Trump debate turns PSYCHO mode...
12 сағат бұрын
Croissandwich should legit be ILLEGAL...
Conspiracy Time
19 сағат бұрын
🐊Cajuns are lowkey INSANE! l French ASMR
Beluga Whale in the SKY
21 сағат бұрын
How is HE able to get away with SO MUCH ?!?!
Anime = Escapism
Күн бұрын
We are all JUST fked!
14 күн бұрын
PAIN found in TOMATOES now....
@enthranus310 3 күн бұрын
Sounds like you’re screaming into your own asshole, and responding.
@bitesizedsponge 4 күн бұрын
its litteraly so good
@JesterAzazel 10 күн бұрын
I think for some, it doesn't matter what you say or do, they're always going to be overweight. For those who might eventually lose weight, different approaches work for different people. I've seen the "tough love" approach work for some people.
@The-_-Boss 10 күн бұрын
Yep, agreed! There is no "one size fits all".
@coldhousefilms2971 10 күн бұрын
@The-_-Boss 10 күн бұрын
Glad to hear it!
@numbers12568 26 күн бұрын
The US military doesn't test for IQ anymore. Instead, they use the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB). The (ASVAB) test has nothing to do with IQ test and the scores between the two tests vary. The Minimum Score in the test is 31.
@richhenry8004 27 күн бұрын
The real Mensa test is not what you see online. They give you a battery of different tests of different types. Verbal, logic, abstraction, pattern matching, word problems, etc.
@The-_-Boss 27 күн бұрын
Ye I know right..?!? I was trying to explain that to them but got muted! XD
@localsussybaka277 29 күн бұрын
bro would have 6 figure subs if he covered topics that mattered
@The-_-Boss 28 күн бұрын
Sounds awesome! Any suggestions ???
@localsussybaka277 24 күн бұрын
@@The-_-Boss The Jewish Question.
@jbyrne8977 29 күн бұрын
I lost my blutak
@Jonnyguywrestle Ай бұрын
Iq can be trained I did it. went from 108 to 127
@The-_-Boss 28 күн бұрын
How ? I am in need of some myself...
@larsrademakers6070 27 күн бұрын
​@@The-_-Bossi believe veritasian did a great video on training iq. But youknow, there are people with perfomance anxiety, and can be too stressed to properly make an iq test and it not being an accurate representation
@The-_-Boss 27 күн бұрын
@@larsrademakers6070 Sounds dope! although I have heard rumors that they misrepresent facts some times. Don't know how true that is but I'm skeptical... Ty though!
@Mas-ij3ti 27 күн бұрын
@@The-_-Boss IQ cannot be trained, your score on an IQ test can be increased by training is the official verdict. If i remember correctly the biggest factor is familiarity. If you practice and go through enough IQ tests you can can significantly increase your score (depending on what your baseline was). However as i said, this will not reflect in any significant increase in your actual IQ. It is just "abusing" a flaw in the testing system.
@larsrademakers6070 27 күн бұрын
@@The-_-Boss thats more then fair, check it out before comming to conclusions, they havent been shills in every video, usually it is new high tech stuff, but im not too sure on that claim
@dvs5494 Ай бұрын
such great debating illusttrated here, i especially like the time where they discussed and attacked eachothers ideas and did not fling around insults... riveting content
@The-_-Boss 28 күн бұрын
Glad you enjoyed!
@pnb328 Ай бұрын
What the hell? Who are these people? They don't seem to even understand what they are being tested for? Sure, you can solve problems, you recognize patterns, and you can do it quickly, but the IQ tests also go further, it tests your literal mental capacity, how many simultaneous patterns can you keep track of in your mind as you figure out the puzzle? Can you change those images in your mind? Can you rotate objects in 3D? Can you go further and do it with multiples simultaneously? These people sound like they never even got past the low 100s part of IQ tests thinking they are all "tell me the next picture" kind of tests, wth?
