A Single Study in Germany: Video Games & Cultivation Theory

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Innuendo Studios

Innuendo Studios

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transcript: innuendostudios.tumblr.com/pos...
audio: / a-single-study-in-germany
Full text of the study: www.docdroid.net/11omm/sexist-...
Feminist Frequency show notes: feministfrequency.com/2014/06/...
Let Jack Thompson go: www.kotaku.co.uk/2015/09/15/th...

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@River_StGrey 6 жыл бұрын
"But then, if you dismiss Cultivation Theory, you're probably not a Sociologist either." I very much appreciate this statement, and it made me laugh. It's like when I have to argue with people who "find biology super interesting" but are just "really unsure about the whole evolution thing."
@KBC7050 4 жыл бұрын
@@JodyBruchon You seem to misunderstand when "appeal to authority" is a logical fallacy, or you're being obtuse yourself. Appeal to authority is a logical fallacy when it's used in a vacuum. This video doesn't assert that cultivation theory exists because sociologists say so. It explains WHY they say so. The point is that most people who criticize it don't even know what cultivation theory is about.
@KBC7050 4 жыл бұрын
@@JodyBruchon Let's take a look at what's being said here in context: "... I guess we should talk about what cultivation theory actually is. Now, I'm not an authority here, being that I'm not a sociologist, but then if you're dismissive of cultivation theory you probably aren't a sociologist either. The original formulation of the theory in the 60s came from some studies that in many, but not all cases, the more television people consumed, the more their understanding and beliefs about the world started to mirror those of TV programs. ..." It's a rebuttal to the potential argument that "well you're not a sociologist", because well, neither are you. It doesn't dismiss anyone who isn't a sociologist talking about the subject, because if it did, it would be an admission that the entire video can be dismissed.
@KBC7050 4 жыл бұрын
@@JodyBruchon To whom? The viewer? And if saying that "you're probably not a sociologist either" is now ad hominem, then saying I don't understand logic is also an ad hominem.
@KBC7050 4 жыл бұрын
​@@JodyBruchon Think just two seconds about what the premise of the original argument is in this video. Then think two more seconds about what the point of that statement is. It's a disclaimer. Turning it into "Now, I'm not an authority on the subject, but that's irrelevant because appeal to authority is a logical fallacy." achieves the same thing at the expense of being concise. Turning it into " Now I'm not a sociologist, but neither are you." achieves the same thing as well. You seem to have most issue with the "if you're dismissive of cultivation theory" part, of which the entire argument about its existence is the video.
@KBC7050 4 жыл бұрын
@@JodyBruchon Sure, that's just like, your opinion man. I'm not entirely convinced by this video either. That's not the point I'm making though.
@beatlesfoxman9617 3 жыл бұрын
As a sociologist I can confirm that "cultivation theory" is as much of a theory as is gravity in physics; despite being a theory, it is so well attested that it's taken as a scientific fact, remaining a theory solely because it's hard to so confidently replicate it as to become empirically proven without leaving any other viable explanation (which is anyways a common thing in sociology along with any other social science solely because of their nature of studying humans).
@smallman9787 3 жыл бұрын
I wish economist s would have this much humility
@BrotherAlpha 8 жыл бұрын
It's incredible how such a non-controversial statement like, "The media you consume has an effect on you." is treated with such hostility.
@19Szabolcs91 8 жыл бұрын
+BrotherAlpha Yeah, but that's because almost exclusively, negative effects are focused on, so obviously people are gonna get defensive. People barely ever talk about how video games make a person more determined by giving them agency, to feel like they can make a difference in their life or others'. People barely ever talk about how good interactive storytelling is for conveying a message, broadening your horizons, and for empathy. And they definitely never, ever talk about how video games can make us LESS sexist by having tons of great female characters who are heroes and/or equal partners in many cases (which is 100% true, or at least definitely true for me and a lot of my friends, looking back).
@AmaranthOriginal 8 жыл бұрын
+BrotherAlpha But feminists have explicitly said they hate gaming and want to take away my toys!
@AmaranthOriginal 8 жыл бұрын
+19Szabolcs91 "You people never talk about all the people I *didn't* run over while drunk!"
@NeoShameMan 8 жыл бұрын
+19Szabolcs91 you mean like: Jane Mc Gonigal (who coin the movement of game to get better with superbetter), Nicole Lazarro, Leigh Alexander, Brianna Wu? you are ignorant then as a fact
@isaacm.9476 8 жыл бұрын
+BrotherAlpha It's not even that. It's "The media you consume *might* have an effect on you." It's not even that strong a statement, and people recoil.
@foxbyte 8 жыл бұрын
Wow. Fantastic video! When explaining cultivation theory to people who insist it's "not real", I usually bring up Bugs Bunny. Because of him, many people now believe that carrots are the staple food of all rabbits' diets. Meanwhile, carrots are unhealthy for rabbits, and too many can kill one. This is usually the first example that comes to mind when arguing with people who insist that media does not affect our perceptions and beliefs, and so far it's been a convincing one.
@tenfivesmiths7802 7 жыл бұрын
I would agree with this, but you can truly lack context and actual experience if you only socialize with certain groups of people, and mostly over internet. What's interesting in your example is the fact that women, minorities, trans-people etc. are more likely to accept negative effects of cultivation theory, precisely because of their own personal experience of these effects, while others who lack a personal experience in that effect may not even register those effects, or reject them outright when confronted with them by other people. You may say that "people" have similar experience of life and conflicts within it across the board, regardless of their circumstance, but it's simply not true - and either way you can't know it for a fact, unless you ask other people. You only get to live your own life, after all. The only viable way of comprehending vast amount of differences in life experience is through analyzing data through social theories, which is why it baffles me so when people outright deny academic research, based on nothing but their own life experience and opinions.
@tenfivesmiths7802 7 жыл бұрын
+Bearrorist Thanks for the thoughtful reply. Although, I would not say I'm "railing" or being "elitist", I'm trying to come to the most objective analysis of gathered data, and that search leads me to academic theories. I know fully well what a cesspool of derivative nonsense most of academia has become , and I agree that peer-review is (sometimes, or even often) a joke. But theories have been formed specifically to analyze data that is otherwise almost unusable, and until we come up with better ones, these will have to serve. If you just want to look at data - yes, that's one thing that you can do, but you will only be informed by your own experience (which is necessarily biased) when forming opinions. Which is why I still have trouble understanding why people would throw out academic theories a priori, without even bothering to be informed about them - and why you, specifically, think that forming your opinion without "bowing your head to academia" is inherently more worthy than taking it into consideration. Also, I find it funny that you describe people being "elitist" and in the same sentence mention "soft science" where it, regardless of your intent, serves to discredit social sciences as being "less scientific".
@62chipo 7 жыл бұрын
Foxbyte thats making the assumption that the person moterately cares about the rabbit... if people think that rabbits only eat carrots its because they never cared about what a rabbit actually needs to eat to stay healthy. what im trying to say is, if a person has been only been given X info on subject Y than they will only know X about Y, they dont teach people in schools that rabbits actually dont eat many carrots, but they will teach you at a pet store if you care to go to a pet store.
