The Filth of Hunt: Showdown #14
14 сағат бұрын
Joe Blue - May Highlights 2024
21 сағат бұрын
The Filth of Hunt: Showdown #13
The Filth of Hunt: Showdown #12
14 күн бұрын
The Filth of Hunt: Showdown #11
21 күн бұрын
Joe Blue - Investigations #1 - Noctile
The Filth of Hunt: Showdown #8
Responding to Fritz Flitz's Video
Joe Blue Vs Trio Cheaters.... #1
The Filth of Hunt: Showdown #6
Joe Blue - Fortnight Frauds #1
Joe Blue - Soul Survivor #1
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10IQGaming : ESCAPE Goat
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The Filth of Hunt: Showdown #4
Joe Blue - March Highlights 2024
@4theheadz 13 сағат бұрын
3:55, this is a highlight? You're not on a car this time so lets hear your excuse for why you miss all of your shots there 😂😂
@DigitalPlague 13 сағат бұрын
Dude that scope is garbage and I have bushes in my face.. You can't think this is valid criticism Did you ignore that I won the game? Again people do miss.. That's what makes it human play... Even pros miss shots. Do you understand bad players SHOULD NEVER BE ABLE TO MAKE ANY GOOD OR GREAT PLAYS.... Because they are bad... But even good players or great players can be bad at times / make mistakes.. Bad players are not capable of making good plays that's what makes them bad.. So you can't prove I'm bad by ignoring all my good / great plays because I miss shots and fail from time to time.. You do understand pro players lose games all the time.. Because they made a mistake or got outplayed... The logic you're using against me is flawed.
@4theheadz 12 сағат бұрын
​@@DigitalPlague AHAHAHAHA mate that is the biggest bunch of bs I have ever read. You missed because your aim is absolutely terrible. Bushes lmao the mental gymnastics you will go through to avoid admitting the truth are hilarious. Funny guy, glad I subbed. Get gud m8. Also what "great plays"? Ive forced myself to sit through quite a bit of your highlights and havent seen a single thing that constitutes a "great play" but A LOT of terrible aim/positioning/awareness etc
@4theheadz 11 сағат бұрын
​@@DigitalPlague ahahaha that is such cope, you missed the shots because your aim is terrible. What "great plays" have you made? I've watched quite a bit of your "highlights" and haven't seen a single "great play" please point me in the direction of one.
@DigitalPlague 10 сағат бұрын
@@4theheadz Except for all of the examples where my aim isn't terrible that would contradict your opinion that is just what you feel and want which is not based on actual facts. "haven't seen a single "great play" please point me in the direction of one." Actual cope
@4theheadz 9 сағат бұрын
@@DigitalPlague show me one example of good aim or a "great play", also stop repeating what I've said to you to me totally outside of any reasonable or logical context like it means anything. Every time you just mindlessly regurgitate something I've said to you in a previous comment, are you even aware you are doing it? Mad guy.
@4theheadz 14 сағат бұрын
9:40 your aim, wow
@DigitalPlague 14 сағат бұрын
Why would you go to other videos to cherry pick which is what you're doing. Cherry picking is logical fallacy why would you use fallacy to argue with. Human players miss from time to time. That's what makes human play human. When people never miss that's when you know they're cheating for sure. Even pro players miss shots.. There also plenty of great shots which you're ignoring.. Why don't you rag on RachtaZ when he misses dudes right in front of him over and over then gets the magic bullet when he's vision is completely obstructed. Just one rule for me and another rule for other people.
@DigitalPlague 14 сағат бұрын
Also did you miss that I'm ridding on the top of a moving car trying to land those shots.. Jeez.. That's how you should know you're wrong about me when you need to rag on my aim on top of moving car traveling down a hill. LMAO!
@4theheadz 13 сағат бұрын
@@DigitalPlague That's exactly what you do, you cherry pick all of these guys you think are cheating. You ignore evidence to the contrary and bat it away by claiming they are faking genuine play, something you know cannot be disproven despite how ridiculous it sounds so it's a very convenient argument for you to make. Rachta Z misses shots CONSTANTLY. Watch his stream, watch his videos without picking a 10 second clip out of 15 minutes. Also I'm actually not cherry picking, I've at least respected you enough to watch 3 of your highlight videos and I can confirm the gameplay is as bad as this video in all of them.
@4theheadz 13 сағат бұрын
​@@DigitalPlague You fall off the car and still miss every single shot bar 2 bullets and then have to resort to cheese items like nunchucks and you still get wrecked. I can pick literally any other clip in this video and it's the same conclusion.
@4theheadz 15 сағат бұрын
@DigitalPlague 14 сағат бұрын
Which translates to a last ditch effort to appear like you've won.
@4theheadz 14 сағат бұрын
@@DigitalPlague No this is totally separate this is just a hilarious video. I "won" because you have nothing left to say and left 3-4 comments completely un-replied to because you literally don't have a response to any of them. And yet you will continue to delude yourself that your paranoia and completely overinflated view of your "skill" (or lack thereof) is still somehow totally justified and correct (it's not).
@4theheadz 14 сағат бұрын
@@DigitalPlague No this is totally separate this is just a hilarious video. I "won" because you have nothing left to say and left 3-4 comments completely un-replied to because you literally don't have a response to any of them. And yet you will continue to delude yourself that your paranoia and completely overinflated view of your "skill" (or lack thereof) is still somehow totally justified and correct (it's not).
@DigitalPlague 14 сағат бұрын
@@4theheadz I sent you replies... clearly using your super troll powers to delete my replies. You would have received the notification otherwise why would you be replying at al.. the fact you replied means you got that I did reply. Otherwise you wouldn't know if I had even read your messages yet to say lol.
@4theheadz 14 сағат бұрын
@@DigitalPlague I'm not deleting anything mate, they aren't there because you didn't send them. I only got the reply to this comment, which I got a notification for, which is why I replied. You need professional help mate I think you might be schizophrenic.
@4theheadz 18 сағат бұрын would love to point out 2:00, spams the living hell out of multiple walls with dolch fmj doesn't hit a single shot. you wanna do a review on that mate?
@DigitalPlague 17 сағат бұрын
It's called fake wall bangs to hide when he does turn his cheats on so people think he misses sometimes. But missing sometimes doesn't prove he's cheating. However wall banging with information does prove with high degree of likelihood than they are cheating Like here. kzfaq.infouJ4-9RXj6TM Then ask yourself when he kills the dude through the roof why does the aim just glide up to the roof and instantly snap back to the exact position. It's almost like his aim bot resets back to it's original position after he gets the kill.
@4theheadz 17 сағат бұрын
@@DigitalPlague holy shit you are actually delusional. Aimbot doesn't have a "default" position to snap back to you mug it only snaps to players. Heads for hard lock and body/sometimes head for softlock. You are so thick it's actually unbelievable.
@4theheadz 16 сағат бұрын
@@DigitalPlague Aimbot doesn't "reset" to any default position. You cry cheats but you don't even know how they work. They lock onto parts of a players body but there isn't a default position that they "reset" to.
