@theotterone 16 сағат бұрын
Watching OLADUSHEK is always fun! He did the same strat in Noobs of Arena 2 as well. Spoiler: Im still to see a game where the Crusade works tho.
@TechChariot 9 сағат бұрын
He came close!
@theotterone Ай бұрын
I think the Samurai used the ram to avoic the TC fire while entering the woodline.
@AEGISAOE Ай бұрын
who is the person who made hideout? i remember it became popular with WK
@TechChariot Ай бұрын
It is an ancient map. I believe it was made by TheProphet!
@AEGISAOE Ай бұрын
thumbnail looked like forest nothing
@TechChariot Ай бұрын
Hmmm okay, well I can see the similarities...thanks for subscribing!
@theotterone 3 ай бұрын
living on a comet can be rough. pretty barren land.
@theotterone 3 ай бұрын
the gg on marsh madness is so sadly early...think it was actually resigning with an advantage. But the Pandora game totally makes up for it!
@theotterone 3 ай бұрын
Dravidians get cheaper infantry upgrades (so f.e. the MAA upgrade) but mainly with them everything is about the 200 extra wood per age up.
@theotterone 3 ай бұрын
Very clean play by Nili on Aguave Swamp. wp!
@benjamindunn1298 3 ай бұрын
😣 Promo SM
@theotterone 3 ай бұрын
Olad is playing so weird man :D Hates adding TCs and going imp apparently. Fully agree with u on g3, Tech.
@theotterone 3 ай бұрын
wow best early feudal water play demo hit ive seen!
@shashwattripathi4559 4 ай бұрын
GG Alexander. The first game was fun but in the end Ronald was literally just hoping for a relic win every other game. Makes for shit viewer experience
@theotterone 4 ай бұрын
Interesting Whirlpool game, didnt expect what happened after the TC burndown.
@theotterone 4 ай бұрын
Why is the map not called LakeSuperior but GlitcheeGumee - and what does that even stand for?
@TechChariot 4 ай бұрын
I like to give maps Native American names, it is sort of unique. GitcheGumee is Iroquois for "Big Water" or something to that effect.
@theotterone 4 ай бұрын
7, that makes sense. @@TechChariot
@theotterone 5 ай бұрын
Tech so confused at Youpudding trying to do the Youpudding rush and dogao shutting it down :D Thumbnail is a bit of a spoiler btw.
@jasonsmith1950 5 ай бұрын
shortly after 9:39 in the first game, my elephant got trapped in the middle of a forest. Very safe spot for T90 to hide.
@IsabellReeves-zs6fy 5 ай бұрын
@TechChariot 5 ай бұрын
@theotterone 5 ай бұрын
Pathing too bad to actually fight with CA these days :( But fun set, GGs.
@synergygaming65 5 ай бұрын
Good ol' Randy Pan
@War_Lion 5 ай бұрын
that last game was intense, the roman infantry is so tanky, it was a nice strat from jasuni
@theotterone 5 ай бұрын
Preparation is key!
@ronaldrage2118 5 ай бұрын
Was looking foward to these higher ranked matches.
@ivanenko_aoe 5 ай бұрын
Thank you very much for casting my games, you created a great tournament!
@ronaldrage2118 5 ай бұрын
we were unaware about the 5% handicap until g3 sadly which was the best game. GG to opponent and hope they learn from the set. very proud of my idle tc in g3 having 0 tc idle time after castle age. Also fun fact teutonic knights can counter mamelukes bc they do melee dmg and the TK have that massive melee armor.
@jasonsmith1950 5 ай бұрын
I don't think a line of unbuildable terrain on the southern edge for Gimee Gutchee would be good for the map. It's already rather constrained for building space.
@theotterone 5 ай бұрын
If it is only a 1 tile line i think it would not be too bad for that. And imho the map is water into boom because it is an easy wall off on land. So if you want it more aggressive, it might be worth a thought. But there is a lot of aggressive maps in the tournament so I dont mind one boomier one.
@BPDrej 5 ай бұрын
Great cast! Napoleon played well, might just need to sharpen up the game knowledge. If he had the tower in game 2 it could've been very different
@apunkdog 6 ай бұрын
mods in a tournament scene shouldnt b legal.
