Anduin Wrynn is Garbage and Here's Why | Mikaila's Corner

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Lily Orchard

Lily Orchard

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@mikailaturkleson7472 2 жыл бұрын
Real quick, a thought I had after this video went into post. The 9.2.5 cinematic with Anduin and Sylvanas is notable in that it's... actually not terrible. I mean, yeah, it's composed of Anduin moping, but the way he reacts to how he was dominated differently than Sylvanas did was interesting. It shows how two people can react to similar trauma differently without making it a pissing contest. Also, having him go "all that mind control and murder gave me the weirdest boner" is the most interesting he's ever been, lol.
@Grizabeebles Жыл бұрын
I feel like the lore surrounding the core magic system of the WoW universe is fundamentally broken. They've set it up so that their universe's "good" guys are literally powered by self-righteousness and their "bad" guys are powered by trauma. One of the core tenets of toxic masculinity is that a "real" man can absorb a lifetime of trauma without it "breaking their spirit". Also known as "having zero self-awareness and never experiencing self-doubt". What's worse, this insane stubborness is what gives characters like Anduin superpowers by letting them wield "The Light" - which is basically the universe's condensed will to live. On the other hand, Shadow/void magic is pure elemental *suffering* and the animating force of everything undead. In a philosophical sense as well as a world-building sense, the metaphysics of the WoW universe are terrible.
@pablodonner5213 2 жыл бұрын
Gotta be honest when he was first introduced I thought Anduin was gonna be the Alliance finally having a "reasons why you suck " speech given to them. A sheltered naive but ultimately good kid who could look at what the Alliance had done and said "what we did was not ok and we gotta own up to it" but I guess that's expecting too much introspection from blizzard
@zach-rac Жыл бұрын
This was EXACTLY what I was hoping!! It's nice to see someone type out in words a feeling I've had but never been able to express. I had real HOPE for that little boy... Then ActiBlizz came and pissed all over it. >.> (Edit: of note, I stopped playing about when Mists came out.. so all I really knew him as was a little boy waiting for his dad to come home. However I did read some of the comics and I thought he had possibility in one/some of those, but.... /sigh)
@jamesshot8323 2 жыл бұрын
I know it's nonsense but I love the "Gay men can't be gentlemen" thing because my boyfriend is probably more gentleman than this guy will ever be
@frostedbear6853 Жыл бұрын
@@AutismGaming489 k Ioiiu😊 Hi Mull I l😅 I😅u 😅y M😊
@frostedbear6853 Жыл бұрын
@@AutismGaming489 you
@frostedbear6853 Жыл бұрын
@frostedbear6853 Жыл бұрын
Okay ✅ I’m
@darlhiatt8136 Жыл бұрын
For more of that gay gentleman goodness, see Sylvando from Dragon Quest 11. He's a delight.
@Jarakin 2 жыл бұрын
“How could you call this anything but spite?” Well, I mean, “homophobic” is sounding about right to me.
@Needler13 Жыл бұрын
Because Anduin isn't fucking gay.
@Flaremc26 Ай бұрын
I mean homophobia was born of spite
@vividdaydream1516 2 жыл бұрын
I don't normally keep up with WoW... So for a long time, I thought that footage of Anduin was actually _Arthas_ after being de-aged or some other "instant villain redemption" nonsense. Blizz sure loves their arian white boys, huh?
@smilegirl6429 2 жыл бұрын
I also thought it was Arthas, but for a while I didn't know about Frostmourn and Quell the Loss, so when I saw the start of the Arthas video talking about him as a paladin I was like "Wait, isn't that the guy from the cutscene where he's trapped by a spell and Sylvanas is pacing around him?" Then I was like "Wait, he did *that* to her?? Holy shit, he deserves a lot more than...whatever the hell is going on in that cutscene!"
@Travybear1989 6 күн бұрын
@Armaggedon185 2 жыл бұрын
Many times I get more frustrated at missed opportunities than bad writing, because I can SEE the good story we didn’t get. All three characters discussed here have a heaping helping of both, plus problems upon problems besides. It’s a shame, because both dynamics could have been so interesting had they made Anduin actually good and moral, and not just puritan. Thanks for the thought-provoking video!
