What is the Bradley Effect?
15 жыл бұрын
Tackling the current economic crisis
Working to aid India's rural villages
Live shooter drill at UCLA
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Conservation in the Choco
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Beach ball at UCLA graduation
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UCLA's Class of 2008 give back
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Decoding Graduation Caps and Gowns
@thomaspripley 3 ай бұрын
How has no one commented on this in the 15 years since it was published? This is important history.
@readaloudbabiesandkidsbook449 11 ай бұрын
The flat hat represents the Quran. Which was done in the 9th century in Spain by Muslims. Quran was the top of the knowledge therefore students tied it to the top of their heads at a graduation ceremonies.
@user-ro5xg2us9t Жыл бұрын
The square upon the head represents saturn worship. The cube.. Left-Handed people unite!!!.
@rchoper21 Жыл бұрын
Awesome interviews! Please post the service which I've been looking for for years! I thought the John Wooden service broadcast on all the local stations commercial free for over an hour & a half was very respectful.
@Perpetuawarrior Жыл бұрын
The square upon the head represents saturn worship. The cube.
@iamthatiam1618 3 ай бұрын
@Perpetuawarrior Жыл бұрын
Represents saturn .
@thomaswillette888 Жыл бұрын
This is a very poor job of explaining the history of academic robes!
@jdp0359 Жыл бұрын
Imagine the chances of those 2 legends meeting at the gate of that modest apartment building just as they were starting their respective careers.
@dragocrafterr8286 Жыл бұрын
dude this man's in the frontrooms
@mmanch01 Жыл бұрын
The master gown is ugly as hell with those pockets dangling at the arms. You would think "academics" would have better aesthetic sense.
@Morocco_illuminati Жыл бұрын
Saturn cult
@LetTruthPrevail212 2 жыл бұрын
The Masons again in their own publications will tell you there's a Masonic push to have universal education, the same education worldwide, to standardize a bunch of schmucks who never question reality. Who accept reality as it's presented to them from birth-and that's what good management means. The schmucks don't know they're schmucks. When you see the people coming out of colleges and universities, they wear the cloak - the cloak used to be always black for Saturn. Now they use red ones. I've noticed they're very popular. I saw a pinkish-red actually, which is even more telling for both sexes. If you're an architect or an engineer, you understand technical drawings. You see things in a way differently from other people, because most people see the solid front of an object. They don't see the different aspects You look from the top view on these little square heads, and people with the gowns on and dresses, and you'll see that. You'll see the square. If you were to see the head and then you think you see square and the circle within the middle of the squaring of the circle. You see that's what it means: The squaring of the circle; The squaring of your brain; A brick in the wall. It really means that you've got a quality approval stamp on you by those who run the system, that they've dumbed you down and you're now stupid enough to work in their system and fork over 40 to 50% of your our earnings to them. In the old days they needed slave drivers. Slave drivers take away from your profit; and who watches the slave drivers? We are self-maintained slaves through money that we think is natural like gravity, simply because it exists in our time when we live; and that's how easy it is to control us. WE ARE SELF-MAINTAINED SLAVES. WE'RE TRAINED FOR ONE THING AND THAT'S WORK IN A SYSTEM TO PRODUCE AND CONSUME. Whether you're producing or consuming, with all the sales taxes, you're still paying lots of tax money. That goes back to the elite, of course, who use the money for big projects, which we all supposedly call public projects, big huge projects like building railroads across continents and gas works in Britain and water works and roadways. Then when they have it all working and all the problems ironed out, they sell it to each other for peanuts, you see. That's called progress; and all these schmucks keep doing it. People watch this down through the centuries in Europe as these huge projects were built up by the taxpayer. We're all working for the common good, the common good and then, gee whiz, one day they tell you we can't go on like this you know. It's too expensive. We need to have more professional people with a motive, a profit motive to take care of us. An incentive to make things work, so they could pick it up for a raffle; and of course, one of the handful of the elite Masonic buddies gets to win it for peanuts. It's a beautiful world, this road to progress, this destiny of progress. It's never been defined to the public exactly where you're going; and that's not by chance. Although, it is told you legally through movies and novels and even songs. That's called "predictive programming", because legally they must tell you what they're doing, and they do all the time in the movies and novels and music.