@skyrius5568 7 жыл бұрын
I don't think anyone's trying to say that cultivation theory is the cause of negative attitude towards gender, sex, minorities, or pick-whichever-other-issue. It's simply a possible influence, in addition to the influence of interacting with thousands of literal human beings as you put it. It's a theory that says that media can influence your worldview. That doesn't mean it's the sole cause of your worldview. In fact, if you think about it the argument that cultivation theory is wrong is literally "media can NOT influence your worldview". If you want to make that argument, I certainly won't say you can't. But I want to make sure THAT'S actually the argument trying to be made. Because if not, your argument is actually not in conflict with cultivation theory at all. From what I understand, you're saying that people's world view are shaped by their interaction with other people. Then the statement on the other side as I understand it is, people's world views can ALSO be influenced by the media they consume. Unless you ARE trying to argue that media can't influence your worldview, in which case then we're having a different conversation.
@ebbandfloatzel 6 жыл бұрын
Foxbyte personally, I think it's mostly true. But only when there is nothing in your life that says otherwise. If I grow up knowing "it's not okay to hit people in cars." But I play GTA and hit people with a car in the game, it will NEVER have the ability to affect me and say "maybe hitting people with a car isn't as bad" because I already know it's bad. But if my only exposure to something, say Bugs Bunny, is my first exposure: I'm going to think "Rabbits eat Carrots" until convinced otherwise. And since you tend to have to live in certain ways to be "free" of good examples of some things (live in a broken family, gang related family, etc) it's much harder, to near impossible, for a game to reinforce those "negative" beliefs imo. And that's what I think: the cultivation effect reinforces things, not reconstructs things. That's why people who watch the news will think the US is more dangerous, or why people think school shootings are a big problem in the US: because the news tells you it is and nobody doesn't unless you sit and think on it yourself. Of course those things aren't true, you can walk outside or go to school just fine on 99.9999999(arbitrary amount of even more 9s)% of occasions and nothing will happen. But because it seems more common that the stuff happens on the news, it's easier to believe them since you don't really have any reason not to if you watch it regularly.
@Learned_English_Dog 8 жыл бұрын
Fuck. You are killing it, dude. Your work is absolutely essential.
@DanielBMS 8 жыл бұрын
+BakehousePictures He is a terrible followup to Log1c Bomb.
@isaacm.9476 8 жыл бұрын
+BakehousePictures Amen.
@Learned_English_Dog 8 жыл бұрын
+DanceGameGuy I don't know who that is, but stay salty.
@DanielBMS 8 жыл бұрын
BakehousePictures He was a guy who was extremely good at criticizing Thunderf00t's anti Anita Sarkeesian videos. Unfortunately he suddenly disappeared as many GamerGate revelations were coming out. His last video wasn't always a great note to go out on as it uses Kotaku and Polygon as a source of information.
@Learned_English_Dog 8 жыл бұрын
DanceGameGuy Fascinating.
@cshahbazi1220 8 жыл бұрын
The claim of this video is so basic that I don't know how anyone could in good consciousness dispute it
@llamamall3653 7 жыл бұрын
What? He did show a bunch of studies in the video that provided evidence for the claim that some media can influence the way you see the world.
@voltcorp 7 жыл бұрын
the claim of the movie is "this german study and other studies presented by feminist critics are not at conflict". how the fuck is that not falsifiable? you just pick arguments from each study that conflict with arguments from another and fucking show me. you can even say "it's falsified" and do a villain laugh or something.
@weardrake 7 жыл бұрын
The claim itself may be pretty solid, but this video dodges the actual reasons why people think that feminists want to censor video games. www.change.org/p/target-withdraw-grand-theft-auto-5-this-sickening-game-encourages-players-to-commit-sexual-violence-and-kill-women This has a lot more to do with it. It's easy to say feminists aren't trying to censor games when the only thing you bring up is one study. There has been genuine attempts at censorship, and they've worked. This video is right in every thing he says. But he totally avoids addressing feminists who have legitimately attempted to and succeeded with censoring video games. This in itself, admittedly, isn't bad. Honestly, he wouldn't have to address these types of incidents where censorship is literally happening. However, he heavily implies that there is no attempts at censorship by feminists at all. I don't hate this video, it is pretty well put together and I think he explains things that some people are genuinely mislead about. Cultivation Theory isn't honestly that radical. But, as he mentioned, it is cited more than most other theories. Anyone can cite a theory in an academic paper that has problems with its methods and conclusions. It is possible for people to not understand Cultivation Theory and think that it means that media can cause people to kill or otherwise act immoral even if they wouldn't ordinarily, yes? Then that would mean there are likely some people who don't understand Cultivation Theory who are trying to use it to get video games censored. Even if the idea itself isn't radical, radicals exist.
@Yatsura2 6 жыл бұрын
Why would he talk about feminism, censorship and video games in a video about a study on effects of cultivation theory?! The fact that he even mentioned any of this is rather generous and was not necessary whatsoever. To even try to discredit this video because it wasnt talking about other, broad topics like these is dishonest. Its a strawman argument that you created to make it easier to attack the video when in reality, it has no connection to the video itself whatsoever.
@samuelwithers2221 4 жыл бұрын
@Bearrorist The claim is that this German study doesn't disprove Cultivation Theory like a lot of people say it does. The entire video is explaining why that's the case. I really dont see what's missing here
@RinLockhart 7 жыл бұрын
Cultivation Theory is best described when people complain about actors who played Spider-Man looking too old even though Spider-Man in the comics is a teenager (from my limited knowledge anyway). but as soon as an actual teenager, who by the time is 19, play Spider-Man then they think he's 11 years old or something. we are so used to these old dudes being Spider-Man that teenagers can't even see themselves as teenagers. I could be wrong of course but people have accused him of looking like a kid lol
@jamham69 7 жыл бұрын
yeah. like babyfaced but adult women playing teenagers. ellen page hasn't been a teenager for 11 years, but still plays them. she has an adults figure and none of the hallmarks of later stage puberty. Real teenagers don't look like that, but are so used to that visual standard that body image issues are common among younger women, but they tend to go away in their twenties, when they finally start looking how they thought they would when they were 15.
@Bluecho4 5 жыл бұрын
Depends on the era, and the continuity. For much of comics history (in the main continuity), Peter Parker was a college student, and then a full adult with a job. He's been a science teacher, science researcher, and head of his own company (although that last one had much to do with Doctor Octopus as anything). He was a teenager in his early years (when he sported the glasses and sweater vest look of the 60s geek), and the Peter Parker from the Ultimate Marvel universe was a teen. As was that universe's Miles Morales, the successor to that Peter (before Miles got folded into the main Marvel universe, because Comic Books). None of this even getting into those continuities where he's a father of a non-infant child. The original Spider-Girl series, and the Renew Your Vows series. In the former his daughter is a teenager, and in the latter she eventually gets to that age.
@SnoFitzroy 4 жыл бұрын
I think this goes for all teenaged characters in live action media. I watched a lot of live action Disney shows when I was in my early teens and felt like I looked like a child because there were literal adults in their 20s playing as kids that were 4-8 years younger than themself
@atashikokoni 2 жыл бұрын
I was well into adulthood before I found out that teenagers in US movies and TV shows are often played by people much older. As a teenager it always made me feel underdeveloped and insecure
@Nai-qk4vp 2 жыл бұрын
To be fair, Tom Holland really does have a babyface. At least I find he does.
