That body slam  is crazy
16 сағат бұрын
Here there be monsters
Күн бұрын
Who says dibble is OP?
14 күн бұрын
If you can't join them...
Going cow tipping
Ай бұрын
You get the horns
Ай бұрын
For better or worse, they remain
Resistance is futile...
2 ай бұрын
Don't forget your angry backpack
Why don't you play pteranodon?
You should probably look up
3 ай бұрын
Being a menace to polite society
Running solo is brutal
4 ай бұрын
Is carno unstoppable?
5 ай бұрын
Tenonto is pretty great actually
Don't try to walk away from me
My life as a cheeky little devil
@1tinydinosaur510 17 минут бұрын
I really like this type of video format! Doesn't need to be every video, but it was fun!
@t.a.ackerman4098 19 минут бұрын
5:38 "I have no idea, just go with it"! LEEROY JENKINS!
@SirPigeon420 46 минут бұрын
that stego should the be example on how NOT to play stego. that live stream collab you did awhile back was fun to watch and those clips of it reminded me of it. also YES DEATH TO LAND GATORS 🗣🗣🗣💯💯💯
@dinometta 36 минут бұрын
@@SirPigeon420 Yeah, it was a perfect example of what a stego shouldn't do when they get attacked
@RobotShark21 Сағат бұрын
10:38 still boggles my mind how ppl can be that dumb to CONSTANTLY fall for every single bait and literally drain all their stam ☠️☠️☠️
@dinometta 55 минут бұрын
Many stego players have never been in an actual fight. They've grown, but a lot of them either immediately mud camp on first attack, or they absolutely panic, as was the case there.
@Bleghspread 3 сағат бұрын
Eh, about the mixpacking carnos.. It sure did feel familiar for a reason, yes. xD Right after the engine update, correct? How to start.. Well, the big red carno was alive on that gods forsaken server since the very first iteration of HT build, it was mutant from nest even. Kept itself alive on small dibbles every time the population went like 10+/180. :D Having NAs down except the no AI server was the best opportunity to kill it in some fight, finally. So anyway, carno started blasting with no brain at all, had orange health, blood under 50%, no food and almost no stamina from the very beginning of the fight (facetanking dibbles do be like that). So no. It was simply NOT able to facetank anything anymore, lol. I had no clue who were the other guys, just happened to be there and they were friendly to me. My guess was that they were in VC or something and since the server had massive numbers after long time again, people were just hopping on with whatever they had there - they were eventually mixing with friends and such.. Anyway, the huge raptor pack took care of the rest. xD At last.
@dinometta Сағат бұрын
@@Bleghspread lol fair enough! Yeah my cerato had been alive on there since early in the horde test as well. I was still injured from an attack by two other ceratos the last time I'd played on the server. Ended up dying later to 5 carnos myself haha
@Tory-JJ 3 сағат бұрын
Do you play enverzia.. or whatever its called..?
