Breaking: Lori Anne Thompson, victim of Ravi Zacharias publishes emotional statement

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Ravi Zacharias Victim Posts Victim Impact Statement
Lori Anne Thompson, the most well-known and public of Ravi Zacharias’ victims has posted a detailed victim impact statement on her website, detailing the ways that the late-Christian apologist’s sexual predations destroyed her world and adversely affected her and her family for years. It also details the emotional toll that having Ravi Zacharias International Ministries (RZIM) repeatedly publicly lie about her has had, even as they publicly insist they’ve committed no wrongdoing.
The release of the statement comes on the heels of RZIM confirming they have no intention of releasing her from a non-disclosure/non-disparagement agreement she signed years ago. This continues a long-standing pattern from RZIM of silencing, victim-blaming, and ignoring her wherever possible. It also comes in the light of the knowledge that the big, allegedly “all-encompassing,” and “independent” investigation into Ravi Zacharias will not include her, despite being the catalyst for exposing his abuses and the public face of his victims.
She writes in part:
I tried to tell a Christian counsellor what was happening to me. He told me not to tell anyone, especially not my husband, that he could see RZ’s draw to me, and that if anyone ever found out, the kingdom of God would be irreparably damaged. I became suicidal. When I heard news of someone in our old church getting a diagnosis of terminal cancer, I longed to be her. We visited Peggy’s Cove in Nova Scotia for my fortieth birthday and I researched how best to slip off the rocks and succumb to the deep-such was the depths of my despair. It was not just what was happening to me, but whom it was happening by.
I was contacted by text, email, and phone from RZ once I had sent a final email to him. He threatened to commit suicide if I broke my silence. I was terrified in that moment and for a long time to come. To my betrayer, telling anyone was betrayal. Abusers not only demand silence-they enforce it.
When I disclosed that same day to my husband what happened to me-he was devastated. Brad had already experienced a protracted history of breach of trust, early abandonment, shaming, and interrupted attachments in his own life. He was crumbling at home with our children and I was in another country in complete collapse. He wasn’t sure he wanted me to come home. I wasn’t sure I would make it home. No one slept that Saturday night and for many years of Saturdays to come. Life as we knew it was ripped apart. We were torn asunder. I can hardly find the words to describe the complete and utter relational, emotional, psychological, and physical implosion.
You can read the letter in its entirety here, as well as watch the video below. #RaviZacharias #RZIM #Scandal
#RaviZacharias #LoriAnneThompson #SexScandal #BlackBerryMessenger #BBM #Mobile #Scandals #RZIM #JesusChrist #Bible #Christianity #Trinity #Philosophy #Theology #Islam @MuslimByChoice​

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@redit5332 3 жыл бұрын
I see no victims here. I see people that consented to this type of behavior. Some say that Ravi groomed his victims. I say that's bullcrap. Why do I feel this way? Each and every one of those "therapists" had the ability to block calls, texts, and services provided to Ravi early on and at any other time, and one of them had sexual relations with Ravi. Did any one of them speak to their supervisor's or owner's of the spa, or police and make complaints each time? If they did not, they have lost all credibility in my eyes. I have been abused before, but never tried to extort money from my abusers. I am not condoning that type of behavior, nor Ravi's behavior. But the women took payments from Ravi/the Ministry. This says much about their character and Ravi's. This is why I will NOT participate in damage control as far as their reputation is concerned nor will I protect the Ministries reputation. I will admit that the Church did right in admitting mistakes were made. Right now God is dealing with Ravi and he will deal with his accusers later and that is why I feel this is a non-issue as Ravi is dead and cannot rebut further accusations made after his death. Ravi's ministry and any other Church in the future needs to learn from this and take precautions against this happening. I don't have any reason to forgive nor be angry at any one party as they have not done me wrong so this is a non-issue for me. There are plenty of Protestants and Godly people doing God's work out there and we should not let it reflect badly on those doing God's work. (Yes, I reviewed the report and this video, and many others before commenting.)
@giselesantos7238 3 жыл бұрын
I totally agree!
@jameseverett4976 3 жыл бұрын
I ain't buying it either. To many holes in this BS, too easy to buy "witnesses", plant files on a phone, and too convenient that it only came out AFTER Ravi couldn't defend himself.
@ceefinch667 3 жыл бұрын
Well said! I’ve had unwanted attention n did just as u said. Block! Then if need be threaten to tell ur boss, ur wife or whomever would be affected by ur unwanted actions if you don’t bug off!! Adults especially Christian adults must own their sin n repent like the Bible teaches. Not enter an adulterous relationship, boohoo blame the other party for all of it & sue for $ bec said party has the financial means.
@chriscravens8318 3 жыл бұрын
Way to be willingly ignorant. Satan loves your attitude.
@redit5332 3 жыл бұрын
@@chriscravens8318 It is all too easy to blame others for our sins. Adults, especially Christian adults, must own their sin and repent like the Bible teaches. ALL involved in this scenario lack even a basic moral compass, and not all of them were Christians. This is why Satan loves their attitude and hates mine. Your attitude and theirs is why Satan has a far greater hold on so many people, and this is why so many will be going to the Lake of Fire and not heaven. If they accept Christs Deity, they will enter heaven, and if they have already accepted Christ as their Lord and Savior, they need to repent, as they will be judged by their actions and words. It will determine what their duties will be in the New Jerusalem on a renewed earth in the Millennium.
@tiffanyjohnson3395 3 жыл бұрын
Please don't judge Jesus Christ and his word by the failure of those who claim to be his followers. Jesus Christ can and will heal you if you submit to him. God will judge Ravi Zacharias for his sins. God bless you.
@SunShine-bs2ud 3 жыл бұрын
@angel paige where did she judge or bash her???? 🤔 she simply stated facts. No one gets to the Father except through Jesus.... It's horrible what happened to her but Jesus didn't do it. And unless Ravi repented, he's burning in hell for all eternity right now. 🔥
@ThetennisDr 3 жыл бұрын
@angel paige whatvare u a demon ?
@CesarClouds 3 жыл бұрын
@yusuf islam Me too. People forget the monster Yahweh was once "god".
@jponline79 3 жыл бұрын
God will also judge Muham....
@tarek-md2mm 3 жыл бұрын
RZ thought that since Jesus died for his sins felt that he can do whatever he wishes with no accountability.
@loobylouboti 3 жыл бұрын
Properly feel absolutely sick to my stomach. Truly 🤢🤢 This woman was the 'perfect victim,' for RZ. It's how predators work. To anyone victim blaming, do some damn research on the subject of how the majority of ppl who were abused in childhood will often be abused many more times throughout their lives rather than just spouting off ignorant opinions. My heart is broken for this woman and all of RZ's victims. And to use Gods name to excuse his behaviour is absolutely abhorrent. He should have been a clergyman for the Catholic church, he would have fitted in perfectly. 🤢 I hope this woman, her husband, her children and all of RZ's victims get some sense of justice, and fast. Their pain has already dragged on for long enough. What an absolute disgrace.
@pristinepersians 3 жыл бұрын
@Z100 0A0 Exactly. That's NOT at all how it works. She wasn't even TOUCHED PHYSICALLY AT ALL! Give me a break!
@Sam-xr8ne 3 жыл бұрын
Not all priests are perverts.
@isabelleleblanc-cheminant1078 3 жыл бұрын
@Z100 0A0 Did you listen to her testimony? She was groomed by a person in power. Please have some compassion. If you are a Christian you would have compassion.
@mma-gb3si 3 жыл бұрын
@ Ruth Nina Stop lying and covering for your fathers. I want you to say that in this woman’s face.
@MamaKhenglawt Ай бұрын
All the accusers are disgusting vile women. They said Ravi did this and that thing to me, but they have no problem taking money from him? Real victims don’t do that.
@daltonw5624 3 жыл бұрын
Three things don't make sense to me: - This is all about "online sexual abuse"? I've never heard of such a thing. - The husband grew sour towards the wife, but she was innocent? I am suspecting that he was concerned about some form of reciprocation on her part? - They cared about justice but then proceeded to sign an NDA and accept a settlement? How does money equate to justice? That seems to me that there isn't as much credibility to this side of story as she wants us to believe. I'm not saying RZ is innocent in all this, but I also don't think it's possible to engage in online discussions with other people unwillingly. One makes a choice to respond and/or engage or not. I just don't understand how you can be "sexually abused" online?
@elijahidemudia1607 3 жыл бұрын
How old are you?
@JOHN-ue8qr Ай бұрын
@@elijahidemudia1607 Old enough to know B.S when he hears it.
@mgtow6683 3 жыл бұрын
All humans sin and fall short of the glory of God. Put your faith in Jesus not man.
@youtubeowl9544 3 жыл бұрын
But isn't Jesus fully man?
@mgtow6683 3 жыл бұрын
@@youtubeowl9544 More than just man.
@dragonofchaos7843 3 жыл бұрын
You guys put your faith in Paul not jesus. Paul is another Ravi
@abhmd4481 3 жыл бұрын
Jesus is a man
@elodiebenoit-girault8638 3 жыл бұрын
@countrylife04 3 жыл бұрын
my dislike is not for the Victim, i am with the Victim my dislike is for this channel using this to manipulate people to discredit Christianity and give props to Islam in terms of human rights and abuse, the Islam faith and system is still one of the worst give your faith to Lord Jesus and not on men 👍
@robinuk1949 3 жыл бұрын
Hmm to be fair, there are Christian missionaries doing the same on attacking Islam and I would point to dubious things in Christianity, but that's not what this is about. A victim is a victim, extreme Muslims and Christians may point to the others religion for "props" but reality is we have evil across all walks of life. Unfortunately we have some narcissistic personalities across all faiths, who are celebrated, period. Hopefully this sister in humanity recovers from her ordeals. Wishing u the best
@syed61475 3 жыл бұрын
This has nothing to do with Christianity or Islam. This is just pure evil. But since you mentioned Islam, it is truly the most beautiful truth about God’s oneness and submission to His will. Jesus (peace be upon him) was a Muslim and called all to submit to his Lord. He was one of the mightiest messengers of God and his guidance and gospel are acknowledged by the Quran. The current Bible is a corrupted hodgepodge of texts from anonymous authors and pagan influences. Current day Christianity is the religion of Paul, not Jesus. Islam is the true monotheistic message of the Prophets of old. Islam can not be judged based on Muslims, just as much as Christianity can’t be judged by RZ or Jimmy Swaggart or Jim Baker or even Hitler, for that matter. Stop with your Islamophobia just because your own faith is insecure and corrupted.
@wadefrank9065 3 жыл бұрын
@@syed61475 I trust that this women finds her healing and peace in Christ. Sorry to have to inform you that Mohammed was nothing like Jesus. he was a conquering warlord who raped and pillaged, had sex with a nine year old, encouraged abuse of women and owned salves, he married his adopted son's wife and had atrocious morals, 11 wives for him and any other women who availed herself to him for sex. His revelation was received without any witnesses and favoured men and himself. Even in the after life men are promised 72 virgins for sex and 80 young handsome men to serve them with rivers of wine to drink. Why is Allah so obsessed with sex? By the way the old testament is the history of the Jewish people while the new testament is the life and doctrine of Christ and Christianity. It is now common knowledge that there are several differing Korans currently in existence. Mohammed also misquoted the Bible and plagiarized its writings. He thought Mary was part of the trinity. and that Aron was Mary's Father. The Koran is only credible when its adherents remain ignorant of its content and true nature. Any critical analysis of Islam will expose the immoral lifestyle of Mohammed while an analysis of Christ will reveal a merciful loving Lord and Savior who laid down His life for humanity. The only opposition to his death comes from the circular reasoning of Islam and the Koran. Your criticism of Christianity does not anger or affect my faith, I am encouraged by Jesus to love you, while my criticism of Islam requires you to murder me, an instruction of Mohammed that Moslems regularly enforce.
@wickerman5867 3 жыл бұрын
@Wade Frank Awesome rebuttal 👏👏 good job! I see they couldnt respond back when face with the truth. God bless you.
@IHIuddy 3 жыл бұрын
@@syed61475 I’d say both faiths have human beings in them so both are corrupted. You point out Christians flaws but neglected to point out Islam’s...
