Combat Con 2018 Rules

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Blood and Iron HEMA

Blood and Iron HEMA

6 жыл бұрын

Combat Con 2018 tournament rules.

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@thestuffmonster9856 6 жыл бұрын
I believe I understand the need for safety and the reasoning behind these rules and restrictions, but I have my own reasons for preferring a less restrictive ruleset: No hand hits? I think there are enough glove manufacturers that can supply gloves which safely protect hands given they don’t swing too wildly. In my opinion, it’s better just to restrict the glove manufacturer and type of glove and restrict wild blows rather than restrict hand hits. As for thrusts, is it really necessary to have full body movement? This is a blossfechten tournament, and if smaller, lighter weapons could execute opponents with an arm extension, I don’t see how the the same couldn’t injure a person without armor. One-handed blows. Yes, we all know and hate them, but as risky and sporty as they may seem, they can still cut targets, and can definitely disable a leg. As a matter of fact, they show up in Talhoffer (to the leg), Fiore, and other masters’ manuscripts. COUNTERS TO THESE are also provided. Instead of disallowing these things, they need to be provided as practice and motivation to fighters, forcing them to train, learn, and counter these moves. However, despite my contrasting viewpoints, these rules are respectable; your concern for safety is perhaps even admirable. I just don’t want tournaments to, after this, continue the trend of removing moves and target areas to the point where we transform HEMA back to “kendo with doubles”, as another commenter said.
@RandomAllen 6 жыл бұрын
I really don't get the hand hits thing. I know hand injuries are the most common in HEMA, hell I've had the worst hand injury in my club...but hand shots are important. Not even necessarily for the person performing the hand shots but for the person receiving the hand hit. It allows people to lead with their hand when striking, or do techniques like Zwerchs in stupid ways that would get your hands hit but don't count because of this ruleset. Regulating gloves is the best way to solve this problem not, taking away hand shots I agree. I think the thrust thing is kinda silly too. I just saw a rapier demo from Academy Duellio(I think that's how you spell it) and he could easily get a massive amount of penetration with just an arm and slight body lean...This again I feel may allow the other fighter to act sucidially. A thrust is very fucking dangerous and can go through a lightly clothed target with just an arm extension. How I count thrusts in my club and how Columbus does it as well, is any forward movement of the weapon that makes enough contact to "stick". You don't need for body power behind the thrust itself. I have a feeling that the one handed blows rule maybe to related to the Swordfish drama that happened last year with Novichenko. One handed strikes, while they can be dangerous,...I agree we just need to learn how'd deal with them as fighters because they were used historically and they are common. The biggest problem with the Novichenko thing was the sliding in on his knees into his opponent's crotch to avoid the afterblow timer,and bad judging more than just one handed strikes. One thing everyone should keep in mind is that it's a good thing we don't have a standardized ruleset for HEMA, this is just ONE tournament. They aren't changing the whole game everywhere, this is more a B&I thing than anything else... Also Kendo does have doubles!
@thestuffmonster9856 6 жыл бұрын
Redman A I agree with pretty much everything you said. I’m curious to see what will happen at Swordfish 2018 if Novichenko comes back. A lot of the hits he threw at Swordfish were too light but counted for points anyway. If that’s what the CombatCon organizers fear, they should just teach their judges to differentiate between a quality and contact hit. I have a strong feeling a lot of fencers (especially the high level ones) will be expecting Novichenko to pull off his handful of tricks (icepick grip and knee slide) and slam him for it. Perhaps Novichenko will come back with a new toolbox of moves. Who knows?
