All the Spore Jumps in Season 5 of Star Trek Discovery Compilation

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Major Grin

Major Grin

Ай бұрын

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@MajorGrin Ай бұрын
Review of the last episode of STD here :
@definitelyeric Ай бұрын
I like the space station that looks like one of those wind chime things your aunt would hang on her porch.
@autecheee Ай бұрын
And HOAs ban you from having outside due to noise complaints…..
@definitelyeric Ай бұрын
​@autecheee Star Trek: HOA. The Karens have taken over thre Alpha quadrant. No one is safe.
@autecheee Ай бұрын
@@definitelyeric Especially for men in the 32nd century when all planets/Militaries/Ships are ruled by the Matriarchy! Are we not Men? We are Servants!! To Superior Women!!
@randomelement5510 Ай бұрын
@@autecheee Gay men and men of color are exceptions, but straight white men are toxic.
@nobodynothing282 Ай бұрын
Starfleet can't even properly equip away teams with survival gear, good shoes, etc. So they have to cut corners where they can.
@DonnyWinter Ай бұрын
The jump sequence from the shuttlebay perspective = effing awesome.
@Rocksteady72a 26 күн бұрын
Probably my favorite from the season.
@darmtb 17 күн бұрын
It’s like the interior view of that season 4 jump @ 4.35 on here. Major Grin’s other video…
@invarietateconcordia1988 Ай бұрын
As a kid I always wondered when the Enterprise D warped how it might work. How can these nacells create the warp field around the ship and deform space itself? What kind of physics do we still have to understand to make it possible? Seeing the Discovery is just... ..what? Spores? Why is this thing spinning?! WHY?
@dustinherk8124 Ай бұрын
Ironically warp travel is actually theoretically possible. and the current model is known as the Alcubierre drive. but mushroom engines is a bit too stupid and beyond even sci fi concepts.
@Drebin2293 Ай бұрын
Because spores affect the mind, and as the traveler said, mind over matter. LSD is a hell of a drug.
@nicotoscani1707 Ай бұрын
cos its written by id-iot
@AgentExeider Ай бұрын
@@dustinherk8124 Yeah Spore Drive, is essentially hyperdrive with extra steps. Per the show, the ship drops into the "Mycelial Network" essentially a layer of subspace with this crap, travels through that till it gets to it's corrosponding destination then transits back to normal space. basically hyperdrive. In short, Kurtzman figured out how to get Star Wars hyperdrive into StarTrek with no one noticing.
@dustinherk8124 Ай бұрын
@@AgentExeider agree to disagree on that. everyone noticed how much BS it was. had Discovery taken place AFTER Voyager, it would of made more sense. Voyager returned back from Earth this crazy amounts of data regarding new FTL methods that were all faster than warp. they even brought home a functional slip stream drive. it was only decommissioned due to safety concerns and their lack of knowledge to properly field test the drive. they had sensor data regarding the borg trans warp network, use of integration of a borg transwarp coil, breaking warp 10, Coaxial warp drives, and all the sensor data from the energy anomoly that catapulted them to the delta quadrant in the first place. Starfleet R&D would have a metric fuqq tonne to work with and learn from to create a newer FTL engine. Not to mention "underspace" a different layer of subspace, not unlike the stupid mushroom drive, that the Vaadwaur used to dominate the Delta Quadrant, until a coalition banded together to defeat the Vaadaur and put the species into hiding for a few hundred years. Voyager had experience with that too.
@ranchoth Ай бұрын
An acquaintance of mine has the theory/head canon that, in universe, STD is actually the psychotricorder readings of a starfleet crewman named Michelle Burnham-who was comatose and hallucinating wildly after being infected by alien fungal spores, which were now growing a mycelial network in her brain. The “fungus” angle, one of the last things she heard before (or picked up subconsciously from sickbay during) the coma, was integrated into the “storyline” of her coma dream, with the rest being explained by the high grade psychedelic effects of the fungus (all the flashy lens flares, impossible glowing technology, etc)…and by Mikey turning out to be much more seriously psychologically disturbed on a subconscious level than anyone realized. Probably her parents were killed by Klingon pirates-hence, why they take the form of subhuman monsters, and she suffered from cripplingly low self esteem…resulting in her fantasy self being a complete Mary Sue, adopted sister of one of Starfleet’s greatest heroes, the the Bestest Officer Evarr, and the Angel Michael. (The latter explaining her name change-dream logic and parasitic ergotism glossing over the incongruous use of a male name to serve the “plot”) “Section 31”‘s appearance was probably just from the offhand urban legend or rumor, likely exaggerated, of an all powerful Black Ops agency. Kinda like rumors about “stealth fighters” in the 80s-they really existed, true, but almost all of the details in public speculation about them at the time were wrong. (Possibly by design.)
