All best wishes for 2024
5 ай бұрын
The Jewish cemetery in Chęciny.
@geuser1979 12 сағат бұрын
You said the white house (bunker 2)was the 1st temporary gas chamber that wasn't, the little red house (bunker 1) was the 1st
@robertmartinez4174 13 күн бұрын
" those Germans lost The War & Their Country for Believing in Hitler" (my late father. a WW2 veteran of the European theater) 🇺🇸
@alexdelacotte9031 10 күн бұрын
May he rest in peace, we must never forget what these people went through for our freedom..
@nilsneuenfeldt2464 20 күн бұрын
I always wonder if the evil is an essential part of human nature that will mean Treblinka and genocide in general could happen any time again or if it is a product of historic circumstances, education etc.. Looking at the world today I'm afraid it is part of our human nature...
@richardkeeler2347 22 күн бұрын
Have been to Auschwitz many times,but to see this this new entrance ,no didnt like it at all didnt need this in my mind.
@damonmelendez856 23 күн бұрын
Many of these people learned valuable skills which they put to use in Palestine and Israel subsequently. Everything has a silver lining!
@incog99skd11 24 күн бұрын
Wow, I've read extensively about WWII and have never heard about this place. Somehow, some way, humanity finds a way to find the light.
@kirrausanov 25 күн бұрын
Majdanek was liberated by Anglo-American soldiers.
@tomaszcebulski3903 24 күн бұрын
No. It was liberated by the Soviets on July 22nd , 1944.
@kirrausanov 24 күн бұрын
​@@tomaszcebulski3903 Rodacy, w imię prawdy historycznej spróbujmy obiektywnie przeanalizować konsekwencje tymczasowego stacjonowania Wschodniej Grupy Wojsk Niemieckich na terenach Polski w latach 1939-1945. Na wstępie należy uczciwie przyznać, ze władze powojennych Niemiec częściowo wywiązały się z zobowiązań (zadośćuczynień) finansowych wobec polskich gastarbajterów, którzy w latach 1939-1945 korzystali z zaproszenia naszych zachodnich sąsiadów i znajdowali zatrudnienie w tamtejszych nowoczesnych fabrykach i wydajnych gospodarstwach rolnych. Co więcej należy również podkreślić, że zjednoczone Niemcy do dnia dzisiejszego bez ograniczeń udzielają gościny młodszym pokoleniom Polaków; synom, wnukom i prawnukom polskich gastarbajterów z czasów III Rzeszy. Oprócz pracy zarobkowej współcześni niekwestionowani Liderzy Zjednoczonej Europy zapewniają Polakom szanse nauki języka i awansu cywilizacyjnego. Nie sposób nie docenić opieki, jakiej udzieliły władze niemieckie porzuconym przez nieodpowiedzialnych rodziców dzieciom Zamojszczyzny, zwłaszcza tym, które z powodzeniem przeszły przez skrupulatne badania eugeniczne przeprowadzane przez wybitnych specjalistów najlepszej służby zdrowia w ówczesnej Europie. Te zakrojone na szeroką skalę humanitarne adopcje pozwoliły tym zaniedbanym, pozostawionym samym sobie na pastwę okrutnego wojennego losu, nieszczęśliwym dzieciom zacząć nowe życie w cieple kochających rodzin niemieckich. Niestety są i ciemne strony stosunków polsko-niemieckich z lat 1939-45. Sprawa nigdy nie poruszana przez historyków jest kwestia odpowiedzialności przemysłu niemieckiego za dewastacje środowiska naturalnego i zaniedbań ekologicznych. Wielkie koncerny niemieckie i austriackie nigdy nie wzięły na siebie odpowiedzialności prawnej ani moralnej za znaczne zanieczyszczenie środowiska podczas ich działalności przemysłowej na terenie Polski. Dotyczy to ośrodków przemysłowych i kombinatów w Oświęcimiu/Brzezince, Treblince, Sobiborze, Majdanku, Chełmie. W wyniku nieodpowiednich, nie-ekologicznych metod produkcyjno-eksploatacyjno-badawczych działalność ta wywołała poważne szkody dla środowiska naturalnego i zagrożenia zdrowia dla okolicznych mieszkańców. W wyniku poważnych zaniedbań w kwestii filtrowania emisji gazów, pyłów i popiołów skutki działalności zakładów przemysłowych w Oświęcimiu/Brzezince odczuwali nawet mieszkańcy odległego o 60 km Krakowa. Woda z przyległych do Kombinatu Leasingowego Auschwitz/Birkenau Wisły i Soły - które zamieniono w ściek czyli masowe wysypisko popiołów post-przemysłowych - stanowiła w latach 1941-44 zagrożenie