AGS just keeps buffing my builds..
The Black Mage has Arrived
8 ай бұрын
The LAG Build is almost complete..
Fire Rapier is COOKIN' this patch
You literally CANNOT debuff me
I've become one with the Rapier
the surprise duo is the best duo
I escaped d-sync city for a match
Danzo's PVP Wishlist
11 ай бұрын
Could Ranked SAVE PvP in New World?
11 ай бұрын
11 ай бұрын
@PaulBegnocheJr 6 күн бұрын
None of the fighting is group fighting? All lose ends?
@user-ng2qx4xd1b 13 күн бұрын
Well i would guess the how to is in the name
@crazitomali 27 күн бұрын
miss u bro. haven't played the game in like a year+
@MorcegoYar 4 ай бұрын
good build, i use with SnS, its good too, you should see and tell me if you like
@iOakie 7 ай бұрын
Just FYI I dont think heart of ailuros drops anymore? I've been farming for days without a drop
@applecake6373 7 ай бұрын
Anyone else binge watch hour long AC vids explaining builds in autistic detail?
@DanzoPVP 7 ай бұрын
Fiiiinaly getting matchmaking tomorrow, builds coming back hot and ready >:)
@iOakie 7 ай бұрын
Does this still hold up today?
@brendonbauer 7 ай бұрын
Wondering the same thing. Have you run this in season 4?
@iOakie 7 ай бұрын
Yeah its kinda trash @@brendonbauer
@nonameuser84 7 ай бұрын
11 months has gone without a combat lead in place. Not a single person on New World's design team is able share an acceptable level of vision for the game, that players should expect 2 years in. Not a single person in New World's leadership has yet been able to communicate at a decent level and express knowledge to their own game, that players should expect 2 years in. AGS exec has fully embraced corporate culture and by doing so lost all sense of touch, like an infection spreading into each decision made. This has put the already clueless New World team and their R&D project in a spot beyond saving. AGS will most likely forever continue to remain the laughing stock in mmorpg scene until someone finally pulls the plug. The only way New World's PvP community would ever be able to preserve and "save" their beloved game is with a private server.
@OfficialDopemask 7 ай бұрын
My biggest problem is that i dont do any dmg in pvp even if i have lot lff dmg on the weapon in atribute screen. i feel like i hit with paper and when i get hit i just dissapear to the oblivion instantly i dont know what i do wrong :/(
@PvpHen 7 ай бұрын
Can you get two hit evade if u put it on the armor piece
@PvpHen 7 ай бұрын
So nobody seen how the player was still stunned from riposte after he used incinerate ? @timestamp 10:00
@kalatarusgaming8468 7 ай бұрын
Shirking Lightning (SL) does not affect tondo bleed damage (tbd). SL is separate damage in its own little world. I would think a bis Finisher perk would boost tbd.
@DerrekU2ber 7 ай бұрын
You do anything with this in season 3?
@kennyshabanggaming1750 7 ай бұрын
shirking lightening is how you upgraded it? its the best damage perk you can add? I have been so indecisive i havent yet upgraded lol
@AdamKazarian 7 ай бұрын
I disagree with you statement citing a few reasons. If the game was left to the Devs 100% we would keep having nerfs to everything left and right. They would have no direction to what players want or need. When I played at release they nerfed crafting, chest runs, and brought the water mark system in. It was terrible and I left. Now they got rid of water mark, you can do runs without keys, and crafting and over all leveling and trade skill leveling is easier. Dont tell me the Devs realized this by themselves, players pushing for 2 years made the changes happen to allow people like me to come back. We need to work together as player base and the Devs, but understand the Devs cannot make changed to a game they have no understanding too. There are content creators like yourself who would do good to come to the forward position and have their take documented, to provide change. Question is will it take 2 years ago for changes like this to happen?
@dokanyon 7 ай бұрын
I was hoping that s4 would be more balanced and stable, but they add 8 more artifacts? It's gonna be an absolute disaster. They havent even fixed or tuned the first artifacts
@ShrappNewWorld 8 ай бұрын
I mean yes of course its AGS devs fault who else fault could it be? They are already working on an LOTR MMO that will kill this game if they do it right just because there are different races and good lore. The only thing that could keep this game alive if its PvP gets better.
