My driving was rated by a drivescore app!

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Ashley Neal

Ashley Neal

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How accurate are the scores you get if you're driving his monitored by a driving app?
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Пікірлер: 389
@nowiplay2 Жыл бұрын
After reviewing your scores, it seems to me that Mr. Ashley Neal was playing candy crush on his phone whilst power sliding around a bend
@stonecoldgravy Жыл бұрын
The company I work for forces us to use a device called light foot. The verbal warnings are very annoying and distracting. And certain times when you need to drive fast like moving onto a motorway you end up getting penalties for. So you drive slow when you should be speeding up. They are all about saving fuel not safe driving.
@boderick1 Жыл бұрын
Likewise, given nudges when overtaking cyclists, penalties when overtaking tractors with trailers. You are unable to accelerate if on a downward slope to get back up to speed. I feel you can't pull out onto a main road safely.
@Maddmank Жыл бұрын
Somewhere I worked was like this it was so annoying especially joining a motorway like you said
@EinkOLED Жыл бұрын
Asda Home delivery? It only registers acceleration and is very primitive and annoying after every trip. The bus company I worked for used greenroad which measures acceleration, braking, lane handling and speeding events using a green amber red light system in the cab. A speeding event hands out a warning letter to all drivers. And is actually a good tool for improving forward planning and anticipation and road safety.
@soundworksvectra Жыл бұрын
They are rubbish It's different in every van anyway. Some vans you can just about put your foot down all the time and it barely does anything other vans you accelerate at a snails pace and get constant warnings. Thing is they gave us an educational module on avoiding any unnecessary distractions in the vehicle then they fit this crap? It's caused nothing but irritation to everyone the whole time we've had it.
@WillMorgan89 Жыл бұрын
100% agree...I've said this for years! We use it too. I have gotten used to it now and rarely get any verbal notifications, but there have been instances when it's told me to change up long before I would have done...when say going up a steep hill!
@BlazeFirereign Жыл бұрын
The scoring on "acceleration" is a big problem in my eyes, because it totally lacks context. Yes, there are clowns on the road that deploy their acceleration at every opportunity, no matter how (in)appropriate it is. But I also, on a daily basis, see people who cause problems by not accelerating enough. *Especially* on sliproads, where it's a *surprise* to me when traffic in front gets up to a good and appropriate merging speed, instead of the norm. These apps aren't going to be used by the people who they would actually help - the idiots who treat the road like a racetrack. For everyone else, they won't change the most common and problematic bad habits - tailgating, inattentiveness, and a lack of consideration for other road users. You could "drive like a saint" and score highly across the board, while being near oblivious to what's happening far ahead, around, and behind you.
@Pystro Жыл бұрын
Agreed on the last point, as long as you drive poorly in a way that makes OTHER people slam their brakes your score will be flawless. Maybe the acceleration part should be calculated based on how consistently you accelerate. Still wouldn't fix the "accelerates slowly" problem, i.e that it can be caused by you being in a platoon of cars or by you causing the platoon of cars. As long as the system doesn't watch your eyes to measure how much you look into your mirrors and over your shoulders, it won't ever be a good system.
@Dear-John.. Жыл бұрын
I disagree with that, you don't have to accelerate to keep up with the car in front or simply other nearly all all cases you will have to slow up ( or back off) at the next bunching up , traffic lights, junction, or a hazardous situation...driving like a Saint means good anticipation of looking ahead, to the side and too the rear Veiw mirrors...tell me if other drivers have really got to their destination so much safer or quicker than you could have...
@Pystro Жыл бұрын
@@Dear-John.. Is that a reply to me? I was taking about the difference of the evaluated driver accelerating unexpectedly slowly (and thus being unpredictable) and the app-evaluated driver being stuck being someone who doesn't (or can't) accelerate at the usual rate.
@BlazeFirereign Жыл бұрын
@@Dear-John.. I'm not saying that you should frequently have your foot to the floor, or launch your car from every junction. Obviously, if you're in free flowing traffic, you should be driving smoothly. But in junction and merging scenarios, you absolutely should be accelerating at a *reasonable* pace. Meaning, using more than a quarter of your throttle pedal. Setting off from a set of lights? If everyone accelerates gently, it takes longer for the queue to get moving, and fewer cars make it through a cycle. You've made traffic flow worse. Pulling out from a junction? Same thing if there's a queue - and you're likely to impact traffic already on the road, making them slow down. You've made traffic flow worse. On a sliproad? You should be matching the road traffic speed by the time you have a good view onto the road. Merging onto a motorway at 40mph creates *a lot of risk* because of the huge speed differential. Oh, and it makes traffic flow worse, because people on the road have to slow down if it's busy.
@tinyrodent2821 Жыл бұрын
@@Dear-John.. So you're the one who takes ages to accelerate up to 40 from a red light, causing multiple people behind you to not get through the junction, causing further traffic? You're brilliant.
@highdownmartin Жыл бұрын
Assessing driving skills by a blindfold device that can’t see where you are or what’s happening is like tying Ashley up chucking him in the boot then fifty miles later asking for an appraisal of your driving abilities. This is like a builder using the spirit level app to build a house or going orienteering with a compass app and street view. Driving is one of the most complex variable tasks we perform, this is degrading it to a TV Quick questionnaire
@bp19870 Жыл бұрын
Use it on a blue light run and see your score! It’s quite funny 😂
@markwright3161 Жыл бұрын
I'd like to see this. I know of 'Chris Martin EMS' (channel name) who films some drives. I'd like to see him do a few runs and show what a driving app thought of them. :) I imagine it would show just how useless these things are, probably scoring them as one of the worst drivers ever to use the system, yet, they'll be one of the most highly skilled drivers on the road with the most thorough observation, etc, and therefore safest people to have the chance to share the road with. Although blue light drivers might be called an exception to what these apps are trying to do (or at least like to claim), there's so much they can't monitor (that many other comments have covered) that will make a driver a far higher risk individual to be on the road with. Someone failing to accelerate up to the speed of trucks in lane 1 of a motorway when they join, scoring full marks for 'safe driving' by the app, is far more dangerous than someone scoring very low on 'speeding' coming down the overtaking lane who is observant enough to notice the joining vehicle's failure and slow and/or move over to give the truck(s) an escape route, for which the truck has to swerve to make use of, perhaps after hard braking, for which they'll also score very poorly, all while the one and only idiot that caused it all, providing they don't get hit to spike the G-forces, trundle along with a perfect score free to repeat this time and time again with the lowest insurance premium in the country. If suitable for the conditions, a driver who matches their observation to their speed could travel at double the speed limit safer than someone staring at the end of their bonnet/the back of the car they're following would be at or below the speed limit for the same piece of road, yet everything is in favor of the unobservant driver, at least until they inevitably crash, while the 'speeder' could get through their entire driving career without a single incident but gets punished for it at every single opportunity with the authorities claiming it's for 'road safety'. I'm not claiming every 'speeder' is competent, but those who are should be separated from those who aren't, given the opportunity to demonstrate that the speed they choose for those conditions was entirely safe for the conditions (including their ability and vehicle as 'conditions') at the minimum before going through with a fine or whatever.
@bp19870 Жыл бұрын
@@markwright3161 I watch his channel and think that’s a good idea 😂😂😂
@15bit62 Жыл бұрын
As with all things, if you try to reduce down something very complex to a simplified set of variables, there will be significant inaccuracies. Unfortunately, once the insurance companies adopt this sort of thing as "required", there will be little to no ability to disagree. They will just behave as if the App is infallible and refuse to engage. Cos that is cheaper for them. Until some government legislates the use of these apps appropriately, i fear a lot of people might be treated unfairly
@FancyMcDancy Жыл бұрын
I had a black box with a year's insurance with some company that was linked to 1066. Geddit? The data was insistent that I braked harshly, despite everyone that I drove with agreeing that this was not the case. I tried to take this up with the provider on two separate occasions but got the "our equipment is not faulty" brushoff both times. Never again.
