What did your Parents TEACH YOU that you had to UNLEARN? - Reddit Podcast

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Am I the Genius?

Am I the Genius?

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🧠 NEXT STORY - • Am I the Genius? 🧠
Am I the Jerk? 😈 - kzfaq.info?sub_co...
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Voice Actor - Ryan Henning

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@amithegenius Жыл бұрын
🧠 NEXT AM I THE GENIUS STORY - kzfaq.info/sun/PL5FcevqxOz5tuU1qghkOUcBqGKHKXHO0f
@I1p Жыл бұрын
Hi! Love your video’s!
@NotKotten Жыл бұрын
@FurretAnimationsIsEpic Жыл бұрын
​@@I1p what they said
@sarahstrong7174 Жыл бұрын
Thankyou for sharing.
@KenFullman Жыл бұрын
On the subject of hamsters. My daughter brought home two hamsters and I realised they were both male but very young. So I took her out to get a new cage and pointed out to her that they can NOT be kept together, otherwise they'll fight. About a week later my elder sister was visiting and naturally, my daughter wanted to show her the hamsters. So my sister went to her room with her to look at the hamsters. At the end of the day, once my sister had left, my daughter went into her room and let out a blood curdling scream. Apparently my sister had convinced my daughter that the hamsters would be happier if she put them both into the same cage, so they could keep each other company. She'd even told my daughter "take no notice of your father, he doesn't know what he's talking about". So now my daughter had one dead hamster and another seriously injured that died of it's injuries a few days later. My daughter never forgave my sister for that.
@kelseywells9147 Жыл бұрын
Some of these are borderline abusive. Wow, shame on these parents and grandparents.
@inewsome4323 Жыл бұрын
I'd say they crossed that line 😞
@evalopez1454 Жыл бұрын
Some, yes. But the one of the grandfather drinking his grandson soda and telling him it evaporated? That's literally 3 uncles/aunts in my family 😂. And it's hilarious, you start eating like a inmate an no one on school gets to even glance at your food😂 a life lesson.
@RebeccaRGB Жыл бұрын
I've had to unlearn that "everybody is thinking it but not telling you," with 'it' being my mother's negative opinions on my appearance, behavior, and mannerisms. Thanks mom.
@Emu39358 Жыл бұрын
I grew up thinking eye contact was a sign of disrespect. If i looked my father in the eyes he would get mad at me i had to unlearn that habit.
@NameNotFound147 Жыл бұрын
for me, i've always been told to not stare but also to make eye contact with people so if im talking to someone, i look right beside them instead of at them now
@lh6955 Жыл бұрын
I was always told NOT making eye contact especially when being questioned meant you're lying. Um no, some of us have terrible anxiety and find it hard to make eye contact for extended periods
@mackdee911h3 Жыл бұрын
To be fair, eye contact IS a form of disrespext in some countries/cultures. I think for thr most part the States isn't involved in that, though.
@Leavemealoneheh Жыл бұрын
69th like
@Emu39358 Жыл бұрын
@@Leavemealoneheh aye thanks :))
@mangokraken Жыл бұрын
I have ADHD and my parents being from the old country didn't believe in such things. I was beaten and tied to chairs until I learned to sit still and behave. I made it through school without being diagnosed because I had learned to sit still and pretend like I was paying attention when I wasn't. I just looked like I was. Because I couldn't actually pay attention my grades suffered, teachers called me lazy because I was a "smart quiet kid" but couldn't do the work when in reality I didn't know HOW to do the work. I had to learn how to learn and unlearn thinking I was just lazy.
@CrazyHLady Жыл бұрын
What happened next
@chenachena9297 Жыл бұрын
That, when playing games with my younger siblings, it was my responsibility to lose so that the brats wouldn't pitch a fit. Completely short-circuited my competitive drive.
@dragonfliesnh4204 Жыл бұрын
Yikes! That sounds so simple but I can see how that could make things difficult in other areas of your life and long term. Being competitive can be a good thing, especially for your self esteem and motivation to do succeed in something.
@chenachena9297 Жыл бұрын
@@dragonfliesnh4204 Thank you for understanding! "I am obligated to participate, but not allowed to win" is not a healthy way to view oneself.
@dragonfliesnh4204 Жыл бұрын
@@chenachena9297 You're welcome! I think it's great that you know and acknowledge this, which you can work with. Not everyone realizes this when they get older and it can affect their adult life. If someone needs help to have a healthier mindset, people can seek therapy to learn new skills and there's no shame in doing that.
@Mikoverse201 Жыл бұрын
Whenever I play PVP w/ my e-friends my parents want me to lose on purpose, so my demon spawn cousins can 'win' well f*** that I compete in regionals w/ competive team, is not my fault that lil bastard has a low grade team (not sorry)
@chenahotspring Жыл бұрын
@@Mikoverse201 Hope you tell them "With all due respect, I am a WINNER! Competitive ambition is my superpower! Please don't tell me you want me to be a loser, 'cause that's just not in me! " (Best wishes, Pat!)