@danbernardi6599 2 жыл бұрын
I had the misfortune of taking a Genetics class at Wayne State from this person in the 1970s. He was easily one of the worst teachers I had ever had during my college years. In my opinion, he was one of the most racist teachers I had ever had. He would answer questions depending on who you were. He was extremely rude and arrogant to people of color. Hopefully he has retired and no longer teaching.
@COACHINHBALL 2 жыл бұрын
Extremely approachable for a man of his status and reputation...a humble man of God.
@aqwexf3086 2 жыл бұрын
I hate it when people say that, all that these "flip-flops" show is that you aren't an idiot who just agrees with everything your party says.
@lindathrall5133 2 жыл бұрын
@Hedningfaen 3 жыл бұрын
Left Hand Path, huh?
@KYRMusic 3 жыл бұрын
RIP Coach wooden
@charlesbromberick4247 3 жыл бұрын
Wooden inspires because he is GOODNESS
@leslyn.montiel6557 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing, this is really inspiring :)
@DavidLee-id3lf 4 жыл бұрын
good guess
@cromwellcruiser 4 жыл бұрын
Anyone who wants to improve on their knowledge (and indeed correct a few misconceptions espoused even by academics wearing their caps and gowns) should visit newprairiepress.org/burgonsociety/all_issues.html, where they have numerous back-issues of the Transactions of the Burgon Society, the British society for academic dress.
@franklink.3835 4 жыл бұрын
Left-Handed people unite!!!
@aljawisa 5 жыл бұрын
Totally skipped this bullshit ceremony when I graduated High School. I'm glad I did. I didn't know it was some masonic bullshit. School is all about training the next slaves.
@JohnSmith-io2iw 5 жыл бұрын
Let me repeat this comment - - I had this guy as a Genetics professor in the 1970's - - he was an asshole, a sociopath and a racist - - he should not be in this video or any other video that presents him as a teacher
@christopherstokes4075 5 жыл бұрын
Beyond the inaccuracies in the clip, some of the responses are pathetically ignorant. 1) Academical dress, including the mortarboard, predates Freemasonry by several centuries. 2) The bachelor's hood is not a new element, but in recent years some American universities have introduced them into their commencement programs. 3) Moving the tassel from right to left during commencement exercises is a ridiculous modern practice best left at high school graduation ceremonies. 4) While in the United States the Intercollegiate Code for Academic Dress established black robes for all degrees beginning in the 1890s, but from the beginning some universities had robes peculiar to their institutions. That said, the number of distinctive gowns--most often in school colors-- dramatically increased in the last half of the 20th century. 5) Those criticizing the left-handed professor need to lighten up--he clearly was being facetious. 6) The narrator's descriptors are just wrong. Hoods don't have "patches" of color; they have velvet trim along the outside edge in varying width indicative of the degree and in the ICC color indicating subject of the degree, except for PhDs which are trimmed in dark blue (aka philosophy blue) for the degree itself, rather than the subject. (E.g., my hood trim is dark blue for the PhD, rather than white for the Humanities that include History, my subject field). The inner lining of the hood is traditionally silk, and in the U.S. indicates the college or university that granted the degree. 7) Personal opinion: I abhor colored cap tassels--usually matching the velvet trim of the hood. Tassels should be black, except for the metallic gold tassels for terminal doctoral degrees. Finally, thank you for your patience. I'll surrender the soap box and find a corner.
@sissyrayself7508 4 жыл бұрын
Yes, I'm sure lots of things might "predate" Freemasonry.. but that's not what is important here.. not one iota.
@christopherstokes4075 4 жыл бұрын
@@sissyrayself7508 my comment regarding freemasonry was in response to other comments in the string. My remarks were in no particular order; had I ordered them, the bit on freemasonry (not mentioned in the original clip) would have been lower in the list. The important thing here is the the guy from UCLA, billed as an expert on academical dress, demonstrated much ignorance on the subject.