@ukeleleEric Жыл бұрын
Not used an app as such, but, at work (bus driver) we have a 'black box' with a 'traffic-light' display, and it rates us (giving red or orange lights) according to speeding, braking, cornering, etc. As I do a school run (and this has only been done by any other driver in the company three times in the last school year, the rest of the time it was me) out in the countryside, there are all sorts of occasions when a sudden reaction is needed (think narrow lane, double-decker, with tractor, lorry or car coming other way). My score is frequently one of the worst at my depot. But, they had one of the assessors come out with me along my route, and agreed that I was doing fine. As a bus driver with about 25 years' experience (but not complacent), I think they knew that that was the case - it's down to the inadequacies of the system. If driving well could be reduced to such basic stuff, Ashley, you'd be out of a job, and a robot would train people.
@BCrossing Жыл бұрын
@Interknetz Жыл бұрын
The problem is with an app, you could just drive in a certain way while you have it running, then do whatever when its not just to benefit from cheaper insurance. I'd be highly surprised if insurance companies would care about this data - they don't even really seem to lower when you have done advanced courses from my experience.
@georgecraker8972 Жыл бұрын
I have the Hastings app and have a score off 99/100 and that’s a year of having it. Personally I think the Hastings one is pretty accurate.
@alane7903 Жыл бұрын
My former employer trialled this sort of thing in compnay cars for a while (I can't remember the brand). I had interesting email exchanges with the monitor's compnay representative: Apparently people who live where there a lots of roundabouts got a consistently low score (I saw this whenever I went to MK), because the app noted repeated lane changes! Similar low scores resulted for anyone living out in the countryside, as winding roads meant that the lateral acceleration was constantly changing (countryside roads not having engineered constant-radius bends!). The worst for me was when I was driving a single track lane, just coming abreast of a passing place and saw in the cross-view a large vehicle in the opposite direction. My controlled swerve left and stop, to leave the larger vehicle room, was not liked by the app. Apparently I should have gently approached the oncoming truck then blocked its way whilst reversing back around a blind corner.
@alrockman9817 Жыл бұрын
thought i was on Dragons Den for a minute with the sales pitch about the dashcam
@cjshearwood Жыл бұрын
The primary concern with these apps is that you give them all this data, and whilst today they claim they only give your data to insurers with your consent and only if they feel it will improve your quote, this could change. The company could be bought tomorrow, roll out a new set of terms of service and start handing over that data to your insurer (or in aggregate to practically anyone). I would strongly advise that unless you actually intend to use their integration with insurance companies, do not install these apps on your phone and do not give them the data they ask for.
@climatechangedoesntbargain9140 Жыл бұрын
If they want to change TOS they need you to agree to them. So just stop using it when they want you to agree to toss you don't like
@mandolinic Жыл бұрын
@@climatechangedoesntbargain9140 That assumes you read all the updates you receive, and don't just tap on Accept button without engaging your brain.
@climatechangedoesntbargain9140 Жыл бұрын
@@mandolinic Only people that don't care do that. The main commenter obviously isn't on one these
@kenw394 Жыл бұрын
This is the main reason I got rid of this app as it asks for permission to run in the background. So is gathering data all the time even if you're not driving.
@giolaccoun2857 Жыл бұрын
That’s not the way it works.
@Maddmank Жыл бұрын
So the problem I have with these "monitoring systems" is they can only monitor speed, acceleration, braking and turning forces but they don't monitor a drivers actual road manners for example I drive for a living and our workplace monitors our driving with a system like this and some of the highest scoring drivers, whilst they may accelerate and corner at appropriate speeds and brake in plenty of time they will run red lights, cut people up go the wrong way down 1 way streets use their phones etc etc they're not exactly a good measure of someone's actual driving ability a road manners
@Ayrshore Жыл бұрын
Avoid having your score marked down for harsh braking or acceleration by simply shooting every red light at 5mph below the limit.
@smallkid444 Жыл бұрын
I've seen so many people say that the GPS messes up and ends up saying they're speeding when they're not. Given how often my maps does this, it wouldn't be something I would use.
@ianyates7742 Жыл бұрын
I have experience that to pulling out of a junction with a sharp turn doing approximately 8 miles an hour by Radio said I was speeding this happens quite often so I do not trust anything that works on a similar format ore a similar principle I find it not to be accurate
@gordon861 Жыл бұрын
I have been using my phone as a GPS speedo (both dedicated App and GoogleMaps) for years now and never had a problem with it, it has never given me wild speed readings.
@Frost_Saber Жыл бұрын
@@gordon861 That's great, not everyone is going to have your same experience, there are billions of us.
@J1mston Жыл бұрын
There's a spot near me where my GPS thinks the road drops to 20mph for literally a few meters then jumps back up to 30mph. There's no signs to indicate a 20mph and the entire section road has been 30mph for as long as I've been alive. When using predictive cruise control I have to be weary of this little section because my car will inexplicitly slam the brakes on to hit this 20mph that it thinks it needs to. It's a problem especially because this road is often used by less than stellar drivers who would take the entire thing at 40mph if it was clear. I'd imagine an app like this one would see me speeding every time I passed this section and I'd be marked down accordingly.
@inyobill Жыл бұрын
@@J1mston That's not the GPS, but rather the map model.
@Trevor_Austin Жыл бұрын
Your conclusion strikes a chord with me. My son had to have a black box installed. Initially we could see our driving scores and my son was always scoring low. So I drove his car to see if I could score better that he did. It took a great deal of effort and only when you drove well under the speed limit, didn’t use the brakes (just run over old ladies less your insurance rate takes a hit), went round corners so slowly you became a hazard and accelerated impossibly slowly - all during odd daylight hours of working days. It was impossible to score well. Furthermore, any good driving miles are instantly destroyed with an avoidance manoeuvre or, worse, normal driving. These things are are a con of the highest order.
@paulfranklin8636 Жыл бұрын
I've not used one of these apps, but everything I see in the comments and everything you say simply confirm the reasons I've chosen not to. I find it very odd that it measures acceleration when that can be subject to so many variables that no "app" can possibly assess. Maybe as a bit of fun they're OK but I'm not taking the chance on having my data misused
@PedroConejo1939 Жыл бұрын
And this is why self-driving cars are still decades away, despite what some people claim. As a human operator, and as Ash demonstrates every single video, we are far more able to assess developing situations and formulate alternative courses of action, often based on experience and the sixth sense that provides.
@inyobill Жыл бұрын
@@PedroConejo1939 I am constantly scanning, trying to guess what drivers around me will be doing (that fellow in the right lane driving 10kph faster than the lorry will be pulling into the passing late, probably using only a quick glance in their driver's side mirror, ...). Of course if all the vehicles are AI controlled, the behaviour of vehicles around us will be 100% predictable, and likely coordinated by communication between vehicles.
@PedroConejo1939 Жыл бұрын
I tried one a few years ago - I think it was Aviva - but it didn't like my driving. For example, to get out of our village onto the bypass - a busy 70 mph dual-carriageway with no slip road, just a T junction. Most of the time, it required fairly significant acceleration to get up to a reasonably safe speed. I was marked down on this almost every day, even worse because I didn't even have a very quick car. Since it was a trial, there was no hand-over of data to any insurers but it was enough to put me off using one.
