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That Practical Mom

That Practical Mom

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@viviancabrera3863 Жыл бұрын
“Discipline now or regret later” that needs to be applied in so many aspects of my life. Thank you
@karonmcgregor4753 Жыл бұрын
Yes, totally agree. Definitely something to stick on the wall to remind me as I try to get ready for the bad winter we're predicted to be getting here in UK due to the cost of living crisis. Our energy bills are going up by 60% in October, and again in January, right smack bang in the middle of winter. It's going to be a tough ride, so this mantra is the perfect one to live by right now.
@noble604 Жыл бұрын
I just left a doctor’s visit with my dad who has no diabetes and isn’t pre-diabetic. His new doctor was amazed and he said this is rare. He hardly ever sees a patient who doesn’t either have diabetes or is pre-diabetic. My dad is on no medications. Discipline yourself and take control of your health early on. It will pay great dividends later.
@ruthhargaden8929 Жыл бұрын
So true 👌
@Jesussaves11155 Жыл бұрын
To whoever is reading this Jesus loves you and he’s coming soon. All you need to do to be saved is believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross for your sins was buried and came back to life on the 3d day. Confess with your mouth Jesus is Lord and you’ll be saved! I hope to see you in the clouds! God bless!!lll
@PySnek Жыл бұрын
Everyday could be your last one, so don't be too harsh on yourself and have some fun first sometimes. There's no winner. We all have to die. You will be completely forgotten after two generations, so don't care that much about what others think. Balance is key.
@saiikik2727 Жыл бұрын
“How to save on groceries- spend less money.”
@namedrop721 Жыл бұрын
Ikr? I grew up doing this and the real problem is usually enough $$$ isn’t coming in if you have to spend an hour agonizing. I know rich ppl grow up with no food discipline though so maybe that’s why it’s hard 🤔
@Life_of_Ty Жыл бұрын
Right? Tip 1: Spend less money. Tip 2: Buy less food. This isn’t helpful…
@Krishna-mr6ju Жыл бұрын
True spend less money but you have to plan it. You still have to eat, and eat to with health in mind. instant noodles with some vegetables and and egg is still cheap but at least it contains some goodness and filling. Potatoes are very good for you filling and cheaper than meat.
@maeybee4354 Жыл бұрын
All she said is be smarter about it.
@Vs-hl7zq Жыл бұрын
Don’t eat lol you’ll save a lot
@sabaidris2996 Жыл бұрын
Also, go shopping on a full stomach. Keeps you from overspending, needless spending, and buying extra snacks.
@KombuchaDrinker 3 ай бұрын
for sureee. unhealthy stuff just looks.. gross when you're full. it looks like a whole feast when you're hungry
@romanticdonkey468 3 ай бұрын
Was looking for this comment. That’s the #1 way to avoid overspending.
@misstaveras8028 Жыл бұрын
Making a weekly menu. It’s easier to reuse leftovers. Keeps inventory to meals. The onions, peppers. It’s no more throwing out that veggie you didn’t see!!!
@TheNinnyfee Жыл бұрын
Yes, and freezer meals.
@tamarar.4642 Жыл бұрын
I do that every month when planning my meals. If I’m making lasagna then I make extra meat sauce for spaghetti the next week. I buy can goods that match my six month meal plans. I grow some veggies in season and freeze or can them. I eat a lot of salad so I grow it year round. I bought two boxes of toilet tissue with 96 rolls in each box in 2018. I just ran out today! It was $40 a box. I looked today those same boxes are $62! I was pissed lol 😂. I was concentrating on food stock but forgot about tissue and trash bags. It’s easy to shop with a meal plan! I usually add 3 new ideas a month so we want get bored. My husband and I built a seven foot pullout pantry last month. I love it! It’s nice to change my mind about a meal and have an almost fully stocked pantry. I don’t grocery shop with my family because things get off track quickly lol 😂. They do ride with me for pickups. There are so many ways to save money. I make 2 5 gallon buckets of washing powder but I buy 6 gallons of the store brand of dawn. I got to have my dawn. I made some before but I didn’t like it lol.
@tymondabrowski12 Жыл бұрын
@@TheNinnyfee aren't they more expensive? Maybe depends on the meal...
@xiibu Жыл бұрын
@@tymondabrowski12 I think they meant freezing leftover meals. I do that too
@tymondabrowski12 Жыл бұрын
@@xiibu ahh, yeah, that's smart. Especially if you live alone or with one other person and cook lots of food that is good for freezing, and then freeze half of it.You save time, electric energy, it's convenient and could even mean buying kore in bulk, though that difference is probably small.
@Leahweahbeah Жыл бұрын
Some other grocery saving tips: -order groceries through pickup/drive up so you are less tempted to pick up other random things not on the list and save time (target does this for free for example) -make a weekly menu so you can utilize all the groceries you buy and avoid things going to waste -buy pantry “staples” like onions, potatoes, tomatoes, salad mix, etc. (Just one onion can be added to 3-4 meals for two depending on what you make) -try frozen veggies or sides-last longer and are easier to make (use what you need and tie up the bag to save the rest) -be realistic: if you can afford it and like to eat out often (and find yourself wasting groceries) then buy groceries for 2-3 days out of the week instead of the full week (while groceries are cheaper than eating out..it’s no benefit to do both and waste groceries) -don’t go shopping hungry..you’re more likely to overspend -meat doesn’t have to be at the center of every meal! Meat is expensive it’s okay to not have it with every dinner (i.e. veggie stir fry, pasta) -make more frequent shopping trips..instead of big bulk shopping trips try weekly trips and get what you need. It’s much easier to estimate what you need for a week than for a month -utilize coupons, weekly deals, grocery store apps, etc. For example I use target circle and add coupons with my phone that are automatically added at checkout (I also don’t get stuff just because it’s on sale..I may just get a different brand of something I need or for example 3 toothpastes for a buy 2 get one free deal because it is something that will be used eventually) -don’t be afraid of leftovers..if you’re full you don’t have to eat all of your dinner. Put it up and save the rest for lunch or dinner one night when you’re home alone. -buy in bulk. If you use a lot of specific things consider getting them in bulk. For example a certain brand of snacks for kids, chips, veggies, etc. -look at the price per oz of an item rather than the total price especially for things with a long shelf life and ofc try to swap out for generic/store brand when you can -set a budget and play with the items you get for the week in your cart on a grocery app to get the most bang for your buck -before you leave to get groceries check to make sure that you’re really out of potatoes, that meat really went bad, etc. so you don’t buy the same thing twice -little controversial for some..but stick it in the freezer lol. If you bought something that is nearing its expiration date but you can’t cook it yet put it in the freezer and when you defrost it for use..use it that day and you should be fine (did this many times growing up when I didn’t have a choice and I’ve never gotten sick once..my SO did not grow up poor so he panics about me doing that so I try not to anymore lol) -if you’re really in need..try applying for food stamps. It’s not shameful to need help. You can also do it slickly now with a card they give you so most other people won’t notice. You might be surprised that you could qualify especially if you have kids. (Adding on to this..check your local pantries, churches, shelters etc. for groceries/canned goods) Hope these help!
@morganvvv Жыл бұрын
These are so much more helpful than the the actual video, thanks!
