A Yugituber Got Kicked Out of An OCG Tournament Because He Didn't Speak Japanese....

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@williamdrum9899 Ай бұрын
Blame Logan Paul and Johnny Somali. Japan has been limiting foreigners more harshly lately because of their antics
@ShayneRawls Ай бұрын
Actually recently Australian and Chinese foreigners have increased this too cause of harassing Gaesha and other people in their neighborhoods
@KushDragon420 Ай бұрын
No pretty sure theyve always been racist af. In ww2 they were trying to conquer the earth under the delusion that japanese people were the most superior on earth and espeically compared to other asians. Not much has changed since as you can see.
@jm0112 Ай бұрын
Great take. So we shouldn't let any Hispanics come to the US because of El chapo then right? Do you see how ridiculous what your saying sounds now?
@eternalpunishment3922 Ай бұрын
tbh, Japan has always been a pretty xenophobic country. if anything, it's been more lax than before
@topdeckkek2266 Ай бұрын
good. They know that the west is cuckish when it comes to foreigners and for them to preserve their culture and way of life they have to start being more aggressive
@rgYT91 Ай бұрын
Speak Japanese Or Go To The Shadow Realm
@CodyTheDragonSamurai Ай бұрын
Lame… 😞
@sandycrash8868 Ай бұрын
Well technically the Japanese wouldn’t know what the shadow realm is
@thatbloodyspy 29 күн бұрын
@@CodyTheDragonSamurai okay "dragon samurai"
@potatoheadpokemario1931 29 күн бұрын
Actually the Shadow Realm is an American dub invention, so speak English or go to the shodow realm
@rgYT91 2 күн бұрын
It’s one of those comments I instantly find out on top of my head, so I had to bring it up sorry lol. However I still felt bad for that gentleman in this video just putting into context.
@Lostmarbles42 Ай бұрын
Reminder there is no discrimination laws in Japan so they can tell anyone that they arent welcome in the establishment
@geek593 Ай бұрын
Good. Freedom of association goes both ways.
@adandyguyinspace5783 Ай бұрын
Here in America there's no law that says you cant deny service to someone who doesn't speak a certain language. However, the FGC events that are held in Japan have a lot of non-Japanese people attend yet there's no issue.
@Lostmarbles42 Ай бұрын
@adandyguyinspace5783 America is a gray area depends on the state business only if they have the sign that says they have the right to refuse service japan any establishment can deny you service based on your ethnicity background or religious beliefs
@ballgang367 Ай бұрын
​@@adandyguyinspace5783 You clearly aren't familiar with what institutions like the ADL and the SPLC can do to your business if you say something they don't like. Freedom of association hasn't existed in the United states since atleast the civil rights act.
@dylanbuchanan6511 Ай бұрын
@@geek593 k. That also means you can reject people based on their skin color or nationality, like with squiddy. Imagine going to a restaurant and them being like, “yeah, sorry, no, you’re Italian. No spics here”.
@spicymemes7458 Ай бұрын
And that is why it's not as simple as "just move to Japan and play OCG format."
@Signerdragon123 Ай бұрын
@@JohnnyThe4th As someone that may wish to move to Japan in the distant future, even I know that complete mastery over Japanese language is a mandatory requirement.
@spicymemes7458 Ай бұрын
@@Signerdragon123 I think mainly tourists are lulled into a false sense of security when they go to a country with English as a second language and think they don't have to learn the nation's primary language if hardly at all to get by.
@ShayneRawls Ай бұрын
​@@JohnnyThe4thThat's the same shit people say over here in America to others . That's not the right focus. Cause I'm willing to bet that they wouldn't let him play even if he did speak the language
@jm0112 Ай бұрын
​@@JohnnyThe4thI think we are going to have to kick out a ton of French Russian and Spanish speaking people if they aren't welcome in the US. You really should think that through a little
@kavinh10 Ай бұрын
@@JohnnyThe4th exactly, it's why cap's anecdotes are pointless, does he really think just because he didn't see them, there's no locals in US that have kicked out non english speakers from their events. of course it's happened its bloody americans, its just whoever got kicked, won't be making a twitter rant about it for traction, so i really don't buy the "woe is us we'd accomodate you if you were in the us". They're well within their rights to not have rude foreigners involved in their events, especially given the decades long disgusting behavior american have towards Japanese culture
@shubdotclub Ай бұрын
Times have definitely changed, going to Japan in 2020 (January) to see worlds for vanguard plenty of stores were chill and let players join and interact for both vanguard and ygo related things. Tourists have probaably destroyed everything
@turtle-bot3049 Ай бұрын
They definitely have changed and it's sad. I went to Japan in 2015 with friends and it was amazing, everyone was friendly, chill and accommodating. Something's changed and it wouldn't surprise me if it was related to too many crappy tourists. Majority of those types of tourists are also despised in their own countries too for being the jerks they are.
@HenshinFanatic Ай бұрын
As they always do.
@kavinh10 Ай бұрын
american tourists
@justsomeguywithlasereyes9920 7 күн бұрын
@@kavinh10 Chinese, Australian, Apparently German and quite a few others starting crap over there, but mostly Hyper Nationalistic Chinese yes. Paul was a while ago and Johnni somali is just one guy.
