BBC Transphobia Part 2

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2 жыл бұрын

Content warning for transphobia and sexual assault, same as the previous video.
Previous video: • Response to BBC transp...
Complaints page:
Awful article:
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Text of my escalated complaint:
This response does not answer my initial complaint. It responds as though my complaint was that Chelsea Poe was not included in the article, but this is not the case. My complaint was not that Chelsea Poe was not included. My complaint was that the author of the article both 1) interviewed Chelsea Poe and 2) claims in the article that no high-profile trans women who have spoken about sex and relationships wanted to speak to her. This is not true, because she spoke to Chelsea Poe.
Chelsea Poe is a trans woman. She has spoken about sex and relationships in various media outlets. She was interviewed for the article. This is all beyond dispute.
Chelsea Poe is also indisputably high profile, by the definition of high profile used by the article. Firstly, she was high profile enough to be contacted and interviewed for the article in the first place. Secondly, the examples given in the article of trans women the author does consider high profile are people who have similar or smaller profiles than Chelsea Poe. It is impossible for those women to be high profile and Chelsea Poe to not be high profile.
Chelsea Poe has over 20,000 social media followers and has been quoted in Slate, The Huffington Post, Glamour, Paper magazine, and other media outlets. The article includes quotes from people with much smaller profiles than this.
I understand fully that the author can include or not include whoever she likes in her article and do not need this explained to me. What she cannot do is make false claims about who was interviewed. The article’s claim that no high profile trans women who have spoken about sex and relationships wanted to speak to the author is provably false, and that is what I require a response from the BBC about.
Text of my new complaint:
My complaint is about language used by a source in an article posted on the BBC news website on the 26th October titled 'We're being pressured into sex by some trans women'
The article includes as a source a survey released by the group Get The L Out, which it links to. This survey deliberately and repeatedly refuses to gender trans people correctly. It also approvingly includes a quote which says “All transsexuals rape women’s bodies,” & states in reference to this quote that this “analysis remains as relevant as ever.”
I would like to state that my complaint is solely about the transphobic language present in the survey which is being given a platform by the BBC. I have absolutely no complaints about the sample size, distribution method, or findings of the survey. I have zero issues whatsoever with the survey or the article in which it appears, with the singular exception of the transphobic language and attitudes being shared in the survey. The transphobic language and attitudes are the only thing about which I am complaining, and the only thing for which I require a response.
Does the BBC agree with the attitudes and language expressed in the survey linked in the article? Is it considered acceptable to misgender trans people by the BBC? Are quotes likening all trans people to rapists considered ‘relevant analysis’ by the BBC? Is it acceptable for the BBC to platform such language and attitudes?

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@Will_the_Rose 2 жыл бұрын
Nothing like Shaun in his dry, even voice saying: “I’m going to escalate my initial complaint...”
@AverdriaCOHO 2 жыл бұрын
In England this is the equivalent of an open declaration of war written in piss on their mothers grave
@barbaros99 2 жыл бұрын
*DIO meme intensifies*
@Peter_S_ 2 жыл бұрын
I just picture it as a Bondish movie sequence where Shaun says he'll have to escalate and then calmly steps off screen as mushroom clouds start rising in the distance.
@f3tsch906 2 жыл бұрын
Your profile pic is fitting
@LillyP-xs5qe 2 жыл бұрын
As someone living in England with an English man, that is not dry, that is very emotional tone.
@KrankuSama 2 жыл бұрын
The BBC has reviewed the BBC and found the BBC is not at fault. Why even have editorial guidelines if you're not going to bother adhering to them?
@Will_the_Rose 2 жыл бұрын
“Government doing well says government report”
@pleasedonotwatchmychannel 2 жыл бұрын
I mean, everybody loves to *look* like they’re doing something. But actually doing something? Meh.
@johnmartinez7440 2 жыл бұрын
It's weird because the BBC comment sections in particular are so far removed from the "loony lefty liberal woke SJW" the right-wing tabloids keep telling us it is. There's so much aggressive sexism and borderline racism, and over half the time I try to report/request a review for comments, they come back saying they're fine...there's nothing wrong them...they don't contravene "the house rules" etc. And most of it is complaining about women playing sport, complaining that the BBC reports on women, complaining that Lewis Hamilton talks too much, writing abuse aimed at various sports pundits and players...such a strange state of affairs.
@natmorse-noland9133 2 жыл бұрын
If their editorial guidelines allow transphobia, then technically they're still following those guidelines. 😕
@Aencii 2 жыл бұрын
@@johnmartinez7440 Yeah, despite right-wing fear-mongering, Britain in general and British media in general are still pretty regressive in some key areas. See: Brexit passing.
@KatBlaque 2 жыл бұрын
Also, I don't think I'm that important or whatever, but I do speak about sex and relationships quite a bit. The BBC interviewed me about Ron Jeremey. I know I'm small fish or whatever, but if we're talking numbers; I certainly am more "high profile than" the folks discussed here AND I've spoken about this topic.. several times. It feels almost deliberate that they'd omit that they contacted Chelsea and then go out of their way to cite a very small (tho legendardy imo) KZfaqr who made a video about the subject 9 years ago. TBH, it just smells like they don't have the evidence, but are desperate to fabricate it. ie, they're not trustworthy as a source.
@FlinnyWinny 2 жыл бұрын
It is absolutely deliberate. If the article itself didn't prove that already, the responses did for sure. It's heartbreaking.
@dogblessamerica 2 жыл бұрын
Kat, the BBC should commission you for an entire series x
@stempki 2 жыл бұрын
@dogblessamerica dunno, I think that would be more of an insult
@dekstarking 2 жыл бұрын
Love your channel, you're definitely not "small fish"!
@Interesting_Failure 2 жыл бұрын
I think you might be the only person in this whole situation who I've actually heard of, so take that for what it's worth.
@jamesoblivion 2 жыл бұрын
'We relied on an unreliable survey, HOWEVER, we acknowledged its unreliability as we were relying on it.' Sure. Sounds legit.
@ronanstephens1597 2 жыл бұрын
Imagine trying to submit that study in any university course. Instant fail. You know Get The L Out publicly state that they're against 'transgenderism' in all its forms and that they refuse to recognise trans people's identities. This is one their website! They're not even the types of transphobes that hide behind some venner of plausible deniability.
@carlbradley3175 2 жыл бұрын
@@ronanstephens1597 I was literally about to say this lol. I'm soing my MRes right now and my supervisor would shoot me if I tried to pull that shit
@Cube-xm6vt 2 жыл бұрын
@@ronanstephens1597 what if the university course is transphobic? Checkmate liberals
@deet 2 жыл бұрын
the BBC dismissing people's complaints as them finding the article "challenging" is so insulting
@20storiesunder 2 жыл бұрын
Aye I was fuming.
@Mark-the-Raider 2 жыл бұрын
I'm reminded of the James Acaster bit "What's the matter? Too challenging for you?"
@ladywaffle2210 2 жыл бұрын
Oh, it's challenging, alright. Challenging figuring out how they found this to be up to their guidelines.
@SnakeMan448 2 жыл бұрын
It's essentially gaslighting. It's like a troll that messages you a slew of abuse, then acts like you're stupid for when you ask them what their problem is, because you didn't roll with the abuse.
@spockezri 2 жыл бұрын
you can just tell they're not at all apologetic, they could have spent less time and just been like "sorry but we love transphobia. don't talk to us again"
@ishiggydiggydowop 2 жыл бұрын
"We've had a higher number of complaints than normal. Time to double down on the transphobia"
@ladywaffle2210 2 жыл бұрын
Entrenched positions? That means we just need additional reinforcements- and by god we have them.
@toastghost9145 2 жыл бұрын
People are complaining about transphobia? As in, people want more of it, right? Right?
@KSRugby 2 жыл бұрын
I notice you didn't call out Veronica Ivy's homophobia in saying that 'genetic preferences' are transphobic. And everything is transphobic these days as far as stating the realities of biological sex. Why set such a low bar and why are trans activists (not specifically trans people) so unbelievably sensitive about absolutely everything?
@Spunjji 2 жыл бұрын
@@KSRugby "And everything is transphobic these days" - funny, racists say the exact same thing about racism. They also say they're talking about biological realities, even though the best science available disagrees. They also bang on about "the woke" and "anti-racist activists" and imply these goals are separate from those of people with racialised identities, even though the overlap is huge. It's almost like your ideologies are similarly devoid of content and require the same copy/paste bullshit to defend them.
@KSRugby 2 жыл бұрын
@@Spunjji you're sidestepping. my ideologies are based in hardwire science and reality over questionable social science propaganda. Yes everything is transphobic these days, even saying human's cannot change sex is viewed as transphobic, saying that homosexual people not being attracted to same gender people is viewed as transphobic, holding skeptical views about children being put on irreversible medical pathways (yes they are irreversible, you cannot say that puberty blockers are reversible yet also admit that the long term effects are largely unknown. Also puberty blockers exarcerbate gender dysphoria and depression and 95+ percent of kids who go on puberty blockers go onto cross sex hormones) is viewed as transphobic. Such ideologies that are rooted in pure feelings and fantasy are not sustainable.