@sundaefrobase6031 2 жыл бұрын
Tbh I’m not a WoW fan, I just like Mikaila’s commentary, but bc of this (15:51) I ship them out of spite
@YourLadyStar 2 жыл бұрын
Honestly same, and I've never even played WoW. But if it makes a homophobe pissed, I'll relish in it.
@lennytherat 2 жыл бұрын
This story is especially disappointing, looking at him in MoP. I remember thinking he was a new interesting character because he was the perfect example of a sheltered, immature child that is kinda right about some things but really out of touch with reality about others. I was looking forward to BFA to see him have to lead the Alliance through a war, despite being a pacifist. I was also curious to see if he blamed the Horde for his father's death. And then he showed up on the scene and hardly did anything!! Almost zero character development shown despite this huge difference between his philosophy and the role he is forced to play. I've read better fanfiction :-(
@youtubeviolatedme7123 2 жыл бұрын
What I'm about to say may sound a bit unnecessarily conspiratorial, but I think the glorification of Anduin's preaching against holding grudges is Blizzard's way of pleading to the player base to get off their backs for the scummy things that they did/were complacent towards.
@guidestone1392 2 жыл бұрын
Nothing wrong with assuming malice from Blizzard at this point.
@therotryzit 2 жыл бұрын
Has the pacifist "empathetic" good-boy ever lead to interesting or not-bad characters? Cause whenever i encounter them in a story they're fucking garbage.
@BlackKyurem5 2 жыл бұрын
Only when they're eventually called out for it, proven it doesn't work and have to learn not everything can be solved by being the morality king/queen
@coffeewolfproductions9113 2 жыл бұрын
I think Alphonse and Edward Elric from Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood both fit that bill, but Alphonse is more soft gentle giant while Edward is more rage and determination. They’re pretty much the some of the only pacifists in the series with an absolute determination to not kill anyone for their goals even though pretty much every path eventually would lead to them needing to break their own no killing rule.
@PureAwesamness 2 жыл бұрын
The only example in recent memory I can think of is Dimitri in Fire Emblem: Three Houses, because his desire for peace, while well-intentioned, is influenced by how he lost his loved ones in a violent upheaval: so now he sees *any* attempt to drastically overthrow the status quo as being bad. Considering that the status quo he lives in is *seriously fucked up* (kid was taught by his warrior culture to fight before he could even spell his name, and it just gets worse from there), this makes him sadly unwilling to ally himself with those whose proposed reforms would genuinely benefit people like him. Personally, I found that an interestingly ironic take on his archetype: he’s so close to being the noble king he wants to be but his own biases prevent him from seeing that what his setting actually needs is not reforming the messed-up rules of society but actively overhauling them. Not everyone in the fandom agrees on that interpretation, mind, but that’s how I always read him.
@flaredrake2093 Жыл бұрын
Their insistence Anduin cannot be gay while also insisting he’s the moral center of the alliance tells you a lot about how they feel about gay people and the morality of being gay. Christie Golden can go chew glass.
@chimeraarts2372 Жыл бұрын
Damn. Never thought of it before. That really looks bad for blizzard. I’m mean their bad but it’s like a cherry Y’know?
@OfficialTaj Жыл бұрын
Chew glass, you hear me
@zeldomaine 2 жыл бұрын
Would it be possible to add subtitles to your guys's videos ? I love watching them, and I feel like they could enhance the audio part of the video for me, as sometimes I can't hear things very clearly
@LilianOrchard 2 жыл бұрын
Within a few hours, auto captions are available on most of our videos and are about 99% accurate
@crystalbeard6376 2 жыл бұрын
I am already pissed at what they did to Sylvanas but if they give that gross ass ship legitimacy I will jump ship so hard.