@user-jq9yx9he5g Ай бұрын
I got my iq tested when I was really little like 9 or 10 and for some reason all I can remember from the test was the block puzzles but that was only like 30 minutes of a 4 or 5 hour test. I’m not sure why but the blocks seam to be the only thing that sticks in peoples heads, when I talk to other people that took iq tests as a kid that’s all they really remember too
@larsrademakers6070 27 күн бұрын
We also for example had a map shown with a start point, and then a pov of someone walking a route, and you had to know where he ended up, point it out on the map
@trashpanda923 Ай бұрын
Boss when you upload these on KZfaq you should @ the streamers you’re talking to. Give them some shout out so we know who they are. Maybe? Maybe a bad idea idk.
@The-_-Boss Ай бұрын
Oh ye definitely, agreed if its uploaded I need to do that.
@giovannigutierrez6916 Ай бұрын
I find this pretty silly, It seems like these people are better read on the subject than you. You came into the debate with the definition of an IQ test rather than a response to the data they presented. Then got into a conversation based completely on conjecture. I admit you're interlocuters don't seem super great at formulating arguments. However, you seem just as misinformed about the topic. I feel like you have to read all the relevant Neuroscience on the topic first before you can say much about the topic. Jaeggi, Sapolsky, etc. all have pretty good grasps on the topic, and the underlying Neuroscience itself rather than observational study. Of course sociological studies seem to show certain things about IQ that cogsci and neuroscience disagree with. But sociological studies don't have RCTs to point to in support of such positions, many of the psychological ones have now been debunked and are not replicable. I think it probably is testing critical thinking and processing speed, that doesn't preclude IQ tests from having issues in implementation. And the analysis of it as a measure of intrinsic capability seems dubious. Heritability of IQ is high, this is an easy concession to make. However, heritability of Genius is very low. In fact, the higher a persons IQ is, the less their IQ correlates to genetic factors. We now have data that creative real world problem solving can cause a predictable increase in IQ over time. I agree that IQ is not useless, it is just not intrinsic. A famous study following people for more than 40 years, found that people who took an IQ test as school children, have extremely higher IQs on average. I experienced this myself after college since over the course of 4 years my IQ jumped a whopping 30 points, and they normalize those scores to your cohort, so it increased, even in relation to similarly educated people. This tells me 1) they already know greater education increases IQ and 2) they didn't take into account some other thing that I did to get better at problem solving. You also have an elementary understanding of the clinical process of IQ evaluations. I think debate is important. However, you and your interlocuter seem woefully uneducated on this topic in particular. I am relatively interested in it since my minor thesis was on IQ. I hope that even a layman can see that you guys are mostly arguing on impressions of what you guys think, rather than grounded on properly sourced information. Even on a sociological scale, how do you explain the Flynn effect? Why are black babies smarter than white ones for the first few months of life? Why have people who have read more books between kindergarten and 5th grade the most likely to score genius scores on the test? I think the issue is not the usefulness of the test per-se, but how we use it. When used to tell someone, "oh we need to give you more experience with this kind of task so you can improve." Sure, this is great. When it is used to tell someone, "oh, you shouldn't go into math, you are incapable of it." This is bad. Where I live in America, the average American teen has the same mathematical reasoning skills of the average college graduate in the 50s. Additionally, a study on U.S. teens, found that their IQ scores when adjusted for the averages of test takers at the time it was first given, are a whopping 50 points smarter on average. The average teenager today would be a genius if they went back in time just 70 years. As someone with a vast background in life sciences, I can tell you evolution doesn't happen that fast, so something else has happened to make people literally smarter. We should not use it as the end all be all. It should be used to help people understand what they should work on. As an aside, I realize research shows that directly training for the IQ test, doesn't yield high long-term results. However, we also found this was true for the average biology test. This is where Cognitive Science came in to find that there were issues. Training must be spaced, and the act of doing the test itself isn't as effective as real world creative tasks where a participant must use critical thinking and problem solving skills. Though spaced practice of IQ tests is still an effective way to have long term increases in IQ. One should be aware that the brain works iteratively, not recursively, and they can often utilize its greater potential.
@The-_-Boss Ай бұрын
I am by all means a "layman", that is obvious XD. As far as I'm concerned the fact that I can even hold any ground in most of these debates is beyond me, considering I have never read a single book & think of myself as "uneducated" about most things. You seem quite literate about the topic so come to my live stream & tell me all about it anytime you want. Oh ye & if your interested in debating or judging debates & getting paid to do it ( this applies to anyone ) then let me know your handle in our discord & price so I can add you to the list.
