@aaroncress3008 Ай бұрын
this program is absulutly terrible, they lie constantly saying they called u when they didnt. when i found a place they had to transfer me well its been 2 months and now im paying for everything anyway. there scamming veterans through the va
@daisyc7917 Ай бұрын
Can you help me
@daisyc7917 Ай бұрын
I am in Wisconsin, I am in the process of…. But how do they pay 💰 the landlord….. what information they ask the landlord and what do I need to. Provide?
@VetBizTV Ай бұрын
I would reach out to CVI directly. www.cvivet.org/ or call 414.345.4254. They can provide you with more information.
@joshstiles3952 4 ай бұрын
How can I get into this school I’m a Marine who got out in 2021
@jessiefranklin536 5 ай бұрын
When will Congress approve this program Vet- technically?
@VetBizTV 5 ай бұрын
Good question Jesse- As far as we know, it’s already approved. But reach out to John Tansill at SkillStorm. He’s a great resource and his link is in the description of this video.
@mdmahfujurrahman6695 6 ай бұрын
I hope you are well. Visiting your channel I have seen your all videos and content are very good but your video SEO optimization is not professional. Perhaps you are busy for managing the channel.
@TheValerieMichelle 7 ай бұрын
I’m in Milwaukee and I own a property that I would love to turn into a transitional home .. how do I start?
@VetBizTV 7 ай бұрын
That’s fantastic… I would reach out to CVI directly. www.cvivet.org/ or call 414.345.4254. They can provide you with more information.
@worldtraveler303 7 ай бұрын
What’s the AMI for transitional housing? 50% or the 80%?
@VetBizTV 7 ай бұрын
That’s a good question… CVI would have that information. It may depend upon where you live too. www.cvivet.org/ 414.345.4254
@user-qw7oo1yi8f 8 ай бұрын
在清零封控中认清中共的邪恶 中国民众声明三退 虽然中共的三年清零封控已在2022年12月解封,但对住在北京的白冰,依然是一场挥之不去的噩梦。他在退出中共团队的声明中写下了这段痛苦的经历与体会:“核酸、健康码、疫苗、白无常、封楼封小区…那些不好的记忆在我的脑海中一遍遍地浮现,去年的极端防疫使我认清了中国共产党的邪恶本质。” “我活了近三十年,头一次见到政府这么无底线地欺负每一个老百姓,现在共产党对整个社会的管控越来越严,这种不适感并不能够通过自我催眠、自我欺骗来消解掉,中国共产党本身就是邪恶的!” “看了推背图、诺查丹玛斯、贵州藏字石等,古今中外的著名预言都说明中共必亡,而我则认为这个邪党根本就不应该在历史的长河中存在!中共在六四和苏东剧变后已经苟活了三十多年,它不能再继续存在下去了,这个马列邪教快些从中国消失、从世界消失,人类才有希望!” 白冰在声明中提到的苏东剧变,是指20世纪80年代末至90年代初的苏联及东欧各国,在推行几十年的社会主义制度解体后被资本主义制度所取代的事件。此事件之后,苏联、南斯拉夫、捷克斯洛伐克三国四分五裂,土崩瓦解,民主德国也与联邦德国合而为一。 白冰相信中共必亡的预言会很快应验,同时他也从苏东剧变的历史事件中,找到共产主义必然解体的希望。 不与共产党同流合污 中国民众选择三退 居住在上海的路征也宣布退出中国共产党、共青团、少先队,他在三退声明中写到: “我从小就努力学习,小学一年级加入少先队,初中时加入共青团,在大学里加入共产党,那时觉得一路绿灯,在同学中是佼佼者,很荣耀的一件事情,现在通过对法轮大法真相的了解,认清了共产党的邪恶本质,共产党的灭亡是必然,不想再与共产党同流合污了,现在郑重宣布,彻底与共产党划清界限,宣布退出少先队、退出共青团、退出共产党,与邪恶的共产党组织彻底决裂。” 