@blueperson77 Жыл бұрын
“The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.” ‭‭2 Peter‬ ‭3:9‬ ‭NIV‬ ROMANS 10:9-11 “If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved. As Scripture says, “Anyone who believes in him will never be put to shame” Matthew 11:28-30 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” “For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.”” ‭‭Luke‬ ‭19:10‬ ‭ God wants us to believe in His One and Only Son, Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, who died for our sins :D When we truly believe in our hearts that Jesus is the Son of God, who died for our sins so we could have eternal life with God, we are saved from the eternal fire and have eternal life in Christ Jesus!! 💖 May God bless you all! 🕊❤️
@Bluestarrydreams Жыл бұрын
I've done the opposite of your tip to shop more frequently and try to shop only once-a-month! I buy fresh meat and veggies to use in the first 1-2 weeks then buy frozen (and I'm limited for freezer space with only a small fridge freezer) and canned items (canned beans, veggies, soups/broths, tuna, etc) for weeks 3-4 and rarely will go pick up a few items in the last couple weeks. Doing things this way forces me to use cheaper stuff and meat alternatives instead of always buying fresh meat and veggies weekly which is more expensive and it also takes away the option of buying splurge/impulse items for 3-4 shopping hauls and just having some of those kinds of things in ONE haul! It's probably been the biggest thing I've done to save money on groceries and it has been the difference of still being able to afford to eat decent food!
@iryelles Жыл бұрын
@@Bluestarrydreams I do a big haul at the beginning of each month too, it's nice to know that I have food for the entire month. I do shop things like dairy, some fresh vegetables and bread once a week but since I hate shopping for food I tend to have a list that I stick to and then I get out of there.
@sophiecarr8803 Жыл бұрын
Wow that was very helpful thank you
@jujub4553 Жыл бұрын
Utilize your crockpots/slow cookers people!
@user-cv4nk4tr3b Жыл бұрын
Weird that so many people find this helpful. "Buy necessities -like everything organic" "you spend less if you buy less" wow who would have thought 1 bunch organic bananas is cheaper than buying two, genius really...
@Kelly_Ben Жыл бұрын
Her advice is to budget the bulk for the important stuff. For example, organic meats and dairy. This can truly impact health and the environment. Then she goes cheap on the "filler" stuff and cuts back on the splurge stuff. Makes perfect sense, if like she said, a healthy diet is important.
@Kelly_Ben Жыл бұрын
@rambunctiousvegetable In what way are they taxing on the environment? They don't use toxic chemicals for pesticides or fertilizers, the soil is amended with natural materials and is far more nutrient dense, instead of stripped by conventional methods, the manure is typically composted and reused, instead of being stored in huge pools then trickled into waterways... they graze on grass, as nature intended, making their meat healthier, and saving open space from overdevelopment, the vegetables aren't contaminated with chemicals that get into our bloodstream, the list goes on and on and is backed by many studies. Could you be specific in what ways organic is BAD for the planet??
@maryweisenbacher1034 Жыл бұрын
Some items are better organic and some don't matter to health as much. They say not to buy organic bananas if you are on a tight budget because non-organic bananas don't impact your health. However some things you should always try to get organic, like strawberries.
@Kelly_Ben Жыл бұрын
@rambunctiousvegetable oh, I saw that coming. I'll tell you the same thing I told my fanatical vegan step father. If the environment and animal welfare are truly important to you, take the victories as you can. Organic animal production is FAR better for both than factory farming. Don't poopoo on organic in an attempt to get people to go vegan, because you'll turn people off to both, instead of at least getting a partial win. They can always transition away from animal products bit by bit once they go organic, but it's a huge difficult leap from mainstream conventional consumer to vegan.
@thesimslover82884 Жыл бұрын
@rambunctiousvegetable The entire reason humans were able to evolve the way we did, was because we ate meat. Sure, back then everything was pretty much hunted and gathered. But something's dying to get fruit and vegetables, and food tasting good is something vegans want too. Rice and beans get flavor, the same way meat does, seasonings. All of which end something's life to obtain, well unless you want a diet of bugs with everything you eat. Those delicious fruits and veggies, are invaded by organisms, that must be stopped to actually get the end result of having said fruits and vegetables. Some groups who say they fight for animals, end up euthanizing 95% of them in shelters. How is that helpful?
@mo1979ca Жыл бұрын
Prices are high and the companies are cutting the ounces and charging more for less product. It's horrible let's be realistic about that.
@beth3535 8 ай бұрын
A firm budget runs a tough line of defense.
@tanyarenaissance8829 2 ай бұрын
I agree. It's so expensive
@angelofknowledge9389 2 ай бұрын
Complaining isn't a solution 😂 One can get around many high prices by using their brain
@NA-vh1ny Жыл бұрын
My advice is everything below eye height is usually the cheaper alternative. If you see branded cans of beans, at the bottom they'll have the cheap beans which are non branded and cheaper. It can make a huge difference.
@BE-bs8oe Жыл бұрын
@rambunctiousvegetable oh la la, Cannes may be not the only solution, having freezer space is. Frozen foods still contain a maximum of vitamins, so try to prefer them. Tin seem to have an impact on brain ( Alzheimers,...) Of course the plastic bags of frozengoods are also healthazard. Don't hesitate to try to get leftovers from shops, markets, farmers.Abit overripe or crunched produce you can still enjoy in many ways. Here organic shops always have a cardbox in the back car park with produce they judge not sellable anymore.Now I'm going to cut partly damaged overripe oranges for a snack. I got a 5 kg box for free!!! At Lidl's they make big boxes for a symbolicprice. Enjoy your meal
@c.m.880 Жыл бұрын
@rambunctiousvegetable just want to tack on to this in case people don’t get your meaning: of course fresh produce is best, IF you can get it when it really is fresh. Most grocery store produce has long ship times and by the time you buy it, it’s lost a lot of nutrients. Freezing produce preserves nutrients from their state when they get frozen, ie produce that’s picked and immediately frozen is much more nutritionally dense that what’s sitting out at most supermarkets! For freshest possible, grow your own or get it from roadside stands (they’re usually cheaper than farmers markets too!) (edited bc my first post sounded totally illiterate, I’d just woken up 😅)
@ReneeWright69 Жыл бұрын
So, basically, you are buying less and can no longer splurge on your favorite treats? Yes, we all are. Why? We haven't any choice.
@EmmaJohnsonShenanigans Жыл бұрын
i’m sorry and i hope you can afford the things you love soon 💜
@priscilladeacon3503 Жыл бұрын
That's life, some people can't even buy groceries.
@claire1kam Жыл бұрын
Right, we’re in a cost-of-living crisis. Tips from content creators about how to afford to EAT during a recession feel depressing and dystopian to me. 😅
@priscilladeacon3503 Жыл бұрын
@@claire1kam Tell that to a homeless person.
@pamh.5705 Жыл бұрын
@@priscilladeacon3503 There will Always be people who are better off or worse off than you. That's just the way it is. That doesn't mean it's not hard to tighten your belt!
@JudelovesRiver12 Жыл бұрын
I plan my weekly meals around what’s in my kitchen already, I actually learned this from her! I am always surprised I never did that sooner, it’s just so obvious! No more food waste for us :)
@yari139 Жыл бұрын
I do this as well and I rarely need to grocery shop every week. I went grocery shopping last weekend and only spent around $30 and only because I needed to stock up on general items like olive oil and bathroom tissue. This weekend, I don’t need to shop for anything.
