What Swedes Think About Russia ?
@pdl1921 3 сағат бұрын
I have traveled extensively abroad ..I don’t anymore.. the diversity of our own country is amazing. Why leave and visit these countries? They are clowns.
@psychologyhealingonline3939 16 сағат бұрын
‌Vad är det för skulder som ni fortfarande försöker påskina känner fortfarande vinter igen någon av det då ni har så mycket klagomål om sådant beteende ute på internet fortfande har jag tvingats att polisanmäls er för total överlagd total bedragarverksamhet vilket all eran företagshistorik ju bygger på. Ni får hjälp i kriminalvården vart tvångsmediceneras så att beteendet erat kan ändras lite trist att ni fortfarande inte har klarat det själva verkligen. Sjukt beteende finns hjälp att få för ta chansen i fängelset då har ni väldigt mycket tid där inne att komma underfund att det inte är lönt i längden att bedra folk ständigt som hittills!!!
@Master-mh9vm 20 сағат бұрын
When someone says fin in the USA people think of fish that influences people perception of fins slightly and some even assume their fishermen. Finnish is not a name used very often in the USA.
@psychologyhealingonline3939 21 сағат бұрын
@inmate1614 Күн бұрын
Nation of cowards
@CB-dl1vg Күн бұрын
Remember when, in the greatest conflict of our time, the whole of Europe faced the greatest threat of evil from the Nazi regime and Switzerland sat back and did nothing? Yeah, me too.
@modabdoub3742 2 күн бұрын
I love America unfortunately lately it’s become united state of Israel We need to take care of our own people in United States only
@psychologyhealingonline3939 2 күн бұрын
Måste säga att det känns fortsatt sjukt att man registrerar folk att de har arbete oavsett vad tex en timme i månaden och resten som också är helt omöjliga att leva på ens om man teoretiskt sett bara skulle betala tex en femtedel eller bråkdel av vad man behöver. Är det så farligt att visa sanningen för statistik en?
@psychologyhealingonline3939 2 күн бұрын
10000 euro + TO be honest it even norr.
@psychologyhealingonline3939 2 күн бұрын
It have so far never been even half possible live of sallaries in Sweden behind the lies that it is a i- country but the sad thrueth is that u- country is the realitet. Without the lies Sweden has not joined the EU yet to talk the hars reality. Very big mistake to expect salary. No time of and of you get SICK you get No money as well. PSYCHIATRIC country realy begave as MENTALS in PSYCHIATRIC Tate must lie of everything!!!I am Swede and igh educated 50 year old No experience yet of geting money from job in time etc eating ti feel mot hungry and live normal. Byt it not possible CHANGE THE picture Sweden gave lies TO joun THE. EU union so People thibk itvis acrich country yes IF you can just by Magic create your ön money it is but not in reality ut is not better than Africa atcall butceven Nore bad ut is also Cold!!!!!!
@user-dr4rm6pf5s 2 күн бұрын
@angel31941 3 күн бұрын
Finland is my favourite country in the north it is just awesome. One of my favourite countries it has the best language and culture in the north in my opinion and the people are so peaceful they really respect privacy and this is admirable. I am big on personal space and privacy and really dislike small talk the best thing a person can do is be quiet when its not needed to fill in the gap and Finnish people do this very well
@psychologyhealingonline3939 3 күн бұрын
Det har ju aldrig någonsin gått att försörja sig på heltid oavsett vilket arbete det handlar om. Kan det bli så en dag att man åtminstone kan betala halva hyran? Snart går jag i pension om jag får en sådan ser inte så ut ännu faktiskt. Ynkligt att bara ljuga sig till EU medlemskap som Sverige har gjort. Att kunna förtjäna det vore något annat ändå. Skammen är hittills total på precis alla plan. Ingen ledighet överhuvudtaget, ingen sjukpenning, ingen a- kassa, ingen lön bara tomma kontrakt så att säga. Inget socialbidrag pga det stod ju att jag hade jobb och lön. Sedan gav ju luftpengarna ingen rätt till ekonomiskt bistånd då det hypotetiskt skulle kunna t ha sparats från skriven lön. Svenskt storbolag var den sk arbetsgivaren Coor Liv mer exact och heltid + extra. Utbildad var man dessutom till det osv.......... Tänk om det hade funnits lunchrast, kisspaus kanske några minuters fika. Inte!!! Fria helger nej!!! Övertid bara!!!
@broderperdurabo 4 күн бұрын
Gen Z, is the future... Run and hide!
@Jackie-ji2sj 5 күн бұрын
@emilyann4549 6 күн бұрын
As far as all the "what do you think about Americans" videos I've run across, this one was pretty chill. 😅 The Swedes seem like a pretty layed back, honest, and fair people. I like 'em!
@studleyjb3172 8 күн бұрын
Not a whole lot of native Swedes, New York State alone has twice the population.
@juanhuizar5607 8 күн бұрын
What Americans think about Europeans: Wait til we stop protecting you.. then your Utopia will finally end..
