12 Critical Signs that Indicate Your Cat is Going to Die

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Jaw-Dropping Facts

Jaw-Dropping Facts

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As a loving pet owner, it’s important to watch out for signs that signify the end is near. This will help you provide your pet with the proper care to keep them comfortable during their final days. In some cases, keeping an eye out for these signs can help you to identify an issue early enough to extend their life a bit longer.
In this video, we will talk about 12 critical signs that indicate your cat is going to die and tell you about saying farewell to your beloved pet.
Cats often lose control of their bladder or bowls as they age.
Some cats may poop or pee in their sleep, while others may dribble urine as they walk without seeming to notice.
Some medications and moving their litterbox close to where they rest can help.
Decreased Mobility
As a cat nears death, their legs will start giving out and they will become less mobile due to muscle loss and pain from arthritis or other health challenges.
Weakness is often progressive, starting with something small like no longer being able to jump up onto the kitchen counter, and this may progress to difficulty navigating stairs and even being unable to get in and out of a tall litter box.
You can help your cat by making sure that all of the things they need are easily accessible. If your cat is suffering from arthritis, your vet can prescribe cat-safe pain medications.
Seeking Solitude
Cats often withdraw and prefer solitude when they are gravely ill.
They may hide somewhere, or move to a secluded corner of your home. In the wild, a dying cat instinctively understands that they are more vulnerable to predators. Hiding is a way to protect themselves.
Changes in Appearance and Smell
Cats are very clean animals. They spend most of their day grooming. If your cat has lost interest in keeping themselves clean, this may be another clue that they’re reaching the end of their life. They will also develop a detectable unpleasant odor due to toxins building up as their organs stop properly working.
They don’t want your treats
Lack of appetite is common at the end of life. Your cat may start eating less and may have a hard time finishing their daily portion.
You may also notice that your feline will stop drinking water.
But remember, almost all diseases - and even stress - can cause loss of appetite in cats.
Not Interested in their Favorite Things
When a cat nears the end of its lifespan, they begin to lose interest in the world around them.
Their favorite toys will gather dust, and they may no longer have the energy to follow you to the kitchen or jump onto their favorite cat tree to watch the world go by.
This is because your cat feels more tired than usual, and it may be painful for them to move around too much.
Odd Breathing
When a cat is very close to death, they may breathe in an odd manner.
Your cat’s breathing may be very fast or very slow. They may also simply have to work hard to move air in and out.
Weight Loss
As a consequence of not eating enough, you will notice a decrease in your cat’s weight. But weight loss can also be common in senior cats, and it will start well before the end of their life. This is because as cats get older, their body becomes less efficient at digesting protein.
Drastic weight loss can also be an indication that your cat is suffering from cancer.
Behavioral Changes
As you might expect, your beloved pet probably isn’t feeling their best near the end of their life. They could be in pain, sick, uncomfortable, and going through a lot of changes all at once. This can lead to them behaving differently, becoming irritable, hide more than usual, or even hiss at you.
Reduced Body Temperature
As death inevitably approaches, your cat’s body cools down and they lose the ability to control their own body temperature. Owners often notice cold paws and cooler breath.
You can keep your feline comfortable during these times by using warm bed and heated pads.
Their Gums Change Color
If your cat’s organs are no longer functioning properly, their gums may change color.
Blue gums can indicate that there’s not enough oxygen in a cat’s blood.
Bright red gums could be a sign of toxicity or overheating. White or pale gums can be a sign of blood loss or poor circulation.
Yellow gums indicate organ problems such as liver disease.
Normal gums should generally be a bubble gum pink color.
The weeks leading up to the end of a cat’s life may be stressful, but try to cherish and enjoy the remaining time you have with your pet.
Provide your cat with care and affection.
Keep them warm, with easy access to a cozy bed and a warm spot in the sun. Make sure they have easy access to food, water, litter box, and sleeping spots. Help them out with maintenance grooming by brushing their hair. Keep their environment quiet and peaceful, and don't let other pets or kids bother your feline.
It's important to remember that if your cat is suffering from a lot of pain, assessing the option of euthanasia is humane.

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@TheScreenScience Жыл бұрын
For anyone here who has lost their fury friend, my heart goes out to you.
@quaidabadlahore5756 Жыл бұрын
Thanks man👍
@analysnoyb3146 Жыл бұрын
I have 2006-2022
@Benay_AANTA Жыл бұрын
Don't remind me please.
@EpicNateWarriorV2 Жыл бұрын
I lost 2 cats in the beginning last year of 2022 My first cat named James who we had ever since 2014 passed away in 2022 Me and my mom notice he was acting not him self we called a vet and scheduled an appointment but when the day finally arrived while I was at school my mom found him on the floor on the laundry room lifeless he wasn’t breathing he didn’t have a pulse To do this day my whole family still don’t know what cause his death And my second cat Jake, Jake was born in 2020 at my grandmas house One day I was at home my mom said she has a surprise for me and there he was a black and white cat and I named in Jake Jakes cause of death was roundworms parasite I was there for his final moment I kept feeding him, and I help him drink water by using a syringe It got more worse when the worms made it to his spinal cord and now he was paralyzed from the neck down When I pet and loved on him When he looked into my eyes and I look back at him in his eyes I can tell that Jake knew he was not gonna make it through this one I kept on loving on him and he was purring And I fell asleep and I found Jake life less body right next to me But I am happy that I got to make him happy for his final moments I know he was happy that he got to spend time with me for his final moments
@salwa7458 Жыл бұрын
Thanks its been hard
@Galenarnen Жыл бұрын
My cat passed away two weeks ago. He had none of the signs until one day he suddenly vomited with blood. In the next day he grew very cold. Then I drove him to an animal hospital, where his organs where giving up one after another. The day before he died, I was visiting him there, holding him, petting him. He seemed better than before and wanted to go back home. His body gave out, though. He was only 7 years old. He was my best friend. I miss him so much.
@mackiaker707 Жыл бұрын
Sounds like he was poisoned
@RosieandFriends1 Жыл бұрын
It could have been oral flea medicine. My sisters cat died from that a few years ago. 😣
@sheenushandilya Жыл бұрын
@@waterdragon2224 that lump in throat 😢😢😢😢😢😢 may god give you strength to overcome that huge loss
@jennykonijnenburg3031 Жыл бұрын
My boy was euthanised on januari 2nd, we saw it coming but it was so hard, he was only almost 11 yo…. He had lots of the signs. He was gone before the vet was ready……. I miss my little fellow so much
@waterdragon2224 Жыл бұрын
@@sheenushandilya thank you 🙏
@TehSmokeyMan Жыл бұрын
I grew up with a white cat and she reached an impressive age of 25 when she fell asleep for the last time on my lap... Seeing this makes me realize what an amazing trooper she was; she barely showed any signs at all, being active and elegant to the very end. That did however make it slightly soulcrushing, along with the vet trying to cheer me up by saying "she really lived for her owner the past couple years"... Makes me realize how lucky I was, spending all those years with her😊
@leosunrising Жыл бұрын
I’m sorry for your loss. I’m hoping my boy will live until 20+ years. It really hurts to think he won’t always be here. Thanks for sharing your story.
@sniper_engot Жыл бұрын
25 years was very long, what a lucky car, my mothers cat live 18 years or probably 19 or 20 but I count from 2000 as I heard the cat enter the home from 2000.
@katiesatiiva Жыл бұрын
@@leosunrising me too. I dread this day 😢 My cat has got me through some dark days. She’s been my little rider. I can’t imagine life without her. We just have to make the most of them. At all times. 💙
@katiesatiiva Жыл бұрын
@tehsmokeyman 25 years is an amazing age. I’ve known to the age of 20. But 25 is absolutely amazing 😻 RIP to your little trooper 😘
@hermangouw Жыл бұрын
You were really blessed having your beloved cat. I hope my beloved 2yo cat Loui will outlive me (in my early 60's). I always remind my 14yo youngest daughter (whom Loui loves dearly) that she needs to take care of Loui fully if this happens. At the moment Loui is taken care by myself (65%) and my daughter (35%).
@nanmatar2925 Жыл бұрын
I have a 23 year old kitty, she has recently lost her vision and sense of smell but still keeps hanging in there, I love her
@Darksider087 Жыл бұрын
God bless your cat, may her health continue to remain strong.
@claraburnette5007 Жыл бұрын
My baby calico girl turned 20 last year. She is not doing as well as I’d like for her to do. Just hope I can get her checked out an she will be ok for a few more years. I love her dearly. Got her when she was bout 6 weeks old at my vet. Was there getting my puppy his shots an check up. Lost him after 13 1/2 years. Sure miss him. Now have a grey tabby cat besides my calico. Grey baby is 6 years old. Hope things work out good for my sweet babies!! ❤❤
@nanmatar2925 Жыл бұрын
@@claraburnette5007 check her vision, ability to smell and her hearing I also warm my kitties food for easier digestion. When my baby lost her sight she kind of gave up, but bounced back. Much patience and comfort helps.
