Babylon 5 - 4K Upscaled - The Great WAR begins!

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JK Visions

JK Visions

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No one is save from the Centauri.
With no counter reaction they will just invade one system after another.
The last episode of season 2.
Have fun!
If you like the videos it is possible to buy me a coffee:)

Пікірлер: 43
@peppermintspacecapsule9898 Жыл бұрын
No exaggeration, I still get goosebumps after all these years.
@NightHawke Жыл бұрын
Wow. I remember how shocking this ep was when I first saw it. When those blasts cut through the cargo mandible, you just knew the shit was hitting the fan! And the mind-blowing thing is, this ISN'T the most epic episode of Babylon 5! "Z'ha'dum" is practically heart-stopping near the end!
@JK-Visions Жыл бұрын
Yes I think it got better every episode. It's a joy making these videos:)
@alisonb4898 Жыл бұрын
No boom? boom today, boom tomorrow, there’s always a boom tomorrow.
@Toobeegort Жыл бұрын
"Ah, arrogance and stupidity all in the same package, very efficient" Londo Mollari.
@mikecimerian6913 Жыл бұрын
Great work! One of the B5 engagements that came close to taking out B5. Centauri never bluffed.
@koalabrownie Жыл бұрын
Except when they did, about 5 episodes before this one in And Now for a Word (ISN episode)
@oscarb2407 Жыл бұрын
Great job. I love it
@sabrinakamphuis9306 Жыл бұрын
@julioamayajr3919 Жыл бұрын
Great Great Show - it is missed
@summitap1 Жыл бұрын
The captain of the Centauri ship was a foolish and arrogant hot head. Did he really expect to prevail? And if he did, how would he explain destroying Babylon 5 to include Mollari and the Minbari?
@QuantumNova Жыл бұрын
Woops! We just killed the Vorlon, Minbari, Drazi, Vree, Pak'mara, etc, etc, etc, ambassadors. What shall happen next? The Vorlon response would be amazing to see.
@Slav4o911 Жыл бұрын
It's strange how Babylon 5 stands out there alone with all these ambassadors and it's not protected by anything (considering these type of incidents are happening from time to time). In a realistic situation you would expect at least 1 cruiser from every major civilization, to escort the station and that is the bare minimum. Also shouldn't Babylon 5 have "diplomatic immunity" making incidents like this one almost impossible. How can a single captain make a decision to attack this station "on a whim", without risking going to court martial after that. Clearly the mission of that ship was not to attack Babylon 5, even if the station "is standing in his way" it's hard to imagine some captain would think.... "ah it's a nice idea to attack the most important diplomatic station in the galaxy", risking killing thousands of innocent people and all these important ambassadors, especially that one Vorlon and also a few Minbari.
@Gurmax Жыл бұрын
@@Slav4o911 if you look closely at b5 series, specially when they talk about humans you will see a pattern that generally to most races b5 is just another trade hub. Most convinient one but still just a trade hub. Originally Molari got that position as it was considered a joke. League used it for trade and nothing else. Narns used it for information and justification hub for what they were doing through entire first season. Cost of protecting b5 is big. Having a big capitol ship protecting it, while it is in neutral territory and while it is just another trade base doesn't make sense, specially as it is human station, humans are supposed to guard it (View of almost every other race). With the shadow war that changed and station wqs protected by a capitol ship of each race after the independance but till then b5 was a hub for commerce and little of anything else but to humans, vorlons and grey council (not even mimbari other then GC thought of it as anything else). But Sheridan said it in that episode in the train when he was pissed at the logic of centauri attack on b5. And you are right. That captain would be crucified for death of a vorlon, mimbari and specially Molari. Rest /care in the eyes of centauri homeworld.
@Slav4o911 Жыл бұрын
@@Gurmax It doesn't really matter what the Narn and non aligned thought. Vorlons and Minbari thought the station was important for them, so having one Minbari cruiser there would have been enough to stave off any "too confident captains". Having a Vorlon cruiser would probably be too much (at least before the war with the shadows). I don't think one Minbari cruiser and one Earth cruiser would be too expensive for them to keep there. I mean even as token forces, they would be formidable. It's one thing to destroy Babylon 5, but to destroy Babylon 5 with a few cruisers there, would be crazy, that would mean war with the Minbari at least if not war with everyone. Maybe a Narn captain is too stupid to think what would happen if he attacks the station, but he would think twice before attacking Babylon 5 with Minbari and Earth cruisers. I think in a real universe, where Babylon 5 does not have "plot armor", after first incident of that type, they would put some cruisers to guard it.
