Insignificant Features (That I Really Like)

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Timothy Cain

Timothy Cain

8 ай бұрын

I talk about game features that excite me that would seem insignificant to the average gamer.

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@chriswolfe351 7 ай бұрын
One of my favorite moments in Fallout 2 was that in Navarro if you talk to the door guard outside the base comander's office, he'll tell you that the cleaning crew comes by in an hour. If you wait for an hour and then talk to him again, claiming to be the cleaning crew, he'll yell at you about how you are just the weirdo that stood still in front of him for an hour unless you went out of his sight.
@emmanuel1337 7 ай бұрын
Damn, that's some genius shit and extremely simple at the same time. Stuff like that sprinkled all over a game is what gives the player the sense that the world is really reactive and always paying attention to his deeds, even if it isn't true across the board.
@lrinfi 7 ай бұрын
Josh Sawyer has talked about "world" reactivity at length. There's a GDC talk he did about it on that site. Well worth a view. A contemporary video titled, 'The Magic Behind Fallout', features the practice and why it's so effective even generations later.
@Atestinal 8 ай бұрын
In Far Cry 2, there's a fast travel system where you first have to go to a bus terminal, and then get dropped off at another bus terminal. There's a mod I installed recently where it also adds a small fee to use the bus. That made me go, "oh yeah, why wouldn't I pay to use the bus?" The cost is small enough to where it doesn't really affect gameplay, but I just thought it was a nice, little attention to detail that also made the bus system feel like more of a "tangible" thing.
@nowayjosedaniel 8 ай бұрын
Americanizing the public bus system with capitalism. Yuck.
@lrinfi 8 ай бұрын
Not familiar with FC2. Did the bus actually travel between map coordinates for any distance ala vertibirds in FO4 or just cut to a loading screen immediately? Never had much experience with vehicles (aside from horses) until I used them in 7DTD. Helicopter pads also have been added to the trader compounds in that game that most surmise will work more like a fast travel system. The (automatic) travelling between map ccoordinates thing must be incredibly hard to do. I'll never forget Nate Purkeypile talking about how hard the opening cart ride in Skyrim's intro turned out to be. Seems a rogue bee kept crossing its path and sending the cart flying. lol Still, if one can turn on a cinematic camera in RDR2 while the horse takes them back to Shady Sands, I should think the same could be done with any kind of vehicle at this point.
@Atestinal 7 ай бұрын
@@lrinfi Immediate loading screen. Basically there are 5 bus terminals on the map, 1 in the middle of the map, and the others each at the 4 corners. Interacting with 1 terminal lets you jump to any of the other 4. Speaking of FO4, there was a mod that did something very similar, where you could build transportation at any settlement, and then interact with it to instant fast travel to any other settlement you have. You just have to make gas to use it. I ended up really liking this system. It made settlements more useful for roleplaying as someone who limits fast traveling from the map.
@lrinfi 7 ай бұрын
@@Atestinal I failed to mention that I always pick up something like the 'Lone Wanderer' motorcycle mod or the van mod (for New Vegas) before starting a playthrough. I couldn't get into Skyrim for some reason before the modding community started coming out with mods for that game. There are some amazing creators in the modding community whose love of the games is palpable. It's "driveable" vehicles that have taken off of late, but public transportation still appears fast travel only. Bummer.
@Atestinal 7 ай бұрын
@@lrinfi Maybe you've seen this one, but there's a cool mod for Skyrim that changes the fast travel carts outside of cities so that they travel in real time, like in the intro sequence.
@PorkotylerClips 8 ай бұрын
Tim: Unskippable cutscenes are annoying Kojima: Whoa HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO🎵
@returnofthespacecowgurl 7 ай бұрын
I'm being the worst by mentioning it but there really aren't that many unskippable cutscenes in Metal Gear
@bluespiritrecords1709 5 ай бұрын
@@returnofthespacecowgurl Thank god they are skippable, otherwise I'd never replay those games
@Hjortur95 8 ай бұрын
third person shooter games giving you a little X when your weapon intersects with a wall, even when your crosshairs have a clean shot at your target.
