OOT Master Quest - E6: Ornery birds
13 сағат бұрын
Void Stranger - E73: Awakening
19 сағат бұрын
Dissidia Final Fantasy - E42: By any means
Celeste: Strawberry Jam - E176: Razor thin
OOT Master Quest - E5: Agape
4 сағат бұрын
Void Stranger - E72: EPR receptor
4 сағат бұрын
Celeste: Strawberry Jam - E175: GG
7 сағат бұрын
Stuffo the Puzzle Bot - E6: Stash spot
Void Stranger - E71: Identities
9 сағат бұрын
Dissidia Final Fantasy - E41: Maxed out
Celeste: Strawberry Jam - E174: Fishnest
OOT Master Quest - E3: Building materials
Void Stranger - E70: Feeble
14 сағат бұрын
Celeste: Strawberry Jam - E173: Get fished
Stuffo the Puzzle Bot - E4: Spare parts
Dissidia Final Fantasy - E40: The feeble
OOT Master Quest - E2: The four C
19 сағат бұрын
Void Stranger - E69: Nimrod
19 сағат бұрын
Celeste: Strawberry Jam - E172: Interrupt
Stuffo the Puzzle Bot - E3: Circular
21 сағат бұрын
@blueglass24 6 сағат бұрын
Teleportation Incantation is very neat and silly. It's strictly limited in what the player can actually do, which is a good thing to keep it from becoming a nightmare. Very fun. And cool to see you break down the logic of what's actually happening! I did Orchestrator going from right to left rather than left to right as you did here. Nice to know it works both directions! I wondered when you'd spot the giant bomb bug on the map!
@CjJello 8 сағат бұрын
Really hope you can figure out that Eus brand thing, the anticipation is killing me!
@alan2here 10 сағат бұрын
The nonogram solution at 22:16 looks like a floor layout.
@alan2here 11 сағат бұрын
18th June 112024?
@blueglass24 11 сағат бұрын
Every time you talked about needing bombs for the sun's song, I was chuckling mentally. Yeah, frogs are a useful source of rupees for magic bean funds.
@mlahut 11 сағат бұрын
Slightly spoilery nudge if it helps your motivation to continue the series - . . . . . . Your work in the first 8 minutes of the video is on the right track.
@HunterOfWisdom 12 сағат бұрын
A no owl mode is probably something you can do with the randomizer, actually. A lot of randomizers let you turn off all the randomization options, and just add the randomizer's quality of life features to the vanilla game.
@adiener 11 сағат бұрын
Hah, that's a clever idea!
@ertchin 14 сағат бұрын
You definitely got some use out of the last few episodes, although I'm sure it would've felt better not doing so only because you couldn't find Bee. Also, SPOILER SPACE for something you've commented on that the following would confirm: . . . . . I've seen a lot of people not make any connection at all between the being that BWUMPed Bee away at the end of Lillie's campaign and Bee saying "I saw Add!" here.
@AmaiarAiramand 14 сағат бұрын
To be fair, you missing the "secret" exit and never stopping to think again why would that whole gauntlet leave you without anything in return is kinda your fault and not the game's... But if you ended your LP here it would be understandable. I hope you manage to clear the last and hardest obstacle yet in your journey, so you could see what more the game has to offer (which is arguably the best parts), but even if you don't, it's been quite an experience already. In any case, do keep an eye on the community, there's something extra (besides the main story) that nobody alone has all the pieces needed to resolve, a secret with extra challenges that I think someone like you would very much appreciate. Of course, it's preferable to completely solve all the main stuff before getting into it, but with what you've achieved so far, you could technically try to attempt it and not get spoiled.
@coffeedude 15 сағат бұрын
Ok, I just catched up with the let's play and i seem to have done so at the perfect time!
@surrealcanine 17 сағат бұрын
Congratulations on finding Bee! If only she knew you walked right past her a week ago~~
@Ent229 17 сағат бұрын
Yay you progressed and found them! Now for the next challenge?
@obee58 18 сағат бұрын
it's definitely A Choice to let the player do that entire area and then leave without having any outside hint that you were supposed to take the pit instead. at the very least you got a lot of notes out of the time inbetween!!
@AmaiarAiramand 14 сағат бұрын
The choice is there by design, since you can end up wandering accidentally into the gauntlet with other characters that CAN'T take the pit (for obvious reasons, they'd just exit the compound that way), so they need a stair to return to the puzzles. If Alex keeps playing, it's a kind of choice that we'll see several times, since the devs believed that players could genuinely end up experimenting so much that they ended up accidentally discovering some things before they should xD
@HCIdivision17 19 сағат бұрын
I thought that was the most suspicious pit opening and I'm glad it paid off!
@spectercd4357 19 сағат бұрын
Yeah, it is the curse of doing a let's play. Thanks for holding on this far.
