@ksztaltchmur 20 сағат бұрын
Yoooo, what's with all the modifiers? 😅 So, as promised: - smell of humid soil modifier adds stuff from the Jungle biome, like them plants growing and more grass and swamp etc. - extremely secure modifier makes some of the enemies have shields as well as random shielding circles spawn One more thing - this time you, as often, accidentally synergised your perk with the main wand, your projectile repulsion made your shotgun more accurate, BUT as a rule of thumb id recommend checking your available perks before picking a new wand/spells so you can choose something that goes well together. It doesn't always happen that there will be some synergy possible but there is a chance so why not just check the perks first. :) Other than that - you're getting pretty good, keep going! ❤
@galactic8608 Күн бұрын
try to spend more time on the second floor if you can not the first as the first has crappy wands and spells, fungal caverns has great wands but you have to watch out for liquids like teleportanium (treat liquids like lava, acid, freezing vapor, polymorph, and teleportanium like the plague avoid them at all costs)
@jacobwoodhouse7144 Күн бұрын
getting there, try spend more time on the first floor if you can, the two reasons you should leave it are 1, you have less than 30 hp, and 2, you have 500+ gold (enough for 2 perk rerolls) perks are the most important thing in the temple, you can find wands or spells anywhere, so always look at them and decide whether to reroll or not before you spend gold. anyway, good luck and have fun!
@galactic8608 Күн бұрын
going to have to disagree with you on this one. as someone with over 300 hours in the game i recommend spending the least time on floor 1 only enough to get a wand and a potion or two, perks are not everything you do not need more than 2 rerolls especially for the first floor, if you learn the enemy patterns your wands shine way more than perks do
@galactic8608 Күн бұрын
don't use perks like a crutch
@galactic8608 2 күн бұрын
nice run, consider that explosive projectiles generally can deal self damage on contact, and think of ways to get through metal perhaps a blue potion can dissolve it?
@Bl4start Күн бұрын
Good to know!
@APaleDot 2 күн бұрын
Very nice! You weren't given any especially good wands or spells this run, but you took survivability perks and used what you got very well and managed to get pretty far.
@Bl4start Күн бұрын
@ksztaltchmur 2 күн бұрын
Be vigilant! You've missed an easily accessible chest around 5:39... Also, don't forget that in Coal Pits some walls are made of coal vain that is relatively soft and can be dug through with pollen... 17:01 that cart kick defense was siiic! I also love how you really started to think of the ways you can use the environment to your advantage, like exploding that toxic sludge barrel next to water puddle to create a pool deep enough to refill your bottle... now you're really getting into the game! Also, this is a bit odd but... any chance you could turn up the music just slightly? I'm just addicted to this soundtrack 😅
@Bl4start Күн бұрын
Daamn did not see that chest!
@Yog.1 2 күн бұрын
some runs are just not meant to be. but these mushrooms sure look tasty
@Bl4start Күн бұрын
Too tasty!
@Yog.1 Күн бұрын
@@Bl4start it's important to have a drink in hand when you eat mushrooms, lest your mouth becomes dry
@ksztaltchmur Күн бұрын
@@Yog.1 spoken like an experienced psychonaut
@nathanjohnston9762 3 күн бұрын
RNGesus giveth, and he taketh away.
@ksztaltchmur 3 күн бұрын
SHEEESH, Jeez Louise, talk about hostile environment... Fungal spores must be my second least favourite biome modifier, right after the lingering darkness...
@Bl4start Күн бұрын
Could you explain breifly about the biome modifieres - Fungal spores: A lot of fungal based enemies - Lignering darkness ???? - Air feels more humified: ?? More water, wet clothes maybe ??
@ksztaltchmur Күн бұрын
@@Bl4start biome modifiers are occasional random changes applied to the area you're in... they're relatively rare although you already came across them a couple of times... darkness is a modifier that simply does not let you uncover the fog of war, everywhere you go stays dark after you leave. Humid air causes fires to burn weaker and things be wet and some projectiles fly slower and kinda feel heavier (toxic sludge shot is a very good example)... You also came across gravity fields modifier which as you probably worked out spawn random zones that were either pushing or pulling things in and out of them. Fungal spores, as you just experienced, adds enemies and certain materials from the Fungal Caverns biome. There's quite a lot of other modifiers, varying in their rarity. I'll explain them to you in detail if you ask me to or simply whenever you come across one in your future runs.