@sparquisdesade Ай бұрын
* slaps knee * MYCELIAL NETWORK
@YadraVoat Ай бұрын
@interianesq Ай бұрын
Bravo. You redeemed it in my mind. It all makes sense now.
@gabrielclark1425 Ай бұрын
​@@sparquisdesade the greatest irony is that they literally didn't need to invent such a thing for the story, modern science has proven that electrons themselves are all connected to one another in a similar manner, being the same particule superimposed across the universe via quantum mechanics.
@sparquisdesade Ай бұрын
@@gabrielclark1425 You know what's even more tragic if you think about it? This shows story could have been half decent if the entire timeline of it was reversed. And then when their future ship gets stranded in pre-kirk era trek half way thru you could have had a lot of plots about them actually trying to hide from starfleet or other races because of temporal prime directive. Hell, could have even led with that daniels twist. Like, if this show had been about the starfleet time cops, man... if only right
@jackbj Ай бұрын
my favorite part of the finale was them redesigning discovery AGAIN to go back to how it was pre 32nd century for NO reason and just send zora (who’s literally a sentient being) who knows where to let her go crazy waiting and being active for a thousand years, to meet a guy michael knew the name of a thousand years before he was born somehow. at least the doctor from voyager was like “yo turn me off so i’m not just here suffering” in a few earlier episodes where the crew had to abandon ship
@ravenott718 Ай бұрын
Ethical lines crossed
@autecheee Ай бұрын
Did they listen to the Canon- Trekkies who demanded consistencies like Nitpicky Nerd….ohh and me as well???….this was a bone they tossed thinking it it would make sense and the Short Treks were worth the $ they had to beg to get made…..instead it made it more inconsistent and dumb.
@Transformers217 Ай бұрын
It was actually a 100 years later.
@Transformers217 Ай бұрын
Because it was a thousand years for S1 of DISCO, when they were in the 23rd century. So by S5, it’s basically a couple decades after the S5 finale.
@cryalot378 Ай бұрын
Since when do mushrooms make you spin- oh wait... oh.
@randomelement5510 Ай бұрын
I'm really gonna miss those cartoon sound effects...
@sparquisdesade Ай бұрын
Me too. It was lil the ship was pullin a 3-stooges through the 4th dimension. Also gonna miss the spot on realism for how it portrayed humans of the future would actually solve all their huge problems. By yeeting it through some kind of portal so someone else has to deal with it
@autecheee Ай бұрын
@@sparquisdesadeAnd no one dies!!! Even Wonder-Woman MikeE BurnHam can use the power of a Hurricane and Progenitor NRG and not get a boo-boo.
@SteveT3D Ай бұрын
VFX direction achieved zero visual cohesion between the ridiculous departure which resembles a wood turning lathe powering up, and arrival which is exactly like Battlestar Galactica 2003's even down to the thump of the SFX and dragging smoke etc along with it.
@Rocksteady72a 26 күн бұрын
As someone currently rewatching Battlestar... what tf are you on about lmao? Maybe revisit the video while sober?
@sparquisdesade Ай бұрын
Section 31 upon seeing this "wait, you mean we could have been using that stupid mushroom ship's drive as a weapon this whole damn time!"
@Lumibear. Ай бұрын
I never liked the cybertruck design, the detached nacelles, or the spore drive effect. Who ever came up with ‘A gay guy with giant water bear DNA uses magic mushroom dust to teleport across the universe using an invisible mycelium network” ate too many.
@AgentExeider Ай бұрын
It was actually an independent game maker who came up with the idea for HIS Scifi story. And we should be supportive of folks who come up with scifi ideas. The problem here is CBS lifted it and use it for their Discovery series because the writer's are both morally and creatively bankrupt.
@Tallacus Ай бұрын
MAGIC MUSHROOM DRIVE! GO! Did they ever pay out that guy who said they stole his idea for the spore drive?
@nicholasmiller5152 Ай бұрын
No. They just drained his resources in court.
@Tallacus Ай бұрын
​@@nicholasmiller5152 What bastards
@JamesLikesIcedCream Ай бұрын
Thanks for reminding me of that disgusting move by cbs.