@kipppnw 8 ай бұрын
When there are gamebreaking items/mechanics in the game, people complain, rightfully so. They should balance anything that is OP, particular stuff that is gamebreaking. Shirking heals + anhk was probably objectively broken and warranted a nerf. I spend a lot of time on the forums and people really just complain about the same few pvp topics 1) Range (FS/BB/bow/musket) vs melee balance, especially in OPR 2) Healer balance, especially in arenas 3) Pre-mades in OPR/arena. More rarely people complain about armor classes. In the past, people complained about light armor. Right around the expansion people complained about medium armor. Now, some people complain about heavy armor. It really is the same few topics, over and over again. A lot of these complaints are supported by data. The life staff has top 3 win rates in arenas/OPR. Similarly, the BB has top win rates in arenas/opr. The Bow, fire staff, and musket are in the top 3 damage weapons in arenas and OPR. People who commonly duo in arenas have incredibly high win rates (>10). Therefore, a lot of the stuff people are complaining about is likely somewhat justified. I personally think the pvp in new world is the best it has ever been. I do agree adding too many new items increases the likelihood of gamebreaking balance issues. However, in my opinion, AGS seems to be doing a better job of balancing those items quicker. The Boltcaster is probably the only artifact that has the potential to cause balancing issues. The intel gem changes might lead to unforeseen issues.
@fpsregion 8 ай бұрын
I still love this game ❤
@DISSAOR666 8 ай бұрын
great video, why u dont use artifact weapon?, i know finisher perks are not for this skills but inferno maybe can give u at least to benefical perks
@philipgain5996 8 ай бұрын
I quit after I saw the patch notes and the S4 changes. Just saying, the devs have not idea what is the pvp in this game. I dont think they even play their own game!
@x_x714 6 ай бұрын
They do chest runs I think
@Droptopflipflop 8 ай бұрын
Ngl I was feeling what you had to say.. until I basically summed it up.. people that aren’t “content creators” are wrong and unable to provide feedback without negativity impacting the game.. only content creators understand and are the only true hope/ saving grace for the game.. while at the same time saying ags listening to people other than “content creators” are negatively impacting the game and should only listen to “content creators” Lowkey anybody can be a “content creator” it’s just the new hot buzz word lol to make people feel so, special inside lol 😂
@KingChili 8 ай бұрын
@leatherboots8048 8 ай бұрын
I agree with your humble take one hundred percent. As someone who has played since launch (6k plus hrs) and still a daily player, I have always said that the number one problem with the game is the identity crisis it's had since day one between being a casual PVE MMO, and a hardcore PVP MMO. While I enjoy both aspects of the game, and I highly commend any game development team to take on such a complicated task of balancing a game around both of these aspects when both of them are completely different, New World has done an excellent job at being a shining example of why this is next to impossible to achieve. All I've seen since launch is conflict between both of these player bases whether it be the in-game features and systems, or outside of the game with the dev team themselves catering to one or the other in hopes of keeping them both happy (most of the time pleasing neither at the same time). Most people who play this game either don't care or don't understand how hard this is to do because at the end of the day, they are two TOTALLY different types of players, and the majority of both groups want the game to be fully focused on what they themselves enjoy the most. THAT is what is going to be the death of this game along with EVERY OTHER GAME that has tried to accomplish this. "So which is more important?" is the question I most often ask while playing the game, and watching the decisions of the dev team, and this is just my personal opinion.........New World is a PVP game. There is nothing in this game PVE wise that makes it stand out at all. You even said in this video what this game has that EVERY OTHER game doesn't, and it's the combat. This is absolutely undeniable in my personal opinion, and it's THE reason both PVP and PVE are so fun in this game. The PVE mobs in this game are generally all copy paste rinse repeat mechanics throughout the entire game which does nothing to make it stand apart from any other "kill the big bad" game you could possibly present as a direct competitor. Let there be no misunderstanding that when I say the ONLY reason I have cleared the same boring expeditions over and over (and i mean literally hundreds of times at this point) is to get better gear to fight OTHER players. Yes I needed sets to get through those "harder" mutation levels but it was only because I needed to do that in order to do the thing I actually WANTED to do.....which was to upgrade the set I wanted to build to fight other players. So when I hear PVE players whine about their new shiny thing being hard to get because its part of the pvp track, I just shake my head and wonder why either of us play the game at all. We both have to endure things we don't like to mess with in order to do the thing we do, so let's just call it what it is......a grind. I expect that from any MMO so that's not the main issue. The main issue is AGS needs to cater to these two groups EQUALLY or this game is surely doomed, and so far they have done a truly piss poor job. We have gotten nothing but PVE improvements from the "dungeons" , new territories, effing MOUNTS, new completely pve profession of music (that just gives you strictly pve bonuses) and so on and so on. PVP players have gotten new weapons (which is good for both modes but I'm still counting it as a PVP improvement) and a 3v3 arena mode added a year after launch. STILL rocking the same boring OPR map since launch (that didn't even work at launch btw)......oh AND we got a cobbled together track of "rewards" for doing the thing we like to do. The vision for this game has been in the wilderness since it's inception, and unless that changes soon, it will continue to bleed players until it eventually becomes part of the list of game we've all played before that we keep comparing the new ones to because we want them to be better.
