Queen Elizabeth II (1926-2022)
(The Crown) Elizabeth II - 7 YEARS
The Queen Mother | The Crown
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Princess Diana | The Crown
2 жыл бұрын
The Crown | Levitating
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3 жыл бұрын
I'm Only Human | Star Wars
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(SW) Duel of the Dyad | Tribute 2021
A New Era | The Crown
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Miguel Diaz | Cobra Kai
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@shaunaburton7136 Күн бұрын
It’s creepy that he visited concentration camps before they were operating. Disgusting
@kingofmanedits 2 күн бұрын
A great man and a great king
@Aramanth 6 күн бұрын
Queen Mary wore the most amazing diamond jewelry. She was the Queen of Diamonds and Hearts! 💎♥
@eyesofibad2461 9 күн бұрын
Except for the nazi stuff, "except", i really dont understand all the hate on him. Had he been happy with his wife, it would be a beautiful love story. I can understand his choice.
@thomasplinguidy4588 11 күн бұрын
"this was always going to coming back" The Queen Mum's statement clearly shows that the royal family's secrecy about many things was pointless in the long run, because everything will come out at some point anyway. If it had any purpose at all, it was that George could steer the monarchy in a better direction and that Elizabeth was firmly in the saddle as queen. Yes, the crown always has to win.
@cmarq817 12 күн бұрын
Like someone said, people in the UK should erect a statue to Wallis Simpson. Imagine Edward VIII ruling the UK during WWII
@michaeljohndennis2231 15 күн бұрын
Having researched the history of this before The Crown had been released, as I am a history buff, including of royal history, I totally agree with both Queen Mary and the Queen Mother’s views on these issues - the irresponsible actions of the Duke of Windsor in 1936 almost destroyed the monarchy, in a similar way to how badly Charles treated Diana with his affair with Camilla while married to Diana (which was the last thing that Diana needed given what happened to her in her own childhood) - even after he was crowned King and married Camilla, not only has he not learned his lessons, but the entire Royal family today has been turned into a cheap and tawdry soap opera following the passing of the late Queen Elizabeth II - her late Majesty was a stabilising influence on the Royal family and it was she alone who kept the Royal family together, but today, after her passing, given scandal after scandal, the Royal family today and the monarchy itself is perilously close to total collapse, where every member of the present Royal family has been involved in one or more scandals
@memeperson55 17 күн бұрын
@historiamilitaris5161 22 күн бұрын
This series made me royalist, proud royalist.
@katiem6773 23 күн бұрын
Edward and Wallace - Harry and Megan.
@manuelll20 23 күн бұрын
A video of princess margaret pleaseee❤🎉
@MattWatts-kv8rh 26 күн бұрын
@supersayan8966 28 күн бұрын
The best tribute to Obi-Wan l' ve ever seen
@vonhernandez9396 Ай бұрын
Princess Victoria Mary of Teck, descended from the german royal house of Wurttemberg. Great Queen. Built of stern stuff
@realistic.optimist Ай бұрын
The Ninth level of Hell in The Devine Comedy.
@edwardnashen5960 Ай бұрын
Edward V111 Traitor!
@calwells5612 Ай бұрын
The duckshoot scene might be my favorite of the series. George VI was a great man.
@buddhidev7877 Ай бұрын
He was a great man, a great king.
@ElizabethHonoria138 Ай бұрын
Where can this be viewed?
@hasekihurremsultan1559 Ай бұрын
Hello!!!! My favorite queen. I loved her, loved her, appreciated her and adored her with all my heart and soul. Queen Elizabeth, Queen Mother was the most powerful in the United Kingdom, she was stronger, magnificent, brave, kind, educated, intelligent, dutiful, obedient, beloved, friendly, loving, amazing, affectionate, good, diligent, favored, capable, smart, resourceful, disciplined, bold, courageous, determined and faithful.
@Bajirkus Ай бұрын
Queen Elizabeth, despite her status, was truly a woman of the people. She even had a racist uncle!
@rr7firefly Ай бұрын
"... a bunch of isolated monsters... joyless and loveless... " the Duke's description of the British Royal Family. Their behavior over the years, cold and distant, seems to corroborate that statement.
