*THE* TWITCH BAN | OfflineTV Podcast #7
@9BallBory 17 сағат бұрын
Btw people you don’t actually see the color, it’s just can your brain imagine the colors being there
@purpleguy9871 18 сағат бұрын
I'm the newest comment
@karastired 19 сағат бұрын
This is only a good thing!
@dj_314 20 сағат бұрын
1:03:56 is why Michael is great, he's so unconcerned with his "IP" being borrowed. He understands that he sits on the shoulders of giants, so geeky kids copying him are not threats, they are friends, little hims, to be fostered or appreciated for gr trying. Capitalism is a fucking prison that strangles good will, learning, and creativity.
@06racing 21 сағат бұрын
Sometimes I wonder how she made it this far in life.
@EczemaWarriorPrinces 21 сағат бұрын
As "the guy at boardgame nights that's like uuuuuuhhhh" not a worthy excuse to dodge playing, my friends are pretty happy to just let me learn as I play cos that's how it works for me! Don't dodge the boardgames, dodge the people that don't accept you!
@FluffyGomez 22 сағат бұрын
crazy how wrong they were about Eminem 😭
@MrGrim 23 сағат бұрын
It's almost like that was a terrible good awful no good idea
@carlogemigniani5720 Күн бұрын
i have what hes talking about, and if he says that when hes tired they get bigger, most likely this guy is just seeing the light on his eyelashes, "when i squint they get bigger, when i open my eyes wide they get smaller"
@Tigerous Күн бұрын
Lily is always the mean one 😢
@NUTDOM Күн бұрын
I used to think images of light in the dark were extremely unrealistic and always used to wonder why they didn’t just include the lines it can’t be that hard. Anyway I walk into things that aren’t in the centre of my vision a lot.
@Thesmus Күн бұрын
with the end topic, i have something i do that i think is not normal but i do them anyways. so i have this weird fixation where i want to feel in my body be symmetrical. like if my right arm is feeling weary, i also want the left to feel the same way. if i stubbed my left foot, i will also want to stub my right foot.... i still remember me thinking that my lefts and my rights are like of their own persons, where one gets jealous or something cause only the other side is getting used. i'm right handed, so most of the things i do are done with my right, which also means it gets tired and weary more often. and so this was partly a reason i started to learn how to brush my teeth or wash dishes with my left hand. i mean i don't exactly try to make my lefts and right feel equally all the time, but there have been moments where i find myself just wanting the one side to feel the same thing as the other. maybe i'll say they're mostly if i can i will moment, but will not be too bothered if i don't. i also want to share my thing of trying things that may be a bit inconvenient for myself as a sort of training and preparation for a probable future. like i tried showering with lights off or eyes closed back then cause i want to be prepared in case i lose my eye sight. or the thing with me using my left for brushing my teeth, i also partly did that in case my right arm becomes unusable. but i also think i did them cause it's cool to do these stuffs with such handicaps.
@zachklimmer4648 Күн бұрын
brodin jumpscare
@kenners1993 Күн бұрын
Everyone is 5 people just like to lie
@Neopumper666 Күн бұрын
Dammit toast why did you do it??
@justfaxxxxx01234 Күн бұрын
Otv(mostly toast and jodi) opinions be like - we hate eminem, his music sucks, his looks suck and the way he dresses suck, dua lipa isnt hot, billie eilish isnt hot, taylor swift has lost my respect, At the same time " BbNo MoNeY iS aNoMaLy " They be praising the artists that are irrelevant, washed, small, dont make good music, just because they have a possibility of collaboration and hate the ones that are actually good, make good music, received awards always in global artist ranking spotify and youtube artist ranking top 5, declared as legends and goats just because they cant meet them ever, dont actually listen to music, have bad taste and just constantly hate on the greats just because they themselves are washed and make bad content that make people go to sleep by watching. Keep hating the legends in the music industry, keep hating men, keep making bad content that make people go to sleep, keep using make up and insulting others looks, keep having bad tasts, keep being rasists, keep sleeping while making content, keep banning and insulting the people that watch u just because they give constructive criticism. Yall can earn millions of dollars but just know yall have 0 positive impact on the world, and the way things are going yall might just have started having negative impact on the world for the simps that watch otv still. Have been an otv fan for couple years but now i have Unsubscribed and Disliked multiple of yalls videos and shorts just to stop youtube algorithm from still showing yalls videos/shots in my youtube page but yall still pop up, maybe coz i watched yall before. Makes me genuinely angry at myself for wasting my time watching so out of touch reality bad content creators. Hopefully after this dislike, youtube will stop showing me otv content finally. If not, i might just make a new account to stop watching this garbage content
@KiraAsakura14 Күн бұрын
"I hear things from the garage sometimes.." is ominous as fuck
@inmech Күн бұрын
As a professional in a tech industry (BAS/Controls) I can confirm licenses can be over 10 grand for certan hardware or software packages. It's no joke
@phoxgames5800 Күн бұрын
This is why giving influencers money was the dumbest thing we did as an economy. Now idiots have money to blow
@syatsu4012 Күн бұрын
32? damn
@KozmoCraft Күн бұрын
I can see it in full 3D...