@iloveelectronicmusic9329 8 ай бұрын
Need to be balanced Arenas and OPR roles matchmaking
@Luke-nv1hm 8 ай бұрын
Still waiting for omnidirectional evade perk fix so I can actually use rapier and it not feel like a toothpick. Only had to wait an entire season to fix it
@ArturHawkwing351 8 ай бұрын
Mate I tried to listen to you but I just can't. I'm 3 mins in, you've made no point, just a bunch of weird references and have the definition of a monotone voice. You have PvP in your name so wish you all the best and hope you take my honest feedback on board - make a point then expand, not vice versa.
@manamana5545 8 ай бұрын
did you play archlord?
@threeve1282 8 ай бұрын
Solid points and I hope AGS hears you.
@xmlviking 8 ай бұрын
I would love to see the entire faction system removed entirely. Embrace the RL like behavior of humans and heraldry and banners etc. Factions cause so much strife internally now it's disturbing. Just get rid of them. Remove the entire fort based system and make just another OPR like experience that you can sign up for. I have the fact the servers originally came out 1,500 players and rather then expanding territory they just doubled the server sizes. Why just make an uber world and quadrupole the exact world with no factions. make the servers like 10k + with like 100 territories. Again Wars could be instanced based like they do now but less tied to a physical township. I don't even like the color/faction thing associated with towns. They are trying so hard to wreck there own game. Limit companies to 50 people.
@FinchFinley 8 ай бұрын
8 artifacts is just S4 because they were supposed to be in expansion but they didn't make it (time-wise).
@kurtdha 8 ай бұрын
8 new artifacts at once is very frightening considering all the variables that the devs can't/won't account for. They should know their limitations. 2 per season sounds more reasonable, and would be a lot easier for them to balance.
@mavsfanforlife3488 8 ай бұрын
Yup, yup, and yup. Lack of vision is accurate. The way that the current economy is so bad is another good example of a result of them listening to some complains and not even thinking about the ramifications of whatever it is they’re implementing. The players that actually care about the game have been saying the same thing since for a long time, but it’s always from top to bottom. The devs need to have a good vision for the game and not be so fickle about it.
@ProjectMerljn 8 ай бұрын
I moved on from this game a few days ago. Game has so many issues, many that you pointed out in this vid. As you said, they have no vision, essentially its based on their "inexperience" and it shows. There was a time a decade ago where a DEV had slightly more input and passion for the game they worked on. There was a time when the generation behind us really cared for the player experience. Circa back to present time, and most of the development teams are right out of school, with their own vision of their OWN game, not necessarily working on the game they are paid to work on. The game as it stands has game breaking exploits that have not been fixed in over a month (flail ), exploits exist with numerous artifacts and heartrunes, some of which I will not mention here, but reported to the game system monitors. It's been 3 weeks, and nothing. smh. I want to love this game because it has some incredible pros, but they blew their load prematurely and lost retention. The game will NEVER recoup what they have already lost, this last expansion (more like an update) was their last chance. Imagine spending $30 as a new or returning player, taking a day or two off to play, and you are hit with a 3-5k Q to log in. NO ONE should have to wait on a purchase, despite AGS a week later adding servers, they recently merged them and essentially pissed off the WAR parties who established territories only to be given some gold for their inconvenience. Awful management. RIP New World.