@galactic8608 3 күн бұрын
fun run, fun modifier
@JohnDoe-bl4vw 3 күн бұрын
You fought well 😔🙏 what an unlucky start
@robbyclemens8369 3 күн бұрын
Pretty badass cart kick at 3:11! But yeah, the fungal spores biome modifier means that some enemies were spawning in that usually aren't around until later areas of the game. They're really hard to kill with a starter setup. It's a relatively uncommon modifier, though, so the Mines experience is better than that on average, lol. Keep up the good content!
@Gastogh 3 күн бұрын
Run of Icarus
@nathanjohnston9762 3 күн бұрын
Exploration is key to a good run. If you explore carefully, and long enough, you can get every perk in the game. Also, there's a path back up from snow caves. It's all the way to the right. This lets you progress, get stronger, and then climb back up to explore the harder side areas.
@Bl4start 3 күн бұрын
Oh i did not know that one. So i don't need a drill to get back up.
@galactic8608 4 күн бұрын
curse of greed is a challenge run of its own
@Bl4start 3 күн бұрын
My thought here was that i could change the perks at the first holy mountain for 200 coins. Is is possible?
@Yog.1 3 күн бұрын
@@Bl4start there is only one way to find out
@galactic8608 3 күн бұрын
@@Bl4start you can always do that
@nathanjohnston9762 3 күн бұрын
@@Bl4start You have to go all the way to The Work in order to break curses. So basically, you have to beat the game to stop it. There's other curses in the game that do different things, and they have more potential uses, but I won't spoil that.
@ksztaltchmur 4 күн бұрын
Yaaay! He's exploring! :::))) Btw, little tip - if you happen to start with a mud potuon, tou can spill some mud onto the upper part of that tree where there was nowhere to rest on. Some mud will stick to the wall and you'll be able to take a break and recharge your levitation.
@Bl4start 3 күн бұрын
That is a good advice. Thanks!
@APaleDot 4 күн бұрын
This kind of exploration is difficult when you're only doing one run a day, but it's totally necessary to unlock your full potential.
@Bl4start 3 күн бұрын
There seems to be no enemies above the ground but perhaps another cave entrances?
@APaleDot 3 күн бұрын
@@Bl4start :)
@treeposts4614 4 күн бұрын
Stay curious! This is exactly the type of attitude you want in this game (Though it mostly wont end well...)
@galactic8608 5 күн бұрын
not bad major improvement in fungal caverns (that place has tons of wands and potions) you still should try to take cover with shotgunners the one in the mines hit you twice, while tablet killing is cool its generally a better method of using it on really tanky and hard enemies
@Killjoy0895 5 күн бұрын
i have 450hrs playtime in noita and ive never seen true orbit before D: also you should give those hand statues in the snowy depths a kick, they have a chance to give you a cool spell :D
@Gastogh 5 күн бұрын
You cooked! 👏👏
@aati 5 күн бұрын
45:50 when adding water to your flask, some fire got there too and it all got turned into steam. (As you can see in 46:05) You can see the flask color is different. Mouse over it to see the content. When entering holy mountain first thing you should always do (after healing) is to fill your water flask. (And spray any other liquids from it) Your first win can come any day now.
@APaleDot 6 күн бұрын
I also want to add: any wand with a recharge time over 1 second is basically garbage. Take it if it has good spells, but chuck the wand itself the first chance you get.
@Bl4start 3 күн бұрын
Thanks! Good rule of a thumb
@APaleDot 6 күн бұрын
Now that you know some of the basic spells, you should start paying attention to the stats on the wands more. As someone else said, the wand at 41:30 was _really_ good. It had a faster recharge time and more max mana than any of your wands, and a stronger mana charge speed than your main wand. The Always Cast Add Mana is also maybe the best Always Cast you can get.
@Bl4start 3 күн бұрын
Yeah now looking back add it it could have been really fast wand... In the moment it's pretty hard to recognize good wands.
@galactic8608 6 күн бұрын
4:43 that was a puzzle, you blew up the solution 41:31 thats a god wand holy moly , can't believe you left it (add mana not to mention always cast is op it reduces the mana from spells you could have had something incredibly fast and powerful) you still have a good wand with chainsaw and add mana also sniper no sniping!
@Bl4start Күн бұрын
So there are puzzle also in the levels.... Have to keep my eyes open for those
@Malkovith2 6 күн бұрын
you found the leggy chest!
@nathanjohnston9762 6 күн бұрын
Most starter wands can be used to mix liquids like toxic waste and water. This speeds up the reaction.
@ksztaltchmur 6 күн бұрын
You know, despite having a potion in its icon, the Detect Items perc can also point you to other things, like chests and health upgrades. On that note, I think that you're still underestimate the value of the health upgrades and how many you can possibly find on one level. This could be detrimental to your survival and that's actually the main reason why you should explore each level thoroughly if you have enough hp left.