@beyoubetrue4991 3 жыл бұрын
@maddae91 3 жыл бұрын
SPOT ON!!!!!!!!!!
@spoolsandbobbins 3 жыл бұрын
Blessed are those who remember the poor.
@rubberducky3486 3 жыл бұрын
Right, it's so simple!
@joseph4948 3 жыл бұрын
Absolutely right.... Impressive answer. 100% right. May God bless you abundantly.
@victorcanavra5688 3 жыл бұрын
There’s nothing wrong with being’s how you steward your money. Nevertheless, his foundation is now tarnished
@sonOfTheL1vingGod 3 жыл бұрын
ex-sunni muslim here, 5 months born-again and when I tell you Jesus revealed Himself to me and I felt the Holy Spirit come upon me, I don't say this lightly.. I'm telling you my mind was blown. THIS IS REAL FAMILY!! Praise God!!!!!
@AD-xh9cy 3 жыл бұрын
Other religion saying the same thing.
@NeoLegendX 3 жыл бұрын
Bruh I exposed you one time. You were just pretending to be a muslim
@sonOfTheL1vingGod 3 жыл бұрын
@@NeoLegendX what? I was born Muslim, lol.
@NeoLegendX 3 жыл бұрын
@@sonOfTheL1vingGod I know. You didn't know how many wudu there were in Fatiha but somehow performed umrah, twice. Please stop pretending. We have a picture
@NeoLegendX 3 жыл бұрын
So hit me up when you also figure out how many ayah are in wudu as well
@ruxy7443 3 жыл бұрын
I find this manipulative and false. Please forgive me if I am wrong, but: - she is very evasive about the abuse (what was RZ fault, precisely?) She speaks for 16 min and mostly cries (emotions are also persuasive), but gives so little facts and informations - she says she was seduced (if I understood well). Ok: is that a guilt to accuse someone like that, to vilify him? It is too subtle, the difference between flirting and emotional can we define that? If someone uses manipulation, we could put in prison half (or more) of the planet’s men because they flirt with us, the women, and perhaps we don’t like it (from the beginning or we start to change feelings and we don’t like it anymore). You simply cannot vilify a person for falling in love with you or trying to seduce you! If he blakmails, threatens, lies, rape you...this is so clear, you can accuse him. can we destroy (for something as evasive like that) a man’s career post mortem, when he can’t no longer defeand himself?
@daeberrii6528 3 жыл бұрын
I just don't get her. She was abused by cheating on her husband with another man. If Ravi didn't repent he will surely rot in hell but this lady did commit adultery, filmed a video seeking pity and blaming everyone else but her own lust and enticement
@chriscravens8318 3 жыл бұрын
You're not only wrong but ignorant.
@daeberrii6528 3 жыл бұрын
@@chriscravens8318 please explain because I lost
@bethhancock3084 3 жыл бұрын
This poor broken women! How RZ could do this at the same time he was speaking the hope of the Gospel is beyond my understanding. What evil lurks in the hearts of man only God can change!
@davedyer3312 3 жыл бұрын
Because he was a sex predictor and a liar...
@reynaldol.deguzman3039 2 жыл бұрын
Ravi Zacharias sad and hypocritical life is a reminder to all in ministry. It is possible to be effective and win many, yet in the end, hear the words of our Lord say, "Depart from me, l never knew you."
@20greeneyes20 2 жыл бұрын
Bad people put themselves in places where people will put their trust in them. Because of their trusted positions. They are extremely sick people. SICK!!!
@justme228 3 жыл бұрын
Dear lady I'm a Christin and am sorry for what happened. I realize you have every reason not to trust me because I'm a christin. If there is anything I want you to know it's that Jesus loves you and the reason Jesus left this happened is because he gives free choice to everyone. However he gives everyone the strength to forgive even in the most difficult times. God bless your family.
@darkdr1fter 3 жыл бұрын
Suuure, you guys were all calling her a liar only 6 months ago and now you’re all acting so “loving” towards her because now you have no way of defending Ravi... typical Christians
@justme228 3 жыл бұрын
@@darkdr1fter actually I new nothing about her. And for the record I listened very little to R Zacharias. The only reason I herd about the allegations is because someone told me that works with me. I never assumed R Zacharias innocence. And understand why anyone is angry with christans in general. Remember people fall but Jesus will never fail. That's why one should never followed a human being.
@finalfrontier001 3 жыл бұрын
@@justme228 Jesus tells you to follow and human being who will guide you into all truth John 17 - 22. Peter is also the rock of church.
@justme228 3 жыл бұрын
@@finalfrontier001 Jesus said the Holy Spirit will lead and guide you into all truth in John 14 or 15. The Holy Spirit is not human. Also Jesus is 100 God and Human. So the reason he came is to open the door for a relationship with the Father. I follow Jesus with the help of the Holy Spirit and therefore am reunited to the Father. I'm not sure what Peter has to do with being the rock. However I don't need to understand I just love by faith. I don't follow Peter.
@finalfrontier001 3 жыл бұрын
@@justme228 there is no scripture that says holy spirit. It say spirit pneuma which means prophet according to John 2 which talks about Jesus.
@abadaheem 3 жыл бұрын
So sorry this happened to you. May we all learn heavily from this and analyze our own hypocrisy’s and continue to seek the Lords righteousness
@komidas1 3 жыл бұрын
No matter what.... we are humans not gods and are subject to temptations by that Devil , yes I swear that “SOD-evil” will try take advantage of our HUMAN WEAKNESSES NI MATTER WHO WE ARE WHERE WE ARE AND “WHAT WE ARE” and this young lady ... I really feel bad and sorry that she was subjected to such a thing.... I’m sorry that some of you consider This preachers huge mistake is so publicly and ADVERTISED ON INTERNET.... THIS LADY SHOULD TAKE CERTAIN STEPS ANY STEP BUT DO ADVERTISE TO CRUCIFY A PERSON A “ HUMAN BEING” and destroy HIS LIFE ( I’m not going into blameshifting game ) BUT YOU SHOULD HAVE TAKEN STEPS TO HELP A PERSON TO BE HELD RESPONSIBLE AND NOT BY ADVERTISING TO THE WOLRD OF A HUMAN SINSFUL MOMENT RUINING NOT ONLY HIS ( NOW ARE A RAPIST MAY BE?) rather than healing steps for you and Zakaria? .... and my friend Abraham Potts please this is not hypocrisy it’s Devils win on a very top lecturer and prea cher...this proves that He is subject to DEVILS TEMPTATIONS.... 80 years and I haven’t heard such an episode... my advice for you will be you should take actions not by publishing looking for sympathy from whom? People are just going to take advantage of this HUMAN ERROR...( no matter who you are actually the better you are the worse the Devil is in deep shi... ) .forTHOUSANDS OF LISTENERS I HAVE HEARD “ CHANGED LIVES” that is not hypocrisy and as far as you, you need professional help to get Thru such an emotional life changing experience so to go ahead with your life not stock... (just like an physical injury you seek help emotional also need help to cope with and remedy so you can do good from a bad experience... ( experience is sum total of happenings in your life good, bad or otherwise....) but no matter what you don’t want dwell on bad things in your life....prayers.... JESUS IS YOUR BEST SPIRITUAL HEALER...I PRAY FOR YOU, AT LEAST YOU HAVE THE BEST HEALER OUR LORD JESUS... I ASSURE YOU HE CAN GET YOU TO THE NEXT STEP IN YOUR LIFE WITH MOST WISDOM...
@darkdr1fter 3 жыл бұрын
Suuure, you guys were all calling her a liar only 6 months ago and now you’re all acting so “loving” towards her because now you have no way of defending Ravi... typical Christians
@abadaheem 3 жыл бұрын
@@darkdr1fter I have never called this woman a liar, i didnt even know this was happening. But clearly the Money of the ministry has shut it up pretty well. I thought Ravi to be an honorable man, but for this to happen to a bunch of women and only to now hear about it is devastating to a lot of people. But as Christians its a learning curve for many, because yes we all do struggle with evil behaviors, but to be in unrepentance as we know is very dangerous. We all need to pray for one another in this Hypocritical era for Christians.
@7chrisfrank 3 жыл бұрын
No doubt that Ravi will have to answer to the Lord for his many failures but, no true Christian should believe that he is also responsible for this woman's sin as well; she is! This woman had better come to terms with this stark reality; we are all accountable to the Lord for our own sin. Getting paid for our sin? She was a grown, married woman with multiple kids and as a "Follower of Christ" she was totally aware that she was sinning against her kids, husband and the Lord, period. Do we, as Christians, really believe that when this woman stands before the Lord to give an account for her life, as will we all, that she can tell the Lord that her adultery was all Ravi's fault? This won't be tolerated and the words will never finish leaving her mouth.. This is not shaming her , it's helping her see the need to repent and be accountable for her sin too.
@pristinepersians 3 жыл бұрын
So, I'm confused...was this forced sexual activity or did they just have an affair??? Seems to me if someone was raped, they would just not go back alone with the perpetrator. I mean unless she was chained up in his basement, she could have literally packed up and left the country.
@7chrisfrank 3 жыл бұрын
@@pristinepersians it was never physical. It was all over over the internet. She sent him nude photos of herself. They originally forgave one another but afterwards, she and husband realized they could cash in and so very conveniently blamed the entire sinful situation on him alone. Typical in this world today, our sin is always justified and blamed on others. She was a grown woman, who knew exactly what she was doing. She betrayed her husband and her family when she broke her marriage vows and she is responsible for her failure in this sad story. She should be more concerned with her reconciliation with the Lord, her husband and her family and less about the money she can exploit. Grown, married adults are responsible for their iniquity; we all are. She has already cashed in big time but now that this has all come to light she now wants to break yet another covenant she made when she signed a nondisclosure agreement, and cash in yet again.
@upward_onward 3 жыл бұрын
That is also a perspective with which we can view this woman's narrative.
@veduyimogor6935 3 жыл бұрын
Absolutely true
@7chrisfrank 3 жыл бұрын
@@upward_onward Let me be clear . Ravi' s behavior is abominable and he will be held accountable as well; even to a higher degree.. It is just so wrong to paint this woman as some poor victim as if she were a child when it was happening. Many people who continue to praise and coddle her are not helping her; they are hurting her, they are enabling her. When we fail, as we all do. We must repent. We must confess our sins to God and the ones we've sinned against and we must continue to seek His face. They both sinned in this situation. They both are accountable. She is continuing to sin by failing to confess her own failure but rather, exploiting the whole ugly affair twice now.
@jayray76 3 жыл бұрын
Am so deeply sorry and feel heartbroken hearing your testimony. By God's grace you and your family are still standing and I pray for total healing and rebuilding in your lives, strengthened by the love of Christ. Xo
@gobejioana104 3 жыл бұрын
Is my english that bad, or what? I don’t understand the abuse, what did he really do? Was that rape? Or what? Abused by force? It seems to me that the woman is more traumatized by the legal battle (who I can understand was very emotionally and difficult). But I still can’t understand the traumatizating relation with RZ; what was the trauma in fact? She is a woman, not a chid. If he asked photos or if he said something bad, she could just reject him. She was free to do that, no? To block him (online) or ignore him etc. There is a lot of emotion in this video. I hope there is also reason and truth. I am a 37 y old woman. If someone says to me something that I find offensive or vulgar, I don’t answer anymore that man’s calls. Or, if I work for him, I quit and change my job. I’m not saying her suffering is not real, I am just tryind to understand what caused that pain: was it just this RZ relation? If so, why not take a step back? Wasn’t she free to do that? But again, probably I miss something because of my english. Probably she blocked his calls/texting but probably he used more and different telephone numbers?
@1love1hope1faith 3 жыл бұрын
Well good for you , but not all people are like you , this lady already stuffed terrible abuse her whole like Ravi had her tell him about her abuse then got her to a vulnerable place and took advantaged of it !
@ruxy7443 3 жыл бұрын
@@1love1hope1faith she starts by crying and saying she was abused during her childhood, in order to make her statement more believable. But what was the fault in RZ behavior, other than flirting with a married woman (while he was also married)? I read his emails toward her (those who are public): there is nothing aggressive, or obscene, or offensive there. She is not sincere, in my opinion. She has a 16:42 video, in which she speaks so briefly about what happened and about what she accuses him of, in fact. You can t accuse a man who no longer can defend himself, by saying something as evasive as that. Instead of facts, we have emotions (who are known to be manipulative)
@KM-leons 3 жыл бұрын
@@1love1hope1faith She is also equally guilty.