@The1AndOnlyGoldenboy Ай бұрын
I've lived off and on in Japan for years, going all the way back to 2008. The Japanese have always been a bit racist and xenophobic but it used to be that if they saw you making honest attempts to understand their culture and follow its rules, you were generally accepted. They'd deal with the language barrier, or a brief bit of awkwardness, because they could see you were trying to be respectful. In the last few years though, especially post pandemic, all that has gone out the window. If you don't speak the language reasonably well they won't bother, and at best, you'll get pointed to a more touristy place where they've likely hired English speakers and have been trained to deal with "unruly situations". I was there last year for a couple of months and I constantly had to prove I was fluent and knowledgeable enough to even do things as simple as grab some lunch or do laundry.
@theinternationallanguagees9213 4 күн бұрын
That’s why you learn Japanese. Should be a given when you live in a country several years. I cannot believe people like you who go to countries for extended periods of time not learning the language and expect to be treated the same. learn the language.
@The1AndOnlyGoldenboy 2 күн бұрын
@@theinternationallanguagees9213 Except... I do know the language. I learned it, my writing isn't great but I can speak it well enough to where fluent people are surprised. All I'm saying is that even 5 years ago or so, the Japanese people were far more understanding and forgiving if you showed them you were at least trying to be respectful. Today, if you even look like you aren't native, a lot of them won't give foreigners the time of day unless they're paid to do so or you can prove you speak the language and understand their customs.
@MrThejapans411 Ай бұрын
I went to Japan in January. I didn't play in the tournament but I did just free play with some people. I'm half Japanese so I saw it as an opportunity to practice my language skills. I surprisingly had a positive experience even though I'm not 100% fluent.
@hungerxhunger2548 Ай бұрын
How is this even similar if your half Japanese?
@exodyno Ай бұрын
​@@hungerxhunger2548because Halfs had a lasting dislike upon them.
@amuro9624 Ай бұрын
Well you speak Japanese. That's the difference. I'm black and speak Japanese and I've never been told that I can't do something or go somewhere because I'm a foreigner. I even went to a bar that had a no foreigner sign in front once. The bartender stopped and stared at me then as soon as he heard me talk he smiled and offered me a seat. For some reason people really struggle with understanding that people don't want to deal with people they can't communicate with especially when they're from a different culture and you don't know how they gonna behave.
@Solid_Sayori Ай бұрын
I think that the first game store wasn't being genuinely racist or xenophobic. I have a feeling that they just didn't want to go through the hassle of accommodating a foreigner, whereas a European game store would probably be more than happy to. To my understanding, they are within their legal right to deny service, even on the basis of nationality. In my opinion, while this type of discrimination is still wrong, this is the way it should be. Forcing people to do business with someone that they don't want to do business with never goes well. It's sort of the same reason why I don't like top-down forced diversity in any space. Like, if the US government forced a city full of white racists to accept foreign refugees, that entire thing would be a disaster. Why would the racists want to deal with non-white people, and why would the non-white people want to deal with racists? You can't force someone to tolerate another person. It's just not possible.
@soransoran4083 Ай бұрын
Head in the Philippines, every single playee here could speak english
@Nichole9201 Ай бұрын
This guy out here litteraly promoting his 3rd world country lmao. Philippines doesn't even have any YGO events, why would he come the that shithole of a place?
@rickwinters1673 26 күн бұрын
Same SEA blocks here and i agree, OCG community is a different kind of beast.
@r3zaful 22 күн бұрын
@@rickwinters1673 sea are known for stun and floodgates enthusiast
@DeathWishProject Ай бұрын
for what it is worth, it really is about the language to them and not the country or race. I lived there for years and never once got turned away from playing in local tournaments as a white american. But I spoke and read the language at a pretty advanced level.
@nopenope3678 Ай бұрын
imagine if this was in the america
@lorenztor1990 Ай бұрын
would be a dream come true
@karstenseterbakken3617 Ай бұрын
thats what it should had been all along
@iop313 29 күн бұрын
Na the racism in japan sometimes go abit to far but I see what happen in the world with imagrtion so maybe japanese learning from the wast what not to do
@Sage16226 13 күн бұрын
@Hempujonsito Ай бұрын
Yugioh community when racism and xenophobia: 😰😱😡😡😠😠 Yugioh community when racism and xenophobia in Japan: 😄😃🤔😇☝️🤓🤐
@TheShotgunShovel Ай бұрын
Goes to show how many hypocrites we have these days. No true principles...
@justsomeguywithlasereyes9920 Ай бұрын
Yea Virtue signaling grifters do this all the time, all against "Muh Racismus" but then turn around and say "You can't be racist against white ppl lol". Only true principle is DGIF about it. And Before you answer, remember that Logan Paul, Johnny Somali and an assortment of other Foreigners have gone over there to start trouble and even be openly Racist to the Japanese in their own land, this is a very logical outcome.
@YGOHermit Ай бұрын
was thinking of going to japan as a vacation, but not anymore, I've heard way too many racist things about them.
@ashharkausar413 Ай бұрын
@@YGOHermit If you decide to go you'll be fine. Living there is a different story.
@Nemhyz 7 күн бұрын
@swordsman1_messer Ай бұрын
There’s been an uptick in foreign visitors basically being nuisances in the country for the past year. Among other cases, this includes Johnny Somali, desecrations of religious sites by two different foreign nationals, numerous instances of unwanted physical contact in Kyoto prompting a ban on tourists in the Geisha district, a Lawsons in the Tokyo area deliberately obscuring a skyline because of tourists jaywalking to get photos of Mount Fuji… The issue isn’t that Japan is being racist; it’s foreign visitors forgetting they’re in a different country, and the locals are simply not going to bother with nuance anymore.
