Breaking Down CS2's Premier Mode: What's Wrong and How to Fix It

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9 ай бұрын

Thanks to skinsmonkey for sponsoring this video! Check them out here:
CS2 is finally out for realsies and premier mode is officially the main competive gamemode for counter-strike. I think that overall, this is a step forwards for the competetive balance of the game. However, premier isnt perfect, and counter-strike should strive for perfection. In this video, I lay out a few simple ways in which I think premier mode could be improved.
If you read this, comment "Hey, at least my premier rating is higher than Neymars!"
Follow me on twitter: / penguin_cs2
Follow me on twitch: / penguinrbm
Music used:
Bail Bonds - I Feel it all So Deeply
Tekken OST - Kitsch
Sonic Mania OST - Mirage Saloon Act
Everhood OST - At The Race Track
Earthbound OST - Enjoy Your Stay
#cs2 #CSGO #Penguin

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@yahui6590 9 ай бұрын
they need to use more data points for determining rank gain/loss. Right now it feels like it’s based off W/L and becomes extremely punishing when you are on a loss streak. It doesn’t matter if you are performing well or its a close game
@HerbaceousM8 9 ай бұрын
it also makes anything less than a 5 man hell, there is nothing like getting a random duo of 5k guy in your 10-12k game and of course they are on your team and they are 3-13 at the game's end.
@KJTrey 9 ай бұрын
I totally agree and it wasn't really mentioned in this video. Especially for people that mostly solo queue, the current system is completely arbitrary/luck based. I ranked down for 12k to 7k despite averaging ~120 ADR and dragging my team to several close games. For a rating that is supposed to reflect skill, not taking into account any skill based metrics (i.e. ADR) is absurd.
@WillieWood42 9 ай бұрын
Yup the fact it shows the points you’ll get if you win/lose before the match means it’s completely based off W/L and I really dislike that. Same system with a different dressing. Thought the point would be to make a better ranking system (by using leetify or hltv style ranking systems that take KAST, KD, etc into account) not just change the way it looks
@LeventK 9 ай бұрын
It requires excessive work to make a perfect ranking system (just think about it) and I think that is not the priority right now.
@KJTrey 9 ай бұрын
​@@LeventK Excessive work? It's actually so easy, just start with +/- 100 rating for a win/loss and adjust based on ADR. Best ADR on a win = +150, best ADR on a loss = -50 2nd ADR on a win = +125, 2nd ADR on a loss = -75 3rd ADR on a win = +100, 3rd ADR on a loss = -100 4th ADR on a win = +75, 4th ADR on a loss = -125 Worst ADR on a win = +50, worst ADR on a loss = -150 The exact values can be adjusted but the concept is simple unlike this bizarre win/loss streak system that's in place now.
@ralphwarner617 9 ай бұрын
Biggest problem to me is -550 per loss and only +100 per win. I went on a 7 game winstreak, then 1 loss almost completely reset me. Really demotivating to grinding ranks
@corey5894 8 ай бұрын
I have - 100 on a loss and +350 on a win. Valve thinks I'm better than you
@Hagebuddne983 8 ай бұрын
I had stuff like this in csgo as well.
@klaytonbarnhart4615 8 ай бұрын
Is there anyway to fix this?! I’m the same exact way on a 5 game win streak and every game is -570 +100 it’s insane also what rank are you roughly? I get to like 42-4300 and lose one and just done
@korosenaiGames 8 ай бұрын
I remember when Seige had a good but bad ranking system, it depended on your W/L and how good you did. and depending on your rank you would have to preform better and better, in its prime if you were a diamond you would lose 80 on a loss and gain 2 maybe 4 if lucky. also because during this time the more games you played. more specifically the more games you lost, the bigger and bigger the gap would be
@Neoony 8 ай бұрын
​​​@@klaytonbarnhart4615it gets better when you get higher in rank around 4000 is when you are getting the -500 +100 I call it the great valve filter makes no sense
@jeffersonmcgee9560 9 ай бұрын
An instrussive anti cheat is, by no means, a good thing to advocate. Running software that intrusive is a security risk. It's not as simple as saying "I trust valve", software has issues; even if Valve is not malicious, they can make mistakes. And if there's an error (or a "bug"), it would leave your computer vulnerable to attackers. An intrusive anticheat is equivalent to leaving your computer open to attackers. I would encourage everyone advocating for an intrusive anticheat to PLEASE, for the love of privacy, read up on things like Backdoors, remote code execution and things like that. It is no joke.