@cryoshakespeare4465 8 жыл бұрын
"And problems on one axis do not negate its value on another" Among the many other excellent points raised in this video, I really think this stands out. The recognition and appreciation of the fact that many, many issues have multiple independent outcomes or factors is extremely important, as well as the understanding that dichotomous thinking is far too simplistic, particularly for matters in such complex fields as culture or psychology (or even nutrition and health).
@cutecommie 6 жыл бұрын
Ok, but lacking female characters is only a downside if you're a sexist. A bunch of males can still be diverse.
@danielbelkin4652 5 жыл бұрын
@@cutecommie Are you an actual human being? Like, I'm literally not sure if a being that qualifies as sapient is capable of saying something that moronic.
@NZsaltz 3 жыл бұрын
@@cutecommie Please tell me you realize your mistake by now.
@DimT670 3 жыл бұрын
@@cutecommie what the fuck are you on about? No one said a bunch of male characters can't be diverse. They simply can't be diverse in the axis of gender, you know because they are all men, and thus there is sexism at play here. They can be diverse in every other axis naturally, which is why no one says this game has no female characters ergo its racist.
@ravenfrancis1476 7 ай бұрын
@@cutecommie No, it's just a downside period. It is literally impossible for a cast that consists entirely of men to be diverse.
@IndifferentSky 8 жыл бұрын
Thank you, this is the frustrating conversation I keep having. I don't know why people think Anita's series says "games make you sexist" when it parts she flat out says it does not work like that. The main players against her on you tube (the ones that make tens of thousands of dollars a month off her name), keep repeating this nonsense that she says "games make you sexist"... It's unbelievable. Her premise is to point out the vast absence of women and then the filler of these silly awful stereotypes and tropes. Luckily the developers are listening and don't hate her and the world is not collapsing. They've given her an award, and credited her with making at least one game of the year even better.
@jamstrings100 8 жыл бұрын
+IndifferentSky Erm, maybe because Anita herself has said that games reinforce sexist attitudes towards women.
@IndifferentSky 8 жыл бұрын
jammyjammer2015 REINFORCE, how on earth is that controversial? And how is that an "erm" answer to what I said? Unfortunately there appears to be an intelligence chasm between sides here. How is reinforcing something "making" you do something? All over the place, comments that have hundreds of upvotes are saying "no anita video games don't make you sexist"... and she never says that and explains the opposite. Now you respond to me with this baffling "rebuttal". I don't get it, it's got to be an intelligence thing. Anyway, this video should explain things that people don't get, although I can't understand why they don't get it, or why this video would have to be made. If I say "male nurse" or "female chef" or "woman doctor" that reinforces the cultural norm we have of thinking of those professions as belonging to a particular sex. Even though we started saying those things because typically they were segregated professions. Reinforce here does not mean "makes people sexist". It means adding to the pile. And this should need an explanation why? Also the notion that no media has no effect on nobody is just really obtuse. Advertisers pay billions because they know otherwise. They're not just burning their money. But media and culture have a cumulative effect. One sentence uttered one time is not the issue. Again, another bit that should not have to be explained.
@jamstrings100 8 жыл бұрын
+IndifferentSky A lot of rambling there. She herself has said that games reinforce sexist attitudes, which basically means that games make people sexist, or more sexist. My outside views about women has nothing to do with gaming and what I view in games. If I'm perfectly honest, third wave feminism has made me far more sexist than I ever was previously. Food for thought. So if you wanna blame anything for making men more sexist, its not games, its the feminazis.
@IndifferentSky 8 жыл бұрын
+jammyjammer2015 no I just explained that to you and you called it rambling. This video explains it, is he rambling as well? Like I said we seem to have an intelligence chasm here. People that don't get the difference are dumb and a waste of time. Stop wasting people's time.
@IndifferentSky 8 жыл бұрын
+jammyjammer2015 but to give you one more hint (because I talk a big talk about not engaging but ... at the end of it I do try to help)go to 2:18 And anyone that can use the word feminazi unironically, and claim that criticism has MADE THEM sexist, while trying to argue that media does not do that and has a problem with the word "reinforce" is just... no .. it's too stupid I'm back to square one on this. You're dumb.
@KingDooburu 8 жыл бұрын
How can people not understand this? Things you experience affect who you are and how you view the world, that's just common sense.
@MemeScreen 8 жыл бұрын
I don't think anyone from gamer gate would disagree with that sentence. They are not all cartoonishly stupid. They are still competent people.
@sinistar99 8 жыл бұрын
+MemeScreen Then what are they losing their shot about and why are they misrepresenting even this study and why can't they make any sense?
@MemeScreen 8 жыл бұрын
i need to do some research, and hopefully won't forget about it, to answer your question
@DarPower1 8 жыл бұрын
+KingDooburu Gamergaters take issue with Sarkeesian's examples of sexist tropes actually being sexist. They cannot fathom why 80's and 90's video games have relevance, why old tropes that are currently disregarded as tropes (such as Mario and the Princess) are being explained as though its indicative of anything. The conclusion of her analysis is that these "harmful media messages" shape the world, and her examples of this are largely inaccurate statements about video games, constant demonstration of video game ignorance, and narratives that are widely stretched. The reaction to Feminist Frequency was horrific, although I'm doubtful she wouldn't have complained about dissenters even if they were mostly intelligent and organized. The suggestion that because you attack the status-quo means you're correct is absurdly misplaced. Innuendo Studios never analyzes Sarkeesian's content and statements, but rather the reaction to them and the feud around them. He sets the pre-established notion that Sarkeesian is correct in her identification of sexist tropes( he does this in the Angry Jack part 4 vid), and her suggestion that such tropes can have harmful real-world consequence (which she further solidifies on twitter). Therefore, when discussing his videos, it's always a game of "I didn't technically this, I'm actually talking abstractly about this", which is why I advise dissenters that unless like-minded ilk get into positions that prohibit games from being made, they're better off ignored or treated indifferently to. Not that Innuendo is even wrong, (in his Angry Jack vids, he was certainly short-minded) but it accomplishes nothing in analysis of Sarkeesian's content. And yes, Gamergaters are just as vulnerable to the groupthink that they often paint Social Justice Warriors as having.
@sinistar99 8 жыл бұрын
DarPower1 "why old tropes that are currently disregarded as tropes (such as Mario and the Princess) are being explained as though its indicative of anything. " It's not like it JUST HAPPENED IN MARIO. Anita "critics" deceptively take 1 example of what she's talking about and pretend it's her whole argument. If anything she's only presenting the tip of the iceberg of the tropes she's explaining. Here's a shit ton of other examples she didn't even go near. tropesversuswomen.tumblr.com/ Thinking games make you go out and kill people is one stupid extreme. Thinking they have absolutely zero effect on anything is another stupid extreme. Anita is in the middle (along with 50 years of research in cultivation theory) where it makes sense. But if you think media has no effect at all on behavior or thought, there's a multi-billion dollar advertising industry that would beg to differ... are they all SJWs? People you call "sjws" don't listen to gamergate bullshit because it doesn't make sense. It's reactionary knee jerk bullshit.
