Best COH2 USF Commanders Ranked

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Greyshot Productions

Greyshot Productions

5 жыл бұрын

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@paulallen3834 4 жыл бұрын
Rifle Company should've never been nerfed. Axis players scream and cry at any sign of a good USF Commander and demand then to be nerfed.
@ayemikeyy3537 4 жыл бұрын
@undoisteinkekshd1093 4 жыл бұрын
Axis Players are just crying idiots.
@ayemikeyy3537 4 жыл бұрын
@@undoisteinkekshd1093 they cry about rifle company and demand to be nerfed... yet german infantry, early game brumbaars are op. brumbaars have so much health and damage and armor, panthers are also op compared to tank destroyers. if anything axis need buffs.... and i main axis.... i want fair games not bad. rifle comapny wasso fun to play
@undoisteinkekshd1093 4 жыл бұрын
And when one person with OKW has fortification doctrine, that dude just plays brits, but more OP
@sirboot1630 5 жыл бұрын
3:47 that's the face of someone who just witnessed a cold blooded murder on an innocent spider
@charlesdanielsarino2951 4 жыл бұрын
It's sad because in history m26 Pershing is designed to kill panthers and big game german tanks but they nerfed it and pull to infantry support role
@mauriciorv228 3 жыл бұрын
Are u insane? The pershing can go toe to toe with a tiger in fact it can win because it has the armor piercing ammo ability. I played a match where i had to kill a king tiger so i did but with a snare. The pershing is damn good tank , u just need a snare and it’s gg for the king tiger since the pershing can outmaneuver it due its speed.
@armano4125 2 жыл бұрын
@@mauriciorv228 the question is, are you delusional
@fireinthehole19 5 жыл бұрын
Nice overview of the USF companies, however I have to disagree with your low critique of the Armor Company due to the usefulness of the Assault Engineers in urban and lane maps. When paired with Riflemen they can shred Sturmpioneers and just about any early game OKW and Wehrmacht infantry unit. Also they have by far some of the best utility in the game, stacking demo charges on top of mines in narrow pathways is almost guaranteed to wipe out Axis armor and infantry squads. In addition they have among the fastest repair rates, which is extremely useful for repairing Jackson TDs or any other armor in the late game and access to flamethrowers. If the flamethrowers are coupled with smoke grenades from officers, RE, or mortars they can devastate MG emplacements and easily secure the early game land grab. I only wish that the assault engineers were available to more commanders, otherwise I do agree that the rest of commanders abilities are kinda garbage and overpriced (specifically looking at the M4A3(105) that costs 140 fuel points and the 240mm gamble Artillery barrage that costs 250 munitions).
@abelcompany1556 5 жыл бұрын
Aside from assault engineer, it is useless M10 is more to be a cheaper Sherman for killing infantry, not a tank destroyer Tank crew equip with Thompson, no one gonna sent tank crew crew to fight
@Raven5431 5 жыл бұрын
@Expired Milk you can stand in the arty and might still take no damage whatsoever. Try to do the same in a circle of zeroing arty.
@rifle3888 5 жыл бұрын
@@abelcompany1556 Armor Co. have good kit if you really know how to use them. they FAR from useless
@Swanbergandy 4 жыл бұрын
I think Rifle Company deserves a low A tier. - Rear Echelon Flamethrowers give you fairly potent early game unit to put your engineers on par with the Germans - Fire Up! is a fairly under-utilized ability in low skill games and can allow you to more easily flank around tanks and get your troops past machine gun positions. - Rifle flares are great, especially in tandem with support weapons - White Phosphorus works great as both a smoke, and an area denial tool. Also has great synergy with Fire Up! - The "Easy Eight" is arguably the best tank in the American faction. It gives the Americans a powerful, well rounded tank to go up against the later game German armor EDIT: - With the addition of Rifleman Field Defences, this allows you to crank out rifleman early game without having to rely too much on rear echelon troops for fortifications Disclaimer: I didnt play before the Rifle Company Re-work so my opinion is based solely on the current commander. I started really getting into COH 2 a few months ago and I mainly play the USF
@zephmiddendorf5633 3 жыл бұрын
I’ve found m10’s useful to tag team a snared tiger or something, cheap fast at, i like em
@zion653 5 жыл бұрын
Was the Easy 8 from Rifle Company nerfed as well? I remember it being a very potent tank when it first came out.
@shermantankgaming7261 5 жыл бұрын
Ezine Anderson no it did not get nerfed
@zolafuckass8606 3 жыл бұрын
I wish Relix would make the 76 sherman standard. USF is fine on the infantry front, we just need better armor. Not even much better, just something that allows us to 1v1 Panthers.
@Raven5431 5 жыл бұрын
Vet 1 rifleman would have still been nice if they increased cp requirement into later game say cp 2 instead of removing it. P47's they could have combined the two abilities add make it 250 munitions and it would essentially be sector assault. M10 would be better if it could be built with either lieutenant or captain unlock. 240mm welp that's no zeroing arty that's for sure. Still needs to be changed. Way to costly with no consistency.