@SliferStreaming Ай бұрын
They forget that they can't act how they do in america and expect to get away with it
@N12015 Ай бұрын
​@@SliferStreaming I'm also sure that Even europe and america are getting sick of those visitors. You know the saying, My house My rules.
@Ironcorgi2 Ай бұрын
It’s both. Yes there are bad actors but to discriminate against an entire nation is extremely wrong.
@Cms7899 Ай бұрын
I'm going to disagree here. Sure, foreigners can and do cause trouble, but Japan is very closed off as a country. They often discriminate against people who aren't Japanese. Even if you speak perfect Japanese and are nothing but polite, you will still be barred from entering certain businesses and participating in various events.
@yandoeseverything370 Ай бұрын
I understand that some people will act like idiots when visiting Japan but that just doesn't mean they should all be phobias to ALL foreigners. The Japanese folks should be more curious than closed-minded.
@Jet-Black_Cat Ай бұрын
this is kinda weird, someone I know (we are competitive OCG) went to jp cuz of family matters(this was during the arc-v era), even though he wasn't able to speak jp, he was still able to play in pods there and even told us his exp dueling there. I'm guessing streamers might got a hand on this one cuz a lot of them are doing stupid things there lately
@ladybug2579 Ай бұрын
Local ocg the same. None kicked back then. like over 100 time during before covid some joining tournament in japan. Or play locally. This is my first time i heard about they really kicking someone out.
@kylewilliams8644 Ай бұрын
I cannot speak for the current era, but in 2017-2019 Americans could play in their local tournaments. They even let me use English cards. I do not know what happened since then, but that is not the japan I remember
@xAznSkyxx Ай бұрын
As someone who participated in a lot of events, you barely need to speak at all. Ordering food was more difficult. Definitely not a language thing
@vanesslifeygo Ай бұрын
Some western companies make it difficult to simply pay a bill so they can get away with charging you late fees and interest even when you were ready and willing to pay. I can't imagine how this must go in Japan lol
@amuro9624 Ай бұрын
It is though. Japan has many places where foreigners aren't allowed unless they speak fluent Japanese just because they don't want to have to deal with a language barrier. Dealing with someone who you can't communicate with can be very stressful if you're from a country that's not as diverse as the US.
@PkmnTrainerEmerald Ай бұрын
This was crazy to hear happen and honestly I think it's more bad on Japan than on the dude. Hope things like this don't happen that often in the future cuz man this was unheard of to me before this.
@tlakuikani4790 Ай бұрын
is this the same squddy that appeared in Xtevens' duel network video???
@bankai318 Ай бұрын
Then one and only lmao
@arilenn3293 Ай бұрын
Fun fact In the policy doc for OCG locals, Konami states that you need a japanese address (basically be a resident) in order to play locals. Once again another example of Konami japan being so against foreigners. Ive been living in Japan for the past year on a study abroad program, so ive been playing yugioh ocg here and i speak relatively ok japanese, its not fluent, but it gets the job done. I cant even play competitive OCG because konami bars all non-citizens from playing, and despite being a ressident of the country i cant play in them. So stupid. Anyway, now im pretty sure that ive been to the same shop that squiddy tried first (i think its the satellite shop in akiba), ive played yugioh there, they almost immediately turned me away as i aproached the counter but they suddnly got friendly when i spoke a bit of japanese. And even then they almost didnt let me play until their manager happsned to come over. Theyre afraid of anything thats not the norm and might not 100% be exactly as planned. Its quite sad honestly how Konami just has this stance of OCG not being welcome to foreigners. Yugioh trancends language. At least MTG isnt like that here
@kavinh10 Ай бұрын
I can almost bet you they've had an american play ocg there in the past who was a cheating entitled scumbag which led to a a full on ban.
@SliferStreaming Ай бұрын
I believe it was said that its because they want their championship representative to actually be japanese
@arilenn3293 Ай бұрын
@@SliferStreaming then just simply be better than the foreigners. If they made it residents like everywhere else you still wouldn't have say Jesse kotton coming for a holiday to play in japan nats (you need to qualify via another tourney anyway)
@JuwanBuchanan Ай бұрын
Welcome to gatekeeping.
@SliferStreaming Ай бұрын
@@arilenn3293 no they're not allowed to participate in the first place.
@TheLonelySoulja Ай бұрын
One of my friends recently went to Japan. He did not tell me anything like that, BUT he was doing Pokemon and site seeing.
@wanderlustwarrior Ай бұрын
In my trip to Tokyo (I can't speak to the rest of the country), I didn't have any negative experience for not speaking Japanese, but I also didn't try to play the game there. But I know that there are some spots that are closed to tourists or non-Japanese, for various reasons.
@fateric007 Ай бұрын
Hold up. How do you play without arms?
@starlord1521 Ай бұрын
U cam use your feet. In SF we had a pro player, Brolylegs who ha no arms yet was very good in street fighter
@yukureimu8403 Ай бұрын
May this hopefully be a one off incident. Justice for my boy.
@brsurvivor1 Ай бұрын
Back in the days when I used to play in the TCG, I went to the very first YCS held here in England, YCS Brighton. There, they were representatives from all over the world, and to accommodate different nationalities and languages, they had judges there to help translate. Also, some of the duelists had printed out pages (translated into English) what the effects were to help out and speed up the duels, without the need to call a judge over every 5 seconds. I mean, I could easily be wrong here, but it sounds to me more like, they had bad previous experiences with streamer/KZfaq personalities and just didn't want to cause trouble for their local players. I mean, I could be wrong, but this is just my 2 cents on the matter
@grassqbe1201 Ай бұрын
I think that's ridiculous. At my locals we have a deaf and mute duelist. Nobody ever has an issue playing with him
@skiletkilla Ай бұрын
Isnt it Konami policy that foreigners cannot purchase entry to large ocg events?