@thestuffmonster9856 6 жыл бұрын
Ian Hollier If it’s for a safety reason, then it makes sense why they’d disallow it. But I still think it’s a better idea to allow it and regulate leg protection as well as severity of hits (as they are already warning against excessive force). Most competitions, including the largest ones (Longpoint, Swordfish, Dutch Lions, all the Nordic ones, IGX, Tyrnhaw, Bratislavsky Fecht, as well as many more) allow them. As a matter of fact, I can’t think of a major HEMA competition hosted by someone else other than Blood and Iron that disallows these strikes. And while injuries do occur, the same can be said for HEMA in general. It is nowhere as dangerous as the mordschlag or other prohibited blows. Once again, it’s not something I don’t understand, it’s just something I don’t support. If it’s for a sport reason or “oh it’s cheap” then I don’t see why it’s disallowed. It’s shown in various treatises, and there’s no excuse for not countering them or failing to avoid them, as these treatises also provide counters. If it’s executed with the flat and/or without sufficient contact/force, then it shouldn’t be awarded any points.
@RandomAllen 6 жыл бұрын
Ian Hollier Who are you to talk? That's such a bullshit statement for a number of reasons. Do you live in a vacuum? The way you said that is filled with so much misplaced arrogance. You state this "fact" as if you are stating the obvious and anyone who dares disagree obviously doesn't know how to fight...which by extension you are saying people that both employ and allow Das Gayslan under their rulesets such as Matt Galas, Martin Fabian, Jake Norwood, the various organizers of Swordfish do not know what they are talking about. Do you REALLY wanna play that card...seriously. Are you going to pull Skall"s "feints don't work" card. Learn how to counter it instead of complaining about it. It's in the treatises and in the majority of tournaments, DEAL WITH IT! I don't really like Das Gayslan that much either, but I don't limit it in my club(unless someone doesn't have good leg protection) because if you don't know how to deal with it properly then you will get hit by it. One handed strikes to the legs that don't have good edge alignment or hit
@aidenfrost7008 4 жыл бұрын
Ian Hollier If you’re afraid of getting hurt maybe you shouldn’t be doing a COMBAT SPORT
@Shutendoji 6 жыл бұрын
Revenge strikes, as famously demonstrated by Lee Smith at the Rose City Classic
@Chaosism 6 жыл бұрын
Shutendoji Interesting. I looked up the relevant footage after reading your comment. That's a side of things I've rarely seen, to be honest. Thanks for your comment. :)
@Chaosism 6 жыл бұрын
bokudensuduharagmail Agreed. To be clear, most of the presentations of HEMA, especially from channels such as this one, exclude negative occurrences like this, so I don't see them very often. It's good to know that kind of stuff happens, in general, and I'm not looking at that single incident as damning of an individual (though a social media post from Lee saying he'll retaliate 'eye for an eye' is another story).
@Chaosism 6 жыл бұрын
bokudensuduharagmail I would imagine so after it gained public notice. I'd be plenty willing to give him the benefit of the doubt if he said he changed his mind on that. Thanks for your replies, I appreciate it.
@Shutendoji 6 жыл бұрын
It's well known that Lee has a serious attitude problem, not just in relation to that particular incident
@matthewpham9525 5 жыл бұрын
bokudensuduharagmail The other guy just landed regular after blows, no revenge hits there. Lee deserves every once of criticism he gets and more. A head instructor should not behave this way at all.
@ricecake6316 6 жыл бұрын
nah too restrictive
@paweandonisgawralidisdobrz2522 6 жыл бұрын
Mordhau to the face
@Olordrin 6 жыл бұрын
Just a curiosity, how many people bemoaning these rules were intending to attend this event, but then decided not to because of the rule structure and how many of you are just complaining about the rules for a tournament you had no intention of entering?
@aidenfrost7008 4 жыл бұрын
Olordrin I quit entirely. I’m still learning how to use a longsword the way my ancestors did but I have no interest in this shit.
@brendanmichel5313 Жыл бұрын
And how many NFL fans and players bemoan the targeting rules? This is like a HEMA version of touch football; if people want to see a more intense adaption they can find that or do it themselves.
@PirataSports 6 жыл бұрын
It’s strange how things develop. Initially the attraction with HEMA over Kendo or sport fencing is the lack of ‘you can’t do this’, ‘you have to do that’, ‘this doesn’t count even though it works’ but over time these things come in for safety or to promote what is considered correct over was is considered incorrect, and one day you wake up and are effectively doing Kendo with doubles. I especially don’t like rules that are designed to eliminate inconvenient truths, often arising from a preference of one style over another - if for instance stabs are difficult to deal with you can either change what you are doing or eliminate them with rules and scoring.