@moladan 19 сағат бұрын
I know it felt like the last few episodes felt like wild meandering, but you've actually made a lot more progress than you think!
@treknique 19 сағат бұрын
this isn't the end, not even close. If you want to end the LP, at least take a hint
@thatoneplayer5407 20 сағат бұрын
Alex! The playlist for this game is sorted incorrectly - the first five episodes are sorted in reverse chronological order.
@adiener 18 сағат бұрын
Weird! I've been adding them as I go just like anything else, but I guess at some point KZfaq decided to rearrange it for me.
@SSP2056 Күн бұрын
I love this map! There is a really fun but hard (like red expert/green grandmaster) non-berry secret room, but it is SO FUN!
@Patricia_Taxxon Күн бұрын
At a certain level of difficulty, celeste mods ask you to consistently understand the tactile difference between buffered and nonbuffered inputs. If you don't get the momentum from a block, it's because you hit the button a little too early and jumped off the air instead. Normally it's a quality of life feature, but in cracked mod land you gotta feel out the difference, cus it only gets more pronounced over time as ultras and cboosts become 95% of the game. good luck.
@JJadne Күн бұрын
You've had controller rumble on this ENTIRE TIME How have you not gone insane
@hypenheimer Күн бұрын
Getting the correct height on the moving block for the wavedash helps, as you can then buffer the jump, making the timing much more lenient
@hypenheimer Күн бұрын
Also, at 1:01:57, you did a cornerboost off of the falling block instead of a hyper
@coffeedude Күн бұрын
B142 is so good
@tykimkim Күн бұрын
alex becomes the jonker
@geleiatorta1 Күн бұрын
Welcome to another episode of "Why does this feel inconsistent?"
@geleiatorta1 Күн бұрын
-You can hold grab the entire time -Press dash, jump, dash. Only two buttons (easy motion with the thumb) -Don't even have to change the direction between inputs Expert isn't forgiving, but not that precise. Yet
@KaileyTheAlien Күн бұрын
This is a cool map but I hate it because heartside
@sids1331 Күн бұрын
This map focuses on delayed block boosts, not multiboosts. You should be able to find it in the library
@SRN_RL Күн бұрын
I think, but am not sure, that a lot of the time you're not second dashing early enough! The tighter the ultra, the steeper the dash angle. Maybe starting it earlier would be better. I'll have to test when I'm off work.
@artificers-predecessor Күн бұрын
Unfortunately the spikes get worse in red lids and grandmaster. Especially grandmaster.
@blueglass24 Күн бұрын
It feels like the most difficult task in this game is almost always finding space to put things as you work on other things. What I find most interesting design-wise is how the placement of wall tiles doesn't always suggest where there are actually useful wall tiles for placing, lots of these bigger spaces will have high up tiles that are effectively just for the aesthetics.
@pokemonjawatimurpro1 Күн бұрын
PC Windows!
@lamialua26 Күн бұрын
That long shaft with UFOs moving back and forth and the win condition at the top reminds me a bit of the entrance to the mothership in Spelunky, of all things... except that here you can just kinda mime your way to said win condition
@alan2here 2 күн бұрын
Where does your shadow go when you fly over a 1 block gap?
@hypnoticstench 2 күн бұрын
I am about to sleep so well
@blueglass24 2 күн бұрын
So, unless I overlooked something, I think I found a pretty clear softlock with the whole Bollards situation. If someone completes Bollards but then decides to go look at what was down that passage rather than move on to Wharf, there's no way to get back in. Without the bomb bug to blast the push block, they can't re-open the door and reach it from the outside. Of course, it's simple enough to load the replay of the room clear and fix it. I'm very curious what the intended solution is on Come on in, as I found a different two bomb bug route, lining them up just right of the left switches then walking in from the left to activate both at once. Scram was the puzzle I mentioned last time as the other one that took me an extended amount of time compared to everything else. The existence of the second monster block up high had me very confused since Leaf can just push it off himself, so I was trying to find a way to do something more with it like get it onto a bomb bug or Leaf's head to have a movable way to redirect the bomb bug up above. I found the actual solution path fairly quickly but didn't follow through on it because I thought the elevated bomb bug would wind up one space right of where I needed it, without actually testing.that final step. (I think that extra bomb bug was there to stand in the flowers and prevent the upper bomb bug from running off the edge out of fear) And you go right into the other softlock I found, heading up out of Scram!
@RedMser 2 күн бұрын
Both of the soft locks you mentioned are already fixed, but I believe my updated version released after Alex already finished the complete playthrough of this world.
