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Torey Pudwill Active Am 2007
Gilbert Crockett Active Am 2007
@JoeKyser 29 минут бұрын
Bad colbert, bad bad bad bad
@akj2771 2 сағат бұрын
Weird how they didn’t become judge, jury and executioner in a case they are not detectives in … skateboarders , and regarding Allegations ……😂way to put them on the spot and be a total dee eye see Kay for posting this though.
@JeremyHyatt-tx4vd 4 сағат бұрын
Yall remember Johnny Depp? Better be careful with this.
@toneohm 4 сағат бұрын
why didn't she tell the cops that he did anything wrong at the time.... my guess is that this isn't a cut n dry thing.. i remember seeing her and Chris flirting at the X Games Park when they first met.. when she worked behind the counter there.. this was like... 2002 probably.. I was jealous. i thought she was gorgeous.. ( i was like 4 or 5 years younger than them.. well, i still am technically lol ) anyhow,, sorry to see this happen.. i remember finding out a couple years ago that they were still together after all this time and it made me really happy to think that they stuck through this whole time.. very sweet.. its a shame this happened.. hope everything works out in the end.. whether together or apart.. xo
@kevurard 5 сағат бұрын
Did she actually make police reports at the time? Or did this just come out of nowhere?
@tvsavery666 3 сағат бұрын
Of course she didn't, just came out of no where. I've heard this situation before, many times. Until there's proof, I don't believe anything anyone says.
@Doatello1991 5 сағат бұрын
I actually think the Nine Club made the right call here. You can’t really expect them to answer and speak on it on the spot when they are likely not sufficiently informed about it.
@LB-qf3ef 5 сағат бұрын
You dont leave certain things alone, guys. You call it out. I have a young woman daughter and i would hope that if she were being abused in a relationship that everyone who saw it would call it out or do something. Only the weak let abuse go on.
@sbs 6 сағат бұрын
Chris Robert’s couldn’t even read the question out loud
@robertbrink 3 сағат бұрын
LMAO for real
@GlassGenius 9 сағат бұрын
It’s a lot to touch on? Well touch away your shows go for fucken hours
@robertbrink 3 сағат бұрын
@fairyfuck8479 11 сағат бұрын
Best to wait and not amber heard this shit
@tvsavery666 13 сағат бұрын
Nine club were in the right to not comment on something they don't know much about.
@shakeandbreak2938 14 сағат бұрын
If JT knew about it and did nothing then he is going to be canceled
@tvsavery666 3 сағат бұрын
LMAO no he ain't. Age of outrage. Everyone always trying to cancel someone. Here's a tip, don't go believing people on what they say with zero proof.
@BroadcastsFromPoorFarm 2 сағат бұрын
The better phrase is to just say “held accountable.” We hold ppl accountable.
@tvsavery666 Сағат бұрын
@@BroadcastsFromPoorFarm you don't do shit, neither does anyone else. Who the hell is anyone that has any sort of outrage? Having an Internet connection doesn't give you any power against what someone does, didn't do or thinks.
@BlackSpineRecords 15 сағат бұрын
What’s the deal with Cole? I haven’t seen anything
@robertbrink 14 сағат бұрын
peep the recent uploads on my channel. i interviewed his ex wife about her abuse allegations
@tvsavery666 13 сағат бұрын
​@@robertbrinkand you're just going to believe her that easily?
@robertbrink 11 сағат бұрын
Yup! Especially with all the evidence she’s presented and her son’s post about it
@tvsavery666 11 сағат бұрын
@@robertbrink yeah, history sure has shown that people don't lie.