@Bl4start 6 күн бұрын
Yeah someone pointed the imporatnce of health and health upgrades. I try to find them more!
@aati 6 күн бұрын
That Hiisi Base was clean. 44:36 unfortunately you casted Summon hollow egg instead of Summon egg. Could've won that battle with ease.
@galactic8608 7 күн бұрын
Pokémon battler also realize that egg is a trigger, it doesn't do anything on its own, whenever you anger the gods you can just ignore steve he only drops gold on death nothing else
@robbyclemens8369 7 күн бұрын
Good run! I don't remember if this had happened to you yet or not, but some enemies will decide to burrow to you in a holy mountain and piss off the gods in the process. The green spider enemies in Underground Jungle (the area after Hiisi Base) can and will try to burrow through terrain to get to you. You can see the one that dug up enough to anger the gods on the bottom of the screen at 44:36. Also, just so you know, you can totally use the invisibility perk to just slip past things and basically cheese a win if you're into that kind of thing. A lot of new players get their first win that way, even DunkorSlam when he was new (he's got 3000+ hours into Noita nowadays). It's so fun watching you explore! Keep up the great content!
@ksztaltchmur 7 күн бұрын
Ooof, just as we complemented your movements, this time you really took some shots right in the face... seemed to me like you were getting a bit too cocky too quickly in some of the fights... Nevertheless- youre doing good, keep going!
@galactic8608 8 күн бұрын
don't take a dip in acid is stings alot you need a more powerful wand for snowy depths and beyond the fireflies in biome 2 are killing your hp
@Zer0cip 8 күн бұрын
Personally took me around 300 runs, goodluck to you.
@Bl4start 6 күн бұрын
Long series then! Kinda scared honestly. I thought this was simple roguelike.....
@Zer0cip 6 күн бұрын
@@Bl4start not at all, even tho i can win fairly consistently there's so much of the map i haven't discovered and so many loose ties regarding lore, secret perks scattered around the world and some ridiculous bosses. This game will be a ride and i don't think I'll be done with it even in a 1000 runs.
@robbyclemens8369 8 күн бұрын
Good video! For future reference, item radar can be a good perk. It shows where hearts are, which can be really helpful getting you more health so you can live longer 👍
@nathanjohnston9762 8 күн бұрын
You kept acting like you weren't immune to toxin XD The gold orb: kick it repeatedly to make it drop gold nuggets. The more you kick it, the more nuggets pop out. It eventually explodes if you kick it too much, but that also gives you money.
@Bl4start 6 күн бұрын
That's how i roll. This is the first time someone explained the gold orb. I've had it for 3-5 times now and i have not been able to do a single thing to it. And kicking never came to my mind.... Also what is the broken wand? Do i need to repair it or?
@nathanjohnston9762 6 күн бұрын
@@Bl4start it's a very long quest to repair broken wands, but they have a high chance of turning into one of the best wands you can get.
@ksztaltchmur 8 күн бұрын
My goodness bro, your logic sometimes is so backwards... first you use half of your firebolts to get through a wall without even checking if there's any other way around, then you give up your only wand capable of digging while you aleready have 2 fairly good attack wands? Then you hit a blind tunnel and instead of backing off to get that magic missle to open new pathways and explore more you're like "welp, I guess I'm done with this level" and just proceed to Holy Mountain... sure, you've found some interesting spells and got lucky with gold, but arent you interested in what's out there? You had all-seeing eye spell on you, you could see every single health upgrade on that floor and sometimesthere can be as many as 10 of them hiding! Then you can simply refresh it in HM... One day you'll accidentally discover Fungal Caves and be like "oh shit, was this always here?" xD stop rushing all the time and use your resources wisely and move on to the next level once they're depleted! Despite being an action roguelike, this game is deeply strategic. You should have at least some sort of plan on how you're going to use your spells, perks, flasks etc. Obviously the randomness of it all often throws things off the course but still, try to remember what resources you have at hand and how can you use them to their full potential. What is the point, for example, of having three different attack wands if you completely forget to use one of them? You could have a digging wand in there instead. Stuff like that will save you a lot of hassle in the long run, trust me. Just take things slowly and be patient (ironically it seems I'm the one losing patience here, lol) Other than that, youre doing well, I like your movement control! And please dont mind my condescending tone, its all said with good intentions ;*
@Bl4start 6 күн бұрын
Thanks! This is how i improve so no worries at all. Yeah i guess the exploration is lacking in my runs. In my mind the best stuff is found in holy mountain.