@linus6078 9 ай бұрын
I mean you're right but what is the alternative? As far as I know there hasn't been a leak of either Faceits anti cheat or any other big developers equivalent.
@vuax 9 ай бұрын
look at valorant, such a great time over there with no cheaters.. Idc if these companies got access to my porn as long as games are cheater free
@jeffersonmcgee9560 9 ай бұрын
​@@parhamizady8616I could tell you that your attitude is why people have lost their sense of privacy. Attitudes like "It's fine" or "I trust them" is what caused us to be surrounded by software that tracks and sells your information. Yet, people value their privacy: That is why we have so many VPN providers. You can't simply turn a blind eye on security issue just because "others do it"
@coobk 9 ай бұрын
require players to present their government id to play comp, its a thing already in some countries like south korea, and definetely a bigger deterrent since you could easily press charges
@YouTubeHandlesSuck420 9 ай бұрын
My biggest gripe is about intrusive anti-cheats is that they don’t even work 100% of the time. I know that’s impossible to fix but if you’re gonna open my data to everyone can I at least get 0 games with cheaters guaranteed as a trade-off?
@indestructiblemadness8531 9 ай бұрын
premier is kinda demotivating. In mm I told myself things like "playing well gives MVPs which help your rank" or "you loose elo relative to the difference of rounds, so every round matters". Now I far faster give up when winning seems unlikely.
@DTDSasquatch 9 ай бұрын
I agree. Last night, I had 2 teammates just junp off the ledge from T-spawn on Vertigo for the last 3 rounds because they just gave up and stopped caring.
@woober3480 8 ай бұрын
and the numbers are great but having it clearly displayed before a match really makes it suck, like you said it makes it less motivating, and a bigger problem with the whole numbers being set in stone before the match thing valve has going on is that it doesnt factor in the other 4 people on your team, i could have a wonderful 30-8 game and have a headshot % just short of heaven hard carrying the team but still only get 110 points from a match and then have a complete dogshit game where my team carries me and get 110 points, it really makes the numbers just feel arbitrary
@thebottomoftheinternet8996 8 ай бұрын
Yeah being at 12k and then getting 5 games in a row of all my team mates being 7k- and the enemies all being on a 5 stack with four 11ks+ and a 9.999k is very demotivating. It feels like the game is actually handicapping you sometimes. There’s no way a 6k is going to do good against a 5 stack of 11ks. Feel like less discrepancy between ratings would make games feel a lot more fair…
@donoteatmikezila 9 ай бұрын
"Valve just added monetization, tisk tisk. So anywhere here's my sponsor monitizationmonkey" Really gets my noggin joggin.
@GruenShadowBaer 9 ай бұрын
Intrusive AC, like kernel level just opens the gate for a ton of issues. What if the AC had security issues on it's own and hackers would have an easy time getting rootkits installed to not only one dude who clicked a phishy link, but the whole playerbase using the AC? Happened with genshin impact What if the company providing the game/service has people working there who have other goals in mind, like installing cryptominers on a bunch of PCs using their AC? Happened with ESEA What if the company is largely owned by some regime, which just happen to have a ton of money and really like surveillance? Yes. Valorant and tencent's ownership of riot games. On top of that kernel level AC do not even guarantee a complete cheater free experience. It's a game of cat and mouse. If you start the anti cheat in kernel level, the cheat developers will let their software do the same/find ways to prevent it being detected. Of course it sucks facing cheaters, but it sucks even more if you can't be certain what allegedly trustworthy software every player uses, does in the background.
@hansolo318 9 ай бұрын
The company being owned by a regime is a problem for FACEIT too, as it is owned by the Saudi Arabian State.
@d0tline468 9 ай бұрын
The vulnerability is the point, needing kernel cheats means the rats buying cheap shit are much more tempting targets to get sold real malware that can give them their deserts.
@ParasocialCatgirl 9 ай бұрын
@@d0tline468 However, kernel-level anticheat still leaves a pretty big backdoor on the computers of everyone who plays the game, regardless of whether or not one attempts installing cheats.
@GT6398 9 ай бұрын
I think the trust factor system is great, I've probably only come across 2 people I found where cheating since it has been in the game
@hansolo318 9 ай бұрын
@@GT6398 Same. Sometimes I wonder if all the people complaining about cheating are just toxic players or something.