@Gurmax Жыл бұрын
@@Slav4o911 Vorlons actually cared little about it xept for Kosh (just look at all other Vorlons and their views). As for Minbari, Grey council were the only ones that cared about b5 and even they had members who oposed it. Not to mention thag they work in secret so it would be a bit hard to show their "protection" to earth station after a war where they almost wiped out humans. And humanity were already angry at the cost of station itself, let alone have a cruiser for extra defense. And don't forget that the station itself is powerful on it's own. Fighter compliment equal to a destroyer and firepower to take on a cruiser. And all that even before the upgrades. So to me, it was quite realistic amount of defense and reasons why cruisers or destroyers weren't defending it. One of few sci fi series that logic allowed me to see why defense was without capitol ships. Machine on the planet not used for defense is a totally another story though.
@spaceexpireaudio666 Жыл бұрын
4:05 when Starfury fires, there`s some shield-like energy on the hull, unlike all other shots. Always thought it was some mistake
@JK-Visions Жыл бұрын
I always thought it was some kind of electrical discharge.
@alecbrinker7268 Жыл бұрын
It's not, the Centauri have shields. They are low grade but they do indeed have shields, that's why the Centauri have such sleek looking ships, they use energy shields instead of heavy armor (like Earth Force ships). The shields are based on the same gravimetric tech that allows the Centauri and Minbari to have artificial gravity on their ships (unlike Earth and the Narn)
@spaceexpireaudio666 Жыл бұрын
@@alecbrinker7268 I don`t think I would agree with that. Shields in B5 are for Vorlons and such. And even if they had, those shields definitely didn`t help in any fight.
@koalabrownie Жыл бұрын
@@alecbrinker7268 If that were true then Sheridan would not be surprised by the White Star absorbing damage in War Without End. Since he was surprised, we can posit that he's never seen anything like it, and since he's fought both the Minbari and Centauri- that rules out ships from both factions having similar technology. Furthermore the effect we see on the hull is the same effect we see in Voice in the Wilderness Part 1 when the Star furies are covering the survey crew from missile fire. When the star fury blasts hit epsilon 3, they emit an identical burst of energy. So the effect in Fall of Night is definitely from the Star Fury's attack, not some centauri defensive system.
@Darqshadow 10 ай бұрын
​@alecbrinker7268 Star Furies are launching balls of helium plasma. Those aren't shield impacts, those are the plasma bolts breaking apart and causing a mixture of kinetic, heat, and electrical damage to the hull.
@tatianalyulkin410 Жыл бұрын
Ivanova is right. Sometimes " peace " does mean " surrender ". That is why we're not gonna surrender JMS. I'm sorry- but we trusted " them " when Stalin was alive and you know it. And now " they're " back and my parents and my brother are dead. No more! JE SUIS DONBASS!
@victort.9466 Жыл бұрын
No, you're not. F""k off with your politics
@jamesbuchanan4414 Жыл бұрын
Peace is the prize, vigilance is the price, war is the consequence.
@dlxmarks Жыл бұрын
So long Lt. Keffer. JMS was compelled to add a cliché ace fighter pilot by some nitwit network exec. He had nothing against the actor Robert Rusler but JMS killed off the character as soon as he had the creative clout to do so.
@JohnRodriguesPhotographer Жыл бұрын
I thought he added to the fabric of the story
@bostonrailfan2427 Жыл бұрын
in classic JMS style he hated him because he didn’t think of it himself 🙄
@bostonrailfan2427 Жыл бұрын
@@JohnRodriguesPhotographer he did, but JMS hates what he doesn’t create
@justinvanhorne9958 Жыл бұрын
for all my love of this series, and i dont want to diminish that feeling at all. ive always struggled with the power of weapons on B5. now i dont believe for a second we ever get a true representation of the full power of any of the races (at their prime... seeing earth staging a last defense, or a minbari attack fleet wouldnt indicate everything) but it just seems extremely "stupid" to have weapons that can literally slice through ships with minimal effort. or even the ones in this video, its been so long i will crudely label them as "blasters". they have zero problems disarming and disabling that centauri cruiser. i know of all the conversation around centauri cruisers being all offence, but cmon. no race is going to send out the equivalent of tie fighters with death star cannons strapped to them. palpatine isnt in charge of any of these shipyards. anyway its always been a minor gripe of mine. they somewhat tried to start addressing it when people were craving more action and the budget got bigger, with the white stars. they dont blow up at the first sign of space dust, and can actually take a few hits before they just go poof. which actually makes the larger capital ships make even less sense. but then youre going to get me started on the comparisons of why in the sam hell could a NX prototype enterprise basically have giant holes in it and still maintain warp with no deflector screens, yet the enterprise D comes up against a 80 year old bird of prey and "one more shot will finish us" when the shields are still up. if anything it shows the parallels, look at space battles in TNG versus DS9. for al the praise "yesterdays enterprise" gets, its a far cry from breaking through a dominion fleet and fighting their way home to ds9. i think B5 went through similar growing pains and effects tricks to get more on screen. these 4K upscales are INSANE btw. thank you very much, if anyone reads this novel.