@TechChariot 6 ай бұрын
I think you might misunderstand from the video title. I'm not saying the mods I am testing will be used in the tournament. I enabled them so that competitive review of the random map scripts for our contest would be unbiased by aesthetics. Regarding your original statement -- in designing anything, whether it's a society with laws, a system with rules, or a product with components, one of the most important features is to ensure that no law or rule is unenforceable, and no requirement is un-inspectable. If an objective, demonstrable assessment cannot be made regarding compliance with rules/requirements, then it is a gateway to controversy, and diminishes the quality of the final product. Even if we agreed with your statement at face value, an important followup question is -- how would such a rule be enforced without excessive intrusion into how somebody has customized their PC? Maybe there is a good solution ... but come prepared to answer that question if that is your proposal!
@ks_movies 6 ай бұрын
If the mods help your gameplay in tournaments then their aesthetics shouldn't matter
@TechChariot 6 ай бұрын
I also make random map scripts, and it is annoying to switch mods on/off so that I can see how most people will be viewing them. I have also noticed that the stream gets better viewership if my cubes mod is not in place.
@theotterone 7 ай бұрын
Loved the tidal plain game, also great casting!
@TechChariot 7 ай бұрын
Hey thanks a lot Otter! <3
@theotterone 7 ай бұрын
So weird Lencois Starts by both :D
@theotterone 7 ай бұрын
You start with more wood and more stone on Moorea for whatever reason (prolly to make defensive towers easier? But it still doesnt work to not go trush.
@theotterone 7 ай бұрын
Ray didnt click in g2 coz he didnt have a building. and i agree with that "what?!".
@ElendilAOE 7 ай бұрын
@EvilCherry3 8 ай бұрын
14:40 11
@tbomber2209 8 ай бұрын
Wow monks are so OP!!!! 😊
@TechChariot 8 ай бұрын
He was probably thinking that. They certainly mess with your plans, but he could have easily defeated my push if he used that food for light cav instead of imperial age.
@theotterone 8 ай бұрын
Huns are amazing on all 2 TC start maps because you dont need houses, which makes gathering food for 2 TCs much easier as you dont need to send many to wood. Think of it this way: Normally you trade 100 wood for no houses - here you do the same, but you save wood for double the TCs.
@TechChariot 8 ай бұрын
Ohhh you're right! If there is anyone to explain why huns are good for something, I would expect it to be you! :P
@theotterone 8 ай бұрын
haha i guess yeah @@TechChariot. And it explains the huge vil lead he got by keeping his TCs working.
@theotterone 8 ай бұрын
He lost 3 to crocodiles id guess, there is a lot of crocs in mid.
@ShaneHaffNFL 8 ай бұрын
Just watched our game from your pov. Missing all the relics on the map was killer for me lol. Those redemption monks were killer. I think I win if you don't tech into that and once you did I don't think I really had a win condition anymore.
@TechChariot 8 ай бұрын
Malay get quite good monks with atonement. You could have made your own monks and converted mine. May or may not have worked depending on timing. You had all the gold on the map but I had the relics!
@ronaldrage2118 8 ай бұрын
Pooping that pee
@ronaldrage2118 8 ай бұрын
Poppin that pi
@theotterone 9 ай бұрын
Very entertaining Game 1!
@TechChariot 9 ай бұрын
Agreed! Huehue even posted a screenshot of this one to his twitter!
@theotterone 9 ай бұрын
There was a bee on his mouse?!
@TechChariot 9 ай бұрын
@theotterone 9 ай бұрын
Was the reason he paused in g1 and it sounded very dramatic. @@TechChariot
@EvilCherry3 9 ай бұрын
I guess a few fire galleys in the center would have helped a lot in early game 3. It looks like the mangonels were a good idea against massed ships, but the first mangonel decided to hug the ships alone and then Andy didn't want to try more.
@EvilCherry3 9 ай бұрын
54:15 Definitely. With their super tiny hitbox and the amount of gold they carry they can be crazy sometimes.
@theotterone 9 ай бұрын
Thanks for Casting these. Can you enable game sound in future casts maybe? Can barely - if at all - hear it on the videos and would make it easier to follow. And yeah, sadly Acro didnt seem to motivated, he looked so good in g2 for most of it.
