P&O Ferries CEO Grilled
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NHS Decline Over Last 13 Years
Boomer vs Gen Z
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Govt Attacking Right To Strike
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Covid Inquiry: There Was No Plan
How To Spot An Idiot
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Powerful Speech: What Is Freedom?
@michellommers7262 2 сағат бұрын
Funny... 2020/2021 was the year of bitcoin mooning, what a coincidence.
@musicmansell 4 сағат бұрын
Nope, it is 120%. Same exact list of groceries in 2021 was $70, now is $160. How is that only a 20% difference? At this point with all money being made up ones and zeros, and not backed by anything of real value (gold standard) inflation is nothing more than man-made make believe and a reflection of the greed in the world.
@Ibetrippinfrfr 5 сағат бұрын
I remember eggs used to be $1.50 and $3.50 at most. Now you’d be considered lucky by the graces of god to even find eggs that are $3.75 when they’re on special sale.
@markmyers4573 6 сағат бұрын
Look at the % change in corporate profits.
@dempsey2023 6 сағат бұрын
20% of what?
@alexus267 6 сағат бұрын
21% inflation between 2020 and 2024 according to usinflationcalculator. Sounds legit.
@meerkatgaming7351 6 сағат бұрын
Amazing. Love Jimmy Reid. Wish I had that ability’s to express my thoughts, feelings and injustice the way he could. Articulated
@DK_Son 6 сағат бұрын
It's not good for 99% of people. We should also be annoyed that our house prices went up. Even if you own a house, you should be annoyed. Because everyone's went up too. So nobody won. Now they are out of reach for many trying to get in. And if you want to upgrade, you'll be taking out a bigger loan that you pay more interest on. Low prices also keeps rent down.
@Samurai-xm2yn 9 сағат бұрын
Why cut off the Y-axis label in the video? Nobody here knows what this chart is showing.
@Garugontheblue 10 сағат бұрын
No, those are demonrat powertrip prices.
@user-nq3xl2cx5d 11 сағат бұрын
Here speaks the son of stalin and Lenin......who caused millions of people travel chaos etc😂
@slaterbrazeal3396 12 сағат бұрын
Old people don't care. All the boomers have their houses payed off because they bought them for $5 and claim younger people are broke because of Starbucks and $14 margaritas
@user-jp9ox9zd2k 12 сағат бұрын
This is the real reason for covid, not chemical, FINANCIAL gain at the cost of millions of lives. But hey no one see this shit. ... sheep
@Truthspreader70 13 сағат бұрын
That idiot answers questions like Canadians Turdo does
@Larimuss 14 сағат бұрын
Ive seen prices up 40%
@namelessbecky 21 сағат бұрын
Is this what happened in The US?
@omnia4964 22 сағат бұрын
I am little sketched out about the Y axis being hidden
@budwilliams7908 22 сағат бұрын
Corporate greed covers all of that graph...
@farceadentus Күн бұрын
Thank your Zionist overlords.
@stonybrookfencingclub839 Күн бұрын
That’s assuming your number is not BS in the first place. 😂
@scapeshiftmeta Күн бұрын
Dear McDonald’s, don’t double your employees’ pay and triple your food costs if you won’t double your training and hiring efforts to result in better quality. Every slack-jawed 19 year old that won’t get off their phone in the drive through window doesn’t deserve $20/hr. McDonald’s increases advertised wages in my area and all businesses big and small adjust their wages in response- the result being that everybody is relatively making the same amount of money compared to everyone else that they always have, but things like basic goods and fast food like McDonalds have gone up in price. That means the McDonald’s employee who is supposedly making more money now, now has to spend that increased pay on everything. Everybody suffers from this inflation, and giving minimum wage employees more did nothing but hurt everyone, minimum wage employees included. Increasing minimum wage will never be the answer.
@rafaelcardenas515 Күн бұрын
Well, most people didn’t realized during Covid that the bill will eventually be paid by all of us. Governments spent tons of billions during Covid, didn’t you think that would cost us? This is the bill knocking at our door
@RPGOmen Күн бұрын
Like how people use Wafflehouse to see if a storm is bad. I use Subway for the cost of living. $5 footlong to $15 is crazy.
@wesleybaugh4756 Күн бұрын
@SoundwaveSurfing Күн бұрын
The Biden Administration has been cooking the numbers in almost every category especially economic data and crime statistics. This is an administration of outright deception. But the Left is open about caring for feelings over facts so this is what that results in.