@piyushsingh960 Ай бұрын
Iq tests are very trainable tests, real life problems are more about ignoring false patterns than just finding patterns. The reality is that there will be never a test to judge one's intelligence, and we should embrace it.
@The-_-Boss Ай бұрын
Then you would essentially be fooling only yourself & a manager hiring you on the basis of your test... Not really the most intelligent thing to do. It gives us the MOST accurate representation compared to anything else & while that is not perfect or maybe not even "good" when compared to what we come up with in the future, it still "shines a light within the darkness" that is the unknown. As for your conclusion that essentially wants to throw the baby out with the bathwater, I highly disagree. Giving up has never served us well when it comes to our advancements as societies.
@Jack-uy7ie Ай бұрын
​@@The-_-Boss Anyone who hires on the basis of a test is a fool.
@The-_-Boss 28 күн бұрын
@@Jack-uy7ie Agreed! That still doesn't make them useless which was the claim put forward.
@larsrademakers6070 27 күн бұрын
​@@The-_-Bosstbf, appart for like society sciences, what is the usecase for an iq test?
@Mas-ij3ti 27 күн бұрын
@@larsrademakers6070 IQ tests are used for the military for example. When you go to basic training (at least in Europe) you take an IQ test, the ones with exceptional scores get put in higher positions because they have seen a correlation between high IQ and good leaders/decision making. It can be used for research on cognitive ability or clinical diagnosis. I am a researcher, but i work in high temperature chemistry so i cant say i have ever found the use in it. I however know from reading a lot of articles that it has use in some fields. It is far from perfect, but it can highlight some things about your cognitive ability and other things in a objective manner.
@piyushsingh960 Ай бұрын
"iq test unintelligene rather than intelligence" ~ Nassim Nicholas Taleb He also busted every propoganda mathematically. About how high iq are high performers, etc.
@The-_-Boss Ай бұрын
Your genuinely brain broken if you thought I have a 185 IQ score. It would be more realistic to come to the conclusion that when designing the thumbnail I had to include a number & that is the one I went with: 1) Low IQ "debating" about IQ tests seems like a nightmare. 2) Average IQ is boring & normal 3) High IQ is frowned up & admired. Hmmm seems like I achieved both of those :)
@drayvinwilliams2389 Ай бұрын
Taleb is a either a moron or a liar when it comes to the legitimacy of IQ tests. In his ignorance, he didn't realize that to say that it tests 'unintelligence' rather than 'intelligence' is still a sign that it is testing something related to intelligence. What do you mean, "He also busted every propaganda mathematically."? You mean he disproved all propaganda via mathematics? Learn how to speak proper English before you go on about what is true and false psychometrically.
@polarized3358 Ай бұрын
Some people failed their IQ test and got rejected from Mensa lmfao
@Ecstasio Ай бұрын
1.414213562373095 👍
@The-_-Boss Ай бұрын
That's exactly what I thought!
@UnderAgedTrader Ай бұрын
Ok this is a bit kooooockooooo!
@1W0R1 Ай бұрын
Good work brother, I like the idea.
@cal593 2 ай бұрын
I have an argument for why that wouldn't be OK. Because the human race is doomed anyway if there are only 2 people left. You can't create enough people without genetic deformities to keep it going. So why hurt the only human connection you have left? Why cause unnecessary pain?