@Gart24 Күн бұрын
I actually dislike boston dynamics more knowing that they're denying people the ability to use a thing they paid for however they want. Pretty scummy
@VannessasInhalerFromFnaf Күн бұрын
the death stare lilly gives toast after he says BUM
@jerkygirlx Күн бұрын
How to train your dragon is a goat of a movie.
@morris2120 Күн бұрын
women <3333333333333
@MonopoliMendoza Күн бұрын
Ya los tenemos a los maleantes enemis jajajaja 😂😂😂🎉
@touyatakami3374 Күн бұрын
Ummm people don't see color when thinking of things?
@allright2512 Күн бұрын
She has the worst voice ive ever heard
@jetboy531 Күн бұрын
Yo how did Ludwig know I told my 5000 viewers to leave 😂
@idklol7338 2 күн бұрын
6:17 not even joking i gasped at that same time as jodi
@georgegoodall3573 2 күн бұрын
What wrong with his face ?
@FeltzyBoy 2 күн бұрын
If that's what you consider to be brainrot online, he'd be appalled by most of what's on tiktok
@qpeocn 2 күн бұрын
Where can I sign up? I'm serious
@averydizzle 2 күн бұрын
God she is so annoying. Everything about this whole group of dweebs cringes me out.
@Neopumper666 2 күн бұрын
Lucky dude
@fireflymystery 2 күн бұрын
Gnomes for sure.
@Oskar_. 2 күн бұрын
I can debug myself with this sometimes
@epikh1gh536 2 күн бұрын
wow poki fell off big time
@devoncarr3653 2 күн бұрын
As a person who host games and love them. Its so damn stressful when you need to "pitch" a game you may have never played, while also explaining all the rules. Also to all the people who say they hate to ask questions or feel bad. Dont be. I think for anyone that host game nights having people who are enjoying the game is the best feeling so if helping you understand makes you have more which will carry over to everyones fun. I speak for myself but it isnt a burden to me and someone else may have had the same question myself included.
@rasyasejati 2 күн бұрын
i have this, and the way that i know that not everybody has this is through twitter out of all places
@yonosetudimeaver 2 күн бұрын
I thought it was a normal thing-
@MyNamesHunter75 2 күн бұрын
Graveyard of brodin is my favorite band
@Xoxo_Koko212 2 күн бұрын
Nah toast will make sure lilys child isn’t a bum- and so will all their other “aunts” and “uncles”
@raajidoshi 2 күн бұрын
I have this but I don't have astigmatism (I know cause I have really bad vision and use nighttime contacts- called Ortho K- which you can't use if you have it)
@FazeRaptor9405 3 күн бұрын
If mark rober does 12 videos a year, Michael can too….. except he doesn’t and never will
@VeryLoki 3 күн бұрын
she's a violent woman.
@KingJH0510 3 күн бұрын
Toast, i dont think thats fighting😂
@Whateverhappened_to_Fay_Wray 3 күн бұрын
Astigmatism is caused when your cornea is slightly rugby ball shaped so your focal point at the centre of your visual field isnt a nice precise point but rather a line with less accuracy hence the characteristic streaking the light your taking in is out of focus and 'smeared' in the direction of the angle of the deformity. Thats why it maintains the same trajectory in your eye when you move your head. The meridians arent converging to the same crisp centre point. This is different from short sightedness as it causes blurriness at any distance.
@DannyJ3636 3 күн бұрын
Damn, Nijisanji needs to hire these people
@GraveXSensei 3 күн бұрын
He got beef with the PenguinZ guy .. Thank me later ~ 😎🍻