@Yamyatos Күн бұрын
You should think about making education free, as it is in civilized countries
@bartholomewnelson1801 23 күн бұрын
Also it would probably be worth mentioning in a "Conflict of Interest" disclosure the Pioneer Institute's funding from the Koch brothers (one of which who sits on the board) and owns pharmaceutical companies like INVISTA and Flint Hills Resources. It would go along ways in establishing your credibility when speaking on these issues.
@bartholomewnelson1801 23 күн бұрын
Isn't the title "Non-Addictive Opioids" a misnomer? Aren't all opioids inherently addictive as they release endorphins ("literally" endogenous morphine receptors). Maybe "Non-Addictive Painkillers" would be a more accurate term? Please correct me if I'm wrong...
@1aliveandwell Ай бұрын
So what can I do to help with charges for imaging or lab tests or a Dr visit to find fee's? Hope price transparency increases. Noticed that Medicare will pay one amount but if not approved, it seems a lab (labcorp in this case) can charge more than 10x's amount just for 1 test !
@SJDubl 2 ай бұрын
This talk was extremely informative! Thank you so much.
@notaviking6997 3 ай бұрын
Update 14/1 2022 Corona dead (The Nordic countries ) Sweden 15513 Per 100k 149,5 Last 2 weeks 203 Died Denmark 3 468 Per 100k 59.7 Last 2 weeks 201 Died Finland 1 724 Per 100k 31.1 Last 2 weeks 160 Died Norway 1 381 Per 100k 25.6 Last 2 weeks 76 Died Iceland 44 Per 100k 12.5 Last 2 weeks 7 Died Corona dead 2020 Corona dead 2021 Corona dead 2022 Sweden 9 504 Sweden 5 806 Sweden 203 Denmark 1 298 Denmark 1969 Denmark 201 Finland 561 Finland 1003 Finland 160 Norway 459 Norway 846 Norway 76 Iceland 29 Iceland 8 Iceland 7 Population: Sweden 10.4 Denmark 5.8 Finland 5.5 Norway 5.4 Iceland 371k Vaccinated (The Nordic countries ) 1 Dose Finished Extra Dose Reported Iceland 87,0 % 83,0 % 62,5 % 13 January Denmark 83,1 % 80,6 % 55,7 % 12 January Finland 78,7 % 75 1 % 30.5 % 12 January Sweden 76,6 % 73,4 % 28,2 % 13 January Norway 79,7 % 73,4 % 40,2 % 13 January Source VG. They are ranked according to finished.
@williamstanley1095 3 ай бұрын
Promo-SM 🤦
@judithcolon9705 3 ай бұрын
❤❤❤❤❤wow awesome congratulations Abby kelly ❤❤❤❤❤
@55k3v1n 3 ай бұрын
This helps progressives convince little Johnny that the reason he wishes he was a girl is that...he is a girl! Let the hormone blockers commence!
@janem3575 4 ай бұрын
Most of us can't afford the rents out there now. And I make more than minimum wage!
@warthogA10 4 ай бұрын
For anyone interested, KZfaq is actively messing with the thumbs up button on videos about this. When you tap the button it doesn't appear as it was tapped, which typically causes folks to tap it again, and when it doesn't work they just move on, after they actually untapped the thumbs up. This keeps the "like" counts down. If you tap the thumbs up and it doesn't react, Back out of the video then select it again on the feed and then the button will show you liked it. KZfaq is likely getting a kick back for this. ("allegedly") Same for all the bittons even the subscribe bittons on all videos on this subject. Ive tested on other random videos about anything else and they work fine. It is only with videos on this and other subject matters which some don't want gaining attention.
@patriciafarias2491 5 ай бұрын
Hi, I am the first one who’s watching this
@user-de1zf7mx4e 5 ай бұрын
The verdict is in on the lockdown as described in this scientific report, the most comprehensive such analysis so far. It also concludes that overall, what Sweden did was correct and the way to manage future pandemics. “Herby, Jonung, and Hanke conclude that voluntary changes in behaviour, such as social distancing, played a significant role in mitigating the pandemic - but harsher restrictions, like stay-at-home rules and school closures, generated very high costs but produced only negligible health benefits.” “COVID-19 lockdowns were “a global policy failure of gigantic proportions,” according to this peer-reviewed new academic study. The draconian policy failed to significantly reduce deaths while imposing substantial social, cultural, and economic costs.” Did lockdowns work? The verdict on Covid restrictions - Institute of Economic Affairs (iea.org.uk) iea.org.uk/.../did-lockdowns-work-the-verdict-on.../ HERE IS THE TITLE: iea.org.uk/.../Perspectives-_1_Did-lockdowns-work...