@DigitalPlague 16 сағат бұрын
@@4theheadz Who flick to a location then flicks back to the original position.. . Doesn't change the fact he just shoots a dude through the wall. He doesn't even ADS straight hip fire. You can find endless examples of this guy wall banging often with zero information at all.
@4theheadz 16 сағат бұрын
@@DigitalPlague Are you joking? You want to keep your crosshair centred at all times when not shooting so you can do proper crosshair placement. This is what I mean, you don't have basic gamesense or aim fundamentals because you are terrible at fps games, so when people display what is considered normal behaviour or skill in higher mmr you don't know how to process it so you just call cheats. Yes, 5/6 star players go for wallbangs CONSTANTLY if we even know that someone is roughly in that area. Sometimes those shots end up being one taps. Trust me he misses way more than he hits, but why is he going to put all the misses in his highlights reels? Think before you speak mate lol
@midnight22k 2 күн бұрын
This clown is running around without silent killer and hackusations are flying out of him because he moved like a bot and got clapped sadge
@DigitalPlague Күн бұрын
You're just making claims and ignoring any points raised.
@trossbossinit 2 күн бұрын
After playing games at a competitive level myself, and after 4000 hours of Hunt and 3 years of watching Rachta I can say without the slightest doubt whatsoever that he is not a cheater. Unfortunate to see videos like this that are so out of touch with the reality of someone's genuine, earned skill. Sad, really.
@DigitalPlague 2 күн бұрын
Then you're blind Dude can't even hit a dude he can see then he somehow with no information shoots the dude through a tree branch that is completely obstructing his vision. In this video he goes to shoot a grunt and then he head taps a player that was in the bush / behind the fence he had zero knowledge they were there then jokes how that was his aim bot button.
@trossbossinit Күн бұрын
@@DigitalPlague First example you give is him simply understanding timing on when the player is going to peek around the rock. He can also hear her footsteps to further his information on her exact location and how/when she's moving into that line of sight that he holds through the brand. Second example is just plain luck. For every 1 of these types of random wall bangs he hits, he misses 100. It's just game sense with 10k hours and a bit of luck, that's all. Again, you're so out of touch with the reality of someone's genuine, earned skill.
@trossbossinit Күн бұрын
@@DigitalPlague At the end of the day, your attempt at "exposing" him for cheating has had no negative impact against him, which I assume is your intention with this weird video of yours. All this time wasted to have no affect on Rachta whatsoever, while everyone in the community thinks you're a clown. Congrats bro, phenomenal investigative work.
@trossbossinit Күн бұрын
@@DigitalPlague Maybe consider doing something worth your time? I know I will, since I wont be wasting any more of my time talking about this with your dim-witted, out of touch outlook.
@trossbossinit Күн бұрын
@@DigitalPlague heavy emphasis on dim-witted, by the way. And don't even consider it to be my opinion, since everyone else has made it clear in the comments on your videos that they know it to be true as well. Loser.
@djjoeray 2 күн бұрын
get gud or cry trying
@DigitalPlague 2 күн бұрын
I'm better than you ever will be. You need cheats to even stand a chance against me. FACTS! Crying and braking your keyboards that's why you cheat bro!
@Bugahbugah1218 3 күн бұрын
You’re the most delusional hunt player
@DigitalPlague 2 күн бұрын
Do you have any actual arguments?
@Bugahbugah1218 2 күн бұрын
@@DigitalPlague you mentioned that the other team had no information about where you were located on the map. Hunt is all about information, they could have heard your previous fight and knew to wait at the next clue to get a jump on you. You can also just run into another enemy team. You were crouch walking and he was within a few meters of you, so yeah he can obviously hear you because noise is “information”. Plus you were crouch walking directly in front of an open window with your head in clear sight. You also said “why would the enemy expose his position if he thinks he was better than you?”. That’s not even an argument. He obviously heard you crouch walking and decided to play aggressive and guess what, he won. He knew you were there because the clue was glowing, he heard shooting at the compound close to him, and he heard you crouch walking. You can’t claim wallhacks when you were shot through an open glass window.
@TEDIOUS. 3 күн бұрын
You do know you can here crouch steps joe ?
@DigitalPlague 2 күн бұрын
Only when the cheaters need it to prove I'm wrong when it's why can't I hear the enemy footsteps it will be any of the following. Can't hear them over the red can't hear them over your own footsteps to far away to hear them something wrong with my headset something wrong with my ears coms is too loud There is near endless list of reason to explain why the enemy can never be heard but there is never an acceptable reason why I shouldn't be heard.
@fritzflitz 2 күн бұрын
@@DigitalPlague yes you can hear them over the red if you pay enough attention.
@KurtisIsley 2 күн бұрын
@@DigitalPlague - if the player who shot you has already gotten the clue, it won't be red for him. He can then hear you easily.
@KurtisIsley 2 күн бұрын
Also - if the clue isn't "getable" for the shooter, it won't be red for him. he would easily be able to hear crouch walk footsteps.
@fritzflitz 2 күн бұрын
@@KurtisIsley the greyout is the same for everyone. so the only way to silence clues is to pick them up. which would also prove joe wrong cause if those people WERE THERE WAITING they had that clue picked up already. XD
@fritzflitz 3 күн бұрын
awww, did i break your ego with facts once again? poor little joe. :((
@Bugahbugah1218 3 күн бұрын
For real, this guy can’t be serious. He’s saying that there no way that a team can know where they are…. Uh yeah they can. They could have heard your shooting from the previous fight so they waited for you to come to the next clue. You can also just run into another team. And he could obviously hear him crouch walking. The enemy playing aggressive and pushing the window is not wallhacks
@DigitalPlague 2 күн бұрын
You haven't refuted all of the points of my argument. Their behaviour proves cheating. The fact your so obsessed with arguing with me, harassing me, making videos about me proves you're a cheater no normal person would waste so much of their time if they did not have a vested interest. So how can you hurt my "ego" when you've already proven me correct over and over again?
@fritzflitz 2 күн бұрын
@@DigitalPlague the fallacious behaviour you consistently do proves you are not a good person and that you've never won a single argument. all you do is deny and lie your way out of it and as soon you get caught you get incredibly mad and try so hard to claim it as wrong. you are making yourself look worse on your own doing.. 🤣
@Bugahbugah1218 2 күн бұрын
@@fritzflitzhe is totally wrong. Just because a player clearly knows where you are and decides to play aggressive does not mean they are cheating the slightest bit. This guy is delusional and there’s nothing we can say to change his mind. It’s comical reading and hearing his reasoning behind the “cheaters” and I assume his channel is pure satire
@fritzflitz Күн бұрын
@@Bugahbugah1218 everything he says and does is pure fallacy and delusional. sadly i doubt his channel is satire at this point.
@MrXeenos 3 күн бұрын
I can send you clips of me doing the same things. It's just you suck at games and don't understand how hunt player models rotate on an offset axis. Turning after shooting and "sweeping" makes you harder to hearshot. And if you can't 180 back on a target you kept in your minds eye. Don't play fps.