@vorrnth8734 6 жыл бұрын
That is the normal evolution. The more serious this becomes as a sport the more regulated it will become. That is how all martial arts water down over time.
@Dugout97 6 жыл бұрын
They're turning a martial art into a sport ala Olympic fencing. I'd rather see a more MMA (UFC) progression not the reverse.
@Overdrawn_ 6 жыл бұрын
Its a tournament. There will be random fencers from many clubs. Its very important to unify the rules in terms of safety beacuse some people have a tendency of going too hard under stress. On daily trainings in your club you can have less limitations. You know what to expect and you have an unwritten list of "dick moves" that you just dont do.
@RandomAllen 6 жыл бұрын
Well luckily for us, HEMA doesn't have a standardized rule set and this is one of the reasons why.
@RandomAllen 6 жыл бұрын
Also Kendo does have doubles, they just don't happen very much
@RandomAllen 6 жыл бұрын
*No hand shots huh :/, that's silly and promotes not performing techniques in ways that cover your hands but instead going for stupid no defensive bullshit. I've fought Chris Hobbes multiple times, Tim Hall and Jake Priddy...all high level very good fighters and they were ALL pretty good about control. *I don't think I've ever seen someone target the foot specifically, I've accidentally hit someone's one time but that's it. * No back of the head strikes is normal * No punches and kicks? I know not every tournament uses them but it's still nice to have the option like at Longpoint *Baseball swings do need to be regulated to some extent I agree * I know people hate the Gaysler, I'm kinda mixed about it because I've seen it hurt someone so bad they had to bring the EMTs...But we all just GOTTA DEAL WITH IT. Limiting the Gaysler instead of figuring out counters to it is silly. Now that's provided they are doing properly and not sliding in on their hands and knees into the opponent's crotch afterwards to avoid the afterblow timer...that's stupid.
@alexhunt7810 Жыл бұрын
@ondrejh571 6 жыл бұрын
Sorry, I have a few problems with such rules. I know, I know that I'm just some guy from the internet, but I just really have to write this. A cut must travel 75°? So you will have a protractor to measure this? How can you know that a shorter arc would not do damage? Tip cut doesn't count? I've seen many tests, where it was more effective than a "CoP" cut! Strike with the strong of the blade doesn't count? So a sharp steel bar shortened to "just" about 60 cm lenght 1,5 kg heavy can not do even noticeable damage? A thrust done "just" with hands is nohing to bother with, nothing to fear, that won't do any injury to anybody and I can safely run into the guy that stands in Pflueg as long as he does not move his feets? I'll be safe? Hands are not a target? Do you really simulate an unarmed martial art using sharp weapons? Hands are the closest thing to hit, very easy to be damaged as they have little surface area to disperse force, and (after his head) the most important part of the opponent for him to be able to fight back. The fact that for sparring, the first things you need are A) mask B) gloves, demonstrates just that, the importance of hand strikes. And you wear some pretty heavy duty gloves. How can you think that hand strikes can be overlooked? And if one handed strikes don't count, then why even count anything done with a one handed swords?! Sincerely, your Angry fencer from the other side of the world.
@danielsmith5664 5 жыл бұрын
I actually super love the idea of covered thrusts versus uncovered. that's super cool .
@cibulan1608 6 жыл бұрын
There's real bias in these rules. For example, Fiore's first long play has a thrust from the bind using only the arms.
@RandomAllen 6 жыл бұрын
It's not even just that, German systems have thrusts using only the arms too. It's a very strange system they've put together and it makes HEMA seem more sporty
@cibulan1608 6 жыл бұрын
I like Blood and Iron but they seem too insular at times. Like they have their interpretations and rules and then they present them as the default. Skall does the same thing, I think from his association with them. And yes, it's too sporty.
@torrinmaag5331 6 жыл бұрын
Good to know that the “rules are anti-practicality” crowd are in every martial art.