@juliac6034 7 жыл бұрын
i cant believe how well put together your writing and ideas are, im over here taking study notes in my free time. keep up the good work
@TrailerDrake 8 жыл бұрын
Another brilliant video. Please never lose momentum because your content keeps getting better and better.
@TheNerdSmash 8 жыл бұрын
trailer drake noooooo. not you.
@analcentipede 8 жыл бұрын
+Michael Little lol get ruined
@TheNerdSmash 8 жыл бұрын
AnalCentipede get ruined by?
@minch333 8 жыл бұрын
+Michael Little Not you too!
@analcentipede 8 жыл бұрын
Michael Little get ruined by your shit opinions
@SabreKitteh 8 жыл бұрын
The study asked teenagers stuff about adult household organization? So, stuff that a) teenagers rarely give a single thought to and b) hardly ever occur in video games outside of The Sims?
@DimT670 3 жыл бұрын
Also this study is pretty useless as it relies on self reported data and is not blind. Admissions of sexism are not particularly popular and few people self admit they are sexist. Thus asking them if they are will net you a completely different answer than their real views cause most people don't want to freely admit they are a sexist.
@klausbrinck2137 2 жыл бұрын
Let´s simply say, that german teenagers aren´t american teenagers...
@ilikestuff374 8 жыл бұрын
The sole difference between you and Sargon is that you actually go out your own way for un-biased scientific evidence. Also you're not a stupid clown.
@Westernden 8 жыл бұрын
+I like stuff And this video isn't 58430 hours long
@WalkOnNick 8 жыл бұрын
+I like stuff "The sole difference between you and Sargon is that I agree with you."
@ModelOmegaForReal 8 жыл бұрын
+I like stuff Sargon and Ian aren't even on the same level, the former just rants for hours and hours- gish-galloping people into obedience.Meanwhile Ian makes easy to digest, concise and argumentative videos that can actually be debated.
@hubrism4861 8 жыл бұрын
+I like stuff "The sole difference"... "Also..." Hey! That's 2 diferences!
@ilikestuff374 8 жыл бұрын
Hubris M Ahh shit you got me :P
@cryoshakespeare4465 8 жыл бұрын
People have been talking about Sargon in this comments section. I don't know who he is, but I would like to remind people of CGP Grey's video "This Video Will Make You Angry". It's important to remember that there is vested interest in causing controversy on the internet, and all the flaming we do about Sargon (even if justified) simply serves the purposes of people looking for reactions. Now, I'm not saying don't respond, but when we all band together to both complain about Sargon's ideas *and* Sargon himself, we're just giving more power to him. Just wanted to point that out.
@damirahman 8 жыл бұрын
+Cryoshakespeare that's the problem with him and other dudes on the internet like him. he is a troll and he knows it, he wants to get a reaction out of people. but if you decide to ignore his obviously bullshit sentiments (jewkeesian haha anita is a jew!!!) because you don't want to give him the pleasure of pissing off a feminist, then he (and others) will complain that you aren't listening to other viewpoints, you're in an echochamber, etc etc etc. it's backwards. but people still tout the guy as the champion for anti-feminists on the internet.
@mightyNosewings 8 жыл бұрын
+Cryoshakespeare Complaining about a pet target is basically how you turn a good thing into a circlejerk. Fortunately, KZfaq comments sections are sufficiently terrible that you can't really get a good strong circlejerk going.
@NathanielJordan85 8 жыл бұрын
+Cryoshakespeare This is not unlike the problem that news reporters have to approach with mass shootings; you often want to address the subject and name the party involved, but not let the discussion revolve around someone/something that doesn't deserve that much attention. :-/ So far the best answer I've seen to this is to mention the individual in question but not belabor their involvement such that they get undue publicity.
@MemeScreen 8 жыл бұрын
Love this comment!
@MemeScreen 8 жыл бұрын
+damirahman but this comment section is an Echo chamber. Most comment sections are. They mostly go in one direction. That's just what happens on this platform.
@MrHibes 8 жыл бұрын
Dude, this was absolutely phenomenal. Regardless of your not being a sociologist, you speak with a lot of authority, backed up by critical research, that is lacking in most writers and content creators here on the Internet. Thank you for doing what you're doing.
@NikozBG 6 жыл бұрын
"The media you consume can affect your worldview" well no shit Sherlock. I can't believe people even argue that this is not the case.
@trip9845 6 жыл бұрын
look at ever study ever
@luizag123 5 жыл бұрын
scientific illiteracy (not knowing how to read studies and sources) is the bane of my existence. I'm a psychologist working with eating disorders and the amount of basically fake news going around in society regarding psychology and nutrition literally makes people sick before my eyes
@joshmuir8058 4 жыл бұрын
can imagine, i had dunning's kruger w nutrition thanks to the media and it led to me getting anorexia , the stuff's still so internalised that even tho i know it's wrong, i still am affected by my perceptions around it every day //
@rae-everything 11 ай бұрын
What are some pervasive myths around eating disorders? I'm anorexic, and sometimes I feel like those mid-2000s PSAs failed us...
@JDcooper37 8 жыл бұрын
I really hope that when your Kickstarter obligations are complete, that you're able to continue making these videos. These are very well researched, written and presented. They're always incredibly interesting, entertaining and above all, informative. As soon as I'm in a little bit better of a financial situation, I'll definitely be supporting you on Patreon! Keep up the great work, Ian! :)
@Zennistrad1 8 жыл бұрын
You're the KZfaqr that we've desperately needed since L0G1C B0MB left.
@BadMouseProductions 8 жыл бұрын
+Zennistrad1 he's the hero we deserve, but not the one we need right now. Wait no...
@iLikeTheUDK 7 жыл бұрын
One very good example of cultivation theory is the slogan "A Diamond is Forever", and the advertising campaign it was part of. If the De Beers group of companies didn't push this belief so much people wouldn't be using diamonds for engagement rings so much. Even before the great depression diamond rings were only seen as something for the aristocracy alone.
@Owlpunk 8 жыл бұрын
Excellent, as always! You're quickly becoming my favorite, ahem, "content producer" here on YT :D
@GigaBoost 8 жыл бұрын
I'm an... opponent (? for lack of a better word) of Sarkeesian, but I found this video very enlightening. Not having heard of the term Cultivation Theory before makes me realize how much I've been missing out on in terms of the actual mechanics discussed in feminist theory. Thanks a lot!
@Smitteys86 8 жыл бұрын
I think you may be the first 'opponent' to come into this comment section and not go absolutely ape. I'm surprised and impressed.
@tenfivesmiths7802 7 жыл бұрын
To be honest, Sarkeesian's work is actually pretty basic and can only give you an idea or general impression while not taking into account that people are not familiar with things like cultivation theory. What's really interesting about her videos and, let's say, phenomenon, is the backlash it generated despite being so tame and basic. It's pretty easy to disagree with Sarkeesian, but the knee-jerk reaction to her content and the level of outrage it provoked is both baffling and quite telling.