@helenegiroux709 3 жыл бұрын
These predators are master manipulative persons. Victims are often in complete confusion...
@mvk7304 3 жыл бұрын
I was thinking the same. She is an an adult who could have said no and walked away..and complained then to police. Being abused before ( I do feel sorry for her) she should have smelled the rat in the beginning itself, since she had been in that position before.
@AaronBosley66 3 жыл бұрын
I’m sorry but why did you try to extort 5 million from him? You’re in your 40’s with a husband and you sent him nude pics. You’re equally implicated despite calling him the groomer. Ravi did wrong and hopefully repented but please don’t play the weeping victim card. You could have said No at any time. 5 million? C’mon. You weren’t 12 or in combat. Don’t blame your past for using extorting money.
@elijahidemudia1607 3 жыл бұрын
Are you a Christian? Because your lack of compassion is very disturbing
@AaronBosley66 3 жыл бұрын
You’re confusing compassion with justice. I’m heartbroken for her and Ravi. However, she still tried to extort 5 million from him. You can’t cover sin with more sin. Didn’t mean to sound so cold but I’m against using the victim card when she tried to squeeze 5 million out of him. She knew what she was doing from the start.
@ceefinch667 3 жыл бұрын
@@AaronBosley66 exactly! and no one can force you to send them nude pictures online! This adult woman knows right from wrong needs to own her part in that sinful adultery n move on being restored to become a better person-wiser. She got her money but it won’t buy peace.
@Rose-ez2fm 3 жыл бұрын
These narcissists are dangerous. Due to his status, people believe them or show empathy to them over the victims. All while these people intentionally want to cause harm. I am so upset of these injustices.
@acortes7771 3 жыл бұрын
Ravi Zacharias is also a psychopath.
@stjohnssoup 2 жыл бұрын
False Apostles 2 Co 11 …14And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. 15It is not surprising, then, if his servants masquerade as servants of righteousness. Their end will correspond to their actions.
@faithcooke4231 3 жыл бұрын
Please breathe and don’t be ashamed at all, you’re wonderful and beloved and blessed. Thank you.
@elodiebenoit-girault8638 3 жыл бұрын
@elodiebenoit-girault8638 3 жыл бұрын
​@Mark 97 It is sad but I understand her doubt. To have someone claiming to represent Christ misuse their power in such a malicious way is so damaging. Let us pray for her and her family.
@daddyguerrero 3 жыл бұрын
I can’t even imagine the pain that you’ve been through. May the Lord minister His abundant grace to comfort and heal your heart and your marriage. God bless you.
@daddyguerrero 3 жыл бұрын
@@ideiaabkaar5485 🥱This makes absolutely no sense.
@darkdr1fter 3 жыл бұрын
Suuure, you guys were all calling her a liar only 6 months ago and now you’re all acting so “loving” towards her because now you have no way of defending Ravi... typical Christians
@daddyguerrero 3 жыл бұрын
@@darkdr1fter She was not innocent in all of this; however, she confessed her sin and repented. Her’s was not the sin of lying but of adultery. That being said, the greater sin is Ravi’s because it’s given the ungodly, like you, an excuse to reproach Christ.
@shaunandrewjnr 3 жыл бұрын
@@daddyguerrero you are not the judge of who is worse! This is lazy and pathetic. They are both equally responsible
@daddyguerrero 3 жыл бұрын
@@shaunandrewjnr Appreciate the loving rebuke😏
@Jabbers1 3 жыл бұрын
We serve a God who sees and hears. My heart goes out to you! The LORD is with you! He holds you close, even tho it might not "feel" like it. 🙏🙏🙏
@elodiebenoit-girault8638 3 жыл бұрын
Amen praise Jesus!
@whiskyo 3 жыл бұрын
I don’t understand. She hasn’t stated what he *did*? What exactly is she claiming he did? Did I miss it?
@janazimmerman5917 3 жыл бұрын
She doesn’t have to.
@whiskyo 3 жыл бұрын
@@janazimmerman5917 why not? I mean, why make a video going on and on about something without explaining what actually happened? All she’s doing is talking about random instances.. like he messaged her? So what?
@philipphassel 3 жыл бұрын
@@whiskyo Don't you think that she'll have a good reason? Is it really necessary to explain it any further? I think its obvious that he abused her in any way.
@nathanbanks2354 3 жыл бұрын
She still has an NDA.
@marymorningstar4508 2 жыл бұрын
I am still left wondering what Ravi did. She was a grown women with a whole history of abuse and compliance with others. Didn't she participate in what happen because of her unresolved past? If what he did was so bad, then why is it we are never told what he did? This is a women with a long past of unresolved trauma. Just because she was a victim growing up doesn't mean she has to remain a victim, which she is still viewing herself as. She said nothing here except to tell us of her horrible past, and how much of that is true, we only know because of what she has told us. She is not the only victim here and when I listen to someone who says really nothing about what really happen, I am left still wondering . She only kept pulling at our heart strings of how abused she was and that none of this was her fault because she was so innocent of what was happening (and we still do not know what that happening was). I was hoping to get some real answers about Ravi because it hurt me and others about what he was accused of and I wanted to hear it from a victim, But I am still left wondering about what really happen. This is no innocent little girl, she is a women who has a whole history of compliance,. This is a beautiful women who probably used her looks and femininity and still does. I am sure Ravi was being a man as most men would be when attracted to a beautiful women. I have seen in my life time many an abuse women who wore that label on their shoulder and remained a victim all of their life, never realizing that they are other half of the equation. She never forgave anyone who hurt her in her life, so she remained a victim. This video said nothing. The same nothing we get from a politician when we want them to answer a question. They dance all around it and you are still left with the feeling that nothing was answered. All we got from this women was a lot of emotion, and it can be hard for people to see through that emotion, in order to see the truth. Hate me if you want to, because I have brought up some questions. I wanted answers but got none. Ravi was just a man, who had a God given gift, and fell off the pedestal people put him on. He himself knew he was a sinner all to well. I could hear it in his sermons. He was a sinner like the rest of us , including this women. I feel sorry for Ravi's family, especially Margie. They are victims here too. Innocent victims who had no part in this drama. But I bet because of who they are , they will pulled themselves together and learn to forgive. If we never learn to forgive, we never pull ourselves out of being a victim.
3 жыл бұрын
Jesus is still Lord, He loves you.
@theawakening5354 3 жыл бұрын
Jesus never said he has 2 natures... jesus never said father, son and the holy spirit are co equal..
@Ace0555 3 жыл бұрын
No thanks! I am thankful to God everyday that I am a Muslim! Thank you God for making me a MUSLIM!
@Ace0555 3 жыл бұрын
@D Mc good thing her dad married her off.
@Ace0555 3 жыл бұрын
@D Mc but look what happened to this poor Christian woman who was harassed by a famous Christian minister.
@Ace0555 3 жыл бұрын
@D G no I don’t know what you mean. Are you telling me you’re broke?
@roccorubino6288 3 жыл бұрын
Ms. Thompson, I sincerely hope you find peace and healing. Your courage is admirable.
@arkhamkillzone 3 жыл бұрын
Proof tho? I don't trust humans cause they can lie.
@matthewjoseph2068 3 жыл бұрын
As a Christian man.May you get the help that you and your family needs.the rest is in Gods hands .be healed in Jesus name
@shaunandrewjnr 3 жыл бұрын
She needs help alright! Help to take responsibility for her actions
@elodiebenoit-girault8638 3 жыл бұрын
@elodiebenoit-girault8638 3 жыл бұрын
@@shaunandrewjnr Please don't...
@shaunandrewjnr 3 жыл бұрын
@@elodiebenoit-girault8638 what tell the truth, I know Christians don’t like truth
@elodiebenoit-girault8638 3 жыл бұрын
@@shaunandrewjnr I do like the truth. That is why I am supporting these women. The evidence is clearly in their favor.
@ShamelesslyRed 3 жыл бұрын
A married mother of 5 in her 30s continued emails with RZ ...and that's abuse? He's dead and can't defend herself and she's attention seeking. Why else read this statement on line for the entire world?
@answers_for_all4379 2 жыл бұрын
Don't forget the 5 million she got from all of this, if not more
@mariomcneal2207 3 жыл бұрын
There are a few red flags about her impact statement. Her eloquent statement seemed to reveal that she had enough common sense and self-awareness about her weaknesses and relational damages, yet she put herself in that compromising position (and stayed there for some time). What also doesn't sit well with me was her and her spouse's attempt to sue R.Z as a means to bribe him so that his secrets wouldn’t be exposed. I would think that maybe refraining from threatening R.Z with a bribe and instead of spending that time and energy on rebuilding her marriage / gaining her husband's trust back and seeking pastoral counsel would have been a wiser move. That would have been a more repentant and authentic gesture, especially for one that seems to be so conscious and self-aware. 

 A few important things should be considered, especially in the culture of the #Me2 movement. We have to take responsibility for our actions, both (adult and consenting) male and female. Although victimized by R.Z, this woman still must be held accountable for her actions. She was not forced to cheat on her husband. She was not forced to keep up with the emailing thread. And being as conscious as she seems to let on, why didn’t she allow her husband to become apart of the many conversations she was having with Ravi? She is an adult that seems to have enough common sense to make basic decisions and refuses an opportunity to dishonor her marriage and God. She’s playing 100% victim and not taking enough responsibility for her actions, with that, I can’t agree with. 
 Another red flag: visit the time, 7:45 where she is making this more about herself, rather than empathizing with her husband. “...left my husband drowning in shame and excruciating pain, this lead him to bitterly blame me, even when I struggled under the crushing load and weight of it all.” Bitterly blame her?! What about the weight her husband felt? A father of 5 children and a husband that was lied to and cheated on by his wife? 

 It is good that R.Z is being exposed, and I truly wish that this information was revealed much early on in his “ministry”. I empathize with all of the victims harmed by R.Z, especially the women that we not saved. 

I hope this woman sacks up and stops playing the complete victim.
@daeberrii6528 3 жыл бұрын
Did I miss something? Is she calling her affair with Ravi abuse? Is she saying Ravi abused her whilst she committed adultery? I do understand her years of pain but they ( meaning her and Ravi) were both wrong for messing with each other.
@chriscravens8318 3 жыл бұрын
Educate yourself. Sad.
@jesuswept5863 3 жыл бұрын
@dae. You don’t understand what it’s like to be abused. Mentally she didn’t have the strength to get away from him.
@bellabelle5996 3 жыл бұрын
@dae That's what it sounds like to me. She didn't have to send Ravi nude pictures of herself. Nobody made her do that.
@daeberrii6528 3 жыл бұрын
@@jesuswept5863 at the day of judgement we are not allowed to blame others for our transgressions. Just remember that whenever we sin it's because we enjoyed it. The sin smells and feels good that's why we do it. We can't be pointing fingers
@ivanchang4801 3 жыл бұрын
@dae Yea, you missed grace, truth must be spoken at the right time and BY the right person, truth with love. Do you know her personally? Are you close friends with her ? Do you care for her ? Do you think you are helping her by commenting ? You think this is what Jesus would do ?
@ryandawson2877 3 жыл бұрын
As a Christian minister, I am so sorry for what you have gone through. As a man desiring to live for God with the highest integrity, it grieves and pains me to see ministers who are such horrible examples. God is still good, Jesus is still Lord, and he will vindicate you as you look to him. My prayers are with you that you find peace and serenity and that the light reveals all hidden works of darkness through you in the days to come.
@7chrisfrank 3 жыл бұрын
As a true "Christian Minister " you should also be telling her the full truth. She is accountable to the Lord for her part in this sinful situation.