@-cynicish- Ай бұрын
I spend two months there as a tourist and had no issue and I'm not Japanese or can speak it. I was able to john a few MTG tournaments and played just fine. I visited a ton of Yugioh shops and bought stuff with no issue. I didn't play any yugioh namely cuz I don't own an ocg deck. I would have like to visit the YCS tournament that was going on but you need a lottery ticket to enter and register.
@bradlopez3681 Ай бұрын
I've played a few tournaments while I was in Japan both yugioh and magic. Never had this problem. I've acually had the opposite experience people where excited to have me there even wanting to trade for my English cards. I would understand if they felt like I shouldn't play as my Japanese is horrible and that could definitely make the tournament drag longer.
@bradlopez3681 Ай бұрын
My best advice is learn at least BASIC Japanese if they see you trying they are going to be a lot more accommodating in my experience.
@darkwyrm21 Ай бұрын
From what I understand, if anyone that doesn't speak Japanese tries to go into a restaurant or a nightclub as a tourist you will be turned away not so much because of your inability to speak Japanese it's largely because that establishment's ownership or staff aren't confident in their ability to speak English so, it's easier for them to turn you away and maybe point you to a place that will accept you
@Jajuan44 Ай бұрын
That's what translator apps are for. Translate the menu so you know what to order, and then use your phone to translate your order, so the person taking your order can read it. It's not a language barrier issue, because I'm 100% sure if a native Japanese person walked in but couldn't communicate verbally they wouldn't turn them down.
@amuro9624 Ай бұрын
​@@Jajuan44what do you do when the client gets drunk or too angry to use the translation app?
@Jajuan44 Ай бұрын
@@amuro9624 The same thing you would do if the client was Japanese and is drunk and hostile call the cops.
@Funlu Ай бұрын
@@Jajuan44 yeah no one wants to deal with some guy, shoving a phone in their face and yelling at it. I’ve seen it on stream. It’s really cringe bro.
@amuro9624 Ай бұрын
@@Jajuan44 that's the thing though. That's not what Japanese places would do if they were in that kind of situation with a Japanese client. Calling the police would be an extreme case. So you're asking them to be ready to take extra measures to accommodate you because they'd have to call the police if there's trouble instead of just talking.
@animeknight99 Ай бұрын
Interesting video 👍
@andreafantin9567 Ай бұрын
just my experience as an exchange student fluent in Japanese that went to that same store and many others: I for sure have found some opponents that seemed to be a bit concerned about having to speak English/being unsure whether I could understand Japanese enough to play properly but never was I rejected from the staff, I always felt welcome and a lot of them were also curious about the tcg, our exclusives, our banlists etc and had a lot of talks. I'm confident to say that it wasn't a case of racism, rather they were concerned about the matches not being able to be conducted in a decent way. Also there's a lot of stores that have a duel space but don't host tourneys
@killerbee1974 Ай бұрын
Given the amount of tech we have today, using a translation app should do the job. Konami could have one made so that all ots stores would be required to have one so all are able to play.
@destroazuredx484 Ай бұрын
its not the store, that's just japan, there are multiple stories of people being polite to people but not actually being welcoming to forgieners
@kavinh10 Ай бұрын
just tell them you aren't americans and they'll immediately treat you better. Americans are distained worldwide rightfully so.
@agungxs9715 Ай бұрын
Hopin Japan ( konami ) can limit some rogue cards
@CymorgX Ай бұрын
From my understanding, and please someone correct me if I’m wrong, but Japan has always had a no gaijin policy for a lot of non tourists areas. Now with the whole streamer situation just made it worse. Japan is a very different culture from us, like VERY different. So while it’s unfortunate it also not surprising to me. I still would love to visit there one day to get to experience the old architecture and rich history that is there.
@MelioUmbraBelmont Ай бұрын
Lucky guy, don't came to Brazil
@That_One_Gaming_Guy Ай бұрын
That's why I don't travel, this bullshit.
@MattMatt77 Ай бұрын
Yeah Japan is like that. When I was in Japan I was going to get a drink because I was very thirsty because I was walking all day and they denied me service because I was in Japanese and I said I will be quick I can also take it with me and not be inside and they said no we don't serve foreigners. It isn't nice but sadly what can you really do 🤷‍♂️
@erickkisreal9398 Ай бұрын
From my experience they either refuse to serve me at stores even when google translate is around or they give lower quality/portions to me compared to other japanese people in restaurants. I wasn't rude or loud at all at those places
@timihari Ай бұрын
Or you didn't know that you were being rude. Japan has the weirdest social norms, even sitting in certain ways or looking at someone in the wrong way can be seen as disrespectful and shameful. Every smallest detail matters to them. Pretty sure using a translator is also seen as disrespectful to some, especially since google translate is terrible when it comes to japanese... if anyone reads this and wants to visit japan, I suggest a better translator. Like any that are specifically for japanese, even if you have to pay a few bucks. It really can make a difference.
@erickkisreal9398 Ай бұрын
@@timihari I guess sitting down looking down at the table or looking at my phone is rude? Unless you describe specifics I would have no idea. Edit: I feel like you're just making things up with the translator thing
@erickkisreal9398 Ай бұрын
@@timihari so someone being disrespectful without intent justifies xenophobic treatment?