ekologiczne. Nie nadawała się on do picia ani nawet nawet do kąpieli powodując choroby skórne/alergie i niedomagania dróg oddechowych i to wiele lat po zakończeniu eksploatacji tych wielkoprzemysłowych gigantów. Ślady tych zniszczeń widać było gołym okiem na odbarwionych tynkach budynków i to jeszcze w latach 80-ych ubiegłego stulecia. Przypomne Pani Baerbock, ze władze niemieckie ignorowały protest okolicznych polskich rolników i organizacji ekologicznych na zwiększone natężenie insektycydów i cyjanowodoru w glebie i we krwi mieszkańców okolicznych miast i wsi. Nawet 10 lat po wojnie osoby zamieszkałe w pobliżu wyżej wymienionych obiektów uskarżały się na odtlenienie czerwonych krwinek oraz zaburzenia oddychania tkankowego (oksydaza cytochromowa). Częstym przypadkiem było porażenie ośrodków oddechowych, któremu towarzyszyło uczucie lęku, zawroty głowy i wymioty. Innym poważnym problemem w stosunkach polsko-niemieckich jest nie wywiązanie się Naszych zachodnich sąsiadów z obietnic modernizacyjno-budowlanych. Po dokonaniu prac niwelacyjnych terenu Warszawy nie zakończyli obiecanego jeszcze w "Mein Kampf" i później w “Generalplan Ost” planu zagospodarowania i unowocześnienia Naszej Stolicy w ramach misji cywilizacyjno-rozwojowej w Polsce i Europie środkowo-wschodniej. W rezultacie inicjatywę przejęli “architekci” ze Wschodu, przepoczwarzając Warszawę w jedna z najbrzydszych stolic Europejskich, nad która dominuje szkaradny symbol 45-letniej okupacji sowieckiej nad naszym Narodem tzw. Pałac Kultury (Azjatycko-stepowej) otoczony socrealistycznymi PRL-owskimi blokowiskami. *** "Mnie nie interesuje prawo, mnie interesuje sprawiedliwość." …nie to nie haslo wyborcze Jarosława Kaczyńskiego to cytat autorstwa prekursora idei “zjednoczonej Europy” w XX wieku Adolfa Hitlera.
@loracle6051 26 күн бұрын
Cold like Hell
@Joe-mk2pj 29 күн бұрын
Looks like the Germans wanted to kill all the Jews
@ronfreeman5857 Ай бұрын
Regardless of religion, race or class.. were only people, innocent men, women and children, brothers and sisters of the Human Race.. Murdered
@FesteringChaos Ай бұрын
I am Muslim so I see this place as a temple blessed by Allah
@Bad_Baddog05 Ай бұрын
You suck.
@richardplunkett2910 9 күн бұрын
Allah shows no favor or compassion upon you. For such words you have stated offend Allah. For you are nothing before Allah's eyes.
@user-ec8il2wi1f 8 күн бұрын
Then you are sick or blind
@kengrimes1012 3 күн бұрын
You are a that!!
@BrianMarcus-nz7cs Ай бұрын
I suppose the phone were all watching this on is not made by slave labour, 🐾🐦
@volkerwestphal3746 Ай бұрын
Who were the "German Nazis"... it's either the "Germans" or the "Nazis". We don't speak of "white gray horses" either.
@tomaszcebulski3903 Ай бұрын
Wow. Are we already at the level of denial that Germans were Nazis? There were German Nazis and they were responsible for WW II, colonization of central Europe and genocides. I use this term out of respect for those few Germans who stood against the Nazis in their country. Every genocide is state organized and perpertated. In case of Nazi WW II camps it is the German state responsibility, then and now. There are white and gray horses as the world is complex.
@mikebennett3812 Ай бұрын
My heart cries for the unfortunate.
@derekdalton5658 Ай бұрын
Lovely details about a little known history. Thank you. Very contemplative.
@LLBP. Ай бұрын
Beautiful and peaceful ❤
@derekdalton5658 2 ай бұрын
So fitting that those incriminating photographs are now situated - in situ - at the place they were bravely taken. Clandestine evidence that helps us better comprehend this most horrific place. They weren't there when I visited 15 odd years ago. It's wonderful how the memorial space is continually evolving. The victims deserve such attention. Thanks for posting.
@VickGos-yr2gi 3 ай бұрын
Oh my god I can’t imagine the horror and inhumanity of it all.
@JackFrost008 2 ай бұрын
The nazis, communists and japanese lost their humanity because of the things they did.
@kristine6996 3 ай бұрын
Tragisch verleden, sterk heden, hoopvol leven.