同样声明退出中国少先队、共青团、共产党的池霖澄,表明了他生为中国人的痛苦。 “后悔生在中国,没有身为人的尊严和权利,只有受压迫和欺辱的痛苦,愿来世不做中国人,这辈子也要脱离苦海,享受人生 。立此为誓!” 马田园则认为中共的造假蒙骗是中国最大的耻辱,他声明退出党团队: “铭记历史,勿忘国耻……共产党才是中国最大的耻辱,假抗日,背地里搞扩张和苏联沆瀣一气,把抗日的正面战场留给国民党,中国共产党的诞生是全国人民的大灾难!必须三退抛弃它、唾弃它、远离它。” 独无有偶,面对中共的欺骗愚弄、邪恶好斗,王硕也选择退出党团队: “建政前论联合政府,建政后党领导一切;建政前高喊民主自由,建政后碾碎民主自由;建政前统一战线,建政后批倒批臭!这就是两面三刀的邪教党,我已看清真相,声明三退,不再被这个无耻的邪恶组织所欺骗所愚弄!” 此外,已逃离中国来到美国的刘征,他在退党声明中叙述了被严密监控的恐怖经历。 “我曾是一名中共党员、一名中共国国家公派出国人员。2020年因政见与中共相悖,实际是我说了防疫政策错误的实话,被中共秘密列为限制出省人员,在我不知情的情况下被省维保大队采录面部识别信息,直到一天告诉我可以提交申请「撤库」 ,我才意识到我被限制出省了,属于B类人员。” “这件事儿击碎了我所有的骄傲与自豪,庆幸自己逃出来了,觉醒了!共产党可快倒台了吧!退党人:刘征。” 认清中共的暴力与谎言 声明退出共青团、少先队 笔名叫wange的中国青年,懊悔当年年幼无知,被骗加入中共团队。他发表声明退出: “自己是一个华夏大地的子民,从来没有加入中国共产党。小时候由于年幼无知,被共产党欺骗,懵懂中加入过少先队,加入过共青团。自从接触到华夏境外的世界媒体,认识到中国共产党是一个靠暴力与谎言建立起来的邪恶独裁组织,并且仍然一直在祸害全华夏人民及全球人民。” “自此,我声明: 退出少先队、退出共青团,终生不加入中国共产党这个邪恶组织。为华夏大地能早日实现平等、自由、民主、法治而生。” 再看这位署名刘小新的中国青年,他详细描述在工作单位受到非人性的过度管控,导致身心俱疲,几乎崩溃。他声明退出共青团及少先队: “我大学毕业后因为中共国的就业形势而家里蹲了两年,后来误打误撞地在中共的某暴力机构里找了一个临时工作糊口,在外人看来我的工作朝九晚五没有996,有固定工资虽然不多但还是比较不错的,不过我内心一直感到十分痛苦。 在这里处处讲政治,中共的政治人员像看管犯人一样管理我们,私人护照和港澳台通行证也被收缴了。” “疫情期间逼着我们打疫苗,不打就被领导约谈,还动不动整一些和日常工作没有任何关系的没用的狗屁项目强制我们去做(很多东西侵占我们8小时之外的时间甚至部分个人隐私),拉个屎放个屁都谈政治!去年强制我们作为「志愿者」去防疫,我本来就有焦虑症抑郁症,还要到高速路口被老百姓骂,当时真想撂挑子不干了。” “这边中共的党棍也察觉出了一些人有不满情绪,召集我们开会,对我们说:你们要是辞职了还能干什么,现在能找到什么工作?要感党恩! (简直厚颜无耻至极,现在就业难生存压力大还不是你们这些狗东西造成的?)” “和家中长辈吐槽过工作,家人就说:你辞职了我们可不养你。” “我现在进退两难,这几天那种焦虑抑郁愤怒恐惧的情绪又毫无预警地集中爆发了,我身心俱疲,找不到解脱的路。我知道今天的这一切都是共产党造成的,在我的工作环境中更能直观地看到共产党的非人性的丑恶嘴脸!我声明退出共青团少先队,期待我现在面临的问题能顺利解决吧!” 一篇篇三退声明,表达了在中共体制下民众的愤怒、恐惧、无奈与不满。正如上述三退声明中提到的,这一切都是共产党造成的,中国共产党的诞生是全国人民的大灾难,也是中国最大的耻辱。每天都有数万的中国人不约而同的选择声明退出中共的党团队,他们衷心期盼没有共产党的中国赶快到来。 生成免翻墙二维码
@7EagleGroup 9 ай бұрын
🎯 Key Takeaways for quick navigation: 00:00 💼 Start preparing for civilian life as soon as you decide to leave the military, including managing finances, seeking employment or education, and connecting with resources. 00:42 🤝 Networking and developing skills through internships and relationships within organizations can be valuable during the transition to civilian life. 01:10 🚀 Take initiative in your job search; actively seek out opportunities and connections instead of waiting for offers to come to you. 01:25 🧐 Don't hesitate to be proactive and self-reliant in pursuing your goals and career opportunities during the transition. 01:51 🎵 The video clip ends; no additional content. Made with HARPA AI
@VetBizTV 9 ай бұрын
Love it! Thanks for sharing!
