Helmet your head!
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Fraud Altert!
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Honor Heroes, Build Legacies
Planning & Zoning Meeting - 7/10/2024
City Council Meeting - 7/8/2024
14 күн бұрын
Council Study Session - 7/8/2024
New Police Property Building Opens
Chief Cost Speaks on Community Safety
Beat the Heat this Summer!
21 күн бұрын
Council Study Session - 7/1/2024
City Council Meeting - 7/1/2024
21 күн бұрын
Council Study Session - 6/27/2024
Council Study Session - 6/6/2024
City Council Meeting - 6/3/2024
Council Study Session - 5/30/2024
@genevieve1963 7 күн бұрын
I like what Scott Neely has to say!
@AtGnat8 11 күн бұрын
More like Title Altert
@kesa7669 14 күн бұрын
Scott Neely is a MAGA Republican who doesn't know anything about businesses in Mesa if he truly believes that there are no dining options in Mesa. No good for mesa. Focused on not having to drive to Scottsdale for dinner and then calls themselves blue-collar.
@markheidt870 16 күн бұрын
You will never get a donation from our family
@markheidt870 16 күн бұрын
No backgrounds will be accepted, ever.
@markheidt870 16 күн бұрын
Then, those charities can never have any of our money
@felixtekat5355 18 күн бұрын
As usual, a dozen requests for liquor licenses. A much needed update on water pipes along Westwood and University. The water treatment plant is getting more equipment and supplies. I will bet it won’t get rid of the sulfur dioxide in the water that reeks and tastes awful. I don’t understand why they are not adding more chlorine like Chandler does or a carbon filter to the list of things the city needs. I’m sick of listening to the neighbors complaints and no action is taken. 4 million seems like a lot to spend on city laptops. Prove me wrong. I look forward to hearing when the next Eco multi use living development will be completed. It is much more valuable than the current parking lot. Build up, not out. I understand the frustrations that the owner of the music store has stated about being blindsided on this project, but free access to parking in a downtown business is almost impossible since this is really valuable land, and surface parking is a waste of that value. Downtowns are successful when walking traffic is increased, and adding more customers living at your backdoor is certain to do that. This is the way cities developed for centuries, and has only changed during the past 50 year obsession with cars. Sprawl did not work. It is time to go back to cities for people, not cars. Expanding gambling at a restaurant near the Red Mountain Library. This seems like something the city could do without. Soon to be followed by gambling anonymous.
@timmello1121 19 күн бұрын
These are all new market-rate apartments, where they're already OVER-BUILT this is another Big Box Boondogle give-away for unrealized capital gains to Sprague-Worsley enterprises
@felixtekat5355 18 күн бұрын
The first Eco is 96% occupied. It looks like that is what the people want. So it is not overbuilt in any capacity.
@timmello1121 19 күн бұрын
Exactly who is Jeff McVay carrying water for???????????????
@timmello1121 19 күн бұрын
Item 5-a is OFF the Consent Agenda ---- and "the developer is" ________________________________
@timmello1121 19 күн бұрын
Watching the clock as the mayor glances at City Manager Chris Brady....Spilsbury complains about the rush and misinformation regarding EcoMesa,---- A ROBUST DISCUSSION IS NEEDED
@eltorocal 20 күн бұрын
"No Cameras! Please - Please... No Cameras!" - Mesa PD With No Cameras throughout the interior... they now have the POWER to Pry Into, Swap and Sell the confiscated Narcotics, Weapons and Money!!!
@maureenneckes2834 20 күн бұрын
Touch my phone BUT NOT MY FRIES😂😂😂
@DeePaw-bt3oi 22 күн бұрын
That was very bias. Translates to we are patting our own backs.
@user-ys4rs2ed1v 22 күн бұрын
After about 2 minutes you guys are putting me to sleep boring
@user-ys4rs2ed1v 22 күн бұрын
Do you want a public safety you don't call the police
@user-ys4rs2ed1v 22 күн бұрын
You guys suck
@HappyBaos 22 күн бұрын
Thank you, Mayor Gile sand the City of Mesa, for your continued support through the years, and for taking the time to share our story! We are so excited and honored for the opportunity to continue sharing our food and our culture with our beloved community. See you soon! 🥟
@eltorocal 22 күн бұрын
Christopher Ruff KNOWS Mesa... and the Criminals they employ, who are collecting a Social Welfare Tax Payer Funded Salary. Cops don't become Psychopaths... Psychopaths become cops. Now imagine their Home and personal lives, like Philip Brailsford who murdered Daniel Shaver with a Military Mass Assault Weapon.... Mesa cops do NOT have an "off switch".
