Why We Left the Catholic Church...
4 ай бұрын
4 ай бұрын
Your PURPOSE Comes in Pieces
5 ай бұрын
Healing the Root of Rejection
It's Your TIME to SHINE!
8 ай бұрын
To Broken Little Girls Like Me
@CalkeDee 4 сағат бұрын
I dated a guy that I did not know was a narcissist until after we broke up and he started tracking me, following me, telling people and friends that I am crazy. I'm crazy yet you are following me from state to state! make that make since!
@CalkeDee 5 сағат бұрын
The ones that are gaslighting you are usually the ones calling you crazy but they are truly the crazyy ones. You must resist the devil and he will flee as the bible says. I thank God for your testimony.
@suebibi27 5 сағат бұрын
I have had this many times where I sensed something was wrong and like you say you can't put your finger on it and you start to question yourself. Or where God let me know that a person isn't trustworthy, but I ignored the advice wanting to give the person the benefit of the doubt, but it turns out exactly like God said. If I had listened to all the promptings of the Holy Spirit I wouldn't have suffered the way I did for not listening to God. It's true God always warns us about what is coming. God let me know in 2003 that the father of my children would take them away and I also had horrible nightmares about losing my children. And it did happen in 2012. He also warned me about losing everything I had which occurred during 2019 - 2020. Suffering is a major part of the Christian walk.
@codelessunlimited7701 7 сағат бұрын
Our family used to be catholic, but when my mom accidentally read the Bible, she found out there's so many errors and unbiblical teachings of this religion. She leave, and took her children to read the Bible and study it.
@randopaiste8761 7 сағат бұрын
Luteliku ateistina tahan õelda ,et usuvahetuse ja üldse igasuguse usu võtmisega võiks veidi oodata. Sellega ei ole nii kiire. Ei juhtu mitte midagi, kui see näiteks homme või aasta pärast võetakse. Maailm ei jää sellepärast seisma. Aga mida rohkem ootad seda magusam see on. Pealegi siin peab olema selge arusaam, mida tahetakse saada, sest see on ikkagi tähtis asi mitte aga lihtsalt niisama tere jataega, sest see on ikkagi isiklikku laadi muutev otsus. Ja mis peamine on selle asja juures, et see peaks ikkagi olema kas Jumala või mõne ta alluva poolt saadetud märguanne, et seda tohib teha, mitte aga võetuna välis teguritest mõjutatuna, sest niimoodi ei saa inimene midagi. Kõik peab olema ikkagi kooskõlas ja kiidetud heaks jumala poolt. Parem on kui inimene sel ajal üksi on. Nii saab süüvida ja mõtestada teadet enda jaoks lahti, kuigi vahet ei ole. Ta võib ka seltskonnas olla aga parem on kui ta üksi on . Ja veel parem, kui ta oleks kõigest vaba. Mis päriselt ei ole muidugi võimalik,sest usk ja uskumine on inimesega sünnist surmani. Ka kõige uskmatum inimene usub oma uskumist aga kui tuleb teade siis on see eraldi. Kui usust endast rääkida siis on see sõltumatu. Kui inimene usub aga ei kasuta usku ennast siis on see lahus aga kii ta võtab usu appi,siis ühendab ennast sellega automaatselt. Seega usk ja uskumine on koostõõs, muidu on lahus. Niikaua oleks tore oodata ja mitte midagi ennem tegema, kuni tuleb märguanne. Kas olema ilma religioonita või sellega kuhu ta on sündinud. Ja ka siis kui on luba antud, oleks tore natuke oodata ja süveneda,sest teadmine peab olema õige. Kui teadmine ei kao ziis on kõik õige. Miidu on kõik vale. Ja inimene on õnnetu ja otsib,saamata aru mida ta on valesti teinud. Ega leia seda kunagi.
@1emthinkchild 10 сағат бұрын
I know it happened to me. It. Is staged, They want you to stand with your feet Together So that you can easily Lose balance. The one guy stands Behind you while the other one will push you. Some people fall for it if they are having some mental issue, they might meltdown.
@lindamcauley4728 14 сағат бұрын
Well said ladies. I was born into the catholic church. I'm 62 now and a few years ago I realised that true Christianity is Bible based and Bible based ONLY! The cc is definitely a cult.
@fabsouv2508 15 сағат бұрын
When she said corn fields!!! I was like "children of the corn!??" Cripped me out. Till this day, i wouldn't watch it.