@FusionTheGoober Жыл бұрын
im trying to unlearn something i learned myself, not fighting when someone is fighting me
@daykibaran9668 Жыл бұрын
That’s difficult, but achievable
@iniratagen9740 Жыл бұрын
I un-learned that I can't be myself in public without a mental institution needing to keep my menace self locked up. My mom would always be nervously looking around and shame me anytime I said something she thought was weird.
@Manhandle730 Жыл бұрын
That’s weird.
@iniratagen9740 Жыл бұрын
@@Manhandle730 I'm half joking, she just thought I was bad for her image
@Manhandle730 Жыл бұрын
@@iniratagen9740 what a dick though!! That had to be a blow to your self esteem. Hopefully she has apologized at least. Kids say goofy, weird, stupid stuff constantly. I prefer that over them repeating the terrible things I grumble to myself about annoying people in the neighborhood/stores etc.
@iniratagen9740 Жыл бұрын
@@Manhandle730 lol thank you for the well wishes, for a lot of reasons she isn't in my life anymore
@jessedale4287 Жыл бұрын
20. I actually believe in clearing the plate and to not take more then you can eat. Take smaller portions as you can always grab more food if still hungry
@dogofwar6769 Жыл бұрын
Kind of like story 2; For me I had to unlearn the habit of working myself beyond my breaking point to prop up my blood family. Found that out after I had a brain tumor and had it mentioned it to my neurologist that I was still trying 50 to 60 hour weeks during my recovering period
@Ilikebunnies-metoo Жыл бұрын
That whole "little girls should be seen and not heard" bit from my grandad? OH BONDAGE, UP YOURS!
@melissacooper8724 Жыл бұрын
I've heard the "children should be seen and not heard" bit from reading the Little House book series. I figured that was what children were taught in the 19th century.
@Ilikebunnies-metoo Жыл бұрын
@Melissa Cooper probably. But I found it had a negative impact on my own social development. Even now, having a normal conversation without having a pre-planned train of thought makes me anxious.
@wschnabel1987 Жыл бұрын
More of something that school taught me thanks to zero tolerance bs, but it's okay to defend one's self be it verbally or physically if needed.
@xavier6130 Жыл бұрын
Zero tolerance doesn't work - since the punishment is the same either way, it doesn't make sense to restrain ones retaliation.
@dragonfliesnh4204 Жыл бұрын
@@xavier6130 I agree. It's just encouraging people to be walked on and being told to be the bigger person if they aren't able to defend or standup for themselves. We shouldn't have to allow people to mistreat us. Many times if people are in a fight, it's always the person defending themselves that gets caught and they didn't even start it but they are the ones that gets in trouble.
@lpfan4491 3 ай бұрын
@@dragonfliesnh4204 And even then, some schools just punish you even if you didn't depend yourself. Just incentivises you to be as ruthless as those stereotypical "might makes right and death is victory"-villains in fighting media. Because like, if you get unfairly punished, may as well unfairly punish the douchbag who attacked you.
@CassieJo Жыл бұрын
I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes when I was 14 years old. At that time, it wasn't such a bad epidemic of kids with Type 2. It was thought back then that Type 2 Diabetes was also "weight gain" diabetes. So everyone and their mother looked at me like I was the biggest pig in the world that I would eat myself into a sugar blood disease. I felt so guilty about it, that I was possibly eating my parents out of house and home, stealing food out of my family members' hands. That sort of thing. I would cry myself to sleep, saying to myself, 'You don't deserve food, you freak.' I lived like this for TWENTY YEARS. It wasn't until August 15, 2020. It was about 9 PM. I was shivering in my futon bed and told my mama that I wasn't feeling good. She noticed me shivering and tried to turn off the fan. I stopped her, saying I was REALLY hot. She just thought I had a fever or some sort of stomach bug that was going around, and left me to sleep. Later that night, my older sister came to check up on me, since she was worried about my health all that day before. From what I was told, she looked in, saw me slide off my bed, unconscious, and she screamed at the top of her lungs down the hall for Mama to call 911 that there was something wrong with me. I went to bed shivering and hot, and the next thing I remember was waking up in a hospital bed in the ICU. The head nurse for my team, named Kevin (I remember his name, because my older brother's name is Kevin, too), told me that I had gone into Diabetic Ketoacidosis. That I had been in the E.R. for hours while they tried to fix me, and while I was unconscious and still recovering that every time they would turn me over to clean me to prevent bed sores, that I would start struggling to breathe and they would have to stop. After this happening a few more times, they rolled me into surgery. Turns out I had a tracheal stenosis--basically my throat had collapsed! They installed a tracheostomy tube, and because of this, I can't talk now. They also gave me some pretty crazy drug cocktails just to keep me alive and stable, but it made me see some weird stuff. Spent one month in ICU, then was transferred down to another hospital that was a continuing care facility. There I could start eating solid food. I was discharged on October 15, just in time for Halloween. (My favorite!) I had to get a new Diabetic doctor because the ICU team and the continuing care facility were confused and disturbed by my vitals and results from the tests they did on me. They had my new endocrinologist do a complete do-over of every blood test for diabetes. Guess what? Turns out I wasn't Type 2 Diabetic, after all. I was TYPE 1! For twenty years, I was a misdiagnosed diabetic, who was given the wrong dosages for insulin and wrong medications to treat a disease I didn't have! All this time, I was feeling guilty over something I could never have control over. It's been two years since then, almost three come August 15, and I still have problems with guilt. Type 1 Diabetics have a much harder life than Type 2s. I have NO insulin, at ALL. When I get sick, injured, or stressed out, my blood sugar goes through the roof, and I have a hard time healing from wounds. I know this might come under another subreddit, but this guilt I felt for years was put onto me by my doctor, my parents, my teachers, pretty much everyone. And it also didn't help that I'm also an autistic woman with Asperger's Syndrome out the wazoo. Oh, well. I just have to DO BETTER, as everyone KEEPS saying. Sorry for the long story, I had to tell it.