@ryandawson2877 3 жыл бұрын
@@7chrisfrank wow! Your complete lack of insight is absolutely astounding. Can you not see that she is dealing with the guilt and shame of the situation already? Can you not tell that? Do you really think she would be sharing this publicly with a who rah or something? Quite honestly, if you cannot see that she is dealing with tons of guilt and shame anyway you are probably a Socio path or a narcissist. Of course she complied, but that does not compare with what he did. I am sure she asked her husband to forgive her. Besides that, it is deflecting from the issue of what Ravi did causing someone to stumble taking advantage of them. Of course she did wrong, but trust me… He had the greater condemnation if he did not repent.
@7chrisfrank 3 жыл бұрын
@@ryandawson2877 What is really astounding is your lack of full counsel and insight as a minister. First, many would ask why the need to even broadcast this?. She already received 500K and signed a nondisclosure; which is another covenant she is seeking to break. Does that matter after she already broke the marriage covenant?Secondly, if she were as moved as you indicate, she would be sharing her own failures as well but she isn't, she's playing the blame game. What is really astonishing is that you, as a "minister" are not providing her with true biblical counsel; which would include her coming to terms with her part in all this, her need for accountibility and her need of repentance. In this regard you are totally failing her, despite all of your "kind" words of support. Can she stand before God and blame Ravi for her breaking of her marriage vows? No, she cannot. If you want to jump into these conversations online by all means,, do so..but don't specifically mention that you are a "minister" and then push your lopsided version of Godly "truths" If you want to give her true Godly counsel, tell her she needs to repent and not blame the entire situation on Ravi. A true minister of God's word would never accept this because neither would the Lord. One of the problems with the world today is "ministers" like you, who fail to proclaim the full counsel of the Lord, but instead, pander to and tickle the ears of, obvious sinners. You need to repent too. PS Not very "Minister" like to make false judgments and call names no?
@ryandawson2877 3 жыл бұрын
@@7chrisfrank somethings I would say publicly well other things I would say privately. But deflecting from the issue is horrible on your part. Anyhow…
@7chrisfrank 3 жыл бұрын
@@ryandawson2877 Interestingly enough,,you did not hesitate to call me names in public did you? You did not hesitate to make quick, false judgements against me in public, did you? Horrible? You are still deflecting the true point, not me. I have zero animosity towards this woman, zero..quite the opposite. She needs to hear the truth and if she goes public on KZfaq, she can be told the truth in public, on KZfaq. "Go into the highways and hedges and compel them to come in" She is responsible for her sin and she does not show any awareness of that at all; quite the opposite. Who is doing right by her, you or me?
@colsen900 3 жыл бұрын
I am heartbroken for what you have been through. There are no words.
@angelakatsapas7894 3 жыл бұрын
RZ was a Wolf. I am deeply sorry that you had to go through this. I am a Christian and am praying for you.
@darkdr1fter 3 жыл бұрын
Suuure, you guys were all calling her a liar only 6 months ago and now you’re all acting so “loving” towards her because now you have no way of defending Ravi... typical Christians
@angelakatsapas7894 3 жыл бұрын
@@darkdr1fter oh really? Yesterday I was reading my 2017 Journal and I saw that I had written about this report and I believed her. Although I haven't been able to listen to Ravi since 2014, somehow I never trusted him because his doctrine was compromised and be spouted the same old philosophical quotes over and over.
@angelakatsapas7894 3 жыл бұрын
@Kamran Khan I really dont have the time to type out all the Scritures but go read the whole Bible with humility and meekness and you will see the Deity of The Lord Jesus Christ throughout the Scripture.
@angelakatsapas7894 3 жыл бұрын
@Kamran Khan Then you haven't read the Bible. John 1: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God. John 8:58 Jesus said, "Before Abraham was I AM " and the Jews picked up stones to stone Him. If you have read the whole Bible you would know that in Exodus when Moses asked God, Who must I say sent me, Goc answered, "IAM has sent you". There hundreds of verses if you have eyes to see. Jesus also said, "The Father and I are One" and He also said, "If you have seen Me you have seen the Father". I have had long discussions with Aryans and it is interesting that you all spout the same cherry picked verses.
@angelakatsapas7894 3 жыл бұрын
@Kamran Khan they did and you are wilfully blind. You go the way you have chosen, Jesus said, "unless you believe that IAM you will die in your sins. Go your way and I know whom I have believed, The Lord Jesus Christ Who is Lord of Lords and King of Kings and the Bible clearly says that "Every tongue will confess that Jesus ins LORD and every knee will bow"
@aprilprice4251 3 жыл бұрын
God only knows the full truth of what all happened! 💔
@dailydoseofinstagramfunnyv1037 3 жыл бұрын
yeah problem ia no god exista
@Lion_Hamza 3 жыл бұрын
@@dailydoseofinstagramfunnyv1037 anything we know like cars, buildings and clothing is man made. Nothing just creates itself. The same goes with humans. Nothing just creates itself. Something must have created us. Something must have given us certain values. Without this values humans would behave like Atheists behaved in russia under Stalin or in China under Mao. They Maß exterminated millions. When Hitler was slaughtering his victims, only religious people stoop up against him. While Atheists only worship death and destruction.
@Sangi245 3 жыл бұрын
@@dailydoseofinstagramfunnyv1037 O plus O equals O
@abhishekpaul2609 3 жыл бұрын
Sometimes the question always hits around why allegations goes widespread when the person isn't there more than when the person is around, the end times sufferings for godly is always there , God is the only one to give justice and to keep the work of his faithful fruitful servant to be radiating no matter what negative follows,Our Lord God Jesus Christ loves each lost soul , he would hold his people with his right hand of Righteousness. we serve a mighty God he that is in us is greatest than he that is in the world We being brought by the precious blood one would never ever loose hopes , but indeed be more zealous in our faith since he who called is faithful and will lead us till the end ✝❤
@yerow8563 3 жыл бұрын
@@dailydoseofinstagramfunnyv1037 if God doesnt exist. Rape, sexual allegations and stuff is not wrong..u have no basis foundation of deciding which one is right or wrong. The moral standard was given by the moral law giver, which is what you are trying so hard to dissaprove
@jaimemiller3909 3 жыл бұрын
What was the abuse? I am sorry but what exactly is she accusing RZIM of?
@stjohnssoup 2 жыл бұрын
False Apostles 2 Co 11 …14And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. 15It is not surprising, then, if his servants masquerade as servants of righteousness. Their end will correspond to their actions.
@wysefavor 3 жыл бұрын
Why is she just talking after he died ????
@LadyGlobeTrotter23 3 жыл бұрын
She brought this to light in 2017, after which Ravi maligned and publicly humiliated her and her husband. I don't know when this was filmed, but she brought forward when he was still alive
@maalat 3 жыл бұрын
She’s not speaking g just now. She spoke to at least to two people first. Then, she told her husband. Then, she and family filed a federal case. They were shamed by many people. So, she’s been actively and lawfully expressing the injustice. God bless her.
@joverstreet24 3 жыл бұрын
@martha Gurung neither do i
@wickerman5867 3 жыл бұрын
She is not a victim... an actress though? Maybe...with a few more acting lessons.
@joverstreet24 3 жыл бұрын
@@wickerman5867 If you ran into this woman anywhere, you better turn and run for your life.
@jonathanberglund3330 3 жыл бұрын
Glad that she still sticks to Christ, I’m very sorry for what happened, he will be punish for what he did, Love
@jesusismylordsavior6604 3 жыл бұрын
@Ramzey Sahrt True repentance is vital. If he truly repented then that's one thing, but if he went on sinning willfully (meaning a lack of true repentance) then that's another story.
@jesusismylordsavior6604 3 жыл бұрын
@Ramzey Sahrt Repentance (changing mind followed by a change of action which naturally should be paired with confessing one's sins to God) is necessary and turning away from said sin. Some example verses: 1 John 1:9 Proverbs 28:13 John 8:10-11 Acts 2:38 Revelations 2:5; 2:16, 3:16, 3:19 Hebrews 10:26-27, 6:4-6 Although many believe in OSAS (Once Saved Always Saved), which is a false doctrine, it doesn't change the fact that sin separates us from God and the Bible clearly states that. No one can snatch us from God, but according to Bible scripture, an unrepentant heart/willful sin does show that it is the person themselves that walks away from God and denies Him and the salvation He freely offers to those who repent and follow Him. (Hebrews 10:26; 6:4-6) True belief will lead to a genuine change, false belief will lead to no change. If you'd like more a Bible verses let me know! May God the Father bless and guide you. Goodnight. P.s. So it will be God that punishes the willful unrepentant sinner.
@jesusismylordsavior6604 3 жыл бұрын
@Ramzey Sahrt Confess your sins to God. Why you ask? Because the Word of God says to. It is that simple. Disobeying His Word is disobeying Him. Proverbs 28:13 and 1 John 1:8-9 deal with this specifically. Pray on this if it confuses you of course, but if you'd like me to pray for you also and to speak on this with you a little longer, than let me know. God bless you. 😊
@themaskedeconomist8404 3 жыл бұрын
According to Christians and Catholics even if you believe Jesus died for your sins you’re saved forever and all your sins are wiped out. So it doesn’t matter what Ravi did he’s still rewarded with heaven according to Christianity of today.
@99WingedTigers 3 жыл бұрын
@@themaskedeconomist8404 Catholics? Lol no Catholic (at least not the good ones) know if they are saved.
@investfluent4143 3 жыл бұрын
Very sad that Ravi has brought such shame to the name of the Lord Jesus Christ without whom there is no salvation from sin and death. My heart goes out to our abused sister. It is absolutely, horrific what sinful men are capable of doing to the very people we are meant to love and care for.
@luisasterioquerubin6829 8 ай бұрын
Wolves in Shepherd"s clothing
@annamarie8040 3 жыл бұрын
Something more positive could have happened if rather than asking for a 5 million dollar settlement she could have just come out with the accusation. I feel for her but obviously the money she asked for and the money she got didn't solve anyone's problem. It is absolutely wrong what happened to her and maybe she thought that asking for money would solve the problem. It didn't and doesn't. I don't blame her because obviously she had such a messed up childhood maybe the right approach didn't come obviously. To sign a disclosure and to agree to not talk about it just caused more problems for her, her family and other women to follow.
@ashleejohnson4945 3 жыл бұрын
ANYONE who has NO compassion or understanding for victims like this or has the brains to see how abusers WORK have no right or place to even have an opinion about this.
@shaunandrewjnr 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah she’s not under age! She’s a mother of 5 and a wife! I question her integrity
@elodiebenoit-girault8638 3 жыл бұрын
@elodiebenoit-girault8638 3 жыл бұрын
​@@shaunandrewjnr Are you a Christian? If so, I pray you will have compassion. Coming from a fellow sister in Christ--I believe Jesus Christ wants us to have compassion and love for the victims of this type of abuse. I pray your daughters and sisters will receive love and compassion if they ever say that they are abused in this way.
@shaunandrewjnr 3 жыл бұрын
@@elodiebenoit-girault8638 my compassion is reserved for those who accept their own deceit. Was Bathsheba responsible for her actions ?
@shaunandrewjnr 3 жыл бұрын
@@elodiebenoit-girault8638 she is not a victim! If she was my wife I would hold her entirely responsible.
@allforthegloryofthelord4389 3 жыл бұрын
How was this abuse when you sent him explicit photos? Where is your taking responsibility for doing what you did as a wife and mother of five children?
@inthesecretplace-theholine7788 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you! Never justifying what RZ did. It’s between him and God.... but that’s exactly I was feeling and thinking. Everyone is accusing RZ but what about the woman who willfully committed adultery while being married and having 5 kids, all under the guise of counseling! Who sends a nude picture to a father figure even if he begged?? And then got 5 million dollars from the whole ordeal.
@lyngyps3364 3 жыл бұрын
Exactly my thought
@Jabbers1 3 жыл бұрын
RZIM should be ashamed of themselves!!!!!
@THX-ov8rv 3 жыл бұрын
What purpose does it serve to go public with this information? Ravi is dead so it doesn't affect him. But look at the toll it is taking on the church. Frenzied condemnation - just what Satan lusts after. Forgiveness isn't even a consideration if any of this is even true.
@chuckchuck80 3 жыл бұрын
@@THX-ov8rv Luke 12:1-3: In the meantime, when so many thousands of the people had gathered together that they were trampling one another, he began to say to his disciples first, “Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy. 2 Nothing is covered up that will not be revealed, or hidden that will not be known. 3 Therefore whatever you have said in the dark shall be heard in the light, and what you have whispered in private rooms shall be proclaimed on the housetops.