@dsl69 8 ай бұрын
Or when weapon is pointing down when you're too close to the wall.
@skornie123 8 ай бұрын
SOCOM had that right?
@0ia 7 ай бұрын
I like Arma 3's 3d crosshair cursor thing that does this. You either see the crosshair stuck on the wall, or you see it hundreds of meters away.
@june.bourque 7 ай бұрын
it's genius.....
@Fishlord136 3 ай бұрын
I’d love that for some first person shooters as well lol
@mcashed 8 ай бұрын
To add to Tim's brilliant list, please designers, make the cutscenes not only skippable, but also pausable. Also, I really wish it was more common to see >clothes maketh the man< implemented in RPGs. In another words, toothless Bob runs away when he sees me in Power Armor, instead of taking me for a fellow rabble and trying to rope me into a mundane fetch quest for which he can offer only his old hat.
@massivive 8 ай бұрын
the biggest nightmare in a story-driven game is when you REALLY need to use the bathroom, hit ESC to pause the cutscene and suddenly the cutscene is gone forever some games will pause entirely when the window isn't in focus so you can abuse that, but sometimes it's hard to predict how that will mess with the game
@theodorealenas3171 8 ай бұрын
I wish the cutscenes were replayable and everything but I understand why they're not, because some are loading screens. But, for example, Dark Souls has English that I can't understand, and I don't always have a second chance at it. Also I have trouble focusing on cutscenes that talk about people and places, so I get extremely tired trying to focus and I wish I could rewind.
@ChadVulpes 8 ай бұрын
@@theodorealenas3171 I don't think many games use cutscenes as loading screens nowadays, but good point nonetheless.
@proydoha8730 8 ай бұрын
To add to your comment: if its skippable please make it "Hold to skip" to avoid accidental skipping!
@nowayjosedaniel 7 ай бұрын
AAA are more likely to listen if people let their voices be known. Unfortunately Indies are jerks to disabled gamers. It's a shame and it's way too common for them to not only refuse to care or consider them, but to often privately detest them and seethe anger that they dared to ask for simple accessibility features. Even rebindable keys is a struggle for many indie developers. Not because the indie doesn't have the time or money, but because theyre just jerks and dont care. There's a reason laws like the ADA had to get passed. If most Americans arent forced into providing accessibility, they wont do it and will get angry if anyone asks for accommodations. These laws have to exist to protect disabled people, so these laws should be extended into virtual software.
@Ramk0sh 8 ай бұрын
Environmental storytelling coupled with "show don't tell" principle is the best!
@mikez6289 8 ай бұрын
Thank for answering Tim! I am also colorblind and agree with your sentiments on that.
@MuffinMan_Ken 8 ай бұрын
Quite a few of these, to me, seem to be about craftsmanship; adding that extra little bit of polish that isn't necessary to ship but will be appreciated by some of your players. We don't see a lot of that in AAA games. Hell, it's been a while since a big AAA game came out that didn't require a major patch or 2 before it *worked*. And I think that ties into your other big point: Respect your players. Your players are more than a sales statistic. Treat them with respect and they will breathe new life into your game and your game's community.
@Anubis1101 7 ай бұрын
AAA pubs and devs seem to struggle justifying the time and money spent on small things, even though they usually can bring more of both than smaller projects. It's such a shame they can't get over that business-mindedness; they could make some truly great things.
@lipnoodle117 7 ай бұрын
On the subject of game-prop-vignettes, one of my favourite examples of these is in New Vegas. There's a skeleton in the Bison Steve hotel that's lying in a bathtub, surrounded by drugs and liquor. When you go to grab one of the drug/liquor consumables, the game turns on physics collisions for that area, and the result is the physics on the skeleton spazz-out and launch the skeleton at you. It's not so much a story vignette as it is a mini developer joke. I know whoever made that little detail probably discovered this particular physics interaction interaction by mistake, and thought it'd be a funny surprise to put in the game. It's like a silent jumpscare and it makes me laugh every time.
