Introduction | Geshe Namdak
3 ай бұрын
@vientoblanco.bienestar Сағат бұрын
This yoga is like Nidra Yoga or not?
@dorjeartcenter3438 18 сағат бұрын
Thank you
@howardjamespatterson4119 Күн бұрын
@chris4321das Күн бұрын
Joking about Hell - you are a f00I! 👎
@chris4321das Күн бұрын
Buddhism WILL lead you to Hell. Hell is REAL. You WILL go there if you don't accept Jesus Christ as your Savior. Watch Dominic Morrow's Hell NDE testimonies. For FAR MORE HORROR read his ebook - 3 Minutes and 47 Seconds in Hell.
@BrandonH000 Күн бұрын
Only Christ Jesus can take away suffering… at the end of time when He establishes His new earth and heaven then he will wipe every tear and takes away sadness and suffering… come today to Christ whilst theres still time
@28105wsking 3 күн бұрын
On Ordination into the Tibetan tradition: I am going to play the Devil's Advocate here because I think another point of view is necessary. I disagree. Motivation is not the most important thing. You can have Bodhicitta in every situation everywhere, if you even know what Bodhicitta really is! Ordination is not a game. It is your life. So, putting ALL of your life in a balanced, safe, and sufficient path for your development is the point. Reality and practicality are the most important points. Ordination is a wonderful help, but it is not necessary. If you are going to ordain in America, there is no fooling around with "pie-in-the-sky" hopefulness. The decision to ordain has very serious financial and medical consequences for social security and retirement, not to mention health insurance. It's not La-La land. What about your family? What will they think and do? Will they stand by you, and support you in this decision? What if you get very sick in several years, can't pay your medical bills because you don't have any medical insurance?, will they be there to help you, because the sangha, at this stage, can't? This happens. If your monastery folds thru lack of financial support as the economy worsens, then what are you going to do and where will you go? Do you have the necessary skills to support yourself in that scenario? This happens. Will your family still talk to you? This happens! It would not be a bad idea to speak to a lawyer in elder law and discuss with him what your status would be later in retirement. Without working, social security may not even be available for you by then! Think! Anyone who speaks to you about ordination should be discussing these practical matters with you. If you do not think carefully, you may find that you have burned all your bridges and are left completely alone, without friends or support. It has happened to a lot of us. Misplaced trust. "Be prepared! That's the Boy Scouts' Golden Rule!" Even those of us who trusted and gave our lives to the lamas and the dharma in years and years and years of retreat and attainment, are at the end, left with absolutely nothing. Family all died, no friends, no support, no contacts, no help or assistance, no place to live, no nothing, a greatly attained nun, an Arhant from Albuquerque, shining with joyful light, but hungry, thin, and dying all alone of fever in a shack in Mexico, because that is all anyone offered her, while the irresponsible lamas, her own teachers for all those years, are fat and comfy in the USA, living in comfort, the center has empty rooms and many of the sangha are doctors and nurses!! I cannot express how angry this made me and how it completely destroyed my faith and trust. Don't trust anybody! Make sure you will be safe, no matter what. Do not assume anything! Be sure you are in control of your future and not depending on anyone else or their promises. You must have shelter and finances. If Ordination doesn't work out, you can leave, but then what? Do you have a leg to stand on? That is why I recommend you finish your education and work for two years before deciding to take ordination. You need maturity, experience, references, family, and outside contacts to help you in case it does not work out. It is not always obvious on the surface what situations really are or who people really are and what their motivations are. You don't want to enter a cult-like situation, which is so easy to be swept into for anyone, and if the situations change and become abusive and cult-like, which has often happened in many different groups, you want to be able to get out. If you need to leave, you need outside contacts, friends, and enough money to get started again. Even if you ordain, you are completely on your own. The Sangha will never reach out to you in any way, in friendship or support. They do not have the means to help you. You are either on the bus or off the bus. There is no in-between. Its a very lonely and difficult road. In the Tibetan tradition also, you will have no personal guidance in developing meditation samadhis for Enlightenment as you would have in the Zen tradition or in the Theravada tradition as a laywoman. There