@NaS94612 Жыл бұрын
This! I bought a box of macaroni noodles for one recipe one time… I used it up by using them in place of spaghetti noodles, In place of penne etc. I used to buy different noodles for so many different recipes
@ReneeWright69 Жыл бұрын
Actually that's a pretty damn good idea. Thank you for sharing. Isn't it funny how we can sometimes overlook such a simple solution? 😁👍
@NaS94612 Жыл бұрын
@Queenie Maja first I find it helpful if my pantry and fridge are organized. Keep the furthest expiration dates towards the back and also if you have multiple of an item, then use the one that will go bad first. Also if possible keep everything in eye sight. It’s easy to forget you have ingredients buried in the back of your cupboard. I try to do one pasta dish, one chicken dish, one ground beef/ground turkey dish, seafood/shrimp/fish dish, sausage/hotdog/pork dish, easy meal(frozen food, ramen, sandwiches, canned soup etc.) , one junk food meal, and one take out meal a week. Have a protein and green veggie and a carb with each meal… when planning meals or writing your weekly grocery list look in the fridge/pantry and see what you can use (sauces,noodles,rice,veggies etc.) Things that I buy weekly are meats and fresh produce. I keep my emergency food for when power goes out in a separate area than all my other staples
@va1445 Жыл бұрын
Doing a grocery pick-up saves me a LOT of money. I only get my listed items without getting distracted to buy impulsively.
@xarai. Жыл бұрын
Same here! I'm honestly surprised how much money this has saved my family in the past two years. (and the extra time saved is priceless) 😄
@cassiec260 Жыл бұрын
I will literally shop the same way I do in store, see how much it is, put half the goodies I don’t need back lol.
@cherylcarlson3315 Жыл бұрын
Except you miss the half price salmon,the 10lb bag of chicken leg quarters for .99,the ham for .49/lb. My little ruler store often has surprise veg markdowns. Have enjoyed getting only markdowns and building menu... usually goes way further than a week.
@kudzu_ Жыл бұрын
@@cherylcarlson3315 Those markdown and closeout stickers are gold. My favorite score was some fancy $10 pasta sauce they stuck in clearance for $1 a jar, still well in date. Bought the whole case and had truffle pasta for months.
@NikiLivi5 Жыл бұрын
My only issue with this is it limits me to a one hour shopping window. I have 5 kids and finding all the items I want can’t be done in one hour because I buy for 2 weeks at a time. Sometimes if it’s items that wont ruin I’ll buy up a months worth at a time to save my time having to pick up. After spending an hour putting things into my cart then having them tell me my time expired then they wiped my cart clean that was the last time I’ve done that. I can’t believe I wasted all that time! This was on Walmarts website so I don’t know if Kroger and others do this? But I’d love to know because I’d gladly use them if there isn’t a limit.
@craneoflores Жыл бұрын
This only applies if you have enough money that you *could* splurge. Being strict about what you buy can't solve the problem if you have zero dollars in your bank account
@sarelito9202 Жыл бұрын
She's talking about saving , not surviving without money.
@philipksick6810 Жыл бұрын
Yes obviously budgeting only works for people who actually have an income to budget
@mermaidtingzzz Жыл бұрын
The problem this intends to solve is overspending on groceries and sticking to a budget…not finding employment.
@deeeno6867 Жыл бұрын
@@mermaidtingzzz op didn’t say anything about employment… 0 dollars in your bank account doesn’t imply you have no job, it just implies that your job doesn’t pay well enough to cover much more than your rent. Which is the case for a *lot* of people these days
@moniquestockett5431 Жыл бұрын
For those with little money, I suggest quick oats oatmeal for breakfast. Inexpensive, healthy, fills you up and you aren't hungry for awhile. And bananas are inexpensive, healthy and already packaged and ready to go and ready to eat. ...Also, generic canned vegetables, instant mashed potatoes, and good old fashioned peanut butter sabdwiches.
@suzanneball8038 Жыл бұрын
No tips at all- just patronising comments
@bodyofhope Жыл бұрын
You get offended easily
@kuritheking Жыл бұрын
@@bodyofhope or maybe you do? Since they were just giving their take on what they just consumed… (?) you’re weird
@theapatheticcontrarian Жыл бұрын
Yh I was just sat here thinking "yeah my brain is NOT going to listen to me, I have tried. Getting strict means don't buy that applies to everything for my dumbass neurodivergent brain". Like seriously, it's why when I go grocery shopping I either end up overspending or not spending at all (thank the lord I don't do the absolute 'need to live' essentials organising or I'd literally die) 🤦‍♀️
@alison5009 Жыл бұрын
I thought they were helpful. How was it patronizing?
@IluvAmerica Жыл бұрын
I found it helpful. There’s no magic pill that makes you wake up overnight and have a bunch of money saved up
@Starswake Жыл бұрын
No more processed high carb garbage from the middle aisles has helped me save beau coup bucks at the grocery store.
@xSwordLilyx Жыл бұрын
A bag a week or so is def in my musts
@gypsybelle4757 Жыл бұрын
Amen to this, Sis!
@hadilayyad6147 Жыл бұрын
I avoid those aisles on purpose at the supermarket but then regret it at night when I want to snack 😬 but it does save a lot of money and calories lol
@Itsunclegabby Жыл бұрын
@@hadilayyad6147 Make a mug cake! (;
@hadilayyad6147 Жыл бұрын
@@Itsunclegabby I tried it once but it turned out too eggy for my tastes lol
@jellyt8767 Жыл бұрын
Discipline now or regret later also applies to health. Buying the basics will help your body too. You save money and cut out unnecessary food in your diet.
@BlondeQtie Жыл бұрын
1. i use coupons and payback but only on items that i want to buy. 2. EAT SEASONAL AND REGIONAL FOODS. they are cheaper. 3. try to grow stuff. i grow my own chilis and herbs and aloe :) 4. eat less and less processed shit. if you are not underweight, chances are that you can eat a bit less and still feel good. 5. find a cheap source for your staples. i order cat food from amazon. i buy 10 kg bags of rice. i buy dried chickpeas instead of canned ones. i buy some frozen or canned veggies instead of fresh, they are often cheaper and don’t go bad as fast and are more nutritious. 6. find cheap meals and meals to incorporate leftovers and soggy veggies. oats, pasta with left over veggies, stir fries, fried rice, soups…
@BlondeQtie Жыл бұрын
@Queenie Maja oh thank you 😊 sometimes the frozen version is just superior. broccoli and peas are my staples, the suck when bought fresh. and the vitamins are preserved better in the frozen version. i freeze some veggies on my own, too: cut onions, fresh garlic, celery, spinach (it goes bad so quickly), sometimes herbs. i also freeze fruit that will go bad otherwise. brown bananas, overripe kiwis. just throw them in a smoothie later. the only veggies i keep fresh are veggies for salads and starchy veggies. carrots, potatoes, sweet potatoes, leafy greens, onions for salads, spring onions, bell peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers. and my canned staples are: dices tomatoes, sweet corn, sundried tomatoes, jalapeños, beet root, sauerkraut, red cabbage, kimchi. my dried goods are lentils, chickpeas, grains,… i hope this helps anyone else ☺️
@BlondeQtie Жыл бұрын
@Queenie Maja i live in the city too and i killed every plant i owned in the past lol. the easiest is aloe vera, you can utilize it and it hardly ever dies. i am just experimenting now. i got a bag of veggie soil for 10€ and some free pots from facebook market place. i just plant whatever i have on hand and see how it goes. i planted a used spring onion and it regrew! i just planted the base of a lettuce. i bought herbs from the supermarket, repotted them, trying to keep them alive and propagate basil. start small and cheap! 😊 youtube and google help a lot. just google one plant that you have and start from there, learn how to care for it, then go on to the next one. good luck!