@silverbison 8 ай бұрын
I really like it when games have options to turn off hud elements or make them context dependent. Sometimes times I just want to enjoy all the work that was put into the graphics and art of the game as I walk around. And it's not always relevant to know my health unless I'm in combat or it low enough that I should really consider healing.
@Atestinal 8 ай бұрын
I kinda take it for granted now with how many hours I have in the game, but I love how Far Cry 2 handles HUD usage. It's only up when you need it or if you hit the appropriate button, but most of the time you have a clean screen. The diegetic elements help as well.
@renaigh 8 ай бұрын
Red Dead 2 doesn't get near enough praise for how unintrusive the HUD is. ever since discovering that could just turn off the minimap with the blink of an eye I've become more and more annoyed at with its absence in other games.
@Atestinal 7 ай бұрын
@@cowboylou I also made some FC2 videos!
@pitchforker3304 8 ай бұрын
Couldn't agree more on how annoying it is when games force level ups! For example in Fallout 3, you have to level up right then, can pick the Intense Training perk to +1 a stat, but can't see your stats!
@DMLand 8 ай бұрын
This is way off-topic, but I love that you remind me of a friend from my 20s who I haven't seen in many years (in fact, he passed away recently): your passion for your work, your positive energy, and the fact that you love RPGs reminds me of him so much. Also, you look like you could be brothers. Thanks for your delight in gaming and the fact that your videos are like a free master class in game design and development.
@lrinfi 8 ай бұрын
Comes across as friend, doesn't he? Love, love, love when "famous" people don't let it go to their heads and prove just as grounded as you and me. I met Gene Roddenberry and Majel Barret once rather unexpectedly at a shuttle launch. There's no doubt in my mind that what they wanted more than anything in the world was to be utterly ingonito. Ms. Barrett even passed a hand over her hair and said, "I never expected anyone to recognize us looking like this." :) I'd vowed to myself when I recognized them that I wouldn't bother them; go up and say, "hi"; nothing. My aunt, otoh, had a different idea; rushed down the aisle of the Imax theatre; caught Gene Roddenberry by the arm; and said, "My niece has something she wants to say to you." I didn't, actually. Couldn't think of a thing, in fact. But there I was, stiff and stupid, trying to have a normal conversation with two fellow human beings, regardless. lol They were awesome about it, btw.
@ReconFX 8 ай бұрын
Personally, I love when shooters have destructible props/environments, even when it adds nothing to the combat itself. Whenever I can shoot at a lamp and it turns off or shoot at an aquarium and all the water pours onto the floor it just adds an extra level of immersion to the world and makes me appreciate the attention to detail the developers put in.
@sandwich2473 8 ай бұрын
The world reacting is always very satisfying
@ZiddersRooFurry 8 ай бұрын
Volition was always great about this. The Red Faction and Saints Row series (especially Saints Row 2) had tons of destructible elements.
@LeadHeadBOD 8 ай бұрын
Was replaying FEAR the other day and that's really one of the things that popped to my mind. The destruction has barely any gameplay implications, but the way you see boxes and papers and random soda cans and ridiculous amounts of sparks flying across the screen, not to mention its clever use of normalmapped decals that make it look like you're blowing chunks out of walls, is just really cool.
@Atestinal 8 ай бұрын
It's basic now, but I remember playing GTA4 for the first time and being completely blown away by some the environmental detail, like when you hit a streetlight and seeing bits of electricity underneath, or bullet holes and dents staying on your vehicle. As for shooters, seeing fire-spreading for the first time in FC2 was neat. If you shot at ammo piles, they would go off and spray bullets everywhere. There were also these poorly constructed, wooden structures that would explode if a grenade went off near them, or if you drove a car into them. I take a lot of this stuff for granted now, but at the time, I was really impressed.