@FriedaFlitz 3 күн бұрын
Joe it’s impossible to be up against a window at a 90° angle that’s in the wall you goof.
@DigitalPlague 3 күн бұрын
As in he turned 90 degrees from where he was running down a straight line to the window on his left.
@fritzflitz 3 күн бұрын
@@DigitalPlague but why are you staring at a wall then? you can hear him run up to the window.. are you wallhacking?
@DigitalPlague 3 күн бұрын
@@fritzflitz If I was wall hacking why wouldn't I be watching the dude before he started running and followed him around and pre fired the window?
@fritzflitz 3 күн бұрын
@@DigitalPlague you are staring into a wall though. thats proof of wallhacks!
@FriedaFlitz 3 күн бұрын
“Wearing the reaper skin so it’s a pretty dark skin” Joe blue is EXPLOITING?? what a shitty move for real. Why even argue against anything when you’re over here exploiting so much.
@DigitalPlague 3 күн бұрын
It's so obvious you're all cheaters when you all have to coordinate your harassment against me. Just like these cheaters were coordinating against me and my mate. Same behaviour same mentality of grouping up and bullying. Stop wasting your time. wearing a skin is no an exploit but using no shadow exploits so they can see someone in a dark room is exploiting. Using filters turning up your brightness to see better in the dark is exploiting. This is an in game mechanic.
@FriedaFlitz 3 күн бұрын
@@DigitalPlague Joe I’m not wasting my time I’m having the time of my life rn If sitting in a tree which is purposely kept in the game by the devs (game mechanic) is exploiting then playing as the reaper, a dark skin to be less visible is 100% exploiting and you are a filthy exploiter. I’m using joegic joe.
@DigitalPlague 3 күн бұрын
@@FriedaFlitz You'll have to tell me where in the game manual it tells you certain tress can be used to hide in. When clearly anybody with sense knows it's not really supposed to be there and a dev on the game put in there to abuse it. Who shared that knowledge with cheaters or spread just through it's use. 99% of all trees are not accessible so the in game logic tells you it's not supposed to happen. A person would only find it by trying to exploit or glitch up into tress in the first place or knowledge that was handed out to certain people by the people who put it there.
@FriedaFlitz 3 күн бұрын
@@DigitalPlague I’ll tell you when you tell me where in the game manual it says you can play as the reaper. If a dev put it there.. they’re not abusing it.. a dev put it there.. a dev.. they make the game.. they decide what and what dosnt go.. 99% of trees may not be accessible but there is a SPECIFIC tree model that is a BROKEN tree and is placed all over the map and you can walk up EVERY broken tree.. almost like it’s put there as a little fun design choice..
@fritzflitz 3 күн бұрын
@@DigitalPlague why should there be a game manual, depicting every spot you can be in? you have no logic, joe. its a spot that has been found since the game exists. those trees are on ALL MAPS. all of them are climable. all maps get rebalanced but those trees were NEVER removed. wasnt put in there to abuse it. its a feature of the game and those trees do not even give you an advantage. most players know about these and you are extremely exposed up there..
@DigitalPlague 3 күн бұрын
You can tell by their behaviour they're treating us like we're foxes or an animal to be hunted. The way the box us in and pushing my mate with fake gun shots towards his partner. This is typical behaviour of people who cheat in games.
@fritzflitz 2 күн бұрын
you are simply wrong with this.
@DigitalPlague 2 күн бұрын
@@fritzflitz You can't disprove their clear and obvious behaviour that clearly displays pack hunting bullying mentality. With reactions that are too fast for the worst players in Hunt and push with the confidence of a cheater.
@fritzflitz 2 күн бұрын
@@DigitalPlague soo you are saying that confidently pushing in a game means cheating? news flash. it doesn't. confidence in pushing has nothing to do with cheating. it just means the person is confident on their own and can achieve things by themselves. its a sign of a better player. nothing more. reactions were not too fast either. look at that guys stats. he has 830k total bounty. he has been playing for a while and seems to have more skills and gamesense than you which is a normal thing.
@hitomiyuki3260 7 сағат бұрын
Have you tried getting good, joe
@DigitalPlague 7 сағат бұрын
@@hitomiyuki3260 I'm better than you ever could be. I've told you before.
@iam4eyes31 3 күн бұрын
bruh hes 4m away from you of course he can hear you even if youre crouch walking lmao he can even hear you open a door from that far i have 3k plus hours and with 2kda which is not even good and i can tell you 100% facts that im right with being in situations like this myself he just heard you its as simple as that
@DigitalPlague 3 күн бұрын
RED IS GOING OFF AND HE IS RUNNING.... If you have to ignore the facts to make your claims it means you're wrong.
@CrosshairRat 3 күн бұрын
@@DigitalPlague Red is going off for you Joe. Your hearing is impaired in this scenario. According to your "logical assumption" they took the clue. Therefore, the red wasn't going off for them and they can hear more than you.
@DigitalPlague 3 күн бұрын
@@CrosshairRat That's true but he was till running. You're not crouch walking over running. He still had no time to react. Even if you can hear someone directly you still need to react to seeing them.. Unless you already saw them with wall hacks.
@CrosshairRat 3 күн бұрын
@@DigitalPlague Seems to me like a pretty average time to me. About 2-2.5 whole seconds of you in the building, transparent window, door opening sound to alert that you were going in, average gamer reaction time of 250 ms. And regarding your skin... There was a lamp in front of you providing enough light to see a figure. And all of these 100% facts just account for the information that the Hail Mary had. Doesn't even take into account the possible comms she could have been getting from a partner that you've asserted was watching from a different angle.
@DigitalPlague 3 күн бұрын
@@CrosshairRat If you have to make blatant lies I will just block you you are all clearly here to harass me and I don't have time to be argue with bell ends. There time to react from when they got to the window which is when the footsteps stopped. Is barely even a fraction of a second. The lamp is not going to light me up. The light it makes and orange globe in small radius you can see in the video how far it lights up. It not showing me up at all. Again who runs up to a window where you know a person is there? and not peek from an angle into the window. "Doesn't even take into account the possible comms she could have been getting from a partner that you've asserted was watching from a different angle." Even a person with comms from another player on another angle still wouldn't run in guns blazing knowing the exact location. They displayed no behaviour of human player with actual knowledge of the game. They ran in without caution of any kinds. There is aggressive player and then they're is cheater play. I play aggressively and even I'll approach certain areas or places with a degree of caution. Like as said in the video I could have been holding that angle and good player would expect it. But he seemed to know I wasn't holding the angle. Just like he knew my mate was healing.
@stk4622 3 күн бұрын
just found this channel, it is peak comedy! Shchizo Joe lol
@DigitalPlague 3 күн бұрын
What's the funniest part and why?
@YuukiVal 4 күн бұрын
blud thinks hes Kratos xD
@DigitalPlague 4 күн бұрын
That was the reaction rating I got on the site I did a reaction test. I had demi god reactions.