@jamham69 7 жыл бұрын
The thing i've found with her is that some of what she says i disagree with, some i agree with and some of it is simply facts she draws conclusions from. you can argue with her on her conclusions but her methods are fine, and mostly, she makes perfect sense and isn't prone to the rampant hate she is often accused of. That being said, i personally don't like her. i think like a lot of modern feminists she has a habit of overreach and needs to learn to pick her fights. Bitching about the idealised female figures in marvel seems to me a stupid topic when the men are equally idealised, for example.
@martinn.6082 6 жыл бұрын
jamham69 she also talks about toxic masculinity in media a lot.
@DogmaDraws 5 жыл бұрын
@@jamham69 the fact that the idealized representations are present both in men and women, doesnt contradict the fact it is there and it can affect peoples perception of themselves. which is more is also to know that the idealized male body in comics is the idealized mens body from the perspective of most of the time another man, meanwhile the idealized woman is not the idealized vision of a woman by herself but by most of the time, another man which is pretty telling of why would be a bigger deal, If you are interested in the topic you can always research about the "male gaze" is an interesting frammework to analyse media beyond body expectations.
@TactownGirl 8 жыл бұрын
These videos are awesome, man. Keep it up. You've got a power that feminist women don't have, in that the sexist men (and women) out there will listen to you over a woman. And while your message is the same as many of the feminist critics that I know and love, to a misogynist you come off very reasonable. I've got a few "friends" who fit that sexist bill, and they were far more accepting of your videos then any of Anita's, because you're a man, and in your last series about games and sexism, you did a really good job of separating the watcher from the problem, and explaining it in a way that didn't make the more sexist dude bro's watching feel like it was their fault. My point is- Your videos are awesome, please keep making them DFTBA.
@elmarmaria6980 8 жыл бұрын
+Neala Ernswa Your so called femenists icons got angry over people cheering over doomn . and talked about "glorifying" violence at a panel last week ...sounds alot like things conservative christians woud do
@TactownGirl 8 жыл бұрын
+elmar maria I heard what they said, and I agree. The difference here is that we want to make games better and more inclusive for everyone, not banning them.
@elmarmaria6980 8 жыл бұрын
Neala Ernswa Diversity i what everyone wants .But shaming games that dont have it is not the answer and cheering for a game being pulled off shelves(what anita did last year) is certainly not the answer
@jeremy3046 8 жыл бұрын
+Neala Ernswa I'm an anti-feminist and I've watches dozens of hours of content directly from female feminists (not through another source like Sargon or Idea Channel). I've watches less than half as much content from male feminists. Probably because I don't have to be sexist to oppose a movement that is in favor of "Positive Discrimination".
@TactownGirl 8 жыл бұрын
+Jeremy H (Jereshroom) You're an anti-feminst that isn't sexist? I don't think you know what those words mean.
@guillaumeallart3511 8 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this rigorous, fact-based, nuanced and well articulated dive into sociological research on cultivation in general, and on this study in Germany in particular. We need more people providing sound reasoning in these mad debates
@timothyschelz 7 жыл бұрын
Thank you for using the word "cromulent"
@DimT670 3 жыл бұрын
Hot take: the study in Germany IS actually bogus. It has many methodological problems with three major ones sticking out like sore thumbs. Each one of those might render it irrelevant and the combination of these three renders it definitely irrelevant 1) it doesn't focus on a subest of games with sexist content or sexist themes or even a genre, but video game players in general. It is absurd to suggest then that there would exist a widely applicable measurable effect here. Its like asking if books make you a fascist. Yes some specific ones or some specific genres might but going by all people who read books makes no sense. Its completely absurd to suggest that a game like hatred and gone home would have the same blanket effect on players and yet this study counts the people who play these game as the same data point which basically renders it useless. Of course you are going to find no aggregate effect if you concider a person who only plays pong and a player who only plays dead or alive beach volleyball as the same for the purposes of your study 2) the question it asks are rarely applicable in its subject matter. Most of the gender roles it questions players about are rarely the topic of discussion in the field. The majority of videogames rarely have explicit situations where they take a firm stance on these issues one way or another thus there is little fertile ground here for research. Most videogames do not concern themselves with the domestic sphere and those that do, like the sims, or harvest moon are usually so player driven they rarely send explicit messages about these very specific issues, thus rendering their effect minimal 3) the way the data for this study is gathered is not reliable. The study isn't double blind, its not even blind. The subjects are straight up asked. Study upon study has shown that people who say they aren't sexist or racist when directly asked nonetheless prove otherwise in practise. Frankly no one but the most radical wants to admit they are openly prejudiced about these issues, especially to other people . Even some of the most vile misogynists and racists call themselves gender or race realists or gender and race critical not sexist or racist because of the negative connotations. Therefore simply asking people if they agree with racist or sexist statements will mostly result in them answering they aren't because they dont want to either think of theselves as prejudiced or don't want to admit it to outsiders. Thus the way the data is gathered in this case renders it unreliable to the max. Any one of these issues would cast serious doubt about the validity of the data here, but as i said the combination of all three basically definitely renders the data invalid. And this isn't something im sayin because this study "disproves my views" as the video makes clear it wouldn't even if it was 100 precent reliable.
@JamanWerSonst 8 жыл бұрын
This video is so good, I'd like to buy it a drink.
@nikolaisafronov3452 5 жыл бұрын
"And problems on one axis do not negate its value on another" Both arrows point to the -inf part.
@brooklynnhall6120 8 жыл бұрын
I just discovered you and I'm already in love with your content holy shit
@skittykay 8 жыл бұрын
Wow, I loved this. Really though, even though the study is valid, it doesn't take an idiot these days to recognize those blatantly sexist questions, of course the results were low; like you said, the conversation and issue revolves around much more undetectable, internalized, and socially accepted cases of misogyny and what not.
@ronaaz4628 8 жыл бұрын
Very cool stuff. I never heard of the "Cultivation theory", so, this educated me more on feminist issues and brought something unknown to my knowledge. Keep doing what you do, @InnuendoStudios, I love it! Always nice to have some researched points of view like yours.
@ModelOmegaForReal 8 жыл бұрын
Dammit everything you do is solid Platinum and it just keeps getting better and better... keep it up!
@TerenceMichaelReeves 7 жыл бұрын
Now, I know I'm showing up a little late to the party here, but I'm really enjoying your videos. Very well done!
@InsaneGir99 8 жыл бұрын
Hey man let me just say, you are quickly becoming one of my favorite KZfaqrs. I've always loved informational and interesting videos, much like the ones you produce. I found your channel when I was looking for information on Phil fish, I loved it, subscribed even though you had two videos at the time and, stopped watching your videos till last week. I didn't see that you were making new content because of KZfaq being KZfaq, but when I found you again the quality and the production value of the videos you were making skyrocket and I fell in love all over again. Basically what I'm saying is thanks for making great content and you're probably going to be the first person I donate to on patron.
@SalvadorNero1 8 жыл бұрын
Very good video man. I"m always looking forward to seeing you update your channel :)
@QuetzalOvejasElectricas 8 жыл бұрын
Where are the vintage images from? Love'em.
@MagicAndWires 8 жыл бұрын
+Quetzal Prelinger Archives
@DreameverCompany 6 жыл бұрын
¡Cameo youtuber!