@Atestinal 8 ай бұрын
@@ZiddersRooFurry I loved how in Saints Row 2 you could blow up the train. Had no real effect on anything, it was just a fun, little thing you could do.
@linespider5 8 ай бұрын
I like my games having places where there are chairs and other logical spots that my character can sit down and sort of take in the surroundings as though they’re more part of the surroundings rather than something merely moving through them. Real world people sit down, a lot. It makes sense to let player characters sit down as well.
@cmdr.jabozerstorer3968 8 ай бұрын
Yeah, that's a big issue for me in Cyberpunk 2077. I want to sit down! It's a small thing but CP2077 already has a sit-down animation (as used in dialogue cutscenes) it shouldn't be that difficult to implement. You can even take a shower in your room and yes, sit down there but you cannot sit down much in Night City.
@shrek1onDVD 8 ай бұрын
With sitting down in games, I really like how kingdom come deliverance allows you to sit at tables and benches, but one thing is funny with it. If youre standing at a table with food on it, you can eat the food directly from the table when standing, but when sitting down, you're not allowed to eat the food from the table, can't even put it in your inventory. This is the PS4 version
@cmdr.jabozerstorer3968 8 ай бұрын
@@shrek1onDVD I'll have to check that. I have it on PC.
@lrinfi 8 ай бұрын
@@shrek1onDVD It's not just Kingdom Come. Seems to me, any game with features like that disallow performing pretty much any other kind of action while its in use, whether there are any accompanying animations (and there usually aren't) or not. You might be lucky to be able to pick a dialogue option with a nearby NPC, but -- again -- I've had to mod Skyrim, at least, to make it so that I could have my character do that (sit or stop and stand and eat, complete with animations). There must be a reason why that sort of thing is not done all the time, at least in RPGs where it will definitely be noticed that everyday actions performed by humans are missing. Perhaps some nice developer can clue us in as to why that is. Performance? Running too many skeleton-dependent scripts at once? Time? Budget? What? Because I had no issues whatsoever with that Skyrim mod.
@Dullahan3470 8 ай бұрын
My favorite is when leveling up restores your hit points to full even in combat and it meaningfully impacts a tough encounter or makes a dungeon crawl that little bit easier.
@ZanDatsu 8 ай бұрын
Not exactly the same but in Bloodborne there was a system where you could leave little pre-set messages in the environment for people to read and if they rated your message positively it would restore your health. It just so happened that someone rated my message the exact moment a boss was about to land the killing blow on me and it was enough to allow me to survive and kill the boss. The fact I still remember that exact moment from years ago shows this is a cool feature!
@xiii0722 8 ай бұрын
Agree on that, can make for a clutch save and it feels awesome when it happens!
@june.bourque 7 ай бұрын
im leveling up !!!!!!!🤩
@TheGreatCigma 8 ай бұрын
I like being able to sit in furniture, when there's weather or seasons, and being able to interact with NPCs that don't have anything to do with a quest (like ordering food from a street vendor, it has nothing to do with progressing the game and no game mechanic triggers, but makes the world feel a little more immersive and fun).
@Lee-of4gt 7 ай бұрын
just living in the game is half the fun!
@flamingburritto 8 ай бұрын
Would you ever write a book on your approach to game design? And also Would you like to see implementation of special traits like there were in fallout 1, that made the game have an interesting twist cuz every trait that did something good had a trade off, in more games and especially RPGs? Cuz things like that today feel like a relic of a different time cuz modern RPGs don't really mess around with that anymore.