@TheTooBig Жыл бұрын
Do better everyone says. You just be you, try to enjoy life and do what makes you feel happy :) Life gives you lemons, make lemonade as they say
@RedK5 11 ай бұрын
Did they ever apologize?
@Campbellot93 6 ай бұрын
I'm a 30 year old man with Aspergers Syndrome and I'm sorry you have to go through this. It's even worse that your elders drilled such a bullshit lie into your head all these years... I'd be tempted to cut contact if they don't apologize and make amends.
@CheeZe208 4 күн бұрын
Everyone around you a is such a dumb jerk, especially the doctor who misdiagnosed you. YOU PROBABLY COULD HAVE DIED and it's not even your fault! I'm sorry for you and I hope you're doing better
@jsmith1291 Жыл бұрын
I don't get the "respect your elders just because they're your elders" thing. In olden times, life was a lot harder for a lot more people and living long enough to be considered old was an actual accomplishment. Nowadays, it's like, what, respect your elders who have it easier than their elders did, just because your elders managed to not die long enough to reach old age?
@Rising_Pho3nix_23 Жыл бұрын
Which one goes senile? The younger generations or the older generations? Wisdom is earned through trial and error. Technically if I sleep all day every day for a year, I'm probably chronically depressed. I'm a year older so I must have life all figured out, right?
@DTylerFultzVA Жыл бұрын
That doing something for yourself is inherently bad. Yes, being selfish and being a jerk about it is awful, but finding what makes you happy and tending to your own needs is important too.
@jenniferbates2811 Жыл бұрын
Understanding that my mental, physical, emotional, and sexual health are ALL connected. Also that I don't have to suffer for anyone or anything, I deserve therapy and to be loved.
@Tacobellcramps Жыл бұрын
Making me eat every bite of food on my plate no matter how sick or painful it was. I am losing weight after being fat since a teenager, because wasting any food was punishable and leftovers were not an option for some reason. My father in particular acted like it was an insult to his cooking if I didn’t eat every bite. All my adult life, I felt intense guilt for not finishing every bite no matter how I felt, but realized all too late I don’t have to do that anymore. I can just stop and even throw it away if it’ll go bad before I can finish it. I don’t know why I didn’t realize it sooner, but I was talking to a skinny friend who told me how he just stopped when he was full or wouldn’t eat something he didn’t like. He would order a meal at a restaurant and just take a bite if he didn’t like it. I guess it helps he came from money and I didn’t, and his parents never made him finish something if he claimed to be full. I feel so dumb for keeping the terrible habit all these years, thinking I’m a horrible person I didn’t.
@LanxPenzenpepper Жыл бұрын
I grew up in a very poor family and when i was a kid, my mom made sure to make me as Paranoid as possible when moving, I can't touch anything, I can't make loud noises not even laugh cuz our boss hates noises and we live in their house, not to go to friends house cuz i might break something, etc. Now, my paranoia, social anxiety, anxiety, overthinking ars is so bad, I've pushed so many people from my life 😂😂😂 I now prefer to be alone in my own safe place 😂
@Broadside175 Жыл бұрын
I sincerely relate to the wanting anything is selfish. But more with greed. For religious reason, greed is basically a sin, and me wanting more food or wanting to play games always clicks a sense of “I don’t wanna be greedy.”… I have to remind myself it’s what Jesus(don’t judge.) would want for me to enjoy. Especially in places where you’re expected to give something you really really want to another person. OR if you worked hard for it.
@drewhammond9043 Жыл бұрын
From an early age my mother would ask me or one of my sibling to get her a "jam rag" (sanitary towel) for her, for years believed that was common name. Skip forward to age 14 my female friend ask me in class to get her phone out of her bag in the pocket most women keep their toiletries, I said something along the lines of God's I don't need to see your jam rags and every girl that had been listening looked at me with disgust and me frantically trying to explain that it was a common term in our house and its my mother's invention not mine.
@emmie1977 Жыл бұрын
That was a common thing to call them when I was a teen (early 90s)
@phiakate Жыл бұрын
😅😅😅😅 I haven’t heard that in years.