@furryrupert3739 3 жыл бұрын
RZIM should be shut down permanently.
@Heavenly.Ministries 3 жыл бұрын
@@furryrupert3739 Was the whole Ministry involved in the scandal? Or was it just ravi? Maybe some others...
@shaunandrewjnr 3 жыл бұрын
@@THX-ov8rv are you serious forgiveness isn’t a consideration if this is true? I think you have your religions confused
@profanotherletter4346 3 жыл бұрын
dang till now i treated all this fiasco as something humorous but now i realise that the effect is real and this is real .
@112jungle 3 жыл бұрын
Reality is a illusion.
@landofthefree2023 3 жыл бұрын
Please don't discount her wilful participation in the activity. Being a victim is one thing. Being someone identifying as a victim is entitlement to an identity that is not rightfully theirs
@joverstreet24 3 жыл бұрын
And why is what she states factual?
@landofthefree2023 3 жыл бұрын
@@joverstreet24 Good Question ❓
@joverstreet24 3 жыл бұрын
@@landofthefree2023 It’s become quite common nowadays for one side to become judge, jury and executioner.
@praveenliverpool 3 жыл бұрын
I sympathize with you, sister in Christ. May the Lord heal you of all your wounds and strengthen you. God will judge Ravi for his actions just like all of us. The truth shall set you free.
@Vitalbowhunting 3 жыл бұрын
Horrible. I hold my kids tight listening to this testimony. Heartbreaking.
@democracyforall 3 жыл бұрын
Thompson found Ravi daughter, and began asking her intrusive questions about, among other things, Ravi daughter was offended and considered Ms Thompson’s behavior and demeanor to be aggressive and disturbing. Ms. Thompson repeatedly contacted Ravi. As a result of Ms. Thompson’s repeated messages, Ravi began to consider Ms. Thompson as a friend, in addition to a fan and supporter of RZIM’s mission and his work. Ravi frequently receives death threats originating from these countries and, further, his electronic devices and online accounts have been the target of many hacking attempts. Additionally, his mobile phone has been taken and briefly held by local authorities on a few occasions when visiting Islamic countries. Over the course of the two years following their initial meeting Mrs Thompson attempted to escalate her relationship with Ravi through repeated and persistent BBM messages, e-mails, by sending gifts through the mail, and by traveling from Canada to Georgia on two occasions, but Ravi did not meet her in person. In December 2015 Ms. Thompson obtained Ravi home address under the guise of sending him a Christmas gift. On one visit to Georgia, Ms. Thompson unsuccessfully attempted to contact one of Ravi daughters. Ms. Thompson attempted to meet Ravi on other occasions as well, but Ravi rejected all of these attempts. For example, Ms. Thompson represented that she was a physiotherapist and/or an ergonomist and volunteered to meet Ravi and treat his back pain. Mrs Thompson attempted to coax Ravi into an inappropriate online relationship. Ms. Thompson, at all times without Ravi solicitation, gradually introduced inappropriate topics into conversations with Ravi and then eventually introduced sexual topics. For example, she began expressing her love for Ravi, and then began making sexually suggestive statements. At first, Ms. Thompson sent photographs of herself with her family and pet, but as time went by, she sent photographs of herself stretching and in very scanty clothing and suggestive positions under the guise that these were exercises that would help Ravi back, and then she began sending photographs with less clothing, and ultimately in the nude. Ms. Thompson took these photographs in her office, car, and home. In fact, Ravi asked Ms. Thompson to stop sending him inappropriate material. Ms. Thompson agreed to stop sending Ravi such material, but then began sending photographs again and told Ravi that she could not help herself. When Ravi blocked and/or directed Ms. Thompson’s BBM messages to his spam folder, Ms. Thompson created new BBM identification numbers and continued to send inappropriate photographs and messages. Additionally, on at least two occasions, Ravi rejected Ms. Thompson’s online request for further BBM chats. Recognizing that they would be unable to persuade Ravi to engage in any inappropriate behavior, as part of their scheme, Mrs Thompson decided to become confrontational with Ravi to attempt to extract damaging statements that could support her extortion scheme. Additionally, Ravi, who was worried about his physical well-being and his reputation being unfairly tarnished, pleaded with Ms. Thompson not to escalate the situation. Ms. Thompson’s tone had moved from affectionate adulation to contemptible accusation based upon groundless accusations. Oliver C Oliver C 33 seconds ago (edited) @Sorrowful sheep Yes, it can be seen that there were people who were after him and the fools who falls so quickly for these accusation are just too stupid. They only hear one side of the story. Now, I am not saying he was without sexual sins but in most cases it appears that people were after him trying to bring him down. And I dare say who is without sexual sins even though most of the stuff against him as you stated are all false. But fools falls for it too quickly. Solomon Proverb: When a person make accusation he seems right untill the accused defends himself. And how true that is. But most people are like kids they will believe in anything they hear.
@Vitalbowhunting 3 жыл бұрын
@@democracyforall have you read the report from RZIM ??! Confirms everything.
@democracyforall 3 жыл бұрын
@@Vitalbowhunting I have, most of it is all false cancelling the real truth. People like me have a say if you are involve in something bad one day you will meet Ms thamspon she is the sort of lady people like me warns against-like pits for the fools. So yes ravi was playing around and he met the pits everyone warns against. Thampson is bad woman waiting for the person soul when the person is involve in prostitution however, ravi knew and did not yeild to her email or her meeting. What I tell you here no report will be able to go that deep. Neither is thamspon innocent nether was ravi innocent entirely. Both are product of a bad path, if you can hear it.
@Vitalbowhunting 3 жыл бұрын
@@democracyforall ok let’s forget about me Thompson, and let’s talk about the message therapists... the apartments in Thailand bought with ministry funds. All confirmed by RZIM.
@democracyforall 3 жыл бұрын
@@Vitalbowhunting No we cannot forget about that because as I said both are the product of a bad path. The lady that plays as pits for the sexual imorals is now on the lose revealing herself to the world without knowing it, Sexual intercourse did not happen or happened no one knows, it is a totall assumption played out by the bad ladies to get money. Only fools will fall for this. This ithe expostion of both the three ladies the pits for the fool or sexually imoral and ravi who was playing around too much. Proving it is almost impossible but he was playing around that is for sure otherwise he would not have meet the pits the three ladies.
@estar1277 3 жыл бұрын
To those who are blaming Lori, you do not understand the mental and emotional frame that she had becoz of her wounded history. As she said and the reports said, it tuk a long time of grooming to bring her to that place of wrong. And that is a slippery slope that many who have not been in that place will not understand. I'm not condoning her sin for God gives Grace to His children to say 'No', but now let us be thankful to God that she came to her senses and turned away from even greater entrapments. Leave her alone and let us all wish and pray that she n her family gets healed and share happiness again. Praise the Lord🙌
@manichairdo9265 3 жыл бұрын
And 5 million to keep her mouth shut will help.
@TamerEldegwy 3 жыл бұрын
Sure , I know that everybody can have a double life but this man was wise enough not to leave a scandal for himself, his family and his organization after his death unless he doesn't care and this will mean only one thing .. which is he doesn't believe anything of what he was preaching .. and I am strongly convinced this was not his case. At least he would care about his wife and daughter not to put them in this shameful situation. I am 80 % skeptical about the whole story as it goes very well with what is going around us nowadays.
@chriscravens8318 3 жыл бұрын
You are willingly ignorant. Congrats.
@davedyer3312 3 жыл бұрын
Rz was a narcissist
@stjohnssoup 2 жыл бұрын
False Apostles 2 Co 11 …14And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. 15It is not surprising, then, if his servants masquerade as servants of righteousness. Their end will correspond to their actions.
@aubreyleonae4108 3 жыл бұрын
I gave him money, but more than that I gave him my trust. My thoughts and support for this brave woman .
@maryannegalindo1292 3 жыл бұрын
I did too. Then I started giving to Glad Tidings of India. This christian organization based in San Dimas, CA supports impoverished women in India to develop skills in Lieracy and sewing etc. to sustain financial success for themselves and their children. At the same teaching them that Jesus loves them and is with them. Money well spent!
@maryannegalindo1292 3 жыл бұрын
Correction: "Literacy "
@democracyforall 3 жыл бұрын
Thompson found Ravi daughter, and began asking her intrusive questions about, among other things, Ravi daughter was offended and considered Ms Thompson’s behavior and demeanor to be aggressive and disturbing. Ms. Thompson repeatedly contacted Ravi. As a result of Ms. Thompson’s repeated messages, Ravi began to consider Ms. Thompson as a friend, in addition to a fan and supporter of RZIM’s mission and his work. Ravi frequently receives death threats originating from these countries and, further, his electronic devices and online accounts have been the target of many hacking attempts. Additionally, his mobile phone has been taken and briefly held by local authorities on a few occasions when visiting Islamic countries. Over the course of the two years following their initial meeting Mrs Thompson attempted to escalate her relationship with Ravi through repeated and persistent BBM messages, e-mails, by sending gifts through the mail, and by traveling from Canada to Georgia on two occasions, but Ravi did not meet her in person. In December 2015 Ms. Thompson obtained Ravi home address under the guise of sending him a Christmas gift. On one visit to Georgia, Ms. Thompson unsuccessfully attempted to contact one of Ravi daughters. Ms. Thompson attempted to meet Ravi on other occasions as well, but Ravi rejected all of these attempts. For example, Ms. Thompson represented that she was a physiotherapist and/or an ergonomist and volunteered to meet Ravi and treat his back pain. Mrs Thompson attempted to coax Ravi into an inappropriate online relationship. Ms. Thompson, at all times without Ravi solicitation, gradually introduced inappropriate topics into conversations with Ravi and then eventually introduced sexual topics. For example, she began expressing her love for Ravi, and then began making sexually suggestive statements. At first, Ms. Thompson sent photographs of herself with her family and pet, but as time went by, she sent photographs of herself stretching and in very scanty clothing and suggestive positions under the guise that these were exercises that would help Ravi back, and then she began sending photographs with less clothing, and ultimately in the nude. Ms. Thompson took these photographs in her office, car, and home. In fact, Ravi asked Ms. Thompson to stop sending him inappropriate material. Ms. Thompson agreed to stop sending Ravi such material, but then began sending photographs again and told Ravi that she could not help herself. When Ravi blocked and/or directed Ms. Thompson’s BBM messages to his spam folder, Ms. Thompson created new BBM identification numbers and continued to send inappropriate photographs and messages. Additionally, on at least two occasions, Ravi rejected Ms. Thompson’s online request for further BBM chats. Recognizing that they would be unable to persuade Ravi to engage in any inappropriate behavior, as part of their scheme, Mrs Thompson decided to become confrontational with Ravi to attempt to extract damaging statements that could support her extortion scheme. Additionally, Ravi, who was worried about his physical well-being and his reputation being unfairly tarnished, pleaded with Ms. Thompson not to escalate the situation. Ms. Thompson’s tone had moved from affectionate adulation to contemptible accusation based upon groundless accusations. Oliver C Oliver C 33 seconds ago (edited) @Sorrowful sheep Yes, it can be seen that there were people who were after him and the fools who falls so quickly for these accusation are just too stupid. They only hear one side of the story. Now, I am not saying he was without sexual sins but in most cases it appears that people were after him trying to bring him down. And I dare say who is without sexual sins even though most of the stuff against him as you stated are all false. But fools falls for it too quickly. Solomon Proverb: When a person make accusation he seems right untill the accused defends himself. And how true that is. But most people are like kids they will believe in anything they hear.
@giselesantos7238 3 жыл бұрын
@@democracyforall How do you know all this?