@lrinfi 8 ай бұрын
He's written a memoir, of sorts...that will never be published according to him. No reason why he couldn't write one specifically about his approach to the nuts and bolts of game design, but I think he is (in a way) with those videos covering the subject on this channel as opposed to those sharing personal memories. It's a videography in that respect. He could package those up and upload them to any online learning site that specializes in videos of the kind and earn a decent living if he ever actually retires, which I personally don't expect will ever happen. ;) I'm learning a lot from those specific videos and I'm not even a game developer! Kind of makes me want to play around with some of the engines and tools, though. It'd probably be more like pulling hen's teeth for someone like me to get even the most basic thing working. (I'm not a programmer.) Seems like a lot of fun in and of itself, though, and reminds me of the most satisfying moments in my own career when everything just gelled in the most unexpected and delightful ways.
@Vohaul86 8 ай бұрын
Of the maps in games I have to say I loved the maps in early Thief games, as they were more like incomplete sketches (sometimes almost useless as they were compiled from hearsay) most of the time. Player-friendly? Maybe not, but it added so much character to it that's almost lost in games nowadays.
@StodgyAyatollah 7 ай бұрын
Giving the player incomplete or inaccurate information regarding gameplay can be incredibly engaging and is a shame devs rarely play with the idea. I also like how older games would give you directions based on the actual game world instead of map markers. Both force the player to engage with the world instead of auto piloting through things.
@Rupour 7 ай бұрын
Tim, I implore you to do a "Original Fallout Game Creator Reacts to the Fallout Trailer" video! I have a feeling it would go over very well, and I would genuinely love to see what you think of it. I'm sad your name didn't come up in it.
@ZiddersRooFurry 8 ай бұрын
Speaking as someone with epilepsy I really wish more games would go beyond just including a warning about photosensitivity and offer photosensitivity options. Just make an option that gets rid of blinking lights and patterns. It's really not that difficult. As far as skipping cut scenes goes I actually was saddened to find out Beyond Good & Evil's cutscenes aren't skippable. I would haver replayed it but I can't stand sitting through stuff I've seen a bunch of times before.
@nowayjosedaniel 8 ай бұрын
It isnt difficult, but I have had personal conversations with very successful indie darlings who had literal red-faced seething meltdowns at me just for asking simple questions like "So you said you will never add [disability accessibility feature]. What is the reason for that, exactly?" And when they didnt answer honestly (side stepped) and I reiterated politely "Oh yea sure, but why not do it? It's pretty simple. [Points out one accessibility feature that could be fixed with one line of code]." When they finally opened up to me about their real thoughts bc I didnt let it go while making them feel comfortable enough to share, the responses were incredible. Incredible, as in... Devs I respect opening up to me their true thoughts made me shut up immediately, say goodbye, and go to a corner bc I wanted to vomit. Absolutely sickening reasoning, absolutely raging hatred for disabled persons or their own fans, etcs. All because they feel gamers are so entitled? And one dev I loved a lot when he went red faced telling me the honest truth, seemed to just hate his own supporters bc his art was just so precious to him that even the tiniest outside change was, to him, ppl essentially raping his mind. Freaking weird stuff. Like things I never expected. Permadeath solo devs seem to especially have really sick minds (mental health problems) and anger towards gamers. Idk why exactly. That genre attracts some weird ppl that I used to admire before talking with them about gamedev and gamers. I have a good way to get people to open up, feel comfortable, but also force them to answer- always getting the honest truth out of them. And it is often an ugly truth. So many indies dont deserve their wild success. Millionaires who hate those fans who love them so much they made them millionaires.
@nowayjosedaniel 8 ай бұрын
I never really see this with AAA or professional industry devs. Professional devs seem less sickening bc I think they already dont have an unhealthy attachment to their game as some artistic expression of their personal self. It's easier to change your game when you already didnt have full untethered artistic control. Collaboration in game design, is IMO, a healthy thing for humans.