@Baggytrousers27 2 жыл бұрын
To be honest, couldn't remember Arthas' name and thought this character was a lich king redemption name change/retcon cos we've written ourselves into a corner/etc. Instead it's just, narrative contrivance, author biases and however many layers of volleyidiotball.
@MiraculousViolet 2 жыл бұрын
Hey lily for a video in the future.Can you make it about how the load house normalized forgiving a bully?This is referencing Lincoln and Ronnie Anne.Since in earlier episodes Ronnie Anne bullied Lincoln a lot but when his sisters found out they acted all excited and said she was bullying him because she liked him(at the time that wasn’t true at all)and even after Ronnie Anne punched Lincoln and Lincoln told his sisters their advice was awful the episode still did a turn around at the end to “prove” that the sisters advice was good.And also in another episode where Lincoln was gultriped by his sister to apologize to Ronnie Anne because he said one mean thing about her.
@flaredrake2093 Жыл бұрын
If they ship Anduin and Sylvanas I will literally spit blood. What a disgusting ship.
@dericktriped12 Жыл бұрын
Reading WoW favorably I would say Anduin gets a pass on any poor leadership or simple moral worldview because he's still a kid. He's only 18 years old of course he believes in simple morality. Of course, he gravitated to Sourfang a fellow dreamer with a simple morality. Of course, he doesn't know how to engage with others' trauma properly. and the fact that the alliance keeps looking to him for guidance even though he has no experience is an interesting story set up for his growth into a more rounded character. Reading WoW unfavorably I would say that all the above means nothing if the writers keep focusing on him being a Jesus figure and audience stand-in instead of a person. And unless the writing gets a lot better soon we'll have a story of Sylvanas sacrificing herself to save Anduin or something as equally trite.
@medli7725 2 жыл бұрын
Binge watching your wow rant videos is making me realize that I don't love World of Warcraft, I love the *idea* of World of Warcraft. This setting keeps throwing such cool premises and ideas at me, backed up with a really solid art direction that has to be one of my favorite aesthetics ever, and then... Doing nothing with them, or doing worse than nothing with them. Well, I love the idea of World of Warcraft I fell in love with when I was around 12 or 13, and love the friends I made roleplaying in this world.
@martinsmith5520 Жыл бұрын
So weird that Brad Pitt is the leader of the Alliance now
@pirateguy3521 2 жыл бұрын
It’s Fucking Hunter from The Owl house all over again Goddammit!!
@mayabc333 2 жыл бұрын
This should be interesting. I originally liked Anduin, but at some point during BfA he became a bit boring and poorly-written (as did many characters at the time) yet somehow turned into one of the most overrated characters in the game.
@luckystars4208 2 жыл бұрын
Same. I think they did a disservice to his character through a lot of their decisions. He could have been a lot more interesting.
@thellamamushroom 2 жыл бұрын
Honestly, not familiar with War craft overly much but I keep thinking Anduin is Arthas or whatever that frosty asshole's name is. They look too similar.
@-fidget-1548 2 жыл бұрын
Personally I like him the young ruler that has to live up to his father’s reputation, and that’s it I don’t play WoW anymore I just watch the lore from a far
@skeletonsinscarves3965 2 жыл бұрын
That is literally all kinds of oof
@emopony5077 2 жыл бұрын
We need to get #FireTheWoWWriters trending.
@theasinclaire52 Жыл бұрын
Anyone read the side story that's supposed to be the bridge from Shadowlands to Dragonflight? It's called The Eternal Vow. Golden gave a twelve year old a drinking problem. Bleh. Oh, and I headcanon Andy as bi. I find him being Sylvannas' rival laughable. In their cutscenes I kept expecting her to give him a bottle and a blankie.
@epikmatrixerix6644 2 жыл бұрын
Was that a jazz version of living tombstone's remix of "discord" by eurobeat brony lmao? Amazing!