@Sage-666 5 сағат бұрын
@@tvsavery666 coles own son came out and said his dads an abuser and as someone who has been around abuse and has been abused its very obvious shes telling the truth and yeah history will prove u wrong because only 2% of domestic abuse cases are false its crazy how ppl can come forward with evidence and witness accounts and yall will still not believe them and yall wonder why so many ppl dont immediately come forward with abuse
@rkulla 18 сағат бұрын
It's tough to be put on the spot, especially about a topic like this. Hindsight is always 20/20, and I just ask for more patience and forgiveness toward them. My own hindsight on this is that I should have asked in the chat rather than using a donation message that caught them off guard. This was new territory for all of us. Let's use this as a learning opportunity to empathize with each other more. Shows like Brink's that tackle difficult topics deserve respect for addressing important but challenging discussions and shows like The Nine Club deserve a chance to either cover it on their own time/preparedness or cover it separately in their individual accounts, or not cover it at all, since that's not up to me. ❤
@robertbrink 18 сағат бұрын
They can learn from this for sure and hopefully they will! Thanks I am donating $100 to a women's charity for what you did.
@rkulla 18 сағат бұрын
@@robertbrinkThanks. Hopefully more good stuff like that will come from all of this.
@robertbrink 15 сағат бұрын
@@rkulla Exactly the point in me doing it
@Pceandlove231 20 сағат бұрын
Where is the full interview??? Just little clips?
@robertbrink 17 сағат бұрын
We have to do it at Christine's pace and respect her wishes and tread lightly legally. We agreed to release clips that had evidence to back them up. And we will release more until the full interview is ready!
@KillumiGnarly 21 сағат бұрын
Yo Robert Brink! i remember watching you do the Weekend Buzz interviews this popped up on my home page. for years i always wanted to make it in the skate industry in some way shape or form. but ive realized that Stock market has beyond crashed and it seems all the new skaters have to dress all the same and follow the same instagram trends to get any coverage even if they suck or even if they are OG's LOL. Thanks for being a cool part of skateboarding back when it was more of an Underground thing where people had there own style! much love OG!
@robertbrink 17 сағат бұрын
Yo dude thanks! I'm back! :)
@eklatist 23 сағат бұрын
I´ve critiqued the Nine Club before for sugar coating and being a bit shallow and as much as I think this needs to be talked about, if I wouldn´t have all the details, I´d probably wait to adress it, too. I don´t know if Cole being violent towards his ex wife was an open secret and everybody knew about it, but maybe they are finding it out right now as well?
@robertbrink 18 сағат бұрын
They are not finding out for the first time live on the air. No way.
@eklatist 15 сағат бұрын
@@robertbrink It´s tough. The Nine Club has a responsability to cover more than just the "special, special,...special" stuff. Skateboarding ain´t all beautiful and everything is easier to deal with without hiding it. Cole is a public person, Skater of the year twice, he must adress it himself sooner or later, too. I really feel for her, I know how impactful violence is.
@decaying_hummus 23 сағат бұрын
I love it…cowards.
@mirraco323 Күн бұрын
They will sadly never address it just like they never address any crazy shit that goes on with any of their “bros” I.e. Yonnie Cruz situation
Pals are mad
@ScootyDonny Күн бұрын
If Crob was not lying, here AND when he promised to do better after that Mark Oblow incident, then he'll do a little research and be talking about it on the next episode. Don't hold your breath.
@bananaclipper7692 Күн бұрын
it’s worth noting also that Ryan Kulla regularly donates a lot to the show and is not a random person just trying to start shit or something
@JN-vi9iv Күн бұрын
What did she do that made him so mad
@robertbrink Күн бұрын
Nothing that warrants what happened to her.
@JN-vi9iv Күн бұрын
White women always call the cops or will post that they are or were abused because they want to wear a badge for domestic violence. Thats why I only mess with ethnic women, they don’t call the cops they fight back !!!
@ShmeksNowWat 11 сағат бұрын
@@JN-vi9iv teach me edgelord
@KyleJett Күн бұрын
Can someone fill me in??
@ScootyDonny Күн бұрын
type "chris cole allegations" into google and fill yourself in homie
@robertbrink Күн бұрын
watch my other recent videos here with his ex wife
@dadboard Күн бұрын
This type of bullshit is why I don’t watch them anymore. “Thats a lot to touch on, you gotta leave certain things alone” OR you stop being a spineless pussy who only do the same flavorless talk show every week to keep their names in the game and actually confront the ugly reality of what’s being shown to you and expose that piece of shit for the abuser that he is. This is just disgraceful.