@dinometta 55 минут бұрын
That's what this version is, yes
@dtbrex08 3 сағат бұрын
Last comment for some reason I don’t *reeaally* get the title 🤣
@dinometta 3 сағат бұрын
@@dtbrex08 it's just to be attention-grabby haha
@dtbrex08 4 сағат бұрын
11:39 also if that ptera was full adult and good with aiming it could legitimately kill you lol RIP
@dinometta 4 сағат бұрын
@@dtbrex08 bro startled me so bad lmao
@dtbrex08 4 сағат бұрын
@@dinometta real
@dtbrex08 4 сағат бұрын
11:50 “Ah!” *slow turning* … ded
@dinometta 4 сағат бұрын
@@dtbrex08 This is when I really need to work on my panic reaction as dibble lmao. If I'd gone sparring stance and zipped backward, I would have been fine
@dtbrex08 4 сағат бұрын
@@dinometta lol I always try to be prepared to react as fast as possible when drinking there, Im never sure exactly how shallow it is so Im very anxious, mostly as cerato because Ive played it the most recently lol
@exieledaniel3880 4 минут бұрын
turns out, barking does not stop a deino atack
@dtbrex08 5 сағат бұрын
9:32 lol me at… some point, wheneverwe happen to meet randomly “OML ITS METTA” Also appreciate the enthusiasm towards nervous stego players, I do feel bad for stegos that legitimately just don’t wanna lose their 5 hour grown slow herbivore lol
@dinometta 4 сағат бұрын
@@dtbrex08 oh yeah, hopefully over time more and more will learn to play defensively and not panic. They've got so much health, a couple of bites won't kill them. Better to take a few hits then catch them off guard with a swing than to run out of stamina swinging in panic and then have nothing to fight back
@dtbrex08 4 сағат бұрын
@eskelhaito 5 сағат бұрын
Man I would love to play stego more if I knew I wouldn't be killed by another stegos (or diablos) at half growth every time. Fights with your own species are so annoying since they just need to be a little bigger than you to win. And canni herbis even more annoying. I don't remember last time I saw a decent full grown stego who is not canni or cheater
@dinometta 5 сағат бұрын
@@eskelhaito you should play on petits Pieds. Stego cannibalism is against the rules there! You'll find many more friendly stegos but also a pack of pretty good ceratos and packs of decent raptors to contend with
@dtbrex08 4 сағат бұрын
@@dinomettaI still need to play there at some point lol.
@CondolWalking 5 сағат бұрын
I was a juvi cera (40-50), but still big, so when two dilos came across me I immediately went to attack them, yelling to myself "I AM A BIG THREAT DIEDIEDIE DONT YOU EVEN THINK OF ME AS CAPABLE OF DYING IN 10 BITES" and they ran away :')
@dinometta 5 сағат бұрын
@@CondolWalking that's the way to do it! Big scary bluff goes a long way!!
@dtbrex08 4 сағат бұрын
To be fair though once cerato gets to like 40% hes just above a full adult omni’s stats so you definitely had a chance fighting those two to begin with I’d say but playing agressive really does help.
@CondolWalking Сағат бұрын
@@dtbrex08 true
@InhumanLambent 6 сағат бұрын
The jumpscare compilation brought me great joy lmao. Didn't even know your voice could reach that high
@dinometta 5 сағат бұрын
@@InhumanLambent lmao fear brings out the little girl in this old lady 🤣
@dtbrex08 6 сағат бұрын
8:17 HUH?!
@dinometta 5 сағат бұрын
@@dtbrex08 lol hypsi really said "die"
@dtbrex08 5 сағат бұрын
@dinometta 4 сағат бұрын
@@dtbrex08 hypsi spit can one shot hatchlings of smaller species like raptors
@dtbrex08 4 сағат бұрын
@@dinomettaDANG NO THANKS So if I spit on an ant mound I win good to know Ive done it before but seriously if you saw my cerato vs raptor pack video or that same clip in my cera compilation (its the first fight) you’ll know I already have some hypsi ptsd from that…
@dtbrex08 6 сағат бұрын
Hearing the dilo screaming while you were saying “pounce its side!” reminded me of Doctor Pol or something where theyre trying to calm a cow or horse 🤣 not an easy task I would assume for sure.
@dinometta 5 сағат бұрын
@@dtbrex08 lol that dang dilo!
@dtbrex08 4 сағат бұрын
@@dinomettadilo fun but fighting 3 raptors or more = death, dilo can fight 2 average omnis at most if its good I’d say but I need to play dilo again
@dtbrex08 6 сағат бұрын
Idk how many times Im gonna comment lol you know me but I was thinking with the first fight because I struggle with panic lol, do you just act confident until you really have no chance, and *then* decide to bolt, like when the raptors appeared? Also what movement would you have done if you acted nervous vs confident like you did if that makes any sense?