@democracyforall 3 жыл бұрын
@@giselesantos7238 Not only that Ms thamspon was going round and round to get into his bed to get his money, and no one talks about that. Also he wanted a 2nd wife, and he also made them agree that they were his secret wives sort of stuff. So since they agreed to that marriage or agreement then where is even the sin? Paul says , he does not want anyone who has two or more wives to teach in the church but paul never said you cannot marry more than one wife and if you have more than one wife you are some how not a christian this teaching is not in the bible. Christ was dealing with the jews and he said Do not divorce your wives because the Jews used to be married to many women. Thus the catholic mis interpreted Jesus teaching that you can only have one wife and that is not true. Jesus never told the jews to diverce all the wives except one, he told them not to divorce any. That is why paul said, if any man has two wives or more he cannot be priest in the church , paul never said not to marry more than one wife neither did he condemn those who had more than one wife neither did he told them to stop marry more than one neither did he said divorce the 2nd wife and keep the first. None of this teaching comes from the bible it comes from the catholic church. Ravi made them sign statment that they were actually sort of wives to him and they agreed since it is not condem in the bible to have more than one wives so where is even the sin in that. It is all a big propaganda.
@browngirl0272 3 жыл бұрын
I believe you, and I’m so sorry this happened to you and your family.
@americanpie123 3 жыл бұрын
Why would anyone text nude pictures of themself to ANYONE? And no I would not even consider suicide. Wow. I'm not saying this didn't happen. I'm saying she allowed it to happen.
@elaineholm6893 2 жыл бұрын
@@americanpie123 Are you kidding me. He was in a position of power and GROOMED HER like ALL SEXUAL PREDATORS DO. PLEASE do not blame victims when you clearly DONOT understand sexual abuse. Did you even listen to her? She has been an abuse victim as a child and RAVI KNEW THIS ANE EXPLOITED THAT.
@duanehensley8835 3 жыл бұрын
I'm no Ravi apologist or fan of his, but is it just me, or is something very odd about this woman and her life story? I find it incredibly ironic that this woman who has conveyed her life as a perpetual victim was one of Ravi's victims. I realize there is supposedly an incredible amount of evidence against him but sorry, but this woman's comments seem so strange to me. I also think it seems suspicious and awfully convenient that she leaves out any and all details of the abuse. I wonder if it's because the truth of the matter is she had an illicit sexual affair with Ravi. Sorry, but as adults, we are responsible for our own choices and like others have said on here, she is responsible for her part in this sinful action of her cheating on her husband. Seems to be a common theme among people these days to play the victim for their own sins they have committed.
@jameseverett4976 3 жыл бұрын
Me neither. I call BS.
@ceefinch667 3 жыл бұрын
I agree. Adult married people know right from wrong. These 2 knew they were married-so “both” are responsible for their actions. Getting an attorney for a financial settlement is not the answer. Repenting n owning up to your part in the sin is what the Bible teaches. I wish her a better spiritual n mental health tho.
@shanedwilson 3 жыл бұрын
Agree totally
@dreeming6036 3 жыл бұрын
If you haven't been a victim of abuse, you can't possibly understand what it's like to go through life feeling "marked", as perverted hunters are drawn to you and it happens over and over, you feel like something is wrong with you. As a victim myself, your comment and conclusion clearly show your ignorance, insensitivity, and lack of compassion.
@duanehensley8835 3 жыл бұрын
@@dreeming6036I'm merely making an observation here and all I merely said was her life story seemed a bit odd to me. That's it. Nothing more. So, please don't mischaracterize my comments and try and make it seem like I'm saying anything more than that.
@inglishhomeandgarden8386 3 жыл бұрын
For those blaming her: If you understood how sexual abuse damages a child, and how it messes up their relationship with figures of trust, then it would perhaps make you more empathetic. The twisted wish to please an abuser, because he/she is a trusted authority figure, or a father figure, messes with all normal alarm signals, and also with all common sense. . This is what abuse does. The victim is not to be blamed! Though, they often are the first to blame themselves - while the abuser violently defends himself, and blames, and threatens, the victim. . In this case, despite the false counsel to shut up, or else, it seems Lori Anne confessed it all, in deep remorse, to her husband. She didn't want to hide anything from him. To me, this points to a truly repentant heart. . Ravi Zacharias behaviour in all this indicates an unrepentant life style. However, that is between him and the Lord. I feel so sorry for his wife, and family, who now have to live with all of this. It must be one long, hellish nightmare. They are victims too. I just hope they don't blame Lori Anne, or other victims, for their pain.
@calebcruz2812 3 жыл бұрын
I wish others could understand this
@ellenpublicover7604 3 жыл бұрын
Yes! Also people don't understand how grooming and abuse works!!!
@julianak4815 3 жыл бұрын
You are absolutely right in the way you described how abuse works; however, I don’t see her taking the least bit of responsibility for any of her actions as an adult ought to. She solicited herself and took part in the wrong doing and then demanded 5 million dollars for her suffering. Did she demand $5 million from those who abused her when she was a helpless child? why then did she think RZ owed her that much money? Is it because the abuse was worse as an adult or because he has the resources to pay?
@inglishhomeandgarden8386 3 жыл бұрын
@@julianak4815 Juliana, those are all really good questions. I didn't know about the 5 million. And I'm not here to defend any sin on her part. I'm just saying that a victim of (grooming and) abuse often doesn't act in ways that make sense. I don't know all the details, and don't wish to know. But what I know is, that abuse messes you up. And this woman has experienced abuse since childhood.
@julianak4815 3 жыл бұрын
@The Righteousness of God In Christ Jesus I understand how abuse works. I was a victim of abuse by a religious leader myself. Not once but twice. I’m not putting the blame on her, she’s a victim for sure but what made the situation a whole lot messier for her and her family is the $5 million demand she made.
@wiltonpt1 3 жыл бұрын
Why now?
@bonnieboulter9486 3 жыл бұрын
Because Zacharias has been busted Now
@wiltonpt1 3 жыл бұрын
@@bonnieboulter9486 So she new all this and waited until others denounced him and everyone else did the same, in order for her to come out? I don't understand why people can't confront others about their issues or themselves for that matter. Many Christians could be saved from the demons of prostitution if they were confronted in love. But love is as bold as it is rare
@artstefan453 3 жыл бұрын
@@wiltonpt1 coming out of situations like these is so much easier said than done. So much pain and despair is held behind these secrets that people convince themselves that if they just keep quiet life will go on. Of course the best thing to do is to come out right away, but this ministry was a very influential ministry and coming out against it and prevailing probably did not seem as a likely reality for the victims.
@ei8326 3 жыл бұрын
She sued Ravi back in 2017 but was not successful. Anyways Ravi Zakarias had been proven to be a hypocrite. It's case closed. The evidences were enough. It's such a shame for someone to commit such sin but can still call on the name of the Lord. It's so scary. Anyways. We should always watch ourselves lest we fall. I'm so sorry for the women but I also feel deep pain for Mr Ravi. He didn't believe in his own message. A holy and just God will he face. I'm so sorry that he was gotten by the enemy. I shall not judge but to commit such sin he's clearly in the clutch of the enemy just never realising it.
@kikruyhoshii6199 3 жыл бұрын
I understand that he is to be blamed. Just curious, if you agree on the part that you both share the sin because it sounds like you're washing your hands off. May God heal you and help you to put God first always and not man
@jc_nifb 3 жыл бұрын
you are sick.
@peggybates7143 3 жыл бұрын
Why should she not wash her hands of it. She was manipulated by someone she trusted. She was already broken at that point and needed and wanted to trust someone. Ravi was a man of God so she and everyone else believed. It was 100% his wrong doing. Not hers. Wash your hands dear lady! Give this all to the Lord, and He will give you internal and eternal peace. Don’t listen to any blame anyone tries to lay on you. THIS IS NOT YOUR FAULT!
@julielarrick9087 3 жыл бұрын
So if she abuses her children can she blame it on her abuse as a child and not be accountable for that either? I think Ravi had the greater responsibility but she as a Christian woman has her own accountability.
@spkeleti 3 жыл бұрын
Very Sad to Hear all this and I sincerely Pray for Restoration of all the Victims of RZIM.
@olympusadebanjo599 3 жыл бұрын
This is a statement written by a great lawyer and is strategic to avoid what "abuse" exactly it was. Immediately, everyone who watched this would have assumed "rape" by Ravi except that most people here can't even tell what happened between her and Ravi - which is not rape, by the way and far from anything close to that. God will reveal the truth here soon
@blackmamba-te4td 3 жыл бұрын
Oh you are defending that little liar?
@ygy2572 3 жыл бұрын
I think so. I'm very suspicious of this situation...There is a word in the communist strategy. "If you can't break the message, destroy the messenger."
@OnceUponATime12345 3 жыл бұрын
@@ygy2572 i agree! The truth will come out in God's own time.
@shahrizalabdrahman5534 2 жыл бұрын
She's not only women claim about this on the same person... What are you talking rubbish???
@shahrizalabdrahman5534 2 жыл бұрын
@@ygy2572 how come you have doubt about this crime ... Everyone knew about sex abused inside church is not a new things and and i cant count it's for you ....
@americanpie123 3 жыл бұрын
I'll never understand situations like this. I have a history of severe abuse and have lived poor wondering where and how I'm going to live. Still I would never let any human have this control over me. I trust only in God and thank him daily for my life. I've escaped death several times. The last time was when I was beaten by two men and two women. I was beaten unconscious and left for dead. Still I'm alive and these people don't affect my life. I don't allow anyone that control. I just can't grasp the idea of anyone having that control. As soon a man even starts to try to abuse me, and many have, I stop it. Don't allow it. That's my advise.
@isabelleleblanc-cheminant1078 3 жыл бұрын
God bless you, Lori. I am so sorry that you have gone through this. I have tears in my eyes hearing your story and am so angry that he got away with this. I have also studied aces and know that childhood trauma is so detrimental. I am praying now for your healing, peace, and your marriage.
@jayaprakashnarayana6677 2 жыл бұрын
Greetings and peace to you Isabelle.. What you said was absolutely correct. In this wicked world no matter who he is. People are using their fame, and power to do wrong things instead of right. I feel pity for her. Grace & peace Jay
@pamelaedoho143 2 жыл бұрын
I don’t understand this video at all. A married woman who cheated on her own husband with another married man posts a video about what exactly? That she was manipulated? Was she coerced? Was it consensual? Would she do this if the man was not a public figure? Don’t forget this is a MARRIED woman!!. How she put everything on Ravi while refusing to bear any responsibility for her own actions is baffling to me. All i am hearing here is money money money! I am sorry but I am allergic to BS. In these days of fragile egos and political correctness people are afraid to ask real questions and skirt around issues. I don’t condone abuse of any kind but coming out to do a whole video without taking any form of responsibility to me is hypocritical.
@rickybrown5852 17 күн бұрын
Well isnt that interesting ,Ravi is gone ,Why didnt she Not do something then,seems like she is looking for attention ,victim or not
@evelynmiah2504 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for speaking out from one survivor to are very brave and a precious child of God!
@shaunandrewjnr 3 жыл бұрын
What was it she survived? Consensual sexual impropriety
@larryhamel7662 2 жыл бұрын
@rudytheman2758 3 жыл бұрын
Just remember this is a one-sided statement. Im not questioning that inappropriate things happened. But to pretend like people who have influence and money or not seeked out would be dishonest and foolish. I read the report . People have Affairs all the time and then regret them, Only God knows what truly happened.
@chriscravens8318 3 жыл бұрын
You clearly did not read the report. Just shut up.
@rudytheman2758 3 жыл бұрын
@@chriscravens8318 I did. And feel free to respond, I don’t mind responses. I didn’t say he didn’t do anything wrong. She did seek him out as well bud. She called it grooming. No need to tell people to shut up:)
@manfredseidler1531 3 жыл бұрын
When it comes time to stand before the ultimate Judge and eternity is on the line.... I'd rather be in your shoes than the wretched soul who caused you so much grief and suffering. Please don't let the sin of others rob you of your joy and let time and healing restore the joy of your salvation. My trials don't compare to yours but my testimony is that the sun will shine again and your testimony will encourage others already have. Forgiveness has taken a ton of weight and pressure away from me, please look into that as part of your healing. THANK YOU SO MUCH for sharing your heart and soul.
@SHIBBYiPANDA 3 жыл бұрын
Release her from her non-disclosure agreement!
