@iantobaudonnel1138 12 сағат бұрын
There"s butter and olive oil europe, a bit like potatoe/tomatoe
@nothotdog1488 12 сағат бұрын
Fasely 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@pablomax9376 12 сағат бұрын
The thing is, Americans are heavily indoctrinated from kindergarten on to believe that the US approach to everything cannot be questioned as is the best because of their "freedom". They believe the Chinese have no freedom for example. But what is freedom? What does it mean to you? For a lot of Americans it means being able to buy a gun in walmart. It means being allowed to engage is aggressive confrontations with random people. To a Chinese person, freedom means being able to take a train home at 3am and never once having to worry that you are going to be murdered or raped. It means never worrying about school shootings or random violence. That if you forget to lock your bike up, it's still going to be there when you get back. I'd argue that not needing to be afraid and always on guard is a more "free" way to live. Freedom means different things to different people.
@Keepingthefaith72 13 сағат бұрын
Proper old school...
@tatazuki1451 13 сағат бұрын
@barriehull7076 13 сағат бұрын
With the chain on the toilet thing the cistern is high up and the chain is connected to the lever on the side.
@Stockfish1511 13 сағат бұрын
Polish always overestimate themselves tbh. They were always a pawn between major superpowers and always end up being the battleground. Just like they are doing the same now. They think they are now a major powrer but when sht hits the fan they will end up being the battleground. Poland has bad geopolitical position thats it. They just need hope no war begins
@STEVEH-sp9fo 13 сағат бұрын
Legend of a man .i met as a youngster . Hands like ahovels
@laurelward2297 13 сағат бұрын
$100 for a kettle? You can buy one for £10. And they are much much quicker for boiling water. Can't imagine not having one.😊
@M.W.B.Official 13 сағат бұрын
I live in Willebroek, Belgium and it lays between two major cities: Antwerp and Brussels. That means that all the people that can’t afford to live in Brussels or Antwerp move to Willebroek, 1 5th of the citizens of Willebroek don’t have work and we’re in the top 10 cities / counties that hates the city / county most. Every day i hear lot off sirenes sometimes there are fights at the train station, In school (In Mechelen) theres a lot of fights, Just really different then how she makes it out to be.
@MISSYGful 13 сағат бұрын
UK 🇬🇧 here. I've NEVER seen carpet in a bathroom EVER??
@VNOMALII 13 сағат бұрын
only way i'd consider america to be great, is by the size definition of great. nothing about america is great in the sense of good. your government lies through their back teeth to you.. you're basically dead if you need help but have no money.. you're thrown into a system where you are forced to take out loans for education if you're not born into a 10 bedroom house with a dad who runs one of the top companies in the country.. you house immigrants and repeating offenders over veterans & hard working men who lost everything and got dealt a shitty hand.. besides the system errors & corruption within america, the people are pretty brain dead delusional (not all but a f*cking lot) with no sense of the world besides america alone. i mean, americans take vacations in america, that says everything. casual chicago married couple - "hey honey, i was thinking about taking the kids away for a week somewhere nice. you have any ideas where we could go?".... "yaaaaaas, i think they'd really like colorado with the weather & scenery". like bro, how about going to another country and educating your kids on world history, different cultures, taking them to see the old fighting pits in rome, or going to ireland to see the origin of the people who built america. only people who think america is great, is americans. america is like that 1 person in the friend group who finds themselves extremely funny but nobody else laughs at/with. its like standing in a canteen having a good old comfortable laugh with your pals, and then america comes along and just makes everything feel awkward. america is like THAT friend.