@bobtaylor170 5 ай бұрын
Thanks to both of you. You've encouraged me to read it.
@donquixote1502 5 ай бұрын
Anders Tegnell is a father to all of Sweden. He stood strong and trusted in science.
@akeke1 6 ай бұрын
Very good! Thank you
@johnnylind973 6 ай бұрын
Well there was a guy that was taunting Sweden for its decision not to lock down , i think his name is Trump . And as usual he was dead wrong , but as usual i bet he has an excuse for his behavior . The sun was in the wrong spot , or the earth where turning the wrong way .
@petrahall7031 6 ай бұрын
A big thank to Anders Tegnell and the people around him to not fall for media pressure but instead continuing to follow what scientifically seemed to be the best way forward.😊
@42base13 6 ай бұрын
He completely misses the true moral hazard, that of land rents and land prices. Farm subsidies don't cause monocropping, that is dictated by mechanization. Nor is any other crop even remotely as productive, profitable, and suited for the soil and climate conditions of the corn belt as is corn. Taking away the farm subsidy titles will have very little effect on the types and amounts of crops in the USA Midwest. What farm subsidies do is induce farmers to bid up the cost of land. Every penny of subsidies gets bid away into land. Any farmer that doesn't do so can't compete for land. Take away the farm subsidies, including the crop insurance "safety net", and farmers will build financial reserves by reducing the amounts paid for land. Any farmers that don't do so will be sold on the auction block at the next bad cycle.
@marilynmelzian7370 7 ай бұрын
Wonderful! I especially liked his reminder that we cannot put our trust in any purely human thing, because all human achievements and institutions are temporary. Our hope is in the Lord, who made heaven in earth.
@MaryAnnBeer 7 ай бұрын
Common sense and doable solutions. It’s the panic the people are being subjected to that’s causing so many problems.
@celiacresswell6909 8 ай бұрын
Thank you. This also suggests that excess death was not driven primarily by vaccine side effects - or long covid - as they got vaccinated and infected in similar proportions to other European countries?
@kb.e3762 8 ай бұрын
Very true, my dad had visited china in the late 80s and also in the 90s, he told me how poor china was, mind you he himself was coming from an underdeveloped country. He said that there were tall apartment buildings but people were all very thin and pale, dressed in rags, and were drinking grass soup as meals, and everybody were riding bicycle on the streets. So this myth about how china's gdp was already high before 2002 is a communist lie. Small businesses from taiwan, hk, and japan were bringing in jobs to the coastal cities of china but it was still at the ball park of India's gdp. Entry into the WTO led by the clinton admin and gaining favored nation status for cheap manufacturing from around the world was what pulled the drowning communist party out of the water.
@WolfHeathen 8 ай бұрын
Ultimately, it's not really a question of trust even though that may have been a part of it. The simple fact is that even if the Swedish government had wanted to go the hysteria route, it wouldn't have been able to. It has no legal power to force quarantines and lockdowns within Sweden. It can close government companies and stores, sure, but it can't force private businesses or corporations to close. It can close the border but it can't force you to stay in your home. It can recommend you keep socializing to a minimum but it can't prevent people from going outside or socializing, and it can't force you to wear a mask. The only time the Swedish government can declare a state of emergency is if we're at war. It's not like the US where politicians can take any specific situation, everything from border control and opiate crisis to actual war, and declare a state of emergency.
@phizzhead53 8 ай бұрын
i will say that compared with alcohol cannibis is less of a social harm but it needs to be out of the reach of kids
@BlueKentuckyGirl 9 ай бұрын
I'm not sure what kind of "work with cancer" she's been doing, but it certainly was not in breast cancer. This is a dangerous and deadly misinterpretation of reality, with a really nice touch of racism along with some subliminal hints of "shame on the FDA for making Big Pharma limit their patent restrictions because now that it's generic, we aren't using it as a preventative." Sure. Although "we" are, but rarely - I'm sure it had nothing to do with the potentially deadly side effects. Particularly in those who "aren't living right." Shame on all of you!