@jimmyriddle4159 Жыл бұрын
I scored 100% on the Aviva app over 600 miles (in 2018.. the app may ave changed). No issues with it. Just driving defensively as I usually do.
@stevesmith7530 Жыл бұрын
I'm in a similar situation, but not the road out of the village, but my driveway straight out into 70mph traffic, with limited visibility. I am actually looking at getting about half a mile of new driveway put in so I can access the village road and join at that Tjunction where visibility is better, but still not great. Makes me laugh when people call smart motorways dangerous.
@fatlad2010 Жыл бұрын
I’ve got DriveScore and I’ve found it helpful for showing me areas where I could improve. A big one for me was harsh braking which is clearly poor anticipation and seeing that on my drives and now being able to work out where and why it happened has genuinely helped me adjust that part of my driving. I’ve not been driving for a full year yet so I’ve not been able to see whether there’s any benefit for my insurance at renewal date but I do hope so, first time driving insurance is very pricey so anything that I can do to bring that down will be good. That being said I wouldn’t have a mandatory blackbox policy if I can avoid it, they’re far too harsh and penalising for younger less experienced drivers.
@btk1 Жыл бұрын
that green bar to tell us when the ad is finished is a great touch Ashley. I wish all KZfaqrs were so considerate!
@madamegazelle3271 Жыл бұрын
My dad needs this! He literally drove 80mph on a 40 in our Bmw x2 M35i and had me in the car (im 12 y.o) and my mother banned him from driving it, which was hers. The weather was wet on a corner too. He says he is a good driver too! He even forced me to film the speedometer to show hos friends. I wish we had a dashcam. He's completely deranged!
@TheSebiestor Жыл бұрын
Bad drivers always think they're good. Such drivers seem to equate excessive driving speeds and not dying in that instance, as being a good driver. The test of a good driver is, ask a passenger what they thought of someone's driving (with no prior knowledge of the question) if they answer something like, "I didn't notice". Means they are a good driver
@madamegazelle3271 Жыл бұрын
@@TheSebiestor i even tell him he isnt good at driving. He thinks that reversing a trailer is God teir driving!
@deang5622 Жыл бұрын
You should think about reporting him to the police as he is clearly a danger to other road users. Remember the incident about a week ago where a guy was driving a Range Rover on the North Circular road in London, doing just over double the speed limit and the car ended up on a railway track, killing one passenger and injuring another. It is not funny, driving dangerously like your dad does kills people. It is not a game. Your dad needs to grow up.
@madamegazelle3271 Жыл бұрын
@@deang5622 He will never grow up, no wonder he has been in 4+ crashes in the last 10 years (although 3 werent his fault). He has points on his license and just a few weeks ago, he was given a fine for having bald tires on his ford transit! I wonder what Ashley would have to say to that if we had a dashcam...
@TheSebiestor Жыл бұрын
Ms Gazelle, good luck and always be wary who you get on a car with :)
@shroomiestshroom3655 Жыл бұрын
The biggest problem i have found with these systems that use a range of sensors from gps and accelerometers, they refuse to use any sort of visual recording. Where i work we have the masternaught system installed into all of the work vehicles, these record everything from speed, acceleration, turning, and speed bumps, you can in fact get penalised for life saving and excellent driving. Your driving in the fast lane doing 70, last minute a lorry tries to overtake someone else only doing 50, you have to brake hard to avoid a collision, all the masternaught system sees is you braking hard, set a load of different sensors, and reports you as braking hard, it doesnt record the actual circumstance behind it. You swerve to avoid a child or someone opening their door, you get reported through masternaught as bad driving as you were swerving, these system are so bad. I see these insurance apps working the exact same way, life saving and excellent driving will be reported as bad driving because its a dumb system. You save a childs life by emergency braking, well done, your insurance company is going to charge you an extra £10 a year because you braked hard, it works great on paper but doesnt take everything needed into account.
@johnflavin1602 Жыл бұрын
Agreed. No context whatsoever taken into account. Sometimes you have to accelerate or swerve to avoid someone else's bad driving or mistake.
@GeorgeFoot Жыл бұрын
I would be very cautious about using something like this to assess or improve my driving. There's a real danger that you focus too much on appeasing the app and inadvertently sacrifice true safety (observations, keeping up with traffic flow, etc) as a result. Much better to just drive mindfully, be conscious of your good and bad habits, and decide rationally and honestly where you've made mistakes and could improve.
@kenbrown2808 Жыл бұрын
the most obvious is people running lights as they go red, because they will get marked down for braking hard.
@daynejosephh Жыл бұрын
The blackbox on the car that me and my ex used to share was so inaccurate it was unreal, so these kinds of things are something that I always avoid completely
@GodmanchesterGoblin Жыл бұрын
Poor driving is often put down to poor situational awareness, and rightly so. Guess what these apps don't have? - the same. So how can they ever be a trustworthy indicator? They don't know why you had to brake suddenly or accelerate unusually quickly. Of course, there's a difference between doing that occasionally and doing it most of the time, but I would not want some algorithm to judge my driving based on only basic motion capture. And how well does it do with GPS data obscured by long bridges or tunnels? That's another source of potential issues.
@pugsterjosh7925 Жыл бұрын
The fact that it would score you down for, say, braking harshly to avoid hitting a child that has just ran into the road says it all really
@RicardoPetrazzi Жыл бұрын
Driving apps also cannot account for bad habits like driving too close to the vehicle in front.... They are a double-edged sword for sure and should never become the sole basis or majority influencing factors behinf insurance descisions or driver rating techniques. What about times when you may have to perform emergency stop due to circunstances beyond your control, does that count as poor or harsh breaking techniques. Consclusion: Gimick and partially informative only
@Alan_Clark Жыл бұрын
Agree. No app can quantify your defensive driving or hazard recognition skill, or your courteous driving.
@PedroConejo1939 Жыл бұрын
@@Alan_Clark And ultimately, that's probably going to be the difference between a safe driver and an unsafe one.
@ibs5080 Жыл бұрын
Hello Ash. Just to let you know I'm playing catch up with your videos after a 3 day road trip. First day (Friday) was BBC Gardeners World Autumn Fair in Essex. Second day was Hampton Court Concours Car Show with over 1000 cars on display. Third day (today, Sunday) was Blenheim Palace Salon Prive, also over 1000 cars on display. It has been a very surreal 3 lots of driving! 435 miles in 3 days to be precise..and yes, "The Inner Ashley" sitting in the passenger seat beside analysing my every move, though in reality it was my mother! Plus a great deal of time spent attending these 3 shows, hotel stay and so forth, hence not the opportunity to view your most recent 2 videos. Will catch up on those videos soon and comment. I just didn't want you to think I lost interest, which will never be the case.
@leewatson8129 Жыл бұрын
Acceleration is sometimes needed, especially on short slip roads. (example at 51.598431, -1.770237). In this example the A419 is frequently moving at 60mph+ on the inside lane, yet the slip road is only 25m before you are actually entering lane 1. If you've had to stop due to heavy traffic in lane 1 then it's full throttle to join, unless you have a Evo 6.
@ralphalder14 Жыл бұрын
My 18-year old son passed his test back in May and is insured on his own (Marmalade) policy on my wife’s car. One of these is fitted to the car and both son and wife have the app to distinguish who is driving. There is a roundabout near our house and no matter how gently and slowly either of them drive round it, it always flags up a “harsh cornering”.