@TomE-sq2lq 13 сағат бұрын
Also even tho I'm high as fuck i will tell u why we have seperate taps its because of legionaries which is a bacterial infection which infect the lungs from steam created by water that isnt hot enough so we keep our hot separate so we can insure the temperature
@tsrgoinc 13 сағат бұрын
We were in Prague for the Europa Conference League Final last year, admittedly a lot of the price were raised to take advantage of the situation but thats actually part of the deal for hosting the final but the prices applied to everyone, even the locals! It was still bloody cheaper compared to the UK and the US. I also don’t know why yanks get in a tizzy that Czechia is in Europe but doesn’t use the Euro, lots of countries don’t, the UK for example, even before we left the union we never used it. I think there is 8 or 9 in the union that don’t!
@STEVEH-sp9fo 14 сағат бұрын
This is how it used to be done. Not done line this fot decades unfortunatly not many towers and chmneys left .
@Boredofmostofit 14 сағат бұрын
Here is a fun fact (for anyone who cares): when converting to meters, the king of france had to have his land mapped (I won't bore you with the details here) and after a look at the new, more accurate map, complained to his advisors that he lost more land to the survey than to his enemies. 😅
@inwe1205 14 сағат бұрын
I almost spit out my breakfast at the beginning! Hahahaha, "He thought he was scammed but he was... just stupid." hilarious!!
@TomE-sq2lq 14 сағат бұрын
Im sat here in the uk. High as fuck (only on green) thinking wtf. Somehow this is so standard but makes so much sense. We english or British are excentric and specific with our shit
@PatrickKelly-lz3pv 14 сағат бұрын
I own a Henry Hoover he collects all my dust, he is made from coloured plastic, so I know he will never rust, he is not just a domestic appliance like a toaster a iron bought from the mall he is part of our family a treasured addition, but most of all my pal.
@Carole.P 14 сағат бұрын
Egg and soldiers is great
@themouse7506 14 сағат бұрын
A washing up bowl is used to protect your nice shiny stainless steel sink from scratches.
@arrigune 15 сағат бұрын
IMMIGRANTS, no expats. Please, you intend to be posh and you sound ridiculous.
@aretemisravenheart5178 15 сағат бұрын
Jajaja talking about maps. I understand how that boy feels about maps. When I went to Ireland as a teacher I met a pair of USA girls, and when I said I was Mexican they said I couldn’t cause I was white, after all that shit, they asked me how did I got to Ireland and I said “in a plane” they were all shocked to know we had planes in Mexico, and cars… and houses… my Irish friends were looking at these girls like “are you serious?” but then one of them said “Hey, if you have cars in Mexico, why didn’t used your car to come to Ireland, isn’t cheaper than the plane ticket” We all were dumbfounded and I said “dear there is an ocean in between” and they all shocked said “No way! Damn! I have no idea there was an ocean between Mexico and Ireland” and I said “Girl! There is one too between the States and here, we are in the same continent” but when I said “we are in the same continent” they thought I was talking of that right moment meaning Europe and I clarified “No I mean America, Mexico and USA are in the American continent, you also have an ocean in between” and the fake blonde said “No, we don’t, Mexico may have one, but we don’t, America is not a continent dear, is a country” and one of my friends said “No girl, indeed America is a continent we know that from elementary school” and one guy said “How did you came here? By a car?” and the brunette answered “Don’t be silly a car ride would take so many hours, a plane is faster” (not the first time I hear that dumb shit about the ocean in between) and this guy said “No girl, there is an ocean, cars can’t seal!” they were astonished and I said “It is true, if Mexico can’t USA can’t” “Why” “Because of geography” “What has geography to do here?” “Well, if you can’t come here by a car from Mexico, you can’t from the States. Mexico is right below the States,” and the blonde one said this stupid puritan shit “Oh girl don’t be so bad to your own country, I know Mexico is not as developed and powerful and great as the US, but don’t use the word “Below” to denigrate your own country. No country is below another” and I said “Well tell that to the maps you idiot”. Yeah whenever they try to be nice they just fuckup. And by the way for all the stupid "USAers" (American is the right fucking demonym for everyone born and raised in this continent) who make the joke "in Spanish they laugh in the wrong written way because their jajajaja sounds like iA iA iA" Well that is stupid and entitled, like english and it's fonetics is the only language that matters in a world that has about 7100 languages. If from english jajajaja sounds "silly" imagine your so called "Way to correctly write a laught (ha ha ha ha)" in SPANISH where H is SILENT. You certanly sound like a mentally retarded saying AAAAAAAAAAAAA old loquendo and insert drool falling from their mouths.