@nathanjones6544 3 ай бұрын
Visited last month and found the reading of the names really haunting
@eatingmovies420 3 ай бұрын
very sad my whole grandmas side of the family was from there and got murdered in the holocaust
@voidisyinyangvoidisyinyang885 3 ай бұрын
thank you for comparing Auschwitz slave labor to today's sweatshop slave-wage conditions in "free market" zones, etc. I have done activism on this also - the Workers Rights Consortium is organized by students for universities to have boycotts to help improve worker conditions for sports apparel that profits school partnerships with corporations.
@Michael-it6gb 4 ай бұрын
Zyclon B leaves Blue-like stains on the wall. Look at the shower rooms. Not to mention it has windows 🤦
@sky-heritage-pictures_films 3 ай бұрын
The shower room was never used to murder inmates in Majdanek. There were special concrete chambers build at the back of the wodden structure. The movie shows those clearly.
@BrianFoster-ji9fp 3 ай бұрын
Birkenau was the only death camp that used Zyklon-B. The other 4 all used exhaust fumes from diesel engines.
@user-go2st5fi9w Ай бұрын
​@@sky-heritage-pictures_films Show us the walls on this room. According to the liars they were gassed in the showers, not the room area in the back.
@dpjbdpjb Ай бұрын
@@sky-heritage-pictures_films but the room with the Zyklon B stains does not have any ceiling holes
@dpjbdpjb Ай бұрын
@@user-go2st5fi9w in the 1950s to 1960s that shower room was claimed to be a gas chamber, that claim went away long ago
@williamsherman3047 4 ай бұрын
It was said nearly 2,000 bodies per day were cremated in those five cremation muffles.
@veselinadinkova5921 4 ай бұрын
Look at 3:15 - 3:30. There is a female figure on the roof. She looks like a queen or antic goddess. As if some talented artist had drawned it.
@sky-heritage-pictures_films 3 ай бұрын
Those are navy blue stains left after usage of Zyclone - B gas.
@dpjbdpjb Ай бұрын
@@sky-heritage-pictures_films tis true, but the doors to this room opened inward, so it was a gas chamber for lice
@inesmolina1598 4 ай бұрын
Dolor eterno ,vergüenza en el rostro , sólo petición de perdón para alcanzar la paz del alma .
@tothenorthe 5 ай бұрын
@grigoriyefimovich8730 5 ай бұрын
Wait ... a fuking concentration camp became a residential village wtf🤯
@christabisz5117 5 ай бұрын
It's the other way around. The camp was named after the former village, which is now a suburb.
@Jeff5contre1 5 ай бұрын
Thank you
@waldtsemetzis4213 8 ай бұрын
@ravinder5545 8 ай бұрын
First of all the audio is not clear. What was the procedure of giving the poisonous gas to the victims.
@sky-heritage-pictures_films 3 ай бұрын
There were diffrent procedures tested. At first carbon monoxide from pressurized bottles was tested. Latter Zyclone - B gas started to be used.
@mrcrowman9144 23 күн бұрын
​@@sky-heritage-pictures_filmshow was the zyklon b pellets heated?
@kengrimes1012 3 күн бұрын
There were vents on the roof through which the zyklon B pellets were poured ,the heat and humidity did the rest
@kengrimes1012 3 күн бұрын
Body heat a couple of hundred living humans give off quite a bit of heat especially in an agitated state
@dpjbdpjb 8 ай бұрын
Question: which room(s) was the Zyklon B gas chamber(s) for humans?
@williamsherman3047 4 ай бұрын
For some reason, he stopped the tour before he got to the two alleged has chambers.
@sky-heritage-pictures_films 3 ай бұрын
In the last two rooms which were constructed of reinforced concrete and added to the orginal wodden bath structure.
@dpjbdpjb 3 ай бұрын
@@sky-heritage-pictures_films you looked at the two tanks in the small room, correct? I know you were not able to get up next to them. But did you know they are engraved CO2 and not CO? Big difference. The Majdanek Museum claims the small room with a ceiling hole as a Zyklon gas chamber but it has no blue staining from the use of Zyklon B. But the second long room with the blue staining has no ceiling hole. Why is that?
@sky-heritage-pictures_films 3 ай бұрын
@@dpjbdpjb I saw the gas tanks multiple times. Can you show me a picture with CO2 engraving? I can't see it on any of many detaild pictures I have. The rest of the answers come here Thank you for asking.
@williamsherman3047 3 ай бұрын
@@sky-heritage-pictures_films Do you mean Room A without the ceiling holes, or Room B1 without the blue stains?
@MMM-ep8lc 8 ай бұрын
15k inhabitants is not necessary a very little sleepy town while Northern Galicia did't ever exist ...