@Manhandle730 Жыл бұрын
Classy lady
@Halliwell0Rain Жыл бұрын
Maybe they were more disgusted that you shamed your friend from being born female.
@drewhammond9043 Жыл бұрын
@@Halliwell0Rain how did I shame her by asking if she needed a jam rag
@ozzycommander Жыл бұрын
My parents taught me to love cops, your safe with them, they wont hurt you. The lesson came when an act of kindness to one cost me my license for 13 years. A black mark permanently on my driving record and for ever banned from doing the job ive dreamed about since i was 6 yo. ill never trust them again.
@daedaluswriting9350 Жыл бұрын
Something I'm still learning that my family had taught me is racism, total LGBT+ phobia, xenophobia, misogyny and just general bigotry Edit: also religious trauma I'm still unlearning, but im doing my best to change
@Nick-hm2dm Жыл бұрын
“Do not be sorry. Be better.” Love the Kratos line drop.
@lukescastle Жыл бұрын
I'm dealing with a sorry problem rn and this honestly helped
@Rising_Pho3nix_23 Жыл бұрын
Sorry is the emotion that drives the action of being better. Wallowing in sorrow and pity gets nowhere. This reminds me of "don't cry". It's basically saying "deny who you are"
@Juzokinnie Жыл бұрын
My dad's father basically gaslit me into believing that if I were to get married to a man, that he would be upset if I set up boundaries and told him no. It screwed up my relationship with a really good guy because I was paranoid he was going to overstep my boundaries. It took me way too long to realize that my dad's father's behavior is not normal nor was his insistence that I have to allow the people who are supposed to love me to touch me even if it makes me uncomfortable.
@stevenboelke6661 Жыл бұрын
The finance one - I've only followed three financial rules: 1. Maximize income, minimize expense 2. Don't take loans 3. Make safe investments. I'll be semi retired at 30, and I've never had a good paying job. It's a lot of hoops to jump through. Simple principles can be extremely effective.
@sjf8305 Жыл бұрын
I am a woman in my 30s been married to my husband for almost 3 years. during this time i am learning that my parents were toxic, having to unlearn a lot of what they taught me, a few examples are: honor thy father & mother really means OBAY thy father & mother it doesn't!!, always tell someone questioning you everything in detail, be sorry for everything even if you didn't do anything wrong, don't be yourself around anyone, and many more. I thank God for leading me to my husband so i can now finally heal and we can move on with our lives starting our own family.
@artemis754 Жыл бұрын
nope honor thy father and mother means respect your parents, if they are worthy of such. meaning if they give you the same respect too.
@Natalia-jb7vv Жыл бұрын
My parents taught me to always doubt myself if it doesn't match the general consensus. Because of this, I have gotten into 3 completely avoidable accidents, been attacked 5 times when I knew something was up, and it took me 3 years to finally convince myself that my dysphoria was valid and that I am actually trans despite the fact that everyone perceived me as a guy. It's still hard for me to express my own opinions and personality sometimes, especially in person.
@lafarfalla2273 Жыл бұрын
That having my own opinion and feelings is ok. I was a really emotional kid, I won't lie about that that, up to about the age of 6. They would always say I'm crying for no reason and I internalized that so hard that I shut my feeling off all together. Now in my early 20s I struggle with relationships, both platonic and romantic as it turns out it's hard to connect with anyone if you're a quiet cynical bastard. I'm working on it, but especially romantic relationships are hell, I can't deal with people having feelings for me when I don't know how I feel about it
@Rising_Pho3nix_23 Жыл бұрын
me: "dad, im sad" dad: "shut up and be a man" me: (never speaks to him again and goes my own path) dad: "why wont they ever speak to me and obey my every command"
@sanicthehoghegde9220 Жыл бұрын
Both of y’all just described my situation
@tzeccentric7848 Жыл бұрын
“The purpose of life is all about hard, laborious work; working a 9-5 job and doing housework on weekends-all that til the day you die!” It was always irritating living with my parents, hesitating to pick my hobbies up again since I had to wait on edge, just knowing dad would call me to come help him work on a wood working project with him! The most infuriating part of that is after waiting, he wouldn’t do anything, and I wasted many hours where I could’ve indulged in my hobbies the whole time! I feel like I had put my pursuits on hold and centered my life all around him when I bunked there! In my own place, I'll do all my housework during the week so that weekends are free. It would be nice not having to do anything during those times, just relaxing and enjoying the serenity. Plus, I get to catch up on my hobby work without interruptions!