@bernhardmunch5880 4 күн бұрын
I have 1.500+ hours of Hunt gameplay. Maybe not the most, but enough to tell you that these guys did not cheat. Look at all the comments you received. Noone agree with you. Its a very sound based game and stuff like this happens. Just get over it.
@DigitalPlague 4 күн бұрын
Where is the study or experiment that has been done that proves there is a relationship to time played and being able to spot cheaters. "Noone agree with you." That doesn't mean I'm wrong. If everyone is cheater or too stupid to spot cheaters then what they say doesn't matter does it?
@bernhardmunch5880 4 күн бұрын
​@@DigitalPlague You have no proof about cheaters, you have guesses. My guess is, that you're not experienced enough to spot cheaters or how game manupilation works. My proof for this statement is this video and your comments. You have been given enough good arguments why you are not right. You just have to learn to accept them.
@DigitalPlague 4 күн бұрын
@@bernhardmunch5880 Under what grounds are they guesses. Where am I guessing. Show an example of guesswork and explain how it's guesswork. Otherwise it's just another baseless claim. "My guess is, that you're not experienced enough to spot cheaters or how game manupilation works. My proof for this statement is this video and your comments. " But you have nothing to support this but your feelings / what you want to be true. All my conclusions are based on logical deduction of physical facts, circumstances and probability.
@bernhardmunch5880 4 күн бұрын
@@DigitalPlague I wonder if you really believe in what you say. Your mind must be a total chaos and you are probably your worst enemy. I hope you find peace in what you are doing. Please, get some help. I'm out.
@DigitalPlague 3 күн бұрын
@@bernhardmunch5880 Why do all you guys make all these claims and assumptions based on nothing more than your feelings and what you want to be true?
@mrcurlim4918 4 күн бұрын
Look man, I agree that in Hunt there are a lot of closet cheaters...a lot...but in this instance man, you made so much noise that even a 1 star would be able to predict where you were.
@DigitalPlague 4 күн бұрын
But was us making the noise ever point of contention or not. Or is the fact that this person moved to me silently and was already waiting. If it's the latter you got to understand that most people will always be moving to a clue or a boss lair. So you should 90% of the time both parties should be heard if they step into audible range. So for anybody to just be waiting is more likely to be cheating / esp. On the basis that there are so many closet cheaters so that would be the likely reason. Even without there being huge amount of closet cheaters it's still unlikely that people will be waiting on route to a clue or boss lair. It's not impossible but this is far easier to do if you have ESP and see where people are moving to.
@mrcurlim4918 3 күн бұрын
@@DigitalPlague Look man, I understand that HUNT has no credibility and that there is a bunch of cheaters. But on this epecific video there is absolutely nothing SUS about the plays. This behaviour has to do also with understanding spawn points and experience in the game. When i play, Play for PVP, i dont care about the clue, i dont care sbout boss (unless i have to regain bars and i dont have the skill to loot hunters and get the bars back) and i have so many hours in this game (Throusands) that it is very easy to predict where peopel will be at without them making noise, let along when they are noisy as you were on this clip. But again, If you are convinced that this guy is a cheater, thats cool. Report him and hopefully he gets banned if you are right. All the best to you man !!
@burgersquinn 4 күн бұрын
been playing long enough to have obituary but not a basic grasp of the game haha. beat me? must be cheating.
@DigitalPlague 4 күн бұрын
But I'm not saying because he beat me he cheated me. If I did that I wouldn't have enough HD space to store all the cheaters.
@bvg4763 5 күн бұрын
HOLY SMOKES Joe blue, what another banger!
@modernoverman 5 күн бұрын
Yourse still keeping this shit up?
@DigitalPlague 4 күн бұрын
Can't stop, won't stop!
@beckbru 5 күн бұрын
Great work Joe keep it up Another subscriber to the channel, we are together in the game
@CrosshairRat 5 күн бұрын
Once again showing your complete lack of game sense... "It's almost like they know we're approaching." Do you know how many sight lines there are from your angle of approach? They could have seen you coming after grabbing the clue and decided to hang out and easily eliminate a team on the map knowing that the red clue sounds are going to go off for you and not for them, which would mask some of their movements. You identified the footsteps, thought they were your partner for some reason and creep walked into an enclosed space. Seems like a demigod reaction time player would have realized where the footsteps were coming from and at least swung to try and fire back? You knew the window he shot you through was there, knew he was on wood close so there was only one direction he could have been coming from. (If he came from your right he would have made mud sounds) Not to mention your teammate should have been helping cover you as soon as you called out footsteps. You see wallhacks, I see a well executed ambush by a team and a second team stumbling upon you on their way to that clue. You had more than enough time to react with your demigod reaction time but you hesitated and creep walked like a scared little noobie. No wallhacks here. Just fearful creepwalking getting you outplayed
@DigitalPlague 5 күн бұрын
"Once again showing your complete lack of game sense... "It's almost like they know we're approaching." Do you know how many sight lines there are from your angle of approach?" His mate came from the right to box us into a bottle neck.. So that shows premeditation way in advance. "You identified the footsteps, thought they were your partner for some reason and creep walked into an enclosed space." Lies that's not what happened. I heard footsteps and I asked was that you checked where he was. Realised they were not his. "demigod reaction time player would have realized where the footsteps were coming from and at least swung to try and fire back?" Because he shouldn't have known I was there so I had the time to wait to hear where he was traveling too. "You knew the window he shot you through was there" But he shouldn't have known I was there. "You see wallhacks, I see a well executed ambush by a team and a second team stumbling upon you on their way to that clue. You had more than enough time to react with your demigod reaction time but you hesitated and creep walked like a scared little noobie." because he had no information I was inside the house. He has a Romero he did not have vision of me. If that shot missed I would have killed him because he would have to reload or switch weapons. So this super tactical guy with game sense to ambush people who is a 3 star "supposed to be the worst players" also has the tactical genius to waste all that pre work and execution on gambling with a single bullet... You're a fool!
@CrosshairRat 5 күн бұрын
@@DigitalPlague "His mate came from the right to box us into a bottle neck.. So that shows premeditation way in advance." Not really. If they were coming for the clue from a different direction then they could have seen you approach too if they were just spread out. @fritzflitz pointed out that multiple teams could have just been converging on the same clue. Happens in Duos all the time. "Lies that's not what happened. I heard footsteps and I asked was that you checked where he was. Realised they were not his." And then creep walked into a confined space with a window on your left. Where's the lie? Hunt is a movement game and you set yourself up to get got. "Because he shouldn't have known I was there so I had the time to wait to hear where he was traveling too." He wasn't subtle about his movement at all. With the wood sounds, Only one place he could have been in that situation and only two real directions that weren't into water. Isn't a good offense the best defense? Also, Did you know that with a good pair of headphones you can hear people creep walking? And, If as you assumed his partner was on the right he could have called out you were walking into the house? Some teams can handle really basic coms "He has a Romero he did not have vision of me. If that shot missed I would have killed him because he would have to reload or switch weapons." There's the lie/copium you've told yourself a few times now in this comment section. :) He didn't have a Romero nor did he need to have wallhacks. Even a mildly competent 3 star with a good teammate in this scenario could have clapped you and your teammate with the scared little creepwalking and lack of awareness. I'm pretty sad that you're running out of content though. But I don't blame you for not wanting to play Hunt. I'd go to another game if I was this bad too. Maybe stick to solo games for a while? Your Demigod reflexes seem like they're starting to fail you as you get older. Best of luck.
