The 47 Ronin (1941)
6 жыл бұрын
@user-vy3dr6xw8h 22 күн бұрын
@ForTheFLOL Ай бұрын
I heard that in Japan, train conductors are required to commit harakiri if their train arrived late, even for just one sec. Great film.
@robinmorales5365 Ай бұрын
It’s a crazy perspective watching this movie knowing that world war 2 was literally going on as it was made.
@TheDorianTube Ай бұрын
This movie is a bit all over the place. I almost didn't catch the 1 year time skip 😅
@user-uv3wu5eh2v Ай бұрын
@davidcoleman2796 Ай бұрын
How many millions of Japanese died doring ww2 after watching this film ? All because of their evil government that started ww2. At the same time the nazies were making the same kind of films for their people . This is a interesting film . A interesting story / history .
@davidcoleman2796 Ай бұрын
The japanese were psychopathic murderers back then and they were psychopathic murderers during world war two. Even today they are not really like us . I have been to japan . It is very strang .. having said that i have always been interested in japan and this is a interesting film . Made right at the start of the war . Look how the war ended for Japan . Millons killed all because of Germany and Japan .
@HeroicPenguin Ай бұрын
This is a deeply racist take.
@davidcoleman2796 Ай бұрын
​​Historical facts . This has nothing to do with race . ​@@HeroicPenguin
@davidcoleman2796 Ай бұрын
Are you saying the Japanese were right to start ww2 ? Are you defending them ? They killed millions all over Asia. I guess you have heard of the Rape of Nanking ? The kidnapping of thousands of Korea women and making them into Comfort women
@blue52851 Ай бұрын
I don't get it.
@HeroicPenguin Ай бұрын
You should watch it again
@tachikaze222 2 ай бұрын
2:50:56 the chief retainer is wearing an overcoat with the Asano clan mon not his previous Ōishi mon
@omarsantos4599 2 ай бұрын
The atomic bomb was dropped so Don Vito don't have to line up at Washington as just another grieving parent.
@ernestomatalsol6807 3 ай бұрын
“Your spirit always burned brighter in the face of adversity” Wisdom! 😉
@mnd1955 3 ай бұрын
I don't think the Chushingura has been better portrayed on film. The 1971 TV series was excellent but this film of the 47 is something special. Their graves can be seen in Tokyo to this day and on the anniversary of the raid, hundreds visit to pay homage to them.
@hetlarsontao2346 3 ай бұрын
فلم بداعه وقصه مؤثره شكرا للاخت مريام /خلدون السعدي)/بغداد /حي البنوك
@danielabruni-vx7ex 3 ай бұрын
Italia subtitoli? comunque grazie! daniela (roma)
@alguem302 4 ай бұрын
Legendas em português do Brasil
@user-eb9vy2wu5w 4 ай бұрын
токава чест у духь човешки вече няма.....
@aminemoughanime6494 4 ай бұрын
@CONSTANTINxx 4 ай бұрын
@Jezzascmezza 4 ай бұрын
Is the scene at about 1:41:25 identical to the one at 2:22:40?
@libercracia2957 4 ай бұрын
La traducción al español de esta joya del cine japonés, es absolutamente ridícula. Espero que alguien pueda mejorarla para poder disfrutarla. Saludos desde España.
@travisdonaldstanley6420 5 ай бұрын
1:40:00 This is what they mean by Japan being a very Fatalistic culture. "It would be to thumb our noses at the will of heaven, to trifle with fate."
@user-qn9yt5wk5q 5 ай бұрын
upありがとうございます😭 日本の根幹がこの映画にはあります。🙏
@RecluseBootsy 5 ай бұрын
1/10 No fish dragon witch demon lady or tengu warrior monks. Really disappointed. 😢
@linuxlinux9914 4 ай бұрын
fucking really man I think you need to head to hentai haven seems more your style.
@sepa3435 5 ай бұрын
情報局に溝口が「作らさせられた」しょーもない作品だがな。 元禄忠臣蔵や宮本武蔵は。こいつら「名作ダー」「スバラシイー」言ってるが、まともな溝口作品観たことあんのかねえ?w ちなみに同じ国策映画でも黒澤の奥さんが出てるアレはなかなかの佳作なので、国策であることを駄作の言い訳にはできんぞw
@paganlife1373 5 ай бұрын
Am I the only person to watch this in three years ? Geez, what a waste of history. Japanese were a major influence in American Hollywood and elsewhere history.
@gebhard6832 6 ай бұрын
Absolutely fantastic. I couldn't stop watching til the end.