@TechChariot 9 ай бұрын
Code we used to generate the second map you saw on this stream: <PLAYER_SETUP> random_placement behavior_version 1 #const NNB 79 /* Defining Non-Navigable Beach */ #const GREEN_WATER 95 /* Defining Green Water */ <LAND_GENERATION> base_terrain NNB create_player_lands { terrain_type DIRT circle_radius 34 0 left_border 10 right_border 10 top_border 10 bottom_border 10 border_fuzziness 10 base_size 15 number_of_tiles 1600 clumping_factor 32 base_elevation 1 other_zone_avoidance_distance 8 } create_land { terrain_type DLC_DESERTGRAVEL land_position 50 50 base_size 7 number_of_tiles 400 base_elevation 1 zone 1 other_zone_avoidance_distance 8 } create_land { terrain_type GRASS land_position 1 1 zone 2 other_zone_avoidance_distance 12 } create_land { terrain_type GRASS land_position 1 99 zone 2 other_zone_avoidance_distance 12 } create_land { terrain_type GRASS land_position 99 1 zone 2 other_zone_avoidance_distance 12 } create_land { terrain_type GRASS land_position 99 99 zone 2 other_zone_avoidance_distance 12 } <ELEVATION_GENERATION> create_elevation 1 { base_terrain GRASS number_of_tiles 100 number_of_clumps 20 set_scale_by_groups enable_balanced_elevation } <TERRAIN_GENERATION> /* Converting Outlier Grass to Non-Navigable Beach */ create_terrain NNB { base_terrain GRASS number_of_clumps 9320 set_scale_by_groups land_percent 100 } create_terrain NNB { base_terrain GRASS number_of_clumps 9320 set_scale_by_groups land_percent 100 } create_terrain NNB { base_terrain GRASS number_of_clumps 9320 set_scale_by_groups land_percent 100 } create_terrain NNB { base_terrain GRASS number_of_clumps 9320 set_scale_by_groups land_percent 100 } /* Cleanup Non-Navigable Beach Terrain and Island Interface */ create_terrain DIRT { base_terrain NNB number_of_clumps 9320 set_scale_by_groups land_percent 100 height_limits 1 1 spacing_to_other_terrain_types 2 } create_terrain DIRT { base_terrain NNB number_of_clumps 9320 set_scale_by_groups land_percent 100 height_limits 1 1 spacing_to_other_terrain_types 2 } create_terrain DIRT { base_terrain NNB number_of_clumps 9320 set_scale_by_groups land_percent 100 height_limits 1 1 spacing_to_other_terrain_types 2 } create_terrain DIRT { base_terrain NNB number_of_clumps 9320 set_scale_by_groups land_percent 100 height_limits 1 1 spacing_to_other_terrain_types 2 } create_terrain DLC_DESERTGRAVEL { base_terrain NNB number_of_clumps 9320 set_scale_by_groups land_percent 100 height_limits 1 1 } create_terrain DLC_DESERTGRAVEL { base_terrain NNB number_of_clumps 9320 set_scale_by_groups land_percent 100 height_limits 1 1 } create_terrain DLC_DESERTGRAVEL { base_terrain NNB number_of_clumps 9320 set_scale_by_groups land_percent 100 height_limits 1 1 } create_terrain DLC_DESERTGRAVEL { base_terrain NNB number_of_clumps 9320 set_scale_by_groups land_percent 100 height_limits 1 1 } /* Layering in Navigable Beach Terrain */ create_terrain BEACH { base_terrain NNB number_of_clumps 9320 set_scale_by_groups land_percent 100 spacing_to_other_terrain_types 1 } /* Layering in Water */ create_terrain DLC_NEWSHALLOW { base_terrain BEACH number_of_clumps 9320 set_scale_by_groups land_percent 100 spacing_to_other_terrain_types 1 } create_terrain DLC_WATER5 { base_terrain DLC_NEWSHALLOW number_of_clumps 9320 set_scale_by_groups land_percent 100 spacing_to_other_terrain_types 2 terrain_mask 2 } /* Layering in Lagoon */ create_terrain JUNGLE { base_terrain DLC_DESERTGRAVEL number_of_clumps 