@serahloeffelroberts9901 Ай бұрын
Since I bake my own whole bread I order organic whole wheat berries in bulk and grind my own flour. That way I know my flour is at its peak nutrition. I store the loaves I'm not using immediately in my freezer.
@sarahayes945 Жыл бұрын
My number one tip when I go to the store is to pull out my calculator and put how much I want to spend then subtract every item I put in the cart. That way there is no guessing how much it's gonna be. The key is to leave about 2 bucks at the end to cover taxes and the 7 cent bags I always forget to bring back with me.
@elliepurser7867 Жыл бұрын
another tip is to look for the in house brands. they're almost always cheaper.
@ericawhitfield9289 Жыл бұрын
I don’t clip coupons as they rarely have any for the things I buy. I was a couponer in the past, however it was time consuming and I ended up with a lot of processed stuff that I wouldn’t have bought otherwise. Buuuuut I do shop sales. I do a quick look at the online sales paper every Tuesday and snap a screen shot of anything I’d like. I do it almost exclusively for meat sales because I can save a good chunk of money plus a few other pricier items that I buy on the regular. Produce and stuff like that I don’t bother with and just get it at my regular grocery store because the savings are usually negligible. I balance my time and money.
@DeathShiniGama Жыл бұрын
Meat is something I buy once a year or two. I save up and buy half a cow from a local farmer 😅. This year was a bit more expensive cause everything went up in price but it came out to 8$/lb for like 175 lbs I think. Of like all the cuts, good cuts. I had a lot of hamburger which is normal but ribs, tongue, steaks, liver, stew cuts, etc etc. Just like paying car insurance once a year is cheaper sometimes than monthly depending on your provider. Plus it was organic grass fed beef. So high quality and normal grocery stores are like 5$/lb for hamburger. So a little higher price in that part but you also cant find like steak for less than 10$ or the ribs for less than like 18$.
@NikiLivi5 Жыл бұрын
I have a friend who buys and sells cows for a living. He told me of a mom & pop shop one state over that sells exclusively meat from their own farm where they butcher it themselves. A few times per year they sell half & whole cows. He told me if I let them know ahead of time they can let me know if they have any customers who want just half and prefer the upper half of the cow as I prefer the back half. He also told me if I have any Jewish friends they usually prefer the front half and are great to split a cow with. I haven’t done this yet and thought of just buying the whole cow because my grandma left me a giant 1960’s Maytag deep freezer that runs great! But after looking I really just want the back half. So I’m hoping to be able to get 2 halves. Just getting the back halves. He sent me a diagram of a cow that showed it from a side view and had the cuts of meat drawn on it. You can find it on google but it was helpful in deciding what I really wanted.
@courtney1496 Жыл бұрын
I used to be a serial couponer, now I just do rebates and sales. Still save a ton of money and I get the healthier choices I want in my house
@Aphrodite01 Жыл бұрын
If you shop at places like jewel or Mariano’s and clip digital coupons there are good deals and after you make purchases they send more relevant coupons and sometimes there are free items or ones you can get with rewards.
@LadyPrincessDiana Жыл бұрын
"Discipline now or regret later" "later" is a concept that does not exist in the world of ADHD 😂
@theapatheticcontrarian Жыл бұрын
^^^^This! 😅😭
@carochan86 Жыл бұрын
Is that why I go to the store just for a snack run ?
@LadyPrincessDiana Жыл бұрын
@@carochan86 It might be, yes! I do that too, since I have two small convenience stores right at the foot of my building, I can go and get snacks until they close, at midnight. The psychiatrist who diagnosed my ADHD explained that it is due to the brain seeking a quick shot of dopamine, especially with sweet snacks (hence why I'm addicted to Krispy Kreme doughnuts that I can get at one of the previously mentioned stores almost anytime I want 😂). The cravings are much less intense on days I take my medication, though!
@girlinthesouth850 10 ай бұрын
Yup lol
@sarahjaye4117 4 ай бұрын
For real
@mariekastler5391 Жыл бұрын
Budget snack: Popcorn! You can dress it up different ways and it's Easy to keep your recipes pretty healthy! Little kids Love making popcorn balls( in art aprons, maybe in the garage so you can just hose down after) Long before they can cook and bake more complex items! So, now, it's a cheap and healthy snack AND a fun family project! Home made saves Big Bucks with Better food, too!
@hadilayyad6147 Жыл бұрын
I actually air pop my popcorn instead of buying chips. Cheaper and healthier and my kids love to eat it as a snack with lunch.
@msr1116 Жыл бұрын
A bag of kernels is 1.25 at Dollar Tree. Not always in stock though.
@war5561 Жыл бұрын
Shop items per lb/ounce/etc So they have the price but then the price per weight unit is listed too. So I always go for the cheapest price by weight.
@lizbuck1469 Жыл бұрын
This was no-nonsense advice that people who are becoming adults like myself need to hear. Thank you.
@jerryrice8507 Жыл бұрын
I steal my groceries now I don’t buy groceries anymore
@nandohenriques2975 Жыл бұрын
Remember, kids. If you see someone stealing groceries, snitches get stitches.
@kenyonbissett3512 7 ай бұрын
No need to steal, go to a food pantry. Nothing fun about mom/dad in jail and children are in foster care for Christmas. No children, feel free to steal, the consequences are 3 free squares in jail/prison. Free food!
@BluJns Жыл бұрын
👍 Dont let your husband shop! (junk food magically appears) lol
@kathrynlroh5700 Жыл бұрын
Three years ago $80 got us a full cart of groceries. Now it’s half a cart and $210 for the same stuff..,
@GeoffrytheButler Жыл бұрын
Our nearest grocery store doesn't sell generic brands, and my husband and I were spending close to $200 a week for both of us. We did have a few splurge items, but even then, getting a few things could run us up $50. We found another store a little further from us, and got the same amount of groceries (minus meats) for half the price of our normal groceries, mainly because it was all comparable generic brands. Sometimes it also helps to shop around!
@amysdreamvideos8174 Жыл бұрын
This is why I love Aldis.
@kay-kay6483 Жыл бұрын
So basically your big hack for lowering your grocery bill is... buy less groceries. Helpful, thanks.
@danikadestinikey7477 Жыл бұрын
Right. Wish KZfaq still had the dislike button.
@beth3535 8 ай бұрын
Not quite. It’s plan with a budget.
@reese6235 Жыл бұрын
and by the off brand items if they taste the exact same and u don’t care
@crystalkring Жыл бұрын
For me I noticed as a family of 4 with my Mum living with us we can save groceries by getting it online. It’s quicker as well because the items bought before have already been saved. I find it cheaper online and get it delivered because every time we physically go to the grocery store when I’m about to pay I could see all the unnecessary stuff that my husband and toddler put in the cart which me ending up paying $300+ instead of $200+. We live in Sydney and cost of living here is so expensive.