@timihari Ай бұрын
@@erickkisreal9398 I'm mostly saying it's about google translator being bad at translating to japanese so you might have disrespected them somehow. As for the other things, I don't know specifics... but I've heard/read from a lot of people that there are thousands of little things that are seen as direspectful to them. And yes, intent isn't a big factor in Japan. Everyone is expected to know what to do or not to do. In most countries you can just say that you're sorry and you didn't know, but in Japan not knowing something is also seen as disrespectful, as meaning that you didn't take time to learn their culture because you don't feel it's worth it. Their culture is completely different to any other, as they have been isolated for hundreds of years so thing work different... what is polite in the rest of the worlds might not be polite there and vice-versa.
@erickkisreal9398 Ай бұрын
@@timihari I didn't even get to use google translate. I just showed them my phone and they did crossed arms thing and refused. I wasn't even given a chance to offend them. You still aren't being specific or giving me examples either and you're avoiding the question: So you still think their xenophobic treatment was justified? It just kinda feels like you're one of those japan worshipper/apologists even though you don't actually know anything concrete. edit: like your focus is more on me being at fault even though I practically acted like a normal quiet human being, rather than how I was mistreated. And yes I know certain etiquette too. Like not putting your foot on the seats and not eating while walking.
@hiddend3455 Ай бұрын
so is everyone not gunna talk about the elephant in the room that cards shop was small worlds, nats and ycs's are huge events ive seen no one mentioning that only "but ycs's but euros" japan is japan but lets not ignore it was a smaller store that cant make the necessary set up. not to mention he walked up on the day of the event like come on .
@RavenCloak13 Ай бұрын
If it did have translators that be way more insane. That be above and beyond expected hospitality.
@JesseyMarchlewski 28 күн бұрын
I've actually seen a Japanese alphabet before and now I'm learning it.
@djadventurearchives 10 күн бұрын
I live in China and play at my locals in Wuhan every weekend. Even though i don't speak the language they are completely fine with me playing. I know what most of the cards do but if i dont i just pull out my phone and pit it on the table so they can see im looking up a card. No one ever hss a problem eith that. I just use ygo pro and typ in the card name and read it. Its not so hard so i think its really messed up they didn't let him play in Japan:(
@ladybug2579 Ай бұрын
This is first time i saw someone got kicked. For years asian (not just chinese. Theres a lot of races in Asia) going to tournament or local never get kicked. This was before covid. Cardfight vanguard and yu gi oh OCG are the most popular here. Still remember 5 player from local joining tournament in JP back then set in Tokyo (cardfight vanguard btw). None were kicked. Now this?. Those streamers really putting bad image for real.
@LordKishi Ай бұрын
Got weird looks and heard someone say “scary” because I’m tall and dark skinned 😂 Japan has BEEN racist and xenophobic it’s not a surprise to me that he got kicked from stores.
@IOSARBX Ай бұрын
MegaCapitalG, amazing content dude
@SpartanTrigger Ай бұрын
When I was In Japan my limited Japanese was enough but a lot of people who go to Japan speak the language, I didn’t have problems playing vanguard there
@Ycuk1989 Ай бұрын
Look at it this way. When he play a card did he say the japanese name or U.S. name.
@Weaselthebassist Ай бұрын
Just use Master Duel sound effects to communicate what you're doing 😂
@TheYugilicious Ай бұрын
In the EU we will mostly speak English when we are from different countries. Except the French.. they love speaking French and live in an illusion where French is a language of importance.
@yonoshot Ай бұрын
Most Americans/ people from the western countries don’t realize that a lot of other countries discriminate, been to many other countries and seen a lot of stores/ restaurants that didn’t allow foreigners in.
@kurogamihobbymancer Ай бұрын
I've been living here for 5 years, and I go quite often to that store (Akihabara Card Lab, Satellite store) and I've never been told that only japanese are allowed, though it is true that if you don't speak Japanese you may be asked to refrain from playing, since japanese don't speak English at all. Even though I think that message was quite racist 😂
@Average_CoD_Clips Ай бұрын
Squiddy was a legend on DN
@CoffinKidHxC Ай бұрын
Crazy ass question are you in SC or NC? Cause you spoke about a player named Bubba with no arms and thatd be a CRAZY coincidence otherwise
@makootithebionicman3612 Ай бұрын
Friends: why don't you wanna go to Japan? Me after also explaining my social anxiety:
@NexusAvery Ай бұрын
It might be just because you're viewed as a foreigner. Japan has started cracking down on foreigners due to tourists coming and causing trouble, like messing up historical buildings/landmarks. Streamers have also been showing up and becoming nuisances.
@GhostlyGhost333 Ай бұрын
It’s likely due to to the rampant bad behavior from foreign tourists. It’s gotten so bad over there, Japanese people have gone out of their way to block off areas of Japan so people couldn’t visit there. I wouldn’t be surprised if this caused others to be cautious of foreigners as well outside of tourist areas. Japan usually has some foreign hating folk, but what country doesn’t? The whole bad tourist thing is likely making it worse and making those haters feel justified.