@vampirehunter533 Жыл бұрын
I had a black and white cat I named Oreo born sometime I think in 1999 and died July of 2016. He had a heart murmur problem and I think his heart must of gave out eventually, but he was definitely a character chasing dogs off his territory. And he lost most all his teeth so he turned into a toothless grandpa cat. He was certainly a miracle cat cause he suffered a horrible facial injury where he got a fractured cheek and jaw bone but was able to recover and live for a few years more.
@grandvoid6940 Жыл бұрын
@brad7141 Жыл бұрын
hardest part of owning a cat is to know you will out live one of your closest friends.
@QueenKatz8 Жыл бұрын
Not necessarily, Brad. I find it so sad when I hear of elderly pets outliving their owners, and shelters trying for ages, if at all, to find new homes for them. As with a lot of older folk (there are too many people in aged care homes who no-one visits or cares about) many people do not want old animals and they can therefore be much more difficult to rehome, especially if they have health issues. At best, I'm in my "winter years" now; my kitty is a healthy middle aged queen and it is one of my sincerest wishes that I outlive her, or she reaches an age where if I have to, I can have her put down without guilt about cutting her life short. She's my best friend and closest family member and, after a lifetime spent with many treasured animal companions, I have decided that she is my last one. That said, I hope that we still have plenty of happy, healthy years together before it's time to "cross that bridge".🌈🤞😺😊💞
@brad7141 Жыл бұрын
@@QueenKatz8 Wife and I adopted 2 mid aged cats due to nobody wanting to take them. Your not lying about people over looking the older cats. One cat we assumed was given up by her owners. The other I dont know about but nobody was adopting her so we took her.
@raynimrod Жыл бұрын
But imagine how much of a beautiful life they had because you cared for and loved them. Their life would have been far worse without a lifetime of love. It's better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all. I truly believe that.
@Tom-ld9hp Жыл бұрын
It's a toss-up for me. I wonder who will go first.
@joefish6091 Жыл бұрын
hence kittens and more kittens
@geraltzrivii3860 Жыл бұрын
Im crying right now during watching this. Someone please hug me. 😭😭😭😭
@evelynneufeld7610 Жыл бұрын
Hugs 🫂
@lynnsmith6325 3 ай бұрын
Hugs to you, I know how you feel!😢
@man_on_the_echonet2291 2 ай бұрын
Digital hug🤍
@nanse9315 2 ай бұрын
Big Hugz!!
@HevansgeographyclassPlantebloe 2 ай бұрын
I lost my biggest friend yesterday😢 he still ate but it took alot longer then usual he was undecidable😢
@pfonseca67 Жыл бұрын
This may be hard to watch but I’ve already lost two of my 3 cats and I never “replace” them. I simply cannot suffer like I did and deal with the guilty feeling of having to put an end to their suffering. Both cats were in my arms while the vet gave them the shots. It seemed peaceful for them but I miss them so much. Now I channel all my love to the one I have and, when time arrives, I will never ever have any more pets. It’s simply too painful. Pardon me for my need to express my feelings here.
@belindadrake5487 Жыл бұрын
@Paulo Fonesca OH, , 😭, l understand COMPLETELY my big hearted Friend. I lost my 2 boys, & it rips your heart out. I’ve had cats all my life; always have founded strays or given to me by someone who’s intentions are honourable , & l’ve NEVER turned one away . JINXY was 17, & SNAGGY at 20. They were buddies. My grief was overwhelming, as it is to yourself & others l am sure. I didn’t want anymore cats either. After 6 months of not ‘being me’, my husband just caught me off guard one night while l wasn’t ‘ quite here’ … long story short, he took off that night and came back a few hours later with a little white fluff ball. I was asleep, until l woke up straight away to find a tiny white kitty. Too young to have been let go by his own mum. Some people 😡. I even had to teach him to drink water , bent down on all fours myself . Wot could l do? Now, l am so GRATEFUL . HAMMIES will be 12 in May. I try not to think about that. I ADORE HIM, & l KNOW HE FEELS THE SAME. 🥹 l believe you have a hole in your heart for any beautiful ‘fur kids’ all your life; it’s that way with me. If l’m gonna be a funny old ‘cat lady’; so be it. Maybe people should think WHY does this happen to ‘crazy old ladies’ 🤔…. Simple . Cats, dogs, birds, all sorts of critters just want love. No hatred in their souls unless they’ve been abused 🤬 SO, PLEASE DON’T THINK YOU’RE ALONE: I UNDERSTAND COMPLETELY . I’ve never trusted people who don’t like critters. PERIOD. Your furkids will be playing with mine now, waiting at the 🌈 bridge. Oh LORD, I’m tearing up. I don’t give 2 hoots wot other people think. You have EVERY RIGHT TO FEEL THAT WAY. GOD BLESS. 🥹😻😽🌈✨⚡️💫
@cazbiz9332 Жыл бұрын
It was hard to watch this. My girl Bee is almost 15, although in good health. I’m not sure if I’ll get another one. The problem is, as painful as outliving a pet is, the thought of a beloved pet outliving me is worse. I’ve fought through many a difficult period because I have Bee to take care of. The thought of her ending up in a shelter or a worse situation horrifies me. I’m her whole world and she loves our home. ❤
@sadtalebian9446 Жыл бұрын
If I was u I be happy that my cats die they just annoying animals that get In our way and waste time
@audaciousred Жыл бұрын
@@cazbiz9332I can relate. I'm disabled (happened just a few yrs ago) the thought of them outliving me is my greatest fear esp since I have no family. After they pass there will be no more
@baalmolech Жыл бұрын
It’s the painful consequence of loving something so much. I’ve lost three dogs and still cry when I think about our goodbyes. But other animals out there would be so lucky to receive the love and care you can provide. I adopted a stray cat recently and although we will say goodbye one day, I treasure every moment I have with him and he gives me the will to keep going on.
@peekaboo4390 Жыл бұрын
The video that every cat owner dreads. Losing them is heartbreaking.
@jacksonalbrecht3652 4 ай бұрын
My roommate cat died it was sad but a blessing since the cat was mean if he was in my room he would fight me off away I'm also allergic
@Tony.L9793 Ай бұрын
Any pet owner feels dreadful, can be any pets like dogs or birds etc, it's like losing a family member
@Z0mbi3Pee 7 ай бұрын
I put my baby of 14 of years down yesterday. She jumped into my arms like she did when she was a kitten. She laid her head onto my shoulders like she was saying it was okay. She is being cremated and i got a paw print of her. God. I woke up from sleeping after and i immediately went to go look for her. I panicked and started to cry. Gah. Its still so fresh.
@trevorbowen6695 6 ай бұрын
I’m sry for your loss ❤
@KamChillTV19558 6 ай бұрын
@bethcoussou 3 ай бұрын
I am so sorry about your kitty. 😢 They really do leave an empty space in our hearts.
@hwanjung8230 3 ай бұрын
Literally crying as I read your post. Sorry for your loss
@Mikevdog Ай бұрын
@zamasusenpai9462 Жыл бұрын
I lost my beloved gray tabby. Her name was Libby. she died in May 18, 2018. There’s still a hole in my heart. And I’m coming to terms with the fact that that’s never gonna go away. The only thing that I have left of her if anything at all is a picture of her. It breaks my heart to know that I can no longer remember the sound of her meow? I can no longer remember what she looks like unless I look at the picture. and it breaks my heart to know that I will never have her follow me around the house again. I will never have her wait for me outside the bathroom door after a shower. I will never have her cuddle up with me next to me in bed again. I will never be able to feel her giving me kisses. And I will never be able to hear the sound of her purring or feel her warmth that she lays down in my lap. I will never forget the day that I lost her. It is a memory that is forever etched into my minds eye and one that will forever painfully twist and burn my soul.
@peggypeggy4137 2 ай бұрын
You sound like you are really great with cats. Cats have great instincts and they have a way of finding a kind, compassionate owner. 🐱 With all due respect, have you considered adopting another cat? ❤
@akeismyfav Жыл бұрын
I cried while watching this my cat died from a disease And the first thing I remember was she stopped walking completely couldn't even get out of her litter box or stand for a second It was so so much painful as day by day went by she got worse and even the doctors gave up almost She was my sweet little angel ♡ I will never forget her...never!