@sukimelon 15 сағат бұрын
If you are Christian, please read this comment. Our fight isn’t against skin and bones it’s against the spirits. People may be partnering with the wrong side but because of free will, you can too partner with demons and bad spirits by talking negatively about others and not genuinely loving them/ wanting them to have a life with Jesus. Though we don’t need to agree or live with everyone we meet, ganging up on them, not having clear communication and not praying for them to get saved and blessed by God is just as demonic as the practice of witch craft. God can tell you to stay away from people sometimes but what he always wants is for us to love and pray for others to be saved. The only type of people who demonize others are those who have never gone through asking God to free them of their own demons. God a lot of times shows us people who are doing wrong 🗣️ so we can pray for them 🗣️!!! The Holy Spirit literally warns you for a reason. And know the reason isn’t to hate. I assure you, ostracizing others or giving others “gifts” with demons in them is the same practice. The same exact thing. The spirit world is real, Angels and demons are real. Our place when the Holy Spirit warns us is either flee if we’re not spiritually mature enough to fight or pray for the person to be blessed and be saved.
@onitabrown1102 19 сағат бұрын
Scripture says that His sheep know his voice. You heard the warnings. Thank God.
@tamara3825 19 сағат бұрын
Thank you for sharing your testimony.
@YngDfly 23 сағат бұрын
God let u go thru that so u can spot the fake in that church and leave fast
@YngDfly 23 сағат бұрын
Same with me God told me to leave my church and that he a false prophet
@chrismaxie2864 Күн бұрын
@taylorvandermartin2946 Күн бұрын
I'm glad you two are seeing the fake artificial christianity. Von Hanshaw, Doreen Virtue, Voddie Bachaum, Bezlt3 Chris Rosebrough John Collins with William Branham Historical research Daniel Long Long for Truth, John Henry Alabama Woodsman Drew Bloom
@aliciaaguilera4703 Күн бұрын
Thank you my Lord , that you deliver me from all ❤ 🙏
@user-ci5uw1mk3b Күн бұрын
What's the soundboll
@daninspiration4064 Күн бұрын
Look at all the saints there were catholic and what they did for the world how they loved and died for Jesus. Their love for Jesus cannot be matched and they were all Catholics, how can you call the catholic church a cult. Look at the fruits of all those Catholic saints, look at all the hospitals around you that were built in honor of these Catholic saints...and you call them a Cult?
@daninspiration4064 Күн бұрын
Mass is not supoose to be about entertainment. Jesus went to the synagouges not for entertainment. He did not come to abolish the law but to fulfill. The mass is split up in litury of the word and liturgy of the Eucharist. And with confression it was because Jesus gave the authority to forgive and retain sins so the suceession from apostles to priests now has the authority paul says to confess to one another. Priest is the representaiton of Jesus you have to understand the church. Priests confess to other priests. The pope confessed to the cardinal. Papacy infalibitly doesn't mean the pope doesn't make mistakes, but the things he says in according with the authority of the church makes it infalliable only after it passes thorugh the magesterium. You have to study deeply to understand.
@daninspiration4064 Күн бұрын
ONe day you will be back when you actually read the churcch fathers. Start with st ignatus of antioch
@daninspiration4064 Күн бұрын
May I suggest look into the Catholic church, look up all the saints, look up how the mass is similar to the first century fathers and how they celebrated mass.
@user-uu8bs8tg1k 20 сағат бұрын
I was in the catholic church. I no one in the church knew christ.no 9ne saved until I left and found christ Thank u jesus. Praying to mary is a sin, purgatory is blasphemy. I know u don't believe it ,I get it. Seek Jesus first he will set your paths straight
@daninspiration4064 Күн бұрын
So when you said you read the bible and had your own personal interpretation. What if another group or church had an own personal interpretation that is different from yours then how can you tell which is right? For example Jesus said Who is my brother, sister and mother? Some say that verse basically shows that Mary isn't as important as some would believe because he did not acknowlege her, but others will say that verse was an opportunity for people to feel closer to Jesus but also brings Mary to the highest honor because Mary is the one that was in complete obedience to God's will. So which would be correct?
@Godsmightywarrior1964 Күн бұрын
Beautiful testimony, the churches are mostly all apostate
@rockinrobin1007 Күн бұрын
Many churches have people who fake “fall out”. My daughter’s other grandma had women who did that at her church. They were so dramatic. Every Sunday. My daughter discerned it was fake. It was done for attention, so people would think they were “special”. My husband saw a lot of that years ago so he’s leery about any of it being real. We heard of people being pushed. I said, laughing ”if I ever fall out you KNOW IT’S the HOLY SPIRIT cuz I am not tryna draw attention to myself.” I don’t like to be publicly praised or thanked or anything. I’m more like a “stage crew” kinda person, not the lead singer in a broadway play. Lol. I am the “do a lotta work in the background but not seen” person. So no way imma let somebody push me down or fake fallin out. 😂 Nah. You push me hard enough I’m walkin out. I don’t play that fake stuff. I want the real thing. I’ve never had it because the churches we were affiliated with are not seeing the Holy Spirit in that way. It’s a shame. We left in 2020 after my husband being there for 40 years, since he was a teen. We’ve been doing home church til God straightens these churches out around here and tells us where he wants us to go. Most are “dead churches”. It’s a shame.