@RandomAllen 6 жыл бұрын
It's not that. HEMA doesn't have a standardized ruleset across the board specifically to keep people training to fight and training to win at a particular ruleset. This ruleset is particularly limiting though and the lack of hand shots will encourage bad technique in my opinion.
@RandomAllen 6 жыл бұрын
I ENTIRELY agree about the "revenge shot" thing! It's a problem which should definitely be regulated. If anyone wants a great example why revenge shots are a bad thing look at this video The red fighter(I don't know his name maybe smit or smith something) throws a hissy fit and slams hit feder on the other guy's head a good 3 seconds after halt got called. He even does it again later. That person clearly has anger issues XD
@Capybara_Swordsman 6 жыл бұрын
Redman A The red fighter is Lee Smit, head instructor of Blood and Iron. And yes, he has some issues.
@RandomAllen 6 жыл бұрын
It was joke...I definitely know who it is XD. That was the entire point of this comment
@Capybara_Swordsman 6 жыл бұрын
Redman A Ah, gotcha. Hard to tell over text lol
@daaaah_whoosh 5 жыл бұрын
It's weird to me how much Blood and Iron don't like hand hits. I've heard it said that if you ever face a Blood and Iron student in a tournament, you should just strike to their hands, because they won't have practiced defending them. I agree that getting hit in the hands feels dumb, but so does getting hit in the head when trying something stupid. And it seems crazy to me that leg strikes are worth twice as much as arm strikes when virtually 0% of KdF aims at the legs, and at least two of the haupstucke (krumphau and handetrucken) target the arms.
@alexhunt7810 Жыл бұрын
The handetrucken is an unterhau aimed at the bottom of the hands, not a lunging ober aimed at tapping a gauntlet four times the size of a human hand
@roboman2445 4 жыл бұрын
In real life if your hit in face, neck, or chest your dead. I prefer a real open set of rules, where you simulate a kill hit as death. Idk this seems almost like fencing at this point. With one shot kill, you learn to not get hit, which is imo the most important skill more important than being able to hit, is to not get hit...
@googleisacruelmistress1910 6 жыл бұрын
Why can't you target hands back when swords were actively being used this was a common strategy, I mean yeah it's slightly painful but why be a wimp about it considering how many of those I've taken I find it hard to believe that it could do any real damage to the hands
@Ranziel1 6 жыл бұрын
You think a 1.5 kg, 120 cm steel bar can't break fingers? Come on, man. And yeah, hands are an essential target in fencing, but this tournament seems to prioritize safety in this regard. Not all tournaments do, but I think it's a valid choice by the organizers.
@googleisacruelmistress1910 6 жыл бұрын
Well you CAN brake fingers, but to do so you'd need to do it on purpose, I mean I've taken plenty of blows to the hands and it never bothered me, don't like it just wear mitten gauntlets or whatever they're called
@FrohSim 6 жыл бұрын
I raised an eyebrow at this too, but safety first and varying glove quality considered I can see why. Bear in mind the forearm and technically wrist (ouch) are valid.
@googleisacruelmistress1910 6 жыл бұрын
I suppose that if there is possibility of lawsuit I'd see why'd they try to take preemptive measures even if the possibility is rather small
@FrohSim 6 жыл бұрын
Google Is A Cruel Mistress surely part of the agreement you sign ensures you acknowledge the risk of injury, like any combat sport
@reybladen3068 6 жыл бұрын
What do you guys think about AHFs duel system? Just search AHF duels if you haven't seen it.
@londiniumarmoury7037 5 жыл бұрын
I think for rapier and dagger, a dagger thrust to the throat or face more than 1 point, other than that I can live with the rest.
@MPPRODUCTIONSger 6 жыл бұрын
Who made the gorgeous feder Nicole is holding in the beginning? And just to be sure when I wrote that comment it was not in the video discription - I learned my lesson - I checked :D
@Slaave 6 жыл бұрын
What about grapples / disarms?
@brendanmichel5313 Жыл бұрын
Guessing not allowed
@Dhomazhir 6 жыл бұрын
What is your opinion of this very persnickity rules set?