@TheFlyingBusman Жыл бұрын
I set off from North Yorkshire to Rosythe and back and had recently installed the Aviva app out of curiosity. Unbeknown to me, it was running in the background and I returned a very respectable 9.5 without particularly trying. Some of this may have been down to my driving a truck though I’ve tried similar in cars with similar results so I’ll take that. Can certainly rate the Viofo dash cam for value. Need a fast SD card if adding a rear camera. Always worth getting a dashcam hardwired. I fit my own as I’m a qualified auto electrician and would advise others to get theirs professionally installed due to airbags and other complex electronics.
@nyneg_ Жыл бұрын
On my black box that i have (its a box that is bluetoothed to my phone) rates my cornering as 1/5, how ever the drivescore app rates it as 835/1000, along with phone usage, i never even dare to touch it while driving but my black box picks it up as a uasge when ive pulled over, or even just in the bluetooth range (im 90% of the time in range as its parked outside my house) drivescore isnt much better as they have no way to say, oh hey hes stopped in a car park or a layby to check google maps, its just thinks im still driving. But hey what can ou do. Love your videos Ashely still teaching me new things i was never taught in my lessons (for context im 19 now and have had 2 years crash free of driving until the other week... Thanks mr whitevan for being in such a rush and making your delivery late)
@salamander5703 Жыл бұрын
I tried one of these some years ago on my daily commute - main roads and motorway mostly. I found I needed to keep a decent gap to the car in front on the motorway to be able to match varying traffic speed while still accelerating and braking smoothly. Problem was other motorists would dive often into the gap form lane 3, then often brake to move into lane 1 to take an exit at the last minute. I would have to brake to get a safe gap back but my score for that trip would be spoiled - there was only gold, silver or bronze, from memory and gold required a flawless drive! I was starting to consider running too close to the car in front when that happened, to be able to lose speed more gently and keep the App happy. I was also starting to consider running through traffic lights on amber if they changed at the last second, whereas I would usually brake and stop. Funny how I can usually judge my approach to the lights so there isn't an issue, but when the App was running they often seemed to change just at that critical point... In the end I stopped using the app because I wanted to drive safely rather than compromise that to please the app and get a gold score.
@iloveimageprocessing Жыл бұрын
I used once a Mercedes app (via a Diagnostic Port Bluetooth connection - e.g. pre-full app integration of the newer Mercedes). My issue with it was that to see the driving score the engine had to be started, then you select the option in the app, and once the engine was off the score option was disabled. In other words, you could only see the score by using you phone while driving!
@CED99 Жыл бұрын
That is indeed stupid. Imaging if garmin did that for their sports watches... your app should download the data from the device (car/watch) and let you review previous data 'off-line' and not require a connection
@iloveimageprocessing Жыл бұрын
There are a lot of 'analysis' apps, for various industries (health, driving, sport, dating) that use sensors to project a score rating. I don't think people appreciate how limited they are beyond a pure entertainment value. Sure, there maybe a correlation between results of an app and real-world data, but you can't project that into a real-world statistic equivalent to a rating given by a driver instructor, doctor, or other professional. And you can't put real-world value on the data. It's similar to the 'remaining miles of fuel' value on your car - it s useful, but you wouldn't say "it says I can go 205 miles and it is 204 miles to get home, so I am legally guaranteed I can get home and if not then I can call a tow truck and bill my car manufacturer for the faulty info".
@just_passing_through Жыл бұрын
What would be considered “harsh” cornering in a people mover, or a high centre of gravity SUV, would be completely different from “harsh” cornering in an MX-5, yet the app rates them identically.
@Unfunny_Username_389 Жыл бұрын
The app detects how quickly and suddenly steering inputs occur. This is how harshness is measured.
@just_passing_through Жыл бұрын
@@Unfunny_Username_389 Exactly. That’s my point. Some cars are designed and build to be driven on winding roads. That’s where they come alive. Not so much for your 9 seat people mover. Until you can select your vehicle in the app it can’t tell the difference.
@Unfunny_Username_389 Жыл бұрын
@@just_passing_through There are different schools of thought on this, I think. So for instance, IAM and ROSPA almost always want to see smooth, tapered inputs - be it braking, steering or acceleration. Your steering should be very similar despite what car your driving - according to Police Roadcraft.
@just_passing_through Жыл бұрын
@@Unfunny_Username_389 Every decent driver changes their technique to adapt to the vehicle they are in. A Ford F-350 handles completely differently to a Porsche 911, and only an idiot would take a corner the same in both.
@Unfunny_Username_389 Жыл бұрын
@@just_passing_through Harsh inputs should be avoided wherever possible, especially on roads (but similar advice will often be heard from track-based instructors). A good steering technique shouldn't differ from one vehicle to the next - the driver should always try to avoid sudden, harsh inputs and aim to be smooth wherever possible.
@nataliamrozek5521 Жыл бұрын
I've got an driving app due to my blackbox. I am driving nearly a year now, i would consider myself an ok driver and I think it does have its benefits that I can see if I'm doing any harsh braking or acceleration. However it's more flawed then beneficial. My on work route always has a bad score of 68 which is low due to apparent speeding, which I do not do and avoid, also its a back road therefore loads of corner although approaching at appropriate speed it still lowers my score.. adding this it's lowered if I drive during rush hour which is unfair as usually have uni at 9 or work at 9 and finish at 3. But that's only on this specific route and other I have quite good scores but I customer service of this insurance has not helped me and ignored my issue. So everytime I drive to work my score get lowered
@itznotgizmo1261 Жыл бұрын
68 is quite high
@deang5622 Жыл бұрын
To be honest, you shouldn't need a blackbox or app to tell you if you are accelerating hard, braking hard. You should be aware of your driving style as you drive.
@nataliamrozek5521 Жыл бұрын
@@deang5622 the issue is I don't accelerate that much, and it's very sensitive. The smooth driving rating also is very flawed ,It says it wasn't a smooth drive because I was speeding which I eas not. So it's really a hit and miss. On many on my journeys I get 78-89 on specific ones where the GPS speed limits are wrong it says I do everything wrong
@deang5622 Жыл бұрын
@@nataliamrozek5521 if it doesn't have the correct speed limits for the road, then it's useless. Throw it away. Totally pointless. It can't give an accurate result.
@joshk8524 Жыл бұрын
I have something similar for my Direct Line insurance and I've found it to be mostly quite bad at scoring journeys fairly. One reason why is because it measures the smoothness of the drive based on how variable your speed is. If you're in stop start traffic a lot (like in South London where I live), it automatically gives you a low score. No matter how gently I accelerate or brake it will always do this.
@Joshyg02 Жыл бұрын
I had one with direct line, it always gave me poor scores driving round town despite driving cautiously and with good anticipation, but always 90-100/100 for a long motorway trip during the day. Having driven a 1L car it’s fair to say I very rarely got a poor score for acceleration
@davidrumming4734 Жыл бұрын
Interesting to see how that translates over into a tuned 1.0 engine, with a turbo.
@paulevans9307 Жыл бұрын
I used to get so many adverts for drivescore, was curious about it but decided against it. Some of my driving is under blue light, though I could put myself down as passenger for those (making a mockery of it). We have telemetry in our vehicles, which gives an internal driving rating metric. One of our contracts has every driver performing poorly for speeding - the telemetry does not take into account exemptions. I've had a HARSH BRAKING warning flash up on the navigation screen before, after accelerating from some traffic lights. I've had SPEED flash up on one, blocking the map, when doing 80 (our driving policy allows for 90 in a 70 on the lights) I've had a HARSH BRAKING warning for gently tapping the brakes in London. It's common to get a map-blocking HIGH REV warning when exiting a roundabout in a manual. Yes, I have got higher than usual revs - not dangerously so, I'm just staying in a lower gear for longer to get some power up. Having the metrics is useful - having the warnings when you are doing something unsafe/daft is useful. Having these warnings for no obvious reason is a distraction.