@minksrule2196 Жыл бұрын
Same, there are 7 people in my family so we have a shopping list on the fridge so if anyone notices that something ran out or they want something they'll write it down and my mum will add it to the list online if it's reasonable and that way we don't get extra things and only buy what we need. I also live in Sydney
@samanthashaw8329 Жыл бұрын
I don't take any one shopping with me. It makes it much easier and faster. No grown man throwing adult tantrum in the store because I tell him we already have that at home nobody has time to make that or it costs too much. Or it's not in the budget. He's the kind of guy that would be happy eating fruit lips frozen pizza tacos and hamburger helper every night with ice cream for dessert. Problem is he plows through a large family size of fruit loops in 3 days 2 half gallon cartons of ice cream in about 5 days. It would be ok if we didn't survive on stamps but come the middle of the month he's ate everything up the sweets and crap junk food. Then expects me to come up with something out of thin air
@beverleybee1309 Жыл бұрын
Four: take inventory of your pantry. You don't want to buy items you already have.
@TheKeeperMadz 8 ай бұрын
What you have things in your pantry all we have is a cup of flour, a bottle of vinegar, peri peri spice and a jar of peanut butter.
@NoMoreTears64 6 ай бұрын
​@@TheKeeperMadzwell you had better work on changing that. Buy an extra can of SOMETHING every time you go to the store. Get stocked. Go to a food pantry if you have to. Relying on our "just in time" delivery system for grocery stores is a disaster waiting to happen.
@anarojas844 Жыл бұрын
Thank you Biden
@junejunejuniejune Жыл бұрын
tip 1. shop at Aldi.... it's so cheap! (my weekly total for food was $25, now 30ish with inflation) tip 2. really meal plan, figure out multiple meals where you can use the same ingredients. Making a big meal that you can reheat for multiple servings saves time and money! tip 3. eat a lot of salads! it's good for you, and the largest container at aldi is under $5. that giant thing of greens lasts me and my partner a weeks worth of salads, if we include it as a meal everyday. 4. reduce the amount of meat in your diet. cutting or reducing the amount of meat will really reduce your bill. I only buy 1 or 2 meat items per week.
@tammyhendrickson9362 Жыл бұрын
We don’t have Aldi in Washington state
@mycupoverflows7811 Жыл бұрын
I absolutely love Aldi. We have a family of 8 and several freezers. I will buy their mark-down or sale meat and freeze to eat over several weeks, so I rarely pay full price for meat.
@rosegroshek1218 Жыл бұрын
I lost money at Aldi when their produce can't even last a couple days. Every time I go there, my produce goes bad the next day. And their brand new stuff is way more expensive than at another store
@jl453 Жыл бұрын
@@rosegroshek1218 Yeah,where I live Aldi isn't a deal at all. The big chain grocery store near me have permanent BOGOs on meat,chicken and other foods and that saves money. Aldi can also be more chaotic in store with their advertising as "cheaper"
@traceykoontz2868 Жыл бұрын
Not really news here just reenforces what I already have been doing for years
@tarysunshine3878 Жыл бұрын
Add : give yourself a break once a week or a month. Too strick can break You & make You spend even more
@AngelicRamen Жыл бұрын
Weird to see budget advice from someone so clearly wealthy
@alphamail8974 Жыл бұрын
Check out "The Upgrade" on YT. She only works part time and gives good, realistic budgeting tips!
@rosegroshek1218 Жыл бұрын
That's a judgmental comment... A lot of people become wealthy because they are good with their money and anyone can tell you how to save money. Dave Ramsey is a millionaire now but he started out broke and now he has famous ways to fix your finances. Jealousy gets you nowhere
@brendamiranda3732 Жыл бұрын
How do you know if she’s wealthy?!
@theapatheticcontrarian Жыл бұрын
@@brendamiranda3732 She makes sure to buy organic?! Most people who need to budget or they die do not have the luxury (yes luxury) of buying organic etc no matter how much they wish to, because organic options are always more expensive (at least where I live - UK). If you're below the poverty line where if you don't budget you don't eat then your options for food just aren't overall that healthy, you can do your best to make it as healthy as possible but you're probably gonna have to skip organic fruits and veg and shit like that, and you can't just simply avoid processed foods because well they're cheap and they prevent you going hungry. I have always eaten relatively healthy because it's something my mother always made sure to do, make our meals as healthy as she could with the very little money she had. And honestly I did not realise just how hard it would've been for her until recently. 😊
@brendamiranda3732 Жыл бұрын
@@theapatheticcontrarian that makes sense, thank you for clarifying 😊. Organic is more expensive for sure. Some markets here in LA have some decent prices but I understand that’s not the case everywhere, unfortunately.
@DeborahE7 Жыл бұрын
Whenever we eat out all fancy the following evening is cereal night. 😆
@AgentRuggy Жыл бұрын
Thank you for these reasonable, common sense, and easy-to-understand tips. Budgeting is easy to learn but hard to master, and sometimes we get so lost that we lose sight of what we are doing and why we are doing it in the first place!
@FC-hj9ub Жыл бұрын
Thank you fort this mind numbing "stating the obvious" video
@jocelynsmyth6604 Жыл бұрын
I go in with a list, with solid recipes to work with what's on sale, and what looks good. I have trimmed down on a lot, but I like my food 😊
@rinciel4999 Жыл бұрын
Love this comment🤍
@co7314 Жыл бұрын
Plan your meals for the week and shop from a list. Reduce food waste.
@lpawlowicz3077 Жыл бұрын
Yep. No more "TIDE or fancy orange juice.
@valerieblomquist1253 Жыл бұрын
One of the best things I’ve learned is to get the most important things into my cart first-- most important meaning highest nutritional value per dollar. For us that is meat, so I go thru and get all my meat for each meal. Whatever is left on my budget goes towards side dishes to go with the meat. To keep track of my budget as I go I keep my phone calculator open and subtract each item from my $100 weekly budget. We spend about half of that on meat each week, and I’m able to feed three of us somewhat healthy meals.
@wrinkleintime4257 Жыл бұрын
4. Remind yourself that you actually have to eat the food you buy…. But maybe that’s a concern to take up with my therapist …
@barbieblue3336 Жыл бұрын
Ordering online for delivery helps me save $. Less impulse stuff
@aamemon7494 Жыл бұрын
step 3 will getcha, my biggest project is self-discipline :')
@TheNinnyfee Жыл бұрын
For me it's 1. start cooking from your pantry, then do the list. 2. Shop from the bottom, the expensive brands are at your sight height. 3. Have 10 variable staple meals like e.g. pasta marinara, pancakes, bolognese, salad. By limiting your staple meals you can cook in bulk, avoid spending all over the place, and you will buy ingredients like pasta in bulk when on sale. 4. If you get overwhelmed in the store, order.
@HowDoYouSpellDummb Жыл бұрын
Don't shop while hungry. This is a sure fire way to overspend on your budget.
@likatchup Жыл бұрын
the fact capitalism forces us to cut on basic needs like food and shelter is so sad
@umiluv Жыл бұрын
Not capitalism… government overreach caused inflation.