@Dugout97 6 жыл бұрын
It's the anti-thesis of a combat martial art. They're going to water HEMA down to Olympic style fencing except with different 'weapons'. It should IMO progress towards a more gladiatorial martial form that we see in MMA (UFC). Including kicks, and hard throws. It could be some sort of insurance issue. Maybe that's why the 'safety sally' rules
@Overdrawn_ 6 жыл бұрын
Only thing i dont like is the "no shots to the hands" (safety first i know) and 1 point for the arms rule. I know it will work fine in terms of cleaner fencing and its great but it seems backwards martialy (eliminate arm= cant harm me back, eliminate leg = cant move well). I would suggest 1 point for arms and legs 2 for body etc.
@RandomAllen 6 жыл бұрын
I ENTIRELY agree about the "revenge shot" thing! It's a problem which should definitely be regulated. If anyone wants a great example why revenge shots are a bad thing look at this video The red fighter(I don't know his name maybe smit or smith something) throws a hissy fit and slams hit feder on the other guy's head a good 3 seconds after halt got called. He even does it again later. That person clearly has anger issues XD
@brendanmichel5313 Жыл бұрын
For me its more of a risk issue, but basically I agree. Full armor, full contact.
@BloodandIronHEMA 6 жыл бұрын
Hey everyone, just a rules video for the upcoming Combat Con tournament. Probably won't pertain much to your interests but if you want to slog through all 10 minutes of it you're more than welcome to :) New video still coming this Wednesday!
@medieverse 6 жыл бұрын
I slogged through all ten minutes!
@Chaosism 6 жыл бұрын
Blood and Iron HEMA No slog. Plenty interesting enough. :)
@tylorianfan8873 4 жыл бұрын
I think what a lot of people on this comment section need to understand is that we will never quite have a 100% accurate ruleset representing true armed combat. In the name of safety, there will ALWAYS be compromises. In Modern armed combat sports such as airsoft, you have make replica guns that lack penetrative power. This technically reduces its authenticity, but allows for safe gameplay. Same goes for HEMA and other armed systems. In these systems, you are using replica weapons that still increase the force you put out in a swing. If you don't want to get injured or lower your IQ to constant brain injuries like a lot of boxers and MMA fighters, this shit needs to be reined in. How much you do so is up to you and your group.
@tylorianfan8873 4 жыл бұрын
In order to be 100% accurate, you need to be in an actual fight. Personally, I think it's best to avoid that.
@epic0wnag 6 жыл бұрын
why are the long one hand strike and the slide against the torso not allowed?
@epic0wnag 6 жыл бұрын
Ian Hollier I could see the long one-handed strike being hard to control, but what about a slice to the torso? One, could say that it may not do much but this depends on the location of the blade. A torso slide won’t go through someone’s ribs, but if the blade is lower than the ribs and slid across the abdomen than you could easily go pretty deep and deal a serious though likely not instantly lethal blow. This move is sometimes seen in some Japanese systems.
@Angelimir 6 жыл бұрын
Just out of curiosity: if someone stands in a high guard and the other stabs him/her, while (s)he is hitting the attacker in the head, why is (s)he considered _less_ suicidal than the attacker? I would argue (s)he's actually more suicidal...
@snakeoveer1046 6 жыл бұрын
David Czege it's because it's hard to defend a low thrust from a high guard as as opposed to dealing with a strike from a high guard.
@Cysixo 6 жыл бұрын
I think it comes down to the specifics. in the scenario they described the thrust starts AFTER the cut starts. So the person in high guard made an attack, and the person thrusting ignores said attack and thrusts anyway. The double occurs because the person defending had no regard for defense, and just tried to hit the attacker, causing the double. I don't think this is a scenario where the defender is in long point and the attacker just impales themselves.