@neiltill7414 Жыл бұрын
We use a app called Green Road at work but for me can be very inconsistent, for example different buses we drive obviously handle differently, so what is an OK action with one bus can be deemed as harsh with another. I used the Admiral app for my car and that was good until I started driving buses then turned it off because it wondered why I was stopping so much!
@iainamurray 8 ай бұрын
I've used this for a few months since I first saw this vid and my score is 934. Interestingly, what lets me down is cornering. I put that down to there being lots of roundabouts on my regular journey! It also creates an "event" if you brake sharply. The flaw here of course is that it doesn't know if you're not paying attention and have braked sharply because of a lack of forward planning, or if you've done it to avoid an accident. Also worth pointing out that I definitely have to let it know when I've been riding a motorbike rather than driving as it really doesn't like the acceleration.
@lostsleepyfox Жыл бұрын
I used to use Aviva Drive before they binned it off. This was when I was a newer driver and I was rated just below average. It wasn't nearly as in depth as this app but rated on a few similar features.
@andylaauk Жыл бұрын
The reliance on apps would go some way to account for the falling standards of driving that is apparent everywhere.
@RichO1701e Жыл бұрын
I had an app from an insurance company from Norfolk, can't remember the details, but I was quite pleased with the results at the time.
@CarlosFandango73 Жыл бұрын
In the past I down loaded th aa app to try and get cheaper insurance. I turned it on as I got on the motorway for my 50 mile commute, and turned it off as I came off. I had perfect score but insurance was still expensive. They are just a data collection app
@richmayes8451 Жыл бұрын
I tried the app about 10 years ago from Admiral, and I found that on my regular commute that the speed limit on the road was lower on the app, so, therefore, I was constantly 'speeding'. In the end, I took the app off.
@kenw394 Жыл бұрын
I tried out this app for a couple of months I was averaging a score of 997 until it decided a 40mph road was a 20mph limit and lowered my 100% speed score. When I raised it with them with proof of the speed limit on that road. All I got was a generic reply saying the GPS is sometimes out and may be thinks I'm on a different road, despite the map included in the app showing I was on the 40mph road. The adjacent road is a national speed limit road. I also didn't like the idea it was gathering data about where I was and going to all the time, as it runs in the background even if you're not driving, unless you switch off the GPS on your phone.
@johnarmstrong4015 Жыл бұрын
I have been using drive score for a while now, just out of interest, I am 74 years young, only had 2bumps since passing my test at 17. my score is --- 4011 miles- total drives 287 - total score is 992. but like you, I don't believe it a true record of my driving. As I said I have only done it for a bit of fun. Many thanks for sharing all your videos ATB
@laceandwhisky Жыл бұрын
Daughter had a black box first six months of driving, she was speeding while eating a meal in a pub, erratic driving whilst sat in a college classroom, every time she went round a corner junction that was around 100 degree bend at silly slow mph it said she was hard cornering (any slower she'd be stopped) it was crap £80 to fit it and I ripped it out cancelled the insurance started with a new one. They wanted £80 to remove it two screws two wires. It is a RIp off. Don't use them
@markwright3161 Жыл бұрын
I had an app for my first year, mandatory to get insurance for me at 17 apparently. 1 corner, left into a junction, over 90 degrees, steep slope away from the main road and the main road was sloped across the opposite way (super-elevation) for the right hand bend the junction is on the outside of. I could never not get a 'harsh cornering' flag for that junction, even slowing to 10 mph or less while still on the major A road it comes off, getting horns blared at me a couple of times and risking being rear-ended, and it still flagged it every single day.
@twerki78 Жыл бұрын
I tried drivescore in May this year. It gave me an overall score of 996. The only thing it marked me down on was acceleration. I put this down to a late speed limit change on a slip road joining a national speed limit dual carriageway from a 30mph limit. You need to get a shift on because of the late speed limit change to merge with the traffic on the dual carriageway safely.
@jg77079 Жыл бұрын
Ashley can you do a video on the roadworks on the East Lancs towards Liverpool just before the m57, seen artics and other vehicle blocking the road, straddling both lanes and just driving recklessly at rush hour
@cuddlybear_uk Жыл бұрын
Like you I see the apps and tracking devices like this as having flaws but also benefits. I found that when I was using Drivescore whilst I rated with a score of 800 it highlighted some areas which needed improvement and being more aware that a poor habit of harsh cornering at times was starting to creep into my driving I was able to improve by being more aware of it. Since my phone is used a fair bit for work when a passenger I did have to remove a large number of journeys but had I not been able too my average score could be easily dragged down due to another drivers driving habits as well, had I not had the option then it would have made it very inaccurate regarding my driving but I see the issue from bad journeys being erased as also creating a falsely higher score to get a better discount. Out of curiosity how would you recommend dealing with the issue of either bad driving when a passenger which is a negative on your score and balancing that against the ability to influence your score by deleting the users own poor driving?
@jordanwoodhouse3866 Жыл бұрын
The app I use, scored mobile phone interaction really bad even though I am not using my phone. What I found was that any notification I received counted as interaction as well as answering calls via my hands free setup in my car. So now when I drive I have to switch off notifications and calls. These apps are not the best and can be very temperamental. I had a phase of getting a bad score for acceleration fast, turns out there is a small tunnel I drive though and it looses signal and when it updates my GPS location jumps so it thinks I'm racing around. I now avoid this route when possible. The concern with these apps is people try to drive how the app wants and not reacting to the road. My friend didn't give way at a pedestrian crossing, they said they didn't want to break harshly and get a bad score!
@cosmicdebris2223 Жыл бұрын
How did he get a stable copy of his display on the left whilst holding the phone in the car? or did he simulate the scrolling in post production to make it look the same (there are a few delays between the held phone and what we see on the left.
@matthewhenthorn3343 Жыл бұрын
I used E-Mentor when I worked as an Amazon driver, and in general we found that having the phone in cradle that was unstable cost alot more points in certain situations, and if you could put the phone somewhere out the way and well cushoned, it will think you're the ideal driver. Also it only measures you compatency on the open road and innercity. when it comes to manuvering, the vehicle is you're measure and that isn't the way the app works. To be honest the Amazon work never lent itself to the defensive driving method the App expects (plus the amazon app wasn't the best but that's completly seperate). It has tutorials on how the improve your driving, but in the case of driving under pressure and that lot, the work environment let the side down, since we were in a rush more or less everyday, driving tired, worn out, blind or even lost half the time. I personally found combining your videos and occational drives in my dad's Electric car, i was able to improve more, but i'm all too aware that my driving level plumets the moments things start getting stressful.
@wayneketteridge3699 Жыл бұрын
I tried one just out of interest but wasn't the best for cornering but I put it down to living on the Isle of Wight as its full of corners and I did try harder just to see what I could do
@johnsmith-de6ym Жыл бұрын
This a video about an app or the flaming Dashcamera ? 🙃
@kenbrown2808 Жыл бұрын
I agree with your assessment of the parameters of the judgement. we have ads on the TV for insurers using similar processes, and they all fixate on slow starting, slow stopping, and no excitement. one such ad features a "remarkably safe" driver who is taking WAY too long to parallel park and implied to be using outside guidance instead of in car parking aids. maybe the apps should use the microphone on the phone and also rate drivers on how many people are honking their horns at them.