@The-_-Boss 2 ай бұрын
Based! Except your argument hinges on your following statement "You can't create enough people without genetic deformities to keep it going." Technically speaking there is a way to get out of the inbred loop... 1) That boy & girl have 2 boys & 2 girls ( The children are brothers & sisters & up until this point no inbreeding has taken place ). 2) !!!THIS IS THE MOST DANGEROUS & HIGH RISK PART!!! One of the sons gets one of the sisters & the other son the other sister ( brother + sister, brother + sister ) & they DONT switch at any point. They also have 2 boys & 2 girls each ( First scenario of 2nd blood inbreeding takes place ). 3) The 2 sons born of the first couple then go with the 2 daughters of the other couple & vice versa, repeating the previous outcome 2 sons & 2 daughters each. At this point while incest is taking place, we begin to move away from the risks involved with 1st ( father + daughter, mother + son ) & 2nd ( brother & sister ) blood relatives & enter into Alabama territory where now it's 1st cousins having sex. ( It's still bad, but progress is being made to move away from the worst kind of incest that has the worst outcomes, to lesser kind of incest which has less side effects ). 4) The process repeats itself enough times for the "inbred" gene to die out & you eventually end up with fully functional children because none of them are a product of 1st, 2nd, or 3rd blood relatives, which has a very low chance of having genetic deformities because the parents are no longer 1st, 2nd or even 3rd cousins. Btw this hypothesis hinges on the conceivers of the children being able to ALWAYS conceive ATLEAST 2 boys & 2 girls, which is extremely hard in & of itself. Then you also have the risk in step 2 of the children being born with such severe deformities that they are incapable of even conceiving they're own children. The only solution here is to keep fuckking in the hopes that ATLEAST 2 boys & 2 girls are somewhat cable of doing so...RNG is king here! P.s if this CAN'T happen then your obviously right. You just wouldn't do it. Come to twitch & tell me what you come up with XD I am live everyday from 7am UTC until 5pm You can find the link below :) I could always use another BIG brain! No seriously... these degenerates are frying my brain cells.
@Zatez 2 ай бұрын
Bro you look like a keyboard warrior
@whitegoodman7465 2 ай бұрын
@phylysjuengling6439 8 ай бұрын
😕 "PromoSM"
@Bjaldes 10 ай бұрын
Not the balding guy with L-Rizz trying to hate on people who are smarter than him
@galen4778 Жыл бұрын
'Promo sm' 😌
@Zombiex-cu3gg Жыл бұрын
weird video dude.
@KingPluto97 Жыл бұрын
You go on dates with friends, it's fine.
@Raskaloner Жыл бұрын
Lame channel
@cbain97 Жыл бұрын
Bro, I already don't trust you looking like that a d lying about being the fastest growing channel with 8 subscribers
@The-_-Boss Жыл бұрын
The stats say... Within the first month average channels can get anywhere between 300-900 views & anything above 5k is considered top 10% ( IE ''fastest'' ). I crossed that first metric in week 1. So there you go just that one stat proves it XD. Do some research ''bro'' before you accuse people of anything... & please for your own sake don't come @ me with stats & numbers cause that's my game.
@fu3x11 Жыл бұрын
@gfis Жыл бұрын
@johngavin2570 Жыл бұрын
Lol never take "all of the risk" even if you're taking 99% of the risk that's a lot different than 100% of the risk. Scam.
@itsvp9863 Жыл бұрын
wdy mean im giving him all my money right now
@The-_-Boss Жыл бұрын
Then, I'm taking it you have never bought cryptocurrencies. If you have, then I'm sure you can see the contradiction in the above & your quote ( Lol never take "all of the risk" ). Cryptocurrencies are unregulated, which literally means, if you have some & then lose them for whatever reason, you alone are responsible for that & unless the person or entity who ''took'' them from you, decides to give them back, then there is nothing ( legally speaking ), you can do about it. Hence you take 100% of the risk. The risks I take, are my reputation, credibility, career & time, which I take very seriously, but that goes without saying & is common sense. Just because I can't be trialed in a court of law, doesn't mean the internet will not make sure, I am remembered as THAT scammer, if that's what I am. Unfortunately for you kid, you came at me with numbers & numbers is what I eat for breakfast, lunch & dinner. P.s If your not a kid, then stop acting like one, with your empty accusations & non-existent research. Don't fuck with my money.
@johngavin2570 Жыл бұрын
@@The-_-Boss also, what reputation do you even have if you need to advertize on youtube? Your last name ain't Rockefeller. Credibility? Wow, you can upload a youtube video. Good for you. You're on the internet. The fact that you think that makes you credible shows that you aren't.
@The-_-Boss Жыл бұрын
Sup g, how awesome! All good
@youtubegamerpro5200 Жыл бұрын
Yo this was on my recommendation when I was watching a Hamza video, was good bro?
@khalilsstories Жыл бұрын
they are greedy ppl
@omarmoran3097 Жыл бұрын
You fucked up buddy. 😂😂 you should of never invested in that peace of shit. Real currency will always be more valuable. Hopefully you learned from this.