@todd1.o 10 ай бұрын
what's the best course if you have no coding experience ?
@VetBizTV 10 ай бұрын
Hi @Todd1.o - Great question. Feel free to reach out to John directly at: [email protected] If you’re on LinkedIn, you can send him a message as well. Thanks for watching!
@charleskinsey2077 10 ай бұрын
Its for your legacy
@freezerwithani9251 10 ай бұрын
Im getting buried with my valuables
@hadassahw9984 10 ай бұрын
@fusioncell 11 ай бұрын
Thank you for this video! It's great to see #veteranshelpingveterans
@VetBizTV 11 ай бұрын
Thanks for watching and supporting! Appreciate you!
@saintmatthew2634 11 ай бұрын
Im still active duty and have a great business idea just need to get in the right rooms to shake babies and kiss hands. I’ll be utilizing this resources thanks for the video!
@VetBizTV 11 ай бұрын
Love to hear it! Get after it! Let us know if we can be a resource in any way!
@thegreenlogbook Жыл бұрын
Nice! What kind of sales?
@VetBizTV Жыл бұрын
Great question: It varies but Sales Platoon helps you find a job in a field that you like in sales. They also have corporate partnerships that are looking for trained talent. I’d reach out to John for more info. Link in description.
@VetBizTV Жыл бұрын
They have another cohort coming up in September. www.mysalesplatoon.com/
@CB-on8bd Жыл бұрын
I’m going to be honest with y’all as a new veteran just getting out of the military. I landed a job but it wasn’t easy but I’m trying to find a job back home and it is extremely difficult even with several college degrees certifications and active clearance. I get overlooked all the time for someone who is not a veteran buckle up because it’s going to be a hard through years for us veterans to land jobs.
@VetBizTV Жыл бұрын
Agreed! Leveraging connections and your network are extremely important. Great to hear that you landed a job! Find Veterans in your area and start networking. It was the best thing I ever did! Changed the trajectory. It’s not always what you know, it’s who you know. Thanks for watching! Appreciate you!
@user-wo7nt9bt6f Жыл бұрын
VetBizTV is not only a tremendous asset for veterans, but it provides the civilian world real insight into the realities Vets face when transitioning to the civilian world.
@VetBizTV Жыл бұрын
Appreciate your support and feedback Patrick! It means a lot to have supporters like you to help us keep moving forward! 👊🏼🙏🏼
@therosienetwork5176 Жыл бұрын
Thank you, @vetbiztv for the great interivews! It was fun and I learned a lot. KUDOs & Thanks to all our nation's military spouses out there!
@ML-xx9kc Жыл бұрын
"I gaslight employees into thinking surgery in a tatty office is better than a hospital." Fucking class traitor.
@patrickmoore4712 Жыл бұрын
Gotta get me one of those hats. Thanks Bryan!
@VetBizTV Жыл бұрын
Absolutely! Got one with your name on it!
@sean5996 Жыл бұрын
*promo sm*
@michaelschwartz8922 Жыл бұрын
Love it Mark.
@curryreeves1369 Жыл бұрын
i’m getting out soon and it’s terrifying but this put me at ease
@VetBizTV Жыл бұрын
Hi Curry-- Thanks for your service! We totally understand. That's why we put this together. We all went through it at some point... Don't be shy, we're here to help! Veterans want to help other Veterans. We appreciate your feedback!
@ts4602 Жыл бұрын
Do you help married veterans with housing
@VetBizTV Жыл бұрын
Hello Queen-Reach out to CVI directly at [email protected] and a member of their team will assist you and answer any questions that you may have.
@lyssgoddess Жыл бұрын
Our case management services have been a joke… discrimination… so many bad recommendations… as a mental health advocate especially for my own care… the va has failed me and continues to fail me as a 100% disabled veteran… literally denying me care directly admitting to and calling me abusive. I wish more of these programs could hear what we ask for and the help we ask for instead of providing what they feel is more necessary… my relationship with this VA continues to deteriorate with no hope of progress to fix it… I’ve made complaints to every complaint line possible… reach out to the veteran health network…”if I can’t help you I’m just gonna hang up the phone” “can I speak with a supervisor?” “No” We did come to you… but you continue not to provide the care we need or deserve… “whatever we need to make it happen for the veteran we can do that” I would love to see these words put into action as a veteran. I don’t agree that I can come to just any program… I have been massively discriminated out of programs calling my partner “prckerwood” u live in Wisconsin I believe… but the care is supposed to be federal… country wide… So why are some of us housed and some us eating dirt… it’s crazy to think 😂 these programs have become laughable to the veteran community where we live because they continue not to provide anything or be veteran friendly… This should be the care we all get in every state… it’s unfair… “Relocate” how? We are handicapped because of our service What a joke…
@thegreenlogbook Жыл бұрын
Agreed. I started thinking ahead at about my 15-year mark, then put it into overdrive at my 18 and 19 year mark. Retiring from the Marine Corps in a few months now.