@rockinrobin1007 Күн бұрын
my pastor’s daughter started screaming as she entered the school when she was really little. She didn’t want to go in. They had to figure out what it was. It was a cabbage patch doll. He was teaching us about demons attached to objects. He told us that story. I knew then that the Pokemon cards my son had as a kid had demons attached to them. The cards had just come out back then. The characters wears demons. They have different levels of power and different powers. It’s listed on the cards. I went home and was telling my son about the cabbage patch doll and said “those cards you had as a kid had demons attached to them”. Well, guess what happened? I had found an old foil card he had when I was cleaning. I had put it up on the entertainment Ctr about the tv. As I said it the tv and cable popped on AT THE SAME TIME. That wasn’t possible. You had to hit the power button on one remote and then once the tv was on you had to then turn on the cable. If you hit both buttons at the same time only the tv would come on. My pastor said the demon in the card was revealing himself. My daughter could not go out into the living room at night. She couldn’t explain why she was scared to go. Once I’d realized I had a wood African statue that was actually a fertility statue/false idol and got rid of it she was then able to tell me it was because of the statue. She physically couldn’t speak it before. The demon had control and she couldn’t say anything. She was only 10 or 11 at the time. I got rid of all the African wood statues and masks. Any little trinket coming from other countries can be cursed, especially if it’s wood. Be careful what you bring back from vacation. Be careful of the gifts you accept. Pray over everything and even anoint them with oil as you pray.
@rockinrobin1007 Күн бұрын
What people have to realize is that witches hear from demons who tell them what to do. They don’t always have to know you personally. Familiar spirits know you were in a cult and left and are believers so of course they are going to tell witches to come after you. IT IS ALWAYS PLANNED BY SATAN and his demons. So we can think “I’m not in a big ministry. No witch is cursing me. That’s ridiculous”. I got deliverance and the lady said “you are a prophetic watchman and your husband is a preacher. You HAVE witchcraft coming against you”. We don’t even know of any covens and have never encountered witches. That doesn’t mean demons didn’t tell some witches to come against us. We don’t have to know them personally. Other times demons send witches to churches where the leadership doesn’t have the level of discernment they should and they don’t see the witch. I saw the spirit of Jezebel in a few people in other churches our church fellowshipped with. Nobody said anything. Nobody did anything. These people cause all kinds of discord in everything they are involved with. So many churches have witches. That shouldn’t be.
@Cecilia14333 Күн бұрын
Thanks for this testimony. Maybe the Lord is warning me of a future relationship and what to look out for. Never ignore the warning signs ha. Even those who label themselves as a christ follower.
@queenjinx9942 Күн бұрын
I just dealt with this I was on TikTok asking for prayer from a prophet and he told me to message him he wants to pray over my marriage and against witchcraft and he said I had to pay him for his time and becuz God wanted me to give him a sacrifice of $100 so I blocked him but he came in the name of God and we even fasted together but in the end he said I would die in November if he didn’t get the money and I was like wow I rebuke witchcraft in Jesus name
@Pureorganicthc Күн бұрын
Are you guys gay because if so unless you find God you're going to Hell and if you're church is telling you it's okay to be gay then you're being lied to an the church leaders will go to Hell as well God don't like gay people.
@_kellyu Күн бұрын
Wow! This message was received in such a perfect timing. Thank you God! I had a very similar experience with an individual.
@ic1493 Күн бұрын
Something i have came to realize is its always 3 years that everyone in this generation abandons the church. Specially, a small church goes through so much hurt of abandonment that its harder to fully trust. The desire to be able to fully depend on anyone in this day and time is harder. Didnt finish this video but i just had to put the other side of a ministry that no one thinks about. Reason Pastorial families go through depression at times. I'm talking about churches that do preach the truth and do not give in to false practices.
@jetd9716 Күн бұрын
Good to know you too were smart enough to leave this scandalous church. As you said the enemy will find those who lack the basic knowledge of the Bible to prey on. Great job.
@ajtooke395 Күн бұрын
Yes Amen!!!🙏🔥🙏
@dolucks1 Күн бұрын
If it's 501C3, get out of it
@tammyfreeman4525 Күн бұрын
Kevin LA Ewing’s ministry helped me to be more strategic with my prayers regarding my dreams.