@user-jr6kx1xt4u 7 ай бұрын
プロパガンダとか言ってる解釈がアホ過ぎて逆に凄いwww この物語は実際に起こった事件であり、歌舞伎の舞台で長く楽しまれていました。 第二次世界大戦の話しをする人が沢山居るので言わせてもらうよ! 当時、欧米列強が中国で植民地を増やしていた。朝鮮はロシアに土地を切売りしていた、世界で植民地になっていないのは日本とタイ、アフリカの小さな国の3ヶ国位でした。 日本は、女真族が支配する中国を立て直す為に、満州国を建国した。 ロシアは朝鮮を借金漬けにし、鉱山の利権や港を奪った。 日本は朝鮮の莫大な借金を肩代わりし、鉱山や港を朝鮮に返した。 朝鮮併合前、朝鮮の国力を上げる為に日本の総理大臣伊藤博文は、朝鮮の学生達を日本に無料で留学させて教育。 朝鮮独立派の伊藤博文が暗殺され朝鮮が混乱状態になる。 アメリカや他国の許可を受けて、国際的に認められた方法で平和的に日韓併合が行われた。 朝鮮の奴隷制度を撤廃し、ハングルや日本語の教育、当時世界一のダム、発電所を作り、農業、工業を発展させ鉄道などのインフラ整備した、日本の東北の発展を犠牲にして。 欧米列強が中国と日本を分断する政策をする。 日本は中国側へ、このままでは中国が奪われてしまうので一緒に闘おうと交渉するが、時は既に遅くて欧米列強に逆らえなくなっていた。 日本は中国以外のアジア諸国と手を結んだ。 国際会議で日本は、黒人やアジア人の差別に反対の決議を提案したが欧米列強が反対し圧倒的多数で否決された、当時、欧米列強の植民地政策の邪魔になる日本を潰す作戦をアメリカが練る。 日本とハワイは仲がとても良かった、ハワイの王は日本の皇族と結婚の打診をするがアメリカに気を使い断っている。 アメリカは、ハワイに艦隊を駐留させていた、追い詰められた日本がハワイの艦隊を攻撃するが分かっていた。 日本人が開発した無線技術を、アメリカは手に入れていて全てを把握していた。 日本の攻撃が始まる前に艦隊の旗艦を島の裏に隠して大打撃を防いだ。 原爆について、日本は降伏の打診を何度も行っていたが条件が合わないと全て断られた。 降伏する情報をロシアに流し、ロシアは日本との平和条約を破り北海道へ進行開始、降伏しようと交渉中の日本に原爆を落として実験を行った、実験の成果を観る為に2種類の原爆を使用、最大限の効果を破壊効果を確認する為に空中で爆発させている。 戦後日本を東南アジアの様な国にして物を売り付ける政策をする 製油所やインフラ、鉄道も破壊、アメリカは質の悪い石油を売り付けたりしていた。 朝鮮戦争が起こり、ロシアに対抗する為アメリカは日本が必要になり日本の工業を発展させる。 私は、欧米列強の、他国を無茶苦茶にする植民地政策や差別が悪だと思います。
@Flûte23 8 ай бұрын
Oh la la ! Dommage que l'audio ne soit pas en français, il y a beaucoup de choses que je n'ai pas comprises, en tout cas je suppose que ce film est un chef d'oeuvre 🤔
@ssato17 8 ай бұрын
Produced in 1941. This is the best 元禄忠臣蔵 I have ever watched.
@sei-mei 8 ай бұрын
この映画は、1701年から1703年にかけて起こった事件を演劇化した物語で、最初の上演は1747年、人形劇でした。 実際には、1704年から何度か演劇化もされていますが、当時は封建体制下で、あからさまに事件を上演することは出来なかったため、時代設定を変えるなどの工夫がされていました。 昔から人気があった作品ですが、上演には苦労してきた歴史があります。
@user-nm5sk9qz9p 9 ай бұрын
大義、名文が 有るのですね😂
@higashioosaka 9 ай бұрын
A masterpiece !
@patrickdegrandi4880 9 ай бұрын
Merci pour ce vieux film !
@cacophony236 9 ай бұрын
옛날 저 사무라이들처럼 너희도 천황을 위해 한몸 바치라고 간접적으로 강요하는 선전 영화를 미조구치 겐지가 만들었구만. 이런 자를 거장이라고 불러야 하는건가
@user-rr9oe8iv5f 3 ай бұрын
@Dr.Pepper001 9 ай бұрын
7:40 With those long ceremonial trousers they keep the floors cleaned, thus saving on the cost of having the night cleaning crew run into overtime. 🤣🤣🤣
@nerdwisdomyo9563 10 ай бұрын
The film nearly two hours in “end of part one”
@williamsackelariou1860 10 ай бұрын
The story the twists of fate the irony and the torment more worthy than Shakespeare and Sophecles Awesome story
@williamsackelariou1860 10 ай бұрын
This is as good a movie as you will ever see from the 40s Note the music is western orchestral music and fine music at that a testament to Japans rapid modernisation at the time
@joaomarreiros4906 10 ай бұрын
Thank you for uploading this.
@petermihacerar1137 11 ай бұрын
What fight?! Spiritual or physical! Hey individual, look inside of anything and anyone. Does it need to be explained....peace to anyone and anything.....
