The Alt-Right Playbook: Didoing
Protagony Two: Abed
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CO-VIDs: the semiotics of "cuck"
CO-VIDs: adventure games about jesus
CO-VIDs: the gandhi trap
3 жыл бұрын
CO-VIDs: the penny problem
4 жыл бұрын
Protagony One: Joi
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Bonus: Solidarity Lowell Q&A
4 жыл бұрын
[deleted scenes] 200k sub special
Endnote 2: White Fascism
5 жыл бұрын
@hellsexpress2560 13 сағат бұрын
nah Kenny the goat
@atanvardecunambiel8917 19 сағат бұрын
@WC3fanatic997 Күн бұрын
Ok, look I gave it the good ol' College Try here, but you're trying to convince me that Kenny had literally zero reason to behave the way he did against people who were, *_at best,_* gaslighting manipulators trying to drive him to the brink of madness for their self-fulfilling prophecies about him? You didn't even mention how Jane constantly, incessantly, pushed the buttons of a man who lost everything in his life *_TWICE._* *_TWICE._* And that's not even counting Jane flat-out telling you that she is out for herself and doesn't care about anyone else. Why the hell do people think she cares about Clementine? SHE HERSELF fits the idealogue of her own monolog against Kenny at the end of S2. You know, projection. Which we will get back to. He overcame arguably the one weakness he had in Season 1, which was his minor cowardice about taking charge and doing what was needed, and he still found reason to keep pushing forward and protect those he felt needed it, literal children in this instance, even as everything continues falling apart around him. Most of the people who were "Scared" of him, and who earned the brunt of his _very_ justified wrath, were tyrants, backstabbers, liars, cheats, and/or thieves who would gladly hurt a little girl just to get ahead in this literal apocalypse. This was a Kenny who no longer had any inhibitions of holding back, because he knew _exactly_ what would happen if he did. He saw firsthand what happens when you hesitate. So he does what needs, or at least what he feels needs, to be done, and asks questions later. I wont go on and try and say he's a perfectly flawless human being, and he has anger issues that make me seem like a normal person. But I'll tell you one thing, the people who hate Kenny are typically the same exact people who are afraid of making decisions themselves of their own lives. They dont like the idea that you have to actually get your hands dirty, or make decisions that aren't a choice between literal cherry or blueberry pie and that might have bad outcomes or consequences no matter what side is taken. They're also, I've found disturbingly enough, typically the kind of people Kenny gets very angry at; thieves, selfish people, gas-lighters and manipulators, etc. Clearly not people who's opinions should be sought out for anything of value. Sure, those same people argue that Kenny is _also_ these very things . . . but re-conversely, are the kind of people who are capable of finding an inalienable, undeniable truth about the world, society or of the very nature of our existence to be akin to "violence", regardless if it . . . actually even stands on the same continent as the meaning of the word "violence", so my trust in their ability to accurately deduce, understand and reason when it comes to concepts more complex than a cereal box is further inhibited. Also, you know, _projection._ It's what they're good at. Kenny is a man broken many times who's seen how far humanity can fall and yet still clings to any ounce of hope he can, which is why he's literally willing to sacrifice himself to make sure children can get some semblance of a future going forward. Kenny may have many sins, but he's also one of the only people out there trying to redeem themselves of them.
@flamingdeathbanana Күн бұрын
Just fearmongering with no nuance whatsoever I see.
@laurajaneluvsbeauty9596 Күн бұрын
Not Minoritized? Whites are LITERALLY THE GLOBAL MINORITY! And our countries are being flooded with people who didn’t create western civilization, and once Whites are minorities in OUR OWN COUNTRIES!! Africa for Africans, Asia for Asians but white countries for everyone else right? Access to White people and White society, and our COUNTRIES is NOT a human right
@deagle2yadome696 20 сағат бұрын
are u a real woman
@poisonousiodine1769 19 сағат бұрын
​@@deagle2yadome696bro u are so wrapped up in your own wormhole that you dont even speak to women huh. You talk all this smack about the radical left and how the twist language to decieve and constantly push the bounds of truth within their own echo chambers, yet you pull the same shįţ and conjure definitions out of thin air that shade you in a good light. Wake up bro, its a dream, these social issues you fight for dont affect you irl, go outside, talk to real women, theyre cool
@laurajaneluvsbeauty9596 Күн бұрын
Lmao 🤣 “alt right”
@JohnSmith-uk6wh Күн бұрын
"Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past." - Jean-Paul Sartre
@PixelatedFlu Күн бұрын
Gary King for the win. . We need more movies where the Villain wins.