@user-nb5nj6xs6y 9 ай бұрын
-500 elo +100 elo even if you are topfragger
@paul2609 9 ай бұрын
This encourages stat padding. Overwatch used to have this problem where people don't actually play to win but pad their stats so that even if they lose they will lose very little ranking points, if they win then they'll get a big boost in ranking because of their padded stats are being factored in. They reduced this factor significantly and now it is a lot better to play with randoms. Also your picked CT position of the map factors in your stats a lot, if no one on your team don't want to play B on CT Mirage and your basically designated to play that then you are just not going to get many kills.
@w4rr0ck_svcks 9 ай бұрын
Faceit > premier
@bludlud1765 9 ай бұрын
Its not about frags, its more about consistency. The more you win the more you get, the more you lose the less you get
@user-nb5nj6xs6y 9 ай бұрын
@@bludlud1765 thats tottal garbage sistem, you can consistantly carry your team and still lose
@chase6428 4 ай бұрын
Maybe u should play with ur team?
@sliippy2152 9 ай бұрын
On a 10 game winstreak and I'm -500 points on a loss, don't know what more I can do to rank up. Really wish they'd show the hidden mmr as well
@Splarkszter 6 ай бұрын
@dante5526 9 ай бұрын
i really dont care enough about cs to install a kernel level anticheat
@nailermo5569 9 ай бұрын
Complains only monetized features added to CS2, runs a skin ad right after...
@TheWitcherX 9 ай бұрын
Dota uses numbers (mmr), but also ranks at the same time and once you get high enough in the top one it starts showing your # on the leaderboard CS should do the same
@box8831 9 ай бұрын
One problem that people ignore is that VAC is used by many different companies and steam games. If valve created a different AC then it may come with a whole host of compatibility problems and issues with their community on steam. Furthermore a VAC ban and the ban on your steam account means far more than a Riot ban and valve may not want to create that intrusive of system considering the quantity of computers that they would be installing on and it would stir a massive controversy. People have to consider the world outside of professional CS when thinking about changes by valve.
@sskuk1095 9 ай бұрын
I am thinking about a sort of prime account feature, where the users voluntarily install a better AC provided by Valve and then get ranked together with other users of the AC.
@aditomasik5933 7 ай бұрын
ummm no? they can just change the anticheat cs uses while keeping vac alive for other games
@NtQueryInformationProcess 9 ай бұрын
intrusive anticheat doesn't mean good anticheat. regardless, cheats for games with intrusive anticheats get made too.
@byrne8509 7 ай бұрын
Whatever blizzard was doing with Overwatch anti cheat was very good. It's was not kernel level, and cheaters were very rare.
@turbofuss 8 ай бұрын
The thing about premier is the map voting system. When I play with +1, I don't want to play Inferno or Mirage EVERY SINGLE ROUND
@Hiddenator 9 ай бұрын
This is easily the best video about the cs2 situation, unbiased, ciritcal but for the right reasons and I hard agree with the elo feeling a little empty as supposed to the older ranks, I felt the same way but didn't know how to describe it
@havneby 9 ай бұрын
Honestly I kinda wish you could lose rating below 4k. Right now the ratings at that level feel incredibly random, with the quality of both enemies and teammates changing drastically between games. Also losing 3-500 rating when you're playing against enemies with a higher total rating than your team just feels wrong :P
@DTDSasquatch 9 ай бұрын
I agree, but it's also exactly how being high-level silver rank felt in CS:GO.
@havneby 9 ай бұрын
@@DTDSasquatch I've always found far more consistency in the games I've played in high silver. Gold Novas are where people suddenly started getting way better ime
@Treyfuwu 9 ай бұрын
the day they add intrusive ac is the day i stop playing
@NtQueryInformationProcess 9 ай бұрын
true, penguin's take about intrusive anticheats is horrible
@KurtAreskoug 9 ай бұрын
Interesting video, enjoy hearing your thoughts! As many are pointing out, intrusive anti-cheat isn't a good thing to advocate. Just because it is become more common, doesn't make it a good solution. I hope that Valve's reluctance to implement it is because they see the fallacies behind it, rather than just trying to appease a (sometimes) naive population. It does bring forth a lot of potential problems, primarily with privacy. Finding and dealing with cheaters is a tough problem to handle, especially at such a large scale as this. There is no "quick-fix", even games with intrusive anti-cheat may still contain cheaters. The question is instead if the difference in cheaters are significant enough to warrant that kind of software, or if there is instead a different solution altogether?