@zeroireland Күн бұрын
Typical completely spineless, inane response from the Nice Club.
@johnwolf3563 Күн бұрын
We need to know both sides of the story. Something tells me there is more to this than just her being so innocent. If you pay attention to Cole’s social media recently, before she has come out with these interviews and social media attention she’s getting, Chris and Whitney Cummings are openly dating. I think this has her (Christine) butt hurt so she’s out to destroy him and make herself out to be the huge victim. None of this sounds great but I think a shit ton of it is fabricated. Saying from the get go that him calling you red made you feel so awful and how much it hurt you….bruh….that was the beginning of the relationship….coulda changed it or got out of it then. I’m not saying she’s lying completely. I’m saying she’s blowing it all way out of proportion to where some of these things didn’t happen the way she’s playing it out to be. There’s her side, his side….and then there is the truth. I bet money she isn’t as innocent as she’s playing out to be. Seems to me she is reaching far on troll pages on insta too for clicks and getting noticed. Eventually the truth will come out.
@idontwantone132 Күн бұрын
Why would Chris dating Whitney Cummings make her butthurt? She just got married to another dude recently herself
@robertbrink Күн бұрын
This is not the take, dude.
@ScootyDonny Күн бұрын
There are screenshots of texts and emails of Chris admitting some of this stuff. Spend fifteen minutes looking into the evidence my guy.
@tvsavery666 13 сағат бұрын
​@@idontwantone132that shit happens all the time. Doesn't even matter if she remarried or not. Women still get jealous. I wouldn't believe one person's side of the story without hearing the whole thing either. Chris could have came out and said his ex wife was abusive and I wouldn't believe him either. You don't just believe everything you read or hear.
@NathFilms Күн бұрын
Do an episode with them and force them to talk about it without them knowing and put them on the spot
@Tryingtogetradical Күн бұрын
They shook that question quick and took the money lol
@wacksilson64 Күн бұрын
Hes now dating/ig flirting with Whitney Cummings
@arthurhatten Күн бұрын
For real?
@wacksilson64 Күн бұрын
Not a single comment on chris coles ig abt this.
@robertbrink Күн бұрын
Deletes them all within seconds
@PeepGamePopoff 16 сағат бұрын
@@robertbrinkwhere can I read about it
@robertbrink 11 сағат бұрын
My last few clips here or on my ig have all the info thats been spoken about so far
@PeepGamePopoff 10 сағат бұрын
@@robertbrink eh I scrolled your page, uninteresting. Good luck.
@wacksilson64 Күн бұрын
Thanks for talking abt this
@mo-kw6pe 2 күн бұрын
...and let's not forget the movie Brink.
@blankwavemessiah 2 күн бұрын
Just so fucked up…… thats really all I could say
@blankwavemessiah 2 күн бұрын
Also, Brink…. You know everyone knows everything in hindsight, down in the comments. It was still just a story when this happened. She was even giggling too, thats just how it was when this was filmed. Everyone’s gotta be a know it all online. F em’ lol
@robertbrink 2 күн бұрын
Ya. I know. Just want people to know that I'm not afraid to address things, or apologize you know?
@blankwavemessiah 2 күн бұрын
@@robertbrink of course, brother. cheers
@blankwavemessiah 2 күн бұрын
My fuckin inspiration as a skater, basically my hero of sorts. Just so fucked up. I re-watched the motivation and everything seemed so happy and normal. He must be really good at hiding his issues. I remember he didnt really have a dad or whatever in that film when they talked about it. I wonder if that ended up being a bigger negative influence in him than he realized This is that pro stardom for you, boys and girls. Gotta be careful because one day that microscope burns deeper than you could ever realize. Its crazy that so many of us as strangers can watch something like this happen. WHATEVER the outcome of all of this, I hope everyone stays safe, finds help and happiness, and faces their fears Cheers and love to all
@blankwavemessiah 2 күн бұрын
This whole thing is so fucking crazy, man.
@billytheb0t882 3 күн бұрын
You fucking rule Christine. That’s it, no sappy bullshit. You rule.