@paulminshall8793 Ай бұрын
I want to know why when the Discovery gets grazed by an enemy weapon, there are molten streams of metal falling from the bridge ceiling.
@matthewst537 Ай бұрын
I wish they did a janeway and sent discovery out of the galaxy with no spore drive never to be seen again
@danfuentes175 Ай бұрын
What an incredibly stupid idea. The cringe level is off the charts.
@nickmalachai2227 3 күн бұрын I want a version of this where it's the Shooting Stars Meme with the ship perpetually spinning.
@highallmighty233 Ай бұрын
Even the ship looked like shit.
@davidhughmiller Ай бұрын
Well it was a rejected enterprise design.
@itzdcx7991 Ай бұрын
I disagree it's one of the coolest looking ship your just hating for no reason
@autecheee Ай бұрын
Steam rolled flatttened $h:t
@HighTechBull Ай бұрын
It looks like a stupid ass pizza cutter 😂
@itzdcx7991 Ай бұрын
@@XennialTV I like both but yeah the 31 upgrade is really good but I don't understand why they de-retrofit it with no explanation
@sw7805 Ай бұрын
The light trail of the ship is a rainbow, because gay 😆
@amigang Ай бұрын
Imagine if the dampers failed on this ship milkshake anyone?
@lflint3278 Ай бұрын
Make the boyz come to the yard…
@liamscienceguy8153 Ай бұрын
My guy thats every ship
@Rocksteady72a 26 күн бұрын
It's not physically spinning my dude, unless you truly believe they're duplicating during the spin, or stretching during warp.
@SmartSmears 26 күн бұрын
No matter how grumpy I am I have to admit that around 3 of these looked pretty cool
@cha02psc Ай бұрын
They can make 0.5 past lightspeed with that crazy mushroom engine
@enikata7349 29 күн бұрын
Making the Breen show jump was pretty cool :)
@richardwood9177 3 күн бұрын
I love Discovery. If Starfleet can’t have cloaking because of the accord (aside from DS9 & the Defiant and two, I think, episodes in the TNG) then they should keep the spore drive. Really cool!
@bradbee9874 Ай бұрын
Boldly going where no stomach has gone before
@AnnoyingCritic-is7rp Ай бұрын
Ok, I am dizzy and have a headache. Discovery is so obnoxious. Frakes loves his spinning camera.
@nunyabitness9201 Ай бұрын
I'm not sure how they thought the ship spinning around was ever innovative, or cool looking.
@Nattraks Ай бұрын
I just noticed the nacelles aren't even attached. How do they get power? Are the recharged like a Tesla car?
@NitpickingNerd Ай бұрын
they explained it in season 3 that it's caused by .... Magnets
@SoynicVansion Ай бұрын
The nacelles are empathetic with the pylons, they just naturally understand and feel exactly what the pylons feel. They just “know”.
@juappdev Ай бұрын
This got me thinking... where did the flying rainforest at starfleet hq go?
@Sturmovik88 Ай бұрын
I hate it so much.
@itzdcx7991 Ай бұрын
I actually like it it's cool and stupidly overpowered😂
@interianesq Ай бұрын
My least favorite show. Maybe not the absolute worst, but I hate it the most because it ruined my favorite series. PIC season 2 is just as bad.
@goldendragonbringer Ай бұрын
I never watched the show. But that ship looks comically stretched out. Having the ship flip around is also silly looking. If this is a mainstay of the show, they forgot that a lot of the star trek episodes were from phenomena or discoveries made while in transit between locations. Such a weird thing to have fast travel from a game also in a show.
@Wizardof 10 күн бұрын
Good technology! But not enough DISCO to use it and REALLY explore. They could get to other galaxies with this. The show could have went on FOREVER. But it can come back with a flick of a pen, some SGA paperwork, and network go ahead.....
@shifterzx Ай бұрын
Special effects took a major downturn. I'm waiting for a 'Bewitched' just pop out of thin air appearing next
@LichDemonInc 23 күн бұрын
Men would rather spore jump a whole ass Breen dreadnought than go to therapy
@StarTrekMarco Ай бұрын
The shot at 0:11 and especially the adventure-esque Star Wars like soundtrack had my hopes getting up, but they as usual didn't follow up with that for the rest of the season.