is no one to talk to to guide you directly. The bias against women is a real obstacle to getting any advanced training. You may receive so many wonderful initiations, but there is no further guidance! It seems completely hopeless to tears. Altho you do your best, your life is wasted, trusting they are leading you in the right direction. Are they? They want to keep you at the lowest possible levels, cooking, cleaning, working in the office, and telling you that you are creating merits by this grunt work while they advise you to "pray for rebirth as a man!" . Never any regularly scheduled times for meditation as in the Zen tradition, but just chanting, prayers, and physical exhaustion. Other than that, your life as an ordained person in some traditions will just be memorizing prayers and performing rituals. Do you enjoy that? Does it help you? Is that all ordination is for? The Buddha spoke strongly against the excessive ritual performed by Hindus of his day. As a prince, he was trained in them, As a yogi for ten years or more with two separate gurus, he performed many. He did not find that rituals led to a greater understanding of reality. Performing excessive rituals is not why people seek ordination. Study, meditation and guidance toward realization and Enlightenment is the reason why you took ordination! In some traditions, your development in meditation is a real threat to maintaining the status quo and is actively discouraged by their daily schedule and requirements. So look carefully. They may also actively discourage you from ever being alone. so that you can meditate. Red flag for a cult! Red! You should think carefully about these things and what the dynamics of the situation really are. Who is the wizard behind the curtain of Oz? Tell yourself the truth before you act. What do you really need and can you get it? Does it seem to you that there is leadership interested in your development, or do they just want to harass you and tell you that is dharma training? There are vicious narcissists in the sangha who love to bully you as well as anywhere else! Be on your guard! "Be ye wise as foxes and as gentle as doves." In the end, with a good environment and the right conditions, ordination is like fourth gear! Meditation will improve by leaps and bounds and deep satisfaction will be yours. However, ordination is not necessary for realization. Meditation is. One last word of warning: if you find that the overall tone is negative and never uplifting, excessively pejorative, why be there? The higher Mahayana Sutras are full of joy and the descriptions of attainment and encouragement to progress in meditation. They are full of descriptions of the wonderful qualities that develop in meditation practice. If fear and subservience dominate the environment, the ritual words elevate one and dominate another, and the teachings you are getting and every word you hear harps on negativity of one sort or another, or one weakness or another, always pushing your spirit down, dominating you by fears and dreads and hierarchy, instead of encouraging attainment, lifting you up, presenting samadhi levels and how to recognize them, what the obstructions and difficulties are at that level to break thru and how to do it, then what is the point? If you never hear about Enlightenment and its wonderful qualities, why be there? It turns out to be just a control technique to lower some and elevate others. That's not right. Watch out for medieval and feudal attitudes hidden in the rituals, because they are there. Do not let them bamboozle you into false humility, subservience, and obsequiousness. Pay attention to the psychology of the dynamic and its effect on you long term. Remember this line from Boy George: "Some people want to use you. Some people want to be used by you". Think about it. Balance. You do not have to be ordained to have really good practice. Just as there are Fundamentalist Christians who take everything literally and love to thump hellfire and damnation, there are also Buddhists like that. But the Buddha spoke realization and enlightenment. So we should also remember that beauty on the horizon is possible and attainable. If you aren't getting there, keep looking. Study well and sit well. It is traditional that monks travel to many monasteries seeking instruction.
@user-cm5vj3pv2g 3 күн бұрын
Re-doing addictive patterns. It is the cigarette smoking. It is the coffee many cups. It is the not eating when hungry. It is studying over limit. It is sex with self. Buddha.🙏📿
@traveling3732 3 күн бұрын
Happiest in the world is truth
@RajuGogul 3 күн бұрын
Saadhu. Saadhu. Saadhu. 🙏🙏🙏
@48sharksOfficial 3 күн бұрын
I always knew Wabi Sabi was an aspect of this. I always knew it was either "the perfection" or the "imperfection". Either, expresses the creativity of that human within that moment whether perfect or imperfect. Finding a simple way to explain this has been a mission of mine.