@fungiredblue1794 5 жыл бұрын
Interesante verte aquí , tres años tarde
@zcrusasyada7595 2 жыл бұрын
segunda vez que te veo en un youtuber yankke
@spktk64 7 жыл бұрын
that neutral milk hotel outro nggghHHH
@katherinemorelle7115 5 жыл бұрын
Ooh! My like ticked your count from 4.9k to 5k! Yay! Also, I love the word cromulent- I recently compiled a list of my 7 favourite words, and that was one of them. And of course, thanks for a highly sensible take, it’s appreciated.
@RockmanRatix 8 жыл бұрын
Your videos are both insightful, informative, and very easy to watch and digest. Thank you :)
@pengfeidong5268 5 жыл бұрын
He said "the media you consume can change you" but I heard "the frosted flakes you consume can erase you" and I was like wtf is this cocaine getting to my head
@stagelights_ 4 жыл бұрын
i love how you're saying "perfectly cromulent" because that term was coined by the simpsons and it just makes me laugh every time i hear it lol great video btw
@therisingtithes 8 жыл бұрын
Also, to all of the people in the comments going, "but wait, doesn't cultivation theory also argue that people only think sexism exists due to the first-order effects of feminist critique?! CHECKMATE SJWS!" - are you therefore arguing that it is not in any way quantifiably demonstrable that there are still massive inequalities among the lines of gender, sexuality, race, class and nationality in the creative sector and in wider society? The continuation of inequalities along those lines still exist. This is factually undeniable. If anything, the effect of feminist critique is the second-order effect of encouraging more people who care about those things to be willing to engage in critique, actively challenge those inequalities in their own positions and social spaces, and empower others to do so. If /that/ is the thing you think are 'biting feminists in the ass', well...
@jeremy3046 8 жыл бұрын
+Brandon O'Brien "people *only* think sexism exists..." is not what they're saying. There just saying that feminism makes a large contribution. Which is probably true. The rest of what you said there is fine.
@ConnorHalford 8 жыл бұрын
You manage to express things extremely succinctly, which makes understanding the points you are making much easier. Well done
@JossCard42 8 жыл бұрын
You had me at "cromulent"...
@BadMouseProductions 8 жыл бұрын
Cromulent. hehehe
@MegatronYES 6 жыл бұрын
BadMouseProductions a proper vocabulary enbiggens is all
@MrSaverio97 5 жыл бұрын
@swedsweg3197 5 жыл бұрын
i know right
@firstlast-cs6eg 3 жыл бұрын
@CasketCatYT 8 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for these man. Your research, thought, and effort into your videos is really appreciated.
@Redthandead11 8 жыл бұрын
Very insightful video, oh and also kudos for neutral milk hotel at the end there!
@LucasKelleher 8 жыл бұрын
I'm most impressed that you can make such an excellent, intellectually sound, well-researched video, and then end it using the word "cromulent" multiple times. You sir, are the Master.
@NightMotorcyclist 8 жыл бұрын
+Lucas Kelleher It embiggens the soul
@jodypschaeffer 8 жыл бұрын
Excellent video. You're doing important work. Keep it up!
@emmiacevedo6762 8 жыл бұрын
i couldn't have asked for more with this video! thank you. everything was laid out just right.
@rstueckle 8 жыл бұрын
Goddammit I can't stop watching your videos. You're starting such interesting and important dialogues in a medium that is kind of lacking in that area right now. Keep it up dude.
@ibnb5973 5 жыл бұрын
I mean basically the whole issue is about a bunch of people who can't accept that humans are complicated
@General12th 5 жыл бұрын
Yeah, pretty much. "I'm good. The people who are like me are good. The people who are not like me are bad."
@dErRiNkE 8 жыл бұрын
Heyho :) First of all: I love your work! But it would be really interesting to get to know the person behind the videos. What is your background? What are you studying? Why are you this awesome at explaining stuff? I think a lot of your near 18k followers would like these questions answered :D Thank you, stay awesome!
@Croix1 7 жыл бұрын
it's funny how both sides of the feminism vs anti-feminism debate accuse each other of being pseudo-intellectuals engaging in sophistry and racism.
@ryanmartinez1703 8 жыл бұрын
Love your channel. Heard about you a couple months ago through RoosterTeeth's The Patch.
@TheSchmuck2 6 жыл бұрын
keep "On Avery Island" alive! Too many overlook that one, IMO...
@minimini684 6 жыл бұрын
As a gamer I hate the thought that other gamers cant recognize these things
@trip9845 6 жыл бұрын
i heat the there is people cant or refuses to recognize that Jack Thompson and Anita Sarkeesian use the same argument kzfaq.info/get/bejne/eLOHeMpeqcq5dJs.html
@TheChemistt1 8 жыл бұрын
Finally! A thought provoking channel here on KZfaq. Thank you!
@trip9845 8 жыл бұрын
+Chemyst can you tell me where it is? after seeing this video I need something thought provoking
@Crispman_777 7 жыл бұрын
This is one I the most entertaining comment sections i've read. It reminds me of the other Innuendo Studios video about "popping your own bubble".
@NathanielJordan85 8 жыл бұрын
I need 6:38 and its perfect disappointed inflection as a sound byte I can just embed all over the place...
@fivvyfavvy 8 жыл бұрын
It would be a great ringtone for a shitty ex's number
@RicardoPetinga 4 жыл бұрын
It's a sad reflection of our society that videos such as this need to be made to explain the obvious, but great job in doing so!
@metropunklitan 2 жыл бұрын
You're unestimating human's stupidity Well, actually more like incel's stupidity
@moeszyslak3097 6 жыл бұрын
Something I don't think people consider when they talk about this stuff is that you can engage with the same piece of media in REALLY different ways. Asking like: what are the assumptions, what are the messages, what are the themes? what do I think about them? will change how they act on you in a huge way, & how you'll approach those things in your own art (not to mention engaging deeply with media is really goddamn enjoyable + worthwhile). Which I think is like.. the point of good media criticism (not to tell you your thing as bad and you can't like it)
@Starcraft2LuVa 8 жыл бұрын
I fucking love your style of video, and I'm so glad that I found this channel. Keep up the great work; I hope the view counter follows!
@WangleLine 2 жыл бұрын
What an outstanding video. Thanks Ian
@Boosterisanicecat 8 жыл бұрын
This was so fuckin good mate. Kudos!
@TYDescartes 5 жыл бұрын
Your repeatance of cromulent embiggens my noble heart
@Jadesmorot 8 жыл бұрын
Your videos make my days brighter, thank you :)
@ataraxia7439 8 жыл бұрын
Great video man
@givememydatabackgoogle2811 3 жыл бұрын
You have to remember scientific studies are written by scientists in scientific language and are expected to be read by other scientists. If someone isnt an expert on the matter, no matter how well intentioned they are, they probably misunderstood a lot about the study.
@ScottJohnHarrison 8 жыл бұрын
saw this linked on INDG tumblr - great video just going I just noticed you are also the "This is phil fish" guy - so it is time to watch your archive.
@SiennaSquigs 8 жыл бұрын
Once again, fantastic work. Nailed it!
@MouseChili 5 жыл бұрын
Thanks for embiggening the word "cromulent"s cultural worth
@ConanDuke 2 жыл бұрын
"I am not a sociologist." Unless you're a staunch credentialist, yes you are.