@CidSilverWing 3 жыл бұрын
240mm artillery is flatly useless. Never ever hits anything. Would prefer it be the 155 the I&R Pathfinders can call in, it comes down pretty fast and reliably kills anything, and leaves surviving vehicles stunned.
@shrek4949 5 жыл бұрын
The new usf commander can fight tanks, since it has Rangers which have the bazooka expert ability or whatever its called
@nausimur6035 5 жыл бұрын
I got a really insanely close game with the usf new commander i will sent it you in the nexts days
@ayyubabdullah9289 5 жыл бұрын
Sorry to say but Rangers +2-3 Bazookas (with the passive zook buff they get) and it's GG German armor. Also, the P-47 Thunderbolt's main armaments were 8x .50 caliber machine guns, so strafing tanks from the top would surely have damaged them since top, bottom, and rear were the weakest parts on most tanks.
@zion653 5 жыл бұрын
Rifle Company was Mmmmmm when it first came out. Instant vet1 squads with antitank grenade and a flamethrower upgrade. The early game was a joke, and I loved it!
@Fogcitycine 3 жыл бұрын
It was the spider on the wall for me 😂
@imanengineer10 5 жыл бұрын
1V1/2V2/3V3/4V4 are not seperated?
@Sharkonus 3 жыл бұрын
i know this is old. but today Armor commander is my favourite because of that 105mm.. anti infantry tank that shred even 4 squads of panzershreck in just 4-7 shots (depends if they are close together) also battle engineers are also very anti infantry. and if enemy use some tanks.. well i have anti tank gun or jackson/wolverine wich can destroy any tank in few shots. I rank this for A or B rank.. definetly not C or worse -_-
@omfgihopethisworks 3 жыл бұрын
Agreed, sherman bulldozer is awesome and wolverine is good when you are low on fuel
@marcinw.6795 3 жыл бұрын
@greyshot any chance for update as ofJune 2021? :)
@RedTheSaviour01 5 жыл бұрын
F for the spider
@Mochi-yo1wy 5 жыл бұрын
Recon support now are much better ...but the armor company good in 1vs1 and 2vs2..but 4vs4..i agreed with you ranking in c
@mauriciorv228 3 жыл бұрын
Heavy cav hands down the best one. The pershing can go toe to toe with a tiger and can stand a chance against the king tiger if supported with a snare.
@armano4125 2 жыл бұрын
No lmao
@rifle3888 5 жыл бұрын
Rifle Co. is higher than Armor Co.? Hold on right there buddy I know for meme with Armor Co. but they actually good if not, better than Rifle Co. Oh boy I know exactly what to play on stream lmao and you will see a sea of M10 Tokyo drift around the entire map My actual thought about Armor Co. down there if anyone looking for an actual way to play with Armor Co. who spamming them for 1k2 hours of my Coh2 playtime Armor Co. have a CQC troop with demo and flamethrower and mine. Have an American "T-34" that can actually deal early armor like P4, flank and rush enemy base without even really to care to mind because of it cheap for a Stuka Zu Fuss or PzWefer and it literally has the engine of Tokyo drift race car. A turret Brummbar with 20% damage reduction with the ability to make tank block/heavy cover on the move and smoke. An ability to vet your armor squad faster and repair faster than normal and a still RNG meme area denial cannot fully kill an artillery gun that just like an American drunk version of a B4. Thing is about the M10 is: you DONT use them like a Jackson and expect to snipe everything out. Use them like a T-34 that combine with a SU-85, in this case, is an M36 T-34 spam workable but M10 spam is not gonna work as well as the T-34 because they cannot effectively engage infantry well and they less durable less than a T-34 Use them as a trade-in unit, when the enemy unit nearly dead and as long as it something above a P4 in term of price. You just essentially paid for the M10 and got more bank with your buck without risking your 110FU Sherman or 140FU Jackson You don't want the M10 to replace the M36, you want them to be a compliment to the M36 and let's be real: M4 105 is way way way better at AI than HE Sherman. Take the 105 for great meat shield (Which the M8A1 can't do, normal Sherman can't do effectively and decent with M4 Dozer) and the M36 and you got an American wet dream right there. "Oh, how can they flank? they enemy just mine, have AT, every kind of unit guarding bla bla bla and bla..." Well, have the person who questions that even play anything beside 4v4? Do you know there is something called opportunity? Do I tell you just charge right in their line without creating a scene somewhere else and make a hole in their line first place? Yeah this is not I'm talking about Greyshot, it just a lot of random players I meet just screaming the same thing over and over without actually learn and craft a strat with the commander And of course the Assault Engineer gonna be outclassed by the Ober, hench the name "Engineer". Please don't tell me you still go for 2-3 Assualt engineer after 10min mark again actual long-range elite infantry, your Riflemens sitting there with 2 BARs for what? This is also the mistake with people go for Assualt Gren. They are 0CP unit that capable to do early shock at CQC, they are NOT you mainline infantry. They are early shock, flanking and utility infantry. If they can no longer dealing with frontline, pull the engineer back, build some mines, plant some demo, have them handy for CQC and remember, they do have a flamethrower. They can take on CQC and urban combat duty. Really, the people compare them with Ranger, Volks, PzGren, Gren, Rifles, Penals, etc... No, you don't, they literally the same as the SturmPioneer for god sake. Go and compare to them and you see how familiar they are and figure that you literally have the power of SturmPioneer on the American side but better! Yeah and I do agree with 240mm. No comment on that part. Just, Lelic, why? The only con with this commander is they a viable with 3v3 and below, 4v4 with just a cluster fuck that other commander is better at dealing with that Ok, so Rifle Co. Flare? - Major Plane. WP artillery? - 75mm Pack WP. Sprint? - Why the fuck you use that? EZ8? - I like it but 75.67% as nearly expensive as Phanter but Phanter will slap it every day so... get it after M36 if you expect them to rush Phanter.