@mikecimerian6913 Жыл бұрын
The Primus uses shaped plasma charges. I find those nifty enough. That Primus didn't have escort nor fighters. In normal operations it would have had Vorchans cruisers and fighters along. Centauri were cocky to expect an unopposed strike.
@justinvanhorne9958 Жыл бұрын
@@mikecimerian6913 is that really all it is? this is a case of their ego? another one that sticks out like a sore thumb for me is the end of the war, when the narn fleet is staging its "attack" and basicaly gets slaughtered by the shadows. i really really need to go and rewatch everything, but essentially is that battles outcome solely because of the opponent? i have found quite a few interesting videos now showing all the different narn ship designs and loadouts, it seems as if they should have a very good capacity to form an effective fleet (even withstanding the losses sustained in the war to that point). do the narn ships ever really combat more equal opponents? essentially i view all of the younger races ships as made out of crystal in B5... they cant take more than a few hits (vorlons, shadows excluded of course) it just made the battles a little silly to me, now with a lot more sci fi under my belt as an adult. i think thats why i am saddened to think this way, its tarnishing a memory i cherished as a child. i would look forward every week to my "taping" of B5... lol. thanks for stopping by friend.
@mikecimerian6913 Жыл бұрын
@@justinvanhorne9958 Under the best of circumstances and while using telepaths Alliance losses were always ten to one or worse against the Shadows. In the episode Shadow Dancing we can see a Narn heavy cruiser complete an alpha strike against a Shadow crab and finish it of in one salvo of its main battery. :)
@Darqshadow Жыл бұрын
@@justinvanhorne9958 there is no shields and nearly all weapons are energy based which eats through armor. EA uses a titanium steel alloy which is meters thick which gives them a lot more protection than most races. Basically a max strength build with thick af armor Minbari ships are less armored but rely on a stealth tech, basically jamming the targeting systems of enemy ships. The few times that the human fleet got close enough to aim by eye they tore the sharlin Cruisers a new one due to how overgunned human ships are. Narn are.. odd. They have the worse weapons tech, basically cheap centuari knock off, and don't have any form of artifical gravity at all which limits what they can do. Their X-Ray lasers are dangerous and quite efficient but only have one firing arc Centauri have stagnated weapons wise. The Primus battlecruiser is several hundred years old and has paper thin armor in place for heavy cannons, mass drivers, and that's about it. No hangers for Fighters and no point defence guns. The Vorchan remedied this WI the ability to carry a few Fighters and having better maneuverability compared to most races but still little armor. Basically an alpha strike system Out of all the younger races that would be considered first among equals the two best are the Minbari by stint of experience and age and the humans due to their philosophy of heavy weapons, heavy armor, lots of Fighters, and good speed. While the show couldn't show it, the omega has the ability to broadside up to 40 nuclear missiles in one go while the Nova had 18 HEAVY duel plasma cannons which can tear apart almost anything in a broadside. Both carry 36 of perhaps the best fighter in the B5 universe.
@dubstepzsi Жыл бұрын
As B5 was filmed in 16:9 ratio all them days ago which was revolutionary i will not buy until the 4K remastered version is converted into 14:9 ratio. Great show i still love it today and cant wait to see the project next year with the available original cast and lets hope the reboot go's ahead and it's not a political left wing ideolog pushing show.
@JK-Visions Жыл бұрын
I agree, but I am afraid those tou called left wing stuff is unavoidable. I even think it's not a left thing but something most writers use to try and spice things up. If you watch B5 you can see some elements too but JMS isn't forcing it on us. He is actually making a great story around those social justice warrior issues. He for instance wanted to write the back story na'toth being from a female Narn warrior cast or culture. He didn't get to it but I love the idea at least. Would make sense in a time of oppression.
@dubstepzsi Жыл бұрын
@@JK-Visions Oh wow yeah i loved Natoth she stood for no rubbish from anyone and that sounds awesome i hope he eventually gets round to it because we never really saw what happened it was just implied through narrative explanations. Ok let me explain i feel it is a left thing when you have people scripts putting people down based on skin colour, gender and saying they are bad people because of a social climate at that particular time. Once you make scripts purely and utter based on social constructs and the identity politics message pushing is at the forefront reason for that script to be written ( unless your program is about that context ) and the context of that message has no viable context to the entertainment value of the show then the entertainment is not there anymore it just becomes a preachy message machine with awful writing because the message has taken over the imagination and fantasy realm of the show. B5 and other shows have always been political most definitely but it was written in a way that one it was left up to the audience to interpret it and therefore sub context which is what exactly B5 was which had many strong female lead roles so in essence B5 was way ahead of its time in so many ways on screen and behind the scenes but people dont see this because because people just want to see what they see now and nothing else.
@TheBigExclusive Ай бұрын
Didn't they make a Remastered version already?
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