Жыл бұрын
I've been trialing this app for over a few months now, have just under 1000 miles and a score of 994. My car doesn’t anyway accelerate quick enough (as compared to a GTI for example) so I have 1000 on Acceleration, Cornering and Speeding, I have 975 on Braking, and I do agree everytime I get marked down that it was a harsh braking incident as me and my wife both can feel it, however my main problem is sometimes you can’t avoid it and it doesn’t take that into consideration. For example on my recent drive in Wales, there was a temporary red light, right next to a blind left turn on a 60 limit and traffic was queued almost till the turn, I couldn’t see queuing traffic and had a stop rather quickly. There was no way I could have avoided it. Another thing is, it often penalises me to stop at yellow (mostly on 40 limit or over) as the time I get to stop on a yellow is quite low for 40 mph and above. So I have to anticipate the signal and slow down before, or cross on yellow, sometimes, uncomfortably close to it turing red. In my normal driving, I haven’t ever felt that it penalises my driving style, which is usually quite relaxed anyway, my driving instructor used to always say your driving should be as if I’m sitting in a chauffeur driven car so I usually hug the left lane, few miles under speed limit and slow braking and gentle acceleration. I haven’t ever been beeped or created a problem for fellow drivers so I don’t agree that it makes you drive rather dangerously. Last, I have 925 on Phone Distraction, which was marked on my first day with the app, unfortunately is was one of my longest drive with the app, and my wife was using the phone to change tracks on the music app and I didn’t know that app (obviously) can’t distinguish between me or someone else using the phone. This is the most annoying part as my phone is usually connected with Carplay and makes us only use the infotainment system to navigate or change tracks. This, I feel, is the only thing that makes driving more dangerous especially if my wife is next to me who can easily add a destination on phone, but it makes you use clunky car apps to type/voice input which can be distracting.
@will4may175 Жыл бұрын
The problem with this apps/black boxes is they're biased, if a car pulls out on you and you obviously have to brake sharply then the program pins it as harsh braking due to not forward planning. My workplace has a similar system in our trucks and we get a bonus end of year for good driving, Stagecoach has similar, and Royal Mail has a system in the vans (don't know if they get a bonus incentive), you can have A's everyday but one idiot pulls out on you or you're at a set of lights longer than expected with the engine idling your score will get a G (red light in buses/RM vans) and that low rating tanks your score making the A's almost worthless for a while until you have sufficient time in the green to negate it. I hope that this isn't the case for black boxes from insurances as it'll add an unfair increase to the premium.
@kenbrown2808 Жыл бұрын
similarly, pull out on somebody somebody and dawdle up to speed, and it will see you as a great driver, rather than as one who just caused a ripple in traffic that could have ended in a collision.
@pugsterjosh7925 Жыл бұрын
I have a black box and it works the same way. ANY harsh braking is marked down. So if i had to slam on the anchors to avoid hitting a child thats just ran out into the road i’d be penalised.
@kenbrown2808 Жыл бұрын
@@pugsterjosh7925 i think if i was programming such a monitor, i would look for a pattern of inconsistent speed and frequent abrupt corrections, rather than the occasional hard acceleration or stop. That would be a much better reflection of good driving habits. Of course, it would still be negatively affected by being behind a bad driver.
@will4may175 Жыл бұрын
@@pugsterjosh7925 Wow, that just take's the pish, it just leaves it open for the insurance to bleed money off you, so glad I didn't have to go through all that, no matter how careful you are there will always be times you will have to stick the anchors on, people are just too random, and if you drive a lot over distances you will get them every week. Those insurances must've been wringing their hands when those boxes were allowed, I thought young folk were being ripped off enough already without them.
@pugsterjosh7925 Жыл бұрын
@@will4may175 even worse, the box once accused me of going 200mph in a thirty… The company themselves were absolutely useless too. Had to wait hours to get through to them. In the end I just cancelled and went with someone else. Of course they came begging and charged me £100 cancellation fee, which I couldn’t pay for for ages because I have better things to do than wait on hold for hours. They even threatened me with debt collection 😂 Like I said I’m with a much better insurer now. Still a black box but no app so I can’t track any driving data which is best for me as it’s just there working away. No issues yet
@Dear-John.. Жыл бұрын
Thinking about the the conduct of drivers regarding acceleration, ( when merging from slip roads, or when emerging from minor roads onto a major road, ) prior to ANY junction there will signs for drivers approaching a junction ( be it a slip road, or a minor road, ) its for these drivers to be Saintly and expect drivers in front of them to either turn into a minor road or have other drivers emerge from these roads) and allow for them to accelerate onto the road ....that's what being Saintly could be, good anticipation , willingness to allow for other road users...
@allothernamesbutthis Жыл бұрын
is all the score from gps or instruments built in to the phone? if you have phone on the seat where it can slide about and absorb some of the g from acceleration does this give a better score than a phone that is mounted in a holder? also if you are driving a quick car are you punished for accelerating quicker than someone redlining a 1.0 shitbox even though you may under 2k revs?
@Techathy Жыл бұрын
The problem I see with phone only apps is they don't detect certain dangerous driving very well: - Constantly gently tapping your brakes to keep your speed down because you're tailgating someone (though tailigaing often results in the occasional need to brake hard) - Going through junctions and not giving way/stopping when you should - Excessive speed for the road conditions - Not accelerating briskly up to speed when overtaking slow moving traffic or pulling out on short on someone is “rewarded” - Slowing down excessively for turns or crests - Not giving enough space to parked cars of vulnerable road users.
@AndyWoodger Жыл бұрын
I'd commented before on a previous video about my Viofo purchase, A129 pro 2 channel, but to answer your question, yes the quality is very good and the app is also good with no issues linking up. I prefer to get the higher frame rate so I've gone 1440 @60fps. My PC monitor is 1440 so it kind of makes sense. I used "ASHLEYNEAL" when I purchased which gave me a few quid off and a half price 256gb card total price after discount £263. I used to have a Blackvue, but this Viofo is easily as good for half the money.
@ashley_neal Жыл бұрын
Thanks for your support Andrew!
@Swindondrive Жыл бұрын
My company vehicle has a black box fitted linked to the sat nav. The sat navigation hasn't been updated in 5 years and it still thinks I do 65mph in a 40mph zone for 2 miles on a daily basis. This is a section of M4. We used to get a monthly phone call to discuss our driving but they have given up now.
@lily46rose Жыл бұрын
So far I have a score of 994, 1000 on all criteria with the exception of 940 for 1 instance of harsh braking, across 4 trips into London and up to Stansted and back all in a coach, and for that purpose I think it is accurate and useful. The phone has the same idea of what's going on as someone in the back not being able to or bothering to see what's going on. So if I can get a nice score on the app, I believe that translates well to giving a carefree and smooth journey to someone having a nap in the back 👍 - will soon see if I get any better pricing with my next insurance quote with a decent score
@moryakov4165 Жыл бұрын
I've got a Hastings YouDrive black box - get 99/100 driving score consistently. I know before I got it I was worried about the box lacking context in acceleration on sliproads and such but wasn't actually an issue like everyone made it out and my second year getting insurance with them was considerably cheaper
@Mikeb1001 Жыл бұрын
I had it installed for a while and I just found it an irritation to get a reliable score, reason being I don’t drive that often (every other weekend plus the odd run to the shops here and there) however I use public transport a lot, particularly a tram which hits around 60mph parallel to a 30mph road. I spent so long deleting erroneous tram journeys to single out the times I was driving that it was pointless. I will say though that when I did have a true score it tended to hover around 700-800, main things it picked me up on were harsh acceleration and harsh cornering - both occasional, I do sometimes slip into boy racer mode, and what the app obviously doesn’t know is the road conditions and surroundings. But also I find because my car isn’t powerful, I need to gain speed quickly on flat road before I hit an uphill slip road at times and this accounted for a number of the harsh accelerations. It also rightly pulled me up on speed which is an area I know I can improve. Phone useage? Almost perfect. I don’t use the phone myself but I will occasionally have a passenger access my phone to make a call or load a route up in maps on the fly
@roxdude Жыл бұрын
Doe's it know when I am using adaptive cruise control as in my newest car it has one setting, unlike in my last few cars. So it accelerates backup to the speed set as fast as it can, especially so if the speed difference is over 20 mph. My guess is any app would penalise me for using acc and as a driver with disabilities having it and using it has made a huge difference on how driving effects my condition.