@trevorcook4439 15 сағат бұрын
I couldn’t live in the US. No kettles, egg cups, kitchen scales, lockable windows, etc No scales to weigh the flour to make the bread to make into toast to cut into soldiers to dip in an unwashed egg in an egg cup to eat with my cup of tea made from water boiled in a kettle! Australia 🇦🇺
@aretemisravenheart5178 15 сағат бұрын
Oh you have an entire series about this... ok let's share a bit more. While living in London I met this girl from Oklahoma and when she asked me where I was from I said “Mexico” and she said “Oh I’m so sorry…” all worried by the way, and I said “why?” and she said “It was not my intention to bring you sad memories of war, crime rape and hunger, so you came here escaping Mexico” I was shocked… after some seconds I said “Pardon me?” and she said “I can’t imagine all you had to go through to come here. Did you came in a balsa?” and I said… “Girl, first of all, the ones in America, AMERICA THE CONTINENT, who escape in a balsa are Cubans. Second: If you didn’t notice there is an entire OCEAN between Mexico and the UK, I could never do it in a balsa. The only way to come here is in a plane or in a transatlantic ship” and she added so sweet (NO JOKE) “Well you could also come in a car, if you had one” and I said “Are you joking?” and this stupid girl told me (she wasn’t joking for God’s sake) “Oh yeah that you don’t have cars in Mexico, but yeah those are machines that move with power and wheels and can take you anywhere” and I said “anywhere but here” and she said “No it’s true they can” and I said “Girl… didn’t you hear me? There is an entire FUCKING OCEAN in between the continents!” and she said “Ooh so there is an ocean in between Mexico and the Uk, that sounds hard” and I added “How did you come here?” and she said “in a plane because is faster than the car” and I said “I came also in a plane but not because is faster than the car, it’s because a car can’t float in the ocean”, and she said “No way! You have planes in Mexico?!” and I couldn’t help my sarcasm and said “Yes we do, but they work with human power, we don’t have seats we have bikes you have to pedal all the way to UK or the plane will fall” my British mates got the sarcasm immediately and start laughing but this girl thought I was being serious and said all mad “Don’t make fun of her! Is not her fault to have been born in an undeveloped country with poor planes! ” At least she was trying to “defend me” let’s give her some credit…
@heatherhoward2513 15 сағат бұрын
I think we have the lunch menu thing here, but its called specials or chefs suggestions?
