Battles reported in east Rafah as Israel reopens key aid crossing | BBC News

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BBC News

BBC News

13 күн бұрын

There has been fighting and bombardment on the outskirts of the southern Gaza city of Rafah, as Israel said the Kerem Shalom crossing had reopened for aid.
The Israeli military said troops had killed Hamas fighters in eastern Rafah as part of a "precise" counterterrorism operation. Hamas also reported battles.
A UN agency said no supplies had entered through the reopened Kerem Shalom crossing for aid yet.
Israel launched a military campaign in Gaza to destroy Hamas in response to the group's cross-border attack on southern Israel on 7 October, during which about 1,200 people were killed and 252 others were taken hostage.
More than 34,840 people have been killed in Gaza since then, according to the territory's Hamas-run health ministry.
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@wocky7940 11 күн бұрын
The double standards of reporting of the Ukraine war and Israel war is outstanding!!!!
@_ArsNova 11 күн бұрын
It is deeply disturbing. Clearly some lives matter more than others to Western nations.
@Man_fay_the_Bru 11 күн бұрын
That’s because Hamas started it& now wants sympathy& the rest of us are like🖕
@bloodflower2141 11 күн бұрын
How so?
@NOT.MI5.MI6. 11 күн бұрын
calm down komrade Ivan 😂
@renoelpacino2825 11 күн бұрын
@@bloodflower2141cropping at 1:04 and watering down of this tragedy 👀 🤷🏽‍♂️
@mohmedhassan6875 11 күн бұрын
Israeli president stated after the 7th of October that there's no uninvolved civilians in Gaza And we are spending 7 months of discussions about Israelis intentions 😂
@NoWindNoSunNoPower 11 күн бұрын
They do all have the same dance moves.
@MAZ732 11 күн бұрын
It’s true, you should not believe the MSM they lie. Go search Hamas son Mosab he will tell you that they are raised with hate against the Jews and they are also encouraged to be a suicide bomber. They teach hate in the schools and nobody is innocent.
@DoronL73 11 күн бұрын
He was correct, the only uninvolved in Gaza are the Isreali hostages
@stavz777 11 күн бұрын
But he's right 😂😮
@MarkDenmark-nz2pz 11 күн бұрын
@@stavz777remember what you said here after 10 or 20 years after the power shift .
@thomasmabilaneshiba-vr6nj 11 күн бұрын
BBC has adopted sensationalism as opposed to impartial reporting,SHAME
@Man_fay_the_Bru 11 күн бұрын
BBC has always been the same& who cares about a foreign war anyway
@jacobgoodstone7572 11 күн бұрын
How so? Using words like "genocide" "evil" etc are sensationalist, I didn't see any such claims in this video
@Flowergirl7x7 10 күн бұрын
@lonesharp1106 10 күн бұрын
Don't feed the bot trolls
@jacobgoodstone7572 10 күн бұрын
@@Flowergirl7x7 the original commenter hasn't responded to my question but maybe u will. How is the BBC. sensationalist?
@MrMAXZ888 11 күн бұрын
Why is everyone acting shocked and surprised? Israelis said theyll take this fight to Rafah. Was no one paying attention?
@user-tx1rr3rb1q 10 күн бұрын
It's because after they destroy rafah there is no were left no hospitals schools churches mosquse nothing do u not see that's the last place of safety for civilians
@justynmatlock8873 10 күн бұрын
They'll take thre war to those who started it, no matter where they hide.
@user-sl5vw6pb5c 9 күн бұрын
Translation apps often get it wrong, so please have someone who understands Japanese read it, please! 秘伝→ 今の自分は 時代の情報での自分であり 本当の自分ではない 育てられ老化し 転生をし また転生し 変化した自分    そして完全な自由になってから  本当の自分になる     あと大金持ちの人が輪廻党を作って    なぜ 生きなければ ならないか   真我たちと1つのサングナから始まった世界で 戻るしかなく 人間で訓練するのが効果的だから   全ての生物は元々自由で本当の自分(真我)で同じ性格のものは いなくて沢山いた が なぜか1つのサングナ(貪り 怒り 愚かさの関係のもの)に全ての真我たちが接したため反応が起こり上位コーザル世界(超 潜在意識と関係の非物質世界)ができ 徐々に劣化し中位コーザル世界(超 潜在意識と関係の非物質世界)ができた 後に 上位アストラル世界(潜在意識と関係の非物質世界)ができた この2つはおよそ似ている  さらに劣化して下位コーザル世界(超 潜在意識と関係の非物質世界)の 後に下位アストラル世界(潜在意識と関係の非物質世界)ができ 最後に物質世界(表層意識と関係)の天の川銀河系などに物と生物ができた この3つはおよそ似ていて六道輪廻で これを666としカルマの法則の現象が展開している   なので人々は迷う  この太陽系など物質世界にいるが 下位アストラル(非物質世界)、下位コーザル(非物質世界)をたまに体験し予言などができる   キリストなどは上位アストラルから来たとする  ゆえに神が作ったとは  訳があっての発言で 最初から全ての生物は永遠で劣化し転生し肉体だけ死に食われたり誰かが助かったり   ゆえに誰でも正しく訓練し 超能力を持ち 神をも越えて 元々の真我の状態(本当の自分)に戻り 完全な自由にならないと 苦がつきまとう   物質世界(表層意識と関係)の地球と広い宇宙は ① 天使界(堕天使より寿命が長く能力があり6階層ありUFOに乗ってて物質世界での神) ② 堕天使界は人間より寿命が長く能力があり少し悪でUFOに乗ってて物質世界での悪の感じの神(堕天使だから) ③ 人間(遺伝子組み換えなど色々) ④ 餓鬼道のような幽霊 ⑤ 動物(小さいものから恐竜以上) ⑥ 地獄は3つと  劣化して劣化し でき上がり 六道輪廻になり カルマの法則の現象が展開して平等   自分がやった時と似たような時に自分がやった事が返ってくるのがカルマの法則 そして守護霊が見ている(隠せない)   楽だけに なるには真我に戻るしかない   物質世界の現象は下位コーザルの六道輪廻で起き 下位アストラルの六道輪廻に現れ そして物質世界の六道輪廻に現れる   下位アストラル(潜在意識と関係)は 寝て見る夢や 予言や あの世と関係し 丹波哲郎の大霊界1〜3も関係し 下位アストラルの表現だろう(丹波哲郎の講演会などKZfaqにある)   変化している今の自分が死ぬと 丹波哲郎の大霊界だったり  転生の時  自分が 両親を選ぶ場合と別とがあり  赤ちゃんになり  色々あり だんだん過去の記憶は薄れ薄れ 色々で 変化した自分で 反応し動き反応して動き生活しカルマの法則を体験し変化しつつ ある日、天才に(過去世の記憶が使え)なったりして またまた死に転生しする  この広い宇宙には 少ないが 六道輪廻が千個だけ 1つ2つとできて千個で 同じ六道輪廻かは不明で科学力の差がある あっちの六道輪廻から地球の方の六道輪廻に来るには UFOで来るか 輪廻転生 かである    人間が 餓鬼道のような幽霊を除霊や助けたり動物を救助や動物実験を  するのと同じく堕天使や天使たちも人間をUFOの中で人体実験とかする   ゆえに全ての生物は真我に戻る訓練をするのが 新世界秩序である   中国やプーチンたちやイスラエルなどは知らないのだろうか カルマの法則を    そして誰か大金持ちの人が輪廻党を作って      ある人の予言→ 2025/7/4の金の朝4:11から30日の水までに大津波や大暴風や大地震   硫黄島とルソン島の間で 水素爆弾実験か 人工地震か UFOがやるか 太陽フレアで衛星などが落下や 海底火山噴火  木星からの隕石の影響で 日本の陸地3割が海水をかぶる 台湾から香港は陸続きになろう  