@hammersholt 8 күн бұрын
Swedes are very woke / feminist and in denial about their huge problems with emigrant gang violence. On top of that Swedes hate conflicts. Danes have solved their problems with emigrants long ago and are not WOKE / feminist at all. Danes are pretty direct and not afraid of calling the Swedes out on their dilutions. Not a good combination if you are Swedish. The Danes love it though. 😂
@user-es4bd6xp1w 8 күн бұрын
im sorry you guys hate us. we will no longer defend you. i am so tired as a American defending people that hate us\
@tenniskinsella7768 8 күн бұрын
Not very bright the swedes
@tenniskinsella7768 8 күн бұрын
I hsve no guilt. Im notva lefty snd i think this country has done amazing things for the world
@jbingfax1950 9 күн бұрын
In Iceland i heard they were refused to take women from Norway so they pillaged like ireland...Hot Irish Babes in Iceland , go figure.
@cherylthommo1 9 күн бұрын
Interesting food? What is that pink stuff in a tube. Cod roe? Yuk
@colinadams5390 10 күн бұрын
You mean the neutral second world war country. Ask the Norwegians about Sweden. 🤔
@liamdawson3813 10 күн бұрын
Europeans suffer from a complete cognitive dissonance. On one hand they despise almost everything that defines the United States, on the other they are willing to go to a major war and justify it, if the American elites order them to do so! And they claim to be doing this in order to protect the liberal world order spearheaded by the United States!
@E_Rex_Sean 10 күн бұрын
*A friendly reminder than most German steel during WW2 came from Sweden.* 😉
@E_Rex_Sean 10 күн бұрын
Descendants of Vikings lecturing us about our ancestral crimes. The irony. 🤦🏻‍♂️😂
@BFVsnypEz 10 күн бұрын
Sweden is still gay.
@RayPerkins01 11 күн бұрын
To the lady in glasses, I’ll point out that no British person is accountable for what their ancestors did. The Vikings did many terrible things back in the day, but you would rightly think it it unfair if I held you responsible.
@FINNSTIGAT0R 11 күн бұрын
From these videos it's always super obvious that Swedes don't actually know much at all about Finland, I mean most of them, and even if they know something, then probably still won't visit. I find this a bit odd, I mean we're right here, isn't anyone curious? I'm always intriqued by all the countries we're close to, just because it's fun to see what's the same and what's different when you live close by. Only Russia I have never visited, but I've been to all of Scandinavia and all of the Baltics. Russia would also be nice to visit, at least St. Petersburg, but that would require a change of regime and politics in Russia, so probably won't happen any time soon.
@TravelingDestinationsblog 12 күн бұрын
@Recusant_ 13 күн бұрын
Ew like the Americans are sooo gross cuz they wear their shoes inside their homes like totally gross. Meanwhile she sits on the actual street.
@asl7235 13 күн бұрын
have to be polite to forget colonialism LMFAO vikings did what to Britain?.
@jameskellard5075 13 күн бұрын
Where did you find that daft cow waffling on about colonialism? If the British Empire were so bad why is it that the vast majority of the countries that were colonies elected of their own free will to join the Commonwealth that replaced it? Even French and Portuguese colonies have joined the Commonwealth, but reality and facts don't seem to register with people like that.
@neat6539 14 күн бұрын
Definitely PewDiePie 😂
@josimpson7999 15 күн бұрын
We Brits have the best sense of humour IN THE WORLD - something which no one would claim about the people of the Scandinavian countries. Just saying!
@matsinilsson9578 16 күн бұрын
Depends if they visited as tourists for more than 1-2 months or not. My generation views the US as Hollywood. Nonetheless: All of our generations view you Americans as our Viking mutts. We have pillaged our way through Great Britain and discovered your country (you are welcome). We basically settled the world. Bow down and show your respect to the Nordics.
@matsinilsson9578 16 күн бұрын
Depends on the generation. My generation views Britain as Monthy Python, Rowan Atkinson, and Premier League. Except one thing: All of our generations view you Brits as our Viking mutts. We have pillaged our way through your country (you are welcome) and thereby settled the world. Bow down.
@ephraimkaravan 17 күн бұрын
"It's easy to cook- communicate with them" 😂
@Distant394 17 күн бұрын
What a bunch of cranks
@DiegoCavigioli 17 күн бұрын
Ciao bella c
@victoriac286 18 күн бұрын
As a British person, I dont go to an irish pub. I dont eat curry and I certainly don't buy Ikea furniture. I like my furniture to be quality
@CD-gh1uf 20 күн бұрын
Crawl in the grocery because they're looking for low prices... Lame ass joke
@bobaer3885 20 күн бұрын
Interesting but not surprising to see that Swedes have not much culturally good to say about Norway. No insight. No cultural reference. "They are rich". Swedes hates their own culture (WOKE). So how can they love Norway? That's the Zeitgeist in Sweden.
@vinnie1889 21 күн бұрын
A gifted country with natural beautiful looking people, # 1, 2 , or 3 ….in the world 🌹❤️🌹❤️🌹❤️🌹❤️🙏
@lucylane7397 22 күн бұрын
Yet be nice to morally superior because of what Britain done hundreds of years ago and forget about supplying the Nazis with steel etc.
@DoorToWindow 22 күн бұрын
The minute we 🇺🇲can vote countries out of NATO everyone in Europe is going to be shocked.
@ercanbanka5377 22 күн бұрын
Yeah the swedens love Russia so much they even learned the russian accent while speaking english , nastrowija .
@henrylee3383 22 күн бұрын
I was always under the impression that Swedish people were intelligent…..Just shows.