@DigitalPlague 5 күн бұрын
@@CrosshairRat "Not really. If they were coming for the clue from a different direction then they could have seen you approach too if they were just spread out. " If you watch the video you can see they already took the clue. One player is on one side and the other was on another side. Team mates don't usually split up so wide because it's dangerous. But people with cheats often do this is to cover more ground and get more kills since they can pretty much go up against any legit player on their own. "And then creep walked into a confined space with a window on your left. Where's the lie? Hunt is a movement game and you set yourself up to get got." I explained exactly where the lie was. I never confused my mates footsteps with the enemy. I knew it was an enemy. I just wasn't fully sure of my partners location. II creeped into location they did not know I was in. They couldn't have heard where I was. "He wasn't subtle about his movement at all. With the wood sounds," So what? I was waiting for him to stop or come around from the door entrance. I wasn't expecting to be shot through a closed window when they didn't have the info to be able to do that. That's why I didn't react because my gamer sense told me I had time to wait see and pick my moment. "There's the lie/copium you've told yourself a few times now in this comment section. :) He didn't have a Romero " My mistake I only checked back on the timeline preview and determined Romero hand cannon but it's Caldwell rival. You still have to pretty stupid to think he doesn't have wall hacks because that's exactly what someone with wall hacks would do when they didn't care about hiding it. No information I was inside had no visibility of me. End of story. His mate also shot my mate through a wall as well.. It's full proof 100% wall hacks. "I'm pretty sad that you're running out of content though. But I don't blame you for not wanting to play Hunt. I'd go to another game if I was this bad too. Maybe stick to solo games for a while? Your Demigod reflexes seem like they're starting to fail you as you get older. Best of luck" You'll never be as good as me even if I was 80... I'd still be better than you and you'll always need cheats. You will always be trash needing cheats to play the game. Idiots pretending to play games against other idiots pretending to play games.. As you all sit in your little cheaters paradises not playing the game.. and just watching your aim bots play the game for you.. LMAO! so low IQ... Have fun in your future of zero dynamic play or clutch situations. Just an endless boring set of games of watching an aim bot kill other players with an aim bot because they're too busy killing someone else with an aim bot..
@CrosshairRat 5 күн бұрын
@@DigitalPlague All you do is make statements and assumptions Joe. It's pretty embarrassing Someone took the clue. Did you see the Hail Mary take the clue? Could have been a team that had already moved on. The gun your teammate got shot with sounded like a winnie or the caldwell pump action rifle. With FMJ it's pretty common to shoot through walls with a little bit of info where someone is and maybe get lucky with a shot. Even at lower mmr. But you'd know that if you were capable of learning and adapting. Must be a rough life with everyone out to get you. Perhaps you should seek a hug from someone? Or therapy. ❤
@DigitalPlague 4 күн бұрын
@@CrosshairRat "Someone took the clue. Did you see the Hail Mary take the clue? Could have been a team that had already moved on." Logically that is not likely since the player that killed me came from the left of that building and the guys partner went around to come from the right to cut my mate off from the other side. There was no sound of anybody moving around there when we got there So if they did just arrive as you claim that would also suggest wall hacks because they saw us before audio range and stopped. Otherwise we would have heard each other moving. So they were either there already and saw us coming and waited or they just arrived shortly before and stopped to wait because they saw us coming. So the physical facts would suggest wall hacks either way. This is a logical conclusion based on the physical facts and circumstances. Also you are under the false assumption that assumptions are bad when they are the foundation of scientific or criminal investigation or any investigation for that matter. You can't do science or investigate without assumptions being made. "With FMJ it's pretty common to shoot through walls with a little bit of info" But he didn't have any info.
@b0ng0b8y 5 күн бұрын
You're a cheater, I exposed you on your other video.
@DigitalPlague 5 күн бұрын
@b0ng0b8y 5 күн бұрын
You couldn't refute it. Proven cheater.
@DigitalPlague 5 күн бұрын
@@b0ng0b8y I did. I showed all I can which was a screenshot of my sound profile I use. I can't do anything more than that. Then a baseless claim like yours doesn't prove anything.
@b0ng0b8y 5 күн бұрын
@@DigitalPlague You had that ready as an excuse though, just like a cheater would do.
@DigitalPlague 5 күн бұрын
@@b0ng0b8y Why would I go through all that planning and conniving when I could have just not uploaded the part where I needed to swap my sound profile and avoid any claims of cheating altogether?
@smoken4311 5 күн бұрын
This wasn’t cheating your mic was on the whole time and you were making a fair amount of noise
@DigitalPlague 5 күн бұрын
Mic is not directional. There are many other points that you're just ignoring but I can't be bothered right to to go through them all.
@smoken4311 5 күн бұрын
@@DigitalPlague seems that 99% of the comments agree with me . All good keep coping you won’t improve
@DigitalPlague 4 күн бұрын
@@smoken4311 Because most of them are cheaters or stupid and you're one of them.
@smoken4311 4 күн бұрын
@@DigitalPlague everyone is wrong but you , for sure . I got clips on my channel I’d say I’m a fair amount better at this game than you :)
@DigitalPlague 4 күн бұрын
@@smoken4311 Some nice shots in your clips mate but it's not all that. Probably great for console player. If you haven't played on PC you have no idea how sweaty and cheaty Hunt is. Here is some actual PC skill from one of my highlight reels
@vladsychov4484 5 күн бұрын
I totally agree with the guy who made this video. Sure, sometimese people just call everyone a cheater, that happens too, but here he's using logic to explain why he thinks those people are cheaters. Happened to me a couple of times recently, almost never happened before. Haters like to say 'oh. you are just bad at the game'. But you guys forget that hunt lacks enough tools to actually prove that someone's cheating, but that doesn't mean they don't. Sometimes it looks like someone got lucky too many times in a row and if you have brain you will notice that something is off.
@DigitalPlague 5 күн бұрын
Thanks, But a lot of the people who comment here are just cheaters who love to gaslight me.
@RubbedTheRubberDucky 5 күн бұрын
Not sure if trolling or just shit.
@DigitalPlague 5 күн бұрын
Then you're probably not able to tell what cheats look like either.