@coleg9145 Жыл бұрын
I awlays found the concept that Anduin would just get to be the leader of the alliance through primogeniture especially offensive. Doubly so, seeing as Tyrande has been leading the Night Elves for, um, 12000 years or so? Do you think, maybe, she might have picked something up leadership-wise during that time period? The very idea of a some squirt like Anduin being the "superior" of a creature like Tyrande or Malfurion is nuts to me. They've been alive for 15000+ friggin years! I call them "creatures" because I truthfully can't even fathom how the mind of a being that old would work. That would be like me taking orders from the equivalent of a mayfly.
@warithalghul4578 2 жыл бұрын
My conclusion about this video: Oh I want to see when you talk about the sylvanas's book
@RaidenDragonClaw 2 жыл бұрын
Ok I’m gonna say it he gives me Arthas vibes
@XSuicuneX 2 жыл бұрын
My character took one look at Anduin and thought he was a wet cat, the fact that he seemed to question the sanctimonius bs of the alliance gave her some things to think about...sad that he became the stand in holy moral compass for white dudes that he is today. Can't say I'm surprised though. Not entirely sure where the hell christine got the idea of a gentleman not being gay. Like. Hyper cisstraight men are usually the opposite in my experience???? Most dudes that are DECENT tend to be LTBT+ leaning from what i've seen??? It's most likely due to a toxic masculinity thing but where the fuck are these genuine 'gentlemen' straight dudes??? Y'know, that aren't menimists of one shape or form? smh Also also why is everyone salivating over the white guy? Wrathion's more my type.
@averias4893 5 ай бұрын
I'm curious, who do you think should've succeeded Varian as High King or Queen of the Alliance instead of Anduin?
@rubbadubdubdubbarubrub33 2 жыл бұрын
Kinda wanna nitpick that the Zandalari fleet was taken out mostly by the gnomes, not Jaina. Point remains the same really, Anduin's a character-void.
@noodrasan 21 күн бұрын
Anduin is suppose to become Rexxar at some point but I'm the only crazy time traveler that payed attention in the mop questline
@vampirictheshadowpriest7538 2 жыл бұрын
I haven’t played wow seriously since the end of BFA, so I have no idea with what’s going on in shadowlands but most of what you’re saying compared to BFA sounds right. Anduin, just from an objective standpoint, is not a well written character. He doesn’t have any weaknesses. The writers could have it be so his naivety is the main issue he has, because realistically, in the real world we can’t all agree on any one single thing so it’s reasonable to assume that it would be the same in the WOW universe. He would have to come to grip to the fact that there are some people that can’t be redeemed. Or maybe he can’t come to grip with it and it causes people to die, it doesn’t matter. But nothing like that ever happened. He’s always the morally correct character no matter how incorrect he is. Good video, wasn’t sold on it at first but it makes sense.
@dicyanoacetylene6220 2 жыл бұрын
19:28 Wait, *_WHAT!_* I'm just too out of the loop if this is the first I've head of it.
@lissapesci 2 жыл бұрын
I'm so fu***ng addicted to sylvania. I blame you for it >.>
@kroolini3678 3 ай бұрын
nice video dude!
@Travybear1989 6 күн бұрын
DO NOT MISGENDER you NOT know what gender the video creator is so dont imagine u do ok? i suggest you learn from your mistake and STOP assuming gender this is 2024 so grow a brain ok?
@RaidenDragonClaw 2 жыл бұрын
In the words of Catherine the great: beat the fuck out of Arthas an blizzard Ty
@wakawakatakeover 2 жыл бұрын
I have never been into WoW, and boy howdy is this making me glad that I haven't! Sounds like an absolute disaster zone here! Always love hearing you two bitch about it though! Genuinely. It's just a lot of fun to hear you two get fired up! But also... Blizzard forcing Alduin and the other guy (I'm sorry, I don't play this game and I don't see any comments near the top of the section that say the guy's name) to be apart from one another in such a comically extreme way... I feel like this is just fodder for the shippers...? Because honestly to me it sounds like they have a forbidden love, the forces of Blizzard being the one true evil keeping them apart! I feel like you can read all of this as Alduin engaging in some of that toxic 'no homo' masculinity and so is overcompensating in his attempts to convince everyone that he's straight and totally not in love, guys! Of course, you're not going to stop the shippers either way, but Blizzard's insecurity makes me want to ship these two out of sheer spite! And I know nothing about them! (Other than what is discussed in this video.)