@danielreiman4446 5 жыл бұрын
people don't like not having convictions on important issues gay marriage drug laws and abortion these tell the people more than enough about someone as far as new issues like moving to more socialist ideas they have been proven not to help long term
@wilrobles5392 5 жыл бұрын
He was Lew Alcindor in the day.
@nthperson 5 жыл бұрын
During the fall of 2018, Mason Gaffney, emeritus professor of economics at the University of California, was asked by the editors of The Chronicle of Higher Education to offer his perspectives on the current financial crisis, and how economic theory should be taught so that people would have a much better understanding of why it occurred. I think it is worthwhile to repeat the full text of his response: “Yes, the current financial crisis highlights how scholars need to recast the economic theory that they teach. The key concept that is missing today is LAND VALUE. Classical economics divided factors of production into three: land, labor, and capital. Beginning around 1920, scholars conflated land with capital. This left them totally unprepared to cope with or explain the crash of 1929. At this time “macroeconomics”, as we now call it, rose to the fore. For a time it eclipsed “micro-economics”, which had degenerated into the explanation of the allocation of resources among competing ends. Gradually, micro-economics came back to be integrated with macro, but in the process land value almost disappeared. “Scholars have “disappeared” land values in two main ways. One is to conflate them with values of manmade capital, overlooking or trivializing all differences. One obvious fault in this is that interest rates and land rents vary inversely. “The other way is simply to trivialize land values as a quantity. This is based on no respectable quantitative research whatever, and a systematic ignoring of research showing land values to be a major element of wealth. When it comes to the dynamics that lead to crises like that of 2008, land values move in cycles of high amplitude, much higher than the values of reproducible capital. When values are high and rising they lead to great excesses of urban sprawl. These excesses fructify vast new areas around growing cities, resulting in an overhang of “ripening” land that far exceeds possible demands, resulting in a crash. “As to teaching money and banking, few or no texts recognize that expanding banks, by taking land under and around speculative developments, in effect “monetize” those speculative land values. When the wave of land values ebbs, and debtors default, banks have to contract, as they are now. Yet economic theorists, and those statesmen whom they have trained, attend mainly to the froth on the waves, ignoring the basic wave of land value that drives the cycle. “Another and related fault in theory is to ignore the turnover of capital. In a boom of land values, capital goes into investments that pay out slowly. The basis of allocating loans is not marginal productivity, but collateral security, as perceived by bankers who do not distinguish land from capital. The loan turnover of banks slows down, because a bank, no matter how positive its balance sheet, cannot lend much faster than its debtors repay their loans. The result is to slow down new loans and seize up the system, as we see today. “Tax theory is now based on the fallacy that a progressive tax must also be one that suppresses and distorts incentives. This reflects economists ignoring the high concentration of the ownership of land, and the positive incentive effects of taxing land in lieu of work, enterprise, building, and income-creating investing.”
@jcdentonunatco 6 жыл бұрын
Incredible. Everything stated in this video is wrong. The graduation attire is designed from freemasonry. The cap is flat at the bottom to indicate the lowest level of the pyramid of power. Being on the lowest level of the pyramid indicates you are at the bottom of societies power structure and are essentially a slave. The thing that goes around your neck is meant to symbolize the stranglehold society places on you. The three types of robes (bachelor, master, phd) resemble the three degrees of masonry (initiate, fellow, master mason), although there are actually many more than 3 degrees of masonry, but those are just the ones they want you to know about
@ingram357 6 жыл бұрын
Just out of curiosity, are you a Freemason?
@josephparker646 5 жыл бұрын
Actually, almost everything JC Denton stated is false. As someone who has been in low-level masonry, we don't use any garb like this, also meaning explained here is completely made up with no support.
@sissyrayself7508 4 жыл бұрын
Excellent 👍. Thanks for the information. Of COURSE "they" don't want us to know any of this.. it's all supposed to remain secret & not openly revealed to the sheep.
@earlsworld70117 3 жыл бұрын
@@josephparker646 you are do full of shit.