@adam.dimitrov 9 ай бұрын
I hate that I cant see ''damage done'' from console after I die. Dont know how to call if I damaged a guy (if hes 1 HP or 50)...
@brenokrug7775 9 ай бұрын
your videos are cool man, keep it up CS2 got me into playing with friends again, really liking it so far
@KorumbELPark 9 ай бұрын
Cheat market got so big and organized nowaday, and in terms of security there is no such perfect method that stops every single incursion, AC will breached eventually. We need constant game changers since it's hard to stop cheat devs even with the laws and I think intrusive AC is not good enough. Maybe that's why valve is trying to rely on AI by developing VAC live in the first place, even though it doesn't looks like it's working that well :d
@withnosensetv 9 ай бұрын
I still won't give Valve kernel level access to my operating system, fuck that. Not if they don't make it OSS.
@Oscar-rl4wm 9 ай бұрын
I wholeheartedly disagree with your point on anticheat; there has got to be a better way.
@skyecase5968 9 ай бұрын
The raw numbers vs actual title is actually a really good point!
@MaskedOG 9 ай бұрын
I actually like the Point system. Love to see my actual MMR and when I will rank up. Just give me a specialanimation when you break the next hurdle like make the number run up and then break the next mark with a flash or something.
@Johnny-Joseph 9 ай бұрын
So did they removed normal ranked? I have a 12 win streak and it always says "require 10 wins for rank, 2 achieved"
@Cryptoscammersbeware 9 ай бұрын
ive been looking through your videos. do you cover what happned to Château? it was one of my childhood favorites along with garage.
@ymir8599 9 ай бұрын
theres also a problem we have ran into in basic comp. due to having to grind the ranks for every different map, we usually get lower skill enemies than in csgo(we were all globals) and when you have such a big advantage against lower skill players they many times think you are cheating or something off the sort, then they report for wh + aimbot and GRIEFING. and since enemies can also report for griefing you get griefing bans AUTOMATICALLY when you get enough of them and you are stuck getting banned for playing too well. we asked around and there are many players getting big cooldowns just for playing well in MM and its really tiring. really easily abusable system that does more harm than good in my opinion
@JustElijahRS 9 ай бұрын
Did i maybe run into you because as someone who started playing a few days ago this hits close to my comp experience.. lol.
@zerando4548 9 ай бұрын
ur videos are insanelly good man, keep up with the job!
@MichaelQuiles 9 ай бұрын
Penguin mentioning melee was not in my 2023 bingo card wtf
@primecity1095 9 ай бұрын
Does he mean smash bros?
@sammyule 9 ай бұрын
Your conclusion music inspires incredible nostalgia yet i have no idea where its from.
@malignanttuna7790 9 ай бұрын
Its the hotel theme from earthbound
@sammyule 9 ай бұрын
@@malignanttuna7790 how odd, thanks man, I've never played earthbound. But the nostalgia is so intense I have to mute and use subtitles or I can't pay attention.
@yumlbena 9 ай бұрын
i think that they need to change how much you win and or lose depending on how well you do because I could bottom frag or top frag and get the same elo no matter results of the game
@socialist2000 9 ай бұрын
Maybe it helps people understand that its not about frags but rather about winning rounds as a team.
@yumlbena 9 ай бұрын
@@socialist2000 yeah but when you have 3k damage but your bottom fraggers only have 800 damage and 3 EF and no util damage you still feel scammed
@brasileiroloko5375 9 ай бұрын
what dude, i never cared abt csgo ranking, but im really grinding at cs2 ranks, my goal is to reach the global leaderboard, seing how much you will win or loose is such a game changer for me
@zainhammad 9 ай бұрын
good vid as always, keep up the good work!
@Hagebuddne983 8 ай бұрын
Its funny how we always used to complain that ranks were intransparent and felt like they were meant to make you more addicted and now that we have a transparent system everybody complains too.
@owozzy6841 9 ай бұрын
whats the song in the skins monkey ad?
@owozzy6841 9 ай бұрын
nvm its Tekken OST - Kitsch
@Jon_Reflex 9 ай бұрын
I dont think ive played any cheaters yet and i have like 80 games in premier. But then again almost every death feels like a cheater killed me cause its usually completely around a corner
@monkeysfromvenus 8 ай бұрын
Not giving a company the keys to everything on my pc (my whole digital life) will always be 100 times more important than the enjoyment I get from a videogame. People advocating for this need to get their priorities straight.