@fabiennewarrick1130 3 жыл бұрын
My heart goes out to you. I am in awe of your courage and faith in good, amidst such a horrific experience. Thank you for speaking up. Thank you for your love for your husband and your family. Thank you for standing up when so many are afraid to face evil. I am crushed to hear all this which Ravi did, but I am persuaded that "...nothing can separate us (you dear one) from the love of God". The Truth is supreme and dawn is here now and you can hopefully begin to heal. "Because you belong to Christ, (Truth), you will obtain a peace that no one will completely understand; and this peace shall control the way you think and the way you feel." - Phil 4:7, CEV - May you feel this peace blossom in your heart.
@firstnamelastname2552 3 жыл бұрын
A sobering reminder that we're all sinners and we all need salvation. Jesus was resurrected from the dead. This is still true no matter how badly His disciples may screw up.
@criticalcalvinists3599 3 жыл бұрын
Their is no evidence that Ravi was a disciple of Christ.... many will say in that day “Lord, Lord....”
@1950harleycharley 3 жыл бұрын
@@criticalcalvinists3599 having a form of Godliness but denying the power thereof? I think so.
@deb9784 3 жыл бұрын
Abusing someone who trusts you because you profess to love CHRIST is a sin! Deceptive, oppressive, and ungodly! No excuses! Once it came out he had opportunity to confess and come clean as David did with Bathsheba, but he didn't and the abuse continued! This is a great shame on his ministry and the church as well! For she was then persecuted by The Body of CHRIST who believed him!
@firstnamelastname2552 3 жыл бұрын
@Kamran Khan Okay?
@saltoftheearth8243 3 жыл бұрын
John 13:35 “ By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” If you read that verse and all of 1 Corinthians 13 I think you’ll find Ravi was no disciple of Jesus Christ. And there are so many examples of true disciples where that came from.
@Romello_Pietersz 3 жыл бұрын
Always remember this, even Potiphar’s Wife had all the evidence when she falsely accused Joseph of rape, that sent Joseph to prison, because Potiphar choose to believe in the evidence instead of the truth, in Genesis 39. You may have all the evidence, but is it true? do we choose to believe the truth or the evidence? Are we like Potiphar? Are we being deceived into believing something that is false? This is why we all need discernment.
@deb9784 3 жыл бұрын
Yup, it's been proven true! Now don't you wish you could take back your judgemental comments?
@chriscravens8318 3 жыл бұрын
Way to show your stupidity.
@OnceUponATime12345 3 жыл бұрын
Good point
@njoy4406 3 жыл бұрын
My deepest hugs , Lori 🙏🏼. The Lord's hands will intervene on your behalf and to your family and the other victims'. Praying 🙏🏼
@alavidze5553 3 жыл бұрын
Why you didn't publish this video when he was alive? Something doesn't seem right here Let God judge I don't trust her as well
@wilsncz7197 3 жыл бұрын
I have the same question, why now? I don’t understand
@theresetrietsch5443 3 жыл бұрын
Ravi Zacharias betrayed the name of Jesus. He is paying for it. Ravi Zacharias’s Jesus is NOT the Jesus of the bible.
@democracyforall 3 жыл бұрын
Not only that Ms thamspon was going round and round to get into his bed to get his money, and no one talks about that. Also he wanted a 2nd wife, and he also made them agree that they were his secret wives sort of stuff. So since they agreed to that marriage or agreement then where is even the sin? Paul says , he does not want anyone who has two or more wives to teach in the church but paul never said you cannot marry more than one wife and if you have more than one wife you are some how not a christian this teaching is not in the bible. Christ was dealing with the jews and he said Do not divorce your wives because the Jews used to be married to many women. Thus the catholic mis interpreted Jesus teaching that you can only have one wife and that is not true. Jesus never told the jews to diverce all the wives except one, he told them not to divorce any. That is why paul said, if any man has two wives or more he cannot be priest in the church , paul never said not to marry more than one wife neither did he condemn those who had more than one wife neither did he told them to stop marry more than one neither did he said divorce the 2nd wife and keep the first. None of this teaching comes from the bible it comes from the catholic church. Ravi made them sign statment that they were actually sort of wives to him and they agreed since it is not condem in the bible to have more than one wives so where is even the sin in that. It is all a big propaganda.
@mma-gb3si 3 жыл бұрын
@ Therese Trietsch Jesus is dead according to you guys. How can a dead god help anyone????
@gospideygo6061 3 жыл бұрын
This is all so sad to hear. If Ravi was this deceptive, this malicious... then what was the point of his ministry? All of his amazing talks, were they just a show for financial gain? God will judge righteously.
@jc_nifb 3 жыл бұрын
Yes. It was for money, and to groom the unsuspecting. Such is the way of all false prophets. RZ was sick and he is roasting in hell like the nonbeliever he truly was.
@stjohnssoup 2 жыл бұрын
False Apostles 2 Co 11 …14And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. 15It is not surprising, then, if his servants masquerade as servants of righteousness. Their end will correspond to their actions.
@ComedianBobFarrell 3 жыл бұрын
We need to follow CHRIST (who is perfect) and, not men (who are not). These allegations about Ravi Zacharias remind me of the words of a Wayne Watson song, " That"s not JESUS. HE doesn't carry on that way. It's just flesh and blood like you and me somehow gone astray. That's not JESUS no matter what they say. HE doesn't need me to defend HIM. HE just wants me to obey." That being said, It breaks my heart when I hear of these things happening to anybody ( especially women and children). I pray for healing for those women involved and, that they and nobody else tosses CHRIST out of their lives because of what sinful people have done to them. JESUS said "Woe to those who cause these little ones to stumble. It is better for them to have a rope around their neck that is tied to a rock and throne into the sea."
@barbarafernandez4712 3 жыл бұрын
Lori I’m so deeply sorry this happened to you.
@tonysmith850 3 жыл бұрын
Hey! Searching for you for long time! How re you doing?
@EG-qv5ni 3 жыл бұрын
.... Narrow is the gate... God knows every part of every one of us... Every thought,,,every motive every action...???
@sundayschoolteacher1383 3 жыл бұрын
This is heartbreaking
@pulldpin67 3 жыл бұрын
Wait....they never had sex???? And she asks for $5 million dollars to keep quiet? Did she ever hear of the word NO ?????? She was a participant ...not a victim... Ravi was wrong...but give me a break... $5 million dollars ...
@gloryhalleluiah4787 3 жыл бұрын
The 2 top reasons most people fall from grace is: 1. Sex 2. Money Which of those 2 are you really struggling with today? Are you seeking help and praying about it, or living a double life now?
@danielvaughn3893 3 жыл бұрын
My Prayers are with you. I pray for your healing in all areas of your life. God Bless you for coming forward.
@swaterman2017 3 жыл бұрын
@The Christ, who is God over all phedo speaks . Ravi followed Jesus what has that got to do with islam
@alilalila5035 3 жыл бұрын
@The Christ, who is God over all Aisha was married to prophet Mohamed saw she was his wife
@sunggyung 3 жыл бұрын
Dear sister. I cannot imagine what you and your husband and your children have gone through. I am very very sorry. I cry together with you and your family. May the Lord have mercy on us and heal us. “My God, My God, why have you forsaken your beloved!” Lord,have mercy on your church and your children. O Lord our God. Have mercy on us. Yes. Sister, there is hope for you and for all those who have suffered unjustly.
@shaunandrewjnr 3 жыл бұрын
Do you cry for ravis family?
@baybae92 2 ай бұрын
I’m so sorry that so many comments are only focused on keeping you in a certain belief system and not focused on empathy. You deserved better than this. You’re so brave for sharing your story!!
@tomhardin2761 3 жыл бұрын
If Ravi Zacharias International Ministries (RZIM) was truly repentant and trying to take responsibility, they would release her from her non-disclosure/non-disparagement agreement. They should release all who are limited by such agreements. They are still hiding things at the expense of the abused who want to tell their stories.
@childinchrist7335 3 жыл бұрын
This is terrible. My heart breaks 💔. I pray Christ heals. This man was truly sicking and evil.
@thelasthourgetready 3 жыл бұрын
How can she be victim when she willingly engaged in sexual misconduct with him? I don't get it. So basically its better for a man not to go near a woman because you never know the reason why she engages with you.
@successflowstome 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah. She is an accomplice to the indulgence. She is equally conning. Her eyes are not genuinely hurt.
@thelasthourgetready 3 жыл бұрын
@@successflowstome there are other women in the reports who willingly had sex with Zacharias for cash and favours knowing that he was a married man and a minister. He spent thousands on accommodation for them too. They also knew the money was coming from the ministry. So why are these women not held accountable for their actions? Also many women sent him nude pictures of themselves they knew he was a famous married man.
@successflowstome 3 жыл бұрын
@@thelasthourgetready You are right. Basically these are honey-traps. They were part of all the grand schema and today they try to wiggle out playing the victim card. God save us.
@thelasthourgetready 3 жыл бұрын
@@successflowstome alot of women use the victim card or like this woman she is saying the reason why she cheated on her husband with R Zacharias was because she was abused by her Dad as a child. I mean is this for real? So everytime she cheats on her husband she can say its down to her childhood experiences that make it easy for her to have sex with other married men. How about explaining that to Ravis wife. I personally think Ravi got the sex and didn't share his millions left these women in poverty so its revenge. Another report stated he would walk into the massage room naked with an election .... so why not tell him to put his clothes back on and resign from working in the spa? Why continue to work there and allow him to give you accommodation and take his money and give him sex???? Strange
@sabrinaprovencal5954 3 жыл бұрын
What a traumatic situation. This is mind blowing and beyond comprehension. Everyone was fooled by this imposter. I'm sickened by the thought that nearly all your friends didn't stand by you. Rest assured, there are so many people listening to your testimony and support you 100%. I can't say I can fully comprehend the emotional trauma from this wretched experience with a heinous, closeted, manipulative, sexually perverted, predator but I have experience with an emotionally abusive husband and have encountered unwanted sexual advances and manipulation from male friends. I empathize with you and my heart goes out to you. We seem to be nearing the last days since the signs are becoming much more frequent and apparent. We're going to see rampant deception, even in the church, even from other Christians. I'm sorry for the pain of this experience, however, God could be using you as a tool for sending a message and a lesson to the world. I hope you continue to heal and reach a place of content in your marriage and life for your family. I hope something good can come from this somehow. I pray you become strong and grow in your discernment, let no one ever take advantage of you again. On a side note....Damn these depraved fake righteous pigs. How can he be a world representative for Christianity, preaching all these insightful, profound, life lessons, yet not following the doctrine on which he built his entire life? I don't understand how he could be a Christian if he extorted his power, became an entitled, sexually immoral, porn addicted, adulterer, willing to lie, blackmail, and steal. Yes, everyone sins, but we're not talking about sin, tell the truth, apologize, repent. We're talking a sin ponzyscheme. What's with such an old, sick, religious, man not being able to keep his penis in his pants and being such a pig he has to molest countless, possibly 200, young women in multiple countries? You don't go sexually assaulting hundreds of women when you're recognized all over the world and expect to keep a squeaky clean Christian image in tact. It's not just sinful. It's beyond stupid he expected silence. Honestly, if he hadn't died, it's very possible he could be doing jail time. Just speculation.
@barbarapalmer639 3 жыл бұрын
Bless you!! I too experienced childhood sexual abuse then spiritual abuse. You speak truth to the trauma it incurs and how we get caught in the web of deception and exploitation. You are brave, strong and informed. I am so grateful you spoke out and I am grieving with you. This news has triggered my own PTSD. RZ was an evil and wicked man. He is not God though and I will fight to maintain my faith in Jesus Christ. STAY STRONG!!!!!
@stevedemoe5755 2 жыл бұрын
So very sorry - I cannot imagine it.
@rentalcity21 3 жыл бұрын
I will pray for you and the other victims. So sorry this happened to you
@thecompilation892 3 жыл бұрын
she is not victim , she is a participant, they should close their by mutual talk and by asking forgiveness from God,without damaging the Message Of Gospel, without damaging Ravi's whole life effort . thats my opinion
@samueltunnicliffe7012 3 жыл бұрын
@@thecompilation892 I think the damage has been done mate. It only gets worse when it is covered up. By your logic, God himself ought not to reveal truths which we don't want to hear.