@JigmeShiri 3 күн бұрын
@nicholasgrover2558 4 күн бұрын
Thank you. With bows of gratitude.🪷🙏🏻 Nikko
@pareshprajapati7916 5 күн бұрын
Thank you 🙏 guruji Thank you guru maa 🙏
@user-pd4ch1hi5q 5 күн бұрын
@user-xg8ml4lf3e 5 күн бұрын
@KaiLindaova-dd3wz 7 күн бұрын
I swear I believe in this! I was Christian for many years;- and actually prayed for my Grandad's Spirit to come-down;- and help me through what was effectively Abuse. This was: "One Hell!";- so-far as I experienced it at the time. I had a very: "Rough Sketch!";- of what the Naraka's actually are. I have witnessed;- maybe two Hungry Ghosts;- at two differant time's;- in two differant locations. I cannot say I have reached Enlightenment;- and wouldn't want to profess to know what it feel's like to be enlightened;- as I have my own Strugglel's;- and the Wheel of Samsara keeps turning. I find myself faced: "Possibly...";- by Benevolant Beings;- and then I can become a Hungry Ghost;- Myself. To be fair... The Charity is focussed around Mental Health;- and the people who work for it;- sometimes can be very good;- and I have been subject to the Three Poison's;- (I don't want to go into why;- but it involved me being cast onto the Street's;- and I developed/"Discovered";- that I actually had a diagnosable Mental Health Problem. Does anybody out-there know/"Can Advise?";- how I deal with all this;- when there are so-many Benevolant Being's;- who aren't seeking enlightenment;- and how can I live with this chaos?
@pakwanlau6016 8 күн бұрын
I know of kapalikas who do spiritual practice in the cmetry, on a special day of the month, since we,re shaivite.
@JigmeShiri 8 күн бұрын
@JigmeShiri 8 күн бұрын
@JigmeShiri 8 күн бұрын
@JigmeShiri 8 күн бұрын
@JigmeShiri 9 күн бұрын
@JigmeShiri 9 күн бұрын
@richnaturebaby8759 10 күн бұрын
Mind is gathered just like body and mind disintegrate to disperse just like body. Nothing continues. No soul no after life nothing. Afterlives is believed hypothesis yet to be proven experienced correctly demonstrated or applied since thousands of years.
@Zjulio 10 күн бұрын
sadhu sadhu sadhu
@skrrskrr99 11 күн бұрын
Tibetan buddhism is too superstitious and culty for me.
@dustlee5404 12 күн бұрын
thank you
@realzeelink 12 күн бұрын
Islam corrected Buddhism a long time ago. Prophet Muhammad(PBUH) ordered Muslims to go all the way to China to learn and of course to teach as well. Allah mentions in the Quran clearly to hold no partners with him and believe in afterlife and judgement. Reincarnations in some way purport to evil spirits being revived, that is possible but forbidden to do in Islam being a major sin. Many Muslims believe Buddha was a righteous person, but like many other astray people, after his death the followers casted him as a God in human form and distorted some of his teachings. In fact one synonymous behaviour between the two faiths is that when Muslim men go to Mecca for pilgrimage or Umrah, they are supposed to shave their heads, much like Buddhist followers do at the temple, to symbolize giving away the worldly pride. I am sure good teachings lead to the truth eventually and I hope the same for all the humanity because as humans we are all one family, regardless of differences in our current understanding of the world.
@KaiLindaova-dd3wz 12 күн бұрын
Thankyou! I have a few Issue's;- but this Video has helped me deepen my Understanding! I shall save this;- and watch it again!
@somamahato385 12 күн бұрын
Thank you for explaining so nicely.
@ursuladucey-rt8zh 12 күн бұрын
Ringu Tulku Rinpoche thank you A great teacher Simplicity and calm kind understanding ❤️ Om tare tuttare ture svaha
@LiseLotteKristensen-lj7xl 12 күн бұрын
Thank You 🙏🙏🙏
@Buddhismhelps 12 күн бұрын
Unfortunately, his explanation was not specific, relying on arm waving and a general notion that the “mind” somehow continues after death. This is a common problem with the notion of rebirth in Buddhism and there are many different interpretations. The reality is, no one knows what happens after death, and anything else is just conjecture (with some wishful thinking). This is a concept in most “religions”, as a form of “salvation”. The more pragmatic approach to rebirth, and Buddhism in general is to focus on and practice the Core Concepts of the Precepts, 8 fold path, 6 perfections, and 5 Hinderances, and do the best you can. If there is rebirth, fine. But, our goal is to make this life as meaningful as possible with Buddhist guidance.