@dinometta 6 сағат бұрын
@@dtbrex08 Act confident until you die or they do. In this case, I charged toward them, instead of running away, despite the odds very clearly being bad. When the sub cerato died, I "claimed" his body. They killed it, but it was *mine* and I wasn't going to allow them to push me off of it. Turning tail and running once I was alone would have let them know I was afraid, and that triggers the chase instinct. Better to stand your ground and dodge, weave, and attack as there are openings until you notice that they are more hesitant to move toward you when you back up. If you've done enough damage and dodged enough attacks while remaining on your feet, especially against such ridiculous odds, you are going to become intimidating. It's not really shown, but they started talking in chat more and more as the fight started to draw to a close. They became more hesitant to get within my bite range. Their hesitation gave me the confidence to try and flee. Because they had vomited, they needed food and water, were bleeding, and at that point they were likely deciding if it was really worth it to keep after me. The raptors just added extra pressure for me to leave, because a single pounce would have killed me.
@dtbrex08 4 сағат бұрын
@@dinomettaok ok great tips, thanks a lot for the big comment 🤣 that really hoped me understand the situation a lot more. Makes sense too, make them scared to where once you *are* too weak to fight, they are aswell, so you both risk dying if you continue. Thanks a lot for explaining lol that helped me out a lot and hopefully my future fights can show that aswell 🤣 hope you’re having fun while out of town, if there’s something you’re missing out on don’t mind replying to comments lol want your time out of town to be worth it. Wish me luck on my video Im planning for PoT though… gonna have to play a lot of allo on officials 🤣
@dtbrex08 6 сағат бұрын
Why are dilo players SO stupid. Ive ran into maybe 2 dilo players that werent either trash or mixpacking if not both which is a lot. Sub dilo who is less agile than cerato tries to fight cerato close fight ngl dilo will win.
@dtbrex08 6 сағат бұрын
How do you have over 100 fps and almost no ping in that first fight 💀The Isle been super laggy for me lately and I still don’t know how you fight TWO CARNOS as a cerato 🤣
@dinometta 6 сағат бұрын
@@dtbrex08 that was the no AI server. Look how much better the performance is there compared to the AI servers on the horde test.
@dtbrex08 6 сағат бұрын
@@dinometta erhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh gotcher
@dtbrex08 6 сағат бұрын
@@dinometta how much harder is it to survive as some carnivores? Or is it not hard due to how many corpses there are lol?
@dinometta 6 сағат бұрын
@@dtbrex08 when the server is full, it's not hard at all. But I never really on AI except on deino, so no AI servers don't affect my ability to get by as long as there's other players to hunt
@dtbrex08 3 сағат бұрын
@@dinomettaah ok gotcha, can’t say I’d say the same though lol cerato is really easy as long as theres corpses but things like carno are definitely a little harder to keep fed/well diets-wise because of the shorter scent range and shorter fights.
@gajspalt 7 сағат бұрын
Mixers are soo bad dude, even by my mediocre solo player standards. Those two carnos could've just charged and facetanked you and win.. and yep 3:15 you mention as it as I type lol
@dinometta 6 сағат бұрын
@@gajspalt lol they absolutely could have. That fight in total lasted about 7 minutes with all the lulls where they stood back trying to decide what to do.
@gajspalt 5 сағат бұрын
​@@dinometta I'm not surprised lol, atleast they weren't hacking mixers, those wouldn't hesitate to gank you
@Misto_deVito6009 7 сағат бұрын
My god. There's no way carnos are still mixing with dilos. That dilo in the beginning was just unneeded
@dinometta 6 сағат бұрын
@@Misto_deVito6009 for real. The two of them alone could have killed me. The dilo was just an annoying distraction
@DodoTacticsGaming 7 сағат бұрын
Felt for the panicking stego, as i have been there before. Hopefully learned... maybe. But the jumpscare section was a delight XD.
@dinometta 7 сағат бұрын
@@DodoTacticsGaming Yeah, it's difficult to learn swing discipline as a stego. They take so much time to grow that many players panic when they get attacked. But learning it definitely helps when an attack happens, because if you can't be baited, the predators then have to be much more careful to try and kill you. Lol always love a good jumpscare honestly!
@karenboy1005 7 сағат бұрын
6:25 Dune worm type shit
@dinometta 54 минут бұрын
Bro gave me a real big startle
@Edaxidous 7 сағат бұрын
I love playing the isle. I’ve said this before, acting confident is a huge deterrent.