@VetBizTV Жыл бұрын
Congrats Devil Dog on a great career! Great to hear you have a plan!
@neilsmith9938 Жыл бұрын
I"m not a Vet but I would like to purchase homes in Las Vegas to help homeless Vets. Where would I start?
@VetBizTV Жыл бұрын
Hi Neil - That's great to hear! I would first reach out to your State Government/State VA Department to see if they have anything in place to assist. I know some states have annual grant programs to assist with these types of causes. Here are a few others you can look into as well. Robert R. Mccormick Foundation-donate.mccormickfoundation.org Bob Woodruff Foundation-bobwoodrufffoundation.org newmansownfoundation.org
@neilsmith9938 Жыл бұрын
Is it possible to get a grant for housing veterans when I'm not a vet?
@VetBizTV Ай бұрын
I would reach out to CVI directly. www.cvivet.org/ or call 414.345.4254. They can provide you with more information.
@francisschuessler Жыл бұрын
I am getting out of the Marine Corps next year. I am still trying to figure out what this means for me. I am single, have no debt (other than a small car loan), good savings, an associate's degree, an untouched GI Bill (thank the Lord for TA), as well as a transferrable skill. My struggle is maintaining a purpose, I do not just want to work some job because it is easy or relaxed. Any advice on this?
@VetBizTV Жыл бұрын
Hi Francis- First, thanks for your service brother! Great job on saving money and knocking out some education. For purpose, what do you love/enjoy doing? What lights the fire in your belly? What gets you excited? (Flip side, what do you hate doing- eliminate those things) (Examples: Building things-Engineering, Trades, Project Management, Automation - being a Union Tradesman(Electrician, Plumber, Machine Operator, etc…)is a very rewarding career and can lead to other jobs within the industry-Estimator, Project Manager, etc… Financing-Accounting, Financial Advisor, Analyst, which can lead to promotions- Controller, CFO; Sales- You can do this in almost any industry. Do you love being around people? Do you love a challenge? Do you love solving problems? Are you good at customer service? Do you have good energy? You can make a lot of money here if you’re willing to put in the work but find a vertical you love. You may not start here, but you can work your way to here.) All examples can lead to promotion and/or owning your own business; This would be a good place to start, once you have an idea of what you want to do, research it and find programs for veterans. Trades: Helmets to Hardhats & most contractors will pay for your training nowadays. GI Bill: You can use that for just about anything. A few of the resources in the video, listed in the description, ACP, Deloitte, utilize those. ACP will align you with a mentor to help you get where you want to go. Mission Wisconsin, talk with Steve. He lives in this space and can point you in the right direction. Also a Marine! Maybe we’ll make a video on this. I hope this helps as a start. Once you figure out your passion, then we can dive into the next steps. Semper Fi!
@racheldumas1459 Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for this video! I am currently in this phase of my career and I felt as though my mind wouldn’t stop worrying if I could succeed or not. This video helped ease my worries a bit and gave me some new ideas!
@VetBizTV Жыл бұрын
That’s awesome to hear Rachel! Thank you for your service and congratulations on transitioning! Don’t be afraid to reach out to your fellow brothers and sisters! We’re all in the fight together and we’re here to help you succeed! Thanks for watching!
@robertdeffenbaugh9004 Жыл бұрын
Even though my Brother has a successful career in Civilian Life I think my Brother is still in Afghanistan mentally. In his sleep he yells out names of the Soldiers he knew who died there. He sleepwalks the drills. Once when he was sleepwalking he took his car keys. Afghanistan gave him Asthma.
@VetBizTV Жыл бұрын
Mental health is a very real thing. It’s not easy to deal with trauma. We’re humans. I’m happy to hear he is doing well in his career. Has he engaged with the Veteran Community locally? VA? Sometimes being able to have conversations helps with mindfulness. We all want to help each other!
@AckDawg Жыл бұрын
Thanks for the video helped ease my mind about all this!
@VetBizTV Жыл бұрын
There’s always challenges. Nothing that is Military Veterans are not used too. Tap into a Veterans Network near where you plan on living. When I found a group of Vets to connect with locally, it changed everything. Depending on what you want to do, they can help make connections and referrals. It’s your new unit. Fellow Veterans want to help each other. Let us know if we can help!