@lrinfi 8 ай бұрын
@@nowayjosedaniel The superior attitude/"gamers are entitled brats" stuff isn't unique to indie developers, but to mod authors and, actually, most everyone in between. It's an ego thing. I wouldn't judge them too harshly, but I've seen developers talk down to their communities in their forums so often that some will go off and give the games themselves bad reviews, whether they deserve it or not, they're so wounded by it. Gamers themselves might also try to set their egos aside when it comes to "collaborating" and/or just interacting in any way with developers from mod authors to professionals. Members of the public can do some pretty dumb things themselves when it comes to that. I should know. I'm sure I have on occasion, but I'll never forget working a temporary job at a county government office responsible for public school aid. I thought I might actually like to work in such an environment until I did. The things employees and, even, administrative personnel were saying about people desperate for aid were just as much or more stomach-churning. I tried to ignore it for the most part and/or chalk it up to stress and the like, but that didn't work too well. Glad I didn't get on staff there, to be honest. That's why I always try to remember to say "industry" when conversing with people about industry issues. It's industry (of all kinds) that's sick, not necessarily the people working in them in whatever capacity.
@nowayjosedaniel 7 ай бұрын
@@lrinfi Dont get me started on mod authors. Those people are on average 100x worse than the worst gamedevs I have ever read. Pure mental illness and uncontrolled ego meltdowns, copyright screeching despite the irony, and an obsession with ownership of modified content even when it's just a hue shift of vanilla game assets. And NexusMods admins are severely mentally ill, and embarrassingly authoritarian and baseless. Like real insanely aggressive jerks who have no clue. I honestly wish lawyers would get more involved with modders, as I have seen people having public meltdowns, backed by administrators or even publishers, who end up publicly stating that the modder's inconsequential changes to a gamedev's original assets make it an original copyrighted work. Meanwhile Disney literally steals original fan art and wins legal battles to own it. Modders live in a delusional world where they think shifting hues of a gamedev's assets gives them full copyright over said vanilla assets. Like insanity, but this mental illness is fully backed by entire communities and their admins. It is so ironic, as most modders dont own any of the work they do. Bethesda even has it in their ToS/EULA that they own all mods. And clearly the original authors own the content, not someone who changes 1 pixel or changes blue to teal and claims it is their own. Insanity.
@nowayjosedaniel 7 ай бұрын
@@lrinfi 100% on the public assistance stuff. A lot of the people who work in positions to help hurting families degrade and seethe at said families. They will approve food stamps for a hurting family of 6 and then go off gossipping about how theyre welfare queens or low IQ savages. Ive seen it too many times. People hating the very people they want to help. In the USA, there is a racial component there too. I've seen people saying incredibly racist things abt black ppl after theyre flood victims and lost their homes and need govt aid.
@lzrdkng Ай бұрын
i agre with and notice literally all of the features you mentioned. The npc dialogue, the leveling, the perk stuff... all of it. and even though i am a comic artist and have no intentions of game design, these are teh moments i keep watching for. you are a great source of inspiration for me, especially in those moments when i find it hard to work, having you on in the background helps motivate me!
@spitfire7170 8 ай бұрын
The colorblind option part reminds me of a feature I would be a lot happier if some games had it Left handed control schemes(especially in games with motion based controls) It's not as serious because the games are technically still playable for left handed people but it's a similar situation where it affects a really small amount of people and most devs find unnecessary, it's particularly frustrating in some VR games since those have perfectly mirrored controllers and would be simple to just have a setting that reverses which controller does what or letting both controllers do all the actions.
@robrick9361 7 ай бұрын
Your request is a lot more reasonable though since color blind support is meaningless if a game's mechanics are based on color. Should devs remove game mechanics that rely on sound too since it excludes the deaf?
@luiscamilo5166 7 ай бұрын
while a small problem, it really frustrates me when games don't give options for left handed be it outside and inside the game, we may be a small portion but we are people too and deserve immersion. :/
@JademusSreg 8 ай бұрын
I use the term "tableau" for environmental storytelling, personally; I think a "vignette" would be a brief active sequence as part of the narrative. Btw, professional game dev here; love your videos, watch daily whilst sipping my coffee or tea.