@crystalparker2542 Жыл бұрын
Lol....capitalism is to blame? Again...lol
@MmM20978 Жыл бұрын
My must haves are something for breakfast, lunch, & dinner. I don’t worry about snacks. Thanks for the reminder!
@minic578 Жыл бұрын
Absolutely bang on. Snacks tend to up the expenses quite high. And good healthy 3 meals reduce snack cravings drastically.
@MmM20978 Жыл бұрын
@@minic578 True.
@raerohan4241 Жыл бұрын
@@minic578 Same. We try not to buy snacks. For my dad and I, we enjoy snacking, so we try to satisfy that with things like fruit (whether fresh, frozen, or dried), nuts, etc. Stuff that's both healthy and relatively inexpensive
@saramoyer5500 Жыл бұрын
Great tips, thank you!
@HinaNaru65 Жыл бұрын
Keep track of what you have in your freezer and pantry, makes it so much easier when you reverse grocery shop
@LivingLifeWithDeeDee Жыл бұрын
I needed this! I was looking at my food budget for this month and I’m like, “where’s my money going?” In my stomach, that’s where. I am working on simplifying my meals. Thank you!
@birbenthusiast515 Жыл бұрын
The cost of living everywhere is going up, that plays a huge factor in it too. Higher gas prices make everything else more expensive to transport and the final cost gets put on us the consumer. I’m struggling to budget because every month it seems like it just gets worse and worse having less and less money to feed my family with than I did 4 years ago.
@LivingLifeWithDeeDee Жыл бұрын
@@birbenthusiast515 it’s been outrageous. I can totally relate.
@Foxglovechannel Жыл бұрын
I noticed that whenever I clip coupons it’s for brand name products that I don’t need anyway 😆 lol
@Bluviolet7392 Жыл бұрын
And the things you might use is $0.25 cents
@Mitters Жыл бұрын
1. Shop at the cheap grocery store if possible. 2. Buy in season and on-sale (don't need to look through tons of clippings for this - just be mindful when you are wandering around. Maybe swap out something comparable that's cheaper re: fruits and veggies). 3. Buy the generic or store brand version. 4. Buy in bulk when things are on-sale (like a bigger bag of frozen veggies).
@ladyk2462 9 ай бұрын
I like this video. It's simple and straight to the point. I think that the current high prices of food in the grocery stores make A LOT of people save more money by NOT buying unnecessary foods that aren't really must haves if they reeeeally think about it and NOT buying junk food. By doing all of that not only do you save money but you can also become healthier and lose weight (IF that's been a long struggling goal). High priced food items are kinda like a blessing in disguise if you flip it in a positive way. Thanks to stores like Dollar Tree you can make some good, cheap and tasty meals on a budget. Blessings to EVERYONE on this planet.
@Chances29 Жыл бұрын
These are my tips: 1. Buy generic store brand items 2. Shop sales, clip digital and paper coupons, use cash back apps like Ibotta 3. Batch cook and freeze some portions for later 4. Make less complicated dishes with cheaper ingredients at home. If you want something complicated, get takeout. Grocery prices rose around 30% whereas takeout prices rose around 8% (depending on your area). Yes, I’ve literally saved money getting takeout sometimes because individual ingredients can be so expensive.
@psymompa Жыл бұрын
Great advice. I try to shop seasonal and meal plan around sales and what is in the pantry.
@FC-hj9ub Жыл бұрын
This is the opposite of great advice
@svideos5754 Жыл бұрын
One tip for me. Never have a packed fridge or pantry. I don’t have kids and I don’t overeat or snack so when I buy like a regular person a lot went to waste.
@allibeth21 Жыл бұрын
Another tip I do often: Try to use less meat. I try to bulk up my meals with other ingredients to make them filling with less meat. For example, every time I make something Mexican with ground beef, I only use 1/2 lb of ground beef and add in a can of black beans and some frozen corn and cook it all together with the taco seasoning. That way I can get 2 meals out of a pound of ground beef.
@yamik5524 Жыл бұрын
That's great. Adding beans is actually healthier. Lots of vitamins, fiber, minerals. Meat is not clean because of factory farming (chemical laden feed for pigs/cows etc). So by reducing it, you're doing a good thing.
@rosalbagallegos467 Жыл бұрын
Can you do a little run down of meals you tend to lean on with a budget friendly shopping list?
@Hey_nat Жыл бұрын
I'd love this too!
@psymompa Жыл бұрын
Some of my cheap eats for this week: whole wheat spaghetti with marinara and steamed broccoli (sale for 99¢ lb), bean and rice power bowl (add whatever veggies we have), cheese and veggie Pannis with a cold pasta/veg salad, cheese enchiladas with a side of black beans and a little pico salad, frozen pizza (sale for $4) w/ cut up cucumber and free carrots (from Randall's coupon app), tortellini (HEB had buy one get one free) with Kirkland pesto sauce (freezer) and steamed broccoli and one night of leftovers. This week we are moving my oldest into her college dorm so meals are very basic and we are vegetarian so not buying meat makes for cheap eats.
@franhunne8929 Жыл бұрын
Curry, with potatoes, chickpeas (canned) and vegetables, Hard boiled eggs (sliced) with a mustard bechamel sauce and mashed potatoes. You need about 2 eggs per head. Creamy pumpkin soup Onion pie. All those are vegetarian options, but you can make them omnivore by adding bacon cubes. Savoury German pancakes (with bacon) with some sour cream with herbs smeared on when the pancakes are cooled - and then rolled up and wrapped for your lunch. If you want fancy, take salmon and some cream cheese with dill. If you want meat - go for minced meat - that is cheaper and you can either make meatballs with some in season veggies aside - or you can make a meatloaf (particularly moist with a layer of bacon outside). A small amount of minced meat and some zucchinis/courgettes cut into bite sized pieces - start with an onion and accompany with cooked rice and there you go. Rice in Asia shops is cheaper. Pasta. Pasta sauces need not be expensive: An Onion, a carrot, a tin/can of tomatoes, some dried thyme and rosemary ... salt and pepper. And pasta can be found cheap, too, or you make your own. Want something less tomato? Whip up a simple cacio e pepe. With four simple ingredients - spaghetti, pepper, parmesan and butter - this is a storecupboard favourite
@tymondabrowski12 Жыл бұрын
Not sure, but I think this meal is pretty cheap and very filling: "Bretonia-style / Breton beans", or "fasolka po bretońsku". It's a Polish traditional dish (most of Polish traditional dishes use names from other parts of the world, those places usually don't eat that dish). It's for 4 people, or 2 if you leave half for tge next day (it's better the next day). Two cans of red beans, one can of tomatoes (in pieces, or whole, or similar). We would add ~25cm of sausage and maybe 200g block of bacon (roughly the same amount as sausage) cut in pieces. You also need 1-2 onions, a tooth or two of garlic, maybe 8 tiny balls of allspice, a bit of black pepper and 2 bay leaves (European, not Asian! They should be ~5cm, not 12cm). No salt, sausage and bacon will make it salty enough. It's super filling and usually you'd need a bread roll or something with it. If your budget is very tight, you could cut down on meat, use only one type, cut out garlic, or maybe use this dish as a side dish: add potatoes (cheap and nutrients-dense, much better than noodles or rice in that regard; you could survive for quite sone tike just on potatoes) and something salad-like (could be pickles instead, or nothing). Please calculate your own prices to see if it's a good addition to your diet/budget.