@thegreenlogbook Жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing the info, I’m always looking to connect with other people/channels that touch on the whole military to transition process! I do something similar on my channel.
@VetBizTV Жыл бұрын
That's great to hear! Is there anything specific that you're looking for?
@TrumanSok Жыл бұрын
Thanks you brother for this video very helpful!
@VetBizTV Жыл бұрын
We’re all here to help one another! Glad to hear that it was helpful! Don’t be afraid to reach out if you have any questions. Wish you the best of luck with your future endeavors! Thank for sharing!
@dancingkirby3591 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for the awesome video. Getting out is honestly extremely terrifying. There is always that deep down sense of "what if I can't provide for my family?" Your video gave me a good direction to focus some of my energy on.
@VetBizTV Жыл бұрын
You’re not the only one! It’s the land of the unknown without a lot of direction. Don’t be afraid to reach out if you ever have questions… we’re all here for each other! Hopefully you were able to get some good insight. Thanks for sharing! Appreciate you!
@lifevest1 Жыл бұрын
Steve of Taskforce Uplift has an outstanding project going here. Thanks to the partnership with CVI, this is just the start of some very good things!!
@mandomtn1962 Жыл бұрын
@traveledroots7129 Жыл бұрын
Great info! Definitely some value from this video.
@DominicT23 Жыл бұрын
Thank you brother!!
@richardrickrodgers Жыл бұрын
Fantastic, congratulations Berdie. Richard Rodgers Emeritus Vice President-Retired CVI Ltd.
@edp5886 Жыл бұрын
So very proud of this organization and honored to work for CVI!
@VetBizTV Жыл бұрын
You and your team at CVI are doing great things for our Veterans and their families! Keep up the great work!
@christinamariehicks1078 Жыл бұрын
Your marines are in over thier heads too.
@davidmitchell3783 2 жыл бұрын
I need mentorship, resources, and just plain old help in starting a small veteran business ASAP. PLEASE CONTACT ME!!
@treebeardtheent2200 2 жыл бұрын
How do you start looking for another life after 13 years when an "easier" than normal week is anything less than 100 hours a week and instead of the 10 days given to guys with only 6 months of service, you barely get 3 days of TAMPS? Still pissed about it.
@VetBizTV 2 жыл бұрын
@Treebeard... the system is broken. They put a lot of training and development into you up front to turn you into a Soldier, Marine, Sailor, etc... There is little to no training on the back end to prepare for transition. Our goal is to promote organizations and share resources that are helping veterans with the transition. Stay tuned for more videos to come. Thanks for watching and supporting!
@treebeardtheent2200 2 жыл бұрын
@@VetBizTV Tbh I really wish that government would jusr get out of the way to remove the primary hinderance to prosperity. In that situation, there would be a desperate look for anyone willing to work as I am, but this status where those without connections are expected to beg is unacceptable. Honorable men do not beg.
@VetBizTV 2 жыл бұрын
@@treebeardtheent2200 The government has gotten to big unfortunately. They usually find a way to ruin everything. If we can be a resource in any way, please do let us know! We're here to help any way we can. Or at least steer you in the right direction.
@VetBizTV 2 жыл бұрын
Personally, I'm a 4am wake up. Head to the gym. I do 45 minutes of Cardio, get a good sweat going to refresh the brain and get focused for the day. Similar to Greg's routine. It's like therapy.
@addiecobb5351 2 жыл бұрын
You are doing a fantastic job. I remember answering those same questions. For example, golf is too expensive, golf is for rich people, the equipment cost too much etc. Keep growing the game of golf!
@VetBizTV 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks Addie! Great to hear your feedback! Richard and his team are doing great things and they’re an amazing group!
@kennethgay7259 2 жыл бұрын
Excellent interview!!! I’m a graduate of the Service2CEO program for veteran entrepreneurs hosted by the Rosie Network. They are a wonderful organization who helps Veterans & Spouses.
@VetBizTV 2 жыл бұрын
Hi Kenneth -- Appreciate your comment! That is fantastic! Thanks for sharing and great to hear from those who have completed the program.
@kennethgay7259 2 жыл бұрын
Excellent interview!!! I’m a graduate of the Service2CEO program for veteran entrepreneurs hosted by the Rosie Network. They are a wonderful organization who helps Veterans & Spouses.
@VetBizTV 2 жыл бұрын
Hi Kenneth -- Appreciate your comment! That is fantastic! Thanks for sharing and great to hear from those who have completed the program.