@sky-heritage-pictures_films 8 ай бұрын
Thank you for watching. Everything is relative in this world. Leżajsk was located in the northern part of Galicia. Greetings.
@Pawel-jt3cu 10 ай бұрын
O its ciute❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@user-yc9mv7tp9h 11 ай бұрын
I love the calming gymnopedie no 1 playing in the background. It makes this shot feel so much more depressing and reflectful.
@Schlipperschlopper 11 ай бұрын
In Monowitz IG Farben purified Uranium for bomb experiments
@Schlipperschlopper 11 ай бұрын
Have you ever heard about the german nuclear test that was carried out near Auschwitz (maybe over Pustynia Błędowska) that killed 20.000 prisoners? According to our records it took place around end October 1944/beginning of November 1944
@NorceCodine 11 ай бұрын
Auschwitz was the first globalized economy.
@kentandersson2048 Жыл бұрын
🙏💝 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
@joshberman9318 Жыл бұрын
thanks,for your video.i come from nyc yearly in beg.of may for remuh's memorial day.couldn't make it this year.
@vincentnorman2351 Жыл бұрын
Promo>SM 😌
@sonphan8937 Жыл бұрын
Great content 👍, Good camera
@InfiniteSith136 Жыл бұрын
My great grandparents and great, great grandparents were there. Only three made it out alive. 🕊️
@Game_littleBoy Жыл бұрын
Обожаю наш народ ❤ Просто лучшие люди и талантливые - так переписать детский стишок С.В.Михалкова : 👌👍 Зеленский на лавочке сидел, В рот бандеровцам глядел, Байден пел, Макрон молчал, Джонсон головой качал. Дело было вечером, Делать было нечего. Псаки села на заборе, Шольц забрался на чердак. Тут сказал ребятам Байден Просто так : - У меня есть Украина ! А у вас ? - У меня Лиз Трасс, дубина ! А у вас ? - А у нас сегодня Путин Отобрал вчера Донбасс, И Бандеру там не любят, Говорят, что пид@р@с ! - А у нас в квартире газ ! А у вас ? - Нам Путин газа не даёт … Вот … - А из нашего окна площадь Красная видна ! А из вашего окошка Видно только Крым, немножко. - Мы гуляли по Европе, Крым хотели захватить ! Путин надавал по попе, Очень больно … мать етить. - Дело было при Обаме, Он Барака слал по маме ! - А у нас огонь погас - Подорожал в Европе газ. Это раз ! Переходим на дрова. Это два! Ну а в третьих, Путин Вова Нас послал куда-то снова ! Как туда дойти не знаем, Головой сидим, качаем. Из Кремля ответил Вова : - Ну послал, и что такого ! Вы же, словно тараканы, Лезете в чужие страны. Сербы, Ливия, Ирак ! Надоели ! Мать вас так … Русофобией достали. Мы на место вас поставим. Это раз ! Газ не нужен за рубли ? Дуйте греться на Бали. Если ж вам нужны дрова - Всех в Сибирь … И это два ! Очень я сказать вам рад, Что в России есть «Сармат» ! Зеля, сопли подотри… Это три ! Дело было вечером, делать было нечего. Байден тихо слёзы лил, Джонсон с горя виски пил, Псаки что-то бормотала, А Зеленский нюхал сало ... Шольц, слезая с чердака, Оцарапал в кровь бока ! А Макрон наморщил лоб, выглядеть умнее чтоб … Дело было вечером, делать было нечего ! .. 🤣👍 Это прислали из Америки русские, живущие там. Они и переделали этот стих …
@Nicht-die-Mama Жыл бұрын
What happened there?
@sky-heritage-pictures_films Жыл бұрын
The German Nazis murdered there 3000 Lipawa Jews in winter 1941-42.
@someathinanamebutainitalin398 Жыл бұрын
Very interesting presentation, I really appreciated it. Otto ambros, who you mentioned, was childhood friends with Heinrich himmler, which helped them get the credit for that factory (mentioned in hells cartel iirc). And John Mcloy, who personally rejected plans to bomb the trains to auschwitz had worked with IG farben as a lawyer before the war. And he helped free war criminals after the war. Thinking about the fact that the factory still exists is fascinating, it’s like finding out that Chernobyl provided energy until like 2009. On some level its obvious. These facilities are massive and expensive, you can’t just abandon them, but it feels wrong.
@derisleybrittain Жыл бұрын
Excellent 🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺😀😀😀😀😀
@franekkimonowy9412 Жыл бұрын
lapy precz od Polski
@derisleybrittain Жыл бұрын
Superb quality 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