Adobe STEALS From YOU?!
14 күн бұрын
Nathan has left us...
21 күн бұрын
It's good because animals do it?!?
@rsh8057 5 минут бұрын
I'm sorry but that little Jedi kind of reminded me of Nathan... I dubb him Jedi Nathan.
@xaemosxone 11 минут бұрын
He had to for all the gays they need eye candy in shows.
@deathsdoor07 36 минут бұрын
Cortosis can be used if a competent writer was behind it. Make it rare, hard to refine, and it immediately shatters onces it deactivates a lightsaber.
@sir_cahstic3637 46 минут бұрын
20:24 did someone say James Gunn?
@diehard82 53 минут бұрын
honestly, in a series that only has 8 episode, there should be no filler episodes. They are simply that incompetent that they have no concept of pacing
@deathsdoor07 Сағат бұрын
I will say I can't wait to find out how this possibly ends.
@merakimelodies8931 Сағат бұрын
Shad’s using the Dark Side of the Force on a temporary-basis and using the ancient-Sith technique of hate-watching and angering channels (rather than channeling anger). 😂😝
@zacharyfrancis7708 Сағат бұрын
The Acolyte vs the Rings of Power? Both complete and utter garbage.
@Gorrgon Сағат бұрын
Where the bird like creatures lesbians?
@alvinpeterson1039 Сағат бұрын
Okay how does Master Sol know where to go if he knocked out Mai. Easy think like the writers.....he read her mind off screen. Audience will fill in the blanks. Duh. Come on guys think like the writers.
@HolgerGruber Сағат бұрын
Desperate waiting for the directrix' cut of episode 6: did "he" already had surgery or not?
@alvinpeterson1039 Сағат бұрын
Well he kills 7 Knights and a Padawan. Only the Master Lives which is Sol. You count them on the mountain Jacky - Padawan, Yord - Knight, and 6 Unknown Knights, and Sol - Master.
@alvinpeterson1039 2 сағат бұрын
You guys know about swordplay. They don't and they don't expect the general audience to know about swordplay. So they can say garbage and expect the audience to just consume product and get ready for next product. Lol
@Seacai150 2 сағат бұрын
I’ve loved pretty much every single minute of this show since it started. It’s incredibly well done. These people all care about the product.
@capt.gigglepants1538 2 сағат бұрын
someone from the government needs to audit this series. where did the budget go!?
@baxykilafsh1313 2 сағат бұрын
It is good to see the comment section grilling him for this abysmal take.
@HolyknightVader999 2 сағат бұрын
Aegon II saw the people as more of his family than his actual family who treated him like a pawn.
@dancingdonkey5106 2 сағат бұрын
I completely agree. I love these shows, but the nudity is just too much. It's uncalled for it doesn't add to the story one could have great dialog away from the sea and nudity. It is still a great show and series, but the nudity is a shame it cuts out a huge audience.
@Spartan-P 2 сағат бұрын
I honestly didn't know about cortosis until this show. I doubt anyone really did unless you actually read the comics that it was in. Honestly have no problems with it. It would've been extremely cool to get a backstory on the metal, like how it was used by some sort of ancient warrior class or something but these writers are legit retarded.
@merakimelodies8931 3 сағат бұрын
I agree completely about cortosis--I've often wondered the same about it, and questioned why it's not more commonly acquired by the villain. There was enough for the C.I.S. to plan a smaller line of battle-droids with a cortosis-carapace (which would be a ton of droids and a ton of cortosis, nonetheless: a small line of droids is a lot of droids, but is smaller by-comparison, to my awareness); Cad Bane acquired cortosis-bullets (though they were challenging enough to get and he was aware of enough other Jedi-killing tactics that he stopped carrying them, if I recall properly); and various other malicious-figures across the galaxy used it. I would love to see cortosis be a viable tactic in that universe, but for it to be authentically-rare: for it to be so rare that maybe only a few pounds of it are found a year across the galaxy, and even those take so much to refine that it is not very accessible and takes forever to even make in a finer form (maybe the pristine, unrefined form, while still super-rare and rather-inaccessible, could be a bit more acquirable, but it only blocks lightsabers and is a bit heavier and more unwieldy or challenging to wear; and the refined form, while lighter and capable of blinking-out lightsabers and deflecting blaster-bolts, could be more brittle and more easily-destroyed, shattered by traditional-arms and conventional-damage-it couldn’t stand up to strains such as staves and metal-swords and clubs and fall-damage). That would make cortosis a viable consideration for Jedi and Jedi-slayers, alike, and would be enough for very talented, very resourceful, or very cunning enemies of the Jedi to get their hands on in small levels, and would be enough for potent factions (such as the C.I.S. or the Galactic Empire) to make some special-forces units who use it. That would sufficiently-challenge the Jedi with new opponents, ones other than Sith or witches. Bounty-hunters and Jedi-hunters show that the field is already level if one doesn't play by the Jedi's rules and fight on their terms, but the cortosis would level the playing-field even in open-combat, to a degree (especially if used, or, at the very least, integrated, into weapons, armor, and/or projectiles). I especially loved Tyranth's idea about a cortosis-crossguard. According to Disney, lightsabers are not too heavy for non-Force-wielders to handle, so it would be cool to see a team of typical-people who are super-highly trained engaging Jedi in open battle, and getting a lot of satisfaction in standing toe-to-toe with Force-wielders: guys who were low-key jealous or viewed the Jedi as smug or unfair, and who are personally-invested (even if so in a somewhat-petty and/or evil fashion). I want to clarify that I'm coming up with this based on cortosis as it is, but this is not, to my awareness, the way cortosis is portrayed: what I’m getting at is keeping the base-properties the same, but changing the substance mildly and changing its rarity and integration into the universe substantially.
