METROID DREAD: The Geek Critique
@Hyperperion 2 сағат бұрын
Kiddy is my favourite Kong and is even better than Donkey (cuz Kiddy has the water bounce tech). Imagine when he grows up. DKC3 was my first DCK game and Kiddy my childhood hero. So all of the whining haters like the maker of this vid, keep crying
@deserttail871 4 сағат бұрын
You were kidding about the captain powers and world rings being the same thing... right?
@guy4835 12 сағат бұрын
Sonic Unleashed review when
@alexsanders37 15 сағат бұрын
Just recently finished Bopopolis for the first time. I get what you mean when you say you reach a state where your muscle memory sort of takes over and you almost subconsciously flow through the movements until you break through and beat the level. I just don't know if I would call it a zen-like state because I wanted to throw my controller through the TV the entire time.
@JoseGregorioValeroVillarroel 15 сағат бұрын
I'm just going to say this: Silver deserved to be introduced in a better game rather than this horrible train wreck!
@DisasterSquad 16 сағат бұрын
Boy am I glad you didn't keep with the 'sketch style' Of some of these old vids. This is kinda hard to watch after how good your current stuff is
@sleepdeep305 17 сағат бұрын
I swear, I must've been the only person on this godforsaken planet that actually collected all the artifacts as I was able to unlock them.
@lukekelly5075 17 сағат бұрын
Metroid zero mission speed booster?
@zalden2565 17 сағат бұрын
I remember when Yoshis story for n64 came out I was in 6th grade I told some friends I was excited to play it and their response was, “wait, isn’t that game 2D?” I still have every single video game now as an adult as I had as a kid. I still go back to almost every one from time to time. I never lost my love for the old ones. I also love the new ones
@zalden2565 20 сағат бұрын
I have never even touched tropical freeze and I have both a Wii U and a switch and I play both of them. Which version should I get? I can get Wii U for about 10 usd and switch for about 30
@alphabulblax1649 21 сағат бұрын
Although I never played DKC Returns as a kid necessarily, I got into the games in High School thanks to your videos on the original series! And yeah, I'm really excited for Returns HD, price tag be damned.
@zalden2565 22 сағат бұрын
Just finished your Metroid Critique Remake Series. Hope you do this in the next generation again. See you next mission!
@yan-rayiller-may8443 Күн бұрын
This is possibly one of the greatest retro reviews I have ever seen. This video has given me so much more perspective and respect for the original Metroid.
@pink_okoi8440 Күн бұрын
Love the use of the tank hanger music never thought I'd hear that and see Samus and cross them over like that
@JustJulyo Күн бұрын
There's dozens of us! Dozens!
@JustJulyo Күн бұрын
Time to play through Metroid
@justindimatteo Күн бұрын
One of the most grossly under-rated KZfaqrs.
@darthgamer9861 Күн бұрын
ah, the first TGC I saw waaaaay back in college. still a classic!
@zalden2565 Күн бұрын
Metroid Prime 3: Halo
@samirrabdelah5178 Күн бұрын
yeah i thougt the same thing about sa3 when i try it for the first time but i start to get interested by this game with the time
@LiLComeInClutch Күн бұрын
When i heard about prime 4 i came to see what you had to say
@pajamaboy2116 Күн бұрын
At 1:25 there is a row of old Sega Genesis cabinets. I've had one sitting in my basement for years. Just the cabinet, no monitor or Genesis. The cabinet used to sit in my dentists office but they are friends and one day when I was really young I asked if I could buy it and he just gave it to me lol. I've been entertaining the idea of building a PC inside of it since I would have to track down a new genesis as well as some parts for how the controllers would sit in the machine. Does anyone have any info on those cabinets? What are they worth?
@alphabulblax1649 2 күн бұрын
Wow, I never actually thought of it like that. They designed the N64 controller to avoid letting developers use the D-Pad as a crutch, so they'd be forced to make the analog stick controls work well. That's actually kinda clever.
@mr.macaroni2093 2 күн бұрын
I never played Super Mario RPG but my grandma always loved Paper Mario and I have most experience with the original Paper Mario because she prefers the original to TTYD, I think they’re pretty much on par with each other for me but I have a lot of nostalgia for the original
@brokenrhodonite2244 2 күн бұрын
@AugustusFGraham 2 күн бұрын
I was a little kid when DKCR came out. DKCR is an amazing game but there really needs to be a new DK.
@imarock.7662 2 күн бұрын
I heavily disagree with your and a lot of older fans feelings on Shadow. (The character not the game) Shadow is the Vegeta/Vergil of the Sonic series, and I find darker, tragic, and more serious characters like that extreamly cool and compelling. Plus his design and voice is badass. I dont like him more than Sonic, but hes my second favorite. (I do like Goku more than Vegeta as well though)
@GeekCritique 2 күн бұрын
Looking back, I think this game did way more to ruin him for me than I even realized back when I made this video. I thought Shadow was awesome in SA2! It's just that the entire next five years of the series revolved around him, the tonal changes he brought with him got much more overdone, and most importantly the execution of all of those elements fell off a cliff, to the point that by the late 2000s I didn't really even *remember* that I used to like him. I have, to a certain extent, found a certain fondness for him again since this video, and I hope that SxS Generations can actually make him good again, haha.