@saystype 11 ай бұрын
Thankyou for sharing this. I really love this film.
@ENIGMAXII2112 11 ай бұрын
This was very well done... I drank down my sake in anticipation in what would happen next..
@martinetti123 11 ай бұрын
Dankeschön! Der Film ist ein grosser Schatz japanischer Lebensweise und Kultur bevor die beiden US Atombomben sie einäscherten. Sie wird wieder aufleben, wenn die globale, destruktive Disney Park-"Zivilisation", die ungestraft andere Völker zum eigenen Vorteil manipuliert und ausplündert, zu Ende ist, dessen Zeuge wir gerade sind.
@notgadot Жыл бұрын
Nostradamus say harkle and his witchblack wife will divorce soon 😂😂😂😂
@darkomasta Жыл бұрын
This is the movie I will watch repeatedly. Slowly unfolding current of narrative events with only a single scene of blood shedding, focused on the depth of Japanese culture of Samurai.
@georgeworthmore Жыл бұрын
beautiful cinematography but essentially propaganda for Japan's militaristic death cult
@paddyodriscoll8648 Жыл бұрын
Propaganda of imperial Japan.
@solongos5500 10 ай бұрын
Every movies are propaganda. At least the old Japanese films are masterpieces that teach lessons, not as tainted and decadent as films around the world today.
@marcielynn4886 Жыл бұрын
@MrLantean Жыл бұрын
The story of the 47 Ronins is the embellishment of a real historical event known as the Ako Incident in the historical records of Japan and is portrayed in Chushingura. The historical Asano Naganori is not the gentleman portrayed in the story but a man with a rash hot headed personality and often acts on impulse. The Shogunate had agents to spy on all the feudal lords and document their personalities. Asano's records in the Shogunate documents do not reflect any positive traits. The administration of Ako, Asano's domain was done by his chief retainer Oishi Yoshio as Asano lacks the interest in ruling his domain and spends most of the time indulging in pleasure. He and another feudal lord are assigned by the Shogunate to host a visiting envoy from Kyoto. Kira Yoshinake being a koke or master of ceremonies is assigned to teach them on court etiquettes. Kira is portrayed as a greedy and corrupt court official who demand bribes for tutoring Asano and another feudal lord court etiquettes. Whether Kira is greedy and corrupt as portrayed will never be known although it is highly unlikely that he is. According to official records, Kira has the reputation of being an honorable and a fair person and thus gained the respect of many people which includes the Shogun himself. Also Kira often develops the infrastructures of his home domain and gains the respect from its inhabitants. Kira's position as the master of ceremonies is highly prestigious but unfortunately a low paid position. His annual income is barely 10% of Asano's annual income. Perhaps Kira expected some rich gifts as compensations for tutoring as a supplement to his meagre income. As a master of ceremonies, Kira sets a very high standard and demands perfection. Asano lacks patient to learn the court etiquettes properly and perhaps got frequent reprimanded by Kira. Being a rash person, Asano perhaps see all the reprimands by Kira as insults and decides to attack Kira while still inside the Shogun's castle. It is a great crime of drawing a sword while in the Shogun's castle and punishable by death. Asano will choose time and place to strike Kira if he is truly a gentleman as portrayed in the story and will not foolishly attack Kira while still within the Shogun's castle. Due to his rash hot headed personality, he attacks Kira within the Shogun's Castle and got punished by committing seppuku. The act of the 47 Ronins is criticized by some renown samurais. The author of Hagakure, Yamamoto Tsunetomo, ask a well-known of what happen if Kira died less than a year after Asano's death due to an illness. The ronins wait for more than a year before finding an opportunity to strike. Kira is already at the advanced age of 60 as the average life expectancy is around age 40 plus. When that happens, the ronins will lose their only chance to exact revenge and will forever be branded as cowards thus bringing shame to the Asano clan. Furthermore Asano did broken the law and had to be dealt with accordingly and they are forbidden under law to seek revenge. Also the ronins may have self interest reason for reporting their plan to the Shogunate. Perhaps they expect to be pardoned by the Shogunate on grounds they had acted according to Bushido and enable them to find employment elsewhere. The Ronins blamed the misfortune of their feudal lord on a court official who has a misfortune of tutoring a feudal lord with a rash hot headed personality court etiquettes. They justified their action by accusing Kira as a greedy and corrupt court official. Hence the story of the 47 Ronin is more about carrying out revenge based on misguided honor, loyalty and sacrifice. The true victim of injustice is Kira Yoshinake who has the misfortune of teaching a young feudal lord with a rash hot head personality court etiquettes and got castigated for simply performing his duties.
@losmosquitos1108 Жыл бұрын
I only knew the 1962 version (Hiroshi Inagaki directing, with Toshiro Mifune) of all 7 movies until now. Thank you! ♥️👍