@ksztaltchmur 6 күн бұрын
@@Bl4start to some degree yes, BUT 1) there's stuff that has to be unlocked first to be available in HM 2) there's few hidden areas that have stuff of higher value than the level you're on 3) HM stuff is as good as the level it's on, as in - the deeper you go, the better it gets (but also exponentially more expensive)
@Malkovith2 8 күн бұрын
Your movement got so much better, but you gotta build better wands :p
@Bl4start 6 күн бұрын
Yeah i know. I'm still hang up on low tier wands or i try to find the lightning wand...
@Yog.1 8 күн бұрын
ah yes, it was that ending after all
@nathanjohnston9762 9 күн бұрын
Good run! Hisi base is difficult.
@galactic8608 9 күн бұрын
no no no do not use saws or lightning without lightning immunity that sniper wand was cool though
@APaleDot 9 күн бұрын
tbf, I got my first win because of lightning even with no immunity
@aati 9 күн бұрын
Few observations :) 2:31 your water was low. Remember flask mixing? Add 1 pixel of water to the toxic sludge flask and it all converts to water. 3:48 you can also start fires by shooting lanterns. 8:30 you got some lava into your water flask, which created some volcanic rock. It can't be sprayed out so you have to drink it to remove it. (Not biggie but rock just wasting space in the flask) 21:13 that horizontal barrier wand seemed to work nicely with homing, but unfortunately you didn't try to use it for after that. 30:48 lighting bolt is dangerous spell in tight spaces. Even more so if it's after trigger spell. Chain bolt is way better spell in Hiisi Base. It goes through walls and hits multiple enemies. Lightning bolt is much more useful in jungle and vault, as they are more spacious levels. Try experiment more with triggers/timers. Put multicast spell (like Triple Spell) after trigger and than add 3 other spells. Upon collision trigger spell will trigger all those 3 spells. Add modifiers before 3 spells to make them even stronger.
@Bl4start 6 күн бұрын
That trigger with multicast is great idea! Thanks for the tips and timestamps. This is how i improve!
@galactic8608 10 күн бұрын
poly is extremely deadly best to dump it into a fire so it evaporates
@ksztaltchmur 10 күн бұрын
Spray stupid liquids, win stupid prizes :P Now you have a lesson to not spill polymorphine carelessly... if you see that you have a liquid like this at the start of the run, just pour it out left of the entrance. That way you'll have an empty flask ready to be filled with water whenever you find it. :)
@Bl4start 6 күн бұрын
Honestly how should i use the poly-potion? later stages on stronger enemies?
@ksztaltchmur 6 күн бұрын
@@Bl4start you could do that but at your level I'd simply empty the bottle somewhere safe and just use it for water... although, there is one other use... see, whenever you leave the Holy Mountain, it collapses and you cannot use it anymore for editing wands... but if you were to polymorph yourself before you go through the exit shaft then that collapse won't trigger, so if you wanted to come back there you could polymorph yoursef again and re-enter
@robbyclemens8369 10 күн бұрын
Ah, that type of death is a crowd favorite. Gotta be really careful!
@Yog.1 8 күн бұрын
at least he didn't first waste 10 hours on a run only to go like that
@Bl4start 6 күн бұрын
@Yog.1 5 күн бұрын
@@Bl4start I'm saying that because I had very long runs end very stupidly
@APaleDot 10 күн бұрын
I thought this would be obvious but you shouldn't just pour potions everywhere. They can be dangerous and contaminate any liquids you actually _want_ to pick up. Pour them into basins where they can be safely contained.
@ksztaltchmur 11 күн бұрын
Oof... I can just picture you sit there in silence after dying... Btw, just a rinder that the starting wand with 10 magic bolts is useful in that it can easily help you to make a dent in the cliff above the entrance from which you can go up from the start. There, above, something else is hidden, for which that magic missle can be useful. Good luck next time! :)
@aati 11 күн бұрын
3:24 jumped to toxic sludge to get few nuggets. Lost 12 hp, got $20. Your hp is way more important than gold. just leave the nuggets if it means losing any hp.
@Bl4start 6 күн бұрын
Yeah that was kind a stupid move. Timer on those things is so fast, but you are correct. Thanks!
@galactic8608 11 күн бұрын
this is why saws and enemies with wands are such a bad idea xd
@galactic8608 11 күн бұрын
getting a taste of your own medicine
@Yog.1 11 күн бұрын
2:08 "Don't do it. Don't do it! awww you had to do it..."