@HeadsFullOfEyeballs 2 жыл бұрын
"There is no good data available on this subject, that's why we used worthless garbage data instead" is a weirdly common defense. Like, I understand why you'd choose to use the garbage data, from a rhetorical perspective -- it looks more convincing than having no data at all unless your audience puts in the work to check it. But the reply sounds like they have no awareness at all that it was an intellectually dishonest thing to do. They don't try to deny or minimize it, they just expect you to agree that for their convenience they _naturally_ had to use the fake data that supported their narrative.
@xyzaxy230 2 жыл бұрын
You can honestly argue for using garbage data where you don't have better. The responsible use would then require constantly reminding everyone "WE ARE SIFTING THROUGH GARBAGE! DON'T BE SURE OF ANYTHING WE FIND, JUST KNOW IT'S A LITTLE BIT BETTER THAN WHAT YOU WOULD GET TOLD BY RANDOMLY DRAWING SCRABBLE PIECES!" Then, it might still be important information, at least to get an idea about how the information situation on a given topic looks, maybe to see what to look out for, maybe even to help a decision that seems completely arbitrary from what is known before - bad data is better than no data, after all All of this does, of course, not have anything to do with the article
@HeadsFullOfEyeballs 2 жыл бұрын
@@xyzaxy230 I disagree -- using bad data is worse than using no data. It's just as unreliable and creates a false appearance of rigor. You describe doing a review of the data available on a given subject, but that's not _using_ the data, right? That's just collating it. Using the data means drawing conclusions about the world based on it. _Limited_ but competently collected data can be useful for this, sure. But if the data is just outright bad (as in, you can have no confidence that the data points are representative of what it's supposed to be sampling, even in its limited scope) you have a case of garbage in, garbage out. At best you've done an intellectual exercise ("if this data was accurate, what would it mean?").
@AnnekeOosterink 2 жыл бұрын
It's very often used in cases (which probably includes this case) where everyone is very much aware that they don't actually have any kind of argument to make, there is no actual data because there is no actual problem or argument. They just want to pretend they have a point supported by data.
@xyzaxy230 2 жыл бұрын
@@HeadsFullOfEyeballs Using bad data is better than using no data, I would say, _but only if you don't overstate the data you have_, which is actually quite hard to accomplish. In praxis, your statement is correct more often than not, but I disagree in theory, because it's better to have a broken handle on reality than no handle at all - it's just worse to miss the fact it's broken
@HeadsFullOfEyeballs 2 жыл бұрын
@@xyzaxy230 I think you're still talking about incomplete or fragmentary data, as opposed to bad data? Bad data doesn't provide a handle on reality because there's no way to verify if it corresponds to reality at all. That's what makes it bad data. Saying "I don't know" is preferable to a just-so story, which is all that bad data can ever provide.
@birdsforbrains2 2 жыл бұрын
Ignoring the horrifying bigotry, I don't even understand why the BBC is so willing to fight this. Seems like it'd be easier to just take down the article and issue a milquetoast apology... genuinely disturbing how unsafe the UK has become for trans people. The US is horrifying to try and live in as a trans person but at this point it's (somehow) safer than the UK
@alexbennet4195 2 жыл бұрын
Um, no, it's really not
@aylbdrmadison1051 2 жыл бұрын
Good on ya. Keep poking at it, and you'll soon realize there is only one reason why they wouldn't do exactly that.
@KaiHenningsen 2 жыл бұрын
I think the answer is simple, unfortunately. Organizations consist of people. In a large enough organization, you find every kind of person. That includes transphobic bigots. (And I strongly suspect the people answering the complaints are actually the same people who wrote and "reviewed" that article, so their responses are utterly unsurprising - only escalation has a chance to reach different people.)
@StNick119 2 жыл бұрын
Seems that way, but it's possible that it might be easier for them to leave it up. After all, transphobes and TERFs are also willing to issue complaints, some of them might have the ears of people in power, some might go further and abuse BBC social media accounts or shit like that. There's loads of factors at play.
@aminulhussain2277 2 жыл бұрын
@@alexbennet4195 I remember hearing about a transphobic police officer being defended by the government, them reasoning that his political views shouldn't affect whether or not he keeps his job, despite the fact that allowing transphobia in the police force puts trans people in danger.
@jd-mp3uf 2 жыл бұрын
They actually had the audacity to tell me in their response that they tried to reach out to trans people but none would talk to them! The blatant lies from these goons are insufferable. Thank you for covering this Shaun, and to all the trans folks reading this, love you all and please be safe 💙💗🤍💗💙
@cerysllosgau698 2 жыл бұрын
@maneatingcheeze 2 жыл бұрын
Please send proof to Shaun. The more this can be documented the better.
@trenvert123 2 жыл бұрын
I didn't even know they were sending out replies. They told me that they were busy, and that a response would be delayed, and that I should wait, and not send in another letter.
@oight 2 жыл бұрын
this is literally what the bbc do all. the. time. they do it especially with foreign policy so they can amp up attitudes for regime change with any country they dislike. their articles are completely unfact checked and half don't even attempt to give a source - the majority of the rest give a source that will just be according to "anonymous sources" or a western government backed ngo "study" with anonymous sources. their reporting on palestinian conflict was atrocious, i remember at one point they were still claiming that israeli soldiers weren't deployed in gaza when there were palestinians livestreaming them bombing gaza. they just totally ignored it. i'm glad at least there is more of a response for this terrible transphobic article. i sadly don't expect internal complains to do much, but i hope so anyway and will make a complaint myself.
@hiddenmongoose7314 2 жыл бұрын
thank you, love. i live in america and my boyfriend lives in northern ireland. hes encouraged me to move over there with claims itll be better for me to move over there and that theyll be more likely to gender me properly over there (americans use gendered terms constantly and are seemingly more likely to be fuckwits to your face. smh). stuff like this and the Prime Minister makes me second guess the idea of moving or even visiting... its sad that i cant escape people who hate my existence and knowing that there are kind people makes me feel a bit better and helps my will to live-- honestly. thank you.
@Huntracony 2 жыл бұрын
BBC's "impartiality" response is the embodiment of that comic with the KKK on one side, civil rights activists on the other, and a white guy in the middle (BBC in this case) suggesting a compromise.
@nukiradio 2 жыл бұрын
B0tH S1d4es!1!1
@ByddinRhyddidCymru 2 жыл бұрын
Imagine being so delusional you compare a news article to the kkk, get help, a man in a dress is not a woman
@Huntracony 2 жыл бұрын
@@ByddinRhyddidCymru You didn't even read my comment correctly. It's not a very confusing comment. I directly said who the BBC was in the analogy and it wasn't the KKK. I guess basic reading comprehension is too much to ask for of transphobes.
@justalostlocal 2 жыл бұрын
@@Huntracony If transphobes can read they might discover science actually sides with transgenders people and not their 6 grade biology textbook.
@ByddinRhyddidCymru 2 жыл бұрын
@Hunter Rayna being me is great, being you must suck though, being a misogynist must be a terrible life, but it’s the one you’ve chosen to live, why do you hate real women?
@LukeCorreia 2 жыл бұрын
Nice, I was hoping to see some escalation after they doubled down. Great timing! "The response does not address my core complaint. The response presumes that my concern was with Chelsea Poe not being included in the article, which is false; my concern was the flagrant, obvious lie concerning Chelsea Poe's involvement with the article, and the lack of journalistic integrity present in pretending as though she was not contacted. The author states that, concerning high-profile trans women, "none of them wanted to speak to me". However, this is false. The author's examples of "high-profile trans women" include KZfaq creators with less than 10,000 subscribers; Chelsea Poe has 20,000 Twitter followers and has been featured in Slate, Huffington Post, and Cosmopolitan; it is nonsensical to act as though Chelsea Poe does not meet the "high-profile" standards as determined by the author and BBC editors. My complaint is not regarding who the BBC decides to include within an article or not. My complaint is that interviewing a high-profile individual and then lying in the article to claim that they were not interviewed is a clear violation of journalistic integrity. The author and the editing staff are comfortable with blatantly lying within a published article, and then refusing to issue retractions and corrections when these lies are exposed. This reflects poorly not just on the author, but on the editors and publishing staff who refuse to publish truth when it is inconvenient for them to do so. My complaint regarding these blatant falsehoods about no high-profile individuals wanting to speak with the author is what must be addressed. The generic, boilerplate messages sent out by the BBC thus far have done nothing to address my complaint."
@dellaraampourkeramati3054 2 жыл бұрын
Trevor project fundraiser when?