@jamespowell617 Ай бұрын
This show is infuriating
@hardy83 Ай бұрын
Is it me or is ALL of the ships and stations in this video poorly designed... They just all look so... Shit. Like as a functional ship or station shit.
@capuchinhelper Ай бұрын
It needs MORE dramatic music, I want it playing constantly whenever Michael is on screen. Also, whenever Michael is not on screen.
@SoynicVansion Ай бұрын
I actually was kind of okay with the first half of Season 5, I liked the addition of the grumpy cranky commander butting heads with the hippy dippy Discovery crew. But the finale was a disaster. They literally threw the Holy Grail of Science into a black hole. Apparently the Trek for science is over, we can all just go home, no need to search the stars anymore. Michael got the answer to every question and threw it into oblivion. Cool. Such a great analogy for this entire series. I take delight that Discovery concluded in such a pointless way: no one learned anything, Michael Burnham was given the power of a God (and threw it away) and Booker is still a huge simp unable to even make her tea properly. Perfect. Outstanding. Bravo. It was enough.
@adrianvanleeuwen Ай бұрын
Spinning out of control on a mushroom trip ... uh, I mean spore drive!
@andyhull9182 Ай бұрын
There's no....weight, impact, sense of the ship being big, is like a childs toy
@SirWilliamBaloney Ай бұрын
You can celebrate this month by binge watching this hot garbage. Big mistake by not have the spore drive emit a rainbow field during jumps.
@iamnotanuggetblackhart5103 Ай бұрын
I'm gonna spin out here, mannnn.....ughh!
@markaous1212 Ай бұрын
Can u upload the finale scene with the de refit please
@intboom Ай бұрын
So they canonically replaced warp drive with this, right? No? Oh it needed a savant to work? Okay.
@kuribayashi84 Ай бұрын
This sounds and looks just as obnoxious in S5 as it did in S1.
@snickerbockers5988 Ай бұрын
its really weird how from season 3 onwards the spore jumps are predictable and never drive the plot. I never liked the spore drive anyways but its completely inconsistent with the way it was portrayed in seasons 1-2. It doesn't really have anything to do with inter-dimensional space shrooms anymore. It's just another mode of transportation, and apparently not even the best one since they picked whatever the pathway drive is. Also wasn't there something at some point about hte shrooms being alive and they had to limit their jumps or something??? And tilly entered the mycylial network and became friends with a talking mushroom and promised to visit her but then never mentioned her ever again.
@NitpickingNerd Ай бұрын
they never said they have to limit the jumps. it was Culber's presence in their realm that caused them damage not the Jumps themselves
@cosmicrdt Ай бұрын
But wait doesn't using the drive kill tardigrades or something? That idea they stole of the guy who made a game about it?
@O1OO1O1 Ай бұрын
It makes me so f-cking sad to see what Star Trek has become.
@JD-wn3cc Ай бұрын
I gave up watching Discovery approximately half way through the run. Did they ever explain why spore drive is never mentioned again in the ST universe?
@liamscienceguy8153 Ай бұрын
The tartigrade species went extinct, and genetic engineering is illegal in the federation anyway, and failing that you need a Kweijian dude, which the Federation was unaware of during the pre-discoveryS3 eras. Makes sense to me
@matthewevans97 Ай бұрын
I think I missed something with the final scene. Why did they switch Discovery back to its original design?
@juappdev Ай бұрын
Red directive, can't talk about it.
@SoynicVansion Ай бұрын
They realized the original Discovery “was enough” 💁‍♂️
@davidlandrum Ай бұрын
It has to line up to the Short Trek episode “Calypso”. Normal Discovery is found adrift even further into the future. A random dude finds it and makes love to the computer. I’m not making this up. 🤣
@vaiosan775 Ай бұрын
Thank God Q is over ! Oh so great joy ! 😅🎉
@Der.Kleine.General Ай бұрын
How did they fix the environmental damaging the spore drive caused?
@NitpickingNerd Ай бұрын
they never said it causes damage . it was Culber's presence that caused them damage
@Der.Kleine.General Ай бұрын
@@NitpickingNerd Ah, thanks.
@conscientiousobjector5988 Ай бұрын
I want a cut of the show in which those annoying sporedrive spins and squeals are edited out. Also...something about the visuals in this show remind me of Farscape so...I wish they had made that show instead, really.
@nicotoscani1707 Ай бұрын
STD was a disgrace to star trek
@ApolloXL5 Ай бұрын
I hate the spore drive and the puke inducing spinning jumps.