@janithernest3929 Ай бұрын
I wouldn't be surprised
@mattgibson9337 Ай бұрын
Japan has had issues with foreigner prior to the bad tourist behaviour, it has just exasperated the situation. Prior to the recent uptick in bad tourist there have been many places like restaurants or hotels that would deny foreigners entry. So no it's not that bad tourist have made more Japanese people cautious of foreigners it simply gave them a reason to exhibit more xenophobic actions
@wrought-ironheroEMIYA Ай бұрын
Yeah dont get me started with johnny somali
@kavinh10 Ай бұрын
@@mattgibson9337 its not xenophobic if there's a reason, americans are rude and only 2nd to chinese tourists in terms of unreasonableness. if the script was flipped and someone who didn't speak English went to a tcg tournament couldn't interact with the opponent or the judge would you allow them to play?
@RejectHumanityReturn2Monke Ай бұрын
​@@mattgibson9337 Who's to say those establishments denying foreigners haven't experienced harassment past this recent boom of nuisance tourists?
@bclagnese Ай бұрын
As I understand it....Racial Discrimination is legal in Japan.
@deckardshaw6696 29 күн бұрын
"how can you play without communicating?" literally all you need to communicate in a duel is "this card, activate", "this card, attack"
@k_hearts3954 Ай бұрын
There is no way this made full circle
@I_am_Kuro Ай бұрын
Been there before, played just fine, you do need basic japanese skills not to play but to do anything else at the local like registering, discussing eventual ruling issues etc
@illusionjt4314 Ай бұрын
Yeah it’s might be unfair but at the same time it makes sense.
@ShadowFox10587O Ай бұрын
Pegasus didn't seem to have a problem with bandit Keith competing in duelist kingdom
@DragonBallsolosyourverse Ай бұрын
Bandit keith spoke japanese Squiddy didt Also pegasus is american himself
@ShadowFox10587O Ай бұрын
@@DragonBallsolosyourverse Oh was he? I guess I forgot it's been a while since I've seen the original series. Initially I assumed the language barrier would be a huge problem(especially when it comes to stuff like ruleings)but apparently not. Another comment was also saying you need a Japanese address to play in some events there.
@Insideranon Ай бұрын
And all kieth did is start shit and make problems, So no wonder they're cracking down.
@chronic-joker Ай бұрын
Pegasus is American, it was yugi who was entering into a foreign tournament
@BrotherHood-xh9sg Ай бұрын
And Keith cheated and brought a gun to kill pegasus. Also Keith spoke Japanese.
@plabcentral630 23 күн бұрын
Japans history has shown heavy isolation for thousands of years now. I do not find this surprising. I find it surprising that people wonder why their brith rate is not sustains population growth and they have the highest rate of loneliness and other sad things. It’s not utopia like people think.
@plabcentral630 23 күн бұрын
I feel like it’s another case of some people idolizing another culture.
@timihari Ай бұрын
Well, their rules say you need to be a japanese resident to participate. Simple rule, but unfortunately yugioh players don't read...
@starjadiancloneinvestigato1772 Ай бұрын
Unfair rule though. In the TCG there are no rules saying you need to speak English or another language. What if we kicked out a Japanese player for not speaking English? We'd be cancelled instantly
@timihari Ай бұрын
@@starjadiancloneinvestigato1772 Firstly, getting cancelled is a western/woke thing, Japan couldn't care less. Secondly, yes there are such rules in the TCG, many small town locals have the exact same rules. Maybe a bit different, for example my locals only allows native speakers(english would work too, since the cards are also in english) and only english cards(we don't have them in our language). If a german who doesn't speak english with german cards came in, they wouldn't be able to compete.
@DragonBallsolosyourverse Ай бұрын
Its not unfair To expect you to speak the primarily languate of the country your staying at Imagine if you went to locals then you couldt talk to anybody as everybody spoke spanish
@skywardchandelure Ай бұрын
@@starjadiancloneinvestigato1772 Different culture, different rules. IDK I think trying to enter a local tournament on a weekday with no effort or desire to even try to learn the most basic phrases of another countries language and expecting everyone to accommodate while being surprised that they just kick you is clown behavior. Having said that, I am really happy that he did some casual play with other natives and I am all for that. But crying when you shove a phone in someone's face and they tell you to piss off is stupid af.
@agungxs9715 Ай бұрын
​@timihari. Nooooo...... this is soooo... INTRIGUINg if fair enough and it keeps up :((((
@Slayerthecrow Ай бұрын
Yep, this is very common in some asian countries, I know by people not only Japan but China and South Korea as well are the worst.
@agungxs9715 Ай бұрын
Yeahhhhh...... soo true 😮😭😭 I'm Australian btw
@M4nj0 Ай бұрын
I dont think its because of yugioh and the language barrier,he told that even a sushi place kicked him out.I think its because of the Jonny Gay Somali story and the youtube vlogger disaster that happend that ppl there hate tourists right now.
@adrianpinder9897 Ай бұрын
Even if your exp tells you the language barrier doesn't matter it doesn't imply that those japanese's employee know that. YGO is a very complicated game and yes communication is important. They don't know you are an expert you might need some explaining and not being able to speak the language then it is a big problem.
@CaptainMarvel4Ever Ай бұрын
Nah this would have been more trouble than it was worth for the stores. I think we're making a mountain out of a molehill.
@ltmad1284 Ай бұрын
How does world's work then?
Damn, japan really be out here being the america of the east huh? 🤣
@awesomeneiss Ай бұрын
I visited Japan in 2010 and I had a good time.
@_Vengeance_ Ай бұрын
The argument "Well, Worlds and Europe do fine with multiple languages" is a really bad argument. Tournaments in multi-language environments are designed to accomodate multiple languages, unlike tournaments in solo-language environments. So when all of a sudden someone in a tournament in a solo-language environment suddenly needs to be accomodated for a different language, that's a huge issue.