@aydenphomprida8244 Жыл бұрын
What type of disease
@---.---.-..- Жыл бұрын
R.i.p ❤
@norielyndevera8686 7 ай бұрын
Same 😭😭 hes not moving now
@akeismyfav 7 ай бұрын
@@aydenphomprida8244 I don't know but she got weak and starting to throw up eventually and after all of that she died. She couldn't control her back legs either
@freyathewanderer6359 3 ай бұрын
@@akeismyfav My sweet Aida died from a sudden illness. When I realized she couldn't stand up, it was off to the emergency vet. They did their best, but she crossed over the rainbow bridge. RIP Aida, and please say Meow to Ragamuffin.
@TsukasaFanTc Жыл бұрын
I will never forget the day my beloved Pouncer died. He didn't have a lot of the things listed in the video, aside from being very underweight due to Hypothyroidism. It was a gut feeling the day he passed. I was getting ready for work, and as per my daily routine, I opened the cat door for him (he was spoiled rotten all his life) and he just... Took a long look outside, looked up at me, and went back to my room and layed in the middle of my floor. I knew his time was near, as his health was in decline and he was the ripe old age of 19 years old. I just... Burst into tears. He was my life long best friend, and the bes cat I could have ever asked for. I was living with my parents still, I told my mom that I was pretty sure Pouncer was dying, that I was pretty sure today was the day. My mom comforted me and suggested that I should call out from work today. I'm a very dedicated employee, and rarely call out (even to this day) so when I called in, I was expecting some level of understanding, but was met with "can't you just take him to the vet or something?" my mom was right next to me, and heard my boss say this, and my mom said "Are You F***ING Kidding Me?!" loud enough for my boss to hear, and my crying got harder. My mom says "He's been with you all your life!! Give me the phone! I'll tell her what's what!" in that moment my boss said "uh- I'm sorry, I... Um... Will see you tomorrow." and hung up. (she fully apologized to me the next day I worked, and said that what she said was insensitive, and that she would have called out too if her dog was dying) That boy was spoiled til the end. He got all he could eat shrimp and ham, and after he had enough he put his paw on my hand. He did pee himself, but I cleaned him up. I cried so hard I fell asleep beside him in my bathroom. When he decided it was time, he moved away from me and went behind my toilet. My mom had to drag me out of my room saying "He's holding on because you're here. Let him go." I secretly returned to my room about an hour later, and looked at him. His breathing was barely there. He didn't acknowledge my touch. I kissed my fingers, and touched his head... And said goodbye, and that I loved him for the final time, and left the room. I went back another hour later... He was gone. That was the hardest I've ever cried in my life. I still cry recounting that day. I miss him every day. My favorite hello, and my hardest goodbye. 1995-2014
@dariaalekseeva7252 Жыл бұрын
This is the saddest story I've ever read 😭😭😭 I'm literally crying right now
@Hatfield680 Жыл бұрын
It is sad that you're the cat died.
@TsukasaFanTc Жыл бұрын
@@Hatfield680 thanks. It's okay though, he lived a long beautiful life full of love. 19 is a ripe old age. I was just grateful I was able to say goodbye to him
@LashLeRoux.1 Жыл бұрын
Whatever you do, when the time comes, be with your cat. Many vets have told stories of cats looking around frantically for their humans because they don’t understand why they were “abandoned” in a room full of strangers at the end of their lives.
@susanmccormick6022 Жыл бұрын
I have almost always been with my dear ones at the end of their lives.Only times I wasn't,when I was working away from home & when a very mean vet wouldn't allow me to be with Major Thom,one of my first strays.And when my little black Katie died whilst I was out.My fool of an ex was supposed to take her to the vet,but never actually did so & I didn't know how to get there(big city)experiences were very upsetting.It wasn't the first time he did nothing when a cat needed vet attention.The fool left some of his blamed tablets around & Skye ate them.I was out shopping.My son,whose cat Skye was,was only 10.Instead of rushing him.to the vet,he sat & watched him.My son has never forgiven him.He also blames himself for doing nothing.I have as little to do with him as possible.
@patthewoodboy Жыл бұрын
I always stay with my cat and cuddle it right to the end , its an emotional part of owning them.
@jaredellesigue8617 Жыл бұрын
one of my favorite cats died because of sickness he just lived 1 or 2 years
@LashLeRoux.1 Жыл бұрын
@@jaredellesigue8617 I’m so sorry. I had a kitty pass after only eight years and I thought that was way too soon. I can’t imagine losing a kitty after only two years.
@James_Knott Жыл бұрын
I have had to put down several dogs and a cat over the years. I'm always there to the end. The only exception was my previous cat who just wandered away to die of kidney failure.
@devon5694 Жыл бұрын
9 months later, and still heartbreaking
@wrinkledasian5206 Жыл бұрын
I want to thank everyone here with all my heart for loving and caring for your cats.
@russrandolph Жыл бұрын
I just listened to a sermon on the the breath of God in humans and animals. The thought that our pets might meet us in heaven is comforting. 😌
@MsMadmax1 Жыл бұрын
I worked in a veterinary clinic, and I witnessed my fair share of dying animals. I knew my cat was at the end of her life when 1) she stopped grooming herself. 2) she could no longer get to the litter pan in time. In fact, she'd lay there and urinate all over herself. 3) her appetite diminishes significantly. In fact, she would rarely eat or drink. 4) she had lost all her playful energy and slept most of the time. In most cases, cats will die from kidney failure or cancer. If your cat is in kidney failure, she may drink and produce little or no urine. It may be painful when they urinate, and they cry. There may be blood in their urine. If they have cancer, there will be a fast-growing lump usually on the lymph nodes or mammary glands that will feel solid rather than fluid filled. If your cat isn't eating but doesn't appear to be losing weight, x-rays can look for cancerous growths in the abdomen that don't leave room for food. In any case, it's best to have your vet run x-rays, blood and urine tests to check. While it could be a routine infection or stones, if your cat is getting up in years--over 11 or 12, chances are good they may be going into renal failure which if caught early may be treated to extend your pet's life. But it's basically a band-aid and if they are in renal failure, it can't be reversed or cured. Special diets and meds can give them a better quality of life but sooner or later, those won't be enough either. I had my cat for 16 years--she was my constant companion, my little shadow. It was hard to let her go, but I loved her too much to let her suffer and I knew she would let me know in her own way that it was time. I keep her picture above my desk in my office. I also looked at it as a sign that once the pain of her loss wasn't quite so acute, the universe would give me the opportunity to give another shelter cat a forever home.
@MasonTheFurryCat 10 ай бұрын
My grandpa’s cat is around 14-15. And she is healthy, and energetic as always. Watching this video makes me afraid of “that day”
@stuartmoore6310 8 ай бұрын
Thank you for being one of the Angels at the veterinary office. There have been some wonderful folks where I took my cat. That was very good advice that you gave and applied to my cat. X-ray showed she had an indistinguishable mass in her abdomen and the vet suggested to just let her live with it since she was already 21 years old and any surgery would likely have been more than she could handle. She did manage to make it a few more years of quality life just being an old girl laying around the house. I was afraid I'd took her in too soon to be euthanized but I did not want her to suffer and I could tell she was starting to fade. For a long time I was feeling really guilty that I took her in too soon because it took a long time for her to go. She was a fighter right to the end. She was on the table for almost an hour before she finally closed her eyes for good. That literally was the hardest day of my life. It's been a year-and-a-half and it's just now starting to feel okay.
@michaellee222 Жыл бұрын
My wife and I have lost 3 cats in the last year. Each one extremely heart wrenching. We have one left. We will spoil her until it is her time. We are not sure if we will adopt another one. It's too hard to watch them die. My prayers go to you and your little fur buddies.
@donnaharvill8210 Жыл бұрын
# Michael Lee. Yes it's so hard to loose them but that empty void that is left is worst to me! I found it is much easier to look at it that way so I can go meet my next baby!
@ziblot1235 Жыл бұрын
I buried a cat yesterday. He was a feral that I had known since 2009. He spent the last year drooling blood. Finally he devloped large tumors in his cheeks. He couldnt let me catch him until this weekend but the vet was closed. He ate like a horse, and drank water. But then yesterday I went out to his hut shere he stayed, and he had left his bed and was ling out under the trees in his park where he spent his life. It was more than I could handle. I broke down right there in front of the disk golf clowns. I wish I knew there was a heaven for them. I spent so much of my life ignoring them. For the last 20 years I have tried to make up for it. I have adopted this colony. I know them all.A dying cat is the saddest thing in the world. They are so brave. They accept pain without complaint. LIke I said, Im 72 now and I guess we speak the same language. I miss him so much already. Poor fellow. He drooled for over a year, then he drooled just blood. I put amoxcillin in his food and it seemd to help for awehile. But he was a skeleton. Poor fellow.