または富士山 南海 東京直下で震度7.5前後    2025/10の ある日 淡路島大地震   2026/8/20か2031/8/20に富士山の小規模噴火   KZfaqの伝説ユタのハルさんが2030年までに第三次世界大戦(英国 独 露 イラン アフガニスタン 中国 マレーシア 米国が画策)で日本には中国が先に攻撃するが本土上陸なしで やがて中国が負けインドが管理し松原照子の話しと混ぜてインド連邦になる  そして朝鮮半島はロシアが管理  2029年にも隕石や人工地震の影響で 青森の無農薬栽培のリンゴの木村さんのUFO体験のように2031年ごろ地球人口は減る 米国のフロリダなども  またマスク氏の人工知能のAGIで人口削減計画 コロナより増やすため   そしてそののち救済者が現れる  そして2100年ごろ地球人口は50億人以下で 日本では全てリニア新幹線みたいな交通でロボットが働き人間労働は週2日 また 松原照子は日本人口4900万人位かなと  対策として 丹波哲郎の大霊界1〜3や講演会をKZfaqで見て記憶して死後にかまえる  丹波哲郎が気にしていた出口王仁三郎の83集も読む あと真我の状態に戻る訓練として とりあえず とりあえず十善戒をどんどん守るようにし ヨガや瞑想や四無量心や呼吸法をやり 1日の食事を2回  2回よりは1回にして根菜類を食べ 玄米も餅米も餅も食べ 納豆やネギやニンニクも食べ(ニンニクを4分ぐらいゆで ゆでじるとともにカップラーメンに入れたりして毎朝に食べてコロナのワクチン注射0回で元気な人がいた)1日2回の食事で 人間に転生 1回なら 天使界に転生 ヨガをやり ちゃんとした解脱と悟りをすれば早く真我に戻れる   予言をハズすには CMのように広げればいいらしい 2012/12のマヤの予言は 地球じゃない方向に 太陽フレアが吹いたからハズレた  人から人へ予言を伝えたので 天使などがUFOで太陽に接したような写真のように 太陽フレアを動かしたとする しかし人間は人間で動物実験や駆除  堕天使や天使も訳があり人間を殺す時もあろう     話はとんで 天使界の所は6階層あり第2天使の所は なぜか地球の植物と天気を担当している   ゆえに妖精を見れる日本の有名な絵本作家の信実さんや丹波哲郎の大霊界のあのシーンは 似ている   第6天使たちの所は ほとんどの願いが叶う所でパラレルワールドを作るとすればここに有る   人間の真我は首の後ろとか心臓にあり心臓を動かすらしい  ゆえに真我に戻る訓練で変え 正しく正確に真我に到着し完全な自由にならないと 苦がつきまとう   真我に戻る訓練をしないと 動物みたいに 相手を食えばいいと怖い怖い雰囲気になってしまう 十善戒を破る生活は およそヨガや瞑想や四無量心や呼吸法や食事制限をしないから 他の情報でいっぱいだから 他の情報でいっぱいだからである
@ant5743 11 күн бұрын
Money will buy morals. This is proof. Somebody is making money
@JonnoPlays 11 күн бұрын
Hamas had banks of gold and UN cash hidden in tunnels under the civilians who that money was supposed to benefit.
@njshah4845 11 күн бұрын
Hamas leaders in Qatar are making Money
@outofthebox9699 11 күн бұрын
US congressmen and weapon makers
@outofthebox9699 11 күн бұрын
US congressmen and weapon makers
@outofthebox9699 11 күн бұрын
@JonnoPlays 11 күн бұрын
If the aid crossing is under fire, then how can Israel open the aid crossing without the use of military force? 🤔
@mohamoudmohamoud3393 11 күн бұрын
They just speaking for their masters ...we know the turth that BBCZOI only reports for isreal
@blakelevi4006 11 күн бұрын
Check how small it is compared to your country. Plus terrorists keep popping out of tunnels unannounced. 😅
@deliciouslyk3437 11 күн бұрын
​@@blakelevi4006bleeding lies.
@jcbw9975 11 күн бұрын
@@deliciouslyk3437 how
@blakelevi4006 11 күн бұрын
@@deliciouslyk3437 what is bleeding are your two brain cells.
@carloslopez-qr4sd 11 күн бұрын
What about the hostages that are still being held captive underground there in Rafah
@aye3678 11 күн бұрын
Satanyahu does not care about the hostages.
@jakibeckify 11 күн бұрын
@@aye3678you’re ayatollahbot or Qatari one?
@dontmesswithcrows 11 күн бұрын
What about the Israeli hostages shot by the IDF, even though they were waving white flags? Killed by their own, because the IDF thought that they were Palestinians. It didn't matter to them that they were waving white flags.
@Man_fay_the_Bru 11 күн бұрын
@@aye3678oh aye, that makes total sense eh…no doubts about who you spprt anyway
@NOT.MI5.MI6. 11 күн бұрын
same as humus vegetables apparently 😮
@csharpe5787 11 күн бұрын
I’m not sure about the BBCs coverage any more, not since the lack of coverage of the ICJ hearings. Were do you stand on impartiality?
@user-bn1wj3lk5g 11 күн бұрын
They don't they are part of the one world order that's going to happen in the future once the UN gets toppled down.
@bordedup546 11 күн бұрын
mr international law expert here
@janettedewar6617 11 күн бұрын
@norz8828 11 күн бұрын
@kennymorrison7227 11 күн бұрын
No one is reporting the ICJ because its irrelevant and no one cares .
@niblick616 11 күн бұрын
Why would anyone who respects human rights buy anything from a country that doesn't?
@user-hk6nt5wt1t 11 күн бұрын
You mean Israel?
@niblick616 11 күн бұрын
@@user-hk6nt5wt1t I mean every country that does not respect human rights.
@HumanBeingsRThinkingBeings 11 күн бұрын
Mind Begs the Question: - Dehumanizing a group of people as Rats is Fascist - Dehumanizing a group of people as Human Animals is Not Fascist?
@user-bn1wj3lk5g 11 күн бұрын
Very true.
@jaycasiano6653 11 күн бұрын
People are forgetting the horrible things Hamas started on Oct 7 I still don’t like the idea of killing 35,000 human beings this war has too stop
@user-bn1wj3lk5g 11 күн бұрын
@@jaycasiano6653 oh I agree with you but why are all the people blaming Israel it's Hamas and the Palestinian people.
@Herodotus__ 11 күн бұрын
@@jaycasiano6653 Can you tell us also How many Palestinians were killed that last twenty years and how many Israelis? lets take W.Bank where there is no hamas.
@beenright5115 11 күн бұрын
​@@jaycasiano6653 I don't think people are forgetting October 7 and the ~200 victims. But those victims and their memories are getting buried under all the victims of the IDF. It's a sad legacy.
@ugochukwuejiogu5435 11 күн бұрын
Unwra told Gazans not to leave, UN is in cohort with Hamas what a shame.
@user-ed2zl3eq8q 11 күн бұрын
un and unwra are not great but israel litary said it what to kill all gazans so who is more evil realy and people are not chest piece i bet after rafah they wil just atack wherre the people are idf soldiers are braging of doing war crimes all over the social media what doo you need more??????
@user-ed2zl3eq8q 11 күн бұрын
also it israel that created hamas due to it action over the last 75years.