@NPCrash Жыл бұрын
I've got a few: 01. I used to complain that my food was dry and chewy. I was always told that "I chew too long" and thus make it chewy myself. When I went to eat at a friends house, and came back telling them it was delicious, they told me my friend's family put drugs in their food to make it taste better. 02. I was (purposefully) taught the names of things wrong, and was given the wrong meanings of many "common" expressions, often told they mean the opposite of what they actually do. Found out the hard way, trying to use them at school and around friends. When you are a child, you don't think too much about such stuff. It might come up many years later, for you to realise you've learned this wrong. Disagreeing or confronting them about it, only led to violence. So I kept my mouth and ears shut towards them. Sometimes I feel I somehow "lost time" having to re-learn a lot of things I was taught wrong, and being laughed at by my colleagues at a young age meant I was somewhat secluded and still have problems with people out of fear of ridicule. 03. That one was my grandparents, who fervently tried to stop me from complaining or confronting anyone about anything. Somebody had parked in front of our driveway and we couldn't get out? I wrote a letter asking them politely to take the car away. As I told them, I was scolded that they now know our address and would cause us all sorts of harm. Another time, as we were driving in the countryside, I noticed someone was burning dry leaves in a field, during "fire season". For info, in Greece it's common to have fires during the summer, and thus between May and October it's forbidden to burn dry leaves out in the open, in fields or near forests, as a wildfire can easily catch on. I instantly called the fire dpt and was screamed at, because I "didn't mind my own business". 04. If anything I said could be taken out of context, it automatically meant the worse possible version, and I had to apologise or explain myself. Upon refusal and providing the context, I was gaslighted.
@geoffreychauvin1474 Жыл бұрын
Holy crap number two resonates with me. My mother has always told me it was selfish to want anything and she still does this shit to this day. Her thing was you don't spend money on anything because you need to focus on doing better and getting a house and everything she deemed important first. Today I have those things and she still thinks I'm not supposed have things I want bc now I have kids. Essentially she wants me to be an monk
@judekohorst Жыл бұрын
The first one
@EdgardoDC Жыл бұрын
They also taught me to never leave food on the plate, no matter how full you are because granny would feel bad. And honestly I still haven't unlearned that because I still struggle with portion control, but I excersise a lot and I can control my weight and use it to build muscles. I swear if I wasn't athletic, I would be morbidly obese 😳
@galaxiadraconian7097 Жыл бұрын
My hamster grew old and died naturally! Little guy actually lived longer than the life expencity of a normal hamster (1-2 years) little guy made it to 3 1/2! A miracle considering he would always escape his cage and we had cats at the same time
@egg2566 Жыл бұрын
I am currently having to unlearn not showing emotion. When I was in pre-k I had this nice teacher (call her Ms T). Who I don’t remember much about her other than this. I was a very VERY emotional child, cried A LOT, heck a lot is a understatement. So if I cried more than a couple times in a day she’d tell me “You’ve cried [ ] amounts of time now, you have no more tears left to cry!” I’m pretty sure she said it often, as now I’m in my early teens and just now having to unlearn it. Put that with always having to be “my strong [insert name here]” as my dad put it, which I thought meant I can’t show emotion, and that experience in pre-k, it really fucked me up. I can’t even TALK about emotion to my therapist without wanting to hide or stop talking about it as I’m showing weakness. Because of this, I bottle a lot, so I have breakdowns and make things worse than they are because I’m stupid. Ex: person I know constantly doing something that triggers/upsets me, so I tell them to stop and they don’t, so instead of keeping my chill like a normal person I have to bitch about it and will get mad, upset and may start crying like a whiny toddler. (FYI, by trigger I don’t mean annoy. I mean trigger as in triggering past trauma I have endured.) sorry for the stupid trauma dump.
@Rae_Everrin Жыл бұрын
I had had a kindergarten teacher like that and I messed me up I also had a teacher like that for 4th grade I hate teachers taht are like that!
@egg2566 Жыл бұрын
@@Rae_Everrin I know right? They rlly suck.
@Rhinodonkey2 Жыл бұрын
Ms.T? Did she call you sucker and constantly say she pitied the Fool?😂
@utterbutter08 Жыл бұрын
I could give a whole list but the biggest one is to not give sob stories or share too much about one’s difficulties or bad experiences in life just to get people to feel bad for you
@Leavemealoneheh Жыл бұрын
12:45 that's actually true tho- I had a friend who over the years has had 4 hamsters, here is a list of their deaths: • Pooped out it's intestines • Eaten by the other hamster • Crawled into a tube and got stuck there for days until it was found (dead) • Was eaten by the family dog I front of my friend (who owned the hamster) Hamsters are insane💀
@theguybehindyou4762 Жыл бұрын
6:08 describes my mother accurately! 💀 She’s the reason I’ve never wanted a relationship, even in my 30s. I’ve never known a more angry, bitter person in my life!
@yangliu6901 Жыл бұрын
Everyone, start archiving the videos in this channel. This channel might be terminated in a few days. Edit: Alright everyone, its been long fixed. No need to worry anymore.
@Frostbyte_Ace-XD Жыл бұрын
Already done!
@berlinermami Жыл бұрын
my parents taught me to do everything a man wants, regardless of whether you want to do it yourself as a woman, saying no was not allowed and if you were hit: it's your own fault! and that wasn't even the worst part of my childhood...you can imagine what my first marriage looked like. Only my current husband taught me 15 years ago that I can say no, that I have a value and that I have the right to unconditional love. With his help and therapy, I put my past behind me as best as you can. And something not so bad, but also very formative for me: I only had the experience of delicious food when I learned to cook myself :) My mother only seasoned with salt and pepper, if at all. At the time she wanted to persuade me that my food was disgusting because of the many different spices, herbs, foreign taste (her words) etc...i live in germany (sorry if my english is not so good) , until 1998 Kids had no rights and it was not forbidden to hit your children. Many children in my neighborhood had abusive parents.I always swore to myself that I would give my children all the love I never got and I did :).