@nokomoko8832 8 ай бұрын
i don't see releaing 8 new artifacts as lack of vision, seems like they're making one for each armor weight and weapon. i doubt these artifacts will be relevant next year/expansion when they increase gs and level so they want to push them out sooner and worry about balancing them later with actual data to work with. it's a similar situation to heartrunes. and i don't know how people expect balanced fights in a classless mmo without a pvp role queue. how do you even begin to implement one if there are no classes? you can't really, you have use the classless nature of the game to your advantage, if you see the enemy team has a healer you're free to change your build to an anti-heal setup, or go healer yourself. i think that's what ags intended with such a dynamic combat and gearing systems, for the player to be more proactive. i do agree somewhat there's a lack of vision from the devs, but i also feel nw players in general just don't want to think. i've literally won oprs by myself actually playing objectives, stealing barons and even pveing while half my team complains at spawn about the the reds having too many healers and bruisers. if the enemy's zerg is too big, backcap. if you know there's a five stack trying to constantly backcap, gather a bunch of mats and spam repair doors, if your team zerg is constantly losing clump fights outside doors, help them out with brutes. everyone just wants to brainlessly rush to mid and gives up as soon as they lose it.
@Whatevs886 8 ай бұрын
Found a dev.
@teeny-tinywyvern 8 ай бұрын
Tanks being viable in PvP is a bad thing?
@rileyxxxx 8 ай бұрын
another arenagamer who complains.
@DeityVengy 8 ай бұрын
Often times, a weapon/build/perk is nerfed due to popularity which is a big problem. People naturally complain about the weapon that they die to the most. For example if you put people into an OPR against 20 hatchet/hammers, theyll be complaining about how op hatchet/hammer is within an hour. When in reality hatchet/hammer is a pretty bad build. They 100% need a core group of top pvpers from every region to take pvp feedback from but in the form of unanimous voting to eliminate bias as much as possible. A simple question of "Should we buff/nerf x thing" would avoid nearly all the community outrages recently :/
@lelay4377 7 ай бұрын
Although I also I think that’s how it should be, from an MMO perspective, I can see why it makes sense why balances are targeted towards the general population instead of “top pvpers” . Almost every other mmo has this issue too tbh albeit at different magnitudes
@zargisan9017 8 ай бұрын
I think that the balance is in a good spot. The problem currently in my opinion is the lack of content. We need more battlegrounds and full fleshed raids.
@rileyxxxx 8 ай бұрын
the game is a complete open world pvp option. its a effin mmo, why cant people stop asking for silly instanced bg's ? just flag yourself and form a pvp group jesus christ.
@zargisan9017 8 ай бұрын
@@rileyxxxx because instanced content is better. I do flag up. I do engage in influence races. The thing is though, there’s nothing quite like balanced instanced content. 50v10 in open world isn’t fun for very long. 20v20 capture the flag would be fun though.
@zargisan9017 8 ай бұрын
@@rileyxxxx and why are you so angry that players want another game mode to play? Seems weird
@astrolomagi 8 ай бұрын
Ags needs high skill paid QA testers to be in the room testing, breaking and shaping a better more balanced more engaging combat experience for everyone. It is such a shame to watch one of the best rpg combat systems in a lot of years be squandered by novelty.
@Tonefoni 8 ай бұрын
Albion online a pvp focused mmorpg with pvp as its core identity has a round table where pvp players who are that top of their respective content can come together to discuss balance each month. New World could really use something like that if they don't have it already. The combat in this game and the general aesthetic are what really make this game stand out. I don't really have any faith in the devs to takes risks at this point or cater to the pvp audience as it seems that the pve audience is what kept this game running during the long hiatus in-between content updates. This is all speculation but I feel just as sad about the state of the game as I did the last time I took a break. Just feels like so much potential wasted on a lack of vision as you said. I am always cautiously optimistic and hopeful that new world could become the pvp game that we all could see it becoming.