@fernandezocean1 25 күн бұрын
I like 😊❤
@fernandezocean1 25 күн бұрын
Good company😊
@fernandezocean1 25 күн бұрын
I like it
@fernandezocean1 25 күн бұрын
❤❤❤❤my name is Fernandez
@NoNow-zf5qb 26 күн бұрын
$362,729. This is what is costs to replace an airport ramp. For those of you who don’t fly or have a business that depends on flying… oh well. $4,000,000 per job order for fire safety improvements on city buildings. Are our city buildings that far below code now. This seems like a lot of money. Plus another $3,000,000 per job order for city building upgrades repairs etc… How many city buildings are there, and why are they in such need of work? $346,000 for Illuminated Street Name signs seems like money wasted. Purchase of Seven Ambulances for Mesa Fire and Medical Department for $385k each. These are really too big. Most calls could be handled with a Type II ambulance (Van) that only costs $100k each. In the money well spent column, 157,000 annually for Phlebotomy services which provide for the drawing of blood samples from suspected impaired motorists or persons involved in other criminal investigations. $1,000,000 for police IT/security work. Great. Now we can all see the footage, right? Kudos on maintaining the Transportation department’s residential street sweeping schedule of every four weeks, but $869,000 for two street sweepers seems pretty steep. Who knew they were this expensive. Money allotted for fire department uniforms is fine. Spend what you need to protect anyone who will walk into a fire. Same thing for trash trucks. They are a needed expense. As are protective shoes, video cameras monitoring the water supply (now add some carbon filtration and we might have some acceptable water like the rest of the country). Expanding the streetcar and any public transit is a service we can no longer ignore. It is needed yesterday. That’s a call I look forward to hearing… ALL ABOARD! Signal Butte Water Facility, What are they going to do? Hopefully a better QUALITY result, not just bigger to support more growth. There were two comments at the end about teen parties and violence. They learn from the adult behavior. Practice the behavior you want your kids to emulate. Don’t let them go to an event with drinking. That’s what fuels the violence.
@akelley5963 Ай бұрын
After hearing Scott Neely, he best represents my views about the homeless problem and the proliferation of big-box apartment complexes here in Mesa. "Not what we signed up for" Mr. Neely states, as this City plays fast and loose with original zoning, literally ignoring homeowner's objections. We live here and many of us have deep roots, but this City has elevated renters to preferred status.
@briansantizo9987 6 күн бұрын
Eveyone wants affordable housing. No one wants affordable housing near them. Neely is a bonehead who hates those who have already gone through plenty of their own suffering
@felixtekat5355 Ай бұрын
The first part of this meeting is about large water users. With as scarce a supply as the city has, the city should be doing everything at its disposal to encourage manufacturers to use non-water ways of cooling and go somewhere else if they are going to use an extreme amount. Pricing rates should be set so that a normal resident doesn’t have to pay higher rates so that the city can lure more companies here. If they need a large amount of water, they should go to a state with vast supplies. The water that the city sells me for a hefty sum smells like and tastes like rotten eggs. Yet no one will take responsibility for it. If the water needs to be softened and deodorized, then either the city needs to do it or mandate that all builders be required to add filtration at the point of use in every home and multi-family residence. It is a shame that I don’t want to invest in this area due to the pathetic water quality even though I like what’s being done in regards to transit and building this area up.
@Corpslaw Ай бұрын
I dare to put me in uniform
@4Whopper Ай бұрын
Execs were crooks.
@4Whopper Ай бұрын
This didn't age well.
@felixtekat5355 Ай бұрын
More sprawl in the southeast portion of Mesa, and plenty of liquor licenses approved because what's an event without intoxicants?
@felixtekat5355 Ай бұрын
This was a pretty uneventful session. Mostly just sharing past and future travel plans. Duff mentioned the Juneteenth event at MCC; I hope they have fun, the one at Sage Mesa apartments was cancelled due to a high incidence of covid in the complex.
@bryanfrombuffalo7685 Ай бұрын
You can tell he's a only child
@felixtekat5355 Ай бұрын
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ City Events can last longer and a resident on Gilbert is going to start a daycare...
@williamv680 Ай бұрын
Not such a great set up if they went out of business
@Kleenex129 Ай бұрын
I filled up our pool and it took 10 hours to fill. They came and checked my water meter the next day will that affect my reading? I get irrigation and don’t have to water my backyard. The water I used is nothing compared to if I had to water my backyard
@ke11yri Ай бұрын
Props to Shannon and the council members for getting a TNR program up and running. This will be a huge undertaking but a great investment in the reduction of the homeless cat population in Mesa.
@georgecouch9118 Ай бұрын
Thank you for this. Wish I would have known when it was live, but this was extremely informative.