@dinometta 7 сағат бұрын
@@Edaxidous it 1000% is. Those two adult carnos could have easily bum-rushed me and I would have died. But standing my ground made me scary enough that when I finally did flee, they decided it wasn't worth the risk to chase me down
@Edaxidous 7 сағат бұрын
@@dinometta when I look back at my early days of the isle I was surprised just how much information I could get from a twitch of the head, shakily body movements or the lack of them. Truly the isle is the best hunting survival game I’ve ever had the opportunity to play.
@cleverlaziness 3 сағат бұрын
@@Edaxidousnow if only I could enjoy it without a fatal error every 5 minutes 😂
@eveningjaguar 2 сағат бұрын
Mhm! The same with real life, prey animals do not DARE show weakness or else they’re picked off because that’s how it works. (Same goes for anything being hunted, even another predator.) So the same can be applied for any instance, meaning pixel dinos
@ponder109 7 сағат бұрын
Well, that was indeed a video! lol. and i guess it REALLY did take us that long to bait out all of that stegos stam aye?
@dinometta 7 сағат бұрын
@@ponder109 yeah, I think the clip was about 10 minutes or so long xD I'm still impressed that he didn't mud camp when his stamina started getting low though
@ponder109 5 сағат бұрын
right! was a fun fight none the less
@dtbrex08 4 сағат бұрын
Wait “us” Im jealous were you ThylerWolf 🤣
@dinometta 4 сағат бұрын
@@ponder109 heck yeah!
@ponder109 Сағат бұрын
it shows my name as ponder doesnt it. been trying to fix that for a long time >.> but yes lol
@yellowdog5478 7 сағат бұрын
Honestly, I’m kind of hoping the isle does consider a debuff for mixpacking. Having no punishment at all for it just.. kind of sucks.
@dinometta 7 сағат бұрын
@@yellowdog5478 for reals. Overpacking as well. Both are detrimental to the spirit of the game
@t.a.ackerman4098 14 минут бұрын
some mix packing with ONLY herbs should be allowed
@Sassafrass95 7 сағат бұрын
It's not very often we get Metta videos without voice overs straight from the get go
@dinometta 7 сағат бұрын
@@Sassafrass95 indeed. I just find it harder to voiceover compilations since there's not much of a story, just some fights and crazy moments!
@Luis-kj4pt 14 сағат бұрын
how u so good lmao
@dinometta 9 сағат бұрын
@@Luis-kj4pt way too many hours in the game xD
@Pixx2266 15 сағат бұрын
Hot take: deinos completely ruined the game. I hate it with a burning passion and the only thing that counter a deino is a stego or another deino. Complete and utter bs.
@dinometta 9 сағат бұрын
@@Pixx2266 for now, eventually there will be other semi-aquatics to contend with them
@lorienninavah6696 21 сағат бұрын
I think a good fix to the diet system would be that you need less diet, while keeping the same amount of food. So you can eat the bodies a bit more and survive off the organs for the diets.
@dinometta 20 сағат бұрын
@@lorienninavah6696 I think it would be interesting if organs only gave 2-3% food but filled diets nicely. That way the body itself would need to be eaten to fill the belly
@SirPigeon420 2 күн бұрын
who put onions under my computer
@dinometta 2 күн бұрын
@@SirPigeon420 *-hides cutting board-*
@OthergusOMGOMG 2 күн бұрын
lol lol and lol again
@WiFiDown37811 3 күн бұрын
The best part of the whole video is 100% the carno pissing himself because you tried to pounce on him and yeeting himself off a cliff 😂
@dinometta 3 күн бұрын
@@WiFiDown37811 I agree xD made my entire day honestly!
@WiFiDown37811 3 күн бұрын
I hate carnos but damnit I'll make an exception for Helga. May she rest in peace o7
@dinometta 3 күн бұрын
@@WiFiDown37811 Helga was a real one, the queen! I miss her
@user-px2fo8uw4h 3 күн бұрын
2:48 where is this place?