@iantobaudonnel1138 15 сағат бұрын
You do havr some of the best universities in the world but as you said, it only applies yo a veeeeeerry small amount of americans (these universities being expensive and very internationale). Just as you have the alot of the richest people in the world. (And other points like athlètes/cinema industry). All that to say you have some of the greatest elite but the "common folk" will seem to say " WE are the best". It feels like people boast and get pride from feeling part of that group when they actually are not a part of. You have the best but you also have the worse in your country and americans seem to only look at their good points( that do exist ). I rather have everybody get a good life than just be happy to know that some of us are getting an absolute blast at the cost of most but that seem to sound already too communist for usa 😂
@aretemisravenheart5178 15 сағат бұрын
Another one. I’m Mexican, teacher of languages, white (color is not important for us but is to put you all in context) and one day, one of my USA students told me “Teacher, I know why you are white” and sighted I said “why?” and he said “Cause since you lived in japan and china you consumed these Asian products to whiten the skin, now it makes sense” and I said “Makes sense what?” “That you are this white being Mexican, you changed your skin color, and let me tell you, the results you got are amazing, what did you use? Did you use those Japanese pills for whitening or did you try the laser method?” and I wanted to play a little and said “and as for my eyes, what do you think I used?” and he said all excited “Laser, no doubt! Hell yeah, it’s amazing. If I didn’t have blue eyes, I’ll ask you to recommend me your doctor”… For him the existence of a white Mexican is a complete glitch on the Matrix. And by the way while living in Japan, one day I was at the school’s gate talking to a college in Japanese (is one of the nine languages I can speak and I was teacher of Spanish in Japan at that time) and I saw a couple of so painfully obvious yankis looking at us insistently, but I didn’t mind them I thought they were just being curious, but when my college teacher left they approached to me with a smile and the lady told me in English assuming that I DID for sure speak the language (she didn’t even stop to ask where I was from) “Girl you are amazing, you are a pride to our country” (Imagine my face, I was thinking “why would I be a pride for their country?”) and I said “Thank you but… why?” and the man said so proud “Why? Girl you are the proof that America is great!” and I said “Oh you are talking about the entire continent” and the lady said “No, we are talking of America, not of Asia”… and she continued “Such a pretty American girl here talking in perfect Japanese, this hellish language is too hard to understand! And I guess you can read those doodles, right?” and I said “Yeah I can read those “doodles” but those are an alphabet, hiragana katakana and kanji, not doodles. And if you called me American because I came from that CONTINENT, then you are right, but if you think I’m from the USA you are WRONG, I’m from Mexico” I wish I had a camera to show you all their faces… full in disbelief and the lady said “No dear, you can’t be Mexican” “why” “Cause you are white, you can speak English and JAPANESE (she made a big emphasis in this one), you are pretty and tall, Mexicans are short ugly and stupid, you MUST BE American” and repeated “Yes I am American (she smiled) cause I was born in the American CONTINENT (her smile faded away), but I’m MEXICAN, was I clear or do you need me to repeat it in Japanese French English RUDE ENGLISH Chinese Russian Italian or Arabic, decide which language you can understand best. Mexicans are not stupid monkeys like you, we can learn many things, we can be tall white and pretty in all colors and beautiful, but add a bigger talent than those you mentioned before, we have something called INTELLIGENCE, and yeah we can speak way more languages than a yanki could ever learn” she was utterly offended to the point to take her hand to her chest and I added “Now if you excuse me, we Mexicans also have something called education, something new for you I know, but here in Japan, being late is a big disrespect and I had lost so much time with a pair of donkeys, but sine in Mexico we like animals, I’ll take it as my good will job of the day. Have a good day” and left. The lady was shocked and start screaming that I was a crazy beener that was FOR SURE a wet back in Japan… Now I know I have super powers because I crossed the entire Pacific Ocean swimming to enter wet-back in Japan ¡Take that aquaman! ¡You are a pathetic joke compared to me! And as for the lady, in Japan they HATE scandal so she was immediately silenced by the passersby commanding her to respect their country.
@MikeSmith-ye9ho 15 сағат бұрын
Just to confuse you even more, there is GMT which stands for greenwich mean time which most of the military in the world use it remains the same if you are talking to countries, military It’s used primarily in submarines all the time
@whuds1159 15 сағат бұрын
UK electrical sockets / outlets are probaly the best in the world the top pin is the ground which has a black sleeve at the bottom which is longer than the bottom two pins so it always goes in first You are not supposed to wire a plug yourself in the Uk but most appliances have a moulded plug It's not difficult to wire a plug IF YOU KNOW WHAT YOUR DOING The key for the windows should be kept close by for house insurance reasons Some windows open wider more than others these are fire escape windows Carpet in a bathroom for me is A NO NO i tiled my bathroom floor and kitchen most of my other floors are wood which are easier to clean if you have a spillage
@stevenwendellnelson8861 16 сағат бұрын
"CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE, LORD GOD, I beg you to forgive the United States of America for all of the sins that the peoples who inhabit the Nation have committed, and I beg you to forgive the peoples and help guide them in a positive direction, please help them against evil. Thank you for everything CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE, LORD GOD! Amen." 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 Please pray these words now, pray them as you read them if you cannot look and remember them 🙏 Please worship the CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE, THE LORD GOD and try not to worry too much about the differences between the different religions and denominations, try to think about the similarities and the things they may have in common more than the differences. Daily prayer is a fundamental part that many people do not practice although it is encouraged. Please consider beginnning daily prayer, it is a good habit that will help you if you actually do it and continue to do it
@savecu 16 сағат бұрын
Uff, this IS a typical English versión of Spain History. Most of those things are false. For example, La Inquisición Española was by far The softest in Europe.