@NoNow-zf5qb Ай бұрын
Why does Mesa need more space for car dealerships? There are a bunch of them 11 miles NW of that location already. So here we go again with another development on the edge of the city that is built the same way as the rest of the city, stuck in the past. I care about the children and their future and if you do too, you will break the addiction to the combustion engine and the 8 lane highways. As you can see this past week with these high temperatures, and the science to back up the cause, which is fossil fuels, are having deadly effects. More development with all the houses built in one location on a bunch of streets that go nowhere, forced to drive to all the shopping, which is all in one location and surrounded by car lots, is not progress or practical. How many more people have to die before you give this silly plan up? The anger comes after having to sit through the praise that the city manager and council gave to the family that is going to build this. They have had their day and this is not something future generations should have to live with. Be prepared for your taxes to go up because after the 1st year the city is on the hook to maintain all of this infrastructure, and sales tax will never cover it. Councilmember Goforth recognizes this and brought it up just to get the brush off. If the South East side of the city is going to be a manufacturing hub, maybe they should all have shuttles to and from the plant to pick up the employees rather than a big parking lot for single drivers. As far as public safety, tasers instead of bullets is a good thing as long as it is used to replace shootings, not as a way to intimidate the public when they are peacefully protesting. Body cams for every officer during any encounter with public access is also a good use of tech. The key to getting tourists to spend money is comfort. Undersell the experience and over-deliver. Marketing a bunch of mediocre experiences to get a one-time visit is not nearly as productive as impressing someone so they want to come back again and tell their friends about it. I’ve been to a couple of places on the Visit Mesa site, and neither lived up to the pictures. I’ll keep trying. I agree with the spay and neuter program for stray cats. Country dwellers can have outdoor cats because they serve a purpose. When you move to the city, you give up that privilege. Keep it inside or it will be treated like a stray.
@timmello1121 Ай бұрын
It's Power Point Time again!
@michellemccroskey8629 Ай бұрын
Great Video!!! Who knew there were so many great places to eat in my own backyard!
@felixtekat5355 Ай бұрын
Are you listening, council? You’ve had your automobile lifestyle forced on the public for too long. It is time to open our streets back up to other modes of transit as they were intended to be from the start. Multi-modal. Speak with your vote. Make sure the candidates you vote for in July and November share your vision of safe streets with bike and walk friendly communities. Otherwise, they are just going to drive all over us. Two parents spoke about doing something about teen bullying/violence. Smaller, walkable neighborhoods with local schools, instead of mega-schools would help that endeavor.
@felixtekat5355 Ай бұрын
Like the citizen stated, there is a lot of waste in government spending, and nobody seems to want to hear about ways to trim the fat. It was nice that he was able to speak to a group who has the power to change the items he mentioned. If you don't make these changes then stop complaining about not being able to make your budget.
@timmello1121 Ай бұрын
The usual low turn-out
@NoNow-zf5qb Ай бұрын
The city’s solar expert, Tony, is very articulate and knows his subject. It was refreshing to see that level of professionalism. The City Manager was spot on when he pointed out that getting the cheapest solution has drawbacks and doesn’t accomplish the goals of positioning Mesa for the future. We have taken the cheap route in the past, and that is why we are facing the problems we are today. I, and many Mesa residents, are willing to bear a small premium to know that the electricity they are using is friendly to the environment. The same would apply to better quality water that has reduced hardness and odor. I agree with council member Freeman that the Platinum Pass for city employees is underutilized and needs promoting. Every person that can use public transit is one less car on our streets. Yeah! The Inflation Reduction Act that the Biden administration signed into law for cities to reduce their climate footprint is going to provide a grant of $450 million to AZ and $100 million of that to Mesa that will be used to electrify the city fleet and complete the food waste to a biogas plant. Word to the wise: as you listen to promises of future pensions, realize that, historically, those promises are unreliable. Always get paid today, not with promises of the future which have very little guarantee. Having to jump through a bunch of hoops to institute secondary property taxes to pay off bond issues is crazy accounting. The state can’t allow the values of homes to go up 30%, 50% or whatever ridiculous number they do, while capping the assessed value at a 5% increase per year. That’s no way to pay for city services. It is unrealistic and a waste of time.
@NoNow-zf5qb Ай бұрын
The biggest problem a small business has is over inflated cost of real estate. It eats up all your profit. The fast traffic that goes right by without stopping doesn't help either.
@user-sm5qu3fy4h Ай бұрын
My parents have a story about booing pain in the ass cokehead era Ozzy off stage when he was with Sabbath. I'm sure situations like that are where Ozzy's insecurity with people liking him come from. I fucking love Sabbath, but I heard he was being very pansy rockstar that day.
@neelyforgovernor4296 2 ай бұрын
Positive and Productive Changes are coming to Mesa Arizona soon.
@napleswolverine7189 2 ай бұрын
A proper investment✍🏻👍🏻
@cshawn07 2 ай бұрын
Join if you're a psychopath!