Finding Macro Photos in the Forest
Seize Your Opportunities
2 ай бұрын
I Only Wanted One Photo
3 ай бұрын
Macro Changes Everything
4 ай бұрын
@stuartmale1739 13 сағат бұрын
I love what you did with the sky. It looks very dramatic. Really makes the moss pop. And what a wonderful colour the moss is! Thanks for the video.
@samwood357 16 сағат бұрын
Criminally underrated channel. Such fantastic pictures.
@AndrewLanxonPhotography 9 сағат бұрын
You're extremely kind!
@stuartmale1739 16 сағат бұрын
Great video Andrew. Thanks. One thing that did keep drawing my eyes away from the mushroom was just to the right of the mushroom are two little flowers or leaves that are blue. I think I'd maybe try and get rid of those. Even though I know we shouldn't play with what nature has already put there. Still a great video. Really enjoyed it.
@AndrewLanxonPhotography 9 сағат бұрын
Thanks Stuart! I think you may be right!
@DevonRich697 18 сағат бұрын
Really enjoyed your video today. The blurred motion photos look great.
@AndrewLanxonPhotography 9 сағат бұрын
Thank you!
@stuartmale1739 Күн бұрын
Wow! That looks fantastic! I'm making my way through all of your videos started at "who is this guy" I'm learning so much. Thankyou
@AndrewLanxonPhotography 9 сағат бұрын
Thanks so much Stuart, I really hope you enjoy them all!
@robintaylor7374 Күн бұрын
Still working my way through your (excellent) videos, and i've found this one in particular hugely beneficial. In my own LR workflow I've been guilty of always applying changes globally to the image, and this has shown me how I can get a more natural effect on a lot of images with selective changes. Secondly, As I used to prepare images for printing, I''ve always stuck to 3:2 crops. Why - It's crazy ! let the image decide the format ! Thanks again for sharing. Your channel has really rekindled my love affair with photography
@AndrewLanxonPhotography 9 сағат бұрын
Thanks Robin, that's all really so kind of you to say and I'm really pleased you're enjoying watching!
@aarhusdc3399 2 күн бұрын
why Jpeg? nice video btw
@ChasetheLights13 3 күн бұрын
The ability to see a quality shot before even raising your equipment is a great superpower to have. Great work and eye
@TrueNatureReport 3 күн бұрын
Nice job wnd thank u
@jimkok1957 3 күн бұрын
Can I use my 24-70 or 70-200?
@TeddyCavachon 3 күн бұрын
Back in 1972 I got a job assisting top wedding photographer/teacher Monte Zucker who rose to fame based on his technique of using dual flash to control scene range so the groom’s black suit and bride’s white dress would both be correctly exposed on color prints used in the wedding albums. This requires two light sources: Fill to lift the entire scene to the point the film or sensor can record shadow detail at the aperture desired for DOF, and then; overlapping an off axis Key light over the Fill to create highlights, raising its power until the highlights are correctly exposed and ENTIRE SCENE RANGE MATCHES RANGE OF PRINT PAPER or today the fixed range of the camera sensor. I had actually learned that before going to work for Monte from a Kodak “How To Take Portraits” book which suggested placing Fill light directly behind and above the camera (projecting its shadow down out of sight of lens) and key light over the head of the subject 45° to the side of the nose to duplicate the 3D modeling produced by the noon day sun. It worked so well my girlfriend / model used the portrait in the school yearbook instead of the one taken by the photographer the school had hired. I’ve always used the centered-fill / key light approach when using flash because it is the only way to always record a full range of detail with NATURAL 3D rendering regardless of subject size. After my career took me in a different direction - into the photo lab at National Geographic - I continued to use dual flash for my personal work in 35mm and med. format with fill flash always on a bracket over the lens and off camera flash on a stand. Since getting my first digital camera in 2000 I’ve used the same Stroboframe camera-flip bracket for my on camera flash and as linked below created my own DIY diffuser for creating on-axis fill for macro shooting. What you discovered, which most shooting macro don’t realize, is that the traditional macro flash lighting strategies, ring or two flashes on axis at opposite 45° both create a full range if detail in most situations but the angle of the lighting and the shadow and specular highlight clues that our brains use to see 3D shape in 2D reproductions are in the ‘wrong’ places on the subjects in that they do not match the PATTERNS of highlight and shadow the sun creates. Ring flash was actually developed by Nikon back in the 1960s to document surgical and dental procedures where the goal was flat even lighting in deep body cavities and being able to keep camera and flash sterile by wrapping it with a drape. Crossed flash lighting provides key and fill but where the shadows from both flashes cross you get ‘cross-shadow lighting’ and no detail on any shadows they create. The solution to get fill on axis over the lens is solved by the type of macro diffuser many macro shooters now use for single flash shots. I created and published plans for one about 15 years ago on my web site and photo forums when I started doing dual flash macro: using my two Canon 580ex flashes. The diffuser on the off camera flash is also one I created and published plans for at The advantage of dual flash vs single flash off axis is precise control of the scene range to ensure that detail is always recorded in the shadows illuminated by the on-axis fill source. A single flash flash off axis creates shadow that need some source of fill and any fill source placed on the opposite side from the key light (e.g. reflector) will to some degree create ‘crossed shadow’ lighting with no detail in low areas and the specular highlight clues the fill creates will not match the pattern seen in natural light where the fill source usually does not create any shadows or specular highlights. A more natural look can be obtained in dual flash shots by cloning out any ‘catchlights’ the fill creates or placing them on the upper surfaces of 3D objects which is accomplished by keeping fill source above the lens and wrapping it around the sides of the subject as much as possible to mimic skylight fill, the perceptual baseline for ‘’normal”.
@rgarrettphoto 4 күн бұрын
I’m glad I’m not the only one that finishes a video 5-6 months after the event lol. Loved the video.
@AndrewLanxonPhotography 3 күн бұрын
It gets better -- I'm currently editing a video I shot back in November!
@rgarrettphoto 3 күн бұрын
@@AndrewLanxonPhotography The beauty of YT - if it's relevant then it doesn't matter when it was filmed :)
@brianhinesley 4 күн бұрын
Your images are beautiful, that being said! Can you ditch the video attached to the camera setup? It's annoying as a viewer constantly looking at the floor because your camera is down "for obvious reasons" either a chest mount or hat mount would be ideal so we can see the area around you. The camera has beautiful black and white tones.
@BadSloucher 4 күн бұрын
Your photography is so versatile and love that you did this. 👏👏👏
@AndrewLanxonPhotography 3 күн бұрын
Thank you for such kind words!
@climentclerch 4 күн бұрын
I like this video. Thanks for sharing these tips. Especially when they are token from my city, Barcelona.
@AndrewLanxonPhotography 3 күн бұрын
Thank you for watching!
@xinqiwang3301 4 күн бұрын
Enjoyed, only legs walking thru the foreground could be interesting if the composition happened to be right. Learned to use LCD for composing, should disturb people less than using viewfinder.🎉🎉🎉🎉
@robintaylor7374 4 күн бұрын
Thanks for sharing Andrew. It`s a great video showing how to 'see' as a photographer, things I struggle with (give me a landscape to shoot and i'm good to go). You managed to get some great shots too
@AndrewLanxonPhotography 3 күн бұрын
Thank you, Robin, I ended up being quite pleased with some of these shots. It took me a while to start to 'see' the shots I wanted though and to start to get into the rhythm of it.
@mariobaert8346 4 күн бұрын
Fun way to spend some boring time. I'll think of that next time I'm at such a location or the airport etc.!
@youphototube 5 күн бұрын
One question. What focus mode were you using?
@AndrewLanxonPhotography 3 күн бұрын
It was just single, central point autofocus, nothing special
@youphototube 3 күн бұрын
You are getting the results. You have a creative eye and skills to match. With the Z8s stacked sensor ( I shoot a lot of wildelife/bird photography) I can shoot from the hip at 1/000 to 2/000 of a sec, auto ISO, auto focus and it will latch on to a face. Even if I don't break stride. I guess that is a different type of street. Works well with a wide lens. For the more blatant composition, I tend to use the stealthy Ricoh GR3x.
@youphototube 5 күн бұрын
Your channel is a place where creativity came to live. I always enjoy your content.
@AndrewLanxonPhotography 3 күн бұрын
Thanks, that's really kind to say!