@Warrry 9 ай бұрын
The thing with intrusive anti cheat is: You can't apply this in UNIX Systems. What is a UNIX System, you might ask? OS that rely on a UNIX-Kernel like macOS or (what a surprise) SteamOS. Imagine you would release YOUR most played game, but can't play it on the hardware you sell. Kinda a bad look. I understand the frustration of people who don't know that much about tech stuff, but having AC or even an intrusive AC is on Linux 10 times harder than on Windows. We had a time for about 3 years where an open source Linux CSGO cheat was available, and they had problems banning it. That is something they're still working on, because it's so hard to manage in Linux. "But why doesn't steam deck just use Windows?" 1. Microsoft is very restrictive with their OS 2. Linux is customizable for hardware, Windows isn't
@huntercollins3731 9 ай бұрын
Personally I think that there should be a csgo-style rank for all of premier, and then each map has its own cs rating. The sum of all of your map ratings will equate to an overall rank, so you get both the transparency and the dopamine. When new maps enter the pool and old ones are removed, you have to play 3-5 games on that map before you get a rating for it.
@paul2609 9 ай бұрын
I like the lack of feeling/milestone because it discourages people from getting boosted into a "higher rank" when it is just a bunch of numbers. I remember some of my last games on CSGO is guys in my team is queued with a spinbotter cheater because they want to reach Global Elite for the status and they paid to get boosted. By removing that "feeling" of needing to reach Global Elite then we have less chance of encountering wannabe's and cheaters like them.
@LB0 9 ай бұрын
Nobody has time to grind all the maps
@huntercollins3731 9 ай бұрын
@@LB0 no but because of premier mode you have to learn all of the maps regardless.
@yeetadog 9 ай бұрын
honestly the day they fix -500 +100 elo matches is the day i will start enjoying premier, i'm rocking a winrate over 50% and am 3500 elo down from where i placed, should losing less than winning leave me at worst just about at the starting line?
@XanderNiles 9 ай бұрын
I haven't played comp in a long time and I'd say CS2 premiere competitive mode is a complex topic on its own. I'll stick to casual and deathmatch though I seriously miss arms race.
@lilalfred8672 9 ай бұрын
A more intrusive AC is not a reasonable request, considering all the risk involved. You basically open your legs to a company so that you can have less cheaters in your game. I’d stop playing if that was the case. And also, fuck 4-stacks. Had my fair share of matches being bullied by these people who don’t communicate, only open their mic to trash talk you and can kick you at will at any time they feel like it. Just get a 5th player and stop complaining. Solo players have endured this bullshit for so long. I wouldn’t mind them allowing 4-stacks if they added a strict solo premier mode, but they probably won’t, so I’m just happy they implemented this limitation.
@heffe 9 ай бұрын
I'd probably stop playing if cs2 had something like valorant. Valorant ac is essentially spyware with how intrusive it is. That's why I don't play valorant. Tbh, I just can't trust a game that much.
@kingtastytv 9 ай бұрын
If premier is Valves attempt to integrate faceit into the client, then requiring a kernel AC to play premier seems like a good addition. Just like how in CSGO you needed a kernel AC to play faceit, if you didn’t like it you just stuck to Comp.
@viktorryzo4394 9 ай бұрын
Bro u have facebook instagram u have an iphone u have face id. My point is. Ur fked already
@havneby 9 ай бұрын
Agreed. The potential for vulnerabilities and backdoors, especially since they'd make their AC closed-source, is too big a risk.
@Solruc_ 9 ай бұрын
ranking system should be like Overwatch where you have a clear cut number and that number is withing a range, like platinum being 2500 to 2999 points
@CrownsOfSilence 9 ай бұрын
YAY new penguin video! 😊
@daddydobson200 8 ай бұрын
nah, removing 4 stacks is the right choice, as a solo player, I can Freaking PROMISE YOU
@asterlofts1565 8 ай бұрын
We need part 2 pleaseeee!!!! :)
@laserlord_ 9 ай бұрын
Well, Faceit has a similar approach with Elo and no real rank, sure lvl 1-10 is a rank of sorts, but so is "light blue", "blue", "purple", etc. The skill disparity (especially in the higher ranks) cannot be described as finely as some might want in 5k elo/cs rating steps, but I think its better than the old one.
@box8831 9 ай бұрын
But Faciet almost appeals to less than 1% of the CS player base so people who were already there were playing to grind worthlessley in the first place.