@Junglewarfare Ай бұрын
I guess your happy a lot of the writers you mentioned in this video are now gone. I just want Dagren to be a cool character because we rarely get dwarf lore/story. Moira too.
@Junglewarfare Ай бұрын
Well they did let Anduin out of hell and he’s has drab as ever.
@mitsuruhype 2 жыл бұрын
Every time I think about how much changed for the worse narratively in BfA, I get more glad I jumped ship(due to monetary reasons) at Pandaria.
@anitanielsen1061 Жыл бұрын
Why do I feel like “Anduin Wrynn” is a character I know in Hearthstone?
@samtemdo8 Жыл бұрын
Because its the same character? Though the Anduin you see in Hearthstone is his Teenager self that WOW players know during the Catacylsm/Mist of Pandaria days
@ArilandoArilando Жыл бұрын
Imagine actually being passionate about modern WoW lore.
@StevenKull 2 жыл бұрын
As a Cis Het white male I can say with absolutel fact that, I don't mind diversity if done well and we already have a white savior to look up to, he was big 2k years ago and people haven't forgotten so no need to make more, least not as on the nose
@LilianOrchard 2 жыл бұрын
Christ looked more like Wrathion than Anduin
@TheEbonyWarrior Жыл бұрын
@@LilianOrchard Insufferable.
@Ruebeabea 2 жыл бұрын
I would argue that Anduin really encapsulates everything wrong with blizzard and the games industry in general; incompetent leadership, constantly spewing platitudes, gaslighting, racism, and taking away screen time and development from the much more interesting women characters. I feel like characters like Anduin really only exist to indoctrinate others into this male-centric mindset. I am so tired of the game industry's BS and ready for some good, wholesome bingo love.
@NoireKR 2 жыл бұрын
oh that's pushed
@Sylnaya 2 жыл бұрын
What y’all are forgetting in this video is the people that made World of Warcraft great have been gone for over a decade now the current things coming out the expansions are written by literal pretenders to the throne
@LilianOrchard 2 жыл бұрын
Golden's been around since TBC
@mikailaturkleson7472 2 жыл бұрын
@@LilianOrchard she's been around longer than that. Lord of the Clans was published before Warcraft 3 even came out.
@EugenTemba 5 ай бұрын
Well, you're not wrong. Unfortunately.
@superspork3975 Жыл бұрын
You are my spirit animal as to why WoW lore is complete trash these days
@howardyates4848 2 жыл бұрын
This is going to sound weird, but the way these three characters are portrayed is almost 1:1 with Dimitri(Audin), Edelgard(Sylvanas), and Claude(Rathian?) from Fire Emblem Three Houses. Its so similar its scary
@YourLadyStar 2 жыл бұрын
I can see where you're coming from (mostly with the Edelgard/Sylvanas comparison), but Dimitri is *nothing* like Anduin. He's an actual competent ruler, knows actual strategy, worked hard and proved himself worthy of being a king, is empathetic without being sanctimonious, faces actual consequences for his actions, and, the biggest outlier, he's been through actual traumatic shit. So when he assists Byleth (the main character for nonplayers) after they lose their father, he can actually empathize with and understand their pain. Not like those dipfucks that use their weak-ass experiences to talk down to trauma survivors and tell them to "just get over it."
@howardyates4848 2 жыл бұрын
@@YourLadyStar Agreed
@Multifandom645 Жыл бұрын
I dislike Anduin I think he is annoying and I also agree with everything you said in this video.
@DarkMegaPlague Жыл бұрын
the only real savior for BFA in my eyes was the release of Zandalari trolls as a race and the whole Drustvar area and storyline...... mmmm delicious. Otherwise they fucked up Aszhara and giving us another damn old god as the main enemy.... Aszhara should have had an entire expansion dedicated to her and only her. N`Zoth should have been the second Enemy after her.
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