@lavender9347 3 жыл бұрын
This is really sick 😭. This is exactly why I feel disconnected from society and school. Like what are we truly working towards & for????????? Education system is a joke.
@jimmyjamesjamez1075 6 жыл бұрын
I knew it was mockery. Thanks for all the money and loans you will never pay off. Here put on this funny hat and parade across the stage now showing everyone how "smart" you are.
@lindathrall640 6 жыл бұрын
@lovelydd1305 6 жыл бұрын
Humans are so egotistical 😜
@jerryboucher5622 6 жыл бұрын
There are no perfect human beings but Mr Wooden comes so very close.
@cristiangabrielhm3737 7 жыл бұрын
here learning about the history of internet, que interesante.
@tjtheterrible3773 7 жыл бұрын
@paulatristan8189 4 жыл бұрын
I agree 👍🏼
@m3greatwhite212 3 жыл бұрын
Absolutely 💯 true
@W1CK3D91761X3 8 жыл бұрын
what a coincidence that now you have a "active shooter" @ UCLA... What a crock of shit!
@keithcox9426 8 жыл бұрын
Yep You know it . More police state media BULLSHIZ
@handgunner1911 8 жыл бұрын
yes it is masonic.how stupid or are deliberately misleading.almost evrything involves masonry.if anyone took the time to really study or research something you would find the truth.freemasonry runs the educational system,the courts,the government etcthey are involved in everything
@19inkorrect91 6 жыл бұрын
illuminated one I still have my cap and gown from my high school graduation. After watching this video and reading your comment I think I should be burning it now.
@josephparker646 5 жыл бұрын
False. Illuminated one there is no such connection, and so supporting evidence to support the claim. This is coming from an Ex-Mason.
@sissyrayself7508 4 жыл бұрын
Yes. It's definitely a Masonic thing and we're NOT supposed to know what it means.
@JohnSmith-io2iw 8 жыл бұрын
I had this guy for a Genetics Professor - - what an a-hole !!
@MrAngelray1234 9 жыл бұрын
A majority of universities use a hood for undergraduate. Some Community colleges either use a shield or a hood similar to an undergraduate minus the velvet trim for the discipline.
@NortonsNestMonthly 9 жыл бұрын
The Masters hood also shows the institution and degree and that terrible old snob with the superior attitude for being left handed should not have been in this video. The tassel going to the left has nothing to do with "having 'left" college. The tradition started because moving the tassel is much easier than hundreds of people putting on their hoods at the same time. Moving the tassel is a simple way to represent the degree actually having been conferred. The Masters hood is shorter than the doctoral hood but it is not tiny, as the video implies. Bachelors hoods are becoming more common and there is nothing wrong with that. Bachelors hoods are commonplace in Europe and some were made of rabbit's fur at one time.
@keephiscommandmentsandlive9860 6 жыл бұрын
NortonsNestMonthly U ever wondered why they was outlined in rabbit fur! look up the history of Europeans and rabbits and eating and drinking the blood of rabbits
@earlsworld70117 3 жыл бұрын
The tassel represents a bull's tail and is satanic
@isaiahbaggett2758 9 жыл бұрын
There ARE Bachelor's hoods. Bachelor's hoods are 3 feet, Master's 3 and 1/2, Doctorate 4. There are also shields for all degrees, even associate's (2 year degree).
@isaiahbaggett2758 9 жыл бұрын
not every college has them, of course. It's optional, of course, is up to the institution.
@ColonelMarcellus 8 жыл бұрын
+isaiah baggett Hey I didn't get a shield when I got my A.S. degree. Maybe because I didn't bother to attend graduation. High school graduation was silly enough for me.
@DigitalAndInnovation 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah, I was going to comment the same thing- not everywhere uses them. Emerson College didn't- But I wanted one, so I got one made to the standards it would be!
@pootnikalexander 10 жыл бұрын
Masonic Nonsense
@NortonsNestMonthly 9 жыл бұрын
pootnikalexander It's not Masonic nonsense. The gowns have their roots in the clergy of centuries ago and not the Masons.