@Rising_Pho3nix_23 Жыл бұрын
Sounds like you were raised by conservatives. I'm so sorry you had to go through that.
@LiathUnicorn Жыл бұрын
When my sister was a kid her hamster hung it self in the bars of the gate, the cage was of plastic and the gate was in the middle of the top, we still to this day have no clue how it got up there
@Rising_Pho3nix_23 Жыл бұрын
My parents taught me that I MUST commit tax fraud to have a successful business. They also taught me that as a male, I MUST have a mullet. They also taught me that they know more about my thoughts and feelings than I do. They also taught me that asking questions is only something a devil worshiper does. They also taught me that when I'm visiting their home, I'm not allowed to have an opinion on anything. They also taught me that simply asking someone "why" is abusive. They also taught me that anyone who says something nice to me is out to hurt me. This is in America. 1 guess who they voted for and what religion they are.
@lpfan4491 3 ай бұрын
Has nothing to do with religion, that's just an abusive cult that uses the faith as a cover.
@Charred_rat_remains Жыл бұрын
Jesus, is it me or do these parents deprive their children of any self esteem or natural emotions
@howardbannister745 Жыл бұрын
That once you got a qualification, that was your sole job for life. And "just let it go" or "just ignore them" is not a healthy attitude when dealing with conflict Finally. You can turn on the interior light of your car. It won't end the world if you turn your car's interior light on
@silverwolfgamer4100 Жыл бұрын
I used to have a hamster as kid that just WOULDN’T die. Roll down two flights of stairs in your little ball? Totally fine. Get your little eye clawed out by the cat? Not even stitches. Get dropped by mom into a dryer? Shake it off. What killed him? Fucking cancer!
@1BadAssArchAngelvs14 Жыл бұрын
your hamster must have of had strong genes.
@guilhermecorrea545 Жыл бұрын
I really like when you do a lot of commentary, it really sets you apart from those bot youtube channels that just put askreddit through a text-to-speech
@psyii8055 Жыл бұрын
At a very young age I decided to unlearn all types of violence and abuse forms. They still forced all forms of abuse on me and I ended up running away when I was a teenager- that winter was SO BAD on the streets with no food, warm clothes, no money or anyplace for any form of shelter from the near below freezing elements. I lgot a job, apartment and left high school and got my GED (it was the only option then). I still suffer from the traumas, even still have terrifying nightmares from everything that they forced on me, but Iveused that utter hell in my younger years totall to others and help who I can, when I'm able to. Nobody should EVER have to go what I was forced to!
@tzisorey Жыл бұрын
"Someone makes an offhand comment that struck you the wrong way? They're jerks! You should be angry! Make life take BACK the lemons!"
@torterratortellini6641 Жыл бұрын
6:22 you can’t control anger you can only control acting on it.
@CandaceDreamer Жыл бұрын
I like your commentary. It adds to the video.
@SenseiRaisen Жыл бұрын
I had to unlearn i can play videos games for more than i want. That i can stay up to late if i want as a adult. That i don't need to go to sleep earlier too because i don't go to school anymore after graduate from High School. Even when i was in High School still i went to sleep after 2 am, even if i had school at 8 am and my parents didn't know. I even had to unlearn some "IT myths". Like nothing beyond 60º is acceptable as a common temperature (that depends on the CPUs as a non constant oscilation between 60º and 70º is fine depending on workload). That you don't need to much power in a PSU (that is partially true since its depends on how many components you had in a PC, my recommendation is always buy a PSU between 700w and 800w for gaming). Going if your graphics card sits in the middle you can still output some high resolutions. That is important how much your screen can display, but doesn't mean is the end of everything since you can still force 1080p in 33" TV. Also i had to said yes to my parents and said them no in the same way the use to do. Sometimes their over spend habits are really obvious despite is all for home. I like more when i can control finances and don't feel in debt due the nature of my job. And one of that is ok to feel the joy of a good work made. People are often so entitled and so a-hole to expect things to be done certain way just because they know or i know. NO B!!! i feel great because sometimes the uncertainty of if will work or not is always there. I resucitate PCs who people thought they were broken. I manage to learn how to unstuck a waterpump of a washermachine with my dad just from online diagrams and random videos. And the answer of my mom who sometimes pevee me off is the: "why you feel like you did that since is your job, why you didn't work of that, why you didn't study of ..." NO B*^^^ ... you get angry all the time and you always pride yourself in everything you do and we had to get "amaze" by that, but when we does it you down play it. I had that type of argue with her all the time as she doesn't realize how much this piss me off all the time. yeah! i know it probably will not look a big deal if you're use or something ... but sometimes getting wonder when you does that shit you know for the 1st time i gratification and is a big deal. And important one: " University doesn't mean you get a job instantly, since nepotism and people bs their way in still a thing , even more on a shittier country with shitter economy.