@dogearflopper7011 2 жыл бұрын
The BBC is barely trying to hide their contempt for trans rights here. I'm glad we got some legendary VAs supporting our most marginalized groups. :)
@StNick119 2 жыл бұрын
@@dellaraampourkeramati3054 I THINK I remember him doing one before, but no reason not to do another one!
@dellaraampourkeramati3054 2 жыл бұрын
Trans lifeline then
@defensivekobra3873 2 жыл бұрын
Oh hey look it's my favourite voice actor who also does charity work constantly, nice
@rosejuliette9180 2 жыл бұрын
To any person who submits a complaint you have my deepest gratitude. The ramping up in transphobia within British media has had me suicidal and knowing that people oppose it strongly is genuinely keeping me alive. I don't have the strength to put myself through the hell of being lied to about obvious transphobia and I wouldn't be surprised if many UK transgender people felt similarly. You are standing up for those who have had our voices silenced with the threat of enduring abuse from these massive industries. Anyone who has ever wondered "how can I be a better ally" this is a direct answer. Don't let transphobia go unchallenged.
@missmarsh1011 2 жыл бұрын
We got your six
@sashaboydcom 2 жыл бұрын
I'm not even from the UK and this article has been weighing on me. It is heartwarming to see people fighting against it though. We're not alone. 💕
@radishfest 2 жыл бұрын
Sent in a complaint right after reading this, love from the US 💜💜💜
@pocketzed3481 2 жыл бұрын
From your trans brother in the US: This comment reached all the way across the ocean and tore my heart out. We may never meet, but we're fighting for each other all the same. I don't know you, but your voice matters to me and the world is better because you're a part of it. I'm running a little low on hope these days, but you're welcome to all that I have. Wish it was more. I submitted a complaint and I swear I will hound them mercilessly until these vicious lies are answered for.
@arigadatred5395 2 жыл бұрын
I'm with you. I sent a complaint, at least. Not much I can do from over here but I hope you all know there are lots of people standing with you and that we are all stronger than we know. Hopefully that doesn't sound like a bunch of empty schlock. I really am just trying to be straightforward.
@SteeZy644 2 жыл бұрын
Yo the BBC responses were garbage Genuinely stunned at the level of bigotry coming from one of the largest publications in the world
@Mr.Drew70 2 жыл бұрын
BBC speaks the truth. Serves the alphabets right for thinking they’re the opposite gender
@yaboy821 2 жыл бұрын
@@Mr.Drew70 ???
@aylbdrmadison1051 2 жыл бұрын
This 1970's child is having a serious case of deja vu. The bigots have had 50 years to grow up into responsible adults and stop brainwashing their children with the same delusions. But no, because that would shrink the conservative voting base drastically. It's the same old song and dance, the wealthy elite using bigotry to divide and control The People. Bigotry, the tool the conservative-capitalists have used to oppress us all for thousands of years. Now it has gone far beyond simply enslaving humanity, it is literally killing us by killing the world we need to survive. Conservative-capitalism is an all out war against humanity, against life itself.
@legrandliseurtri7495 2 жыл бұрын
@@Mr.Drew70 Alphabet?
@Fopenplop 2 жыл бұрын
@@legrandliseurtri7495 It's a word bigots use in reference to acronyms like LGBTQIA, generally the ones that are open about the fact that they just hate queers, not the ones who write articles for the BBC pretending to be defending cis lesbians from trans women by pitting them against each other.
@guyfauks2576 2 жыл бұрын
"Hello everyone! This video is a follow up to a recent video of mine about a dreadful, transphobic article published by the BBC on their website." -Shaun Tzu (Art of War)
@zanderdevinci8198 2 жыл бұрын
One of the highlights of my time in high school was when trans people and nonbinary identities came up in social studies class with the teacher who is notorious for making everything into class discussions and playing devils advocate, which was actually a really good way to help the fundamental concepts of the class stick in my head but that's beside the point. I talked about how this isn't just a debate to me, it's a denial of my existence as a person and about how neutrality on this isn't really possible because having to constantly defend my existence allows people to deny my human rights. After class the teacher pulled me aside to tell me that he had never thought about it like that and he thanked me for bringing that to light and he would change how he addressed trans issues in the future. One of the best moments of my time in school
@LittleMissLounge 2 жыл бұрын
Man, I think we've all been there where our identities were turned into academic fucking exercises by instructors and classmates who didn't seem to realize (nor care) we existed in real life. I think a lot of us were, or are, too scared to speak up for various reasons. You were brave, especially as a high schooler. I couldn't have done that in college over a decade ago.
@ooooneeee 2 жыл бұрын
What a legendary teacher ❤️.
@ratface2138 2 жыл бұрын
I’m so glad that your teacher understood instead of dismissing it like most people. I love to see teachers who aren’t stubborn and are willing to improve.
@angelalovell5669 2 жыл бұрын
Damn, you eloquent bastard. I doff my cap to your teenage self, what a legend. Thanks for sharing, it's good to know these things do happen. The best teachers are the ones who know you never stop learning - we're all students.
@The_Reality_Filter 2 жыл бұрын
Is Shaun also working for the FED's? Asking for a friend...
@MrPiotrV 2 жыл бұрын
A little detail I find hilarious is how they use "no trans people would talk to the author" as a defence yet fail to see how it really is just a condemnation of the author. Have you stopped for a second to think about why trans people did not want to talk to this author? Have you, BBC? Because if you had, you would have realised it's not a good defence. This is ignoring the fact that it is a lie, of course, but I still find it funny. PS: I got the second response, even though it really did not address my complaint.
@HeadsFullOfEyeballs 2 жыл бұрын
I feel the "no trans people wanted to talk to the author" thing is a fairly clever bit of propaganda, actually. Not only does it free them from the need to cite opposing voices, it also suggests to readers that the revelations are so incisive and devastating that Transgender Activists(TM) could muster no defense. So clearly there has to be something to it, because if these allegations were false and easily countered, why would no-one go on record countering them? They're hiding from the truth!
@soupalex 2 жыл бұрын
i think i may have made a similar remark on the first video (an acquaintance of mine, who is an academic and also trans, is often approached for comment on trans issues, but she tends to turn them down bc the people on the other end want to put her on a panel to "balance" with some outright transphobe or another… so it wouldn't be surprising to me if no trans people did want to talk to the reporter after all). really, when they say "x were approached for comment but all declined to talk to us", they're telling on themselves (although i think there's an element of truth in what the commenter above me said about it being a good tactic (from the transphobes' perspective). even if that wasn't the intention, i'm sure there are lots of people who are either less wise to-or already aligned with-organised terfism, who will read it that way)
@sluttyMapleSyrup 2 жыл бұрын
@@HeadsFullOfEyeballs That's a very good point. Also disgustingly accurate. Side-note, your username's either a TF2 or Bloodborne reference and either way that's great.
@jiralishu 2 жыл бұрын
@@soupalex Yo! I knew an enby in university (religious + HBCU) who constantly got invited to panels and crap because they were going to discuss literally anything related to gender/sex. They felt like they had to go do it every time, too, or else the community would literally have no voice because they were the only out person on campus and they didn't want everyone walking away with homophobic/transphobic misconceptions. Truly one of the best people I've known.
@juniawetmann1311 2 жыл бұрын
@@HeadsFullOfEyeballs Not only that, but it can be used as a way to paint themselves (the author + BBC) as the ones that are rational/balanced and want to have a discussion/conversation and the trans activists as the opposite for not accepting to engage. Basicaly "Yeah, *we* wanted to talk, but they shut us down showing how they're the ones who are close minded"
@honeybellebuzlucay5867 2 жыл бұрын
As a non-native English speaker I really want to write complaints myself, but I am scared that BBC's response will just be like: "Actually, the correct form is 'you're transphobic' not 'your transphobic' " lol
@aylbdrmadison1051 2 жыл бұрын
As a native English speaker I can assure you that your English is as good or better than the average American or (ironically) the average British person these days. I would not be surprised if you got a reply with worse grammar than your own, it's really that bad. I've known since I was a teenager that reagan was purposefully destroying our public education system, but it seems thatcher did much the same thing (names purposefully not capitalized btw).
@liz257 2 жыл бұрын
If you want to send me a draft I'll check it for you ✍
@bdellovibrioo5242 2 жыл бұрын
Be bold! Nobody actually knows anything about this language.
@andrewfsheffield 2 жыл бұрын
I'm a native English speaker and my selling and grammar suuuuuuuuuck so you're probably fine.
@sethmichel6138 2 жыл бұрын
@@andrewfsheffield Same, I can't sell anything (but in all seriousness, I can't spell to save my life and I'm also a native speaker, so I relate)
@Occam31 2 жыл бұрын
I’m a straight white dude and I found the transphobia propagated by the BBC in that piece offensive and objectionable. I can’t imagine how trans people feel. Props to you Shaun for taking up this issue.