@AmaiarAiramand 2 күн бұрын
I hope you really do keep revisiting past footage, because there's a couple of very important clues that you forgot about or dismissed initially and then forgot about, which would make objectives more clear. I feel like the game is very organic in how it presents you with goals and clues (minus some secrets, but I'm talking about the "main" story), but you're getting so lost in the details and assumptions that the trees don't let you see the forest...
@RedMser 2 күн бұрын
"Come on in" indeed had another solution that does not rely on that one turn gap. You explode two Bomb Bugs at once (both are to the right of the two leftmost switches), the third is just a red herring. Funny story, I had no idea you can walk on pillars when I made this world, since I wasn't that far into Tower of Destiny at the time. Would've definitely used those if I had known! Scram has another approach to it which needs the "unused" bomb bug placed on the left flower bed, but it seems like your solution is a bit more straightforward. Published a fix to guard against the sneaky way to get up there at the end already, haha. But at least you got a peek at that room early now!
@Hamstray 2 күн бұрын
According to the readme it's by someone who went by the name of Brettido on AOL
@blueglass24 2 күн бұрын
Dodongo's Cavern time! Seeing just how silly these can get is very much the highlight of playing Master Quest. It's a really clever bit of design putting that deku baba there to suggest the stick for getting the bomb flower down. Taking a wild guess, the graves might have concealed switches so they could be hit by bombs but not slingshot.
@05degrees 2 күн бұрын
5:24 Looks like it’s the human form of Cif that’s mentioned here-compared to her alien-y form which we may presume to be the true one.
@05degrees 2 күн бұрын
Nice! I feel the sloppiness of these controls. Reminds me of a game I wrote in VB6 (which was even sloppier) and my later attempts to write a platformer not knowing how they work.
@Darkshadow64540 2 күн бұрын
Dumb question with a potential idea to try: Can you use your own brand on any of the entry floors?
@Terrorkittens 2 күн бұрын
Woah, such Ski Free vibes!
@coffeedude 2 күн бұрын
I wonder if you'll get voided or not before getting to the end of hard mode for the first time! This is exciting
@HCIdivision17 2 күн бұрын
I'm just enjoying the debugging and deduction process. I've no idea what's to come other than KZfaq recommendations imply there's wild, unplumbed depths. No idea how that's possible, but I'm looking forward to this playthrough grinding through it!
@Patashu 2 күн бұрын
ok that advancing wall of acid is REALLY fun. Eversion vibes lol
@111112oo 2 күн бұрын
Watching this is painful when I believe I know the answer... I'm sure it is for you too... Expand this if you want a hint. I don't know anything about this game beyond your let's play so far but I feel pretty certain on this. HINT: There's a big stretch of area currently accessible that you haven't given a proper second look at.
@treknique 2 күн бұрын
Keep it up; you are like 95% of the way on several puzzles. But only one of them is solveable at the moment. I can tell you which puzzle to focus on if you like
@knowledgeacquirer2931 2 күн бұрын
Since we're at the stage of using different brands in brand rooms, it's worth pointing out that if you can go back to a previous room like that, as you did by going from 226 to 23, likewise you can go forwards... beats using the secret exits a lot!
@knowledgeacquirer2931 2 күн бұрын
Nevermind, he soon realised that! But using Cif's brand also works and is better.
@knowledgeacquirer2931 2 күн бұрын
Why does Alex immediately move after the 6 knocks 😭 it's the same reason why he can't get interact with anything in the white void either, he forgot to keep still there as well
@gooeyPhantasm 2 күн бұрын
There's no need to backseat or provide answers to puzzles, you know. He should figure it out on his own.
@knowledgeacquirer2931 2 күн бұрын
@gooeyPhantasm Technically, what I said wouldn't be enough anyway. In fact, Alex has already done it 'properly' before, and it didn't work, so he's kinda excused for not trying it again.
@linjkarma7760 2 күн бұрын
Alex prefers to play games with no external tips or hints ^^
@Person.1234 2 күн бұрын
If he wants solutions he'd voluntarily look them up, no need to give him unsolicited advice
@05degrees 2 күн бұрын
BTW I think Alex specifically stated he’s _not_ against tips when it’s a place he’ve looked on, inferred related things but then went away from because of, say, bad luck. I don’t remember how he stated the case exactly but not waiting long enough when the game doesn’t exactly introduce a way to check that, looks like something Alex has quite a low probability of recovering from without external tips. Which he will look for on his own terms but he’d have a chance of overlooking, still. It’s the tips that mention things he haven’t even try yet or haven’t came upon in episodes prior, that are an understandable taboo. Lore leaks (definitive, not hypothetical based on what was already seen) et cetera. Please correct me. I get that the line is quite fine so maybe this case should indeed be frowned upon, but I think it’s not?.. Except for white void. Maybe it’s too leaky; I wouldn’t even think, by this time, that there’s something to be achieved by standing still there. But the egg part? Seems okay.