@genericusername5909 9 ай бұрын
You can’t use the strategy of a collectivist minded society on a narcissistic hellscape. If America had used Sweden’s policies they would have lost twice as many people
@SweDaneDragon 9 ай бұрын
The major reason to Sweden not going into lock down is that there is no room in our laws to impose such a thing. In order to impose a lock down a state of emergency has to be declared, and according to Swedish law that can only be declared is Sweden is at war. The government created a temporary law at the end of the pandemic, and they could then tell shopping malls to restrict access and things like that, but by then they were already obsolete.
@michaelwallden7261 9 ай бұрын
U talking a lot of rubbish. This is about strategy.....not about if weden can have lockdowns....
@markusolofzon 9 ай бұрын
@@michaelwallden7261yes. About strategy and of which lockdowns were never a part or Swedens strategy. It wasn’t even an option from the beginning due to the laws prohibiting it.
@MichaelWallden 9 ай бұрын
@@markusolofzon i am with U, sorry if I got U wrong
@markusolofzon 9 ай бұрын
@@MichaelWallden no worries
@michaelkarnerfors9545 8 ай бұрын
@@markusolofzon The laws prohibiting a lockdown could be set aside. The Instrument of Government (Regeringsformen), chapter 2, paragraph 20, allows for that. Note though it would have taken only 10 parliament members, or more than 1/6 nay-votes, and the proposal would have been laid to rest for 12 months (RF, 2 kap, 22§)
@stiglarsson8405 9 ай бұрын
One lesson to learn.. dont politicies pandemics! We hade lookdown, one closed the front doors of buses/trams and one couldt sit in the front seat of a taxi, to protect drivers! But that was a concern for there unions, that demanded that, for the safety of there members! One couldnt get in to elderly homes, one have to meet ones relatives outdoors, one didnt get in to any hospital without an apointment! Resturants, pubs and bars was restricted to table service, and half of the tables was put away.. and they hade to close 22.00! In anyway.. ofcourse our politicans steped forward.. but the moste importante people was our "pandemic experts" like Tegnel! We rather listen to the experts, becuse politicans is not pandemic experts.. so our politicians rather listen to the experts! Its a bit strange for many countries, but most of our high ranking autoritys is there becuse of meritocraty, elected outside of the political system! There was a "healty discussion" between experts, in newspapers and public TV.. our population could listen and make there own desisions about.. if they want to get infected, let there elderly relatives die.. the message was, we are all gonna be infected, wait till there is safe vaccines at least! Another topic to learn is how importante it is for a country to have a neutral public broadcasting TV and radio!!!
@michaelkarnerfors9545 8 ай бұрын
Tradiational Montesquieu:ian division of power splits it in three: Judciary, Legislature, and Executive / Administration. This is why for instance you hear of "President Biden's _Administrarion_ ". In Sweden, we do it differently; we split it in _four_ : Judiciary (domstolarna), Legislature (Riksdagen), Executive (Regeringen) and Administration (myndigheterna)... and then we put a firewall between Executive and Administration, Sweden's infamous prohibition of ministry administration ("ministerstyre"). This means that our administration is (almost entirely) non-political. So while in the US, the Secretary of Defence and the President are a part of the Chain Of Command for the Department of Defence, in Sweden, that chain ends at the Supreme Commander, while the Minister of Defence has _no_ direct power over the administrative agency that is the Swedish Defence Forces. Sure, the general directors of administrative agencies are appointed by the executive, and every year the executive give each admoinistrative agency their "letter of regulation", but apart from that, the Swedish cabinet is entirely hands off from the day-to-day work of administering the country, leaving the practical work of keeping Sweden running, to the non-political administration. ....and _that_ is why we Swedes trust the _administration_ (myndigheterna), because those people are not politicians. They are (mostly) non-political, and instead appointed on merits.