@smaakjeks 2 жыл бұрын
Hello, fellow default human
@nukiradio 2 жыл бұрын
@@smaakjeks they prefer to be called people of bland
@ladywaffle2210 2 жыл бұрын
@@nukiradio Back when I was straight (about a year ago... oh good lord, time flies, huh?) I preferred "Default Settings"
@smaakjeks 2 жыл бұрын
@@nukiradio Hey I'm not bland. I sometimes put two sugar cubes in my tea. TWO!
@gagaplex 2 жыл бұрын
@Fk Yu I always wondered about that: It seems so damn exhausting to be driven by hate. I'd have neither the time nor the energy to be that awful. (I'm more of a passively awful person.)
@cerysllosgau698 2 жыл бұрын
As a trans woman, thanks for speaking up Shaun. It hurts every time someone starts debating my goddamn identity and having someone defending my right to be myself genuinely feels great.
@NotSoLegendaryGreen 2 жыл бұрын
Empathetic internet hug from a trans man right here!
@Ninchennase 2 жыл бұрын
And one more hug from a cis woman. Trans rights are human rights.
@osama4318 2 жыл бұрын
Solidarity from a cis bi man in Pakistan, sister. We will persevere.
@nukiradio 2 жыл бұрын
@@Ninchennase solidarity
@donovanlocust1106 2 жыл бұрын
@@Ninchennase what "human rights?"
@sophia-helenemeesdetricht1957 2 жыл бұрын
As a Trans Woman (tm), I have to say I really appreciate my cis male allies that are willing to make some noise. Most of what we get over here are guys who can be cajoled into admitting that they find us hot, but wouldn't be caught dead openly supporting us. Regardless of the former, there's something wonderful about guys who aren't trans but dammit, are going to stand up for us 'cause it's the right thing to do!
@deannasmith4443 2 жыл бұрын
shaun is not strictly cis btw. they've a video about it somewhere.
@sophia-helenemeesdetricht1957 2 жыл бұрын
@@deannasmith4443 aw crap! I didn't know that! Huh. I thought I had seen all their videos... well apparently not. Okay, I stand corrected
@Encysted 2 жыл бұрын
@@sophia-helenemeesdetricht1957 Did you find the video, or post? I didn't know about this either and I love snooping on public info.
@Encysted 2 жыл бұрын
@@deannasmith4443 I'd love a link!
@Encysted 2 жыл бұрын
@@deannasmith4443 I'd love a link!
@TinPrince 2 жыл бұрын
I'm glad to see you continuing this discussion/discourse about how utterly terrible the BBC has been in regards to not only the initial publishing of the article, but their attempts to deflect away from the clear transphobia present in their reporting. They feel they can get away with it because, as of right now, the pressure seems to be at a level they can brush aside. Having big content creators bring these things into public view is a very responsible use of your platform and co-ordinates people in a way that's very hard to do otherwise.
@Mr.Drew70 2 жыл бұрын
How much are the alphabets paying you to simp for them? You know BBC speaks the truth
@TinPrince 2 жыл бұрын
@@Mr.Drew70 if you're supporting the BBC using a sexual predator/assaulter as one of their key sources in a story about sexual assault you don't care about ethical journalism. The fact they didn't care either shows their interests are not in ethical/accurate journalistic reporting.
@Mr.Drew70 2 жыл бұрын
@@TinPrince At least sexual predators have a chance at being redeemed. Unlike you alphabet maniacs who attacked a straight pride parade and saying you want bullshit like “equality”
@desperatemohammedantheworl5833 2 жыл бұрын
Don't know or care what this video is about, who Shaun is or why I am subbed to his channel. What I do know is that transphobia is just as fictional as Islamophobia.
@salemcorriea5157 2 жыл бұрын
@@Mr.Drew70 Ah yes, straight cisgender people definitely need a parade and charities as we should all remember their oppression, especially their oppression at stonewall where gay and trans people made them angy and uncomfortable by existing. Let's also not forget the still ongoing cis drags and when asked if they'd accept their heterochromatic children, 55% of religious gays and transes said they'd kick the child out /s. You obviously have no idea what you're talking about.
@tunafour-shoes4618 2 жыл бұрын
Shaun is one of few skulls out there that can make "I would like to speak with your manager" sound righteous and badass.
@michaelcowan2853 2 жыл бұрын
“This is not a defense of the article, it is a condemnation of their editorial review process” -here lies the cold remains of the BBC
@pierpaolobianca3066 2 жыл бұрын
I'm honestly all-in for you "going Ahab" on this. If enough stubbornness is put in front of them they'll have to give clear answers and out themselves, sooner or later.
@nukiradio 2 жыл бұрын
Ahab Assigned Hero At Birth
@kafka9627 2 жыл бұрын
Omfg I assumed ahab meant assigned hater at birth
@The_Reality_Filter 2 жыл бұрын
Is Shaun also working for the FED's? Asking for a friend...
@aguyithink4119 2 жыл бұрын
@@The_Reality_Filter not insofar as I know. Do tell though, who is?
@The_Reality_Filter 2 жыл бұрын
@@aguyithink4119 his buddy Philosophy Tube you know the anti-establishment channel that's working for the you do.
@californiapenguin9434 2 жыл бұрын
When I read the BBC’s response to my complaint, I knew that Shaun was going to make another video about it.
@evanahearne1479 2 жыл бұрын
This is an absolutely horrific situation props to you Shaun for continuing to platform opposition to it
@puddles5501 2 жыл бұрын
no, its an argument about semantics and a beaten up moral panic.
@elizabethmcwhorter3445 2 жыл бұрын
@@puddles5501 whatever you say my dude, nice bait
@ianianianianian 2 жыл бұрын
@@puddles5501 well I guess the rest of us can go home since the only understanderer has logged on
@LearningDrummerSam 2 жыл бұрын
@@puddles5501 Yeah thats our point, the moral panic about trans people from the right is embarrassingly pathetic
@mattyb9991 2 жыл бұрын
@@puddles5501 Lmfao whatever you say dork
@Sage_the_Turt Жыл бұрын
the fact there's only a one month window to submit complaints after the article is published seems completely absurd to me.
@xelium4653 2 жыл бұрын
I'm not in a place to watch this video rn (as a transguy Transphoibia is not something I always want to hear about) But I want to thank you for making this video and continuing the discussion about how awful the bbc has been about transgender topics
@FlinnyWinny 2 жыл бұрын
Same, I'm just so utterly tired and depressed hearing this. But it's nice to know some people still speak up.
@nienke7713 2 жыл бұрын
quick summary of most important/uegent matters from the video (whilst avoiding any specifics of the article in question, complaints, or response from BBC) -if you haven't made an official complaint and want to do so (or make another initial compalaint), you need to do so before monday (30 days after article was published) -BBC basically send the same 2 unsatisfying responses to everyone complaining about this article (even though the responses didn't always fully adress everything) -Shaun is going to escalate his response and shows/explains how the process works -Note that when you escalate, they typically only address anythig that was in your original compalint; this could be a reason why you'd want to make another standalone complaint to adress anything you didn't yet address in your initial complaint
@toasterenthusiast8023 2 жыл бұрын
Don't worry were punching back, by the looks of things it might take a while but were not gonna let up till things change for the better.
@TheIntellectusMan 2 жыл бұрын
Sending good vibes, friend Hopefully things go better in the future
@lucitheunlucky 2 жыл бұрын
Hey look, we're in the same boat... But ima watch it and be angry enough for the both of us. You're valid and stay safe.
@TheCommunistColin 2 жыл бұрын
I got my response from them a few days ago and it literally put me in a bad mood immediately upon reading it, from how clearly and transparently they simply didn't give a fuck about doing the right thing. Thank you for keeping on top of this Shaun.
@RanEncounter 2 жыл бұрын
Hopefully you made the second step complaint.
@elvingearmasterirma7241 2 жыл бұрын
Same! When they said they had no obligation to fix it... I gave them a scathing review and I will be sending in a second complaint. And a third. And a fifth. And I suggest we all do the same until they buckle.
@TheCommunistColin 2 жыл бұрын
@@RanEncounter Tried to but the website wouldn't let me. Nothing happened when I clicked the submit button. Gonna try again tomorrow.
@cristianoreddevil9736 2 жыл бұрын
Stalin didnt like transgenders
@hellcat2533 2 жыл бұрын
@@cristianoreddevil9736 Stalin was also literally born in the 1800s. Can you tell me which capitalist nation was friendly to trans people before the end of the cold war? Hell can you name one that is genuinely 100% supportive of transgender issues now?
@TheVeeBeaT 2 жыл бұрын
I got the “well actchtually” response where they said that “high profile” is subjective. To which my complaint, in more polite academic language, said “fuck you, compared to the other hacks you deigned ‘high profile’ enough to include, Chelsea Poe is a rockstar.”