@TheEmeraldWeirdo 11 ай бұрын
I fully sympathize with #25. I once had to spend a couple of weeks in an apartment without central air during the summer. I ended up taking a box fan and leaving it on full blast in my room, and got so used to the background noise that I still need a desk fan running nonstop just so I can sleep at night and concentrate during the day.
@thehaveninthehand Жыл бұрын
Accepting nice things from people. My friends care about me and they want me to be happy, so sometimes they will give me their excess. Like buying me a sandwich or treat me to weekend snacks, and I don't need to break my budget to pay them back. I am in my 30's, and most of my irl friends are pensioners, so we are in very different situations.
@SnowyCranium Жыл бұрын
Surprising how not a lot of people see videos 20 minutes after it’s been uploaded
@NotKotten Жыл бұрын
holy crap 7 minutes anyways thanks for the new video mr genius!
@FlorestanTrement 7 ай бұрын
After some hurtful event: "just forget about it" mixed with "your emotions are stupid". It destroyed my life, literally. The first is not even possible and the repressed emotions just turn into lifelong anxiety and other symptoms, some of them life shattering. Don't ever say something like that to a kid. This include senseless, stupid things like "don't cry", "don't be shy", "don't be afraid", "feel free", "stop being childish", "you should be happy/grateful/sorry" and anything that imply they should repress a feeling or create one out of nothing.
@Wild-Moonchild Жыл бұрын
My Mum never readied me for life in general. Now I have decision making anxiety. Anytime something needs to happen, I just freeze and cry.
@writingisfun9842 Жыл бұрын
The beginning, at least, I haven't watched it all, is so much better than I thought it would be.
@faithlesshound5621 Жыл бұрын
The worst thing that my parents instilled into me was that I had to eat everything on the plate, whether I wanted to or not. After that, I was told that there was more in the kitchen and it would be good to finish that too. There was no reason for that: we always had enough to eat, and I'm sure my parents didn't go hungry as children. Those days nobody "recycled."
@Demonetization_Symbol Жыл бұрын
Aren't people always responsible for other people's emotions? In my experience, it's true.
@GenderfluidLesbian6742 9 ай бұрын
@PliskinYT Жыл бұрын
That soda evaporation one is probably coming from a well meaning place (besides the grandfather drinking it), because dentists do recommend drinking soda quickly so you don't erode your enamel, also bees can get in your soda if you just leave it
@torterratortellini6641 Жыл бұрын
That not all friends will eventually stop being your friend.
@nicolethm2002 Жыл бұрын
The first story has me cracking up 😂
@CandaceDreamer Жыл бұрын
I don’t know what on earth is happening to other people’s hamsters, but I’ve had a lot of hamsters and not one of them died an unusual death. They died of old age. There were times when they got out of their balls and the cats didn’t even get them. I guess my hamsters where smarter or something?
@story_bored0 Жыл бұрын
as a kid, I was terrified of the disposal and would've believed that one.
@denkithedhmislover Жыл бұрын
The birds and the bees. AHHHHHHHH.
@goatmom2980 Жыл бұрын
Wait, there are three other Wolfgang Hellmoots?
@The_Bossman7295 Жыл бұрын
14:20 thx for the shout-out!
@AnyoneMining Жыл бұрын
15:45 when I was younger my father compared me to my sister and other kids a lot. Now I always feel like I'm not good enough if there is someone who's better than me at something. I feel like I have to be the best to be good enough and I'm rarely satisfied with stuff I do which makes it kinda hard to have fun.
@knightstalkerVA Жыл бұрын
I had to unlearn that not everyone is out to get you. My mom still has this mentality and still tries to push it on me. I don't live in the house anymore but I still live on the property. Very recently she got all up in arms Afraid that my credit union would not give me a loan that I was already pre-approved for. I really have to tell her multiple times to calm down and that they're not trying to screw me over and they have given us no reason to have us believe that. Now I'm just trying to break my brother out of that mentality.
@BlitzkriegOmega 9 ай бұрын
I resonate deeply with the food one. My step mom used to boil the flavor out of everything, and my father was convinced that anything other than "hockey puck" was undercooked on the grill. It was so bad that even going out, they would force me and my sister to have all of our meat well done if we ever went out to eat, and if we protested or insisted, he make a whole scene about us eating raw meat. It was bad.
@Knuckles2761 11 ай бұрын
27 - The cake in the oven being damaged by loud noises - is actually true for some specific delicate cases, like souffle or any other "fluffy" dough (which is less than 5% of all baking projects for average family). And damage is usually caused by bass sounds like shutting doors, dropping pans, heavy machinery or some music. Kid's screams don't do much damage, they are too high.
@deborahosborne9426 Жыл бұрын
Should be a German accent. Wolfgang isn't British.
@daykibaran9668 Жыл бұрын
I agree
@MegaToonzNetwork Жыл бұрын
But....Daykibaran's arm talks!!!!