@kanucks9 6 жыл бұрын
If you make a thrust against an opponent in high guard, it is almost impossible for your opponent to fail to kill you. If your thrust fails, they will cut you; if your thrust succeeds, they will cut you. Contrary to what Cysixo says, if the person in high guard begins a cut first, and the opponent stabs them, that would be a regular double - they simply failed to defend. The distinction is that the thrust is made with the knowledge that the opponent cannot do anything except cause a double.
@Angelimir 6 жыл бұрын
Connor Wiebe Except that the person in high guard lets in a thrust without even the intention of the parry, just to score a decisive afterblow. That is textbook suicidal. When you attack, you compel your opponent to "defend or die". Disregarding a hit and simply just striking back is bad fencing, I believe we can agree on that. In case of a double, I believe they wanted to penalize the guy in low stance, as "it is obvious" that from the high stance, a descending cut will come. However it's equally obvious that from a low stance, like Pflug, a straight thrust will come (which the person in high guard casually dismissed). I still don't understand why the guy with the low stance gets penalized more.
@Angelimir 6 жыл бұрын
Snake Over Then change your guard, for foxsakes :D
@RandomAllen 6 жыл бұрын
2:29... The irony
@ondrejh571 6 жыл бұрын
Instructions unclear. Perhaps if someone more competent, like the head instructor of Blood and Iron Lee Smith would explain that in the video, I could understand.
@Shutendoji 6 жыл бұрын
Lee Smith, the master of unwarranted revenge strikes
@thestuffmonster9856 6 жыл бұрын
Ondřej H Oooooof
@thestuffmonster9856 6 жыл бұрын
bokudensuduharagmail Pretty sure the other dude started the attacks before the halt (it can be hard to pull back a cut), and actually held up his hands when he accidentally hit Lee’s mask, making them accidental afterblows and not revenge strikes. Mitchell’s afterblows fell within milliseconds after the halt. Lee’s hits were a lot harder. I’ve yet to see a personal apology from Lee himself, so if you’ve seen something similar please post the link.
@thestuffmonster9856 6 жыл бұрын
bokudensuduharagmail I think he deleted this, but this is part of what made everybody mad in the first place: I’ve no problem and encourage B&I for expressing disdain for this kind of stuff in their rulesets, but a lack of a personal apology from Lee himself makes this seem fishy and makes you wonder if he’s actually changed
@Chaosism 6 жыл бұрын
With the rapier/dagger, why is striking with the danger penalized by being 1 point no matter where is strikes?
@erikbailey2525 5 жыл бұрын
To encourage good blade play instead of rewarding "buffalo" types who just rush in and shank with the dagger.
@Alpha.Phenix 6 жыл бұрын
Pomel strikes are allowed, though limited. Cool, but what about the same rules for crossguard hits?
@scottmacgregor3444 6 жыл бұрын
If you're talking about punching out with the crossguard, it wouldn't be overly effective, at least as compared to a pommel strike where the center of balance is in line with the force of the strike. Probably not terribly safe if you did get a good strike, what with the smaller striking surface. If you're talking about Murder Strokes, good lord no. Not safe at all. You're essentially turning the sword into a pseudo mace with a small striking surface. That way lies broken bones and cracked skulls.
@Angelimir 6 жыл бұрын
Pommel is rather large and generally flat/rounded, while quillon-tips are small and have at least one pointy ending. At a hit, they basically act as a short icepick, even if you use standard grip (and a longer icepick/warhammer if you apply the mordhau-grip...) Not good, man, not good...
@BigBangMike 6 жыл бұрын
So no jackets with sticks... are we using padded sticks? or the ones like you are losing. I don't want risk cracking my elbow or forarm by just competing in a hoodie.
@erikbailey2525 5 жыл бұрын
You still need hard elbow protection, and no, we're not using padded sticks. Boffers are for LARP.
@BigBangMike 5 жыл бұрын
Odd train of thought. Elbow protection and real sticks... Soft stick with no elbow protection. Sounds like "Its not 6 eggs its half a dozen" Neither one is LARPing is my point.
@chickensandwich1589 6 жыл бұрын
No rules against firearms.... I guess I have a chance. ;)
@juanfranciscocosta5387 5 жыл бұрын
Hey! It's big Skall
@snakeoveer1046 6 жыл бұрын
Is "Punching" with the crossguard in longsword forbidden?