@midnightghost6261 11 күн бұрын
@@user-ed2zl3eq8q u mean existing lol, na israel the only one in the right mind
@nachosgaming396 11 күн бұрын
​@@midnightghost6261no they are gcidal
@Sardarji-bq6oj 11 күн бұрын
@@user-ed2zl3eq8q Muhammad created Hamas not Israel. If you want to educate yourself then look up what Muhammad did when he attacked Kaibar the Jewish village. Rape murder forced Safiya to marry him after buying her for 7 slaves. This is what happened on October the 7th. Muhammad was poisoned at the same place as he needed to be punished for his crimes to humanity. Zaynab when asked why she poisoned him said “ Revenge for the murder of my family, if you are a prophet then the meat will inform you, if not then we shall be rid of you ! “ They should erect a statue for brave Zaynab who was crucified by Muhammad 😢
@mohmedhassan6875 11 күн бұрын
1. Haifa Massacre 1937 2. Jerusalem Massacre 1937 3. Haifa Massacre 1938. 4. Balad al-Sheikh Massacre 1939 5. Haifa Massacre 1939 6. Haifa Massacre 1947 7. Abbasiya Massacre 1947 8. Al-Khisas Massacre 1947 9. Bab al-Amud Massacre 1947 10. Jerusalem Massacre 1947 11. Sheikh Bureik Massacre 1947 12. Tantura Massacre 1948 13. Jaffa Massacre 1948 14. Khan Yunis Massacre 1956 15. Jerusalem Massacre 1967 16. Sabra and Shatila Massacre 1982 17. Al-Aqsa Massacre 1990 18. Ibrahimi Mosque Massacre 1994 19. Jenin Refugee Camp April 2002 20. Gaza Massacre 2008-09 21. Gaza Massacre 2012 22. Gaza Massacre 2014 23. Gaza Massacre 2018-19 24. Gaza Massacre 2021 25. Gaza Genocide 2023 is still ongoing DONT LET ANYONE CONVINCE YOU THAT IT STARTED ON OCTOBER 7th PLEASE REPOST
@koloni2862 11 күн бұрын
Ignorance of a typical Islamic propagandist..all these war was started by the ur fellow jihadist and Isreal gave them a dirty slap…stop crying
@ugochukwuejiogu5435 11 күн бұрын
@NoWindNoSunNoPower 11 күн бұрын
@paceAndorder-tk3vn 11 күн бұрын
Nazzi ideology .
@user-td4do3op2d 11 күн бұрын
This is mostly correct, but it went both ways Please read about the Hebron massacre, and the massacres that happened in Muslim countries that forced Jews to flee to Israel.
@pamknoll7383 11 күн бұрын
Totally biased reporting by these reporters....... shame on you !!!!
@marcust123 11 күн бұрын
I agree i mean they dont even call hamas terrorists very biased
@csharpe5787 11 күн бұрын
You are kidding me, sometimes you can’t defend the indefensible. And Israel actions are indefensible.
@pac17284 11 күн бұрын
​@@marcust123you mean Israel terrorists
@kennymorrison7227 11 күн бұрын
You can always switch channel. The world wants to see the destruction of Hamas.
@yungfinesse3642 11 күн бұрын
@@marcust123 Terrorist - "a person who uses unlawful violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims." that would make both Israel and Hamas terrorists.
@azerazer9236 11 күн бұрын
Hamas' tactics are wrong, how they dare to shell a crossing that is supposed to enter aide supplies into Gaza, now Israël closed the crossing....
@obsidianjane4413 11 күн бұрын
Hamas tactics are to make Israel do things that makes them look bad and heartless in the eyes of useful idiots.
@MrBeard-ig5zc 11 күн бұрын
They attacked the military base 2 km away. Israel always lies.
@dontmesswithcrows 11 күн бұрын
Have you actually never seen the Zionists blocking trucks carrying aid to Gaza? All happening while the IDF watched.
@Amyyxoox 11 күн бұрын
The first thing they did seige the entry points to stop humanitarian aid going in. They never actually show viewers the maps coz when you see it its like one small rectangle and the outside of that are walls and military. That hasnt changed it was always there.
@user-sl5vw6pb5c 9 күн бұрын
Translation apps often get it wrong, so please have someone who understands Japanese read it, please! 秘伝→ 今の自分は 時代の情報での自分であり 本当の自分ではない 育てられ老化し 転生をし また転生し 変化した自分    そして完全な自由になってから  本当の自分になる     あと大金持ちの人が輪廻党を作って    なぜ 生きなければ ならないか   真我たちと1つのサングナから始まった世界で 戻るしかなく 人間で訓練するのが効果的だから   全ての生物は元々自由で本当の自分(真我)で同じ性格のものは いなくて沢山いた が なぜか1つのサングナ(貪り 怒り 愚かさの関係のもの)に全ての真我たちが接したため反応が起こり上位コーザル世界(超 潜在意識と関係の非物質世界)ができ 徐々に劣化し中位コーザル世界(超 潜在意識と関係の非物質世界)ができた 後に 上位アストラル世界(潜在意識と関係の非物質世界)ができた この2つはおよそ似ている  さらに劣化して下位コーザル世界(超 潜在意識と関係の非物質世界)の 後に下位アストラル世界(潜在意識と関係の非物質世界)ができ 最後に物質世界(表層意識と関係)の天の川銀河系などに物と生物ができた この3つはおよそ似ていて六道輪廻で これを666としカルマの法則の現象が展開している   なので人々は迷う  この太陽系など物質世界にいるが 下位アストラル(非物質世界)、下位コーザル(非物質世界)をたまに体験し予言などができる   キリストなどは上位アストラルから来たとする  ゆえに神が作ったとは  訳があっての発言で 最初から全ての生物は永遠で劣化し転生し肉体だけ死に食われたり誰かが助かったり   ゆえに誰でも正しく訓練し 超能力を持ち 神をも越えて 元々の真我の状態(本当の自分)に戻り 完全な自由にならないと 苦がつきまとう   物質世界(表層意識と関係)の地球と広い宇宙は ① 天使界(堕天使より寿命が長く能力があり6階層ありUFOに乗ってて物質世界での神) ② 堕天使界は人間より寿命が長く能力があり少し悪でUFOに乗ってて物質世界での悪の感じの神(堕天使だから) ③ 人間(遺伝子組み換えなど色々) ④ 餓鬼道のような幽霊 ⑤ 動物(小さいものから恐竜以上) ⑥ 地獄は3つと  劣化して劣化し でき上がり 六道輪廻になり カルマの法則の現象が展開して平等   自分がやった時と似たような時に自分がやった事が返ってくるのがカルマの法則 そして守護霊が見ている(隠せない)   楽だけに なるには真我に戻るしかない   物質世界の現象は下位コーザルの六道輪廻で起き 下位アストラルの六道輪廻に現れ そして物質世界の六道輪廻に現れる   下位アストラル(潜在意識と関係)は 寝て見る夢や 予言や あの世と関係し 丹波哲郎の大霊界1〜3も関係し 下位アストラルの表現だろう(丹波哲郎の講演会などKZfaqにある)   変化している今の自分が死ぬと 丹波哲郎の大霊界だったり  転生の時  自分が 両親を選ぶ場合と別とがあり  赤ちゃんになり  色々あり だんだん過去の記憶は薄れ薄れ 色々で 変化した自分で 反応し動き反応して動き生活しカルマの法則を体験し変化しつつ ある日、天才に(過去世の記憶が使え)なったりして またまた死に転生しする  この広い宇宙には 少ないが 六道輪廻が千個だけ 1つ2つとできて千個で 同じ六道輪廻かは不明で科学力の差がある あっちの六道輪廻から地球の方の六道輪廻に来るには UFOで来るか 輪廻転生 かである    人間が 餓鬼道のような幽霊を除霊や助けたり動物を救助や動物実験を  するのと同じく堕天使や天使たちも人間をUFOの中で人体実験とかする   ゆえに全ての生物は真我に戻る訓練をするのが 新世界秩序である   中国やプーチンたちやイスラエルなどは知らないのだろうか カルマの法則を    