@markcamm5330 5 күн бұрын
Excellent Andrew. But your version of a boring, busy, nothing place is my idea of heaven. So much potential. Then again, I wouldn't be working while trying to take photos!
@paulm8157 5 күн бұрын
Good and bad photos are everywhere - takes a keen photo eye to sort them out. Monochrome, low perspective, slow shutter speed instructive methods to try. Escalator a favorite. (Did you come away w/any usable swag?😊) Cheers!
@AndrewLanxonPhotography 3 күн бұрын
Thanks Paul! No swag I'm afraid, it's not really that sort of show. Best I managed was disappointing machine coffee. But then at least I had all of Barcelona's bars and restaurants to enjoy in the evening!
@thebiblioholic 5 күн бұрын
I haven't looked into it carefully, but I had heard on other channels that Spain has different laws regarding street photography and taking recognizable pictures of people in public. I gather no one hassled you there? Perhaps the convention center counts as one of the exceptions and the attendees aren't camera shy. Much as I enjoy seeing street photography, I personally never feel comfortable trying it myself.
@AndrewLanxonPhotography 3 күн бұрын
You're absolutely right, Spain can be quite difficult. I did do a lot of street photography around the city (coming in a different video, probably) and had no problems, as my style isn't getting up in people's faces. I tend to prefer more candid shots, showing more of the environment where people just happen to be in.So I think people don't tend to bother as much. In the conference centre though it's much easier as almost every person there has a camera and being filmed all the time -- even entering the building means you agree to be captured on cameras. So there was no risk of any legal problems here.
@bencoles2462 5 күн бұрын
Hi Andrew. Would you ever consider hosting a photography competition on your channel? Would be a fun way for your viewers to showcase their photos in some catergories of your choosing.
@AndrewLanxonPhotography 5 күн бұрын
Hi Ben,thanks for a thoughtful message. Between me and you (and I guess anyone else reading this) I'm currently working out the feasibility of launching a Patreon, and one of things I was hoping to offer was a monthly competition with a different theme for each month - I'd even take part too! Do you think this is something you'd be interested in?
@bencoles2462 5 күн бұрын
@@AndrewLanxonPhotography Absolutely!
@bencoles2462 5 күн бұрын
Would be a nice way to branch out into different photography styles too, so I'd definitely sign up
@kenhenley7599 5 күн бұрын
Intriguing video (which I enjoyed) but hideous location, too many people and too much noise. Suppose I should change my name to "miserableoldgit" now!
@AndrewLanxonPhotography 5 күн бұрын
Yep, it's certainly not an area I'd normally go out of my way to be in. But I wanted to see how I could make the best out of it and get shots I still enjoyed. Hopefully that came across!
@kenhenley7599 5 күн бұрын
@@AndrewLanxonPhotography Certainly did...part of the reason I enjoyed it. Well done.
@AndrewLanxonPhotography 5 күн бұрын
Thanks Ken, much appreciate you taking the time to watch and comment!
@kenhenley7599 5 күн бұрын
@@AndrewLanxonPhotography Welcome.
@ChrisBrogan 5 күн бұрын
What a really fun project. I've gone to so many of these, and I love seeing how you got it done.
@AndrewLanxonPhotography 5 күн бұрын
Thanks Chris! Conferences like these have been part of my career for a long time so it was great to try and put a different spin on things and actually capture some atmosphere at the show! Thanks for watching
@ChrisBrogan 5 күн бұрын
@@AndrewLanxonPhotography same, although I gave up keynote speaking for lent.
@briantafelmeyer7337 5 күн бұрын
“Ahh you prick don’t move!”…. I fell out of my chair laughing with understanding!
@AndrewLanxonPhotography 5 күн бұрын
Hahaha yeah I wasn't sure about leaving that in. I can't have people know how foul mouthed I really am!
@tamarawilliams3699 5 күн бұрын
Happy Sunday, Andrew. In a week and a half I am embarking on a 15 day, six state journey with my young grandniece (5) and grandnephew (11) who are making their way to the East Coast of the US for the first time - they’ve never left California . I will be trying to do what you’ve been demonstrating with all of your street photography videos during that time. I’ll be in DC and Historic Virginia and NYC and Philadelphia so, if I can’t get some shots in those places, it’s not my bag. In this video I truly loved the reflections in the glass shots. The one with the “shard of light” only illuminating the subjects face, and the guy leaning against the wall with the wall in the foreground and becoming almost a tunnel until the subject stops it…also appealing images to me. Great shots. Loved the car images on IG, btw. Have a great week.