@ooooneeee 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for destroying their response 😎😂. Hopefully they'll have to write individual responses that actually engage with complaints at some point.
@sorel7342 2 жыл бұрын
Yep I got the “get the l out” one despite my complaint not being focused on the survey. I wrote mostly about a dangerous conflation of “what ppl talk about on Twitter” versus actual pressure into sex and how offensive that is to people who have actually been assaulted
@sashaboydcom 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah, I made a similar complaint, and got the same response. Like, almost none of the evidence they provide is even relevant to their claim that cis women are "being pressured into sex by some trans women", and certainly not the implied claim that this is more common than cis women pressuring other cis women.
@NotSoLegendaryGreen 2 жыл бұрын
I'm so pissed. It's not okay to debate racism but it's totally okay to debate trans people's rights? Props to you for keeping the pressure on, it's gonna be a long one.
@nukiradio 2 жыл бұрын
Black and trans. Seeing the whole industrial world having learned nothing from racism and its bigoted patterns, it's almost _obtrusive_ levels of willfully ignorant.
@ladywaffle2210 2 жыл бұрын
What's the old saying? "Trans rights are Human rights"? That.
@GlamStacheessnostalgialounge 2 жыл бұрын
@@ladywaffle2210 Nah, right now they saying is "Oh we totally accept the fact you're trans, but we just won't give you any access to proper bathrooms, purposefully misgender you, make your life a living hell and actually be glad that so many trans people are depressed and suicidal. But other than that we fully support you!"
@Danny-kk4nj 2 жыл бұрын
@@nukiradio You're so right, honestly the longer I'm alive the more patterns I see in bigotry, so much of it gets recycled from one minority to another.
@ByddinRhyddidCymru 2 жыл бұрын
It’s almost like one is a real issue and the other is adults playing dress up, a man in a dress is not a woman
@Cerise4697 2 жыл бұрын
Gee, a "higher volume of complaints than normal," I sure do wonder why.
@zeppie_ 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you Shaun, for (rightfully) getting mad at the BBC. As a trans girl, it warms my heart to see this
@clydenoc2077 2 жыл бұрын
In my response I mentioned the factual errors regarding when they said they didn't talk to people, and they told me "they did not have an obligation to include anybody simply because somebody felt they should" which was super frustrating. It was a factual error! That's much different than what they said.
@aylbdrmadison1051 2 жыл бұрын
Apparently they're just giving that same response to everyone. It's just a standard response applicable to anything having to do with who is on a program. Think about how many different things that exact same response could easily apply to. Things having nothing at all to do with transgender people even.
@soupalex 2 жыл бұрын
yeah, it's par for the course with bbc complaints ime. i recently wrote a letter of complaint about their interpretation of a meta-analysis of lifetime CO_2 emissions (presented as a quiz): i very carefully and clearly explained what they got wrong (e.g. quoting the mean for a category as the _median_ for _one element_ from that category; changing the phrasing of some categories in such a way that suggests something completely different than was analysed in the study; saying that "buying an electric vehicle" would have such and such a reduction in emissions, when the study _actually_ said _changing from already owning a petrol/diesel vehicle_ to _one specific type_ of electric vehicle,_ and so on), and their response might as well have said "tldr" for all that they seemed to address anything that i'd actually said. i'd have been better off writing directly to the authors of the study and saying "the beeb is misrepresenting your work" (not that that's an option in this case)
@johnchessant3012 2 жыл бұрын
Tbh at this point my motivation to press on is 50% fighting transphobia, 50% rage at that half-assed response we all got
@kazzajaxon7566 2 жыл бұрын
Shaun is now deciding to wage war on the BBC. This is not something I expected to see, and am very curious about the outcome.
@VeinyWombat 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for speaking on this Shaun
@daniel.tufeanu 2 жыл бұрын
Is he speaking about it? Haven't watched the video yet. More people should be talking about it!
@daniel.tufeanu 2 жыл бұрын
If this is not about what I'm thinking of, the comment reads very weird, so I'm sorry 😂
@VeinyWombat 2 жыл бұрын
@@daniel.tufeanu I didn't understand that
@daniel.tufeanu 2 жыл бұрын
@@VeinyWombat sorry I thought it's a "mouthfeel" joke 😅 I watched the video eventually and realised you were speaking of the whole BBC transfobia and means to respond as presented by Shaun
@DialecticRed 2 жыл бұрын
@@daniel.tufeanu what is "mouthfeel"?
@Lady_Rhea 2 жыл бұрын
In my experience of being a trans gay woman (I get nervous saying Lesbian because while I identify as such I am scared I might invoke the ire of someone) It was really painful watching the way this article hurt some of my close friends. I mean, for fuck"s sake, Many of these girls are uncomfortable wearing dresses in public out of fear(let alone the various suggestions and allusions made in this article), and are in turn being fed the fears and anxieties they try to suppress daily to live as themselves genuinely. Fed fear by the BBC of all organizations. It hurts. It fucking hurts.
@ianianianianian 2 жыл бұрын
hey, I hope that some day soon you won’t have to feel so conflicted about expressing who you are; some of my best friends are trans lesbians who have struggled with the same thing because of other people’s willful ignorance and hostility. wishing you well and all the best! ✨solidarity with all trans lesbians from a humble non-cis gay
@user-ld6wx2my1t 2 жыл бұрын
Im a queer cis woman and I really don't think you should stifle your identity just to avoid upsetting close-minded people. You're a woman, and if you're exclusively attracted to other women, then you're a lesbian!
@fairylesbyaintdve6536 2 жыл бұрын
I’m a….,not Cis , but assigned female, lesbian. You are a lesbian Hazel. My words should obviously not hold any more weight in this matter than yours or the words of any other trans lesbian/trans wlw, but because we Live In A Society, if it at all feels like they do, I want you to know that I above all else affirm your identity as a lesbian. The cis lesbian community has a HUGE transphobia/transmisogyny/TERF problem that we’ve gotta be active in combatting……I think in deciding to gatekeep trans lesbians, the terfs who often claim to be advocates of lesbian culture reduce the lesbian experience massively, by acting like it’s just like, idfk, being born w a vagina and eating out someone who also has a vagina they’re born with. It’s disgusting. To respond to your actual comment, it’s really atrocious that such a fucking staple in “reliable news reporting” would participate and platform and DEFEND this fearmongering, unabashed hate speech of an article. I hope you and your friends can find someday soon that you’re able to embody and express your womanhood without fear.
@kitwhitfield7169 2 жыл бұрын
Cishet woman, so can’t say much from an inside perspective - but it’s awful you and your friends are getting hurt, you don’t deserve it, have a cyber-hug. xxx
@silentevenings4506 Жыл бұрын
Cis lesbian here. Hi, hello, welcome. I hope you feel comfortable calling yourself a lesbian if that label feels right to you. Trans, cis, enby, regardless, if you relate to the feminine, female, womanly, etc experience and claim that as part of your life and identity, and are mainly attracted to others who also do, you can call yourself a lesbian. And anyone who wants to gatekeep that can eat a sock.
@manigen 2 жыл бұрын
I like the BBC. I don't like transphobia. The only way to separate the two is to make it editorially impossible for the BBC to continue acting in a transphobic manner. So I'm in this for the long haul too.
@att6484 2 жыл бұрын
afraid to say this but, you probably shouldn't like the bbc. their journalism is often very pisspoor, and they maintain this air of political neutrality which is betrayed by their actual reporting. imo the only reason to ever watch bbc is match of the day.
@basedbattledroid3507 2 жыл бұрын
They used to be signed up with the Stonewall diversity scheme, it didn't have any control over their editorial standards, but it ensured their workplace would be safe for LGBTQ+ employees. Recently they have decided to drop the scheme, meaning their workplaces no longer have training or precautions to make their workplace safe for LGBTQ+ staff
@ladywaffle2210 2 жыл бұрын
Welcome to the beginning of the march, comrade. The thunder of our boots shall herald our victory.
@Kat-nd5fq 2 жыл бұрын
I absolutely despise the BBC, and with many a good reason. The transphobia, the racism, the hypocrisy in representation of political parties, covering up for Jimmy Saville, the overall lack of journalistic integrity is sickening and infuriating.
@att6484 2 жыл бұрын
@@Kat-nd5fq the bbc will cover their own arses at every opportunity. it's a rotten institution from bottom to top.
@sashaboydcom 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for doing this Shaun. This article has been weighing on me for some reason. I got the "based on a survey of 80 people" response, even though my complaint only briefly mentioned the survey, and it wasn't about the sample size, it was about how the definition of "pressured into sex" included being "harassed" for 'stating that their sexuality excludes males regardless of their “gender identity”'. In other words, facing backlash for transphobia somehow counts as being pressured into sex, and they're using this as a central piece of evidence for the article.