@1love1hope1faith 3 жыл бұрын
@@thecompilation892 Damaging Ravis whole life effects !what about the damage he has done to people including his wife and family ! God doesn’t need Ravi to get His Gospel message out !!
@lifetogether4782 3 жыл бұрын
I am a sexual abuse survivor as well, and I cannot even imagine what you are going through. You have quite literally lived through hell. The fact that you lived through the childhood you did and now this is unspeakable. I am so proud of you for coming forward. You are believed. You are loved. And what Ravi did to you is the absolute worst kind of evil. I am still working out for myself where God is in all of this. I know too well the questions of abuse survivors...where was God? And then to have gone through further abuse at the hands of such a public Christian does make you question your faith at its deepest level. I don’t have answers for that, I am still seeking myself. The best I can come up with is that what Ravi did shows how very real sin and evil are. You are a hero and amazing and you inspire me to stand up for myself. Your brave example for so many I hope will be the beginning of God making beauty from the ashes of your life. I still believe that, in the end, good does overcome evil...and you are playing a huge part in making sure that happens.
@emilioeugenio2249 Жыл бұрын
😂 it's too late to come out. When Ravi was gone, how could he defend himself? Satan is the destroyer of God's people.
@JonathanGrandt 7 ай бұрын
She sent him nude photos. That’s not “victim” behavior.
@shannnoncowboy 3 жыл бұрын
Bless you & your family. I’m in “SHOCK”! Absolutely in “SHOCK”! I’m praying for you and your family and all that are affected... these are sad times in this world.😖🙏🏽
@anxietysucks4660 3 жыл бұрын
Ravi definitely wasn’t a saint, but remember this chic cheated on her husband, too. She’s no angel.
@MrCallidus 3 жыл бұрын
Exactly... there's a big attraction in powerful men and she went for it. All I hear is a litany of excuses. Behind every scandal and sin there's a human story. I'm sure Ravi has one too. That's no excuse. She did this to her husband and family. Perhaps we could hear the husband's victim impact statement? I don't judge, or condemn. That's for God. But it would be reassuring to see some genuine repentance instead of an attempt to shift all blame onto the other partner in crime.
@veduyimogor6935 3 жыл бұрын
That's what I was saying....if you're forcefully rapped which by no means it's your choice or in your power to fight back then you are the victim...but having a loving husband who knows your past heart breaks and abuses and chooses to love you why then go ahead with betraying him and your children... what Ravi did was disgusting but you can't just put all the blame on him...she is also responsible ...
@MrCallidus 3 жыл бұрын
@@franksui7497 It's a fair point that Ravi's reputation and influence made the temptation for Lori to cheat on her husband stronger. But at the end of the day, it was her choice, and she chose to break her marriage vows and cheat. Rarely in these cases is there ever a completely level "playing field" anyway. We hear a lot, rightly, about manipulation by men in positions of power. But what about seduction by attractive women? Does this make the man a victim? This is an unhealthy way to frame the issue. Both cases call for the manipulated party to resist temptation, not to look for excuses: "resist the devil, and he will flee from you". Again, I'm not here to judge. I don't claim that under the same moral challenges I would survive. But the least one can hope for from a woman like Lori is some evidence of repentance. Instead, far from this, we see an attempt to shift all blame to Ravi and deny any culpability whatever - this despite the profound damage she has done to her own innocent family.
@stephenraj4283 3 жыл бұрын
Preach it buddy. I wonder y she waited this long to come public. Feels weird.
@msp5298 3 жыл бұрын
@@stephenraj4283 Because powerful people have powerful influence??!? Because "rape culture" still exists. Because there is a power imbalance. Because she may not have been believed back then. Because she was too scared to speak up back then. Because women still get blamed for male behaviour. Because the psychological impact of childhood abuse affected her in ways some wont understand.
@rominaf4901 3 жыл бұрын
I am so glad the truth has come out and pray that Lori and the other victims can now begin to heal. 🧡 Completely heart breaking to listen to. So sorry you had to endure such an awful abusive situation, particularly when you had already been through so much. I pray God will surround you with trustworthy and loving people. 💛
@rominaf4901 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for the video Sonia- I think Lori summed it up when she said 'I yet believe Christ even if He is not true as He is the highest ethic that I can find.' I am pleased that after all she went through that she is able to distinguish the difference between man and God. I know this isn't the response you were looking for and I appreciate the video as I know your heart is in the right place by sending it. I'm not sure if you are a Muslim or an Atheist and I know that calling Jesus God on a Muslim site will anger some. My intention isn't to offend anyone and I will continue to pray for Lori and all those who have been the victims of abuse, whether it be in schools, hospitals, churches or whatever organization these predators hide behind. I will watch the video fully when I get a chance as am happy to hear what Athiests have to say.
@deb9784 3 жыл бұрын
Just finished listening! These words brought courage to my heart! "Fellow survivors, 'Hold fast!' There is hope and also help. What happened to you does not have the last word. 'You do!'" Beautifully said! 💜. Thank you for speaking out for us!?
@tonysmith850 3 жыл бұрын
Hey Deborah! How are you doing?
@deb9784 3 жыл бұрын
Growing and learning! "Holding fast!" "I have the last word!" For too often I had no voice!
@luxesinterior6084 3 жыл бұрын
investigation of paid investigators made after investigated deaths ?? So absurd. Was the therapist sworn in in court, so that the oath would have legal consequences if a lie ??? Where is the value of "testimony"?
@eunico3456 3 жыл бұрын
I can't imagine these woman talking now after a person is dead.. Shame.. There was a meetoo campaign going on.. Where were you then
@elijahidemudia1607 3 жыл бұрын
Bruh when is she supposed to talk about it? If he was alive you would never agree with her and now that he's dead you still hate her.
@chriscravens8318 3 жыл бұрын
@Dan-sc9lq 3 жыл бұрын
Heartbreaking. Until now I did not know the trauma she endured. I had only heard the official RZIM account. I pray for your emotional and spiritual healing.
@OTEAROA Күн бұрын
To remain a victim of tragic events or the victor who overcame, the many curved balls + challenges of life is the question we all alone must answer.
@gabrielcalderon3 3 жыл бұрын
Im so sorry that you and your Family had to go through This. Stay strong and i will pray for you.
@Jax_904 3 жыл бұрын
Ravi was wrong and so were you
@MrCallidus 3 жыл бұрын
Indeed. It's not complicated.
@lola47022 3 жыл бұрын
I guess you are unaware of power dynamics of abuse. This isn’t 50/50 let’s stop victim shaming please. It’s 2021.
@Jax_904 3 жыл бұрын
@@lola47022 it's not victim shaming. Its holding people responsibility. Because a person has been abused in the past and encounters a person who wants to use them sexually doesnt mean the "victim" is free of responsibility of their own mistakes. She isn't a child she was a grown adult when this all happened. She chose to send those pics and to keep cheating on her husband. She is not a victim. She learned to cope with things by using her body for attention to affection. That's not ravis fault. Ravi sinned greatly and yes used her. But let's not act like he raped her , he did not.
@Jax_904 3 жыл бұрын
*holding people responsible for their mistakes
@TruthhasArrived 3 жыл бұрын
Ravi did the same thing before Lori and after her Investigators interviewed other witnesses who “recounted similar conduct” as Thompson’s allegations and found a six-year-long pattern of text messaging with other women before and after her.
@sonicart77 3 жыл бұрын
First off, Ravi despite his ministry having helped so many people, what he did is unforgivable. Don’t know if he repented before leaving this world. Anyway, doesn’t matter. What he did to Lori was wrong. Period. My thing is, though, why did Lori ask for 5 mil?
@michaelraymond1279 3 жыл бұрын
How is it that a true Christian can even have the word “unforgivable” in his vocabulary? Where do you see that in the scriptures? What sins has anyone in history committed that the shed blood of Jesus can’t cover and forgive with God giving them true repentance?
@stevefernando94 3 жыл бұрын
@@michaelraymond1279 exactly. I was just about to type that
@ddhardial 3 жыл бұрын
I hope and pray that Ravi repented for his sins before he died. Very sad.
@TravelLife-om2wu 4 ай бұрын
I only have one question, why claim this after he passed away?
@zahraabdullah4154 4 ай бұрын
Lori Ann exposed Ravi in 2017 while he was alive, he simply denied the incident
@Eliaskto777 3 жыл бұрын
I'm just asking myself why this channel, which is called Muslim by choice, has to publish this
@youtubeowl9544 3 жыл бұрын
Why not? As Muslims, we stand for justice everywhere.
@juliemauger6183 3 жыл бұрын
This issue is out in the public domain, as it should be. I'm a Christian, and I'm just as shocked at what Ravi Z has done, most of which has only come to light recently. As Christians we must stand up for the truth, and not object to other people (in this case, Muslim people) publishing the truth either. Ravi Z has damaged and dishonoured the name of Christ - let us not be surprised when people of other faiths talk about his sins. Ravi will stand before God on the day of judgement. Let us not do or say anything which could be understood as defending Ravi.
@KM-leons 3 жыл бұрын
What Ravi did is immoral, despicable and shameful but compared to what the "greatest prophet" Muhammad, the "noblest of all" did it's NOTHING.
@Eliaskto777 3 жыл бұрын
Islam! Justice! Lol what are u talking about brother your prophet was so sick he married 9-year-old girls, I'm from a country that is the most Islamic country u can find, my first name was Mohammad, after 10 years of looking into Islam I found nothing but trash I speak Farsi, deutsch, and English And did read the Quran in different languages, nothing but a copy of Judea Christian. Mohammed married khalije, a Very rich Jewish lady. She was in the business of selling goods from south Europe to Arabia area And vice versa and because of the nature of the job it would take them about few months to go from Saudi to south Europe and best and safe places they could spend the night during their travels was at Jewish/Christian temples. And so Mohammed got to know the one GOD. as all his family members and uncle were the keeper of kabeh where they kept all the different gods. Mohammed was never a prophet from god. That's why he killed so much.... A religion in which you die and you go to hell no matter what and from hell God decides who goes to heaven is a joke....
@KM-leons 3 жыл бұрын
@@Eliaskto777 Yes
@daddyguerrero 3 жыл бұрын
I just hope and pray that your walk with Christ has not been irreparably damaged. Please don’t hold the Lord Jesus responsible for the harm done to you by a selfish act of a man that had deceived so many.
@7chrisfrank 3 жыл бұрын
Why do you speak in such a manner? Can God's purposes be thwarted? Never. Not by Ravi or anyone else; or anything else..Pray that this woman IS God's child. She is not sinless in this situation and you should not be coddling her.
@daddyguerrero 3 жыл бұрын
@@7chrisfrank She’s not sinless, but she has publicly confessed her sin and repented of it. That cannot be said of Ravi. This woman was a victim of a sexual predator! Are you suggesting that Ravi’s the victim? And that God’s purpose was to use Ravi to prey on this woman? What Ravi did was selfish. This woman’s pain is real. I’m leaving this in God’s hands. If this woman’s motives are suspect, then that’s for God to judge, not me.
@7chrisfrank 3 жыл бұрын
@@daddyguerrero Read my other posts. Ravi will certainly have more to answer for, I agree. I see a woman making money off of a situation that she was completely complicit in. She received 500K, then signed a nondisclosure and now she is eager to break that covenant on top of her already broken marriage covenant. You cannot confess that you have sinned but then looked to get paid for it..Twice.
@jayco2309 3 жыл бұрын
@@7chrisfrank thank u !!!!! Well said , she has part in it !!!! U learn about adultery in Sunday School.
@starlingswallow Жыл бұрын
I am so sorry. I am weeping with you as you cry. My dear friend and are beautiful and amazing in your strength. I know it doesn't feel like this, but you are using your voice and I'm so proud. So many of others too!❤
@gloriagraf4115 3 жыл бұрын
My heart goes out to you brave, intelligent and beautiful lady. You were someone definitey targeted by a person who used and abused his power and authority to get what he wanted. Thank you for your honesty and for your care of those who are victims of RZ. I am praying for you and for your family.
@jayaprakashnarayana6677 2 жыл бұрын
Greetings and peace to you Gloria. What you said was absolutely correct. In this wicked world no matter who he is. People are using their fame, and power to do wrong things instead of right. I feel pity for her. Grace & Peace Jay
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