@sissyrayself7508 4 жыл бұрын
Yes.. Masonic and nonsense.. but they're not telling YOU the actual meaning behind the colors and symbolic language involved.
@vince065us 10 жыл бұрын
Coach was so humble.
@beneezify 10 жыл бұрын
The mortar board hat. is from Free Masonry. The the stoneworkers put the mortar on a board, and used a trowel to appy to the stone.
@josephparker646 5 жыл бұрын
Sorry the explanation gave only applies to the profession and not the specified association, or guild
@sissyrayself7508 4 жыл бұрын
YES! you're an initiate.. first degree Obviously.
@LetTruthPrevail212 2 жыл бұрын
The Masons again in their own publications will tell you there's a Masonic push to have universal education, the same education worldwide, to standardize a bunch of schmucks who never question reality. Who accept reality as it's presented to them from birth-and that's what good management means. The schmucks don't know they're schmucks. When you see the people coming out of colleges and universities, they wear the cloak - the cloak used to be always black for Saturn. Now they use red ones. I've noticed they're very popular. I saw a pinkish-red actually, which is even more telling for both sexes. If you're an architect or an engineer, you understand technical drawings. You see things in a way differently from other people, because most people see the solid front of an object. They don't see the different aspects You look from the top view on these little square heads, and people with the gowns on and dresses, and you'll see that. You'll see the square. If you were to see the head and then you think you see square and the circle within the middle of the squaring of the circle. You see that's what it means: The squaring of the circle; The squaring of your brain; A brick in the wall. It really means that you've got a quality approval stamp on you by those who run the system, that they've dumbed you down and you're now stupid enough to work in their system and fork over 40 to 50% of your our earnings to them. In the old days they needed slave drivers. Slave drivers take away from your profit; and who watches the slave drivers? We are self-maintained slaves through money that we think is natural like gravity, simply because it exists in our time when we live; and that's how easy it is to control us. WE ARE SELF-MAINTAINED SLAVES. WE'RE TRAINED FOR ONE THING AND THAT'S WORK IN A SYSTEM TO PRODUCE AND CONSUME. Whether you're producing or consuming, with all the sales taxes, you're still paying lots of tax money. That goes back to the elite, of course, who use the money for big projects, which we all supposedly call public projects, big huge projects like building railroads across continents and gas works in Britain and water works and roadways. Then when they have it all working and all the problems ironed out, they sell it to each other for peanuts, you see. That's called progress; and all these schmucks keep doing it. People watch this down through the centuries in Europe as these huge projects were built up by the taxpayer. We're all working for the common good, the common good and then, gee whiz, one day they tell you we can't go on like this you know. It's too expensive. We need to have more professional people with a motive, a profit motive to take care of us. An incentive to make things work, so they could pick it up for a raffle; and of course, one of the handful of the elite Masonic buddies gets to win it for peanuts. It's a beautiful world, this road to progress, this destiny of progress. It's never been defined to the public exactly where you're going; and that's not by chance. Although, it is told you legally through movies and novels and even songs. That's called "predictive programming", because legally they must tell you what they're doing, and they do all the time in the movies and novels and music.
@BookBook-yw1kr 3 ай бұрын
Lo, it represents Quran
@LemursFriend 11 жыл бұрын
Is the cap traced back to the fez? (It was present in Greece, who copied it from Egypt supposedly.)
@christianldove 11 жыл бұрын
It is becoming common practice for undergraduate attire to include a small hood to reflect the discipline studied and school colors. Master's robes are significantly different in that their hoods are longer than undergraduates, and the robe itself has long, distinct cuffs. Not all caps are called mortar boards - typically reserved for undergrads and masters - other cultures and various institutions have adopted the tudor bonnets and tams for doctoral degrees.
@shakespear333 11 жыл бұрын
@WarriorzWhytez 11 жыл бұрын
Shame to you. Graduation is a special event. 2 thumbs down
@You1TubeExaminer 11 жыл бұрын
John wooden is a hero. A gentleman, a friend, a teacher