@dinometta 3 күн бұрын
@@user-px2fo8uw4h that's the canyon between swamp and Delta rivers
@camowyvern3836 4 күн бұрын
I love the concept of the Herrera. A smaller theropod dinosaur with a hunting style like a jaguar, and the living habbits and look of an iguana.
@dinometta 4 күн бұрын
@@camowyvern3836 it's definitely one of the more unique dinos within the survival game genre!
@Deimos_Day 4 күн бұрын
I don't have a solution for the organs not giving enough diet either. Other than making it so they give you very little food and much more diet, just for organs.
@Deimos_Day 4 күн бұрын
Idk what's going on lately but I haven't been seeing anyone outside of South Plains. This is usually how my Isle experience has been going the last couple weeks: Spawn, usually in South Plains. Dodge and weave til I get my diets. Hide in a bush and watch all the action. Scavenge when I need to. By the time I'm big enough for fights, like around 40%, usually South Plains dies off by then. Go to West Rail, wander around there for a bit, then head Highlands, and then East Plains. Sometimes check Swamp. This routine or variation of this routine is how I've been playing the game for months, and usually keeps my encounters interesting enough without being in a hotspot where I die to mixpackers or mega packs. But lately, I literally don't run across anyone. If I sit in SP, there will be some big fights, but once they're over, SP is dead and then I migrate to find food. For literally 2 weeks, I have come across maybe 2 players in a 4 hour session. Including corpses. AI almost doesn't exist either. As a carnivore I run around the map with a sliver of food left, for hours and hours per life, hardly ever seeing a soul or corpse, yet the servers are full. I don't get what's going on lately but I'm starting to get really bored. I hate wandering around forever just to come across situations where there's no chance of survival. I just want to hunt and fight.
@dinometta 4 күн бұрын
@@Deimos_Day I feel you there. I have a lot of opinions on migration, diets, and non-randomized spawn and how those together have led to the hotspots being so prevalent. Maybe at some point I'll make a video about it, but honestly as things are now, there's no incentive to leave the hot spots and even if you do, only those who know the movements of the hotspot deniers are able to reliably feed themselves as carnivores. But the long and the short of it is that diets all spawning together in different migration zones, carnivores being more and more rewarded by simply killing each other(easier kills than trying to hunt herds, cannibalism being a thing, etc), and being able to choose your spawn leading to people simply picking the path of least resistance(whichever spawn most species can choose, where there will reliably be tons of spawn killers leaving bodies lying around everywhere) results in people simply staying where the easiest food is and not exploring as herbivores or carnivores because food will not be found outside of active zones. It makes the game feel incredibly stale and interactions feel forced rather than natural.
@Deimos_Day 4 күн бұрын
​@@dinometta Know the movement of hotspot deniers? Sounds like something I haven't learned yet. Do you happen to have a discord server? I was banned from the Isle official disc, so everything I learn is either from people I come across in game or from tutorial videos or random convos like this on KZfaq.
@dinometta 4 күн бұрын
@@Deimos_Day I do, the link is on my channel page
@viral4983 5 күн бұрын
Only time tbagging is acceptable
@Ticklicous 5 күн бұрын
Gonna be real. Why is it always the carnos who're hacking. Lol. I swear out of all the hackers in the game, it's carno players who hack the most. Like... Imagine having to speed hack on the fastest and arguably most powerful current land carnivore in the game. Got me wheezing from laughter at that.
@dinometta 5 күн бұрын
@@Ticklicous you're not wrong. It's always either carnos or stegos
@alecvangeneugden1898 5 күн бұрын
@dtbrex08 5 күн бұрын
KZfaq being KZfaq I guess, did you have to change the title again?! XD I see it looks different. I’ve never had that problem though so Idk what you get that lets you know you need to change it.