@Th3Nark 3 сағат бұрын
I wonder if they are going to bother actually bringing the thread back into it? They showed the Wookie looking into the thread, had the big flash back episode so it seems like it should be important, but I really don't see how it will be... They bothered to introduce it in their cringe show, but it's probably going to be a nothing burger, or they'll throw it in randomly as being SUPER important for a terrible reason.
@wrestlerwannabe 3 сағат бұрын
I hear what you’re saying but… Gnome Artificer, with a wheelchair that is decked out with all kinds of stuff. Rockets/thrusters for added mobility, robot arms for melee combat and utility, repeating crossbows and small cannons for range, an instant deploy shell for ramming into things, seatbelt, and even cup holders! Just the most steam/fantasy punk wheelchair ever. And now for the punchline. The gnome isn’t disabled. They just think that having a weaponized/mechanized wheelchair is cool.
@callhoonrepublican 4 сағат бұрын
i had forgotten about this ''show'' already
@JJLYKES 4 сағат бұрын
Answer: they were objectifying men...
@nolanl72 4 сағат бұрын
When i was watching this episode i nearly started to have heart palpitations when Ohsa and Smilo were talking about his past when he says he was a jedi a long time ago. Now it may just be because i have been playing kights of the old Republic recently but i almost started to panic and think they were going to reveal him to be Revan somehow alive in this time. Massive power? Check! Has been both light and dark?Check! Has obscure knowledge? Check! Fondness for helmets? Check! Been betrayed? Check! Someone please save me before they reveal any more about Smilo and my brain runs away screaming in possible terror!!!!!!
@wombodjembe7180 4 сағат бұрын
I think the brothel is scene works on so many levels. I think perhaps yiur distaste for these kinds of scenes has prevented you from noticing the really clever writting here. So having the sexual acts be so explicit and on display and having people be discovered by the king and not caring because they know where they are and they dont care if someone sees them there. Then you have aemond one eye discovered and he is doing the least explicit thing. He is just being held by a woman and allowing himself to feel vulnerable. Then you feel the shane he feels when his brother discovers him. His brither wrongly thinks that he should be ashamed because he is laying with the sane woman and his brother thinks this makes him sentimental and he is mocking him for that. When really his shame comes from the fact that he was caught in his most vulnerable state by his brother who has only really respected him in recent yearsm you could see aemond spiralling and remembering the pig in the dragon pit. Then you see the point where he stands and walks away in his birthday suit with no shame that is because he realises his brother isnt mocking him for being weak but for sonething that ultimately doesnt affect him. This also will help feed into the audience the idea that larys clubfoot may be right aemond may not want to take orders from this guy. Finally it shows how bad Aegon is at identifying what makes people weak even his own brother he couldnt see the source of embarassment. This scene does a great job at reaffirming the positions of each of tgese characters and I think if you cut it you would loose so much. Oh and targaryns freely and often using brothels helps establish why there are so many damn dragon seeds. And it was a tied in continuation of a sub plot where they just left that bar that introduced Ulf who is a dragon seed. Honestly super clever
@GeekOwtLowd 4 сағат бұрын
I don't think it would be illegal to kill palpatine after he slaughtered 2 or 3 jedi in front of Mace Windu. At that point, he's stopping the equivalent of an "active shooter".
@willbohland3698 4 сағат бұрын
Everybody knows that floppy wiener will save an IP. Nothing puts the butts in the seats like male nudity.
@GeekOwtLowd 4 сағат бұрын
You can have a villain become good. But, if you want the redemption to be narratively satisfying, then a murderous villain can only be redeemed by sacrificing his/her life to save another. Which is why Vader ending works.
@GeekOwtLowd 4 сағат бұрын
Do you think that they don't use the word "apprentice" because of the Trump TV show?
@beejeebeehee5964 4 сағат бұрын
I think ppl are misinterpreting the "power of mannnyyyy". The writers are adding to the lore of the most mysterious and legendary Star Wars character. Manny. Manny Bothans. He was a busy fellow indeed.
@anvec6145 5 сағат бұрын
there was a weird focus on Sol's gloved hands in the clips, wasn't really a thing before from what I can tell. Felt as contrived as the "hair suddenly long enough to trim with lightsaber" moment, wanna bet halfway through the show they added burn scars because someone thought "we forgot to implicate the male, quick have the camera catch some weird hand stuff- that's Star Warsy"
@chrisbirt1667 5 сағат бұрын
🚩all of the critics have missed this one. May tells Sole to restart a system will take 5 Minutes. WTF MINUTES!!!!! Whose friggen sun is she calculating MINUTES by can she see our sun from where she is standing???????