@zalden2565 2 күн бұрын
The existential crisis you dealt with in this series is what I felt with ff16 and the ff series
@jacobhdz127 2 күн бұрын
I just found your channel thanks to your Metroid playlist. I already can’t wait for your Prime 4 Critique!!
@austinhardison4945 2 күн бұрын
Subbed before you blow up
@KBXband 3 күн бұрын
This is my favorite prime game but its flaws are pretty big. You don't know where to go next until you're prompted on your advisor and then it's a mile Trek to get there on foot no warps. Excellent sequence, poor execution. However being trapped in the dark with metroid's in that one section did kind of throw me into a panic
@KBXband 3 күн бұрын
Also this is a funny story but I had made it to the final boss during my first playthrough but it was too hard so I quit the game for a while and picked up Skyward Sword hd. When I went back to Metroid dread I completely forgot how to move Samus and I had to play the game again from the beginning. This is my second run
@KBXband 3 күн бұрын
I love how her main objective after she wakes up is essentially GTFO. David Jaffe apparently never played another Metroid game because since the first game they've done stuff like that. And my instincts made the solution a matter of finding.
@brainypepper1621 3 күн бұрын
An actually good Metroid game with this game’s use of perspective would be so cool. The application of the 2D games’ properties to a 3D environment with 3D movement is such a cool idea.
@KBXband 3 күн бұрын
The fan communities of stuff like Metroid are awesome. I would love for a game like am2r to be on switch
@KBXband 3 күн бұрын
For being on the Game Boy advance I actually like this map the most out of any Metroid game and the art is friggin BEAUTIFUL.
@KBXband 3 күн бұрын
Man my early memories of this game rule. I remember the first time I saw Samus I asked "Where's his head?" It was my first Metroid so I didnt know anything about Samus. I also absolutely LOVE how the game starts. Retracing your steps through Tourian on Crateria was SO rad
@KBXband 3 күн бұрын
After many years I finally beat this game with an hour and 49 minutes but i mean it took FOREVER to get that bragging right. This is my least favorite for how confusing it is and I'm talking about the original game boy version
@KBXband 3 күн бұрын
Being a Metroid fan is almost as hard as being a digimon fan. But I will say that my two favorite games in the series are Metroid 1 and Dread.
@Kneefoil 3 күн бұрын
8:18:07 If it makes you feel any better, my nephew had the same experience as you. They shot the bottom block but not any other parts of the wall and got stuck. They asked me for help, but I hadn't played Dread for a long time and I also hadn't seen them shoot the bottom block of that wall, so it didn't occur to me that the game wanted you to shoot more of the wall any time soon. It took us a very long time to figure it out.
@g-force3877 3 күн бұрын
METROID was coolest game ever made. 30 years later and I can’t wait to play it again. This video was very special. Nice work!!! SUBSCRIBED
@KBXband 3 күн бұрын
I was hyped about the game and absolutely loved it until I ran into Adam. Then I hated it. Here are my reasons and note how none have to do with gameplay. 1) Samus caves too easily. From not using her weaponry until Adam authorizes it despite being stronger than all of them and more suited than they are. She also caves with it comes to her PTSD with Ridley. After all of their encounters it's be like Snake freezing up when he sees his sixth Metal Gear. Impossible. 2) The references to motherhood are laid on so thick and so frequent it loses significance after the first time she states "Baby's Cry" is what she calls a distress signal. It's that fast maybe even faster. 3) Samus is the hottest she has ever been, and spends quite a bit of the story outside of her suit. I'd complain it ruins her character but her dialogue does that instead. It would have been nice to have her tell don't show, or show don't tell but they do both. And I found the gameplay and exploration fine. Better than Metroid 1 but Super Metroid this is not.
@Zaczumba 3 күн бұрын
The end of prime huh? Not anymore!! Yippie!!
@TerryKashat 4 күн бұрын
I love how you used the MGS High Alert music.
@DisasterSquad 4 күн бұрын
The only problem with this entire thesis is that sonic is based entirely on memorization, not necessarily upon skill.
@enything_gamer3000 4 күн бұрын
Ik im a bit late but every single time I get back into my Metroid phase I watch your series usually while playing a Metroid game (usually either zero mission super or dread due to them being my favorites and the ones I find easiest to pick up and play) and I wanted to say thank you for an awesome series and way for entertainment
@lordnul1708 4 күн бұрын
one of the most enphasized lessons in American business ed classes is literally "it is wrong for you to discuss your salary with other employees, and you should never do it". In other words, my country literally normalized the practice of "punishing employees for talking about salaries with other enployees" on the geounds that "it only causes problems and has no benefit to you or the company". Not saying it's a good thing, in fact it's horrifying.
@robby024 4 күн бұрын
Yeah u need a new battery for the pad for sure
@mateus53415 5 күн бұрын
Why people try to kill Switch every year?