そして誰か大金持ちの人が輪廻党を作って      ある人の予言→ 2025/7/4の金の朝4:11から30日の水までに大津波や大暴風や大地震   硫黄島とルソン島の間で 水素爆弾実験か 人工地震か UFOがやるか 太陽フレアで衛星などが落下や 海底火山噴火  木星からの隕石の影響で 日本の陸地3割が海水をかぶる 台湾から香港は陸続きになろう  または富士山 南海 東京直下で震度7.5前後    2025/10の ある日 淡路島大地震   2026/8/20か2031/8/20に富士山の小規模噴火   KZfaqの伝説ユタのハルさんが2030年までに第三次世界大戦(英国 独 露 イラン アフガニスタン 中国 マレーシア 米国が画策)で日本には中国が先に攻撃するが本土上陸なしで やがて中国が負けインドが管理し松原照子の話しと混ぜてインド連邦になる  そして朝鮮半島はロシアが管理  2029年にも隕石や人工地震の影響で 青森の無農薬栽培のリンゴの木村さんのUFO体験のように2031年ごろ地球人口は減る 米国のフロリダなども  またマスク氏の人工知能のAGIで人口削減計画 コロナより増やすため   そしてそののち救済者が現れる  そして2100年ごろ地球人口は50億人以下で 日本では全てリニア新幹線みたいな交通でロボットが働き人間労働は週2日 また 松原照子は日本人口4900万人位かなと  対策として 丹波哲郎の大霊界1〜3や講演会をKZfaqで見て記憶して死後にかまえる  丹波哲郎が気にしていた出口王仁三郎の83集も読む あと真我の状態に戻る訓練として とりあえず とりあえず十善戒をどんどん守るようにし ヨガや瞑想や四無量心や呼吸法をやり 1日の食事を2回  2回よりは1回にして根菜類を食べ 玄米も餅米も餅も食べ 納豆やネギやニンニクも食べ(ニンニクを4分ぐらいゆで ゆでじるとともにカップラーメンに入れたりして毎朝に食べてコロナのワクチン注射0回で元気な人がいた)1日2回の食事で 人間に転生 1回なら 天使界に転生 ヨガをやり ちゃんとした解脱と悟りをすれば早く真我に戻れる   予言をハズすには CMのように広げればいいらしい 2012/12のマヤの予言は 地球じゃない方向に 太陽フレアが吹いたからハズレた  人から人へ予言を伝えたので 天使などがUFOで太陽に接したような写真のように 太陽フレアを動かしたとする しかし人間は人間で動物実験や駆除  堕天使や天使も訳があり人間を殺す時もあろう     話はとんで 天使界の所は6階層あり第2天使の所は なぜか地球の植物と天気を担当している   ゆえに妖精を見れる日本の有名な絵本作家の信実さんや丹波哲郎の大霊界のあのシーンは 似ている   第6天使たちの所は ほとんどの願いが叶う所でパラレルワールドを作るとすればここに有る   人間の真我は首の後ろとか心臓にあり心臓を動かすらしい  ゆえに真我に戻る訓練で変え 正しく正確に真我に到着し完全な自由にならないと 苦がつきまとう   真我に戻る訓練をしないと 動物みたいに 相手を食えばいいと怖い怖い雰囲気になってしまう 十善戒を破る生活は およそヨガや瞑想や四無量心や呼吸法や食事制限をしないから 他の情報でいっぱいだから 他の情報でいっぱいだからである
@smungek 11 күн бұрын
Moral: Israel needs to be self-sufficient in arms and not be dependent on the US.
@user-td4do3op2d 11 күн бұрын
Most in Israel agree with this.
@carnage237 11 күн бұрын
Seems so unfortunately the UN is hell-bent on supporting terrorist
@kristintopol1724 11 күн бұрын
Israel and the US are allies. Allies help other Allies. That's how it works
@Amyyxoox 11 күн бұрын
They are
@seidroi4594 10 күн бұрын
With out us isreal will be ashe in 1948
@FixedA 10 күн бұрын
Palestinians attacked Israel on October 7, killed 1,500 people, took 300 people hostage, what kind of reaction did they expect?
@CowHorace 11 күн бұрын
But but but University students had a protest to stop this. 🤣
@leohidayat6811 11 күн бұрын
Did Hamas ask civilian to evac on Oct 7?
@skarhabekgreyrukh8601 10 күн бұрын
they did...but not on 7 oct. earlier of course
@Meteyard97 10 күн бұрын
No only the Jews have to apparently
@user-nx8hj9xt4b 11 күн бұрын
If these people know war is coming and refuse to move , who is behind their refusal to move .Guess the WHO should say .stay and die move and live
@AbigailBrown-wk7xl 11 күн бұрын
Where is humanity
@mrr4975 11 күн бұрын
Certainly not in Israel
@larjoseph 11 күн бұрын
Ask Sinwar
@kevinheath7588 11 күн бұрын
I support Israel's right to defend their country as they think best.
@LIVERZ 11 күн бұрын
You support terrorists
@abudarda8336 11 күн бұрын
So, Palestinian has also right to save their land
@mikestephens4442 11 күн бұрын
I can only feel sorry for BBC
@justynmatlock8873 10 күн бұрын
Any other racist you feel sorry for ?
@SpencerMelker420 11 күн бұрын
*If you are not in the financial market space right now, you are making a huge mistake. I understand that it could be due to ignorance, but if you want to make your money work for you...prevent inflation*
@MichaelBamber775 11 күн бұрын
Interesting, This is superb! Information, as a noob it gets quite difficult to handle all of this and staying informed is a major cause, how do you go about this are you a pro Investor?
@MichaelBamber775 11 күн бұрын
I feel Investors should exercise caution with their exposure and.exercise caution when considering new investments, particularly during periods of inflation. It is advisable to seek guidance from a professional or a licensed expert in order to navigate this recession and achieve potential high yields
@SpencerMelker420 11 күн бұрын
Mrs Tracy cool services was my hope during the 'bear summer' last year. I did so many mistakes but also learned so much from it, and of course from Tracy.
@SpencerMelker420 11 күн бұрын
Tracy cool services is known for her impressive career. She has served as the CEO of Berkshire Hathaway-owned Pampered Chef and has been recognimd as one of Warren Buffett's protégés
@TysonMars 11 күн бұрын
I'm a bit perplexed seeing her been mentioned here also Didn't know she has been good to so many people too this is wonderful, i'm in my fifth trade with her and it has been super,
@deanbarnett8538 11 күн бұрын
Why are the palestinians still in Rafa? We knew a couple of weeks ago that Israel would be going there to finish the job! They held back for a few weeks and leaflets were dropped! Hammas had fired rockets at an aid depot killing four Israeli soldiers who were helping with the aid. And a deal was done between Hammas, Qatar, Egypt and America with no Israeli representative present! America has sold out regarding Israel. If America had any decency, they would have agreed with Israel that all of the Hostages should be released and not just 33 dead or alive. What type of deal is that! Would any American accept that? Oh! Wait a minute! Joe Biden would.
@blakelevi4006 11 күн бұрын
The whole world is sick of this, only useful idiots are whining. It is all a political play for the West and the Middle-East in between all of them.
@LIVERZ 11 күн бұрын
You do know israel are killing their own hostages. They don't care about them really
@GlynnHughes-xi4po 11 күн бұрын
Where are your correspondents BBC??