@sashaboydcom 2 жыл бұрын
Oh, another thing I wanted to add was that trans people in general are less "high profile" than cis people, apart from a small number of exceptions like Caitlyn Jenner, so the BBC excluding mention of the interview(s) they did on that basis just ends up biasing the conversation in favor of higher-profile cis people.
@ronanstephens1597 2 жыл бұрын
The Get The L Out aren't even subtle with their transphobia. Their main mission statement on their website says they oppose all 'transgenderism'. The survey report itself refuses to refer to trans women as women because the author openly says she disagrees with trans identities. They're not even pretending to 'just want to keep women only spaces safe' or what most of the more coy transphobes say. Either nobody at the BBC bothered to even check their website or read the survey or they just didn't care.
@laurenlewis4189 2 жыл бұрын
to think I discovered this channel because of a lack of ethics in (games) journalism, and now we've come full circle to an *actual* lack of ethics in journalism! Thanks Shaun, keep fighting the good fight
@GelidGanef 2 жыл бұрын
#gaymergayte It really is about ethics in journalism this time!
@TAP7a 2 жыл бұрын
"Ethics" in "games" "journalism": not actually very important Ethics when deciding whether the life and liberty of trans people is up for debate: actually quite important Yet the amount of energy a vast swathe of people put into being activists for one hugely outweighs the other
@DredgeMage 2 жыл бұрын
15:25 As a non-brit I'm down for 6 months of videos on/about the BBC. Before all of this I actually used to think they were a fairly reputable source. Somewhere above CNN but below NPR.
@deannasmith4443 2 жыл бұрын
NPR isn't an unbaised source either. depending on where you are at, it's funding is in large part due to the fossil fuel industry... and it shows in the framing and coverage of those topics.
@Stellar_Politics 2 жыл бұрын
As a trans girl I found this video very insightful and I feel appreciative that you are defending us especially in spite of the risks of tackling a large corporation such as the BBC.
@jess_o 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for not letting their horrible "responses" go unchallenged
@frogfan449 2 жыл бұрын
thanks for making these videos and trying to genuinely do something. i dont think anything pisses me off as much as transphobia in mainstream news
@damien678 2 жыл бұрын
It's just So Much All The Time, why do we gotta be the world's number 1 punching bag for the last, what, 6 years?
@aylbdrmadison1051 2 жыл бұрын
@@damien678 : I know this won't make it easier, and in a way it shouldn't, everyone should be mad as hell this stupid phobia even exists. But this is pretty much the same BS that gay people went through when I was a child. And although there is still whole lot of homophobia, things have become a little better. My point is that humanity is evolving, it's in our nature to evolve. To us watching that evolution from the perspective of our short lives, it sure looks like it stands still a lot. But if we look at history it's clear we are evolving and becoming less bigoted overall. In the 1970's no one ever even talked about transgender people, and there were cowardly idiots who would drive through the Castro district in San Fransisco (yes, even there) just to throw rocks at the gay men. It's good to see things have improved some, but it often takes decades, even generations. It also seems to many my own age that we've taken a step back recently, but these bigoted (delusional) people have always been around, it's just that with the internet they all have a platform now to spout their hate with full anonymity. Even so, one step back and three steps forward is still forward momentum. We are winning in the long run. So in the meantime, I want to commend the strength and character of everyone who is on the correct side of history! Compassion breeds strength, wisdom, and honesty. Keep being you! ^-^
@notrod5341 2 жыл бұрын
Lmao "we carefully reviewed the article" How bad was it beforehand, christ
@jamiel6005 2 жыл бұрын
The word ‘some’ was definitely shoehorned in.
@PropheticShadeZ 2 жыл бұрын
This is the kind of collective action I think KZfaqrs should advocate for, I think it would be a good outlet for the fustration at institutions and you can direct and directly manage how people are engaging in this activity instead of random hatred on twitter being thrown around
@Tacom4ster 2 жыл бұрын
Anybody watched Jesse Gender essays? That's a great Trans KZfaqr, talking about Trans issues
@ladygrey4113 2 жыл бұрын
Kat Blaque is another goodie
@eurekamreum5458 2 жыл бұрын
And Mia Mulder!
@StNick119 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the recommendo, friendo.
@deannasmith4443 2 жыл бұрын
not a fan of jessie. she downplays and tries to gaslight other trans folks when they call out the transphobia of people like steven woodford. also: shaun isn't cis. sincerely, a trans.
@BurningFyre 2 жыл бұрын
@@deannasmith4443 Shaun not being cis is news to me
@justabitofamug6989 2 жыл бұрын
I can't believe I have to say that my rights are not a debate, but here we are...
@grilledpook 2 жыл бұрын
this fight is all too common unfortunately
@BKDBut 2 жыл бұрын
I bet I could name peoples' rights that you think should be taken away. You're special though. World should bend over backwards for you.
@CharlotteSWeb-oh7ou 2 жыл бұрын
I don't think you people realize what you are revealing about yourself when you say things like this.
@BKDBut 2 жыл бұрын
@@CharlotteSWeb-oh7ou who? The person using this false but catchy line?
@Amanda-C. 2 жыл бұрын
Shaun. This is getting serious, and I have to start thinking deviously. I don't know what measures you already have in place for protection from general shenanigans (doxing attempts, nuisance copyright takedowns, etc.) But, if you haven't buckled down and backed up everything of value, yet, I think you need to be taking steps. I don't know quite how this whole "national public broadcaster" thing works on your side of the Atlantic, but I do know that you're poking a very large bear, and I don't want to think about what kind of retaliatory measures might be coming this way if they figure out where it's coming from. That said, it's incredibly satisfying to hear we've drawn blood, metaphorically. Let's keep bleeding them.
@1998Cebola 2 жыл бұрын
I think worrying about the BBC retaliating is unnecessary, but 4chanesque types are a real threat
@myrarblom9539 2 жыл бұрын
I genuinely don’t think that bbc is going to retaliate, as bbc receives tens of thousands (142k, according to them, from april 2020 to april 2021) of complaints.
@christineherrmann205 2 жыл бұрын
I think there might be YT shenanigans starting already since I've been subscribed since the Jimmy Dore drubbing and this didn't come up in my feed. Like, WTH? I'm glad it happened to hit my home page, even if it disappeared on refresh when I went to share it with a friend whose child is transitioning.
@thexalon 2 жыл бұрын
Shaun's already taken on Gamergate before - he knows how to defend himself.
@notshardain 2 жыл бұрын
@@thexalon gamergate was absolutely horrendous for the targets chosen by the movement...but... When it comes to TERFS and the anti-trans organizations and communities, they're generally more organized and focused in their attacks on whoever they decide is arguing for their enemy. They're even worse about brigading peoples' accounts than GG was, and that's saying something. While I'm sure Shaun knows what he's doing and is prepared for hell, it's still valid for people to express concern.
@marrymar1274 2 жыл бұрын
This is BBC's reply to my complaint.. Absolute joke! 'In preparing the article, the BBC conducted a number of interviews with a number of people over a number of months. However, it is commonplace for some interviewees, who may have been spoken to during the research stage, not to feature in the final version of an article due to a number of factors. As the article states, a number of high-profile commentators on this issue were contacted but declined to contribute. The definition of ‘high profile’ is clearly open to debate but the journalist considered it appropriately reflected the wider public profile of those she contacted and their track record in discussing transgender issues. There is no obligation upon the BBC to include a contributor purely on the basis that someone may wish us to do so, or indeed because a complaint about not having done so is received.'
@clydenoc2077 2 жыл бұрын
I got that too! Fuckin' ridiculous.
@BurningFyre 2 жыл бұрын
"We're unbiased, which we shall demonstrate by refusing to present a fair position against the hate speech we're propagating"
@asinineAbbreviations 2 жыл бұрын
that last sentence is so condescending it honestly makes me mad
@grumpysphinx4911 2 жыл бұрын
Honestly, when I sent my complaint in I had the feeling they were going to come up with some nonsense to try and avoid apologizing, but even still when I saw their response I immediately got pissed off. It frustrates me to no end the lengths they go to to avoid taking action and accountability for this garbage they're spewing which is actually harmful and putting people's lives in danger. This goes to show they just don't care about the other human beings that this horrible article (and many others they so gladly published) affects, and that's heartbreaking.
@fluidthought42 2 жыл бұрын
@@asinineAbbreviations It also has nothing to do with any legitimate complaint, as the issue is the factual error in saying that trans rights figures were contacted but none wanted to go on record. The BBC just wants to keep thst line there because they know it makes them look more respectable and not simply an obvious mouthpiece for propaganda.
@timothymeyer3210 2 жыл бұрын
Subscribers with notifications can see unlisted videos by the way Shaun. In other news, since your last video you've really made me more aware of the obvious transphobia of many large news outlets
@TheAgamidaex 2 жыл бұрын
wait, really? unlisted videos shouldn't notify anyone, that's very weird
@juanfranciscobrizuela 2 жыл бұрын
I submitted my complaint using the fake title "Lord", and the BBC actually adressed me by that title in their response. So I'm Lord Brizuela from here on out.