@davidhamilton1981 Күн бұрын
Cloughie was a legend, but not everybody has the ability to earn a few bob and live in a nice house.
@arh9068 Күн бұрын
I added a ~$100 order from 2022 to my cart & now it's +$400
@DH-rt3fk Күн бұрын
10 percent for the big guy (Biden) turned into 20 percent plus increase in the cost of living for the rest of us.
@Re54life1 Күн бұрын
In 3 years minimum 20% change if that continues and it seems to be faster and faster, the middle class will be poverty and poverty will be something I don’t want to envision. It’s almost like a bad Bond villain, weeding out the population.
@yofedstyhrega4594 Күн бұрын
2,20 it could be 200% and it wouldn't change that income hasnt changed much for over a decade now for most the gap between the rich and poor is only getting wider yet politicians only listen to those who lobby with there money rather then the voters with there empty pockets I understand the infonlationary death spiral you can create but how about we get "expected" income from 2018 or 2020 rather then the 1-5% bulshit increases that only turns into 50-200 a month extra when living costs are almost doubling every other month
@petertien6 Күн бұрын
And yet, you have all those money for Ukraine ?
@lukegriffiths4333 Күн бұрын
It is NOT 20%. Food items in my grocery store have gone up 100% - 200%
@Marshmellow3971 Күн бұрын
I wish grocery prices had only gone up 20%, a lot of these items are up more like 200%.
@Helloworld47939 Күн бұрын
You can thank low interest rates for "that"
@nathansroofing9748 Күн бұрын
It's the hews.
@musashiwebb Күн бұрын
As prices continue to rise, more and more people will look towards producing their own goods that they can at their own scales of production/processing/consumptions. This will lead to large corporations to inevitably reduce their prices and or quarterly production to meet the reduction in demand. Or, if they identify the "problem" for themselves correctly, they will opt to lobby legislations that will limit/banish decentralized production/processing/consumption of the goods at the individual levels(think backyard chickens) which ultimately disincentivizes sovereignty and personal authority, further cementing the master/slave relationship of our current human paradigm with large corporations/consumers. While I agree that large corporations are populated by humans with interests of their own, they ought not be leveraged as being more essential or valuable to the interests of the People of the nation in question. The balance between the One and the Many have been fought over since before recorded history, and will continue to be so.
@driggo912 Күн бұрын
The title of this short is "Cost of living explained" But he explained nothing....
@brianX626 Күн бұрын
But the Democrats literally tell us the economy is better today than it has ever been. Yes they actually say that
@austonobsuth2340 Күн бұрын
Thanks Joe biden
@OkayComments Күн бұрын
At my job everyone had a 20% in wage in the past 4 years
@missedinformation7068 Күн бұрын
Wage increase over 4 years 6% cost of living 20%-35%
@edgeldine3499 Күн бұрын
Its not so much inflation its greed and people willing to pay these prices. Also Europe supply chains and global events really hurt y'all. Maybe if Europe didn't rely so much on Russian oil this wouldn't hurt so much?
@fartfanugen Күн бұрын
I wish it was only 20%. My grocery bill has doubled.
@rrcontracting9028 Күн бұрын
The government has been printing money for years. We have always exported are inflation on the lower class and foreign investors. Buying treasuries with printed money makes interest rates fall. Next rich Russian investors of usd, we took there money and gave it to Ukraine so politicians could get there cut. Imagine being China the biggest investor of United States treasuries losing 20 percent of your investment value to inflation. Why would anyone want to invest in the USA’s currency when you can’t get a competitive interest rate, the currency loses value, and the currency is just not safe to foreign investors. Would I expect anything less from greedy politicians.
@christophersimon4493 Күн бұрын
Now it makes sense 😮
@Commenttube Күн бұрын
Ever been to poland? Over the past 8 years most of the things hiperinflated
@DadaIorian Күн бұрын
Hmm, isn't that the exact amount of time we've had a liberal president? 🤔
@fabianstriebeck8054 Күн бұрын
Classic normal. And then the banks collapse again and tell us they dont know why it happened.
@thebrapman Күн бұрын
"quick lets talk over him with quippy nonsense remarks before he makes a valid irrefutable argument" Didn't work then, wont work now. Thank you Mick for being a champion of the people.
@Kwizzle9999 Күн бұрын
Look me in the eyes and tell me inflation is only 20% You're full of s*#t! My month's-worth of groceries from the farmers market was $75 in 2019. It's now over $300 from f$&$ing Walmart and ALDI! Lies. Lies. Lies. And more lies.