@playedtoomuch5259 Күн бұрын
Liberals are all too good at pointing at problems and being squimish at their solutions. The solution would be to ban lies like this from being aired on all forms of media and to have a comprehensive information campaign talking about how this is stupid with a focus on trying to make people who do believe it be socially ostracized. That is the only way you can spread the truth, overwelmingly
@playedtoomuch5259 Күн бұрын
This is why anarchists will never achieve anything. You care too much about convincing reactionaries that you are right instead of helping people you can convince still
@disposable157 2 күн бұрын
You're right, Ian, and I'm very sorry
@magma440 2 күн бұрын
This happens whenever you criticise cars or car infrastructure. People who drive cars immediately think that you've just attacked them personally.
@markreyesmusic1401 2 күн бұрын
“Why is everyone mad at Harrison Butker for expressing Catholic values?” Yep, it’s still here.
@loorthedarkelf8353 2 күн бұрын
Yasee, stuff like this is why you're easily my favorite video essayist. I've never even seen these movies and sharing this deep dive with those who have lets me have new conversations and enriches my life, even when I didn't have the time or mental bandwith to watch the original work. And sometimes, in the case of Monkey Island, I find things that I do want to engage with due to my desire to design games and the need to reflect on older works and compare old mistakes and quirks with my intended work, finding pit falls before they can steal my time and improving my own editing between the rough draft design doc and the first playable build. All of this is valuable to me, and you present it wonderfully. Thank you for being a teacher of many topics.
@llawliet5211 3 күн бұрын
Man I'm a gen z who just discovered this video and you perfectly summed up my way of thinking
@daniel25083 3 күн бұрын
I know innuendo studios is in the lab rn drafting the meanest alt right playbook based on Zionism
@darthutah6649 3 күн бұрын
Cooperation is perhaps the most powerful tool. Social species find it advantageous to stick together. A school of fish is meant to protect the group from predators. As such, for example, when wolves hunt bison, they deliberately look for one which cannot keep up with the herd or is isolated. We humans are not particularly strong when compared to other species. Our ancestors made up for this through teamwork. Once upon a time, the way incels describe men and women was pretty reflective of reality with alpha males taking all of the females. Then when humans learned to speak, the betas cooperated, taking out the alphas. Every single previously disanfrancized group of people ended its disanfrancisement by becoming a group. Labor unions in particular gain power through collective bargaining. If one worker rebels, he gets fired and easily replaced (assuming the labor market isn't too tight) but if the whole workforce goes on strike, it can bring the business to a skreeching halt.
@smoceany9478 3 күн бұрын
2:35 i dont believe koda stopped making games, he kept making games and stopped showing them to davey, but since davey didnt want to face the truth he believed that koda just stopped entirely
@jakubholic8769 4 күн бұрын
not only liberals or conservatives can jump on this trick
@letsfailgaming9850 4 күн бұрын
why does that second voice sound like Steve Shives? 1:34
@Mr.FastZombie 4 күн бұрын
Looking back at my childhood and teen years, I could have easily been a Gabe myself. Thankfully, I just shrugged it off.
@deagle2yadome696 4 күн бұрын
that’s a shame. as gabe is based.
@poisonousiodine1769 Күн бұрын
dude i just came back to this video after like 4 years only to discover that I disliked it. I was a gabe
@deagle2yadome696 Күн бұрын
@@poisonousiodine1769 that’s a shame, gabe is based, YOU, were based. you’ve gone down the wrong path my friend.
@chickennoodlesoup3301 Күн бұрын
@@deagle2yadome696come back in like 5 years when you’ve woken up
@deagle2yadome696 Күн бұрын
@@chickennoodlesoup3301 nope, i went the reverse way. i used to be this uploader then i became a gabe.
@TheCyberchickz 4 күн бұрын
I feel like this is really applicable to conversations about asexuality as well. Just because *I’m* not interested, doesn’t mean I’m judging you, but it can be hard for people with a lot of unprocessed shame not to project that.
@gmacwizard8890 5 күн бұрын
If the network has been trying to bring civilization to earth since 1990 then they have failed spectacularly and their ending of human civilization is a petty thing our advancement of a civilization was going fine in 1980 and it certainly wasn’t any better afterwards I would rather live in a world where the strife and suffering are a result of human folly rather than alien mettling. The network was at best incompetent and at worst dishonest and hostile to humanity. Gary was not the negotiator I would have chosen but it is pretty clear the network was not open to negotiation and honestly I won’t trust the aliens who mulched everyone who wouldn’t agree with everything they said
@nomansland1494 5 күн бұрын
I’m just glad Kenny’s dead either way
@TheGrayMysterious 5 күн бұрын
I can _see_ Dan throwing his hand up in a claw shape melodramatically when he indignantly bellows "THRRRRRICE"
@roberttractortaylor 5 күн бұрын
Maybe I'm too new to this internet lingo, but I assumed a 'normie' is a normal productive member of society, but you described Gabe as kind of a loser with not a lot going on in his life outside of internet message boards, video games, and Japanese cartoons. Did I misunderstand what normie means?