@bbudding 11 күн бұрын
Good question!! They're just reading off propaganda
@l1u1c1k 11 күн бұрын
Wow, the people you pay your license to have told you information that came from the Internet four days ago
@mrsshahid5117 11 күн бұрын
Seriously? Stop watching BBC and cancel your TV licence. Dont pay for continue
@user-sl5vw6pb5c 9 күн бұрын
Translation apps often get it wrong, so please have someone who understands Japanese read it, please! 秘伝→ 今の自分は 時代の情報での自分であり 本当の自分ではない 育てられ老化し 転生をし また転生し 変化した自分    そして完全な自由になってから  本当の自分になる     あと大金持ちの人が輪廻党を作って    なぜ 生きなければ ならないか   真我たちと1つのサングナから始まった世界で 戻るしかなく 人間で訓練するのが効果的だから   全ての生物は元々自由で本当の自分(真我)で同じ性格のものは いなくて沢山いた が なぜか1つのサングナ(貪り 怒り 愚かさの関係のもの)に全ての真我たちが接したため反応が起こり上位コーザル世界(超 潜在意識と関係の非物質世界)ができ 徐々に劣化し中位コーザル世界(超 潜在意識と関係の非物質世界)ができた 後に 上位アストラル世界(潜在意識と関係の非物質世界)ができた この2つはおよそ似ている  さらに劣化して下位コーザル世界(超 潜在意識と関係の非物質世界)の 後に下位アストラル世界(潜在意識と関係の非物質世界)ができ 最後に物質世界(表層意識と関係)の天の川銀河系などに物と生物ができた この3つはおよそ似ていて六道輪廻で これを666としカルマの法則の現象が展開している   なので人々は迷う  この太陽系など物質世界にいるが 下位アストラル(非物質世界)、下位コーザル(非物質世界)をたまに体験し予言などができる   キリストなどは上位アストラルから来たとする  ゆえに神が作ったとは  訳があっての発言で 最初から全ての生物は永遠で劣化し転生し肉体だけ死に食われたり誰かが助かったり   ゆえに誰でも正しく訓練し 超能力を持ち 神をも越えて 元々の真我の状態(本当の自分)に戻り 完全な自由にならないと 苦がつきまとう   物質世界(表層意識と関係)の地球と広い宇宙は ① 天使界(堕天使より寿命が長く能力があり6階層ありUFOに乗ってて物質世界での神) ② 堕天使界は人間より寿命が長く能力があり少し悪でUFOに乗ってて物質世界での悪の感じの神(堕天使だから) ③ 人間(遺伝子組み換えなど色々) ④ 餓鬼道のような幽霊 ⑤ 動物(小さいものから恐竜以上) ⑥ 地獄は3つと  劣化して劣化し でき上がり 六道輪廻になり カルマの法則の現象が展開して平等   自分がやった時と似たような時に自分がやった事が返ってくるのがカルマの法則 そして守護霊が見ている(隠せない)   楽だけに なるには真我に戻るしかない   物質世界の現象は下位コーザルの六道輪廻で起き 下位アストラルの六道輪廻に現れ そして物質世界の六道輪廻に現れる   下位アストラル(潜在意識と関係)は 寝て見る夢や 予言や あの世と関係し 丹波哲郎の大霊界1〜3も関係し 下位アストラルの表現だろう(丹波哲郎の講演会などKZfaqにある)   変化している今の自分が死ぬと 丹波哲郎の大霊界だったり  転生の時  自分が 両親を選ぶ場合と別とがあり  赤ちゃんになり  色々あり だんだん過去の記憶は薄れ薄れ 色々で 変化した自分で 反応し動き反応して動き生活しカルマの法則を体験し変化しつつ ある日、天才に(過去世の記憶が使え)なったりして またまた死に転生しする  この広い宇宙には 少ないが 六道輪廻が千個だけ 1つ2つとできて千個で 同じ六道輪廻かは不明で科学力の差がある あっちの六道輪廻から地球の方の六道輪廻に来るには UFOで来るか 輪廻転生 かである    人間が 餓鬼道のような幽霊を除霊や助けたり動物を救助や動物実験を  するのと同じく堕天使や天使たちも人間をUFOの中で人体実験とかする   ゆえに全ての生物は真我に戻る訓練をするのが 新世界秩序である   中国やプーチンたちやイスラエルなどは知らないのだろうか カルマの法則を    そして誰か大金持ちの人が輪廻党を作って      ある人の予言→ 2025/7/4の金の朝4:11から30日の水までに大津波や大暴風や大地震   硫黄島とルソン島の間で 水素爆弾実験か 人工地震か UFOがやるか 太陽フレアで衛星などが落下や 海底火山噴火  木星からの隕石の影響で 日本の陸地3割が海水をかぶる 台湾から香港は陸続きになろう  または富士山 南海 東京直下で震度7.5前後    2025/10の ある日 淡路島大地震   2026/8/20か2031/8/20に富士山の小規模噴火   KZfaqの伝説ユタのハルさんが2030年までに第三次世界大戦(英国 独 露 イラン アフガニスタン 中国 マレーシア 米国が画策)で日本には中国が先に攻撃するが本土上陸なしで やがて中国が負けインドが管理し松原照子の話しと混ぜてインド連邦になる  そして朝鮮半島はロシアが管理  2029年にも隕石や人工地震の影響で 青森の無農薬栽培のリンゴの木村さんのUFO体験のように2031年ごろ地球人口は減る 米国のフロリダなども  またマスク氏の人工知能のAGIで人口削減計画 コロナより増やすため   そしてそののち救済者が現れる  そして2100年ごろ地球人口は50億人以下で 日本では全てリニア新幹線みたいな交通でロボットが働き人間労働は週2日 また 松原照子は日本人口4900万人位かなと  対策として 丹波哲郎の大霊界1〜3や講演会をKZfaqで見て記憶して死後にかまえる  丹波哲郎が気にしていた出口王仁三郎の83集も読む あと真我の状態に戻る訓練として とりあえず とりあえず十善戒をどんどん守るようにし ヨガや瞑想や四無量心や呼吸法をやり 1日の食事を2回  2回よりは1回にして根菜類を食べ 玄米も餅米も餅も食べ 納豆やネギやニンニクも食べ(ニンニクを4分ぐらいゆで ゆでじるとともにカップラーメンに入れたりして毎朝に食べてコロナのワクチン注射0回で元気な人がいた)1日2回の食事で 人間に転生 1回なら 天使界に転生 ヨガをやり ちゃんとした解脱と悟りをすれば早く真我に戻れる   予言をハズすには CMのように広げればいいらしい 2012/12のマヤの予言は 地球じゃない方向に 太陽フレアが吹いたからハズレた  人から人へ予言を伝えたので 天使などがUFOで太陽に接したような写真のように 太陽フレアを動かしたとする しかし人間は人間で動物実験や駆除  堕天使や天使も訳があり人間を殺す時もあろう     話はとんで 天使界の所は6階層あり第2天使の所は なぜか地球の植物と天気を担当している   ゆえに妖精を見れる日本の有名な絵本作家の信実さんや丹波哲郎の大霊界のあのシーンは 似ている   第6天使たちの所は ほとんどの願いが叶う所でパラレルワールドを作るとすればここに有る   人間の真我は首の後ろとか心臓にあり心臓を動かすらしい  ゆえに真我に戻る訓練で変え 正しく正確に真我に到着し完全な自由にならないと 苦がつきまとう   真我に戻る訓練をしないと 動物みたいに 相手を食えばいいと怖い怖い雰囲気になってしまう 十善戒を破る生活は およそヨガや瞑想や四無量心や呼吸法や食事制限をしないから 他の情報でいっぱいだから 他の情報でいっぱいだからである
@purplemicrodot58 11 күн бұрын
Good move. The US should not be sending weapons to countries that will not follow it's Rules of Engagement. Full Stop.
@marcust123 11 күн бұрын
They are still sending them
@CrabFiles 11 күн бұрын
Rules of Engagement? LOL! HAHhahahahha
@symonsmith3497 11 күн бұрын
Pathetic reply. Israel is the 53erd state of America.
@Metchrisal 11 күн бұрын
What are the rules of engagement... Your country is filled with Islamists that want your sister or mother 0:01 0:01
@obsidianjane4413 11 күн бұрын
The IDF is following its Rules of Engagement.
@m0nkeyboot 11 күн бұрын
Every day for 7 months we have heard of the impending mass, human suffering due to lack of food and energy. Wolf !!!!!
@mohmedhassan6875 11 күн бұрын
DON'T FORGET In March 2019 netenyahu told his Likud colleagues that funding hamas is his strategy Source "Israeli newspaper Haaretz"
@jonathanpriel5013 11 күн бұрын
Haaretz is the most anti Netanyahu newspaper in Israel. They are extremely baised and unreliable.
@heidespicer 11 күн бұрын
The Arabs in Rafa were warned to leave in advance to the operations going on there from the IDF. I stand with Israel 100%
@zaidal-hindawi1784 11 күн бұрын
You stand for murder
@TheSlimbee 11 күн бұрын
BBC needs to start telling the truth and not quoting Lie Ars
@ddt6003 11 күн бұрын
Israel say that there are safe camps for all the Palestenians to go to, the irony is not lost on me😂
@yavorkaraneshev6362 11 күн бұрын
The same people who say "Ukraine should just stop fighting, they will never win" are the ones who deman Israel to give up when Hamas has zero chance of survival against the IDF.