@CK-nh7sv 2 жыл бұрын
Good lord, british people...
@sabalos 2 жыл бұрын
Literally about three hours before this video went up, I got an email from the BBC (my third from them - 1st was the rubbish form response everyone got, second was the 'sorry, we're snowed under' one after I elevated the complaint) just inviting me to move straight on to raising the complaint with Ofcom. So maybe they have just given up trying to keep it from reaching that point.
@Rhubarb.and.Crustard 2 жыл бұрын
I like the cutting-edge thumbnail design
@MrHat. 2 жыл бұрын
B *2* C
@nopainnogainsley 2 жыл бұрын
You nailed it. Thanks for articulating my exact thoughts on this response. Hope it gets results.
@u76bo7h 2 жыл бұрын
I just want to say to any person with a trans or other non binary gender who needs to hear this. You are valid. Your gender is valid. You are loved. You have allies. That's all. I truly hope this helps someone, even if only a little bit, amongst all this transphobia. Much love!
@isaacandersen1 2 жыл бұрын
Some people call the bbc “woke;” they aren’t even close.
@Methus3lah 2 жыл бұрын
I’m not on Twitter, but I figure I can share my experience here. The text of my complaint is as follows: The article in question paints trans women as predators. I know that it says “some”, but that “some” is frankly meaningless when it comes to the message you’re sending. It is no different from saying that ‘we’re being pressured into sex by some lesbian women’, ‘we’re being pressured into sex by some gay men’, ‘we’re being pressured into sex by some black people’, etcetera. As a trans woman, this kind of scaremongering about my existence is heartbreaking, especially coming from BBC. I used to look up to your organization, especially the many documentaries you’ve produced. I don’t look up to BBC quite as much anymore. Painting groups of people as sexual predators is a well-worn tactic of oppressors. Particularly, I’m noticing similarities to portrayals of black men that used to be very prevalent: as “apeish brutes coming to violate our women”. I don’t enjoy making that comparison, but I think it’s necessary to put things into context. I don’t doubt that some trans women have been predatory. But making this about the fact that we’re trans is putting the responsibility for individual crimes on our community as a whole. This kind of fear mongering will get trans women killed. Heck, it’ll get cis women killed if they “look trans”. I want the article deleted, and I want it deleted soon. I also want the BBC to release a public apology to the transgender community as a whole for hateful messaging, also soon.   --------- I got the first response detailed in this video.
@NezumiVA 2 жыл бұрын
Sincerely, thanks for this Shaun, and everyone who followed the lead and complained/escalated. The transphobia this past few months of the year in particular has been so extreme and grotesque that it's really gotten me down, being a trans woman, and seeing people actively refute this garbage is comforting.
@teddyb600 2 жыл бұрын
Hi Shaun. You probably won’t see this, but I want to thank you dearly for your calm, collected and damming responses to the BBC. I and many other people (especially other trans people, I can imagine), feel such intense anger at the BBC’s… bleh, that we can’t even begin to form an intellectual response to it. I know I can’t. But you’ve put… everything into words perfectly. You’ve done an incredible job with this, and if I could shake your hand then I would, because you show that there are people who care. People who are as disgusted at this discrimination as I am. And it’s enough to move me to tears to see that someone else cares. Thank you for being an amazing ally, and an amazing person.
@martinjones5622 2 жыл бұрын
Today is the first time my attention had been drawn to the article. I have now submitted my complaint, which is as follows: "The BBC directly linked an openly transphobic source, which likened "all transsexuals" to rapists and presented it as objective. The BBC platformed a source with a known history of sexual violence against women (Lily Cade, of which the BBC were made aware in September 2021) to exemplify the victims of sexual violence against women. [This source was later removed from the article for unrelated reasons.] The BBC trivialised the experiences of actual sexual assault survivors by presenting them as equal in severity to people who disagree with campaigns for transgender rights. The BBC's own website asserts that "racism is not up for debate", yet the BBC published an article explicitly promoting transphobia, justifying it as part of a debate. The BBC has received many complaints about the journalistic standards and discriminatory messaging within the article, and has released generic statements that deliberately fail to answer the points being raised therein. The BBC has not, despite being made aware of these issues, removed the article from its website. The BBC has not, despite being made aware of these issues, offered any apology for the actions and processes that led to them. The BBC has not, despite being made aware of these issues, made any suggestion that they will stop said issues from continuing to occur. By publishing this article, the BBC has failed to "act in the public interest". By publishing this article, the BBC has failed to "serve all audiences". By publishing this article, the BBC has failed to "provide impartial, high-quality output". By publishing this article, the BBC has failed to "inform, educate [or] entertain"."
@luccaladinig2783 2 жыл бұрын
Can I copy some parts of your complaint? I submitted one when the article was still relatively new, but didn't check the 'I need a reply' option, so I'm going in again.
@martinjones5622 2 жыл бұрын
Sure - take as much as you need
@acastanza 2 жыл бұрын
Round 2, here we go! Major props to you Shaun for leading the charge here!
@sarahfrench5103 2 жыл бұрын
As a weird aside, I recently discovered (though I had suspected this might be the case as soon as I saw that photo of Lily Cade in the article) that someone I know was good friends and roommates with Lily Cade when I first met her several years ago and I just can't stop thinking about how weird that is.
@AKhoja 2 жыл бұрын
Wow, really? Has that person said anything about Cade in recent months?
@sarahfrench5103 2 жыл бұрын
@@AKhoja I haven't talked to her since before seeing the article, so I'm not sure what her feelings are about her now.
@theangrycheeto 2 жыл бұрын
@@sarahfrench5103 Do you think Lily Cade was always a POS or do you think something broke her brain? I mean aside from being a de gene rate r@pist, of course.
@sarahfrench5103 2 жыл бұрын
@@theangrycheeto I have no idea. I actually never met her. I mean, obviously something broke in her brain, to be able to write the heinous things she did. But my best friend did know her through the roommate and has always not liked her, for whatever that's worth.
@hassaization 2 жыл бұрын
Shaun I don't know how best to put this but I fucking love you. I honestly feel so heard by this and really really appreciate everything you've done and will continue to do
@reyna534 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for putting out another video Shaun! I wish I could have sent you the response I got as well. I focused on how the author framed her article and what ideas she highlighted and their response was... more or less the same. It basically said "no, we are impartial and not bias" even though the entire article frames trans people as dangerous, with an entire set of quotes focused on a trans woman not being treated as a woman, with the author presenting it as "this is the norm and how to think of this." It's frustrating to get a response that is so dismissive that it felt like an insult. I really hope this changes and the BBC can be... somewhat reputable again.
@sealogic4552 2 жыл бұрын
3:46 can we just take a minute to talk about how bad the writing is here? “Due to my own positionality?” “I will use the term males who call themselves / identify as women?” These sound like they were written by a middle schooler.
@Interesting_Failure 2 жыл бұрын
The core conclusion I'm getting from this is that they think being trans is a choice and there's no reason to be trans other than personal gratification, meaning that the "harms" of such a "choice" are up for discussion in the same way that we might talk about whether...I dunno, violent video games are bad, or something similarly asinine. Under this paradigm, "transphobia" is a word designed to shut down legitimate discussion in the same way as "anti-gamer" might be; this should tell you how seriously they take the potential impacts involved. In short, they're treating it the way we treated homosexuality decades ago, except without the religious excuse of it being "sinful" they just have to find people who hate it for equally idiotic reasons and give them a megaphone.
@FrozEnbyWolf150 2 жыл бұрын
It comes from the same exact place as homophobia, and every single one of the arguments is recycled from homophobia. The religious justification is buried several layers deep, but it's still there.
@Dradeeus Жыл бұрын
If I read an article and it says "we reached out to (person/group we're talking about) but they declined comment" I wouldn't want it to be a toss-up between "they didn't want to talk" and "they did provide comment but the journalist decided it wasn't valuable."
@legateelizabeth 2 жыл бұрын
You know, there’s an explanation for the whole ‘no trans people wanted to talk to me’ thing that’s worryingly possible: They all passed, so the author didn’t think they were trans.
@byebyecitybyebye 2 жыл бұрын
They said to me that "not all interviews could be included," which directly contradicts their other claims.
@game_boyd1644 11 ай бұрын
Trans rights are human rights, and the humanity of Trans people is non-negotiable
@Yukinoomoni 2 жыл бұрын
It doesn't shock me that, over actual trans women, BBC chooses a cis lesbian rapist to talk about trans women. What shocks me is how disgusting everyone else is for agreeing and siding with an actual woman rapist over accused, innocent, non-violent women.