@gnomecs2 9 ай бұрын
Always enjoy hearing your thoughts on the state of the game. It's surprising that you've not had any blatant cheaters yet. It seems to have stuffed up Premier mode for a lot of higher end streamers. JoJo, fl0m, Laski, Truck and many others seem to only be playing FaceIt again, which saddens me. It sucks to have a split up player base, but it's also pretty soul destroying to have to play so many shitters. I'm with you on the 4 man queue restriction. Good intentions led to a bad decision being implemented. Ranking up to me is currently "each 1000 points" but I agree that it doesn't feel like seeing a new rank badge appear at the end of a well fought game. Things are improving. I'm confident that it'll be a great game. Keep the constructive criticism coming and I'm sure Valve will shape the game beyond CSGO and re-establish the best FPS game in the world, updated for a new decade. P.S. Gnome and Penguin collab. Could you do comedy skits? 😂
@augustin9272 9 ай бұрын
Welcome back, king
@herbertpocket8855 9 ай бұрын
@serio5506 9 ай бұрын
what happen to the mic
@zer0_shame786 9 ай бұрын
Intrusive AC is and always have been bad, hacker will find a way to defeat the AC anyway so what's the point of Intrusive AC other than you risking your system to vulnerabilites in the AC?
@cryinx 8 ай бұрын
Elo system is mostly make believe right now, ALL skill groups are mixed together 3-5k elos can be silver or global the win/loss (how much elo you gain/lose) is terrible right now. There needs to be an additonal data point the elo system takes into personal performance.
@drScorp1on 9 ай бұрын
"a bad look, terrible PR" Now that's a SOLID argument 😂😂😂😂 #ComedyGold
@ToastySofa 9 ай бұрын
A big complaint I have is that your individual contributions don’t matter at all. It’s a team game but I’d hope to gain more elo if I win and carry and lose less if I lose and drop 30.
@applehack97 9 ай бұрын
that could lead to people stathunting instead of actually helping their team. I get the sentiment, but I don't share that solution
@xvCheckmated 9 ай бұрын
@@applehack97 stat hunting is 100% better than game mode dying because talented players move to FACEIT or dont play at all.
@beeefin 9 ай бұрын
at the end of the day you'll still gain rating if you're good enough
@xvCheckmated 9 ай бұрын
@@beeefin *if you queue with a 5 stack
@samuelmcgill 9 ай бұрын
this has never been a thing in mm or faceit idk why everyone has this opinion all of a sudden
@lakupandaakalakupanda1888 9 ай бұрын
Penguin amazing video as always, but id like to point out a problem I personally have about the system. I HAVE A 65% WINRATE WITH A HIGH KD, AND IM LOSING 500 elo PER GAME AND WINNING AT MOST 150, I have lost about 1500 elo in the past 2 days with a 55 ish % winrate. i am done with the system.
@lakupandaakalakupanda1888 9 ай бұрын
Just wanted to get this out there
@Amar-078 8 ай бұрын
Im still stuck between 4000 and 4500 elo and my God it is just horrendous to play solo premier and its kinda unbalanced to me
@sirron1186 9 ай бұрын
Could they not just prevent 4 stacks from being able to vote to kick the solo queuer?
@zxcxzxc 8 ай бұрын
Worst thing is the volatility in rating gain/loss. It just shouldn’t change drastically so quickly. I went from +350/-120 to +110/-415 after like 3 loss streak
@CharIie83 8 ай бұрын
intrusive ac doesnt change anything, you need an algorithm that looks for discrepancies and sends those to overwatch
@everything-has-a-handle-now 9 ай бұрын
I feel like I'm the only one that doesn't care about 64tick lol. Maybe because I actually had experience with being unable to play on 128tick servers because it was too intense for my pc back then
@hansolo318 9 ай бұрын
This is the first miss from you I've seen. I hardcore disagree with your idea that the VAL anticheat was anything other than terrible, or that CS should in any way try to emulate it. The idea of normalising kernel access to a computer to play video games is a bad one. You say that cheating is a huge problem in CS2, but you're complaining about a problem you've never even had, and basing it off of clips and community opinion, which can be influenced by much more than the actual number of cheaters. I also disagree with your opinion about CS2 needing to add rank denominations, but I think you caveated well at 04:13, and of course everybody will have their own opinion on that. That being said, the video was still enjoyable to watch, and I continue to look forward to your next ones.