@Umaiscoolpro-fw2fg Ай бұрын
The separatist should have said help us
@deaconthoresson-rw8hv 2 ай бұрын
Did Prince Andrew of Greece and Denmark (Phillips father) ever appear in the Crown ( I know he dies before Elizabeth and Phillip married so he wouldn't be at the wedding ( but I don't see him in any flashbacks to Phillips childhood)
@glennhubbard5008 2 ай бұрын
He should have been named John.
@Ouiistiiitii 2 ай бұрын
Duck shoot it's the best soundtrack that made Martin Phipps 😍
@chichipotter4487 2 ай бұрын
Duke of Windsor and Tommy Lascelles were my favourite early Crown characters. ( I will watch anything with Alex Jennings and Pip Torrens in it as a result. ). The Nazi connections of the Duke & Duchess is truly horrifying. Thank God he quit the top gig
@MiiFone1 2 ай бұрын
IDK sounds like an attempt to attack two people who are dead and gone and cannot defend themselves. You Brits & especially your royal family have always been snob nosed elitist IMHO. And this new term thats being bandied about "working royal" LOL as if there was not two words that should never go together it should be those. As if any of those people have the slightest clue what hard work and struggling to survive really is.
@79Bobola 2 ай бұрын
Another bs misleading fictional account of Edward and Wallis, FBI and British intelligence looked into their N*zi sympathizing, and got absolutely no concrete evidence they supported him. That trip was a bad PR move they both deeply regretted.
@mesfinadaleferaw846 2 ай бұрын
Prize award winner!!!
@79Bobola 2 ай бұрын
Blatant misinformation that the British media drummed up about Wallis and Edward, really sad how many people believe it.
@PosDad 2 ай бұрын
He would make a great Dumbledore
@melissanelson8044 2 ай бұрын
Gave me goosebumps.
@SilentGamer180 3 ай бұрын
Rip Anakin Skywalker. 😢 Rip a legend.
@henrikechers9995 3 ай бұрын
Edward or Harry???
@donutnorris9586 3 ай бұрын
Amazing!! Beautiful!!!
@atharvashah4433 3 ай бұрын
This video is an underrated masterpiece ❤❤❤❤
@papi5377 3 ай бұрын
Windsor został wybity pod koniec 19 Wieku. Monarchii została garstka można ich policzyć na palcach u jednej ręki. Jest ukryta.
@papi5377 3 ай бұрын
Windsor zdechł wieki temu
@julianneheindorf5757 3 ай бұрын
Even if Edward VIII had remained the king AND married Wallis Simpson, it may have changed some historical events, but not the main picture as Elisabeth II would still have become Queen since Edward and Wallis never had any kids… although she would have been older when she took over the reins. Wallis Simpson did not want him to abdicate. She really just saw him as a bit of Royal fun, and chance to rub shoulders with the rich and famous. She figured that he’d tire of her and latch on to someone else. She never expected to get stuck with him for life. Only too late did she realize that she had gotten too close to the fire. Her life story is really a case of “Be careful what you wish for…” However, to her credit, she stayed locally by his side for life.
@julianneheindorf5757 3 ай бұрын
Thinking that England would have been safe from Hitler during WW II if Edward had been king is ludicrous. Hitler tried to take Great Britain and he failed. It doesn’t matter one bit that France or the UK declared war on Germany. Hitler marched into every country he wanted. He didn’t take Switzerland or Sweden because it suited his purposes to keep them neutral and out of the war. But he did threaten Sweden, that if they refused to let trains with much needed iron ore from Narvik in Norway go through Sweden by train, he would attack and attempt to occupy the country. The Swedes acquiesced, but the Germans would have had a nasty fight on their hands if they had carried out the threat. Sweden even then had a well armed army and the terrain is very varied and difficult to hold in places.
@travjt2 3 ай бұрын
1:28 Morbius have s3x guy
@ryanbarth6691 4 ай бұрын
Attention everyone the Skywalker saga is returning to theaters for a 9 movie marathon on may the 4th
@spookymiraclepreacher6037 4 ай бұрын
Alex Jennings well acted this role to the point you wanted to truly feel badly for the DoW because he was kind and soft hearted but you knew you just couldn’t.