@Brii.Z Ай бұрын
The Bible does speak of animals in Heaven, so it does stand reason our pets are there waiting for us. I've heard this question so many times and the best answer I've heard is as follows: Pets don't sin, they act according to their nature, so because they don't sin, they enter Heaven. Humans on he other hand all sin, so we need someone to reconcile us back to God, that's where Jesus comes in. So those who believe on Jesus's death, burial, resurrection, and blood atonement are reconciled back to God and tern Heaven. But again, because animals don't sin, it would stand reason they would enter Heaven upon death because there are animals spoken of in Heaven
@animabellas Жыл бұрын
It’s really frustrating that I learned more from this video than I did at the vet when my cat clearly had all these signs. They were not very honest with me about the severity of her condition, but judging by most of these signs, they knew she was at her end. I just wish I knew sooner. Please please trust YOUR gut when it comes to your fur babies.
@someguy2972 Жыл бұрын
Did you take the covid "vaccine"?
@chloeholmes4641 Жыл бұрын
@@someguy2972 very fucking rude to say that when someone had to put down their pet! 🤮🤮 If you want to groom children about your beliefs do it at the church where its legal! Other than that. Get the fuck off the internet!
@damiendye6623 Жыл бұрын
@@someguy2972 what's that got to do with the price of eggs?
@realramas Жыл бұрын
Exactly i went to vet so many times like 20 vists maybe and learned very little, they just love to grab money
@emily--m Жыл бұрын
Thank the Lord for the gift he gave you. It's called a gift of discernment. A truly hard gift walk in. Next time just listen to Him.
@bwhog Жыл бұрын
I've been through this a few times. It's like saying goodbye to a child. You just don't know how to do it and you don't want to have to learn.
@dariusbrock2351 Жыл бұрын
My cat passed at the age of 18. He had a stroke and was really starting to improve when he took a turn for the worse and passed away. I noticed a lot of these signs looking back. I still have his sister whose 17 and I watch her even more closely now. Thanks for this video, it'll help a lot of people!
@lesleyannashea4136 Жыл бұрын
@freyathewanderer6359 3 ай бұрын
I had an alley cat who lived to be at least 18 - possibly more, as she was an adult when I took her in. She was fairly healthy to the end, though she did lose her sight (but thank goodness she could find the litterbox!)
@Verbsdescribeus Жыл бұрын
Such dignity in these pure souls! At 14 yearsl old, my cat is terminally ill and there is not a day that this kind heart is comforting me! It is a paradox, right? She knows I suffer from seeing her in this state and still purrs and comes near me to show affection. Unconditional love forever!
@DavidGreg-wm3ke Ай бұрын
I pray to God to give you a lot of beautiful days and you know God loves us so much,So where are you originally from? I am David originally from Spain but currently living in Texas now...
@muigoku2734 Жыл бұрын
This video had me in tears 😢 I know it's part of life, but it's sad to think about
@user-ic8ln8fq8h Жыл бұрын
Such topics remind me of importance spending time with the loved ones, and I'm not implying only one's pets. We often forget that we live in that very present moment, failing to ejnoy not being alone
@joehoisington7761 Жыл бұрын
My boy is only seven but the thought of saying goodbye in the future always chokes me up. I grew up with cats and have been through many a-passing, but I've never held so close a bond with one as this one.
@hanapapercuts Жыл бұрын
Enjoy his company-you are really fortunate to have that bond and don't let the fear mar your relationship with him.
@just.a.guy522 Жыл бұрын
My boy is also 7 and I've had him since I was 13, he was my first pet, and I took him with me when I recently started living alone. I feel incompetent as a cat owner, most of it is probably anxiety, but I still love him to death and I really don't wanna see him go I hope he gets to be by my side till I'm way into my 30's :(
@janicecroissiert9116 Жыл бұрын
I just went through this, twice. With my cat Lucky in 2021, and most recently my Peanut in November of 2022. Lucky passed at home. She was 16. Peanut I had to have euthanized, he was suffering so, cancer. He was 15. I was with him during this. It was the hardest thing I had to do. I’m still so sad, and know that we will outlive our beloved pets for the most part. I have 1 cat left, he will be 10. 💔
@RealbluesparkFN Жыл бұрын
@saintessa Жыл бұрын
I'm so sorry... Mine is 16
@lindih111 Жыл бұрын
I'm sorry for your loss...🙏🏾I'm so worried about my cat .She's 17years 9months and she refuses to eat,potty and drink water.I'm not strong.I can't even eat myself 🥺
@janicecroissiert9116 Жыл бұрын
@@lindih111 Please take her to the vet to be checked. I’m sorry you are going through this.
@paytoneva Жыл бұрын
My grandma and grandpa's cat died in January and was 15. She lost so much weight. She was all bones, and we are sure she had cancer. She couldn't even jump on the couch and died in her sleep.
@rybik7267 Жыл бұрын
I lost my sweet girl 3 years ago.. still missing her...!!
@muigoku2734 Жыл бұрын
Sorry for your loss...even if it was 3yrs ago 😓
@rybik7267 Жыл бұрын
@@muigoku2734 Thanks.
@gregggraison7131 Жыл бұрын
All animal lovers know how hard it is to lose a loving pet that's become a family member. So sad.
@boataxe4605 Жыл бұрын
My last cat, Puddy, had a stroke at 16, and seemed to recover pretty well, but a year later he had a second one. It was clear that he wasn’t recovering from that one so I made an appointment to have him put down, the appointment was for 6:00 pm, he died on my lap at 3:00 that afternoon. He knew that it was his day to die and did it on his terms,saving me from having to go through the trauma of having him euthanized. RIP Puddy!
@kimberlyrobinson3992 7 ай бұрын
My last cat was Puddy, too!
@gregh1853 7 ай бұрын
Im 65 and had cats,,,,up to 5 at one time for the past 40 years, Ive just lost 2 in the past 14 months with only one cat left. He is close to 14 now and it feels so strange with just one cat. I take my cats death harder than humans,.....only my wife 6 years ago was worse, For you none cat people out there never say "its just a cat" for me and lots like me they are our children.....never having kids they are my kids.
@barbatkinson5822 Жыл бұрын
I just lost my beautiful 21 yo Lucy Feb 13th. She went naturally surrounded by love. She gave us so many beautiful and funny memories. Rest in peace my beautiful old friend. You are missed.
@nandansho Жыл бұрын
The worst part is petting them...and then you wake up petting the air, realizing they're gone and you were dreaming.😭
@nannyofmany8315 Жыл бұрын
I lost my fur-ball on Feb 8th last month, TeddyBear, who I had adopted 9 years ago. He was 8 then. Poor old boy. Had a good life before and after I adopted him. Such a happy go lucky old man whose highlight of the day was cuddling up after telling me it was my bedtime lol. Left me broken. I am coping but omg I miss Teddy so much. Great big Ginger and White Persian cat. With the biggest eyes and his tongue poking out. Lol. He really was my precious old boy!! 😢😢😢. Lots of wonderful memories tho 😊😊
@DavidGreg-wm3ke Ай бұрын
I pray to God to give you a lot of beautiful days and you know God loves us so much,So where are you originally from? I am David originally from Spain but currently living in Texas now...
@Vixi90 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for this video. Euthanasia was THE MOST difficult and painful thing I’ve ever done in my life, and I’ve been through some pretty hardcore stuff in my life (as most of us have). He lived 20yrs and passed at home, in his bed with me kissing his head telling him how much I love him. I miss my boy every day and the pain is still great after 3 months without him. 🐈 I know I saved him from more suffering as the only way was down, but damn. I can’t see a time where I don’t physically miss my boy. 💔
@wilcox728 Жыл бұрын
So hard but you are your kitties angel. Remember you gave your kitty a beautiful life, so many homeless cats suffer terrible in the freezing cold and rain, never knowing love.
@DavidGreg-wm3ke Ай бұрын
I pray to God to give you a lot of beautiful days and you know God loves us so much,So where are you originally from? I am David originally from Spain but currently living in Texas now...
@tuppenceworth5485 Жыл бұрын
I recently lost my cat a couple of months short of her 16th birthday. She never had any illness before but suddenly developed a red rash on the right side of her lower gum which turned out to be a tumour. She found it difficult to eat and kept drooling saliva with traces of blood. I had her since she was a kitten, so it was heart-breaking to see her go.
@ronda9317 5 ай бұрын
I just loss my bff 10yrs unexpected on Dec 11 2023, my heart will never be the same. All my prayers and love to everyone who is going thru this or have.