@burningsheep4473 8 ай бұрын
I thought Troika themselves had used the term "vignette" for the alignment openings in ToEE?
@voiceofreason1098 7 ай бұрын
I use the term "environmental storytelling" for environmental storytelling. ;)
@Lee-of4gt 7 ай бұрын
@@voiceofreason1098my brain 😂
@nichan008 7 ай бұрын
​​@@voiceofreason1098Came here to find this. The standard 'game journalism' term seems to be environmental storytelling, especially when it comes to Bethesda games. I've never noticed if the devs call it that though.
@jamesdillan1928 6 ай бұрын
@jademiusSreg what kind of professional Dev are you?
@mkxxiv 7 ай бұрын
Completely agree on unskippable cutscenes being awful. I would extend this to "cinematic walking/talking" sections that seem to pop up more and more. This includes any section of gameplay where I'm being railroaded, and the game mechanics become restricted in one or several ways while at the same time you can't make any meaningful interactions. I would like if you revisited this topic again in the future because it sounds like you have a lot of good thoughts on good and bad features.
@RyanWeeks000 7 ай бұрын
I was playing a dungeon in a recent game. And it was a lair being raided by spacers and there was a point where the automated defenses "stood their ground". Basically in this turret room, and there are three dead spacers in the turret room. One made it much further than the other two and when you loot him he has an "amp" which is an item that makes you run faster. :)
@mioszsypniewski8539 8 ай бұрын
Hi Tim. Your videos helped me with something that's botherd me for a while. To the point i was on NG+ in Starfield( you dont need refer to this game i get it) My goal was to get all perks, best ship, house, build the best outpost, became a god. You mentioned this a lot that it is pointless. And it make me realize i was not playing for fun but for the sake of achive certain objectives and it was more like a work than having good time with game. Next time i jump into the game i create new hero, make a restrictions, try to difrent build and roleplay my character with immersion. Just here to say thank you for making me see things difrently. Your videos are inspireing.
@ThatGuySizzleMac Ай бұрын
As someone who is also colorblind I agree that Colorblind mode does help out a lot. Some times it makes it weird when it's something that I'm used to seeing normally in it's color pallet, but the option is greatly appreciated!
@bearserk4151 8 ай бұрын
Agreed on the inventory aspect, I love the add to wares feature in Divinity 2/BG3.
@massivive 8 ай бұрын
man I love when a later perk down the tree is like "when [previous perk] takes effect it also does THIS now", I can recall a Skyrim modded perk adding an explosion effect when fireballing people who are already on-fire and I had to consider if I wanted to risk bystanders getting damaged or not (many innocents have since been incinerated) It can however go too far sometimes and you find that one early ability is stacked upon with 4 other advantages, which is sort of like when a shooter lets you augment your pistol like 10 times and suddenly you've turned it into an artillery cannon like that scene in Naked Gun
@renaigh 8 ай бұрын
Context Sensitive Reactivity is the defining feature of Red Dead 2.
@yevhenorlov 6 ай бұрын
Speaking of inventory, I loved that red button in Arcanum that allowed to organize everything neatly in one click. Such a simple feature, yet ever since then I’m annoyed by games that don’t have that.
@bigbeau1758 7 ай бұрын
Tim, have you or would you ever think about making a video on Planescape: Torment? I know you and Avellone had a lot of mutual respect and you both create such fascinating philosophical stories. Arcanum in particular seemed to weave a similar but remarkably different philosophy on what is life and death.
@colin-campbell 8 ай бұрын
Skyrims skill menu was absolutely gorgeous and also having the skills be placed within the relevant constellation was another great idea.