@benb6527 11 күн бұрын
@roguediy557 11 күн бұрын
yep..both need to stop. Israel need to stop their genocide and Ukraine need to stop using their people as cannon fodder for the US/Russia proxy war.
@mohmedhassan6875 11 күн бұрын
Idf officials already said that they could not go further in this war bcs it doesn't matter how many bombs they through hamas is still operating in every place inside Gaza as if idf did nothing
@HumanBeingsRThinkingBeings 11 күн бұрын
Mind Begs the Question: - If a Israel PM/Govt - Publicly promoted funding Hamas - To avoid 2 State Solution - Condemns Hamas or Funds Hamas?
@norz8828 11 күн бұрын
The only country ‘alone’ in the ME are Israel. No one likes them there. Run by E.Europeans calling the ‘semitic anti- Semitic’, it’s all a facade of a land grab. They have tanks but the Palestinians have won the hearts of the world. Beautiful 😍
@csharpe5787 11 күн бұрын
Yeah, that says it all. The US is deeply concerned. THEY SAY😡
@user-nx8hj9xt4b 11 күн бұрын
The US and WHO should go in and move the civilians.Israel must clear Hamas .Is this the first time Civilians had to be moving during a war .Ask the very USA
@kristintopol1724 11 күн бұрын
The world health organization? Why on earth would they be involved?
@cryptonighit 11 күн бұрын
Students united ❤ we are the future All the war parties in governments have gone Mad
@paceAndorder-tk3vn 11 күн бұрын
Future of what ?? Nazzi camps???
@mostafarah 11 күн бұрын
*Hot scoooooop :* Since the 07thOct, in the W-bnk that it *oqupyz ilegaly* , izreal: 1- asacinated *489* persons ( *among them 123 children!!* )!! 2- wu.nded *4800* persons ( *among them 660 children!!* ) !! 3- ta-ken *8455* h0stges!! *Huge problem:* Humos does not control the W-bnk!!
@agboolaalli7124 10 күн бұрын
Reopens key aid Reopens key aid crossing, who closed it in the first place?
@Amyyxoox 11 күн бұрын
The first thing they did seige the entry points to stop humanitarian aid going in. They never actually show viewers the maps coz when you see it its like one small rectangle and the outside of that are walls and military. That hasnt changed it was always there.
@user-mi7pv4bg8w 11 күн бұрын
Gazans have already moved several times, what’s so difficult in moving one more time? BBC helps Hamas to put civilians in danger refusing the proposed evacuation. Your correspondent received the number of deaths from Hamas but forgot to say it. Hamas hasn’t accepted the offer of Israel. BBC is miserable
@jesslesley1307 11 күн бұрын
@jakibeckify 11 күн бұрын
BBCH…British Broadcasting Corporation for hamasISIS
@ItsArcticVision 10 күн бұрын
“What’s so difficult in moving one more time?” In case you hadn’t noticed, majority of Gaza is rubble now, where do you expect them to go? And it doesn’t matter anyway because isr@3l will just use the “Khamas” excuse to b0mb the civilians once they’ve moved Also it’s amusing how y’all keep calling any news company who’s reporting you don’t like a “mouthpiece” of humus 😂😂
@bernadettealmeida2847 11 күн бұрын
God bless all the people God bless BiBi and all the soldiers who are fighting such evil for all of us 🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
@RogerDosethee-bg8rw 11 күн бұрын
Every body dying no Hamas who are they killing 😮 crazy
@jasoncole8607 11 күн бұрын
Every male over 14 is hamas
@norz8828 11 күн бұрын
It’s not a war it’s a land grab. Only one ☝️ side has an army ….. wake up world. Stop believing the lies and western media propaganda. Colonialism = divide and rule. Humanity stand strong and together in solidarity against hate and destruction of the Planet.
@user-td4do3op2d 11 күн бұрын
No Hamas? What do you mean? Why are IDF soldiers dying every day?
@Amyyxoox 11 күн бұрын
The first thing they did seige the entry points to stop humanitarian aid going in. They never actually show viewers the maps coz when you see it its like one small rectangle and the outside of that are walls and military. That hasnt changed it was always there.
@Amyyxoox 11 күн бұрын
@@user-td4do3op2d the number of 1000 soldiers dead back in october hasnt gone up??? Odd???
@shloimy1233 11 күн бұрын
If you are tired of being displaced don't vote in hamas next time🙃
@user-hk6nt5wt1t 11 күн бұрын
Yes, even celebrating when your husband brings the lions cubs.
@happyhappy6630 11 күн бұрын
Hamas are the ppl in gaza. No different
@rajhatton 11 күн бұрын
From the day one of the war hospitals are running out of fuel, after 7 months still it has not ran out. hahaha
@user-hk6nt5wt1t 11 күн бұрын
Good point. Sometimes we are mislead.
@marcust123 11 күн бұрын
I thought there was no terrorists there tho?
@CTRusTFromCT 11 күн бұрын
are you listening to the protester or facts , do your own research , yes there is hamas there 4 battalions after this they are done , right now as we speak israel is asking them to fight and die or run and moving civilians to aid camps :) all according to international law now laws broken , if only people would stop camping in front of campuses and hating on jews over a situation they have no idea about they are all told something by someone who sounds professional and they all follow like sheep , its foreign agents starting these protest i bet, and the gov will find out Palestine's government does not run gaza the terriost group hamas does because Palestine cant even keep a grip on its own territory ( they only run an area of the west bank ) so if they cant keep a grip then Israel has the right to stand up and do so because they own all that land historically and are a independent country .
@mrr4975 11 күн бұрын
There was no Terrorists in the West Bank but that didn’t stop the IDF terrorists.
@Chuckles2109 11 күн бұрын
Why isn't Egypt letting them in 🤔
@ziptink1710 11 күн бұрын
“What can men do against such reckless hate?”
@NordicPlan760 11 күн бұрын
King Théoden!
@norz8828 11 күн бұрын
Leave them the hell alone. Give them their land back and relocate their 6m to America. Job done.
@danrajgooheeram1189 11 күн бұрын
7 oct
@julian987r4 11 күн бұрын
Come out. It is clear these Hamas leaders are frustrated homosexuality or trans, and taking it out on their citizens. Just come out already. It’s well known the leaders frequently order Gay escorts to their homes.
@christinabasson4149 11 күн бұрын
Release the hostages?
@jeffgurren9219 11 күн бұрын
Who is responsible for putting civilians in this situation. Hamas! Palestinians should denounce their government and all terrorism.
@NoWindNoSunNoPower 11 күн бұрын
hummus = plasticine plasticine = hummus
@paceAndorder-tk3vn 11 күн бұрын
They will not- they even say that openly to cameras 📸
@kennymorrison7227 11 күн бұрын
Yup no one to blame but Hamas.
@thanos9820 11 күн бұрын
You know that pressuring people to overthrow their gov is terrorism itself, right? Terrorist?
@narharidas2528 11 күн бұрын
Totally agree 👍
@stavz777 11 күн бұрын
They love death...what more do you not understand? 😂
@Ste2023 11 күн бұрын
IDF will sort it
@JohnFelinn 11 күн бұрын
I was surprised to learn that the West Bank, Gaza and Jerusalem have been under occupation for 55+ years 😵, according to the international law and UN resolutions (1967-2023). I've come to believe that justice needs power to enforce it. ⚖❤
@robertwalton956 11 күн бұрын
That's because history is written by the victors, and in that region we've made sure that everything white and Christian is the Victor over the truth
@briantitchener4829 11 күн бұрын
From 1948-67 the so-called "West Bank" was illegally occupied by Jordan. Israel took back what was hers in the six-day war including Jerusalem. UN resolutions are not international law. Hence, the arguments still go on about settlements.
@polychad 11 күн бұрын
That's because it was captured in a defensive war fought between Israel and its neighbours. At that point, "Palestine" as a concept was created to undermine Israel after they lost. Previously, these areas had been under Egyptian and Jordanian rule.
@user-td4do3op2d 11 күн бұрын
Funny how 'Palestinians' didn't care when the West Bank was Jordan and Gaza was Egpyt.