@titanbrand_4331 8 ай бұрын
Honestly imo, The devs listening to the players ruin the game. Arenas gotten into a combo simulator instead of actual skill. ive played every build and i see so many complaints about bow, and ofc i used to play bow but people who dont play bow complain about it and now its been nerfed so much its just not even worth because of how much you gotta do to make it work compared to weapons like Firestaff where its completely busted atm and im using it just 1-3 shotting people because of how insane int tree is. They balance things with their own Data and player feedback which i heavily dislike, what happened where the devs used to give you the player tools to make plays and do amazing things. I used to be able to 1 v 3-6 now i cant even 1v2-3 consistently because of how busted the artifacts and "balance" of the game is i honestly stopped playing this patch.
@benjaminwhite6452 8 ай бұрын
Holy, I'm 4 minutes in, and you've hit the nail on the head. I personally have issues with the game at the moment, and I voice my complaints on the likes of Reddit and the Discord forum, I feel heard - often stuff I reference is changed, most anecdotal experiences in NW are similar between players. Ultimately as you say, the game is directionless, despite having the best combat template for any game I have ever played by some margin. Where on earth actually is the vision, and content path for the game? The fact the main storyline levels 1-65 aren't even finished AFTER 2 years, is clear evidence the Dev's themselves don't know what to do when it comes to creating a PvE narrative. As for PvP: outside of the nerf cycle for content, it's just been neglected entirely.
@crims0n07 8 ай бұрын
I think if we're calling into question the dev's vision of the game, it's important to note the history of this game. We know it's original identity was different. Very different. We also know when it released it was still relatively early in establishing it's shifted identity. We also know that it's very normal and SHOULD be expected that an MMO like this will change and continue to define itself over time. Furthermore, I think it's important to note that New World isn't a clone of a standard MMO with it's own skin over it. It's doing many things very different from what's come before it and it has to find it's own way. That's going to take a lot more trial and error than a derivative of WoW etc. Your criticism of their response to feedback also feels off. Generally speaking, in a business, if the vast majority of your customer base says X is a problem with your product then X is a problem. AGS does a good deal of listening to the player base and that is a good thing. But they don't act on everything and usually approach the issue in their own way for better or worse. If they changed course on this and ignored the player base's concerns, I guarantee you'd have a reverse complaint. I'd also like to point out that your criticizing their attention to player feedback and then suggesting the solution is working with content creators for ideas ..aka.. player feedback. A couple other quick points: Shirking heals was never useless, just outshined previously. The nerf was probably too harsh last patch but with the pot changes coming next season, maybe it will turn out to be the right move, even if prematurely. You said it was an issue today that you can't find PvP without facing healers or tanks. The healer issue is largely because healing is still over tuned and the nerf to potions. It's not healers. And the fact that tanks can be viable now is a move in the right direction. It was more of an issue that you generally had to play light to be viable for about a year straight. And the last point I'll make, the 8 artifacts should not have been surprising. They're the last artifacts that were missing from the release of the expansion. So it's not like they're going crazy with the addition of artifacts. Though I do completely understand where you're coming from regarding the impact on balance that they bring. Sorry I wrote so much. Ultimately I get where you're coming from and I know it comes from a place of passion but, respectfully, I think you've been overly harsh here.
@DanzoPVP 8 ай бұрын
I feel like you've kind of missed the point of, my points. Thanks for the comment tho!
@crims0n07 8 ай бұрын
@@DanzoPVP I don't feel like I did but maybe. What is the overarching point that you feel I missed?
@DesmoxMyco 8 ай бұрын
I don't think we even watched the same video... Or did you not watch it?
@crims0n07 8 ай бұрын
​@@DesmoxMycoThe dude literally said his video was a plea to come together to make the game better. I've given my thoughts respectfully, adding to the discussion. Your comment did neither. Maybe YOU didn't watch the video 😉. C'mon man.. it's a discussion, not an argument. Don't be instigative.
@slip899 8 ай бұрын
wait SH is still good tho? Seen a lot of ppl sayin its still viable and needed for some builds, like bis for light? I get you tho, they dont have a clear vision
@matthew8720 8 ай бұрын
Totally agree about the devs vision. Took a 3 months off from the game and came back like a month ago. I’m already exhausted. Everything they do I’m like, “Huh??? Why are you doing this??”. The 8 more Artifacts are the perfect example. And anytime someone innovates and an organic thing is born (ex: great cleave when rewards were op), instead of trying to implement the phenomena in a balanced way, they cut it’s throat and dump it off a ledge. I don’t get it man. 0 vision. And they base too many choices off the whining masses. Wish sometimes they would be like, “appreciate the feedback but that conflicts with our vision…so this time, you can $&?! off.” So weak.