@tammyfreeman4525 Күн бұрын
That book is 🔥🔥🔥
@lornajean7286 Күн бұрын
U got a new subscriber 😂❤❤ bless yall 🙏 ✨️
@lornajean7286 Күн бұрын
I used to go to this big spanish church were i felt i was growing either ..wasnt really close to anyone since it was big more of a hi and bye..well i had a very disturbing dream about the church idk if it was a sign of god or what i never asked for discernment of the church..i had a dream abojt the pastor preachinb then suddenly his son stands up says his stomach hurts and doesnt feel good in front of the church then he throws up and does number 2 and the whole church filled up with it the pastor was throwing up as well. Everuone except me waa covered in it then it filled so mych that the churchs doors broke off and it spilled all over the street. I was so deeply disturbed by it. Well almost 4 yrs later im in a smaller church its more of a family and my and my husband and kids love it so much and our pastor now is very thorough when he preaches the amount of notes i take is amazing compared to the other church. And we cant wait to start serving the church 🙌 i also had another dream of the same church were the english pastor had a back room and i peeped in and i saw evil work going on i saw monsters and he that pastor even tried to harrass me. But i dont get ive know that pastor since a child and so far his testimony is good idk why i had those dreams still. Maybe in the future i will know. ..but we love our new church and its literally in front of our house 😅
@AA-bk8yb Күн бұрын
🔥☝️🎯🙏❤️🙌 AMMMMEEENNNNN! Zephaniah 3:17 He is a mighty savior. He will take delight in you with gladness. With his love, he will calm all your fears. He will rejoice over you with joyful songs.”
@AA-bk8yb Күн бұрын
The most powerful way to defeat darkness is to bring it to the Light: If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:8-9) Amen, for the TRUTH shall set you free and where the Spirit of the Lord is there IS FREEDOM!!! ⛓️‍💥
@AA-bk8yb Күн бұрын
@leeanandleena The Word of God is True, and it is sanctifying you (John 17:17) as well as the Holy Spirit, who guides you to ALL truths (Joh_16:13 & 1 Corinthians 2) that is your anchor the Word of God and Word Made Flesh your foundation, your DAILY Bread, which is your Spiritual food. That is the door 🚪 the correct door, to Authority, sound doctrine. I’m sorry you two had to go through this, but because of it you two have actually come out stronger because of it, you two were borne for such a time as this! Hebrews 11:6 And you are correct about the laying of hands as the whole book of Acts provides the movement of the early church. 1 Corinthians 4:20 For the Kingdom of God is not just a lot of talk; it is living by God’s power.
@PretzelBubba Күн бұрын
REALLY well done!! I can relate to way too much of this. It's happening in too many so-called "churches" these days 😡 God is starting to tear all of this garbage down, and it can't happen soon enough.
@valentinadallas Күн бұрын
Amen , preach it ladies ! GOD BLESS
@donazee1365 Күн бұрын
@ScarlethPaz756 2 күн бұрын
They come across as Christian’s but be doing the devils work smh happened almost similar to me and my cousin I’m happy God always finds away to protect and defend us ❤
@theelevatedintrovert4180 2 күн бұрын
Thank you ladies for sharing your story. You can run into the same unclean spirit or spirits in different people.
@333christ 2 күн бұрын
Return to orthodoxy, the church established by christ
@markcarroll6252 2 күн бұрын
Good job ladies and thank you. I especially appreciate how you own what it was about yourselves. That is very important because it is one of the things that gives us an immediate awareness of what's really happening. Another aspect is timing. Which occurs in different ways. One way resembles divine timing or divine appointment. I call it constructed or manufacturered or 'manifested' coincidence. So much of what is done is just manipulation in the natural realm also. Just recently i had a dream, it was one of those where it seems so real but i knew it wasn't and there was an overlay or over lapping of things from the dream and the immediate natural world around me . I was able to wake myself up and realize what was really happening. As soon as i settled down i decided to go for a walk and when i got back a lady that lives in my building was coming out and just 'offered her business' to me, sharing how 'she just woke up from a bad dream'..😮🤣😂👎🛑. She didn't realize that i seen it all over her before she said anything. I dont think she ever realizes how obvious she allows it be. This is part of the timing and overlay piece. It took everything i had to not start laughing and confronting her.. testing the spirits is always a must. Im usually pretty blunt about it but i am trying to establish less confrontational strategies , using scripture. Jesus tells us , it is as simple as nature, you know a tree by it's fruit.. especially in response to Scripture . Most times imposters will immediately turn super fake sweet but still kinda condescending or their pride renders them indignant. Rebellion or resistance is most usually an indication of bondage and oppression or full on servitude to darkness . So, the realization of stubbornness is a blessing and reveals a gift. All of this is why it is important to pray over our food also. Especially food prepared by others, especially if we go out to eat. Thank you again. Thanks for the link to the book. May the Lord bless you and keep you. By His Blood. nothing but The Blood of Jesus. Hallelujah & Shalom.
@SophiaWalsh-z3j 2 күн бұрын
So very true sister
@surethabadenhorst 2 күн бұрын
100% sisters James too, submit to God, resist the devil and he will FLEE