@_indrid_cold_ 16 сағат бұрын
Just wait till you see the one where there is an overhang at the top and the ladder is actually tipped backwards over nothing but air - and he still climbs it. Terrifying.
@anaaller2541 16 сағат бұрын
The first thing that catches your attention is that we are America, you are not one of the many countries of a continent that is America, and your name is the United States, the 13 English colonies, and the rest of the land stolen from Mexico, the former Viceroyalty of the Empire: California, Nevada, Colorado, Utah, New Mexico, Arizona, Texas, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Kansas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi and Alaska. The image given by the US is that it is the largest country in the world in terms of arrogance.
@FarnarkleKing 16 сағат бұрын
The sun never sets on the British Empire - Was how the British told everyone that they were the most powerful country in the World.
@PatrickKelly-lz3pv 16 сағат бұрын
It takes a full kettle 2 minuets to boil in the UK, boil the same amount of water in that kettle in the USA it takes 8 minuets
@jhamps4806 16 сағат бұрын
I loved Prague, beautiful city so full of history. The food was amazing and the people were lovely…
@kaatom1 17 сағат бұрын
She clearly does not understand the window locks, We don't lock the windows as a rule, but in a child's room they would be locked so the child could not open them unsupervised and then fall out or if your leaving house for a few days or longer you lock them for added security. with old-fashioned Victorian sash windows the latch is easier for you and a thief to open.
@seanmc1351 17 сағат бұрын
$100 for a kettle, you can buy kettle in the UK, ok not a fancy one, for less than the price of a pizza,
@seanmc1351 17 сағат бұрын
it might have been mentioned, the seprate, although they exist still, the reason was, back in the day, the hot water was was normaly stored in the loft attic, and could get dirty or dust in, to to stop the hot water mixing with fresh cold drinking water, they were on seperate system, today with combi boilers, this has been has been eradicated, many new homes have the mixers, but many old homes will still run the hot and cold taps, usually in bathrooms
@vennejosch 17 сағат бұрын
3:59 is Not Bräääd it is toast
@jacquelinevanderkooij4301 17 сағат бұрын
USA-citizend.....not Americans !
@seanmc1351 17 сағат бұрын
The Henry is the GOAT of hoovers, i have worked in the cleaning industry for 23 years, domestic, commercial, and industrial. even a serial killer could not kill a henry
@vennejosch 17 сағат бұрын
Black people always eat schicken
@seanmc1351 17 сағат бұрын
you try eating a soft boiled egg, straight from the boiling water, crack the top, and dip your soldiers, let alone a child, my kids loved egg and soldiers, it was probably dipping the toast in they liked more
@user-ki2je2di6i 18 сағат бұрын
It’s nota boiler ,it’s a hot water tank .
@user-ki2je2di6i 18 сағат бұрын
Kettle are cheap now .and it can heat water quicker
@user-ki2je2di6i 18 сағат бұрын
Kettle are cheap now .and it can heat water quicker
@user-ki2je2di6i 18 сағат бұрын
Carpet in bathroom I’d a 1970 thing . Was to keep the floor warm .
@user-ki2je2di6i 18 сағат бұрын
Put the plug in the sink a d mix the water