@Sancoraa 9 ай бұрын
No, we do not need an intrusive AC. We need a better AC that's for sure, but it being intrusive ? Heck no. I, as a Linux player, can't play Valorant (Big Linux W) because their AC is intrusive. We can't play FaceIT either for the same reason. Yet, there are some games without intrusive AC and a way smaller cheating community we can play. For example, Apex Legends. They just need to upgrade their AC without it being intrusive, it would kill all the Linux community, which I agree isn't that big, but still exists. And I don't think it's ever gonna happen, Steam Deck being a thing running on Linux.
@Nyver253 9 ай бұрын
Valve also champions Linux as the future, which they are correct in doing so because windows is showing it’s age and lack of profitability. Because of this, there’s no way they are going to add an intrusive anti cheat to the game after doing so much to bring Linux into the spotlight it deserves.
@coobk 9 ай бұрын
a way better deterrent would be to require putting down your government id to play comp, its already a thing in some countries, if you cheat, youre gone FOREVER + plus a potential criminal charge
@NtQueryInformationProcess 9 ай бұрын
​@@coobkvery funny
@Sancoraa 9 ай бұрын
That's even worse. @@coobk
@3ncy 8 ай бұрын
Great video, but can't give you a like for the call for a more intrusive AC.
@RaimaNd 9 ай бұрын
I agree with all but the elo. I don't care about a rank or elo points. And I think most who play CS for so long and in leauges it's the same. In ESL and other third party systems you also don't have any rank. Even faceit only has 10 ranks but as soon you hit level 10 it's just a number which goes up way higher than 2k. What I notice tho is that people tend to lose 500 points in a loss and only get 100 points in a win (on average) which isn't really motivating.
@HerbaceousM8 9 ай бұрын
3/10 of my placements on day 2 had cheaters. i've seen about one every 1/8 games. csgo i saw one about 1/30 games.. ive given up on mm and gone off to faceit, its unplayable. by the time the ranks settle in 4 more months i'll hope they dont have a reset
@ToastySofa 9 ай бұрын
New penguin, good day.
@Poopcool69 9 ай бұрын
I don’t get the complaint with 64tick right now. It seems to me people blame it for all their problems. Your wife didn’t leave you because of 64 tick🤣
@sskuk1095 9 ай бұрын
Could you talk about the face that so many times there's just Mirage being playes in Premier, so it's kinda uninviting for people who dislike Mirage. I could imagine there being a premier mode, where every team gets to vaet one map and the map being played is selected randomly.
@leflippers9544 9 ай бұрын
ooohhh yay another video!!!!
@Peter-gb4ey 9 ай бұрын
I think if CS:GO was still playable the strong dislike of sub tick people would continue to play on CS:GO. I think there's going to be a time limit before cs players are going to reject sub tick when everyone is saying "let Valve cook."
@Cotoadriano 9 ай бұрын
since everyone has to get their rank and then move up or down til you get to where you should be, it will take a while. and everyone is doing that at the same time, so for sure we will have a lot of unbalanced matches for now... but eventually it will be much better
@qBeYcarpet 9 ай бұрын
They should've just called it an open beta so people wouldn't complain as much Regards
@colddarkness1798 9 ай бұрын
They ruined competitive there is every rank on map and no short matches... Skill group for all maps like in CSGO we had.
@MrJinxmaster1 9 ай бұрын
Rather than sort by adr because score is "meaningless" tweak score to better show player value.
@bradyssr 7 ай бұрын
melee reference = like
@burningchef8905 9 ай бұрын
i agree with you
@flaviosnow8808 9 ай бұрын
If they made intrusive Anti Cheat it needs to be Open-Source, i dont need a company to spy on me to play my fav game
@exsk506 9 ай бұрын
as a solo queue player im so pissed that you cant play as 4 but can come across against 5 stacks like whats the point then? one time we all solo queue players played against 5 stack (which we won gladly) but why 5 stacks cant go against atleast 3 premades is sooo unreasonable
@seifhart6881 9 ай бұрын
Also what is that win 10 games to get your rank bs. Either play 10 games to get your rank (draws and losses count) or win 5 games.
@dougsmith3987 8 ай бұрын
You should do a video about what your opinion in this video in 2 or 3 years to show how the community changed and the opinions changed
@larryenticer7695 9 ай бұрын
Love your stuff man, Keep it up!
@ps1hagridssbm 9 ай бұрын
Man, I love Melee
@mikeyOGK 8 ай бұрын
only problem i really HAVE IS Waiting 30mins For a GAME AND NOT GETTING ONE lel
@DesFTW_ 9 ай бұрын
I've also not had any games with cheaters. Its probably because my account is relatively old with a high trust factor.