@harshavijay3517 11 күн бұрын
What is point of ceasefire if Hamas is allowed to stay in control.
@marcust123 11 күн бұрын
That is why israel should never surrender
@omarlondon456 11 күн бұрын
Shame on pro zionist
@khurrumsheraz8743 11 күн бұрын
Hindus are speaking. U have the same hate for Muslim
@DocJon1 11 күн бұрын
God bless israel
@PSA78 11 күн бұрын
The same can be said in the other direction as well, both equally evil.
@abdulshahiddahiru172 11 күн бұрын
U need to stop bringing news about GAZA cause everything u say Is unauthentic
@user-td4do3op2d 11 күн бұрын
Yes. BBC has become Hamas propaganda
@davidcooks2379 11 күн бұрын
Israel tried to do a deal, HMS doesn't want this at all. So the only way is Rafah
@Syenrai 11 күн бұрын
False, every time Hamas made a ceasefire proposal Israel always changed the terms, Israel always set terms for a ceasefire which they knew Hamas cannot accept under any circumstance (because those terms would allow Israel to retrieve hostages and then continue the war and slaughter more civilians) so Israel uses that against Hamas to make them look like they don't want a deal. Educate yourself. Western Media makes it look like a totally different scenario 👍🏼
@user-cg5st2ek1k 11 күн бұрын
ما تفعلة إسرائيل بالفلسطينيين الأبرياء أصحاب الأرض الأصليين وأصحاب الحق من جرائم ضد الإنسانية والأخلاقية والبشرية أبشع واقذر بكثير مما فعلة هتلر باليهود وينددون بة فى كل مكان وسوف تظل جرائمهم تلاحقهم أينما ذهبوا وعلى مر العصور القادمة ❤الحرية والكرامة والعدالة للشعب الفلسطيني المحتل والمحاصر منذ عقود ❤
@mdshamimshamim7585 11 күн бұрын
Stop genocide in GAZA 😢😢😢 Save the humanity 😢😢😢
@aktlr-qf2vt 11 күн бұрын
Yes stop Hamas!!
@balendrakumar3847 11 күн бұрын
You crying for huminity just because they are muslim,
@noelenebuck6098 11 күн бұрын
This is disgusting.
@teofiloburerosjr838 10 күн бұрын
Celebrating first then suffered Afterwards now begging for a ceasefire
@LoveNiki47 11 күн бұрын
Why is Hamas allowed to use citizens as shields
@abudarda8336 11 күн бұрын
This is just a lame logic for this genocide
@LoveNiki47 10 күн бұрын
@@abudarda8336 no yall so mind washed of all places why hide in the most densely populated area and shoot rockets? CNN got yall thinking backwards… then the cowards want a cease fire now the IDF is close. Trash
@SardarsinghSingh-zx7qw 11 күн бұрын
Iran responsible for this blood,why iran want to put fire if he does not know how to make war? Epoxy war iran responsible,Sunnis muslims no power to attack iran shia?
@a_melly 10 күн бұрын
Why's Hamas shooting from Palestinian safe zones? What do you expect IDF to do, sleep, ignore or flee?
@deal2live 11 күн бұрын
It is Hamas responsibility to protect its civilians or is it Israel's?
@NostalgiaNet8 11 күн бұрын
Sad how people forgot about October 7th. Why don't Egypt let these people through? And if you say "well, there could be Hamas troops" well there you go...
@bond0677 11 күн бұрын
so you can steal more land ?
@sophii09865 11 күн бұрын
No one forgot about the 7th, except Israel seems to forget it as their original excuse when beginning this genocide. If they truly cared about the October attack, they would have chosen to agree to the deal they were offered to get the hostages back, and they would have properly conducted military attacks on Hamas militants with their oh so brilliant intelligence systems. Instead they’ve burnt civilians, blown the heads off of ch*ldren, left the elderly to bleed to death. If you genuinely believe they care about the attack on the 7th your a fool, they were warned something like this may happen by Egypt and they let it, because it has given them the perfect excuse to cleanse ‘their land’ of Palestinians.
@robertwalton956 11 күн бұрын
Yes, because terrorism always happens in a vacuum. The Palestinians just woke up on October 7th and shows violence. It had nothing to do with 85 years of oppression, slaughter, theft of land, destroying of their heritage...... oh no, they just woke up and decided death to israel. But that's okay, because you go to church every sunday, you feel you have sufficient scriptures to defend your soul when you die and God looks at you and asks why you genocided Jesus Christ's brethren for the sake of bringing him back. Yeah, news flash, Jesus was born in the region, not in america. He's not blonde haired, he's not blue-eyed, he does not look like Ewan mcgregor. He looks like the tens of thousands of people that the Israeli government has been genocide with their AI program for the last 7 months
@pac17284 11 күн бұрын
This started before October 7th
@ruthies2447 11 күн бұрын
Egypt should let the women and children in until Hamas are removed
@AbbyNon 11 күн бұрын
So .... Russian trolls in the comments, are you pro-Palestine or anti-Israel?
@christianmccann9400 11 күн бұрын
Anti genocide!
@olgakessel4101 11 күн бұрын
Russia always been antiisrael they even invent intifada
@DocJon1 11 күн бұрын
Pro israel !!!❤
@obsidianjane4413 11 күн бұрын
They are here to stir the pot and increase the divide between people.
@slavax7096 11 күн бұрын
You need to stop smoking crack 🤡
@biblereadinginmalayalam3887 10 күн бұрын
It is war. So wise to move away from harms way.
@Western-imperalism 11 күн бұрын
My condolences to raffa, sky news, and abdul
@mateuszdziegiel1655 11 күн бұрын
Poland disappeared from the world map for over 100 years, do not let the same happen to you Palestinian Brothers!
@mimo.1467 11 күн бұрын
Poland didn't attack their neighbours as soon as they had their country established.
@norz8828 11 күн бұрын
The world eyes have been staring in horror at all the death and destruction Mateus. When the world said NEVER AGAIN, they meant NEVER AGAIN. God give the planet peace.☮️ We have enough issues with global warming and climate change. We really could do with having less man-made Wars and destruction. We should be saving the planet not pounding it with heavy shelling and artillery
@danrajgooheeram1189 11 күн бұрын
@mateuszdziegiel1655 11 күн бұрын
@@mimo.1467 "established" 🤔 it was taken
@mimo.1467 11 күн бұрын
@mateuszdziegiel1655 absolute nonsense. BTW, you realise that Poland did not let Ukrainians to have their own country and fought them when they tried to be independent? If you are not a hypocrite, you will agree that the Volyn massacre was justified.
@creamofcardstv 11 күн бұрын
Warsaw Ghetto
@user-td4do3op2d 11 күн бұрын
What does that mean?
@mathewgrover6455 10 күн бұрын
And it goes on
@alexandreturgeon9831 11 күн бұрын
It’s understandable that Israel wants complete dismantling of Hamas… at war when people dies on both sides, there is anger & fear , it’s easy to judge as a outsider but if it happens to you, you probably want to get rid of the danger
@user-bn1wj3lk5g 11 күн бұрын
True well spoken.
@noble_experiment 11 күн бұрын
34,000 dead, famine and hunger, infectious diseases, targeted sniper attacks at fleeing citizens vs. 1,200 dead? Really? That’s understandable?
@norz8828 11 күн бұрын
lol what danger? It’s not a war if only one side has an army. Stop believing western lies and propaganda
@auro1986 11 күн бұрын
bbc, send challenger tanks
@ArnavChakraborty-nt3tl 9 күн бұрын
May Inshallah give some hope and strength to His innocent children who need help the most In these dark times world must stand together with sufferings of Palestine Brothers and sisters
@AnthonyCain-ik4yi 11 күн бұрын
Why does the BBC especially in interviews and general news comments concerning the current Israel/Palestine situation conflate anti-zionism with anti-semitism?
@canitbethat 11 күн бұрын
When did they do that?
@user-td4do3op2d 11 күн бұрын
Anti-Zionism is almost always antisemitism. Denying the Jews the right to self-determination in their ancestral homeland, denying the right for the only Jewish state to exist... these are almost by definition anti-Semitic.