@FluffRecordings 8 жыл бұрын
Very informative and well thought response to the issue. I really appreciate the video.
@NoExitLoveNow 8 жыл бұрын
If a sexist culture affects video games and if video games affect and reflect sexist culture, the effects of using video games might not be detectable due to the large effects sexist culture outside of gaming. . Of course, some people would like to IMPROVE culture (cultural criticism is one avenue) not merely make sure that video games don't degrade the larger culture (or gamer culture) in a way that is large enough to be detected definitively. Further, cultural criticism does not need to change actual video games themselves to be effective if it changes the way we think about video games. Thinking about stuff is good. Merely accepting and to some extent becoming the culture you experience is less good.
@Mercure250 4 жыл бұрын
0:35 I have Reddit too Yes, I know where the exit door is...
@TheKing-ve7lz 2 жыл бұрын
I saw this years ago but really feel i should thank you. I really needed to see this video as it exposed a major hole in my understanding of media. I once saw a video where someone was arguing somewhat against cultivation theory. The border point of their video was that over censorship is bad and that and that you shouldn't be overly judgmental of people who enjoy media you find problematic as long as they demonstrate an ability to separate fantasy and reality. and I still generally agree with these broad points but there arguments against cultivation theory looking back in retrospect where very silly. They tried to argue that unless you are insane that media would not effect the way you think...they made this video on a KZfaq channel that was largely dedicated to discussing the way in which media the liked had effect their world view and were standing in the middle of a bunch of posters of media they liked...so yeah...not sure why I didn't spot that flaw before.
@gingerbread3972 5 жыл бұрын
I think people's main problem with a lot of feminist critiques is some of the ways that she interprets these studies, the theory only says that sometimes culture can effect you and she says the classic non-disprovable sentence, "the less you think media can effect you the more it does" and that is such an exaggeration of what the theory says, it doesn't say that just because you are more conscious of your culture that that will somehow negate or lessen the impact that culture has on you, it is also just an obnoxious statement to make due to if you say that it doesn't effect you then, well according to the sentence you are the most effected, and if you say it has you are admitting that it has even if you don't think so. It's the classic "you don't take criticism well" meme, if you agree then you have the flaw, if you don't you make it look like the statement is true.
@timothymclean 7 жыл бұрын
I've heard of cultivation theory, but never under any particular name or distilled like this. That alone makes this video worth watching. (The other stuff is also worth watching, of course.)
@mightyNosewings 8 жыл бұрын
Man, it seems almost below you to have to dive into the mundane details of this study. But I guess someone has to do it. (Not to mention that the study itself seems . . . not that interesting? Hell, guys these days are more likely to complain that men are *too* pressured to be the breadwinner. And that complaint has its merits -- but then it gets coupled with a victim complex and a "movement" devoted entirely to slinging shit at feminists, so it never goes anywhere good.)
@Titleknown 8 жыл бұрын
While I agree with you on a lot of points, I find your dismissal of the censorship wars a bit problematic. Like, it's not just games, but nerd culture in general that's had the fear of censorship hanging over its head until relatively recently, and I think we on the academic left kind of made our bed by going into "strange bedfellows" with the right-wing reactionary censors, with some major examples being folks like Andrea Dworkin and Fredrick Wertham And, given a lot of folks in modern nerd culture grew up during censor-fever's major flare-up, couldja sorta see where this reflexive paranoia comes from?
@ravenfrancis1476 4 жыл бұрын
Those fears and paranoias are completely unfounded, but okay.
@YouthRightsRadical 7 ай бұрын
@@ravenfrancis1476 And we all know that nerds are actually completely logical robots who aren't impacted by their emotions at all, right? And men don't even have emotions, just egos. So the mere fact that their fears are unfounded will inherently make them not afraid. I congratulate you on this brilliant de-radicalization strategy of simply declaring that the problem doesn't exist. It's obviously been extremely effective.
@ravenfrancis1476 7 ай бұрын
@@YouthRightsRadical I mean, yeah, proving people's fears are unfounded is literally the only effective way to de-radicalize them when what radicalized them is fear. But also, I don't give a shit about deradicalizing them. My priority is protecting the people they're radicalized against I also find the original comment conflating Dworkin and Wertham. Dworikin was a radical feminist who focused more on broad sociopolitical analysis as a whole as opposed to just talking about fictional media and Wertham was a rightwing quack who got worryingly concerned that comics were turning the kids gay. There's only one progressive in that conversation, and it's not the one with any actual negative impact on "nerd culture".
@YouthRightsRadical 7 ай бұрын
@@ravenfrancis1476 It's pretty obvious you don't actually care about de-radicalizing people, given your choice of using methods that won't do that. I don't believe you care about protecting the people they are radicalized against because of your choice to use methods that won't do that either.
@ravenfrancis1476 7 ай бұрын
@@YouthRightsRadical My "choice of methods" to prioritize the safety of women and minorities over the feelings of radicalized bigots rooted in lies and propaganda is somehow not going to protect women and minorities? Sure, bud.
@JoshEvans13 8 жыл бұрын
Once again, knocked it out of the park!
@PugOfDoom 8 жыл бұрын
Amazing video, keep up the great work dude
@SnoFitzroy 5 жыл бұрын
"Benevolent sexism"? What does that even mean?
@justtheouch 5 жыл бұрын
It refers to sexist attitudes that the individual believes are positive for the affected sex/gender, but in actuality negatively impact them. For example, someone may believe that men have to protect women, and they may see this as a positive service to women, but it reinforces the idea that women are weak and defenseless and must rely on men for their safety.
@hyperpowerfulform5132 3 жыл бұрын
And now, we have Harry Potter fans going through the same fallacious reasoning that you outlined at 6:44. That's not a problem per se, we all need to ask that question sooner or later, but I wish that the fact that Harry Potter is a part of culture, and that culture fall into that many-axises model you outlined at 6:54 can become wide spread in the fandom.
@diamondminer5459 2 жыл бұрын
There’s nothing wrong with Harry Potter fans; they’ve just gone through the turmoil of feeling betrayed that their idol turned out to be a horrible person. Don’t blame them.
@TwoHeadedGiant 8 жыл бұрын
You're a good dude. Keep doing things.
@GuyPatsy 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you for embiggening the conversation.
@tyrantcodex002 8 жыл бұрын
But Anita did call game causes sexism for men. And Why not talk about how a lot of gaming and feminist websites wrote an article about a study "men wanting more female protagonist in video games" and they only had one source website and the website had the option that anybody can vote.
@RexCelestis 8 жыл бұрын
+secretgamer Did she? Can you offer a citation? I can't say I've seen such a blatant statement from her.
@tyrantcodex002 8 жыл бұрын
RexCelestis I guess her videos aren't proof :/
@RexCelestis 8 жыл бұрын
+secretgamer That's not something she's ever said in any of her videos. She's usually very careful to suggest that video games are one part of media that might affect attitudes towards sexism, that video games are just one element of cultivation theory. That's why I'm looking for a citation.
@tyrantcodex002 8 жыл бұрын
RexCelestis "She's usually very careful" meaning she hides it. And besides I've play all of those games and i haven't went sexist on women. I'm always with feminist hangs out (mostly girl friends) and i donate to breast cancer.