@dinometta 5 күн бұрын
@@dtbrex08 Yes I changed it, I do that sometimes. Nothing tells me I have to, it's just a matter of whether a video is doing as well as I want it to and whether I think changing the title will help
@dtbrex08 16 сағат бұрын
@@dinomettaoh ok lol good to know I think you’ve said that before last time I mentioned that on a different video, don’t know how I forgot lol
@ThePooPoo-xb2yv 6 күн бұрын
i just relized u sound ALOT like jadin animations
@ThePooPoo-xb2yv 6 күн бұрын
like a edgy version
@dinometta 6 күн бұрын
@@ThePooPoo-xb2yv that's crazy, I was watching her content just a few hours ago haha
@TheHuffur 6 күн бұрын
I am looking forward to the Cache Propensity mutation to get added, or someone figure out how the heck to get it, going to be fun dragging up some bodies into the trees.
@Crimzon7 6 күн бұрын
Great video metta, and yeh I agree with you. Herrera is fun ambushing stuff, but it's like deino Lots of waiting for the right opportunity to come along
@dinometta 6 күн бұрын
@@Crimzon7 I have a lot of patience, but not for sitting in one spot hoping something comes along. Give me a stego that's camping and I'll wait for as long as necessary, but sitting in one spot too long makes me feel like I'm wasting time xD
@Crimzon7 6 күн бұрын
@@dinometta bro, I completely understand that feeling Like, there's so many things to hunt, yet I'm sitting in a tree XD
@dtbrex08 6 күн бұрын
Also adding onto my other comment that basically said “yes” to herras new stam, I hope they kinda sorta give ptera the same treatment, its also super fun especially if you actually confidently hunt beipis with it but its just too punishing right now imo having to sit down to regain stam with the like, what, 3rd slowest stam regen in the game or something? Ptera regains stam at like the same speed as a deino which is… weird, lol.
@dinometta 6 күн бұрын
@@dtbrex08 yeah, I don't know why ptera is being punished so heavily. Scouting ptera isn't really viable on gateway like it was on Spiro with the thicker forests and branches that have collision.
@dtbrex08 6 күн бұрын
@@dinomettayeah true, honestly pteras scouting could like you said be easily enough avoided by just going into dense forests lol.
@dtbrex08 6 күн бұрын
Ok I somehow watched the full video without commenting lol, honestly I hope herra feels less punishing with the current stamina changes and it looks fun but I still doubt Ill main herra lol. Herra is super fun given if you’re lucky buttt its just not my style. I hope they can find some fixes soon so the hordetest can go live, I wish the diablo hype would just die down completely so we don’t have to worry as much about, yaknow, mega herds or anti-mega herds aka cannibal diablos / stegos and also the mixpacks. Also L hacking carno I wish carnos could just stop being L’s they give my og evrima main a bad rap, even if I play cerato more than carno lol. (Carno and cera both need some changes tbh, cerato is literally good at everything except speed and carno is really fun but just feels weird, like dasp used to in PoT before its cooldown changes, for context dasp used to have 2 second long cooldowns on most of its attacks and even the default bite was really slow for a while) TLDR BLA BLA MAKE YOUR COMMENTS SHORTER
@dinometta 6 күн бұрын
@@dtbrex08 yeah, herra feels a bit better stam -wise, but it's still really punishing if you're trying to follow prey items. Honestly the hype on horde test does seem to be dying down to more normal levels. I even saw a dryo and a pair of beipis today. Though that may have been more because of the lag making carnivores a pain to play
@dtbrex08 6 күн бұрын
@@dinomettathats good to hear, honestly I just wish smaller creatures like herra took a LOT less time to regain stamina, just because of that reason.
@RobotShark21 6 күн бұрын
Everyone wanna play Herrera now LMAO 😂
@dinometta 6 күн бұрын
@@RobotShark21 herra is great to be fair xD
@bronzedragon1022 7 күн бұрын
you teabagging that massive skill issue at the end made me so happy!
@dinometta 7 күн бұрын
@@bronzedragon1022 lol bro deserved it!
@lurkingmeadows2581 7 күн бұрын
Cool I found myself as my dibble (yellow one) at 11:40
@dinometta 7 күн бұрын
@@lurkingmeadows2581 heyooo!