN Ай бұрын
@@Gatsbys_gyan Yeh hui naa baat! Ek number bhai
@kishorekunchala8694 Ай бұрын
@armaankumar2000 Thanks a ton Man🫂
@anupriyapsychologist Ай бұрын
Very interesting and insightful
@sahabrandon1 Ай бұрын
Which category is he from ?🎉
@Gatsbys_gyan Ай бұрын
I didn't ask him about this 😶‍🌫
@sahabrandon1 Ай бұрын
@@Gatsbys_gyan that's a sin ! It matters in india because those are called special privileges in india 💫
@Gatsbys_gyan Ай бұрын
@@sahabrandon1 Sin ka toh pata nhi😂 but haan I get it. Idk I get a little shy asking about reservations, I feel it makes the other person feel uncomfortable
@anilasingh1218 Ай бұрын
Fantastic input…👏🏻👌🏻👍🏻
@ArmaanKumar2000 Ай бұрын
Thank you so much Kripal for having me on your podcast! I really enjoyed our conversation together!
@Gatsbys_gyan Ай бұрын
Likewise Armaan😊
@hifzanadil5956 Ай бұрын
Hi loved the content focus in bringing folks from tier 2 and 3.
@Gatsbys_gyan Ай бұрын
Thanks a lot!!
@charuduttmalhara5757 Ай бұрын
I have been following Gatsby Gyaan from the start, good going!
@Gatsbys_gyan Ай бұрын
Thank you so so much!
@Purusaini8979 Ай бұрын
Really good podcast man!!!! 😊
@Gatsbys_gyan Ай бұрын
Thank you so much!
@karuOP Ай бұрын
Crazyyyyy podcast
@Endian007 Ай бұрын
What clarity of Debi at this age ! Great