@barbaranostrand4214 Жыл бұрын
About a year ago, the veterinarian at the emergency clinic strongly urged euthanasia. My beloved Kuronosuke had a brachial tumor which obstructed 95% of his airway and he had lost about two pounds. The veterinarian also claimed that my guy was blind. I miss him very very much. I had taken him in to his regular veterinarian maybe as much as two months earlier. He was basically on palliative care. He caught a mouse less than a week before the end and was very proud of himself. The last day was very hard for him. You could hear him breathing in the other room. For the last year of his life he very much liked to scrunch against me and would grab my arm and pull it toward him when I had to move it away to do something. I love him and miss him so much. *SNIFF* I do hope that I made his last days at least somewhat pleasant. Incidentally, he was also a bit of a "shoulder cat". I supported his but and placed him to that his paws went across my shoulder as part of my "saying goodbye". I so much want the "Rainbow Bridge" to be real.
@beverlybenson9981 Жыл бұрын
@sheenushandilya Жыл бұрын
That's feeling is understandable..... touching the core of soul........ Rainbow 🌈 bridge must be real.. i believe
@susanmccormick6022 Жыл бұрын
One of my rescues was pure black.Looked kitten sized.The vet said he was actually an elderly gentleman.She also believed his leg injuries were caused by being thrown from.a car!!!He also had cancer of the mouth which was spreading.Vet gave him some medication but wasn't too hopeful.Also said that there was an expensive op which could b performed,but no guarantees.He was with us a couple of months,so sweet & loving.My girls didn't take to him,but he ignored them.He could only eat soft things like ham or eggs.And could he shout if he was hungry!Lex said we should let him go.Not put him thru the op, especially if no guarantees.He was able to sit in the garden feeling the sun on his little body.And got lots of love.I hope he knew in his last week's how loved he was.This was during the covid outbreak,so when the decision was made,I couldn't go into the vets surgery with him.Had to say goodbye outside.The vet said he was one of the sweetest cats she had ever met.He sleeps now in the garden close to my dog who would've loved him I know.I still don't know if it was right not to have the op.I feel so guilty.He was only with us a short time but he will always hold a place in.my heart.I.hope his abusers rot in.hell!
@sheenushandilya Жыл бұрын
@@susanmccormick6022 just read and n feel devastated........... How much ppl around are going thru........ Here my eleven months boy simba went for a walk and never came at 2 march 22.........😢 Even google photo's won't show me more memories or pic of sim after 2 march M missing u mate😕😣
@caroltenge5147 Жыл бұрын
The rainbow bridge is real.
@marshie2597 Жыл бұрын
This made me teary-eyed. My roommate's cat recently died and I've been with them 2yrs. Her cat was only 4yrs old. Most of this signs happened. My roomie used to work from home and recently started an on-site job. We thought the changes in her cat was because of that. She has 2 others and I have 2 more. And fostering 4 kittens too.
@IHateUTTPPlsBanThemYoutube Жыл бұрын
I had a cat that only lived for 1 day
@williamgeorgefraser Жыл бұрын
Back in November one of my cats, an 18 month-old female began sneezing, sleeping all day, not eating and not cleaning herself. I took her to the vet, thinking that she had cat flu. It turned out to be Infectious Feline Peritonitis. There was nothing they could do and I was with her when she was put to sleep. I couldn't speak for crying. It was horrendous.
@bryanpeterson5646 Жыл бұрын
A family friend of mine owned a pet cemetery and once told me the saddest thing. She said that if you have to put down your pet, when they ask if you want to stay with them, always do it, no matter how painful it seems, because if you don't, they will look for you until they are gone.
@HardcoreHC92 Жыл бұрын
My smoky -Odin watch over him- was slowing starting to not eat, he would walk slower and had a slight limp and yes he did hide constantly in this one cabinet I wouldnt find him for hours… but I had a horrible feeling something was wrong his coat was getting rough and was shedding constantly and he just didnt look right… Turns out his kidneys were shutting down and fat was growing around them I tried to save him too late… I held him in my arms as he passed… I will never forget him 😰😥 RIP MOMO! ❤
@muigoku2734 Жыл бұрын
Sorry for your loss
@Infj6569 Жыл бұрын
I miss my Princess Aiko so much. She gave me so much joy all the 17 years of her life. She had 4 big dogs living with her but she was still the reigning princess, the only female in the house. She swatted their butts as they passed her like no one’s business but hers. I miss her so so much! She was euthanized in my arms at the vet’s clinic.
@mid9sun Жыл бұрын
My sweet boy had lung cancer, much trouble breathing, had to let him sleep. He was only 6. His ashes is with us, placed right in the middle of the house now. Miss him dearly, my eyes are wet typing this.
@M0viLover Жыл бұрын
Good video. I had two cats a number of years ago. One passed at 10 years old. She was vomiting bile, as she hadn't eaten, and had stomach cancer. I put her down, once the tests came back. The other one passed at age 17. She had a loss of appetite, which lead to weight loss. I took her to the vet, who though she might also have stomach cancer. At a minimum, she had fatty liver. Within days, one night she didn't have enough energy to jump into bed with me at night. I put her down the next day. Her death was slower, and hit me harder. I'm in my 50s, and I don't think my body would fare well if I got another cat, and had to go through that again. So, I haven't gotten other cats, since.
@freedbyhisgrace9075 Жыл бұрын
My cat was almost 19 when he died. He was an indoor/outdoor cat. I knew he was dying the day he came in and just laid at his feeding dish. There was a different look to him. Then he wanted to go back out. We had a cathouse for him on the deck. That's where he went. I felt bad because it was pretty hot outside, so I went and picked him up and brought him back into the kitchen with me. I tried to make him comfortable. But he staggered over to the door and wanted to go back outside. So I let him go. He could barely walk. I watched him hobble over to his house and go in. A couple hours went by, so I went to check on him. He was gone. Literally. He wasn't in the house. My husband found him a couple of days later out in the weeds by the tree he used to hunt at. He knew where he wanted his end to be. And it was on his terms. Miss ya, Ming.
@davidmatheus26 7 ай бұрын
My cat made 10 years this year, and from last week he was acting strange, we went to the vet and yesterday we were notified that he has a renal cronic problem, he looks very sad and is on medication, but I fear the worse, this cat is my biggest passion, my very best friend and I see him like a son, he was with me through the best and the worst. He surely will be the saddest goodbye, we still don't know if the treatment will help him stop suffer, but I only want him to be in peace, even if the worst decision has to come. It's sad when these amazing friends start to witter, they deserve to live so much as we humans do. My heart goes to everyone who lost their cats, and to the ones that fear to lose them, it's too painful, but that is how nature works 💧 stay strong 🤍
@talhasaeed4158 Жыл бұрын
THIS VIDEO IS EPIC. It comforts you when ur pet is dying and also tells signs of death
@nexcelvlogs Жыл бұрын
Sending love to those who have lost their furbabies. Cat daddy of 5 here
@susanschildt2738 Жыл бұрын
I recently lost my beloved orange tabby, Rooney Cat. He started going down hill with many of the changes discussed above. I know it was coming,but he kept on going with the love and care we have him. On a Saturday morning he came upstairs,and just flopped over on his side and never got back up. We took him to the vet and had to let him go. We loved him and gave him the best life we could offer him. I still miss him and thank of him. He is the last cat I will ever have the privilege to love. I am 75 and to get another cat would not be fair to the animal.
@DavidGreg-wm3ke Ай бұрын
I pray to God to give you a lot of beautiful days and you know God loves us so much,So where are you originally from? I am David originally from Spain but currently living in Texas now...
@waterdragon2224 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for the kind words. It means a lot to me. I’m doing better. Thank you all. 😊❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@jorgemarenco34 Жыл бұрын
My joey boy passed away 3 days ago.. my heart still just hurts. I tried everything. He first started off with pink eye on both eyes then shortly was becoming blind. He wasnt active as much as he use to be but I figured it was because of him being depressed from being blind but i was there for every step he took and he got use to me and depended on me. Days later he was loosing weight fast then out of nowhere his back legs started giving out to were i had to walk him around with a towel holding him up. Eventually he just couldnt stand up anymore and quit using the litter box and kept on eating the litter even tho i would literally spoon feed him every hour and he would eat for the most part. Then all of a sudden he started leaking out urine but could never use the bathroom. So we made the tough decision to put him to rest cuz this just wasnt him. He never cried or anything he just sat there looking so sad. Doc said his liver was failing but idk i didnt think it was going to be this tough loosing a cat cuz i have never been a cat person before nor ever had one. 😔💔 RIP Joey I miss u so much
@joettaserio6453 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for the info. I have lost a cat to cancer but now I have another senior cat that is nearing the end of her life and is being treated by the veterinarian for weight loss. I'm glad to hear your suggestions!