@nicolasturenne415 5 сағат бұрын
After tv shows like this one, I'm convinced : IA scripts are the's the least worst scenario...
@scorpionjaxxer339 5 сағат бұрын
Peak low for Star Wars… never coming back from this…
@josephlarkin7167 5 сағат бұрын
Honestly how could you give up your power and your claim unless you don't want it but even aenys son aegon the uncrowded had rights to fight for his claim because maegor was usurper just like aegon is because he is not the heir a second son he should've showed the king he could shoulder the burdens I think rhaenyra should be more ruthless why alicent lying just say I been planning this this is annoying if only everyone was up front like daemon claiming he had nothing to do with jahearys death I think that's crazy at least own up to it even skipped the reaction of the greens on Luke death and the rest of them on jahearys death but the show is going they own way from the books why the dream be up front with things
@josephlarkin7167 5 сағат бұрын
Viserys should've married daemon to rhaenyra or rhaenyra to aegon idk maybe he could marry his own daughter so it wouldn't be a freaking war cause can't be too sure with lord corlys and rhaenys if rhaenyra was named heir but rhaenyra shouldn't have went to kingslanding just for confirmation anyways is crazy it was already war when both sons was killed the books made this very clear that only one would rule now they can show rhaenyra being more fit for the throne and aegon and aemond being fit being rhaenyras brothers and protectors like aegon and his 2 sister wives raenys and visenya if only it would be that way but is crazy that daemon wants the throne in the books despite his feelings of being pushed down succession because sons of the king he talked with rhaebyra about the hightowers even connected in her feelings of being pushed aside because of alicents sons I think that what brought them together wholly despite anything he was down for viserys and rhaenyra and didn't choke her in the books he was what her brothers wasn't to her her protector and I think she could've married daemon luke marry haelena aegon marry one of the velaryon sisters and aemond the other👌
@FFFFPPPP 5 сағат бұрын
You couldn't swim out to that island in 10 minutes. That was a rough water, strong current situation. You'd drown or never make it there because you'd be swept out to sea.
@franohmsford7548 5 сағат бұрын
No Shad, he didn't know it was her all the time, the reason he stuns her is because he's literally JUST found out that she's Mae! The reason he doesn't report to the Jedi and goes off alone is because he now knows he has Mae with him NOT Osha! He wants to save both twins and he needs time to talk to Mae before the Jedi catch up. - I think Mae's reactions and demeanor finally made him realise she wasn't Osha, It's not Basil alerting him, it's not that he'd known from the start, it's that she was reacting wrong and he caught on. It's still terrible writing but you're giving Sol way too much credit!
@MAXIMILLIONtheGREAT 5 сағат бұрын
To be fair, killing Jedi first because they will kill you when they find you later, isnt bad. Its just a preemptive strike.
@MAXIMILLIONtheGREAT 5 сағат бұрын
Dude on the left is wrong about Palpatine legality of overtaking the senate. When the jedi tried to stop him they followed the law.
@FFFFPPPP 5 сағат бұрын
Sorry, but Vader was a Sith that was redeemed. There is no disassociation. He's the same person as Anakin. He knows whohe is. It's an act.
@varundattoo9512 5 сағат бұрын
This is the Disney timeline: hacky atrociuos writing, teleportationism and contrivances are all par for the course.
@swthelostarchives 6 сағат бұрын
It should take a few days if not weeks to travel that far through hyperspace
@nickwalker5958 6 сағат бұрын
Darth Harvey abusing his power with a little pickle wiggling?? Just like Harvey offering power (fame) for a pickle tickle 😂😂
@MAXIMILLIONtheGREAT 6 сағат бұрын
Teleportation in Star Wars is unacceptable.
@DuneStone6816 6 сағат бұрын
I quite literally don't understand the motivation of any character at this point.
@franohmsford7548 6 сағат бұрын
Travel Times are a MAJOR issue Tyranth! Lucas's refusal to put in any sort of line about how much time it took The Falcon to limp to Bespin without a working Hyperdrive has caused people to think Luke had barely any training for the last 44 years! - Luke flies from Hoth to Dagobah, spends at least a full day with Yoda but probably more like at least a week given the training montage, then flies from Dagobah to Bespin and arrives the morning after Han and Leia. Luke has a full working hyperdrive but it still clearly takes at least an hour, possibly multiple hours for him to get from Hoth to Dagobah....Yoda mentions he's seeing the future but we have no mention of the distance between Dagobah and how long it takes him to make that journey other than that it's likely also multiple hours.
@FFFFPPPP 6 сағат бұрын
What's up with the use of "retarded" on every channel I watch here lately? It's every other channel here lately. Stop calling people that. Pick another word.
@DaMetalRenegade 6 сағат бұрын
Hey man your hair is getting pretty long, you should get Mae to cut it for you.