@liamatsutv Ай бұрын
This show is so STAGGERINGLY dumb. It depresses me it's got the Star Trek moniker.
@999benhonda Ай бұрын
Dang, even after 5 seasons, that's still an ugly ship
@nickmalachai2227 3 күн бұрын
Yeah, like the Galaxy and Intrepid classes.
@jamiethomas18 Ай бұрын
Oh my life that is an ugly ship. Also, when that disc that is masquerading as the saucer section starts spinning do crew members get chopped to bits when crossing between the two parts of the saucer when they teleport the ship? 😂
@jaydee2072 Ай бұрын
I remember when I was growing up, the warp drive sound that was made in the Star Trek TNG opening. In the 1st season, both the opening and sound were a little bit weak. Then in the 2nd season it gained a bass tone and an oompf to its noise profile. Its felt forceful, and meaningful. The warp trails blurring showed an illusion of speed beyond your imagining. Now we have what sounds like a stupid sci fi macguffin noise, a spinning ship animation(that would likely squash everyone aboard into the walls as paste were it real), and a stupid little rainbow flag trail when it engages what I assume is a normal impulse engine(i have no idea, havent watched a single minute of Discovery that isnt these clips).
@JonBowe Ай бұрын
Did they ever use the "spore-drivel" to power the transporters. If I was on that ship, I would have used it to get as far away from that franchise as soon as possible. I admit I watched the 1st series, but never saw any character build except a girl named Michael that was soooooooo far fetched, as everyone else was killed or fled the series.
@JoeSchmoer Ай бұрын
oh they brought back the " lol the universe is a mushroom lol fuck u idk" shit? sheesh...
@intboom Ай бұрын
Yeah really makes you wonder why we never hear of the cleanest and most efficient method of transport ever again
@Peaceforall20111 Ай бұрын
Your ability to interplay clips with content is very impressive and shows imagination.
@ThePresident001 Ай бұрын
The worst sound design in a long time.
@andrewparnell5566 Ай бұрын
The first time I saw that spin splooching I thought it was weird. A joke even. Opinion unchanged.
@kitt7555 Ай бұрын
I stoped watching after they got to the future, but i think using spore drive was forbiden? Something with destruction of this mushroom net due to jumps. I don't even want to check that, why should i care for a show that dosen't care about anything
@olliek2837 Ай бұрын
Just a dumb overall way to show it. Kurtzman in his prime. Smoke in space!
@cryalot378 Ай бұрын
The ship design is bad yet acceptable, but what I hate is the way it functions. That spinning teleportation is just terrible, it looks horrible plus it doesn't make sense. I would gladly appreciate if somebody explained to me how it works.
@Tribeofone37 Ай бұрын
Just one of the stupid things added to star trek shroom drive. the burn, detached Nacelles, so many more.
@Tallacus Ай бұрын
"WUT DIDIDID ID DOO...Boom!" and thats the sound the spore drive makes, as stupid as it is even as a science fiction concept it makes no sense to have spontaneous intergalactic travel
@Peaceforall20111 Ай бұрын
Very nice sequence; one of the best of its type. Doesn’t it feel good to be positive?
@LovablePWNER Ай бұрын
What the hell are you even trying to get at?
@Peaceforall20111 Ай бұрын
@@LovablePWNER don’t worry about it
@manoffewords1 Ай бұрын
Even their warp drive is gay.😅
@BPond7 Ай бұрын
The visuals and sound effects are unbelievably bad. Terrible ship design, too.
@resnatachyon Ай бұрын
Worst sound design, mostest boringist unimaginative ship design ever. Crummiest FTL sequence in history. Member when Q flick catapulted the enterprise D, or when the traveler catapulted them "Where None Have Gone Before.'" Let not forget the spore drive, and tardigrade concept was ripped off.
@scottmcintosh4397 Ай бұрын
🕙 What is a 'Spore Jump'? 《🙄🙏 please dont let it be as stupid as it sounds》 I hope it's not like a Bloater Drive 《no joke 🫥》or the crew is F○《k€> every time they have to transition from normal space to FTL & back again 🤦🏻‍♂️. --Live Long & Prosper 🖖🏻 👽 🛸 ✨️ 🌌🔭
@user-ec5bo8tx4n Ай бұрын
I find it impossible to describe spore jump because the concept is too nonsensical. All I can suggest is google SPORE DRIVE and you will quickly find the Memory Alpha article explaining it (or trying to).
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