@mohussain1615 Жыл бұрын
Goodbye Winter. You were only with us for a short period of time but you touched our hearts with an abundance of love and affection. I will never forget you my boy. Hope to see you in Heaven one day. Goodbye my love. ❤🤲
@qtvsfelonycharge8034 Жыл бұрын
Please consider adopting senior cats. It's a lot of work, but really rewarding work. Two years ago, we adopted a 14 year old cat. We though or perhaps hoped to get 3 or 4 years together, but he unfortunately passed away due to cancer. I don't regret that. I only regret not having enough time with him, but I cherish the fact that I saved him from a shelter. And even knowing that I didn't get enough time, I would do it again. I will do it again. When it's time.
@Nicole-qg5gl Жыл бұрын
My cat keeps going to the bathroom outside his litter box. I don’t know why he is doing it. Now, I’m monitoring what he’s doing so I can see the signs of him dying. I’m afraid of losing him. He’s my best friend.
@roehrc Жыл бұрын
If he’s going outside the litter box, it’s recommended to take him to the vet to check for any health problems that might be causing that. The vet can also help figure out why he’s doing that and how to correct it. I just wanted to throw this out there because I have had cats who’ve done the same, and one suffered from constipation and my current one is diabetic. It isn’t necessarily a sign your cat is dying soon.
and dont really worry too bad. of course, worry, because you dont want him to be hurt, but ive had cats that will poo outside of the litterbox, just because they didnt understand it.
@leosunrising Жыл бұрын
Make sure he sees the vet. It may very well be something he can take care of. Good luck. I hope you’re not losing your baby yet.
@fourbladex Жыл бұрын
My cats did this when they didn't like their litter. Also if the box is too smelly/visually dirty. Taking them to the vet is never a bad thing though. Make sure your kitty is okay.
@QueenKatz8 Жыл бұрын
Please don't despair! Your kitty may have a health issue like a urinary tract infection, or he may be stressed for a reason that is not necessarily obvious to you. A neighbour's cat recently started peeing inside after a relative brought her dog to stay for a few days. I suggest you take your cat to the vet for a full checkup asap
@tiarasarjeant5649 Жыл бұрын
I lost my cat Sophie a month ago. She was sick in the beginning of the new year right before she passed she was very weak and could not eat but I always think about her. Plus I took so many pictures of her so I can cherish the moments of me and Sophie because she loved spending time with me.
@shirley34 Жыл бұрын
I lost my cat 2 months ago, it was before Christmas 2022, he had cancer & I knew his time was coming to an end, the evening before he died he wanted cuddles with me & so I placed him on my lap, he was very weak, though I must say he never hid from us, he was always around us, I still miss him very much, he was a grey Persian so the grey cartoon cat in this video reminded me of him…RIP GANDALF 😢
@DavidGreg-wm3ke Ай бұрын
I pray to God to give you a lot of beautiful days and you know God loves us so much,So where are you originally from? I am David originally from Spain but currently living in Texas now...
@ericwilliams2317 Жыл бұрын
Having lost my best pal Boo, a 20 yr old Maine Coon after a battle with cancer almost 7 yrs ago, I now know just how awful it is to lose something so dear. I still don't think I've got over watching him go downhill during his last few months and finally having to have him put to sleep. It was the hardest day of my life so far.
@NLY-sk8s Жыл бұрын
I had a Maine Coon too. Sam... He was the smartest, sweetest cat I've ever had. He developed kidney failure at age 13. Devestated to have to say goodbye. No other cat has measured up. ❤
@tishamorgan8388 Жыл бұрын
I have had quite a few cats over the years and losing one of them always hurts like hell, but in the end sometimes euthanasia is the last gift you can give them. I always make sure my face is the last one they see and I always thank them for sharing their lives with me.
@ericwilliams2317 Жыл бұрын
@@NLY-sk8s Hi. Yep, they sure are something special. I won't ever forget him, that's for sure! God bless. Eric.
@ericwilliams2317 Жыл бұрын
@@tishamorgan8388 That's the 'one' thing I really regret. When he slipped away my wife and I were standing behind him, out of sight. We were both too numb with sadness to even think about touching or talking to him - then it was too late!
@tishamorgan8388 Жыл бұрын
@@ericwilliams2317 I am sorry his passing was so difficult for you. It's never easy to let a beloved pet go 😢
@valeriehartman3705 Жыл бұрын
My cat Marcel had a tumor under his tongue. I couldn't not have it removed for the sake of him losing half his jaw and be in more pain. I chose to let him go in dignity instead. It was heartbreaking because I only had two weeks to say goodbye. It took me six years to get another cat. And Larry, the cat I have now, only plays with one toy, always the same (he has many others), and that toy is a crochet mouse I had made for my Marcel. It's like Marcel saying he has accepted him and lets him Plat with his toy.
@Yhurealpressedhuh Жыл бұрын
Thas wsp 😢✊🏽🖤
@amyjobuchanan9684 Жыл бұрын
bless your heart ❤️😭I'm so sorry for your pain it took me fifteen years before I'd ever own another pet again I understand completely.
@redarrow7088 Жыл бұрын
My 12 y/o tabby Woody had the same thing. I called him my comfort cat b/c he was with me during monthly medical treatments, sort of like chemo. I cried every day for over a year. I stopped crying when a feral kitten took up in my carport and needed me. I still miss him. Having a pet die is horribly painful,
@sw33tm3 Жыл бұрын
It’s been a week since our sweet boy suddenly passed away. I wish I had more time with him 😢
@RamblinRose-hh3rz Жыл бұрын
Thank you. My Harley passed away in my arms Dec.2016. 😒😔 He was a tiny baby in the palms of my hands when we found him..He was 14 1/2 yrs old when he passed. ❤
@ukoutlaw5238 Жыл бұрын
I have an 18+ year old tortie that I rescued when she was about 1 year old. I appreciated this video, even though I was bawling my eyes out the whole time. 😭 It hurts like hell to lose a beloved pet. I'm getting older and I don't want my cats going to a shelter or worse. So, when I drew up my will recently, the first clause was about someone to take care of my girls, in their own home or mine, and I have put aside money for the girls' upkeep till the end of their natural lives. That makes me feel a hell of a lot better about my own death! I've had to have several cats put to sleep through my life. I do it for THEM. I always feel like I can't go through that again. But after about 2-4 weeks of severe grieving, I feel I MUST rescue another cat, in honor of the one I recently lost. That's the way I see it. So please never say never. Be open to the possibility, or even likelihood, that another cat will need you and choose you. Take care of yourself. 🐈‍⬛🐈💚
@JeffDJ69 Жыл бұрын
My fawn tabby Ollie is getting up there at age 14, but so far he's still going strong and I hopefully have a good number of years left with him. Watching this video (esp towards the end) and reading through some of the comments has really choked me up a bit. This kitty is the first one I've owned on my own, and, knowing that he has fewer years ahead of him than behind, I'm really not looking forward to the days when his precious life eventually starts winding down. But this video was certainly helpful in bringing to mind the things to keep an eye out for when that time comes. 😿
@thisistodd190 Жыл бұрын
i tried not to tear up while watching this. i had two cats. I lost one last summer after 16 years. i miss jaguar so much
@Tigerqueen28 Күн бұрын
My cat Kiki sadly passed away on Wednesday May 29th of 2024. She lived a long amazing life. I loved her SO much. I actually found her under my porch cause she was abandoned by her old owner. I got a new cat, And I named her Britney! I'm going to miss Kiki so much, she was a amazing sweet little kitty. She made it up to 15 years of age. Rest in peace my old friend. 🕊️
@GaborLorincz-fr4vp Жыл бұрын
My cat lived 22 years with us. I am proud that I did not notice, but my neghbours told me he lost his hearing. He understood my gestures and I understood his body language. The very first sign of his approaching death was that he could no longer groom himself. He found a great pleasure when I started combing him every day. At his final days I made a soup of chicken and he loved it. He is burried in our garden under a magnolia tree. A lot of narcises and lilly of the valley is flowering right now on his grave.
@GaborLorincz-fr4vp Жыл бұрын
I was more of a dog person. I had dogs in my childhood. Long story short the cat came into the family because of my kids. As kids always do lost interest in him after a few days. I had to feed and maintain the cat. I learned to appreciate the friendship of an independent being (he was born on hte street. His mother lived on the street) who can live without you. It was a great change is my attitude when after a very painful medical treatment I was bedding in our patio. I did not want to disturb my family so the patio was fine for me. My furry friend stayed for too weeks next to my bed. He could not help me, just stayed with me. He did not walk into the garden unless nature called for a few minutes. I felt really obliged since this period.