@SwipSedai 2 жыл бұрын
Tbh being trans is fucking depressing sometimes (I remember the utter devastation i felt the first time someone pulled the all trans women are rapists thing on me) and it's just really nice to see a cis guy actually care enough to get heated about it and keep pressing the issue. thanks Shaun.
@mallapp6196 2 жыл бұрын
I just want to say, as a trans woman, that I really appreciate you speaking out about this. Please, keep up the good work.
@jakethebasher 2 жыл бұрын
Yesssss more Shaun on youtube!
@Pxtl 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for going captain Ahab on this. Everybody looking out for trans family members appreciate it.
@turbaecarissimus9752 2 жыл бұрын
The BBC really said "The first transphobia was so good we made transphobia 2."
@EphemeralTao 2 жыл бұрын
So-called "impartiality" is bullshit. "When one side is telling you it's raining, and the other side is telling you it's dry, the proper response is not to publish both quotes, the proper response is to look outside and find the truth."
@JasonMcCarrell 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the call to action and very clear instructions. I struggle with executive dysfunction and the clear reasoning and instructions make it accessible for me to help fight this! [I'm a busy trans woman too... so like, this is an exhausting thing to pursue... so the more accessible it is, the better.]
@ByddinRhyddidCymru 2 жыл бұрын
You’re a man
@gwenrees7594 2 жыл бұрын
@@ByddinRhyddidCymru please just get a life and stop trying to upset people on the internet
@spockezri 2 жыл бұрын
me too queen lmao trans people with no executive function rights!!! going to do this and literally follow along with the video
@ByddinRhyddidCymru 2 жыл бұрын
@@gwenrees7594 stop forcing men into women’s spaces and upsetting people in real life
@Spirited_skiing 2 жыл бұрын
@@ByddinRhyddidCymru Bro, you’re just rolling through these comments insulting people and seeing if you can get a response. Are you doing okay there, mate?
@Mene0 2 жыл бұрын
"Firstly I'm going to escalate my complaint" Damn are we going to see Shaun raise his voice?
@nuergang7278 2 жыл бұрын
Finally got the second response from them They made the same point that they did in the automated response from the first time "We can only reiterate that the choice of interviews which feature in the final version of an article is the legitimate expression of the editorial judgement of journalists and editors- and so does not usually raise the prospect of a breach of standards." which 1. doesn't address the complaint at all 2. ignores that I also complained about the inherent bigotry of the article's premise
@ultru3525 2 жыл бұрын
Hello BBC, I've conducted a small study using KZfaq comments on Shaun's videos on whether your editors are bigoted wankers, and an overwhelming majority of respondents appear to somewhat to strongly agree. Could I write an article on this for your website? I'm aware the study has some flaws, but I assure you I will not claim it to be representative in the article, and as there is a lack of better studies on the subject, refusing to publish it would violate your principle of impartiality. I also promise to interview some of the editors accused of being bigoted wankers, though please note that it is commonplace for interviewees to not feature in the final version of an article due to a variety of factors.
@Eudaletism 2 жыл бұрын
Nice satire.
@loorthedarkelf8353 2 жыл бұрын
Shaun, thank you for speaking out and encouraging others to do so as well. This is how we use the internet to organize
@T.H.W.O.T.H 2 жыл бұрын
I can't like this video enough. Thank you so much Shaun, and everyone who's taken the time to engage on the BBC's shoddy nonsense. 👍👍👍
@gabrieleperine2124 2 жыл бұрын
The BBCs responses, especially ones like, "we don't have to add someone to the article because they ask to be in it, silly goose" and "did you even read the article? we SAID our research was bad," are so annoying because it's like someone lodging their head up their @$$ and falling down a well and then insisting they have the high ground.
@thesleepydot 2 жыл бұрын
As a trans person, I really appreciate you fighting against the transphobia. Like I really, really do. Thank you.
@khill8645 2 жыл бұрын
'Our definition of high-profile includes KZfaqrs with fewer than 10k subs, quoting a video with 10k views and only 79 likes' really puts the scope of their delineation into stark relief.
@eragonarya225 2 жыл бұрын
i’m pretty sure shaun has sworn in videos before but something about the way he says “shite” about 9 minutes in is the most emphatic curse i’ve ever heard him use
@clown2earth 2 жыл бұрын
just received this response: "We can only reiterate that the choice of interviews which feature in the final version of an article is the legitimate expression of the editorial judgement of journalists and editors- and so does not usually raise the prospect of a breach of standards." 😐😑
@CassandraForAGlobalTroy 2 жыл бұрын
Got the same, AND The ECU escalation process doesn't work at all when I try to use it. Tried to post the whole thing here, but apparently my description of the process was too controversial for KZfaq and it just never showed up? Love too live in a system where there is no accountability for the powerful.
@UsenameTakenWasTaken 5 ай бұрын
​@@CassandraForAGlobalTroy I don't know, I think the French came up with an intriguing device that could speed up some... cuts, to their budget.
@mayajade6198 2 жыл бұрын
Ah yes, I see the BBC are doing their part to continue the long and noble tradition of honest and totally non-incendiary British journalism.
@emilydivis6369 2 жыл бұрын
I neither expect nor want a response to my complaint, but I said "Yes" when they asked if I need a response because I want to annoy these guys as much as possible. The more complaints they get about this article, the more effort it takes to keep it online and deal with the public response, and the more staunchly they take a public stance of transphobia as a result.
@richardlewis1035 2 жыл бұрын
As a fellow cis-presenting white man living on TERF Island, I've just joined you in sending a complaint. My first thought when seeing the BBC article a few weeks ago was 'oh f*ck, not again' and didn't have the energy to complain yet again about even more overt transphobia, which spews daily from all manner of British journalism and propaganda. Thanks for your videos and hearing from fellow comrades (brothers in arms? siblings on keyboards?), I've had the kick up the bum needed to persuade me to do something about it. Knowing there are others out there gives me more hope that something will eventually come from our efforts, but as you say, it's going to be a long fight.
@GiantPetRat 2 жыл бұрын
Regarding that quote from Raymond in "Get the L Out" about "trans women raping womens' bodies by reducing them to an artefact", I do wonder how my stepmother, Lisa, would respond to that. She was repeatedly raped by a family friend when she was nine, has been out as a lesbian for most of her life, and is happily married to my mom, who is a trans woman. Yes, somehow, this brave woman managed to swallow her bile and meet my mother at the aisle. What crazy times we are all living in.
@lauravining3871 2 жыл бұрын
Always a good day when Shaun uploads.
@PlatinumAltaria 2 жыл бұрын
Always a bad day when Shaun tweets, though.
@ThomAvella 2 жыл бұрын
@@PlatinumAltaria his tweets bang, idk what you mean
@temerianlillies 2 жыл бұрын
@@PlatinumAltaria true
@PlatinumAltaria 2 жыл бұрын
@@ThomAvella You mean like when he tells people not to vote against fascism because liberalism is "still bad"(???) or when he suggested a $50 minimum wage? Or when he said Twitter was good? I mean that last one is pretty indefensible no matter where you stand on the other two. But seriously though he has SO MANY bad takes on Twitter. People like Vowsh at least mix their good and bad takes evenly between platforms, but he segregates them like oil and water.
@ThomAvella 2 жыл бұрын
@@PlatinumAltaria he didn't say any of those things
@hedwyn8137 2 жыл бұрын
I'm very glad you're bringing this up again, I got a reply from the BBC on the 2nd of November and escalated right away. I've yet to get a reponse back. Because of this video, I'm going to submit a fresh complaint mentioning their failure to reply and recounting exactly why their original complaint wasn't good enough!
@TripleGia 2 жыл бұрын
Somehow I'm both surprised and not surprised at all that the BBC is doubling down so hard on this
@returnosf5043 2 жыл бұрын
BBC Automated Response: "We are sorry to learn you weren't satisfied with our earlier response and appreciate that you felt strongly enough to contact us again." Ahahahahahahahahaha
@randomcommentor Жыл бұрын
Shout out to Mark Keller, who has devoted his life to Shaun's comment section. I personally thank you for your great sacrifice - You being here as an ideologic minority means you're spending less time spreading misinformation where it might actually reach someone.
BBC Transphobia Part 3
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The Fate of the Frog Men
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THEY made a RAINBOW M&M 🤩😳 LeoNata family #shorts
LeoNata Family
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Me: Don't cross there's cars coming
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The Snowflake Generation? A Response to Thoughty2
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Response to BBC transphobia
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Group Bias & Black Pigeon Speaks
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What Every Girl Needs To Hear: A Response to Lauren Southern
How PragerU Lies to You - The British Empire
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Sargon of Akkad Can't Read
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BBC Transphobia Part 4:  The ECU Response
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Stefan Molyneux's Native American Genocide - A Response
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The Great Replacement Isn't Real - ft. Lauren Southern
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How The Media Promotes Transphobia
Tom Nicholas
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Рет қаралды 20 МЛН