@fritzflitz 5 күн бұрын
this clip once again shows how you have 0 awareness. you hear steps on the other side clearly not where your mate is and still ask about it. you can hear him but you are not even trying to cover the window on your left or anything. you are staring straight into a wall. are YOU wallhacking, joe? 0:40 they heard you walk over, open the door and crouch inside. yes OVER the red of the clue. footsteps stick out over it. crouching is harder to hear but you CAN hear it depending on the material your on. the hail mary just pushed up, looked through the window and shot you in the chest with a slug. Window was open, the only thing broken by the shot was the class. No wallbang symbol on the deathscreen. nothing suspicious there normal, basic hunt gameplay by using audio. "they KNOW we are approaching" you do realize running is loud and the other fact people want to grab clues aswell. not everyone goes straight for fights. Hunt is not CoD. no, there are no shutters on the window. a single slug round DOES NOT destroy shutters and if there were shutters there would've been a "wallbang" emblem on the deathscreen. but there wasn't which indicates it was a normal glass window without any closed shutters. they can hear you crouching so they know you ARE crouching and again, window. 4:06 your mate is looking at the window the guy shot through. any opened shutters? no. so there you go, the window was just glass nothing more. the other team was also not wallhacking. the guy shot at your friend with a Marathon that was PROBABLY loaded with FMJ "the dude shoots my mate straight through the building" simple explanation: the guy who shot saw the gun of your mate and shot through the CORNER of the building. compact FMJ goes through that fairly well. its only 2 surfaces and no they are NOT tracking him through the building, they are either guessing to get a second hit or not. another proof you don't have any awareness or game sense "some seems closer and shoots with a pistol" the gun sound: Winfield the gun sound from the guy who wallbanged: Marathon 5:13 hail mary hears your mate in water BELOW the house, easiest free kill ever and that wasn't even instant one tap. once again the window never had shutters on. a single shot would not destroy those and they were not opened either. so the guy had FULL VISIBILITY on you. there was no wooden impact noise on the window either (a sound you hear when they shoot THROUGH a wall) but you only hear the glass shatter. you have no evidence to support your accusations. all you do is claim stuff as true which isn't to make it SOUND more truthful yet they are all lies. The killview and your own mate proves you wrong about the window and audio in general proves you wrong about wallhacks accusations. maybe get REAL evidence of a REAL cheater instead of always trying to find excuses when you lose and not reflecting on all mistakes you've done to get better.
@mathewemery3330 5 күн бұрын
seems like a decoy thrown with pitcher could make the steps, i dident hear the gate but my hearings bad also
@sonkeigaming8939 5 күн бұрын
you opened the door they heard that. 2:13 you can clearly see the window you got shot through on the left and it had glass on it not wood covering it. they pushed because he had a shotgun and heard you open the door.
@DigitalPlague 5 күн бұрын
"you opened the door they heard that" Over the red? How did they know I moved into the building? They started running before I moved so they couldn't have heard my footsteps move inside. So how did they know to risk their only Romero shot through a set of blinds they cannot see through? If I hadn't have been where they shot they would have lost and died. There mate pushing in from the right hand side proves they were setting up an ambush to pincer us in from either side. So they must have known players who heading this way a long time ago to set that up. Stop making up excuses dude. it's wall hacks.
@KurtisIsley 5 күн бұрын
@@DigitalPlague - If he has already gotten the clue or has gotten 3 clues, he won't hear the red, but he will definitely hear you opening the door and crouch walking.
@sonkeigaming8939 5 күн бұрын
@@KurtisIsley Thank you
@DigitalPlague 5 күн бұрын
@@KurtisIsley My crouch walking started when he started running. So he had no info I moved indoors. Even if I concede to them being able to hear the door which I doubt.
@fritzflitz 5 күн бұрын
@@DigitalPlague he heard you open the door.
@alreadydeadxx2120 5 күн бұрын
you give these dumpster babies too much attention. this is the type of shit they want
@Aus_Freeborne 6 күн бұрын
Joe Blue, at it again. Show the whole clip, so we can laugh as you make all sorts of noise as you approach the clue in Clip 1. It's much funnier that way when you scream "how does he know where we are?????". There's a few people that watch your videos and probably are not aware they are watching someone with severe autism and believe your half of the story. Is it not possible the guy was camping the clue after hearing you both approach, presumably through Church? His teammate might have been going for another clue. The fact there was 2 teams in that compound also suggests they were all being quiet. That's what happens when you play in your 2-3 star lobbies, and you take ages to get to the middle. You run into a bunch of campers. When the clue got set off, he would have known you were within 35m. Might have heard you open the door too. At 2:10, you can see the glass window he shot you through. News alert, glass is transparent. You can see through them, especially when you're 1m from them and the enemy is 3m away on the other side. After you died, his teammate would be looking around your direction, if he wasn't already. Your mate gets tagged as his rifle is sticking out of the corner of the building. Then some random shots are fired He then jumps down and makes a lot of noise in the water. The guy that shot him is telling his mate something like "I tagged him, he's low on health", so he jumps down and finishes him with a shotgun blast. The guy that killed you both has an 8 year old, clean account. No anime or hentai. Never changed their name, almost all his friends are from same country (Spain). Looks legit to me. This is why Hunt needs proper MMR bracket restrictions. Innocent Bambi's like yourself need to be contained in a safe-space reservation where you only encounter other 2-star players so you can retain your innocence and delusional belief that you are a good gamer.
@SwatKingAk 6 күн бұрын
You can also do what Huuge used to do, load into a match solo, die and then spectate other players for any sus activity.
@TEDIOUS. 6 күн бұрын
Ive done that alot and spectated a few cheaters
@DigitalPlague 5 күн бұрын
It's an idea but people will just tell me you can't use spectate it's to buggy unless it's really obvious. Most of the time 80% of all cheaters just are not that obvious and the laggy spectate helps to hide most cheaters visually. There can be tells that you can logically argue they are cheating based on spectate but as soon as you have to make logical arguments no one will care because it involves thinking which most people don't do or want to do.
@fritzflitz 5 күн бұрын
@@DigitalPlague excuses, excuses. if most of the cheaters are not that obvious, how can you "find" so many? if spectating doesn't provide proof then all of your clips of spectating people and thinking its evidence are invalid instantly.
@DigitalPlague 5 күн бұрын
@@fritzflitz Because a lot of people are cheating and trying to hide it. You assume here that all cheating must be obvious and cheating not being obvious means not many people are cheating..
@fritzflitz 5 күн бұрын
@@DigitalPlague if its not obvious, how can YOU find it?
@TEDIOUS. 6 күн бұрын
Hey joe if you want to see some intresting hacker videos ive got a whole bunch of clips
@Aus_Freeborne 6 күн бұрын
11 years since last time you got caught? Congratulations I guess but once a loser, always a loser.
@TEDIOUS. 5 күн бұрын
@@Aus_Freeborne im genuinely concerned the fact you just admitted stalking my accounts i get there public but dam a bit desperate.
@DigitalPlague 5 күн бұрын
Why do you put so much effort into making videos showing that you can't play games? It's like watching a wheel chair bound person winning the 100M sprint in a pair of cyborg legs and acting like they did that shit themselves.. Also why do cheaters play the worst kind of rap music? XD
@TEDIOUS. 5 күн бұрын
@DigitalPlague ouch be cearful thoes angry internet words hurt. Also joe i was actually intrested in showing you some cheater clips. So you actually know what a hunt cheater looks like.