@davidparks395 Жыл бұрын
My kitten is 16, she’s never been more than 7lbs and is only really about 6.5lbs now. She has a tough time getting going sometimes do to stiffness. I give her hand baths a few times a week to help her with grooming…something I’ve been doing for years now because she always fought baths. I think she’s happy, she’s always been a grumpy and loner type, doesn’t like other animals. I know she doesn’t have too much time left with me but I cherish every moment. I let eat whatever she asked for, watermelon, roast beef, mostly she likes the lickable treats because they are easy to go down so I give her a few of those a day and mix some water with wet food to keep her hydrated on top of just leaving dry food out for her if she wants it. It may not be right giving her a bunch of treats but I feel as long as she’s eating it’s better than nothing and she could use the calories and fatty food. Some days she’ll play many she won’t and spends a lot of time laying around because of weak she’s been. I still let her outside when she wants. She doesn’t go far anymore and will typically just side on the sidewalk close to the door so she has a quick way in. I’m going to miss her when she goes, 16yrs is a long time but I am prepared and I hope she is happy.
@Nufi-pie Жыл бұрын
The same happened with my cat but my parents realised she was not eating or using the litter they knew something was wrong. When I heard the news about my bunny I burst into tears. But after a few day my dad went to pick up my bunny from the vet and the next time my mum went for a visit go the vets the vet was so amazed she opened her mouth because my mum told her that she was using the litter and that she was running more. Thanks to my parents my bunny is still alive today and she is about 10 or 11 or 9 year old.😇😇😇😇
@Nufi-pie Жыл бұрын
I ment to say bunny for the first one lol
@Nufi-pie Жыл бұрын
Oh and She was not eating or drinki g but now she dose all the things she was not Able to do.
@kargonfow5563 Жыл бұрын
Very helpful video. It's sad to see cats suffer and leave after years of lovely moments
@Aeryu Жыл бұрын
This hit harder than anticipated.
@lindahunter4545 Жыл бұрын
I had my cat since she was just a kitten. We spent 18 wonderful years together. We faced stressful times (like moving & making trips to the vet) fun and happy times. She had her health problems as she was hit by a car and developed arthritis in her left hip. I noticed that as she grew older, she didn't want to have fun like running up and down the stairs and getting the "zoomies" like she used to do. I noticed that she was "slowing down" and then by the time Summer came around, she insisted on staying outside all day and sleeping most of the time. A couple of weeks before she passed, she didn't come back inside at all and wouldn't eat as much as usual. I would visit her outside and she would talk(meowing) to me and rub against me more often than usual. Then one day she stayed outside all night. No matter how hard I tried, she wouldn't come back inside. The next morning, I called for her to come inside to eat and she was nowhere to be found ever again. I was overcome by sadness because I realized that her recent behavior was because she knew that it was coming her time to cross that rainbow bridge. I never found her little body so that I could berry her so I made a little memorial next to her favorite tree that she was always chasing squirrels and scaring birds and catching lizards. I planted a little flower in a pot and put it next to the tree and I painted her name, month of birth and then her month and year of death. I wrote that I would always love her and miss her and to rest in peace 🙏 I still miss her to this day.
@sheenushandilya Жыл бұрын
That's pain 😞 crouching the heart n soul ........ Hope she peacefully crossed 🌈 🌉🥺
@lindahunter4545 Жыл бұрын
@@sheenushandilya I do, too. My cat that I had for 19yrs just the rainbow bridge about 4 months ago. I adopted her as a tiny kitten and we had a close relationship. I just wish that I had more closure with her passing. She was old and had some health problems, like arthritis. So it was expected. But I never found her remains. I've heard that cats and dogs leave to find a place to die when they know it's their time. I just wish I knew what really happened to her. I will always wonder, I guess. She had a favorite tree that she liked to try to climb and chase squirrels and scare off the birds and everything. She loved that tree. So I just made a little memorial to her. I got a potted pink Rose and I managed to write her name on it (Tamu) and month of birth and month of her day of crossing the rainbow bridge. I love and will miss her forever.😸😺😪😢❤️❤️❤️
@lindahunter4545 Жыл бұрын
Sometimes I can still see her, playing around her favorite tree where I put her memorial.
@sheenushandilya Жыл бұрын
@@lindahunter4545 i can relate to your feelings "every cat owner want to b with our Feline friend when its her time ....even i am..... i believe" tamu "visit u many time specially on day she born and the day she left u last time ..........i believe.......... may god give u strength......... ⭐
@lindahunter4545 Жыл бұрын
@@sheenushandilya I believe that Tamu still visits from time to time. Sometimes I can just capture her playing around her favorite tree, chasing a squirrel. And always out of the corner of my eyes.I don't know if I just miss her so much or if she is really still around me at times.But I do believe that she does "check in" on me sometime.
@cliffbird5016 Жыл бұрын
lost 1 of my cats to liver cancer due to eating too much fish. she was only 3 years old. 1st sign was her not eating anything and just laying still all the time. I wasnt spending much time at home so didnt spot it fast enough as i was at my sisters place most of the time protecting her as she was being threatened by neighbours so was only home a few hrs a day when she took her kids to school and went to visit friends so i could go and feed my cat and spend time with her. Ot was heartbreaking seeing her in pain tookher to the vet who confirmed she had liver cancer and ina lot of pain and advised to put her to sleep. so left the vet without her after saying goodbye. took me several months to get over it and was depressed all the time and crying myself to sleep. it was my sisters kids who were 3 and 5 that kept me going and helped get over the loss of my cat.
@someguy7258 Жыл бұрын
I finally got my first animal companion last year at the age of 34. It happened unplanned and unexpectedly when I rescued a 4 week old baby female kitten from a feral litter in an empty lot of a mobile home park behind a shopping mall. She is almost two years old now and I know I am at the beginning of my journey with her of what is starting out as a beautiful and amazing relationship. I love her with all my heart and I pray she lives a long healthy life. She is a very happy and well taken care of cat at the moment and I'm going to make sure I do my absolute best for that to continue throughout all of her years. The one thing I think of periodically that makes me sad is that even if she lives to be older than 10 or 15 even, time flies so fast and before I know it she will be a senior cat and I will be faced with no longer having her with me. I tried to keep that in mind just enough that it doesn't make me sad right now but motivates me to spend quality time with her while she's here so that I can develop an even stronger Bond and make lasting memories for when she is gone. Death is part of life and everyone and everything that is living from the moment they are born, is eventually going to die. When the time comes that I lose her it will be the first pet that I have ever lost. I hope that however it happens, she is not in pain and I can comfort her through that time. As painful as it will be for me to lose her, I really hope that nothing happens to me first. She is just as attached to me and I am to her and I would much rather be the one suffering the loss than to leave her behind confused as to where her Daddy went. To anyone who reads this who has lost a beloved pet, my deepest and sincerest condolences go out to all of you. I can't even truly imagine what that experience was like for you. All I know for certain is that whenever I think about her not being around anymore, I get very upset and teary-eyed. Much love to all of you and your furry four-legged companions.
@ninaabernathy2493 Жыл бұрын
You're a good cat dad. Thank you for rescuing that baby. She is in good hands with you. Enjoy that little girl, she'll bring you years of joy and love.
@danutacharlassier5512 Жыл бұрын
very well said!
@abefehr6155 6 ай бұрын
My best friend is now 23 and I’ve noticed he is getting slimmer I couldn’t thank him enough for his service
@TheMasterpiecePD Жыл бұрын
My cat that lived to be about 18-20 grew up in our farm that was a few km from our house. He spent most of his life hanging out around our house and I actually never saw him at the farm he grew up in ever again. When it was his time to go, he went back to that farm and I found him dead on one of the bails of hay. It's interesting he decided to go back there to die.
@stephaniebuchanan1644 Жыл бұрын
My boy Billy had a heart murmur which was diagnosed when he was a kitten. I was told right from the beginning that I might not have long with him but I made sure he was loved and gave him the best life I could. In March 2022 when he was 4 and a half, I had to make the most difficult decision to say goodbye. His health was starting to fail and the night before, I battled with my own selfish part of me that didn't want to lose him so in the end I did what was best for him and in the end I said goodbye to my baby. It was truly heartbreaking but I didn't want to prolong his suffering x
@DavidGreg-wm3ke Ай бұрын
I pray to God to give you a lot of beautiful days and you know God loves us so much,So where are you originally from? I am David originally from Spain but currently living in Texas now...
@susanraya9613 13 күн бұрын
My cat died when i was in Oklahoma i never saw him again i cried all night i bareed my cat on the side off my house i hope he is doing good in heaven 🙏 💗 😢
@SuperChalkster Жыл бұрын
my cat is only 10, but i dont want him to ever go, he is so affectionate to me follows me everywhere. sleeps with me every night for 10 years. he is well looked after, alway been a indoor cat. only i let him in the garden sometimes under supervision as when we first had him we were in a block of flats so it was easier and safier to always keep him in. i love him and i dont want him to ever go. still i know its going to happen but its just too sad to think about.