@FrohSim 6 жыл бұрын
Snake Over not sure for this tournament, but in ours we have identical pommel rules, and the guard itself is explicitly disallowed for strikes.
@teakew8217 6 жыл бұрын
Yes. It's hopelessly unsafe.
@kaizen5023 2 жыл бұрын
A crossguard could puncture the mesh on even a 3-weapons rated mask.
@LurkerDaBerzerker 6 жыл бұрын
*Relevant Comment*
@enoughofyourkoicarp 6 жыл бұрын
*Whitty Retort*
@pooly5280 6 жыл бұрын
*Comment Supporting One Side or the Other*
@Angelimir 6 жыл бұрын
*Barely veiled trolling*
@enzolc8528 6 жыл бұрын
@RandomAllen 6 жыл бұрын
@orsettomorbido 6 жыл бұрын
Really really really cool video °_°
@tarquiniussuperbus21 5 жыл бұрын
Maybe people shoud not jump in, then a revenge blow would not be possible. (Dont make hema another Kendo, please)
@RandomAllen 6 жыл бұрын
"Hema is going to become kendo with doubles" "hema is becoming HeSport" "HEMA will stop being a martial art" EVERYONE CHILL THE FUCK OUT!!!! THIS IS ONE RULESET! Blood and Iron are not the creators of HEMA and they aren't updating and implementing a patch for HEMA that will instantly nerf and change every HEMA ruleset. The way people are talking about this is...well INSANE. This is one of the reasons not having a standardized ruleset is a good thing. In something like Fencing,if the IFF decided to change the rules, the rules are changed...Combat Con's ruleset ONLY applies to Combat Con and other B&I events probably...they aren't changing ALL of HEMA rulesets. If it makes you feel better, Longpoint 2019 is basically doing a complete 180 of Combat Con rules for next year.
@sensen9900 5 жыл бұрын
These Dagger Rules seem kinda Stupid.... The Effectivness of the Attack should be Rewarded not the Weapon you are use, or the "target area". If i Cut the Front Side of the Upper Leg that want do as nearly as Much as a Cut(doesnt matter if with sword or dagger) to the Inside of the Upper Legs. There lies the "Aorta"(sry didnt know if in english there is another Term) if these only just get sliced a little bit death is nearly unavoidable... So Worth the direct win..... I Understand that you ppl try here to avoid these "Lets get Risky all in for one Cut" Win Tactics(thats also why Daggers get a Penalty i guess) but well even that you could handle by Rules... To me it seems more like a "Show Tournament" than a Tournamet to determine the "best actual" Swordfighter.
@blacknode 6 жыл бұрын
Wait, when did HEMA became Kendo? No strike behind the head and in the back sure. No foot strike and excessives force, obviously... but where is the historical accuracy went? Is HEMA slowly turning into HESport?
@RandomAllen 6 жыл бұрын
CALM DOWN. There's a reason why HEMA doesn't have standardized ruleset, this is the ruleset for ONE tournament...B&I has always done things like this. Also HEMA Longsword has always been somewhat similar to Kendo, this ruleset doesn't make it closer.
@Dugout97 6 жыл бұрын
Those rules are removing the foundation of a combat martial art and will soon turn the event into hard touches. May as well bust out foils and give commands in French.
@RandomAllen 6 жыл бұрын
THIS IS ONE RULESET, THEY DON'T SPEAK FOR THE GREATER HEMA COMMUNITY. Blood and Iron are not the creators of HEMA and they aren't updating and implementing a patch for HEMA that will instantly nerf and change every HEMA ruleset. The way people are talking about this is...well INSANE. Longpoint is doing the complete opposite of the Combat Con rules for next year. This is one of the reasons not having a standardized ruleset is a good thing. In something like Fencing,if the IFF decided to change the rules, the rules are changed...Combat Con's ruleset ONLY applies to Combat Con and other B&I events probably...they aren't changing ALL of HEMA rulesets.
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