@MichaelClarenceCarroll 10 ай бұрын
God is great ... kzfaq.info/get/bejne/hrGghLWbz8W7kok.htmlsi=OIbHgYp4-S2zvppZ
@johndoe-vc1we 10 ай бұрын
14:00 discussion with Dikötter begins here, 🤦
@vickie2658 11 ай бұрын
Now I know that you have to be aware of the Claudette Colvin/Rosa Parks switch…… Right? Mr. Garrow, why did you retell another false story? Or tell why king was kicked out of the southern Baptist Convention….. I’m not hearing anything about being the first Margaret Sanger award winner, maybe because it’s a horrible look. It’s all factual though. And the declassified documents/tapes…I was really looking forward to reading your book but I don’t want to reread fake history. Good luck to you, sir! I wish you all the best!❤ I’m just curious. Thank you. ❤
@TheeRisee 11 ай бұрын
Just released a video essay on Vivek if you want to learn more about him prior to the 2024 election!
@isadoracashett2233 11 ай бұрын
*Promo sm*
@vinor3846 11 ай бұрын
Wow! Vivek, you blew me away with your intellectual assessment of how stake holder interest need to embrace more expansive social interest in a wholesome balanced way. You are exuberant with vast array of relevant knowledge about capitalism’s larger role in the society. Your articulate analysis and expressions are impressive and absolutely a breath of fresh air. You would, beyond doubt, make a fantastic president to unite America and make Americans proudly gain a new and refreshingly fresh perspective. Your time is now and you are indeed God sent. God bless you and protect you.
@christyeichhorn5333 11 ай бұрын
Vivek 2024
@EstherWalker-rv3ei 11 ай бұрын
I Don't Trust Smooth Talkers, Remember The Rhinos Republicans, Who Betrayed President Donald Trump. Trump 2024. ❤ If Our LORD GOD ALMIGHTY, Do Not Intervene, The United States Of America, Constitution, Freedom, Government, Flag, Is DOOM. 😢
@kiran220284 11 ай бұрын
And you think this is smooth talk?? More than half of Americans wouldn’t be able to understand the depth to which he explains the impending peril of US unless we reform the current situation. Let me guess you hate an intellectual brown person or you live some vengeance topped with insults and bigotry.
@advantageacademychartersch1685 11 ай бұрын
Great podcast. Heard a lot of about school rankings. Didn't hear anything about a 4-day school week. We have moved to a 4-day school week. What are your thoughts on a that? Can you imagine being a senior in High School and getting Friday's off. Nirvana.
@TotallyAt3 11 ай бұрын
That’s my school kipp love yall❤❤❤
@seaofenergy2765 Жыл бұрын
This sounds like a load of vested interest funded denialist bollocks predicated on cherry picking best case scenario data that is totally unrealistic. This is exactly what is going to lead us to a worst case scenario, and likely sooner than expected, due to our inability to fully predict something as complex as the environmental systems the oil and gas vested interests running the world are actively dicking about with for the moronishly short sighted and self-serving reasons of greed and power. You should be ashamed of yourselves for being complicit in the worst crime against humanity and nature that has ever taken place.
@scottekoontz Жыл бұрын
Why not speak with an actual climate scientist who has not sold out? Maybe look at her work prior to being funded by oil. She proved the hockey stick is proper, and also proved (re-proved, since we all know the facts) that CO2 is the primary forcing.
@jonznuff Жыл бұрын
@frankmoore3598 Жыл бұрын
have 124 private schools in my state and 77,000 students . and only one is not a parochial school . so just another way of creating enclaves. so maybe we should go back to pre 1830 and just admit that Horace Mann was wrong about common schools.
@Krev-adode6780 Жыл бұрын
go to the school
@ballyragoonanan Жыл бұрын
His sense of well-being is pure, universal, and complete He is unique in the delivery of content which i have never seen before.
@applesandpears9756 Жыл бұрын
E.F. Benson is another wonderfully witty writer, as was Saki. All of them pull superbly crafted characters and language, while creating something delicious from the mundane..
@mememine69 Жыл бұрын
Biggest crime in human history! No mass graves, no piles of body bags, or any signs of a pandemic anywhere. These monsters who caused this must be brought to justice at Nuremberg trials. And you know what that means.
@thevillaaston7811 Жыл бұрын
45 mins, 15 seconds onwards... Total rubbish. Churchill was easily the best negotiator of the war. What did Roosevelt have to do?.. His country was untouched by war, it had a population of more than three times that of Britain, small wonder that the USA helped itself to everything that was not nailed down.
@thevillaaston7811 Жыл бұрын
Teaching WWII in US Schools... Everything that went wrong was Britain's fault.
@Darian_asare Жыл бұрын
My school