@RexCelestis 8 жыл бұрын
+secretgamer Just to make sure I completely understand. This is not something that Anita has said, it's how you interpret what she's said. Is that correct? And your example is part of the reason I was so shocked to hear she would say straight out that "games cause sexism." The closest I've heard is that games contribute to an environment of sexism as one of many elements of media.
@rgeorge117 8 жыл бұрын
Is cromulent a cromulent word?
@gamarad 8 жыл бұрын
+rgeorge117 It's a fake word from the simpsons.
@corneliaxaos2745 4 жыл бұрын
@@gamarad late, but.. aren't all words fake words? We just deem them "less fake" when a larger portion of the population using the language uses the word. :P
@gamarad 4 жыл бұрын
Cornelia Xaos obviously
@joybhiraleus6280 3 жыл бұрын
Very knowledgeable vid thx u so much I learn lots
@Yiab 5 жыл бұрын
I absolutely love how the word cromulent has entered the public lexicon so thoroughly.
@camethedawn9096 8 жыл бұрын
Every comment hostile towards feminism invariably proves the need for STRONGER feminism.
@vasarat1 8 жыл бұрын
+camethedawn You mean the feminism that is hostile to everything that doesn't agree with it?
@camethedawn9096 8 жыл бұрын
Vaudeville e Feminism stands for equality. Social. Economic. Political. Not your STRAW-feminism though. The one you made up out of thin air doesn't stand for anything.
@vasarat1 8 жыл бұрын
Yes I know that, I'm refering to the modern feminists, you know the ones that say things like ''#killallwhitemen'' and ''twitter gave me PTSD''. That kind of feminism.
@camethedawn9096 8 жыл бұрын
Vaudeville e The threat of feminism is all in your head. You just don't want to lose your privilege.
@vasarat1 8 жыл бұрын
+camethedawn Well of course it's in my head because I've seen those words with my eyes therefore it's in my memory and the memories are in the head. And of course I don't want to lose my privilege xD I'm not sure where do you wanted to go with that comment haha.
@elmarmaria6980 8 жыл бұрын
Anita is not like jackthompson ! and yet both her and mc intosh behaved just like thompson would have when they saw people cheering for doom.....she also talked like conservative christians about "glorifying "violence
@elmarmaria6980 8 жыл бұрын
+elmar maria This has nothing to do with the video it was just a interesting point ....
@trip9845 8 жыл бұрын
+elmar maria and the same argument Jack Thompson made not just him also Patricia Pulling, Fredric Wrentham, Will H Hays, Jack t Chick , Phil Phillips , Gary Greenwald you know people who are consider quacks and they shares the same argument with them that D&D/video games/comics/movies/toys will influents people to /become satins and or commit Suicide/ led to in crest vileness and or sexism/ murder
@elmarmaria6980 8 жыл бұрын
Tyler Basile The only diference between these two and al of those people ? Gamers are actually cheering for them lol
@trip9845 8 жыл бұрын
elmar maria switch out the word gamers for hipsters and I will 100% agree with you
@santiagoacosta777 8 жыл бұрын
Your content is amazing as always.
@andcetra5152 8 жыл бұрын
Excellent video. I got On Avery Island on vinyl, it's my favorite of the two releases.
@andcetra5152 8 жыл бұрын
Also there's no real reason to collect vinyl unless you have some weird thing for technology that's rightfully abandoned, like my small tube amp collection~*
@TheGb2132 8 жыл бұрын
That's alot of claims. Could you show links that explain more specifically what you talked about? Alot of the links that Feminist Frequency linked just linked to even more studies which lead to even more studies. It's a mess.
@InnuendoStudios 8 жыл бұрын
I apologize for backing up my claims with too many studies.
@TheGb2132 8 жыл бұрын
Innuendo Studios Most of what I saw weren't even studies. They just linked to other articles which lead to other ones.
@forcefield6973 7 жыл бұрын
Welcome to academia. I'm a phd student, and specially in the Humanities, you "prove" things by referring to previous studies, that probably used other methods, in different contexts and obviously subject to errors and misinterpretations. It's a vicious cicle.
@TheGb2132 7 жыл бұрын
bitpixeldragon I just read the abstract of the docdroid study, and at roughly the end of it, it said that controlling for age and education, sexism in gamers were not related to the amount of daily video game use or preference for specific genres for both female and male players. It's still under discussion whether video games actually cause sexism or not. Though with that said, I don't think video games are causing people to be sexist. I've played many games with female characters in them, and I've never thought that women should stick to their gender roles. And why did he link to Anita Sarkeesian anyway? It has already been proven countless times that she's either lying or doesn't know what she's talking about. She's not a viable source. It was also her notes I was refering to when I said there were too many articles that didn't prove anything, which just lead to more articles that also didn't prove anything. I bet Anita Sarkeesian just linked to as many studies she found that backs up her biases, without bothering to check them out herself.
@forcefield6973 7 жыл бұрын
It really is a shame that Anita came to be synonimous with femminism, when what she really is doin is pseudoscientific opinion videos. She really seems to believe in the inevitability of media effects. She certainly isn't a subscriber of the more moderate view displayed here by Innuendo Studios. She clearly states that depiction of violence against women encourages misognistic behaviors. What this video here shows is a world view a lot more aligned with complexity theory than with cultivation theory: you can never isolate a variable from its system and try to predict its effect in other systems. It may ha a weaker effect. It can even have the opposite effect. Deterministic assumptions like "movies with rape scenes naturalizes violence against women" isolate the scene from its context: the viwer's backstory, the other scenes that compose the movie, etc. I really wish we could see more discussions that do away with the simplistic models of "x type of content is sexist, so it causes y type of behavior". I am very sympathetic to Sarkeesian's goals, but I fear this kind of approach doesn't help to understand our relationship with media at all.
@Shardok1 8 жыл бұрын
Everything around you effect you in some way, and the same thing can impact someone negatively while others positiv. You cant say anything generates one form of mindset.
@pokerface1641 8 жыл бұрын
+Shardok1 That's the point... People are complex. The world isn't strictly divided into perfect protectors of women and Evil Misogynist Rapists. Someone can take on subtle sexist beliefs without realising it, even men who may profess being feminist allies may later realise they believed (or still believe) sexist or misogynist things without even knowing that's what they were. *cough* guilty *cough* Human psychology is really complicated it turns out.
@DimT670 3 жыл бұрын
Of course but certain messages overwhelmingly have a specific effect which is very measurable, and also send an objective medsage which is different from what the individual might receive. For example portrayal of Africa as a bunch of huts in the middle of a desert have the effect of creating the idea that this is how all Africa is to the majority of people who dont know better. Thats measurable and proven. It doesn't mean it will havr that effect on every person and you cant definitively say that a person who consumes that kind of media necessarily has that set of beliefs, but when looked as a group it overwhelmingly has that effect. Also when the message is examined on its own what it is and what it says is clear and objective regardleds of its impact.
@somewony 8 жыл бұрын
I really wonder sometimes whether I find you more convincing than other people because you're better at explaining stuff or because you're a guy.
@minch333 8 жыл бұрын
+somewony Huh... That's very honest of you
@Jader7777 8 жыл бұрын
Love your work, keep it up!
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