@fmerritt2001 4 жыл бұрын
Rifle good comments about armor co. I rank cqc units the same as Relic: Assault Engineer 0 CP= good early game vs freakin assault grens but one is all you want. Great comments about the M10 vs M36 tds. You don’t see much commentary on KZfaq about proper use of those. 2 CP Cav Rifles = pretty good mid game, high micro mechanized with a halftrack, decent light vehicle killer with satchels. 3 CP Rangers and Paras are da best, scale up pretty good with Thompsons , fast detonate frags, and a pair of vet 3s can handle Obers or vet 3 Grenadiers. I play all random 1v1 through 4v4 and I like Armor Co for urban 1v1, their demo charges to wreck buildings and retreat paths, and team games. I go Pershing commander for most 1v1. I use Airborne for wide or large open maps in all games where I am not sure where the enemy will concentrate and I need mobility.
@mauriciorv228 3 жыл бұрын
I feel like people overall don’t fully see how the rangers can work as panzergrenediers or As US shock troops. 3 better bazookas or infantry cleaner.
@rhythmmandal3377 5 жыл бұрын
When the soviet one comes i'm pretty sure counter attack is gonna be s tier
@generalfred9426 5 жыл бұрын
Never underestimate the B4 Meme Cannon
@zolafuckass8606 4 жыл бұрын
It's the thing that sucks about USF, all the heavier armor is tied to Doctrines. I'd happily trade out the Jackson or Wolverine for the Easy Eight. I'm fine with the Pershing being tied to Doctrine, we just need better access to heavier armor.
@Little_Freak_Lifting 4 жыл бұрын
it would be nice to be able to upgrade the shermans 75mm on it as stock standard for the faction
@zolafuckass8606 4 жыл бұрын
@@Little_Freak_Lifting Exactly. Make it an optional upgrade from the 75 to the 76. Just something to go toe to toe with heavier armor.
@Little_Freak_Lifting 4 жыл бұрын
@@zolafuckass8606 also usf commanders have no real punch in my opinion not like other factions , where is the m18 hellcat ?
@zolafuckass8606 4 жыл бұрын
@@Little_Freak_Lifting Agreed. And even in regards to infantry, the USF can get outpaced late game. Especially against an OKW player who knows what they're doing. You need Rangers or Combat Engineers to keep pace, or else you're just gonna get blobbed by Sturmpioneers with STGs.
@brremsilverte.9022 4 жыл бұрын
3:44 Jesus
@night_panzerfeuer3095 5 жыл бұрын
Do a tier with Emplacements
@Phrogoid 4 жыл бұрын
Don't forget tac support gives you the clown car
@gabrieldinica3210 3 жыл бұрын
Funny hour armor co gives you bad armor
@matthewcalhoun4011 3 жыл бұрын
rifle company should be S tier don't @ me i win all day with easy 8's
@KeefGB 5 жыл бұрын
You guys need a new editor
@rifle3888 5 жыл бұрын
errr they edit it themselves...
@KeefGB 5 жыл бұрын
@@rifle3888 Did you not watch the video? They name the editor and that was the point of my comment.
@rifle3888 5 жыл бұрын
@@KeefGB wait where? i think i messed it
@MrPier91 4 жыл бұрын
the staff of COH 2 just ruined the game by selling the commanders in the f**king store!!! damn you !!! i'm really sad about this
@rotatingrobocockdarkdoggytechn 4 жыл бұрын
theyre expensive af tho, 4 euro for one
@robosergTV 3 жыл бұрын
wtf who cares about 3x3 or 4x4 lol. Do a review for 1v1 and 2v2
@shrek4949 5 жыл бұрын
The new usf commander can fight tanks, since it has Rangers which have the bazooka expert ability or whatever its called
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