@AndrewLanxonPhotography 5 күн бұрын
Hey Tamara, thank you for taking the time to comment, it's always nice to hear from you! That sounds like an amazing trip, I'm sure you'll be able to get some great pictures on that journey, and certainly capture some amazing memories! I hope you have an incredible time!
@harryp6312 5 күн бұрын
If you are That anti smoking then don't shoot them. Knobhead
@raycross7259 5 күн бұрын
Always look forward to your videos and this is no exception. Thank you 🙏
@AndrewLanxonPhotography 5 күн бұрын
Thanks, Ray, that's really kind of you to say!
@kimmichiels784 5 күн бұрын
Love these video's. Wish I could find these shots too.
@AndrewLanxonPhotography 5 күн бұрын
Thank you!
@RichardLiloc 5 күн бұрын
I really really like your work! from macro to landscapes and street photos!
@AndrewLanxonPhotography 5 күн бұрын
Thanks so much!
@nirahirs 5 күн бұрын
I have been using three same camera for years each photo you take is a lesson as you said only when you feel you need to push to next level and your camera gear can only to so much buy new equipment.. Awesome advice from you😊
@gregoryowain2073 6 күн бұрын
Is it possible to cull through photos locally without having to first upload to the cloud? Would drive me insane to upload hundreds of images I was then going to delete in the next hour and I really don't want or need to get Adobe's 1TB of cloud storage.
@AndrewLanxonPhotography 3 күн бұрын
Easiest way would just to be turn your wifi off when you import, that way nothing will begin to upload. So you can then do all your culling, then turn wifi back on and it'll only start syncing the images you kept.
@DJ-Wehrli 6 күн бұрын
What a great tutorial, well done mate
@AndrewLanxonPhotography 3 күн бұрын
Thank you!
@TeddyCavachon 7 күн бұрын
I learned flash photography apprenticing with and assisting Monte Zucker back in 1972-74 who introduced using two flashes in an overlapping key over neutral fill configuration for shooting weddings back around 1970s when color prints finally became stable enough to be used for wedding albums. Color print paper has a much shorter range than B&W and it was impossible to correctly expose a bride’s white dress and grooms black tux in the same photo lit with a single flash. But Monte had a background in studio lighting and understood that by starting with a foundation of EVEN SHADOWLESS FILL then overlapping an off axis KEY light it was easy to record the full range. This is the workflow: 1) Set aperture for desired DOF on subject 2) Place Fill source directly above lens high enough so it’s shadow falls straight back behind the subject unnoticed, i.e, ‘neutral fill’ mimicking the look of skylight. In the studio setting we would bounce the fill light backwards off the white wall and ceiling near the ceiling to create wrap-around, shadow less fill. We don’t see fill creating a second set of shadows in natural light and you don’t want to see them with flash either if the goal is to duplicate the look of natural light. Unlike the sky, fill flash will create specular highlights and you must be aware of that. Raising the flash above the lens puts them more naturally on the upper curves of 3D faces and objects and in human portraits the second catchlight always falls on the black pupil and is easy to retouch out for more natural looking single ‘key light’ catchlights at 10 or 2 on the eye. 3) With only the fill light raise its MANUAL power setting until there is detail recorded on the film in the darkest folds of the black suit, or use a draped black terry towel on a stand. On film this simply required a bracket test and looking at the negatives. Just look at the playback image and left side spike from black towel with digital. 4) Once shadows are exposed evenly with FILL turn on the off axis KEY light and raise it until a white towel is exposed optimally taking care not to blow out the separation between solid white object and specular reflection of the light source which provide the clue to 3D shape. Terry towels, black and white are good test objects because like fur and feathers the loops of the fabric create specular highlights. Getting a full range of tone from deep black to white with detail preserved everywhere is that simple and the key factor in avoiding UNFILLED voids in the lighting pattern is keeping the fill centered! This applies to photographing any 3D object. Fill placed off axis will create shadows the camera captures and they will become dead voids because no fill reached then other than what gets bounced around the room as spill in a studio setting and / or the ambient light the shutter speed used allows. The challenge with Macro is getting the fill between the camera and the subject. I solved it by creating this DIY diffuser: for use with my pair of Canon 580ex flash. When taking normal photos I used fill on a bracket over the lens with DIY ‘scoop’ diffuser I created: out of ‘fun foam’ sheets I found in the hobby section at Walmart. The problem with ring and crossed flash on camera axis for macro is that the lighting is flat, except for the front-to-back inverse-square fall off, and the catchlight reflections are not natural looking (i.e., from above the camera axis).