@D2attemp 4 ай бұрын
He’s also the boxing champion at Cambridge
@mjremy2605 4 ай бұрын
Edward VIII was a traitor to England, very literally, giving state secrets to Germany and asking them to bo*mb Britain so he could be reinstated. I never realized how dangerous that weak, insecure, immature, selfish man was. Now I know. This is an incredible series, very classy and full of real facts. Marvelous piece of work.
@johnthehistorian9889 4 ай бұрын
Just fiction.
@pduidesign 4 ай бұрын
Well he wanted to marry a divorced American actress so he left his duties and his family…hey wait a second…!!!??
@rongoesCDN 4 ай бұрын
Churchill: "If Wallis Simpson didn't exist she would have to have been invented."
@seanwebb605 3 ай бұрын
It's a little more complex than that. You don't seem familiar with the ramifications at the time.
@rongoesCDN 3 ай бұрын
@@seanwebb605 : I know very well that Edward was a NAZI Traitor.
@thinkingitthrough8368 4 ай бұрын
Had you been one of the few in the 40's-1990's, and you said that Edward IIIV, you would have been labeled "A conspiracy theorist". Perfect example of how the powers that be without information, bury it, then release it years or even decades later, when no one cares anymore.
@marshaanthony3656 4 ай бұрын
IDA HO 4 Alledgedly: ●King Edward VIII, hid not just one child, but 2, who are HEIRS to the Throne [1936 & 1946]. ●Ida Kaganovich Cohen Rosenthal Hollander, with the assistance of the US, Russia, England, and China Governments assisted with "rehoming" illegally adopting these infants; 2 girls 1936 & 1946]. ●Ida Kaganovich Cohen Rosenthal Hollander with the assistance of the US, Russia, England, and China Governments may have mandated, ordered, forced Ms. Roni Hollander, Karen Wilkerson, Karen Wikirson to kidnap the Rosenthal Twins [Jack and Jill 10/27/1963] because Ida knew Roni was an HEIR [another one of Playboy Eds kids] and wanted to ruin any chance she may have at that opportunity. ●I can only imagine how scared Roni is to talk. ●England, 1936, 1947, on multiple occasions, violated the Law of Medes and Persians Decree as written in Talmud and Bible. ▪︎England 1936 included the Church with matters relating to England; HOWEVER ▪︎England 1936, 1947 [did u happen to notice same years as the birthyears of the 2 infant girls?] violated Dominion matters by not having a G-d head with Ireland, India; rendering any, every, all changes null and void [um, a King Monarachy CANNOT demote an IMPERIAL MONARCHY; that which is ran by a Emperor/Empress. ●An Emporer/Empress is widely perceived to rule by Divine Right; NOT EVEN THE POPE CAN DEMOTE THEM! ●IT IS TIME TO PUT THE RIGHTFUL HEIR(S), BIRTHRIGHT HEIR(S), BLOODLINE HEIR(S) BACK INTO THEIR IMPERIAL PROCLIMATIONS/DOMINIONS. Meaning, if America was proclimated, meaning given Dominion and/or Sovereignty without a G-d head present [swearing on a Bible DOES NOT COUNT] it is null and void! It [America] DOES NOT EXIST. AS THIS IS LAW WRITTEN IN THE MEDES AND PERSIANS DECREE DANIEL 6:12. When the world gets this information and starts looking at rank and who over ruled that had no authority to do so, there are going to be a lot of people pissed off! And guess what, it they can prove by lineage, documents, [NO DNA needed] [THIS IS WHY ENGLAND REMOVED EDWARD VIII FROM THE BIRTHCHART TREE!!! FOUL, FKN FOUL] and have a G-d head, [which I am-I AM the highest ranking Spiritual Person on this Earth higher than the Pope, appointed by G-d AND I can prove it], review it; they can file to reclaim their IMPERIAL status and boot u out and rule that country and you can't do a thing about it! 11:11 on my clock! Wow!!! Marsha Anthony; Possibly Jill Rosenthal the missing Twin; Empress/HP/Rev12Woman in her calling to fulfill Prophecy Micah 1:15, 4:8