@puffyin 9 ай бұрын
I agree!!!!!
@marvinseidel98 9 ай бұрын
@mamenggaluh8897 9 ай бұрын
Somehow in cs2 now i always get 21% packetloss even in my closest server. Idk why cus it didn't happen in csgo 😢 Now i left Counter-Strike for Valorant because, you can't deny it that they offer a better server.
@paul2609 9 ай бұрын
Most people don't have this issue.
@RealJuiceWrld 9 ай бұрын
World of Warcraft pvp ranking is a number rating.
@dXXPacmanXXb 9 ай бұрын
no mention about how random the ratings are atm? No mention about how the rating is not skill-based but only winning matters? no mention about how its season-based now?? we dont even know what a season is nor what happens at the end. and no mention about how the original ranking system, which was perfectly fine btw except for missing a visible elo value, is now a joke where your "rank" doesnt really exist and nobody can see it except for you and everyone is silver and stuck in gold nova hell. sorry, this is a bad video. seems like it only was made for that sponsor placement
@paul2609 9 ай бұрын
"not skill-based but only winning matters" - this is a good thing because it just discourages stat padding. Overwatch used to have this problem where people don't actually play to win but pad their stats so that even if they lose they will lose very little ranking points, if they win then they'll get a big boost in ranking because of their padded stats are being factored in.
@dXXPacmanXXb 9 ай бұрын
@@paul2609 thats easily solvable. At least factor in the amount of rounds won so that every won round counts. Not just the entire match. Winning 13:0 against high ranks is the same as winning 16 to 13 against low ranks. This doesnt make sense
@jes3d 9 ай бұрын
i feel like commenting something but i havent even finished the video so have this
@hughren8936 9 ай бұрын
Same here! I mainly solo.Thanks for my dear teammates, my elo drops from 7K to under 4k with average 1.5 kd and 20+ kills, which cant drop anymore, pure 12 combo losts in 1 weekend. Then I dominated in 3k+elo with no mercy, actually I just want to be back to 7K asap. On this moment, I still didnt realize what Im gonna face. I got about 3 combo wins being back to 4.1k, then lose, -400. Fine! I do it again. 4 combo wins just being back to 4k again, then met a team with no elo, lost, -530. Then keep dominating in 3k elo like an angry bull being back to 4k soon. Then met a team with 4 enermies no elo and 1 enermy has 1700 elo (Jesus, I can never forgot it!), that 1.7k guy killed my teammates like killing chiken and my teammate dont want to try anymore just kept spining dego in CT. -560!!!!! Win 1 game +103, lose 1 game -fking 560! Just sold all my inventories and deleted steam yesterday. I dont want to waste my life with this game anymore. The new rank system makes game harder. I think 80% players can only play D2, Inferno and Mirage and still suck in game. For other maps, some of my teammates are even not as good as bot cause bots will never be blocked by wall when walking and nade themselves. I miss the CSGO in 2013-2015, the CS rightnow is all about those stupid skins.
@Paco1337 9 ай бұрын
I really uninstalled game it's just unplayable. It happens in a lot of times that people with low ping like 1-2 kills me in a second and I don't even see them (my ping is on avg 27-35). And than cheaters is whole another story I won't play it if they don't do something about anticheat.
@CeleryBody 9 ай бұрын
NEW 🐧 Upload
@McLitty 9 ай бұрын
Hey, at least my premier rating is higher than Neymars!
@Spetsnazty 9 ай бұрын
I’m 5000ish gn3ish player, whose has a high trust factor. I really like premier so far, thought a lot of my games I play much higher rated players and can’t lose Elo. I like it better than the rank system. I have only faced cheaters in beta and I only know that because of VAC live, which I don’t think exists at this point. Peekers advantage is the only real gripe I have with gameplay currently. My other main complaint is the lack of all other modes which is sickening since they didn’t include.
@Spetsnazty 9 ай бұрын
Complains about monetization in game, directly into skin add.
@zachbaldwin2925 9 ай бұрын
If they restricted 4 person queues only for low trust factor players, increased tickrate just to shut everyone up, added a server select to avoid playing with certain regions and added intrusive AC, the game would be twice as enjoyable
@LilJoe3 9 ай бұрын
in the setting u can change your ping region so you only get servers with a ping you set.
@lolobafe2528 9 ай бұрын
Love U Penguin
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