@kirchhoff7049 8 ай бұрын
As someone who has never and will never play light armor builds, I haven't been able to enjoy the game since the meta switched to that over a year ago. I don't understand how everyone complains about weapon balance and artifacts, etc. when light armor has been disgustingly over-represented in just about every popular game mode (OPR, Arena, open world, Expeditions, Sandworm Raid, etc.). I can't enjoy combat in this game when everyone is a rat.
@WhoFlungDung 8 ай бұрын
As someone who will never play anything but light armor, the main reason I do and I think a lot of other people do is simply the roll. If every type of armor could roll like light does then I'd try them. I just can't let it go.
@kanebear12 8 ай бұрын
Bro how the fuck can you play walking around feeling like your character is a bus? Light or nothing.
@kirchhoff7049 8 ай бұрын
@@WhoFlungDung I hear everyone justify light armor being so dominant because "roll is more fun". Fine, give every armor weight roll. Adjust stamina costs, recovery speeds, etc. with armor weight - but give everyone the same dodge.
@WhoFlungDung 8 ай бұрын
@@kirchhoff7049 I'm with you. Let everyone have the same dodge and make adjustments elsewhere. I might actually try medium or heavy then.
@MrProbstandrew 8 ай бұрын
i dont know why, but recently it feels more like my dad n mom are trying to make a game for us kidz.. and are trying to make all us kidz halfway happy with it.. but it really doesnt feel like gamers have a product and consept that drives them to make a special game. they dont really understand their own game, and all the intrecacies and synergies and how this game actually is or should be. i feel its way too compartmentalised, and noone competent drives the whole thing. (and i dont mean cuz of age.. im almost 40 myself) even the dev vids feel like a sitdown with my parents lol. almost any/everyone who has been playing this game for the last 2 years, and most streamers, have a way better understanding of the game then the ags team. and its very odd which loud voices about what they r choosing to listen to atm.. half the player base just follows what their fav streamer says anyways. only like maybe 20% of players really understand the game, and the journeys its been thro. and how dif dynamics work. and u kinda have to test every lil thing out urself anyways, cuz the results are ofen way different then what the tooltip says, what the mathz should be, or just synergies in general that the game has. i feel tho like i do more actual testing then ags actually does, and streamers often do too. but its not the streamers job to test everyxthing, so it usually results in the streamer highlighting one certain thing,.. then everyone jumps on the bandwagon. (most are bad players looking for reasons why they get farmed. instead of thinking bout how maybe someone who has pvped in this game for 2yrs has more skillz then the 5 month guy etc) things are blown way outta perportion, while other things that have just as much if not even more are ignored. Artifacts that r fun n new r nerfed to boringness, while others are being created and shown with even more outta scale op synergies etc. i luv NW, but its such a frustrating relationship.. i know nothing is perfect, but id much rather have them just run a certain view and style of game, then having them flip flop all the time. and the way too fast changes atm have everyone frustrataed.. noone is happy.. most feel almost like their time has been stolen. thats what happens when u change the value of what folks have done, too often.. in any game
@kvast13 8 ай бұрын
I play for the pvp, but im still learning. Something i have noticed, is that people message me during or after games, telling me how much i suck. I have played many mmos, but this game is top 3 when it comes to toxic people.
@Marthacus 8 ай бұрын
Gone are the days you pvp and become bros after or rivals that respect each other. I feel the same way tbh.
@DavidBrown-px4wi 8 ай бұрын
IDK, I think the whole internet community toxic these days. It's not just this MMO.
@oyrae7112 7 ай бұрын
I’ve had this happen too. So bizarre. I can’t imagine being that other person and feeling inclined to message someone I wrecked and tell them they suck. I don’t know what that does…for them? Weird.
@mrbicboi2540 8 ай бұрын
Good take and true they lack vision and creativity. If i had to choose between better balance or actual content , however, i and many others would choose content. Weve done the same sht for 2 years, opr arena expeditions. Any other company with the foundation and potential of new world would have so many ideas, they wouldnt be able to contain themselves. They gave us a little bit from influence races, which was at least something new for 2 years , but holy fk are they slow..