@matuiyo2000 Ай бұрын
I have a room that I don't want my guest to get into in my house.If the guest wants,he need my permission.
@akumarajio2691 Ай бұрын
Sad but not unexpected. On one hand I dislike how other people have ruined it for people who WANT to do the right thing in Japan and people shouldn't be blamed for what they have experienced from bad actors, on the other it almost says something about a country that wants to take pride in their culture but not give others a fair shake when all they wish to do in engage with people in a fair and honest intent.
@KyoAlexiel 29 күн бұрын
OCG vs TCG I wouldnt say the language isnt a problem.. in this case its most definately is as OCG has cards never released in the TCG and cards not released yet so cards you have absolutely never seen can and will show up. If you cant read the card how can you translate it when you cant read/speak the language? TCG on the other hand every country has the card and you'll be seeing alot of cards you know. So translation is abit of less of an issue at least with the cards themselves.
@leecollins9185 Ай бұрын
As an obviously non-Japanese person, I have been to dozens of card shops in Tokyo and bought tons of cards and never had any issues. The store employees were all friendly and respectful. Never tried to enter a locals over there though, so can't speak for that.
@cutefacejay6703 Ай бұрын
Insane, meanwhile we got folks from Asia who have come to the UK for education and don't speak English too well yet we still allow them to join us in locals. Heck we've even had one guy playing against us with his full OCG deck.
@kavinh10 Ай бұрын
not for a tournament that leads up to ycs though just a casual affair
@ma.2099 Ай бұрын
If you turned them away, your locals would have been flamed too. Japan gets away with this kind of stuff all the time just for being ✨ Japan ✨
@BrotherHood-xh9sg Ай бұрын
There is so much wrong in your "logic", I don't even know where to start. From you comparing "not speaking Japanese" with "don't speak english to well". Or you comparing "a major tournament qualifier" with "your locals". Or that you can have foreign cards according to the rules, if you have a translated copy. Or how OCG and TCG have different rules.
@newfacepaula Ай бұрын
​@@ma.2099defend weeabooland
@georgschwingerchen39 Ай бұрын
Konami kinda has huge beef with europe for whatever reason. We don't just have no YCS, we also didn't get the newest Speed duel box, which had WONDER FUSION and Neos (my beloved). ... I don't get it. Why does europe gets discriminated? That's so unfair
@King_Of_Games Ай бұрын
I literally play with a German deck if somebody needs the translations I always have my cards in English on the side but for the most part people just don’t need to read or talk to play the game you just need to know what the card does
@ilhammaulana2690 Ай бұрын
Native or normal citizen of most country usually not really that interested in learning other language. It's less problem to not accept the customer if they don't have any worker who can understand English. Of course there's a more international friendly shop. It's just still not that many, I think.
@miko761 Ай бұрын
they are not wrong to do it though, I mean how you will explain your plays/card effects to your opponent if they can only speak/understand Japanese and most of the translator app are not that good.
@richie5751 Ай бұрын
Maybe it is a culture thing and maybe they are just shy of not being able to accommodate. However, that does not take away from the fact that Japan has a huge xenophobic reputation. Claiming that the store was just trying to avoid an awkward situation just further causes that reputation to persist. For those Japanese citizens that want to remove that stigma from their country maybe they should push for more inclusive policies. Because I know in my heart most of Japan isn’t racist or xenophobic. At the end of the day I get it different country different rules and they have the right to run it how they like. It is just sad that these kind of issues still persist in modern society. At a certain point people around the world have to realize how closed minded our previous generations have been towards one another. Why can’t we accept each other’s differences and just make accommodations so that we can collaborate. I don’t know the story they told in Japan for yugioh, but on 4kids it was all about friendship and teamwork. I think the store missed an opportunity to showcase how yugioh can overcome all sorts of barriers and bring people together.
@redoctober67 Ай бұрын
To solve this problem, all events that are open to both OCG/TCG should be held in Switzerland. Neutrality, right? 🤣 Otherwise, he should probably take this up with corporate Konami. Might be able to get something out of it. As far as OTHER places not serving you because you can't speak Japanese, might I recommend you look up the many, readily accessible guides to Japan for non-Japanese speakers?
@Joshbo5H Ай бұрын
It's fine in my book. It's not like Europe asked to be flooded, let them have an actual choice.
@Shugunou Ай бұрын
I understand why the OCG requires you to speak Japanese and why the TCG doesn't require you to speak a certain language. It's because the OCG is two languages, Japanese and Korean, and only one of those languages is spoken in Japan. The TCG has many languages and people in countries where they play the TCG typically speak multiple languages. Europe, Canada, the US, and even some countries in Asia all speak multiple languages. So, having language requirements wouldn't make much sense.
@amuro9624 Ай бұрын
I feel like this is a very American assumption that anyone will be willing to accommodate for someone who doesn't make the effort of learning the language. To me it makes perfect sense to not allow people who don't speak the language. If something were to happen it would be just too much of a hassle for everyone involved if you cant easily communicate. If people in US tournaments are willing to do extra effort to accommodate those who don't speak English props to them but you can't expect that from everyone. To me this is like going to a restaurant and ask them to make a meal that isnt on the menu. Some might be willing to accommodate but most obviously wont want to deal with that. Why make extra work because one customer is too lazy to learn Japanese?