@umiluv Жыл бұрын
Chili! I really like the smitten kitchen three bean chili recipe (if you don’t like spicy stuff - replace chili powder with paprika or smoked paprika) and you can make it with canned beans or dried beans (the recipe offers both options) and I add ground meat by cooking that up first in the pot, then removing it and starting the recipe - no need to clean the pot. Another great option is home made ground meat tacos. I like to use ground Turkey since the meat is lighter than beef but still has good fat content. And you can either make your own taco seasoning with your own spices or buy the taco seasoning packets at the market. Buy tortillas (I heat them up on the stove) and make homemade salsa [4 tomatoes, one white onion, cilantro (or dried oregano if you don’t like cilantro), jalapeño (optional), and lemon juice from one lemon, season with salt and pepper to taste], grate some cheese, and serve with favorite hot sauce (optional) and sour cream. You can make this however fancy or simple as you want. And I set up as a taco bar so ppl can choose how to make their tacos themselves. Stir fry. I like onion, bok choy, broccoli as my veg. You can change it to whatever veg you like - carrots, bell peppers, etc. You can add tofu or meat (just cook meat first and then set aside to not overcook or undercook meat - remember to season with salt and pepper when cooking). I add garlic, small amounts of ginger, and some hot peppers (optional) after sautéing some onions. Just make sure to cut/prep everything up beforehand so that you can add everything quickly since stir fry is about keeping the crunch in the veggies while just mildly heating them up to meld the flavors together. Add harder veggies first (carrots, broccoli) and softer veggies last (bok choy) to ensure crunch on the softer veg. These 3 dishes kept me going on a limited budget when I was in my 20s cooking for my husband and I. We always had enough for leftovers - the chili lasted for days. Just serve with rice for the chili and the stir fry. Cooking from home is healthier and cheaper. And you can make in bulk. Just freeze whatever you don’t eat and reheat later (stews, soups, and chilis are perfect for this).
@Ciel-luwyn Жыл бұрын
A tip I use every time : making a shopping/groceries list and sticking to it. That's it.
@Liliththelizard Жыл бұрын
It's funny to see how people budget when they actually *have* the money to spend. I usually budget to be able to afford gas through the month. My tips are: 1. Make a menu and buy only what you plan on cooking that week. 2. Buy big packaging of pantry items like flour, rice, pasta, sugar etc. 3. Lots of different seasonings! You might only have the same boring base items, but you can make many different dishes by simply mixing up the seasonings and cooking methods!!
@PugpugKeller 6 ай бұрын
Great content. Love the first one.. get honest. One thing I've done with actual wonderful outcome.. I find when the grocery stores have the weekly sale, and I only spend cash, and only what I've budgeted for. I only buy what is on sale.. I've found my meals have more variety. It's working fit me.
@KatieCottingham Жыл бұрын
All easier said than done for those with health problems, especially physical problems that create food choice challenges and mental health problems (even if they're not centered around food, many can affect how you view or respond to food and grocery shopping). There's no real new information here. It's sadly the same things I've heard my whole life, which is super frustrating given there's so much more information available. But hey, most things don't address how health problems make budgeting hell and how mental illnesses and disabilities can straight up make it impossible to manage without help no matter how smart, well educated, and employed you may be.
@susiemac6295 Жыл бұрын
If you’re on disability for your physical problems, aren’t there any community services that can help you? You managed to type a fairly coherent detailed comment without struggling, so what is the mental health problem you have?
@umiluv Жыл бұрын
Okay… then maybe how about this video isn’t for you…
@alison5009 Жыл бұрын
I have mental and physical health problems and thought this was a great video. Not for everyone.
@pinkows Жыл бұрын
So your trolley was still empty? You found nothing cheap 😂
@druec2863 Жыл бұрын
4. Don't always rely on the items that are brand names or directly at eye level. A lot of times off-brand items are cheaper and healthier (less preservatives and artificial ingredients)
@AshesAshes44 Жыл бұрын
And don't shop hungry! Sure, it's an old tip, but it works
@LoveEachOtherJn Жыл бұрын
Love the " Discipline now or regret later" statement. That's a keeper for me. Where did you get your bag? I want one.
@c3pohcbr Жыл бұрын
I find that the prices at Stop and Shop are kind of ridiculous, especially for produce. You wouldn’t think so but Whole Foods actually has way better deals!
@ILoveYou-rv3pd Жыл бұрын
I used to way overspend on food. Now I actually stick to my grocery list and make simple meals. I eat healthy, vegan, with plenty of protein, stay full, and I spend on average $20 a week on groceries. This is just for me, it’s just me and the cat in my place. I probably spend more on his food than mine, because he has dietary issues 😂
@doesnotFempute Жыл бұрын
My grocery budget hack is called intermittent fasting, shop at aldi and use eggs for every meal possible because we already have chickens. Cloud bread erry day 🥴
@simonegodwin7449 Жыл бұрын
Buy from the top and bottom shelf... always cheaper. Buy generic. Decide if the instant rice is cheaper to reheat than scratch due to fuel coat of boiling. (I do mine in the oven on a different night when oven is on cooking something else. ).Buy frozen fruits/veg. Buy pre sliced onions and peppers (frozen) Buy ready minced garlic/chlli/ ginger in jars. Use the pil to flavour food. Lasts ages in the fridge
@fabiennevdk7045 Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much, I will forward these tips to my butler and house managers for when they’ll do my grocery shopping. Financials have been really tight lately, already had to sell my chopper and my 5th car. Perhaps I still get to keep my Yacht with these tips.🙌 The struggle is real 😌
@fabiennevdk7045 Жыл бұрын
@@abjg6446 😂 😂 Will do!
@PraveenSrJ01 Жыл бұрын
Inflation has drastically gone up 🆙
@victorwadsworth821 Жыл бұрын
#4, instead of going to grocery store, go to food banks, good food for free.
@chrissy4782 Жыл бұрын
🛒🍽🛒🍽🛒🍽🛒🍽🛒🍽 I also REVERSE the usual “meal plan then shop” procedure. I always shop first THEN meal plan based on what I have on hand. Three reasons: I buy only sale items so I save tons of money; I use items before they expire so no waste; I can be more creative with recipes using what I have so my cooking is never boring. I also never make multiple trips to the store because I never run out of anything.
@abuse-steers Жыл бұрын
Just sign up for a rewards card, don't eat at restaurants often, and consider going to a discount grocery store like Aldi or a local outlet grocery store. Trader Joe's offers affordable food, too. Usually that's all you need in order to save. Anything more could be stressful and nobody wants to feel deprived.
@girlinthesouth850 10 ай бұрын
It's really good seeing the younger generation trying to budget. Good job 👍🏻
@umiluv Жыл бұрын
If you REALLY want to save, you can try and grow your own food. Seeds cost like $3 a pack for tons of seeds and you can save seeds too. You can find a community garden and find resources to help with gardening - they might have tools there that the community can use. Or get to know your local farm and buy direct at a farmer’s market or from them at the farm. Usually better produce than at the grocery store and you build a relationship with the farmer, plus it cuts out the middle man!