@jamieparry3319 Жыл бұрын
my biggest gripe with cornering on apps like this is it tends to base it on Gs or something similar but I've noticed mini roundabouts kill the scores for cornering when naturally its a tighter
@pbsa1979 Жыл бұрын
Had a box from Drivewiser- with scores for speed, barking and night driving being 100, 95 and 98,overall for some reason 75 and at the renewal they furnished me with a cost three times higher than what i paid for the first year. I've complained but apparently there was nothing they could do. but from what i heard, they are more than happy to increase premiums during the course of the policy, so at least that did not happen to me and what i paid for the first years was 50% cheaper than the cheapest alternative. This was full comp with business use and additional driver and 14k miles p/a.
@Stettafire Жыл бұрын
5:40 to skip dashcam ad
@keithdenton8386 Жыл бұрын
The Tesla safety score would be better as it looks at five things including forward collision warnings and following too close. I have not seen it available in the UK.
@Mrhullsie2 Жыл бұрын
Yes, I think until we have devices that are linked with other systems like Tesla's cameras and proximity warning systems you are not going to get anything that is much more than a gimmick.
@julianpenfold1638 Жыл бұрын
Acceleration is an interesting one. If there's no-one behind me and it's a quiet road I might choose to build up speed more slowly to save fuel, but if there's traffic behind you and plenty of road in front of you then accelerating more strongly would be best for keeping traffic flowing. I would like to see more detail on exactly how the scoring works for acceleration.
@Sid3300 Жыл бұрын
My current insurance policy makes me have an app installed, so I have to have my phone with me everytime I drive. They're not as accurate as a black box but it keeps insurance cheaper.
@fromthegamethrone Жыл бұрын
If possible, can you set up multiple devices in the same car at the same time - to see if the metrics line up?
@Pystro Жыл бұрын
Oh, that's a good idea!
@allieandmaria Жыл бұрын
Imagine the accelerometer sensor reading going over potholes... Score 0. Seems a bit daft that your insurance premium could be affected if your passenger decided to answer the phone on your behalf whilst you were driving. Nice advert for ClearScore though, who resell credit lines as an agent. This is just wrong.
@loganwatkins97 Жыл бұрын
Just downloaded the app,now gonna go for a sunday evening drive
@wimdenhertog2267 Жыл бұрын
I have an app from my insurance company on my phone the only downside is that it doesn't record al my drives or that it records when I am a passenger or when I ride my bicycle with enough speed. I can only delete 5 drives every 3 months if this happens. but until now I've got a maximum discount on my premium so I am not complaining.
@daveA2024 Жыл бұрын
I worked for a large bus company that fitted a system called "GreenRoad" fitted to its vehicles, WHAT a pain that was, drivers were getting letters right and left, and no matter how you drove the vehicle "GreenRoad" gave you a poor score, typically around 25, it was only after the union convinced the Chief Driving Instructor and the MD to drive a vehicle and post a good score did the company acknowledge that the system was seriously flawed, They both recorded a score that was in the bottom 10% across the company. Needless to say, "GreenRoad" was soon ignored, and is now no longer fitted to the vehicles.
@Mrhullsie2 Жыл бұрын
Wow, I am better than I thought, I installed the drivescore app a while ago and with over 900 miles covered and it gives me a score of 996. I have found it a little unreliable at detecting when I am driving and I am not sure about being able to update journeys to being a passenger after the drive, makes it easy to remove any poor driving from your record if you wanted too. However given that it runs in the background it would be very easy to forget to set yourself as driver or passenger at the start of each journey.
@daze1945 Жыл бұрын
The main thing is to concentrate on being aware and driving safely rather than wondering what some piece of software thinks of your driving. I guess in principle it is a good idea but how distracting is it when driving and looking to impress the app? 🤔
@ianwilson615 Жыл бұрын
The thing with it is it dont know what your driving and as i drive a hgv my score was 900 and in my car it was 780 it didn't make any difference on my insurance
@tcallumg Жыл бұрын
I am a new driver and currently have a driving score app / black box from marmalade. I get penalised for other drivers mistakes and taking corners at the proper speed and speeding up to the speed limit properly. This is highly frustrating for me as I am consistently getting lower scores due to this.
@Birkguitars Жыл бұрын
I was offered a similar system some time ago when insuring my car. I pointed out to the person at the insurance company I was speaking to that as the car I was insuring was a Porsche Turbo the combined effect of acceleration, braking and cornering potential would have me branded as "nutter" even if I used only a small part of the car's performance. I share the concerns over measurement of acceleration. Pulling out from a junction I will accelerate swiftly to ensure that I reach the road speed as soon as reasonably possible and reduce the risk of causing delay to other vehicles. That might show as aggressive driving particularly with a car as capable as mine. One element not mentioned but which could be incorporated is excessively slow driving. I have on too many occasions to count been caught behind drivers doing 40mph in a 60mph limit. I am pretty certain that this comes from not knowing the national speed limit for the road they are on but I have from time to time been stuck behind someone doing barely 30mph in a 60 zone. It may be "safe" from the perspective of avoiding any minimal risk of accidents but I worry that someone driving that slowly has other potentially significant deficiencies in their driving. If I were creating an app to measure driving standards I would definitely include this as a reason for rating someone's driving as poor since it indicates issues such as a lack of awareness of speed limits, a lack of regard for other road users or a significant problem with the overall competence require to be safe on the road.
@ianmason. Жыл бұрын
You've just demonstrated exactly why these apps are flawed, if you were the programmer/designer you'd include unreasonably slow driving. OK that sounds reasonable, but how does the app know if you're driving unreasonably slowly of your own volition, or because you're stuck behind someone who does so, there's nowhere to overtake safely, and you'll get a harsh acceleration demerit if you can overtake safely?
@jhareng Жыл бұрын
More to the point, whats acceleration got to do with 'Safety' Do they assume your gonna black out with the G force, begs belief and still say it after 40 odd years the most corrupt are insurance companies.
@gr3ywolf144 Жыл бұрын
I use Hastings Youdrive app, my score is currently 100/100. Though it does drop sometimes, and for things that are out of my control - such as having to break heavily when lights suddenly change or if someone pulls out infront of me, I will be penalised for things like that. That app tells me that I shouldn't break hard but gentle, but this isn't always possible.
@georgebee3090 Жыл бұрын
Irrelevant to this video but passed my second attempt this morning at 7:13 with 4 minors. Thank you for helping!!! ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
@ashley_neal Жыл бұрын
Congratulations George!
@georgebee3090 Жыл бұрын
@@ashley_neal thank you so much!! Discovered you just after my first attempt and can’t tell you how helpful you’ve been. You more than any other instructor channel has helped me THINK about driving/being safe in general and not just being good enough to pass the test. Xxxxxx
@jonp6798 Жыл бұрын
I laughed at your 400 miles in just over a few weeks. Was fully expecting it to be much more for some reason. I do a lot of miles with work and will do that in a day regularly. It just made me realise how skewed my opinion of what a lot of miles is for the average person. As you’re a driving instructor and didn’t turn it off when you’re a passenger I expected you to have done a lot more. Surprising.