@cathallynch8269 Жыл бұрын
6:18 On another video someone pointed out that your cat's final moments may be their scariest because there's so much happening, especially if they're at the vets being put down. Make sure you stay with them to reassure them even if it's hard for you. You'll likely regret not being there for them and them dying whilst being so scared and looking for their biggest comfort - you.
@ranjaschildt9966 Жыл бұрын
I had the vet come to our home so the cat could die in familiar environment, Still it was hard for us humans. He was grown size when found and crossed the Atlantic in the cabin with me. He lived 17 years with me+ the age he was found .I miss him every day.
@jola9403 Жыл бұрын
Im going through this nightmare now… I’ve had her 19 years and she has been the most perfect cat. She is really not well and going through most of the symptoms mentioned in the video but I just don’t want to make the decision to let her go…Selfish as it is. I think I am in denial. 😢
@annanishida8659 10 күн бұрын
I lost my beautiful cat to cancer 2 weeks ago, one day before his 14th birthday! He started losing weight at first but he became very weak very quickly. I had many tests done but the vet told me to just stay home with him, he died next to me that afternoon. Even now, I wake up or come home thinking he’s still around, it’s hard for me. But, a large black and white stray has been coming round, so I made a little shady house outside for him with food and water. He brings me comfort and seems to know I suffered a big loss! 😻❤️😻
@heyokaempath5802 8 ай бұрын
My baby tortie Trixie Belle is no longer eating, but drinks water often. She is only 9 years old, and was the runt of the litter. Our hearts are broken. I've never lost a pet. It seems crazy at 54 years old that I have never lost a pet. I'm allergic to cats, but my heart went out to her and her orange tabby litter mate that we named George. Just about 15 mins ago, George was grooming Trixie and kissing her, laying his head down next to hers. We're trying to keep her warm and comfortable. Her x-rays showed a mass on/around one of her kidneys and she believes it's cancer. She's not going to live long enough to see if it's cancer. Now it's time to accept the unacceptable. I know how this hurts and God bless all of you for reading this.
@nanse9315 2 ай бұрын
I've always said: that "GOD" gets us through the toughest moments of our lives. Hug your baby and let her know she is with you always. Big Hugz!!
@GM-ie2zl 2 ай бұрын
I still have my orange tabby (inherited) aged 16 (atleast) and his sister was a tortie who passed pretty much the same way at the same age Hope your still enjoying George. Taco(orange tabby) would push his little sister up the stairs to get food and water. My mom was feeding them, couldn't take it anymore and took them in. She was always the fat cat until she passed, taco was always skinny. He deferred to her and loved her liked George loved his sister. Tough to see it come to an end but we have been blessed to be a part of it and be a part of their lives
@DavidGreg-wm3ke Ай бұрын
I pray to God to give you a lot of beautiful days and you know God loves us so much,So where are you originally from? I am David originally from Spain but currently living in Texas now..
@Nickallsopp92 Жыл бұрын
Yeah I just lost my cat a week ago. She displayed most of these signs. We had to change her bed a few times since she was just peeing in it constantly. She had a strange wobble in her walk and definitely lost muscle control or something. She was also really skinny and wasn't eating much. After I picked up on the signs, I was planning to take her to the vet, but the day before I could make an appointment, she unexpectedly got up and walked to our front door. She does that when wants outside, i figured it was a sign she was feeling better, so we let out and she never came back. I'm guessing she actually left to go find a place to die, so she wouldn't burden us.
@ShaggyCZ 3 ай бұрын
@jpc3603 11 ай бұрын
My bear, my love, my boy showed six out of the 12 signs you've shared. Reading this after his passing helps me to understand it wasn't the vets fault that they couldn't find exactly what was wrong with him and also help me understand it was his time and he knew it. They're so intuitive, I believe he did know bless him. It was only seven days of symptoms btw before it happened; sharing this in case helpful to any owners of elderly cats 💜
@thesteveman509 2 ай бұрын
My cat of 5 years just passed yesterday, showed a few symptoms just 2 days nothing major, mainly listless, before I could take him to vet started getting cold from hind going upwards, and limp, no movement at all, signs of poison, I had to watch him due slowly. Worst feeling ever. Hurts so much. So lonely without him.
@jurajsinka7407 Жыл бұрын
I m crying now. Cause 3 years ago , my bud 16,5 y o old buddy deid for cancer. It s quite hard to see for owners, whose cats deid.
@Peaceful-Sheep 6 ай бұрын
My furbaby died almost a month ago. She had been diagnosed with kidney failure a couple of years prior and we were lucky to have her for as long we did. She died on my bed, crying out when I left the room. We stayed with her, gently petting her and talked to her. She seemed to be in a lot of pain there at the very end. We were discussing taking her to after hours vet, to end her suffering, when she stopped crying. She passed away within minutes. Her last couple of years weren't great. She'd puked almost everyday, some times multiple times. She ate, and played, she was a mischievous little character with a wonderful personality. We had been family since the day she was born. She was my kitty and I'm glad she is free of her suffering but i miss her terribly. RIP Maxi
@pixiec3 Жыл бұрын
I have used Lap of Love to come to our home when the time was right. They will give your cat a sedative first and you can see your cat relaxing and stretching out. Then the final shot. We have had to do this 3 times but it is so much better than taking them to the vet's office. The vet we had was so compassionate and gentle. If you can afford to do it; this is the way.
@thomashallman5436 Жыл бұрын
when my torti calico tina passed away 7 years ago my world was nothin but hurt and tears i ll see her again she lived to be 14 years old r.i.p. tina the beauty torti
@JimithyJr 9 ай бұрын
my cat had passed away and i am still crying when i bring it up 1like on this comment= 10 prayers to all of our beloved furry friends ❤️‍🩹❤️🥺🥺🙏🙏
@cw5312 Жыл бұрын
When my Cat Azzie got old she had incontinence, lost a huge amount of weight (skin and bones) smelled really bad. Then she went senile. It was sad to see, But I think we made the right decision when we put her down....
Having your furry buddy put down is the hardest thing I have ever done. I stayed and cuddled him till he passed. I cried harder than I ever did before in my life. After the shot you see the life slowly leaving him. I was 50 years old..I am now in my 70's and when seeing a video like this brings those memories back and I still cry.
@michelleclelland8878 Жыл бұрын
watching this made me cry, my cat is 17 and I have recognized a few of these signs in him, not to say he is dying ( I hope.) however I suppose | should prepare myself just in case.
@cataleyea4669 Жыл бұрын
@berniesully9173 Жыл бұрын
Quality of life is better than quantity of life sometimes it's good to know when to bring them to the vet and let them in their pain
@scottl.6932 Жыл бұрын
last year we lost our fur baby just shy of 18yrs old. We noticed that she wasn't her chipper self, hiding more, and sleeping in spots she normally didn't go to. All that combined with her age, we made the choice to help her cross the rainbow bridge with the assistance of our vet. They had a room with a separate exit, and a remote control that triggered a light outside the door that alerted them to our friend had completed her journey. So glad they had the separate exit, hope more vets have that in their offices.
@c.augustin Жыл бұрын
It's sad enough to think about it, no sad music needed. That said, it is good to know how to make it as comfortable as possible when the time comes. Thanks for that!
@TheBlackSeraph Жыл бұрын
Grew up with tortoiseshell who was "dying" for the last eight years of her life. Pretty much every winter she'd seem to take a turn for the worse, then come spring suddenly act like a spry kitten (seeing a 16 year old cat trying to catch birds swooping past her face, for example). Eventually died at the age of 18.
@andban92 Жыл бұрын
I'll never forget when my local Vet gave a wrong diagnosis to my beloved cat: He started treating him with dewormer meds and have him booster shots meanwhile cat was at late stage of colon cancer. But even if he knew what was going on with my cat,any correct treatment was long late. I'll never foget how i was bringing him to the Vet every morning at 7:30am after my nightshifts driving car tired as hell.
@PamelaAnn2531 3 ай бұрын
I lost my black cat, affectionately named Blackie, in April 2023. He was very old and I rescued him as a stray at my back door many years ago. He passed peacefully with me by his side. I questioned whether I did the right thing and after seeing this, I know I did. I let him go outside for the first time in many years just days before he passed. I let him feel the sun, feel the earth beneath his paws. I believe he enjoyed it. I kept him warm and comfortable and was with him as he took his last breath. He was a stingy and timid boy but in his later years he really just wanted to be a part of the family and friends with our other cats. I miss him every day.
@DavidGreg-wm3ke Ай бұрын
I pray to God to give you a lot of beautiful days and you know God loves us so much,So where are you originally from? I am David originally from Spain but currently living in Texas now..
@sourceeee Жыл бұрын
These are the types of videos that make me want to hold my kitty extra tight and give him so much love. Both of your days are limited, so you might as well give them as much love as you can to give them the best life.
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