@fritzflitz 5 күн бұрын
​@@TEDIOUS. he wont listen to us. he thinks everyone saying how hes wrong is a cheater too. hes super delusional and thinks he should be 5 stars cause he has good static reactions, 30 years of gaming experience and high rank in MGS5. he compares himself to professional gamers in skills yet he's FAR from them.
@DigitalPlague 6 күн бұрын
Pretty sure the dude that shoots my mate on the right side is the other guys partner. Him being on the right side is a strong tell of wall hacks as they basically created a bottle neck to be attacked from both sides. In proves premeditation to wait when they saw us approach. Probably saw us with walls some time ago and set up the plan to sandwich us at the clue. Also this was literally the game before the clip from the last episode.
@fritzflitz 5 күн бұрын
"Him being on the right side is a strong tell of wall hacks as they basically created a bottle neck to be attacked from both sides." no it isn't. its smart play if it was his teammate but it was probably another team.
@b0ng0b8y 5 күн бұрын
Who even fights at those houses other than 3 stars?
@fritzflitz 5 күн бұрын
@@b0ng0b8y nobody else. If i hear people there im gonna run, no matter the loadout i have.
@b0ng0b8y 5 күн бұрын
@@fritzflitz I've had maybe 1 or 2 fights from those houses and gone "Yh, this position is dogshit I will never go here again." and that was back when the map came out. I expect Joe to not see being there in the first place as a mistake.
@fritzflitz 5 күн бұрын
@@b0ng0b8y oh god, the days when this map was new.. good times XD
@badpig8516 6 күн бұрын
Funny kid trying to accuse someone who is just better
@DigitalPlague 6 күн бұрын
Do you have arguments? If you think this shot is legit you're brain dead, @23:21
@strelockyoussef4033 7 күн бұрын
mad cause bad thats all skill issues
@DigitalPlague 7 күн бұрын
Bad cause your bad that's why you cheat.... I bet you have graveyard of broken keyboards and controllers that you broke in rage because you're bad at games.
@charcharbinks_ 7 күн бұрын
*runs around and melees without silent killer” HOW DID THEY KNOW I WAS HERE 😂
@b0ng0b8y 7 күн бұрын
"I dont have the Hunt sound profile on" Why would you admit to cheating and put it as the FIRST clip? Try harder next time.
@DigitalPlague 7 күн бұрын
Why would I be talking about how low the game is as precursor to turning my cheats on... I don't need to cover up a reason to hide my cheats I can just not upload the section where I turn my cheats on... Lmao! If I was live streaming you could make this claim and it would make some sense if I was trying to hide turning cheats on. However it makes no sense when I can just not upload that section that would incriminate myself.
@b0ng0b8y 7 күн бұрын
@@DigitalPlague Yh that would work if you weren't actively trying to prove you weren't cheating. Your response just proves even more that you are cheating. You've just been caught :)
@DigitalPlague 7 күн бұрын
@@b0ng0b8y This is the only evidence I can give to prove that I wasn't turning cheats on.
@b0ng0b8y 7 күн бұрын
@@DigitalPlague You have that ready to back up what you're saying because you're a cheater! It's so obvious and now you're scrambling to cover it up.
@fritzflitz 6 күн бұрын
@@DigitalPlague imagine using an audio profile as an excuse to hide your cheats..
@landonwright7580 7 күн бұрын
Lol, my guy is grubbing in 3 star lobbies bitching about cheaters. You sir are bad at the game, end of story. It’s ok though I’m bad at lots of games, just a fact of life.
@gurraking7229 8 күн бұрын
As someone who has gotten many 5.0+ kd matches, its honestly an easy braindead shooter. SBMM would ruin the game. If you want that just play ranked.
@DigitalPlague 8 күн бұрын
I'm not asking for SBMM. I'm saying why games feel super sweaty. Has nothing to do with SBMM.. They feel the exactly the same with or without. So there must be another reason. I believe that reason to be due to cheaters. Cheating has gotten so bad in gaming in the past few years I can't even win a game of Fortnite without reverse boosting.
@tacotommy5584 7 күн бұрын
@@DigitalPlague reverse boosting is a form of cheating. Cheater.
@DigitalPlague 6 күн бұрын
@@tacotommy5584 Yeah well I'm not reverse boosting because I want to win at the game. I'm reversing boosting because I'm playing with my mate and it can't be helped. Now that we've been winning games for months we only just won a game the other day. It was in my highlight reel. I even say it's been a month since we've last won a game. Reverse boosting with the intention to reverse boost to gain unfair advantage is cheating. I'm just playing with a mate... I'm not getting him to crate a fake account or to make an alt to smurf. It's just circumstances that can't be changed.
@tacotommy5584 8 күн бұрын
Joe blue put on his guy fawkes mask for this one 😂
@Nuage9987 8 күн бұрын
Just like everyone at this point I would love for you to be a troll, but sadly, I think you're not. I think you truly believe the nonsense that comes out of your mouth, and that level of delusion is dangerous for your mental health. Your incapacity to question your skill and this belief that anyone better than you is cheating will eventually lead you to extend this mindset to everything, you will start to believe that anything bad happening to you is always due to someone using underhanded methods, and paranoia will consume you until the last solution will be institutionalization. I truly hope that you will get out of this before it's too late.
@fritzflitz 8 күн бұрын
using the drilling that you claim is made for cheaters? are you cheating, joe? also look at the shot at 0:38 delayed muzzle flash ON THE SHOTGUN barrel. got an explanation for it? ;)
@DigitalPlague 8 күн бұрын
Looks like you might be right. I still think you're a cheater just on the basis of how you've acted toward me on this channel. So of course I'm going to seeing anything sus and call it out. You're still sweeping past the target though which is what a trigger bot would do. Which is something I rarely ever do on Hunt. In fact I don't think it as ever happened. You might see examples of me sweeping past targets in XDefiant but that is due to the speed of the game and they're done out of error rather than deliberate intent.
@fritzflitz 8 күн бұрын
​@@DigitalPlague the delay of the muzzle flash happens on the drilling rifle right after the shotgun clip too. "You're still sweeping past the target though which is what a trigger bot would do." you are as well. so would mean you have a trigger bot too. (your own febuary highlights video. 9 minute and 2 seconds) im not talking about Xdefiant but you saying it happens in that game proves that claim wrong. "I still think you're a cheater" burden of proof is on you. you have to prove it. if you don't, the accusation is invalid.
@DigitalPlague 8 күн бұрын
@@fritzflitz Apex is also a fast paced game and I already explained that clip. it was that I had to turn around and aim that caused that to happen. Also I wasn't really sweeping that fast past the target I had a lot of time to react to the shot as that happened. 240 fps is also going to make shots like that easier to hit. I had like 4 times the reaction window. You had to go into slow mo to even see you sweep past the target in Hunt. That's how fast it was... So that's even harder to react to with less FPS that 240 to react to it and you've already proven that your base reaction is slower than mine. So it still seems suspect to me. Then you have all the lies and misrepresentation. Shooting people through fog. Exploiting the game by getting onto tress you shouldn't be able to. Then the mysterious frame that just happens to places between a real big aim snap..