@ansispaulins 24 күн бұрын
I see people blaming it only on japan, but I would be willing to bet, that if someone who doesn't speak english and only communicated through translator app showed up to an event in US, most stores would deny entry to that player as well.
@TrueNomadSkies 29 күн бұрын
Hahaha I used to play with Squiddy. Good dude is good, but honestly how would he or anyone think they could play in a Japanese tournament without being able to speak Japanese and not run into problems? That's kind of like trying to enter a Fencing tournament without a sword or ppe. I can't imagine trying to play in a language I don't speak or vice versa because it'd be very challenging for me, and this is coming from someone who used to know every card. It's pretty crappy tho that he got shafted in what's essentially unofficial locals or gathering as a result. If someone didn't speak English and came to my card shop, I'm pretty sure nobody would be a dick about it and we'd find some way to help them out by at the very least googling a few words like attack, effect, end, etc and showing pictures of cards in their familiar language that players don't have memorized. I did this pretty often with things that received erratas or even something like Relinquished where some (if not all?) versions omitted some relevant information.
@Squiddys 23 күн бұрын
hey theo how are u doing long time no see!!! its been a decade haha was randomly reading the commints and was like wait i racognize that username! hope life is treating you well 😃
@TrueNomadSkies 22 күн бұрын
@@Squiddys it's been a while! I'm surprised you remembered my username, but then again I could never forget the great Squiddy haha! KZfaq just showed me this video and then I realized it was about you. Things have been alright. Haven't played in years, but we still have the Kelowna Yugioh fb group and I really do feel that people here would be a lot better with visitors who spoke other languages than your experience overseas. Hopefully that ends up being more of a thing in the future, especially as the guy mentioned given we live in a world with so much like, technology language assistance and stuff.
@Squiddys 21 күн бұрын
@@TrueNomadSkies of course i remembar! good times were had. if u ever get a chance definitely swing by quantum! they have such a big scene now i remmeber when we barely had 8 players. really cool spot and great community glad to see how far it has come 😃
@virgiltank3640 Ай бұрын
If you're not allowed to use non - Japanese lang cards then why would you be allowed to use another lang for communication ?
@peteryanes3413 Ай бұрын
I always wonder if anyone can play without hands or arms now I know they can n do 👍
@m1r197 Ай бұрын
I cant speak on the shops themselves, but the people saying squiddys clearly in the wrong is mind boggling. You're not bad for trying to play with other players who speak a different language, and you are wild if you think that makes him "insensitive" or a "bigot". Leaving politics aside... I dont get this whole "you gotta know language to be able to play" argument. Yea yugioh is a hard game, but game mechanics are universal unlike an entire language. People who get payed to play games (esport games like LoL or CS) competetivley arent stopped by "language barrier". They want to play with/against the best players they can find. Maybe yugioh is just different and im comparing apples and oranges, but I feel you shouldnt need to know the persons entire language to be able to play a game with them if you both understand the mechanics. If the shops dont wanna deal with it or its an nats qualification thing then thats fine. I get hung up on this language barrier argument though. Is it really that undoable?
@potatoheadpokemario1931 29 күн бұрын
I side with the shop owners here
@feren9984 Ай бұрын
Theres a huge difference between translating european languages like spanish, english and french which have similar roots. However Japanese google translate is horrendous. It makes perfect sense. Like you are also comparing regionals and locals which is weird. American sure are weird.
@joestar222 Ай бұрын
Yugioh is complex enough. I wouldn’t want to explain a ruling on why X effects are negated due to X conditions meanwhile my opponent speaks a completely different language 🙆 So I’m not blaming the Japanese for not dealing with that bull💩 😂
@Kingofredeyes Ай бұрын
While it is likely just an isolated incident one thing I will point out is The West is not the world, and in much of the world they will not make the same effort we do in The West to accommodate things like language barriers, hell in some places they won't even accommodate disabilities. I'm not surprised to see it happen in Japan tbh, and if I was going to visit another country I would do as much as I could to ensure I would be able to communicate with people effectively be that learning their language at a basic level, finding a translator or whatever. Often times simply being able to show you are making an effort on your end will result in people being more willing to work with you.
@dominictorreto7735 29 күн бұрын
This is wild smh it’s unfair and almost racist to other languages there should at least be translators for English and Spanish and German
@ColdCryomancer Ай бұрын
If Japan is open to tourism they NEED to sell to tourists. simple as that. biases aside this is a money thing above all else. The fact that theyre saying your money is no good because your a tourist is CRAZY. However your right i he can't SPEAK the language he cant play the game. it would be the same here. But shitty people going to Japan and acting the fool have absolutely ruined things for everyone else.
@gabrielsalahi3656 Ай бұрын
Yea this is fair. I understand their decision
@pjgarcia3492 Ай бұрын
When u visit a different country understand that you're the guest in their house. U don't come in and argue why they gotta let u do whatever u want in their house. Thats basic manners
@CoolGhoul666 Ай бұрын
The argument comparing it to Europe is bad, because almost everyone in the EU can speak at least basic English, that isn't the case in Japan. I also think one of the main reasons for him being turned away, is because they are small local tournaments. There my be no one that speaks English there, where that properly isn't the case in larger tournaments.
@gasury8927 Ай бұрын
well at least he wasn't..... your know
@KyleYoung2012 27 күн бұрын
Its because they updated the Ocg Yu-Gi-Oh! Tournament qualifying rules you cant be a foreigner and or speak English you gotta know at least some Japanese or at least enough they pass you
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