@jhareng Жыл бұрын
Same here 74 mile a day all through lockdown 5 days a week excluding anything else.
@GazRam Жыл бұрын
I have the HastingsDirect YouDrive black box and honestly it's pretty good. I do however, almost every time, get penalised one one part of my trip. It's a downhill braking zone. It always tells me I'm braking too hard. I assume because of the downhill the accelerometers think I'm braking hard. But apart from that it's pretty good. It lets you go 10% over the speed limit and you can "blip" over the 10% by 1 mph but you must quickly get back down to speed or it will penalise you. I'm not sure if the blackbox has made me a better driver though... It's made me good at knowing the limits of the black box and driving to those. I've been driving for 1.2 years and my overall driving score on HastingsDirect is 93/100
@livewire1957239 Жыл бұрын
The insurer I’ve got my car insured by here in South Africa (Momentum) uses a similar system to determine whether you get a “safe driving” bonus on your policy renewal date. I’ve complained to them so many times about how unfair the scoring is: for example, scores are given on a daily average basis. So if you drive 100km on one day of which the first 20km were unsafe but the latter 80km were safe, it says you drove safely that day. Whereas if you just drive 20km that day and it considers that unsafe, it says you did not drive safely that day. The logic of more driving is safer is obviously ridiculous. Also, frequent braking and accelerating will get you a low score, but our neighbourhood is a bonanza of stop signs and speed bumps, so you have to stop and start a lot. It would be more dangerous NOT to stop at a stop sign. So here too what’s measured has very little relationship to what constitutes safe driving. Add to that that they use Google Maps data to determine speed limits, but because half the signs are missing here in Joburg due to years of corruption and insufficient maintenance, often the signposted speed limits don’t match the ones on Google Maps. So, yeah, I don’t take these apps seriously at all. What is safe driving is a lot more complex than what can be measured by a simple phone app.
@marklittler784 Жыл бұрын
Do your short errands after doing the one that warms the engine up first.
@stevecampbell7589 Жыл бұрын
I know that M57 well. One of my sons has started seeing a girl in Kirkby. Since that tragedy with the shooting couple weeks ago in Liverpool. My wife insists he no longer uses public transport in the Liverpool area at the moment as she is a worrier. I am a HGV driver away from home all week, but yet. Every Saturday, I have to make the 7 hour round trip to Kirkby to pick him up or to drop off his girlfriend. My wife drives down on a Wednesday or a Thursday. I noticed that the driving standards seem to be lacking when I get closer into Liverpool. I was cut up by an ambulance driver yesterday at the top of the M57 start of the M58.
@johnbower7452 Жыл бұрын
I tried the Drivesafe app today after watching this video; the one time I did brake hard (a set of traffic lights caught me out as they weren't there last time I came through that roundabout) it didn't show up; yet there were 2 instances of harsh braking besides that when nothing was that severe; also 2 instances of harsh acceleration; what does it think I'm in an Articulated lorry? And apparently my 2nd trip never happened at all. :( Useless if that's how it's going to work. Might give your one a try.
@callyraven911 Жыл бұрын
My only real problem using it is acceleration, I have a 1ltr car so never going to being very fast at acceleration but it's the one thing that keeps my score at 904 approx. I've complained and I just get a response that says they take it into account, they don't there's no context. I'm definitely thinking of uninstalling, I thought I'd see what happened the first years quote first
@TheEulerID Жыл бұрын
What those type of apps can never do is assess you directly on things like awareness, hazard perception, lane discipline, tailgating, crossing white lines, and not stopping for amber (or even jumping a red). There may be indirect indications, such as having to brake suddenly for a hazard perceived rather late, but that's surely going to be a bit of a loose connections. Also, it's sometimes necessary to brake fairly hard for an amber if it's marginal (and having checked behind of course). I wonder if this is more about a sales promotion channel for the insurance companies involved. Presumably the writers of the app take a small cut of the insurance premium, and the app will necessarily only direct drivers to those insurance companies.
@jhareng Жыл бұрын
Have to agree, how can some 'APP' say your a poor driver for accelerating, braking and cornering to hard. I always fit the best tyres which allow far greater cornering, stopping, better acceleration and a lot more mpg carrying the momentum. I wonder how the would rate say a Lambo accelerating legally to the speed limit = Nil!
@bramelsheretan Жыл бұрын
I like DriveScore, I've mentioned it myself. I do not use it for insurance reasons, I use it to test myself. On the small single-track roads of the Highlands, braking heavily can be an issue with the app. It doesn't know that an idiot in a Porsche has come flying around a bend. I recommend it for personal use and not to lower your insurance
@dazzyd1964 Жыл бұрын
@rufusgreenleaf2466 Жыл бұрын
These systems like the black box can be problematic for when fast acceleration is needed or emergency harsh braking which in both cases can be for safety reasons.
@lauramoss2863 Жыл бұрын
How does it cope with voice command phone use? I use my phone as a sat nav in a holder on the dash, and use the google assistant to set a new destination, make calls, and play music (much like some modern cars have voice controls). Im guessing this would all register as phone distraction and drop the score?
@allieandmaria Жыл бұрын
Yes, it should, as this IS still a distraction.
@lauramoss2863 Жыл бұрын
@@allieandmaria Ok i get that, but my husband's volvo has an in built medoa system that doea the exact same thing with vocie commands, and this would not be registered which seems a bit of a flaw. Its also much less of a distraction that digital commands (with your digits hehe)
@SamBebbington Жыл бұрын
When I used to have a black box, the amount it relied on where I was driving tanked my scores. I would try to get a perfect score and it would give 40/100 just because I drove in a city. On the flip side, if I drove a long distance, it wouldn’t matter about my acceleration or braking, it would give me a high score for the journey. All in all, this was the worst thing to happen for my driving, it taught me to not care about how well I drive, a mindset which I have now gotten rid of. My insurance was also cheaper without a black box when I went to renew…
@williamfence566 Жыл бұрын
Got a built in system where i work ( HGV ) which is set up for economical driving . Brilliant on a motorway run . Everywhere else it thinks you are terrible. e.g very little braking on a long motorway run . A roads with roundabouts a lot more etc. The drivers with depot trailor change only score high . The drivers with multidrop score low.
@Richard_Barnes Жыл бұрын
Just for the info Ash' - my 14 day score is 939 and 365 day score is 917 after 411 drives covering 2,766 miles. My cornering isn't great though (706) 🤣Now I know that if my cornering wasn't good my wife would make me aware of that 😉 so I don't know what's wrong with it. Although the S3 can take corners briskly. TBH, I'm not using it for insurance as my car engine & gearbox are re-mapped but I was interested in the score and just leave it on. It cannot tell when my wife is using the iPhone for maps; making a call or anything like that so it lowers my 'phone distraction' score.
@Richard_Barnes Жыл бұрын
However, I drive how I want to so this score doesn't make me drive any better. Instruction and learning from your channel make me change my driving style. This app needs more insurers as well. Like you said there are not enough insurers anyway.
@robhill730 Жыл бұрын
I’ve been ‘using’ the app for a couple of months and over 5K miles, and I agree with Ashley - it’s fundamentally flawed in a lot of respects, and cannot consider appropriate speed for road, traffic and weather conditions etc. However, it is a bit of fun, and anything that makes you think about your drives and what you could have done better can only be a good thing !
@elliottsw Жыл бұрын
I said on the day that they announced blakc boxes, rewarding people for maintaining a steady speed is going to cause accidents as people won't slow down for blind corners or accelerate to keep traffic flowing.
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