@deagle2yadome696 4 күн бұрын
he means racially unaware in this context
@roberttractortaylor 4 күн бұрын
@@deagle2yadome696 i stopped watching the video because it went way down roads that got into conspiracy theory and witch hunt territory, but it seemed like 'normie' and 'alt right' could mean whatever you needed it to mean based on the context you assign to it.
@deagle2yadome696 4 күн бұрын
@@roberttractortaylor that’s how radical leftists operate, they twist language for their own meaning, often at will and often in ways that cause them to contradict themselves. i applaud you for noticing this.
@smonkedweed7414 5 күн бұрын
“We” bruh means liberals, socialists have 0 illusions about “conservatives” and the far right
@ThatFreakingGinger 5 күн бұрын
He essentially explains Socialism slowly and carefully to libs. At least that's how I understand it.
@smonkedweed7414 5 күн бұрын
@@ThatFreakingGinger Idk, he describes himself as a liberal, he explains intersectionality and does criticize capitalism, but liberals can do both these things, and sure he’s definitely a progressive. I just mean, it seems whenever he talks about good faith bias towards conservatives, I don’t think POC, LGBT people, or socialists have these sympathies, we know conservatives are enemies and at best self-deluded and at worst malicious and duplicitous liars.
@TheG119YT 5 күн бұрын
Nearly everything Kenny did in S2 was what he thought was best for Clem and eventually the baby. Contrast to literally everyone else who at one point or another thought about themselves over her, even tho Clem was the reason ALL of those people were alive. Kenny is an extremely flawed character but to say he was her abusive stepfather is a step too far. By the end Kenny knows he’s too broken to keep her or the baby safe and is why every ending that you leave him he tells you it was correct. But the last thing he wants is for her and AJ to be safe, to be children and have some semblance’s of a childhood in a world without hope and Wellington is/was that for however many years they were there. THAT doesn’t sound like some abusive stepfather.
@loorthedarkelf8353 6 күн бұрын
Back again. This video remains interesting to me and sparks new thoughts as the industry continues hiding from anti trust laws while devouring studio after studio.
@leosorghum6867 6 күн бұрын
This is all the same shit that the far-left does to radicalize people, to an equal or higher degree than the far-right, yet it is completely ignored. How very telling
@amuroray9115 5 күн бұрын
Completely ignored? There’s hundreds of right wing channels and talking personalities that “address” what you’re saying and people still think they’re censored or don’t get attention.
@deagle2yadome696 4 күн бұрын
@@amuroray9115 can you name me one so i can watch it please?
@amuroray9115 4 күн бұрын
@@deagle2yadome696 is this a serious question? You’re unable to find a single right-winger complaining about the “far left” on KZfaq? Even the Algorithm helps out with that
@na8291 4 күн бұрын
"equal or higher degree" mass shooters are naming right wing media figures in their manifestos, right wing coups have been attempted in several countries and right wing terrorist groups are growing
@deagle2yadome696 4 күн бұрын
@@amuroray9115 are you talking about like shapiro and daily wire and BS like that? they are NOT right wing lol can you please send me to a real right wing channel that talks about far left radicalization in the way that this guy does?
@glowstickspinalfluid 6 күн бұрын
the more alt right movements get explained to me the more i realize they almost got me before i was old enough to realize what was happening
@linerider195 7 күн бұрын
The way you other Gabe in this video, and the way leftist discourse does that in general, is no small factor in why someone like gabe might feel "emasculated" or a "loser"
@skyco5395 5 күн бұрын
it can be condescending, but if you read enough fascist and neonqzi accounts, how they talk, how the operate and how they recruit, you sorta stop feeling bad for them.
@linerider195 5 күн бұрын
@@skyco5395 the video is othering Gabe well before Gabe becomes a fascist, just for being a "normie"
@na8291 4 күн бұрын
"i had to become a neo nazi because someone online called me a loser/normie" yeah okay
@linerider195 4 күн бұрын
@@na8291 Thankfully, noone said that
@patrec7638 7 күн бұрын
OMG - no, these things don't happen to everyone, just the regressive types, like the slobscribers on this channel. In the real world, far away from the democrat run s-hole cities, sane people don't experience this level of neuroticism on steroids. The reason liberals think conservatives are so horrible, is because their own existence is lacking of any meaning, so they think everyone must be as miserable as them. Then they project their idea of a conservative onto a straw man and keep throwing punches, believing they can convince people they are winning the argument. Channels like this are a cesspool of low effort thinkers, not being challenged, but simply using the echo chamber to keep them in a safe space and far away from reality. Nov 2024 is going be rough for you lot, so please stock up on the Copium. It will be in short supply as election day nears.