@PredictedCyborg Жыл бұрын
Unintentional, but learned that the world was always going to be trying to screw me over, and that I should do everything myself if I could because either people wouldn't want to help me, or I'd inconvenience them by needing the help. I'm smart, I should know how to do all this stuff by myself right? I've unlearned a good deal, and am branching out into things I'm passionate about with the support of good people. They do exist.
@duckymouth Жыл бұрын
Not parents but school. One of the schools I went to said in P.E that jogging was faster than sprinting and running so after I changed schools for other reasons I was very confused when in P.E they said to jog and not sprint and everyone said I was sprinting.
@shinesoul7472 Жыл бұрын
13:07 my sisters dwarf hamster died of old age. There, a normal hamster death, but she did have a close call with a cat, a Hot car in the south, and Drug addiction(atleast the Addiction is according to my mom).
@RedTachi Жыл бұрын
Learning to say Thank you in response to a compliment, Instead of being super duper humble and trying to call it luck or something worse. It totally disregards the compliment that was given. To deflect a sincere compliment and trying to be extremely humble, totally disregards a person's compliment they gave you. Meaning you are making their compliment mean useless. "Wow you are so good at that!, "Thank you!, I am trying my best.">> Compared to>> "Wow you are so good at that", "Eh, I really suck actually I can't do A, I can not do B....". Maybe not the best example. I am still trying to work on it too. It boils down to I am not a cocky human being and I fear that others would think I am. I have sincere self doubts about myself. Just when somebody is sincere and compliments me, I try to not make them self doubt themselves. There are caveats and situations this does not apply to.
@l_puppet_l Жыл бұрын
Story 9's beginning was funny. LOL
@Abyssal_Art Жыл бұрын
More of just the product of where I grew up- but I’m working on not being scared of being touched- like I found out just last year that I adore hugs but damn does it take me time to trust someone enough to get a hug
@chuongnguyen5724 11 ай бұрын
Talladega Nights is just Ricky Bobby unlearning his dad's teaching that "If you ain't first, you're last"
@mistingwolf 7 ай бұрын
I have problems with "I'm sorry" too. Friends have said I say it too much. Just the other day, a stranger told me, "You don't have to say sorry all the time." It has always been a problem, but I dunno what else to say.
@iHateHandlesGetRidOfThis 7 ай бұрын
I've grown up learning most of my behavioral decisions of my own vice... while i do take after my dad's humor, i use the whole "golden rule" i grew up hearing in school and cartoons (treat others the way you want to be treated).
@misha5670 Жыл бұрын
Hey, my hampster Missy died of old age in her little house....of course the one right before her died of a heartattack. She wheeled too hard; flew too close to the sun there and just dropped dead. One before that got in the washing machine, but Missy? she did make it to hampster old age!
@seabass819 Жыл бұрын
My hamster died of old age, he went to sleep one night in his little hut, and didn't wake up in the morning. Rip cheesers
@TheVillageIdiot829 Жыл бұрын
Hey bro. To make you feel better, my step mom and her best friend had twin panda bear hamsters, Fred and George. They both died of old age. They had them for 8 and 10 years. Fred went first.
@Moon-a-Stan-Fan Жыл бұрын
"You never hear about hampsters getting old and dying naturally" One of my hampsters died of old age.
@SherlocksLeftNipple Жыл бұрын
It is not my responsibility to manage somebody else's moodswings, least of all my mother's. Buying medium-quality is better than going for the cheapest option. Mushrooms aren't disgusting, my Dad just failed to change how he cooked things, despite his kids hating it.
@stankyb1 Жыл бұрын
Swallowing fruit seeds. That fruit will grow in your stomach. Swallowing gum will paralyse you.😂
@Broadside175 Жыл бұрын
You’ll never hear about hamsters dying normal deaths because nobody wants to talk about how boring the death was for others and so traumatic for them.
@user-bg3zf2vb2n Жыл бұрын
We had a hamster die when they got stuck in the space behind a pocket door, at least that's what I remember being told.
@GymbalLock Жыл бұрын
If you multiply too large a number into a calculator and it flashes EEEEE, that means the calculator will explode. Dad taught me that back in the 1970s
@wonderlove447 Жыл бұрын
The amount of these I relate to is alarming
@cubicinfinity2 Жыл бұрын
This is way better than TTS reddit videos.
@jasmineconstantine6814 5 ай бұрын
I had a hamster that died naturally of old age, but that guy lived SIX years (species average 2-3) so maybe he was just supernatural. He was a Houdini hamster, he got into so much trouble lol. I managed to train him to follow me around the house for short periods of time. RIP Smarty Guy.
@kkuuddoo 3 ай бұрын
man i need to get over saying sorry, even when I know i did nothing wrong ... habits dies hard
@goofygoober995 Жыл бұрын
That cereal is oatmeal in disguise. Believed this for 5 years.
@Ilikebunnies-metoo Жыл бұрын
The last one hit hard. Like, that's essentially my grandparents' mentality. 0_o
@ashflee-yx7hu Жыл бұрын
That Accent was the best thing ever 2:07
@Radioman. 8 ай бұрын
#19 was hilarious and so true.
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