9320 set_scale_by_groups land_percent 100 spacing_to_other_terrain_types 1 } create_terrain GRASS2 { base_terrain JUNGLE number_of_clumps 9320 set_scale_by_groups land_percent 100 spacing_to_other_terrain_types 1 } create_terrain GRASS2 { base_terrain JUNGLE number_of_clumps 9320 set_scale_by_groups number_of_tiles 10 } create_terrain LEAVES { base_terrain GRASS2 number_of_clumps 9320 set_scale_by_groups land_percent 100 terrain_mask 1 } create_terrain DLC_WETBEACH { base_terrain GRASS2 number_of_clumps 9320 set_scale_by_groups land_percent 100 spacing_to_other_terrain_types 2 } create_terrain DLC_MANGROVESHALLOW { base_terrain DLC_WETBEACH number_of_clumps 9320 set_scale_by_groups land_percent 100 spacing_to_other_terrain_types 1 } create_terrain GREEN_WATER { base_terrain DLC_MANGROVESHALLOW number_of_clumps 9320 set_scale_by_groups land_percent 100 terrain_mask 1 } create_terrain DLC_MANGROVEFOREST { base_terrain DLC_MANGROVESHALLOW number_of_clumps 9320 set_scale_by_groups number_of_tiles 10 spacing_to_other_terrain_types 1 } /* Player Forest Addition */ create_terrain DIRT2 { base_terrain DIRT number_of_clumps 1 land_percent 100 } create_terrain PALM_DESERT { base_terrain DIRT2 number_of_clumps 5 number_of_tiles 200 clumping_factor 25 set_avoid_player_start_areas 13 spacing_to_other_terrain_types 2 } create_terrain DLC_DIRT4 { base_terrain DIRT2 number_of_clumps 9320 set_scale_by_groups land_percent 100 } create_terrain DIRT2 { base_terrain DIRT number_of_clumps 1 land_percent 100 } create_terrain PALM_DESERT { base_terrain DIRT2 number_of_clumps 5 number_of_tiles 200 clumping_factor 25 set_avoid_player_start_areas 13 spacing_to_other_terrain_types 2 } create_terrain DLC_DIRT4 { base_terrain DIRT2 number_of_clumps 9320 set_scale_by_groups land_percent 100 } create_terrain DESERT { base_terrain DLC_DIRT4 number_of_clumps 9320 set_scale_by_groups land_percent 100 } <CONNECTIONS_GENERATION> <OBJECTS_GENERATION> create_object TOWN_CENTER { set_place_for_every_player find_closest } create_object WALL { set_place_for_every_player min_distance_to_players 15 max_distance_to_players 15 } create_object VILLAGER { set_place_for_every_player min_distance_to_players 6 max_distance_to_players 6 } create_object SCOUT { set_place_for_every_player min_distance_to_players 7 max_distance_to_players 8 } create_object FORAGE { set_place_for_every_player set_gaia_object_only number_of_objects 6 set_tight_grouping number_of_groups 1 avoid_forest_zone 4 min_distance_to_players 10 max_distance_to_players 11 min_distance_group_placement 4 } create_object GOLD { set_place_for_every_player set_gaia_object_only number_of_objects 7 set_tight_grouping number_of_groups 1 avoid_forest_zone 4 min_distance_to_players 10 max_distance_to_players 11 min_distance_group_placement 4 }
@ronaldrage2118 9 ай бұрын
nice showmatch! oladushek beat smokey in mikejet's tournament in the ro4 when smokey had 5% handicap, so a great player. awesome to see a rematch on these crazy maps
@oladushek8515 9 ай бұрын
Also, in Capture Age pressing TAB shows player fog of war
@oladushek8515 9 ай бұрын
Unfortunately, on Okavango there are not a lot of terrain where ships can swim, my ships were stuck 11
@TechChariot 9 ай бұрын
That explains a lot! Thank you for the valuable feedback, I will share with Huehuecoyotl!
@oladushek8515 9 ай бұрын
@@TechChariot I needed to test it beforehand, but yeah - it's unclear when ships can swim)
@Raptor3Falcon 9 ай бұрын
Hey sup