@fritzflitz 8 күн бұрын
​@@DigitalPlague "You had to go into slow mo to even see you sweep past the target in Hunt. That's how fast it was... So that's even harder to react to with less FPS that 240 to react to it and you've already proven that your base reaction is slower than mine. " you cant use the base reaction time since it doesn't matter in games. my ingame reaction time is faster than yours and that is a proven fact. you say it yourself that the static reaction tests are not the same as reactions in games. so therefore its not suspect. I react way faster in hunt than you do. "Then you have all the lies and misrepresentation. Shooting people through fog." its not through fog. you realize the people i shot in low visibility also shot at us. which means we can see each other ans also, muzzle flashes of enemies are almost always next to the heads. recordings of low visibility maps are already annoying since it doesn't show everything. you can see Silhouettes before they vanish into the fog and that might not be seen on recordings. "Exploiting the game by getting onto tress you shouldn't be able to." as mentioned before. slanted trees like the one in chapel are a FEATURE not an exploit. fairly easy to walk or run up on those and they have been a thing since forever and get used from time to time. the maps get constantly changed and rebalanced and those trees were never touched in all those years which also proves you wrong in this point. "Then the mysterious frame that just happens to places between a real big aim snap.." not an aimsnap, its a normal flick. you made fake evidence for a stupid claim. you lied about removing one frame but you actually deleted 2 frames. You deleted both frames that were the same and also, i found the duplicated frames in one of your clips too so there you go. disproven. now you can choose. take the accusation back OR try and prove it again. there is no other option.
@DigitalPlague 8 күн бұрын
@@fritzflitz "you cant use the base reaction time since it doesn't matter in games" I didn't claim this this is strawman you're assumptions because it fits your narrative. I just said they're not the same noy that they can't be used. clicking on reaction is not the same as reacting to moving targets. Your baseless reaction will still be relevant. It's doing things like this that just build the case that you're a cheater. "its not through fog. you realize the people i shot in low visibility also shot at us. " You followed them through the fog and landed a head tap. "its not through fog. you realize the people i shot in low visibility also shot at us. " I don't' agree more like an oversight or troll put it in there who works at Crytek and it was never changed. It would also require wall hacks to make effective use out of it. "not an aimsnap, its a normal flick." "Normal flick... " Everything was going up in normal increments and then a huge snap to target. " you lied about removing one frame but you actually deleted 2 frames. " Lol I only removed the fake frame.. If I removed another frame that would worse for you because that means I removed a frame of aim snap... "now you can choose. take the accusation back OR try and prove it again. there is no other option" Why? all your misrepresentations of me and the way you argue suggest you're disingenuous person. Which is sus..
@fritzflitz 8 күн бұрын
using a voicechanger? is someone insecure and scared? awww poor little joe.. :(
@DigitalPlague 8 күн бұрын
not really. My mic is acting up there were some really bad frequencies that was hurting my ears. There is no decent where to EQ the issue out. I tried everything and then I was just messing around with voice modulation. That solved the issue and it also helped make the vocals clear when I start speaking sometimes my voice goes to one side of the mix and it can't be heard correctly. This just made all those issues go away or lessen them. Then I just thought it sounded better that way so I left it like that.
@fritzflitz 8 күн бұрын
@@DigitalPlague wasnt just the mic, the clip in the end was even lowered.
@DigitalPlague 8 күн бұрын
@@fritzflitz The audio track for that clip is on the same channel as the audio effects. I forgot to swap the audio for that channel.
@YuukiVal 7 күн бұрын
hes 37yo and chronically online of course hes insecure
@fritzflitz 7 күн бұрын
@@YuukiVal YUP xD
@Spaghettify 8 күн бұрын
Joe, you literally question the game play validity of anyone better than you at FPS games... which is damn near everyone.
@DigitalPlague 8 күн бұрын
You have nothing to base this on. It's 100% your opinion based on what you feel and you have no hard evidence or argumentation to suggest otherwise. All you have is the the same opinion as yours being said by other people who also have no hard evidence or argumentation and is based entirely on either just "feelings" or an actual agenda to contradict me. That reason being some those people are cheaters.
@Spaghettify 8 күн бұрын
@@DigitalPlague You're hard stuck 3* in Hunt. That's evidence of your mediocrity. Every game play video you post is evidence of your mediocrity. You've NOT ONCE provided hard evidence of cheaters. Just accusations, assumptions, and baseless claims. Not sure why you keep coming to the table and expecting anything other than derision.
@DigitalPlague 8 күн бұрын
@@Spaghettify "You're hard stuck 3* in Hunt. That's evidence of your mediocrity. Every game play video you post is evidence of your mediocrity" Only if I'm wrong about the cheaters.. Which I know I'm not because I've witnessed first hand the cheating and the sus deaths get worse over time as my KD dropped and my MMR kept dropping. "You've NOT ONCE provided hard evidence of cheaters. Just accusations, assumptions, and baseless claims. Not sure why you keep coming to the table and expecting anything other than derision." That's just you're opinion and your claim. Since it's your claim against me.. The burden of proof to prove your claim against me is on you. Which you or anyone else has proven. Baseless claims means based on nothing... How can I make videos making points about things if I have nothing to base my claims on... I wouldn't be able to make videos. Then if I was making videos of gibberish people would be able to point to specific examples of gibberish and explain why it's gibberish. But nobody can do that.
@Spaghettify 6 күн бұрын
@@DigitalPlague Your next Hunt vid accusing people of cheating, i'll give you a point by point on decision making, your tactics, and where you went wrong, and ultimately where the "gibberish" is. Could be a learning moment, but I already know the formula you will follow.
@DigitalPlague 6 күн бұрын
@@Spaghettify If you could do it you already would have
@DigitalPlague 9 күн бұрын
I forgot to mention in the video that cheaters would obviously praise no SBMM since SBMM matches them with other cheaters forcing them to smurf or reverse boost to get "less sweaty" lobbies.
@goomysoda 9 күн бұрын
sure pal
@DigitalPlague 8 күн бұрын
@@goomysoda Sure what?
@goomysoda 8 күн бұрын
@@DigitalPlague i think you know exactly what i mean
@DigitalPlague 8 күн бұрын
@@goomysoda No I don't..
@theBlackbriar 9 күн бұрын
ahhh sheeit Joe toggled on
@DigitalPlague 8 күн бұрын
Just legit skill.
@fritzflitz 8 күн бұрын
@@DigitalPlague you mean lack off skill? LOL
@DigitalPlague 8 күн бұрын
@@fritzflitz Where is that?
@fritzflitz 8 күн бұрын
@@DigitalPlague in all of the videos you have on your channels. especially the hunt showdown "highlights"
@DigitalPlague 8 күн бұрын
@@fritzflitz But you can't make actual good explanation where the lack of skill is. Just not picking trivial shite that holds no actual value.