@bbrunner14 3 күн бұрын
Needed to get a Chris interview and released at the same time in order for people to get both sides. You can never find the truth with just one persons side of the story.
@driftlessskater5475 3 күн бұрын
I’m sorry, but that’s not how interviews work. What if CC doesn’t want to do the interview? What if he wants to do an interview, just not with Brink? The interviewer is there to let the interviewee tell their story. It’s up to the parties involved to clarify, corroborate, or deny the allegations by telling their story and bringing receipts, whichever way they choose to do that.
@mitchfree7447 3 күн бұрын
As soon as Chris grows the balls to confront what he has done, I'm sure Brink will have him on. But he won't. His silence speaks volumes.
@robertbrink 2 күн бұрын
Chris and Jamie Thomas know I am open to interviewing them. ball is in their court.
@jorgevelez1809 2 күн бұрын
@@mitchfree7447 what has he done? Call her Red, throw two suitcases? This was her chance to clearly define the problem 😑
@highonangeldust Күн бұрын
⁠@@jorgevelez1809His own son posted recently supporting his mother and corroborated the emotional and physical abuse. Respect to his son for standing up to his father and calling him on his bullshit. Sufficient evidence has been presented and I guarantee that she’s got some more receipts to post. Sorry your hero is an abusive zero.
@mitchfree7447 3 күн бұрын
Absolutely heartbreaking. Cole is a POS, and needs to get some serious help.
@rolandoramirez2083 3 күн бұрын
Heartbreaking stuff.
@TherealEddyfroston 4 күн бұрын
Great work Robert, its nice to break out barriers in skateboarding and be able to talk about life in general, the good and the bad times included. Slap pals are going to hate on this one, but whatever.
@robertbrink 3 күн бұрын
Thank you! They will hate on me no matter what I do. Fuck it!
@fr-ik3749 2 күн бұрын
i think slap pals actually support this! they still dont like brink (sorry dude) but they agree that this is important issue.
@westsquests9504 4 күн бұрын
Where can I listen to this whole thing I mean I found out yesterday and I literally changed my whole life after finding out who Chris Cole was and I’m devastated to know he did this he was my hero…
@robertbrink 3 күн бұрын
Not out yet. More from the Christine interview plus many other episodes are on the way.
@jtmoney85 Күн бұрын
@@robertbrinkWill your new show be on KZfaq, Apple Podcasts, or another platform? Thanks for all the entrainment over the years. Please keep it going. 🤙🏻
@robertbrink Күн бұрын
@@jtmoney85 Both and Spotify! Stay tuned to my IG for details. Thanks for the love!
@moonposture5542 7 күн бұрын
wellll this did not age well
@moonposture5542 7 күн бұрын
I believe her. Cobra’s are known to choke
@toneohm 5 сағат бұрын
no they're not? its a venomous snake... not a Boa Constrictor.... clearly you're someone who believes whatever they're told right off the bat smh.. I'm skeptical... and you should be too.. (nothing against either of their character) just bc its a very serious thing and you should be skeptical..
@huntertherealtor0.o 7 күн бұрын
Wild. Met Cole twice. 2007 zero demo in Birmingham and again in 2012 Zero/DGK demo. Never forget it. Damn. Never thought Id see this. Definitely will be following how this ends up
@crustycatfish 7 күн бұрын
All this information coming out the last few days has been a lot to take in, Chris has been my favorite skater for as long as I can remember and have met him multiple times. I don't want to believe this is true but I remember that story Christine told on the Weekend Buzz and I believed that story was true then, so I believe her now. I just wish the best for her and the kids. I'm curious if Chris will ever speak about it.
@ScootyDonny 3 күн бұрын
He made some statement about the allegations being "categorically false" which means it's definitely true.
@russellbortzfield8898 8 күн бұрын
I thought about this story when you started teasing the new conversation with her and immediately felt awful for missing all the red flags the first time.
@robertbrink 8 күн бұрын
@arthurhatten 8 күн бұрын
Good on her for sharing her story. And fk that guy. Total kook.