@Life_of_Ty Жыл бұрын
I was really looking forward to some tips for this topic but this… this was so needless and unhelpful. Advice on how to spend money? Don’t spend so much. Wow. 🙄
@beth3535 8 ай бұрын
Nope. It set a budget limit and work within it.
@Life_of_Ty 8 ай бұрын
@@beth3535 If you found this helpful, good for you. Personally, I find everything said in this video so moronically obvious that it’s not even worth saying. Luckily, people in the comments were a lot more helpful than this lady’s nothing advice.
@lovingthelessloved3679 Жыл бұрын
Make diy versions of the foods and cosmetics, cleaners etc. That have the biggest value to price disparity. For example making my own peanut butter turned out to not be financially beneficial. But hummus is. It's a dollar worth ingredients to make what a pre-made hummus that would cost $7
@yamik5524 Жыл бұрын
Great tip on hummus.
@alfonso6543 Жыл бұрын
These are useful tips/habits I adopt for tight budget grocery & household items: 1. Monthly shopping & weekly shopping with list. Make readily monthly/weekly list and check what missing in the pantry/house - monthly shopping list, at big stores: for items with long shelf life; cooking oil, sauces, rice, flours, sugar, salt, other condiments, potato-onion-garlic-ginger (buy in bulks, it saves a lot) and; laundry detergent (use powdered coupled with liquid softener is cheaper & easier to adjust the budget), dishwasher, toothbrush, toothpaste, etc. - weekly list at local fresh market: items with short shelf life; vegetables, fruits, poultry/meat/seafood 2. Stick tightly to the list prepared before shopping. Be focus, only buy listed items as close as possible. Set the margin allowed for extras like chips or chocolate (e.g: + 10$ for extras). Never going shopping without a list 3. Monthly prepare freezer meal prep: I make my own chicken nuggets, breaded chicken, french fries, frozen carrot & cauliflower florets once every month. For when in rush, easy to prepare a proper meal 4. Monthly prepare snacks: I prepare snacks like cookies, snack bars, roasted nuts once every month for occasional snacking 5. Never buy fast food home. No pizzas, no KFC, no McDonalds. Except when going out occasionally. No delivery, no bringing home 6. Be firm to use only what is in the pantry until the next shopping trip, never going shopping in between scheduled trip. Be creative with pantry ingredients 7. 2 bin concept, first in first out; every item must have at least 2 packet; one for currently using, 1 for storage. Never let any items runs out. Especially the essentials. For 1 packet has finished, open the new one and replace the storage one. Repeat. It might sounds hard but once you get grasp of it, it is easier than you think. I start this spending habit once married (almost a year now) it really helps financially, and mentally. We can still eat healthily, save some and use some for other purposes like going out for movie or something. Hope this helps.
@electricmushyy Жыл бұрын
I forget where I heard this but I heard somebody say one time everything you need at the grocery store is on the outside isles everything in the middle is all processed, not so good for you food.
@kristynkazumi Жыл бұрын
I feel like this is more “how to stay on budget” instead of “how to save on groceries”
@beth3535 8 ай бұрын
They are glued together.
@elizabethrose7752 Жыл бұрын
Yes! Plan around what you already have. If you have time, shop around. I have a few “go-to” stores in my area, all relatively close to one another (factoring in gas prices), and I know what items are least expensive at what stores. Here in Utah I typically go to Trader Joe’s for great value “upscale foodie” items, Sprouts Market for the best deals on produce, and Walmart for generic pantry staples. Also a Costco membership goes a long way on items you use frequently or a lot of, like toilet paper or laundry detergent. Most stores will have a discount section of things close to their “sell by date” which is also a good way to find bargains and boost your grocery haul.
@avadamour1702 Жыл бұрын
I was searching through the comments in the hopes that someone would have mentioned the wonderful clearance sections! There are typically several in some grocery store chains, usually divided into categories (meat, freezer items, shelf stable, home goods, etc.). I always check them first for items on my list, and I don’t usually buy meat unless it’s on sale/put on clearance. These sections allow me to save on typical staples, and occasionally splurge on trying something new that normally would have been way out of budget. Thank you for mentioning those money-saving nooks!
@stormygirl1704 Жыл бұрын
I definitely keep my meals simple. Less ingredients. But Whole Foods. NO JUNK! :)
@nakedladymandalas Жыл бұрын
I love that this video is geared towards the consumer as if we have been doing something wrong and caused the broke bank account. Definitely not about the huge corporations profiting millions. 😂😂😂
@r8chlletters Жыл бұрын
#1 make a meal plan #2 make a list #3 start with nutrient rich items (meat/eggs/cheese/nuts) then go to produce and lastly canned goods #4 count as you go and #5 reassess your cart and put things back you can part with
@officermeyer Жыл бұрын
Haha the timing in this. I'm going shopping in 3 days 🥰TYSM for reminding me
@helenarichard Жыл бұрын
I don't buy 90% of stuff in store already. No soda, fish, alcohol, coffee, tea, pastry, dairy, candy, cookies, chocolate... I still end up with a small bag of food and laundry detergent for € 100. I can't deal with this.
@meganverne Жыл бұрын
XD I love that people think "organic" means SO much. its literally just a word they use to charge you more by doing minimal difference to the production of a product. the only way your food is going to be not processed is to grow it all yourself.
@kylennpetersen4407 Жыл бұрын
Girl, 😵‍💫 this video made me realize how long its been since ive even been in a grocery store. I've been so hella depressed. Im on the up and up tho, needed to see this. Ty
@nataschastormmadsen1056 Жыл бұрын
Another great tip, don't go food shopping when you are hungry, I always buy more food and especially snacks when I'm hungry, I'm much less tempted to buy when I'm full.
@Rastaferrari829 Жыл бұрын
Love it. Not a lot of people are ready to be honest with themselves and would rather have those splurge items but feel that regret later in their bank accounts. I admit I give in with my sugar cravings sometimes, but it just takes discipline if you have a goal in mind. Just do it and and you’ll be glad you did later.
@pamh.5705 Жыл бұрын
I recently discovered frozen meatballs! I can buy a bag for about $4 & get 3-4 meals from one bag. I love a version of stir-fry where I put 8-10 meatballs in a skillet, dump in 3-4 of my favorite frozen vegetables, a bit of seasoning, a few tablespoons of water, clamp on a tight lid & let it steam til done. It makes my dinner and a bit left for the next day's lunch. So quick and easy. Soon I will begin making scratch meatballs & freezing my own.
@Egh0127 Жыл бұрын
What helped me was to plan a dinner recipe for every single night for 1-2 weeks and then after getting the ingredients for those recipes then bought the other stuff like snacks for the kids, drinks, and breakfast items
@tacobaco5368 Жыл бұрын
I go through, and before I go in the store, I set a limit for what to spend.. as I put things into my cart, I put the price into my calculator so I know exactly how much money I have left to spend 😊 of course leave some room for tax at the end
@lbu9542 Жыл бұрын
One thing I've been doing lately is doing a lot of crock pot meals that last on average 2 days. So I've been saving that way too.
@ameliasolis3981 Жыл бұрын
My tip is to find balance between shopping too often or to little. The more visits the more likely you are to buy extras but too far the other way you end up with fresh foods going bad before you can use them. I try for 1 trip a week and then base my meal order by which dishes have the most perishable ingredients and make those meals first. Try to buy at least some canned or frozen fruit and veggies so you have options later
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