@usernamemykel 8 күн бұрын
Why didn't you stack them in the camera?
@AndrewLanxonPhotography 3 күн бұрын
Because in-camera stacking is almost never as good as doing it with dedicated software -- software that also allows you to refine the stack further should you need to, which the in-camera version would not allow.
@usernamemykel 3 күн бұрын
@@AndrewLanxonPhotography That's pretty much in agreement with others. However, software post processing can be a steep learning curve (and expensive) for the "occassional" shooter. Many thanks for your response, Andrew - it's much appreciated.
@PPLRRN 9 күн бұрын
I like that you double tap just like in Zombieland.
@davidjohnmartin821 10 күн бұрын
Nice work, and interesting ideas 💡
@sharaddiwakar2763 10 күн бұрын
@AndrewLanxonPhotography if you don’t mind sharing, what preset or editing did u use to get the high contrast bnw images. The bnw i shoot have a lot of greys, tint to them and i am u able to get them to looks like yours
@AndrewLanxonPhotography 3 күн бұрын
They're actually almost all straight out of camera. I just shoot using a monochrome profile and I increase the contrast and usually drop the shadows a bit to give the more 'punchy' look you see here.
@thomasriera2030 10 күн бұрын
Lovely images! Good work for only a day and a half on the island. Man, I just love the 4:5 aspect ratio. The color and sharpness of the Hasselblad is pretty special too. Are you reviewing this camera or did you add a medium format to your arsenal?
@AndrewLanxonPhotography 3 күн бұрын
Thanks so much! Sadly it was just on loan while I tested it for CNET and it's now gone back, never to be seen again! It's such a lovely camera though and I'd dearly love to have one. Bit too pricey for me I'm afraid!
@kitminlee9169 10 күн бұрын
Hi Andrew, great vid. At 5.10, when your camera is inverted with the centre column have you thought of putting your camera in a cage, so as it keep everything upright. I'm looking for something that is not too bulky to carry but can rectify the inverted camera. Another solution get a clamp and attach ball head, then clamp it to the tripod leg.
@ThamLangUL 11 күн бұрын
Bé chó dể thương quá trời luôn à!!!!
@squidskunk 11 күн бұрын
couldn't you use burst mode...3 or more pics at a time.?
@BadSloucher 11 күн бұрын
Hair looks great, what are you talking about
@AndrewLanxonPhotography 3 күн бұрын
You're so kind to lie :)
@andrewpitts6498 11 күн бұрын
Love your videos. Look forward to every one. 👌
@AndrewLanxonPhotography 3 күн бұрын
Thank you!
@kenhenley7599 11 күн бұрын
Appreciation of an image is subjective. I liked them and would have been very happy had I taken them. Cheers.
@AndrewLanxonPhotography 3 күн бұрын
Thanks Ken, that's very kind! I don't dislike any of them and I'm really pleased with the selection I came away with, despite the mixed conditions.
@kenhenley7599 11 күн бұрын
Loved all the images but my favourite for sure is the seated older gentleman sporting a hat and cane (4.07). Can't explain why. Just is. Cheers.
@AndrewLanxonPhotography 3 күн бұрын
Thanks Ken, I think that's one of my favs too!
@AndrzejSagalara 11 күн бұрын
Isn't that Portobello Beach? :) Cheers from CURIO Photography, Musselburgh ;)
@AndrewLanxonPhotography 3 күн бұрын
Sure is! Always a good spot for photos, I find!
@markstanton2362 11 күн бұрын
Great shots. Does that screen flip up?