@patrec7638 7 күн бұрын
Here's a tip - if you need warning labels on everything, can you please, for the love of all things good, please tattoo on your forehead a warning, so the rest of us sane people know to keep our distance from you? If you live so much of a sheltered life, then maybe you shouldn't participate in society and just let mommy serve you in the basement. Why must the rest of us bend the knee to your inability to deal with reality?
@patrec7638 7 күн бұрын
Thank you for keeping your stupid archived for the rest of us to laugh at years later. It's great to see the Cope on full blast for those who truly believe that the alt-right is the problem. The only thing "radicalising" a normie these days, is the fact liberal/regressive media has proven to have been on the wrong side of EVERY major news event over the past 8 years. Russia Collusion, Rittenhouse, Smollet, Hunter's laptop, Ashely's diary, Burisma, Ukraine, Covid, The Wall, illegal immigration, quantative easing, inflation, Trans-kids, JE Client List, etc etc etc. The list of Ls just keeps on growing, yet mask wearing, boosted Fauci-philes still insist on pointing the finger everywhere but themselves. Nov 2024 is going to be glorious.
@amuroray9115 5 күн бұрын
Just like 2020, right? I could have sworn Trump isn’t doing to well in court, recently 🤔 Or how about the “rigged” election that was completely bogus?
@FatGuyEngineer 7 күн бұрын
Innuendo really took a fat L in making this video.
@lordfarquaad8601 8 күн бұрын
Framing conservatives as "those who wish to conserve the current power status quo," makes it easy to pigeonhole us as antidemocratic reactionaries, always countering society's attempts at progress. However, the slightest exploration of any conservative's worldview and values, should they have taken the time to iron these things out, would reveal that we don't wish to conserve much of society as it is. Many of us are anti-corporatist (viewing large businesses as stifling competition as a corruption of/not even captialism) and anti-federalist (wishing greater empowerment to states/counties disempowerment of the national government.) If you think either of these ideas are pro status quo, you're delusional.
@bladestormX 8 күн бұрын
Unrelated but wow, I did not expect to hear an except from an old Dredg song at the end, I have yet to encounter another person who knows that band
@eugenelove874 8 күн бұрын
Nickelback is good though 💗
@hollish1010 8 күн бұрын
Really appreciated the caveats at 7:16. I was thinking the same things, so I'm glad you rbought them up.
@connald483 8 күн бұрын
"Nobody ever went broke appealing to the ignorance of white people" OOF.
@TechMan042 8 күн бұрын
So basically he's just arrogant and cocky, and the clowns of the pathetic demented woke ideology in its infancy blew things out of proportion. I don't give a rat's ass if a dude's an arrogant A-hole. Trump is smarmy arrogant cocky and he's a better politician than 99.9% of politicians. Quentin Tarantino has said controversial things and been arrogant, but it doesn't change the fact that he's one of the best directors of all time. This is just a bunch of cry baby bitches whining
@mr.sophisticated 8 күн бұрын
I was a Gabe once I was being thrusted into a world of bigotry and anger i was first put into by my grandparents then I began moving through the talking heads Ben Shapiro, that one weird psychologist, and Matt Walsh. I got out of it because I realized I'm sad but this isn't helping
@ArjayMartin 9 күн бұрын
Please do one of these for Asians in Asia, Black people in Africa, Arabs in Arabia?
@dvsevbve7198 8 күн бұрын
???? Nah id win
@ArjayMartin 8 күн бұрын
@@dvsevbve7198 ?
@joanmoriarity8738 4 күн бұрын
Those videos shouldn't be made by a white guy.
@OmegaRedFan 9 күн бұрын
The domestic violence in Vampires is random
@goforapunch 9 күн бұрын
the way people in these comments are still defending the harassment she got lmfaooo. 4chan got so mad about a random woman “slandering gamers :(“ they decided to create a nonstop harassment campaign that lasted years and made her the figurehead of a very thinly veiled misogynist movement over some mediocre youtube videos. y’all are fucking delusional
@bobothetransdimensionalhob2659 2 күн бұрын
anita is a shitty person who mistreated her workers at FF
@James_Wisniewski 9 күн бұрын
After listening to a little bit of Andrew Tate (foolish move, I know), I've discovered he's a funny mix of this and Death of a Euphemism. He absolutely believes in Always a Bigger Fish, but also constantly shouts the quiet part to the highest heavens. What I'm not sure about is whether he's too dumb to understand the need to keep the quiet part quiet, if he's such a toxic, arrogant blowhard that he sees keeping the quiet part quiet as a sign of weakness and effeminacy, or both. Probably both.
@williamporterfield6151 9 күн бұрын
bebop is definitely better than eva tho