@myutubelib 13 күн бұрын
Bon preceded Tibetan Buddhism by several thousands years. Remember, Indian Buddhism came to Tibet in the 7th century. In spectrum of time, this was about 12 hundred years AFTER Buddha Shakyamuni was born in India. Obviously this begs the question: Which do you think was the dominant religion in Tibet during those 12 hundred years? The answer is Bon, the Yungdrung Bon, practicing the teachings of Bon Buddha Tonpa Shenrab, and seeking protection through Ma Sidpa Gyalmo (Queen Mother of Existence). Once the Indian Buddhism took hold in Tibet, the Tibetan Buddhism was born inheriting much of the Bon traditions that is unique in Tibet. It was born out of significant political power struggle, and the persecution of Bon religion and its followers. Countless Bon temples and scriptures were burned down, and great many Bon yogis had to hide Bon texts in caves before perishing. Bon religion was being decimated and campaign to rewrite Tibetan history ensued (for the erasure of Bon). This campaign continued for centuries to this day. For example, I grew up learning in Tibetan school textbooks that Tibetan civilization started just two thousand years ago through the courtship of a monkey and a female demon. The textbook said before that, the whole of Tibet was beneath a large lake. I won't go any further, but this is a sample of the length of efforts carried out to erase Bon. It seems pretty clear to me that the Tibetan kings like Songtsen Gampo and Trisong Detsen actually weaponized the Indian Buddhism to destroy Bon for political gain and to build alliance with the neighboring countries. Indian Buddhism had already been spreading for centuries in China and neighboring countries before it came to Tibet. It is well known how powerful was the Tibetan empire at the time that even the neighboring emperor of Tang Dynasty had to offer his daughter as a bride to Songtsen Gampo. So, it was a matter of time that it spreads in Tibet through exploitation to build political alliance (with China and India) and to get rid of Bon. Songtsen Gampo's other wife was a Nepalese princess, the daughter of Nepalese king Licchavi.
@andrestremols6461 13 күн бұрын
I experienced the channels and winds activity of Mahamudra as described. it all happened spontaneously while meditating on the fontanelle gathering all atention there. its the sahajayana abadhut way.
@tseringtashi4139 13 күн бұрын
Very well explained...thank u
@singvijaya 14 күн бұрын
Very good, simple teacher.. to the point. I enjoyed listening to you again and again
@manuelescaida9084 14 күн бұрын
eighteen hell realms! great!!! haha
@marlouvanhoorn3659 16 күн бұрын
Very true, Rinpoche, thank you. Value of friendly honest connection❤
@michelenishikatsu4273 16 күн бұрын
I have been taught by modern masters from Japan. An one’s personal billboard! One cannot even stamp their Hanko, without one’s Sensei’s agreement. It is completely, meditative…and very, very disciplined!
@swarupbanerjee147 16 күн бұрын
The Mongols were also warriors who slaughtered snack bars in Baghdad
@cherylmalone9736 17 күн бұрын
Thank you, Venerable.
@ronaldtan1434 17 күн бұрын
Namo Amituofo
@jessicabsable 19 күн бұрын
How precious!! That1s why we need to meditate to train our minds in residing in higher dimensions, so when we die we are taken to the light and love of the higher souls. Muito obrigada, from Brazil!
@reciprocalhealing 20 күн бұрын
Intriguing. I have never doubted the power of dreaming. And as I get older, I appreciate the happenings of the sleep realm more and more - such vast restoration occurs as we marinate in the unconscious, or allow it to marinate us. Thank you for sharing 🙏 ❤
@hollies4806 21 күн бұрын
@nanalbini18 22 күн бұрын
hermosa enseñanza gracias por la traducción al español
@SkyMethod 24 күн бұрын