@333Kosta 11 күн бұрын
These Hamas terrorists do not seem happy anymore with their war wich they started... Strange enough...
@csharpe5787 11 күн бұрын
Really, you do know that’s not true don’t you? This didn’t start on the seventh.
@eugenemurtagh2085 11 күн бұрын
Have a heart man
@user-bn1wj3lk5g 11 күн бұрын
Yeah no more celebrating dancing or handy out sweets huh lol 😉.
@user-bn1wj3lk5g 11 күн бұрын
​@@csharpe5787Yes it did genius and if you mean about the other wars who started those other wars moron oh yeah the Arabs not Israel.
@aktlr-qf2vt 11 күн бұрын
@@csharpe5787 Yes stop Hamas!!
@leonidfisher9410 11 күн бұрын
Hamas started it. Hamas is to blame.
@user-pe5qy1zw6y 6 күн бұрын
As Menachim Begin once said: we are not Jews with weak knees. We’ve always fought alone and you can keep your threats of cutting aid.
@WeronikaOwca-wo9gy 11 күн бұрын
With who? Children 😢 iof and israHeli can't help themselves...
@marykinuthia6067 11 күн бұрын
Violence and cruelty continues 😮
@heimannyoutube4359 11 күн бұрын
She even looks mad…terrorists won’t want to kill you don’t make good neighbors. Nor will the innocent who voted hamas into power as they celebrate Hamas victories.
@omartabinkeirana1372 11 күн бұрын
Viva hamas from Gaza rafa❤
@omartabinkeirana1372 11 күн бұрын
Viva israel
@TheGruntski 11 күн бұрын
BBC never really forgot their allegiance to Lord Haw-Haw. LMAO
@rosemariebredahl9519 11 күн бұрын
If food, water, and access to medical care were restored to Northern & Central Gaza sooner, many civilians would have started leaving Rafah weeks ago! Evidence suggests that civilian lives are NOT a consideration of Netanyahu's. Tragic! 💔
@NoWindNoSunNoPower 11 күн бұрын
Not a consideration of hummus.
@user-hk6nt5wt1t 11 күн бұрын
You know sometimes Palestinian can mislead you! They can help to end the war...move out from hamas
@Studly.hungwell 11 күн бұрын
But little bombs are ok?
@Eitangaming2.0 11 күн бұрын
@kakuruedwin6998 11 күн бұрын
If there are no rebels terrorists then why battles,it means there is a smoking gun, i would not expect fire exchange
@drewlovelyhell4892 11 күн бұрын
Something tells me the prospect of a "humanitarian catastrophe" doesn't bother Israel too much.
@ironyelegy 11 күн бұрын
Now this is journalism. FREE PALESTINE ALL EYES ON RAFAH
@mahamkhalid5870 11 күн бұрын
May Allah protect innocent people of Gaza.
@pac17284 11 күн бұрын
Amen ✝️
@user-ni3kq9ns6w 11 күн бұрын
JESUS CHRIST Has been in the business of protecting. Innocent people For centuries
@user-td4do3op2d 11 күн бұрын
Looks like your fake God doesn't exist.
@DallasAvonJudeDeZilva 11 күн бұрын
BBC should be investigated ?
@danyaroshuk5715 11 күн бұрын
There’s way to many know it alls If this same situation is in New York How would they handle it
@mikicerise6250 11 күн бұрын
I don't know. I think they would invade and occupy Afghanistan and Iraq for decades. Purely speculation, though.
@khyal_777 11 күн бұрын
Even if the idf destroyed Rafah hamas is still operating in the north so what's the point??
@starter47990 11 күн бұрын
They are not operating in the North. Plus the hostages are in Rafah. So is Hamas leadership.
@paceAndorder-tk3vn 11 күн бұрын
If Israel fails- Entire world will be in danger ‼️ photographs of documents from Nazi Germany prior to World War II offer insight into a secret alliance between Nazi agents and Palestinian leaders. WE WILL NOT LET MUFTI achieve his evil goal. There is no place in civilised society for Mufti’s and Hitler’s sick psychophatic ideology.🫵🤨🤨🫵
@user-td4do3op2d 11 күн бұрын
Even if the Allies take France back, Hitler is still operating in Germany so what's the point?
@santabanter 11 күн бұрын
Maybe they should move to Egypt
@FontaineDerby 11 күн бұрын
Both Egypt and Israel have blockaded Gaza since 2007 when Hamas militarily seized control of Gaza in The Battle of Gaza in June 2007. Egypt banned the Muslim Brotherhood in 2013. If you look into the events that led to the following, it will become clear: 1970 Jordan: Black September 1979-1990 Lebanese Civil War 1990-91 Kuwait expels 380,000 Palestinians 2013 Egypt banned the Muslim Brotherhood
@creativity2598 11 күн бұрын
May be non arabs move to florida
@FontaineDerby 11 күн бұрын
Both Egypt and Israel have blockaded Gaza since 2007 when Hamas militarily seized control of Gaza in The Battle of Gaza in June 2007. Egypt banned the Muslim Brotherhood in 2013. If you look into the events that led to the following, it will become clear: 1970 Jordan: Black September 1979-1990 Lebanese Civil War 1990-91 Kuwait expels 380,000 Palestinians 2013 Egypt banned the Muslim Brotherhood
@symonsmith3497 11 күн бұрын
Pathetic reply. Egypt has closed the gate to them.
@FontaineDerby 11 күн бұрын
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. Egypt already has 9m refugees and both Egypt and Israel have blockaded Gaza since 2007 when Hamas militarily seized control of Gaza in The Battle of Gaza in June 2007. Egypt banned the Muslim Brotherhood in 2013. If you look into the events that led to the following, it will become clear: 1970 Jordan: Black September 1979-1990 Lebanese Civil War 1990-91 Kuwait expels 380,000 Palestinians 2013 Egypt banned the Muslim Brotherhood
@peninatautua-ol3pm 11 күн бұрын
Give some aid for Sudanese
@alejandrojr.albarracin4432 11 күн бұрын
Thanks to the news 🙏🙏🙏🙏
@michaelanukam3314 11 күн бұрын
I don't see how anyone that humane will support isreal in this. 😢
@georgesgontier2425 11 күн бұрын
Isreal does.
@kennymorrison7227 11 күн бұрын
The whole free world supports Israel.
@user-ni3kq9ns6w 11 күн бұрын
Supporting thrill is the only common sense thing.They may not be perfect but they are not like hamas and terrorist organizations
@user-ni3kq9ns6w 11 күн бұрын
Supporting Israel typo earlier
@thanos9820 11 күн бұрын
@TheRiojablues 11 күн бұрын
What a load of rubbish coming from the BBC like always
@jeremybernstein7235 10 күн бұрын
At 0:44 she says that Israel rejected the ceasefire agrreement that was accepted by Hamas but that claim is false, as Hamas changed the proposal given to them and added their own version, in doing so THEY changed the ceasefire agreement, only then did they say that they had accepted the terms of the proposals - but these were not the conditions handed to them. it is important to state this as it makes out that Israel rejected the ceasefire agreement but this is not the case - so BBC do your homework and get your facts straight before you go on air!!!
@user-ou6gm2ob5t 11 күн бұрын
It's about he grow a pair,and not be a puppet😮
@JohnFelinn 11 күн бұрын
Palestine is occupied land, and under international law, the Palestinians have the legal right to resist this occupation by any and all means.
@Eitangaming2.0 11 күн бұрын
Correct. And they are losing. Nice one. Plus its israeles land. Or atleast half of it cuz british
@user-td4do3op2d 11 күн бұрын
There has never been a national called Palestine. The land is Jewish land, occupied by Arab invaders.
@JohnFelinn 11 күн бұрын
Without shoes and no modern weapons , without tanks and no F16 , without help of the NATO, without mercenaries and under unprecedent siege for more than 75 years , Palestinians are making history ❤
@jonathaneberdong4493 9 күн бұрын
If you stay you get hurt. Stay at your own risk.
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