@stuartmorley6894 8 ай бұрын
First thing I mod in after the unofficial patch has always been something like Ordinator for the changed skill trees. There are a bunch of different ones that are great. Particularly Enarim or Simonrim stuff.
@arcanedoughnut2016 8 ай бұрын
It's a pain to navigate on console with a a controller, which mind you has been their primary demo since Morrowind.
@ChadVulpes 8 ай бұрын
​@@stuartmorley6894 At this point I don't even remember what park trees without Ordinator are like.
@lrinfi 8 ай бұрын
It was pretty, but the functionality was far from ideal, imho. I didn't like the fact that i couldn't just pick the perk I needed/wanted and, instead, had to unlock quite a few I knew I'd never use just to be able to select the ones I did want to use because they were further along the branch. Far Too many of what I felt were wasted perk points was the result. And that's what happens when you try to "streamline" progression, skills, perks, etc. into an all-in-one interface like that. I much prefer lists that allow players to pick and choose what they want to invest in and finely define their builds.
@yuin3320 7 ай бұрын
Even if the perks themselves often left a lot to be desired, the layout and interface of it all was absolutely MESMERIZING. Especially how they thought to tie it in with the cosmology of the setting and how you enter the menu by "looking up" to the sky when I'm the pause menu. That was all such a stroke of pure genius as far as I'm concerned. There were a lot of immersive touches in Skyrim that still make it endearing despite it's many flaws, but that one might just be the best if you ask me.
@Mister_Vyar Ай бұрын
Something tangential to inventory that I really like is displaying inventory visually in various forms. I usually have to turn to mods for this and wish I didn't have to. I get that it's impossible to design a visually cool main character that his visible storage for the 5 million things you'll collect in an RPG, but just partially doing this goes a long way towards increasing my immersion. I like it when characters have visible backpacks, or belt pouches, or bandoliers, or weapon holsters. Unless a game is mechanically designed for me to be carrying around an entire armory in hammer-space, let me equip weapons to specific places on my character's body. Maybe not every single item has to be visually represented, but at least give me a spot I can point to and say "yeah, my potions probably go here" or "that's where my bullets/arrows go."
@SirCarcass 6 ай бұрын
My favorite thing is visual customization. My character, my companions, my base, my NPCs, my weapons, whatever. The more I can customize, the more I tend to like the game.
@divedweller4295 7 күн бұрын
Alternatively, cut-scenes that are too easily skippable, such as when they are skipped with a key that is near-constantly or frequently used. 7:30 - Environmental storytelling is so~ appreciated. One of the most effective ways to draw players into the world and make it feel alive.
@crbielert 28 күн бұрын
I really enjoyed that the minimap for the Secret of Mana remake was the original game map.
@gargamellenoir8460 8 ай бұрын
I appreciate more and more when level designer make the effort to make the environment and the map readable so you can find the next section without meandering for hours. I'm disliking more and more the quest markers that you just blindly follow all the way to the objective. They break immersion by preventing the player from really absorbing the space.
@AJordan44- 8 ай бұрын
I would say when games show what you have equipped after you put it away. It doesnt really add anything except when you are looking at your character and thinking "damn im cool"
@Jewelsmith 2 ай бұрын
The ability to categorize any item in my inventory as "junk" aka "I'm going to sell you next time I find a merchant" and then being able to press one button to sell it all is just ... chef's kiss pure bliss ... something that I loved in The Outer Worlds but is sadly missing from too many other games
@nulledpixel 8 ай бұрын
I just wanted to say I really enjoy your videos. Very insightful and a great peak behind the curtain.
@DaedrinMolkre 2 ай бұрын
To combine your level ups and your thematic map ideas: I like when the level up system itself is thematic in a game. My example of this is Yakuza 0, which unlike the rest of the series that uses XP or soul orbs, 0 uses Yen, money itself, which is meant to showcase that because the game is set during the economic bubble in Japan, money is so abundant that you just flat out use it to increase your power, because everyone is carrying ridiculous amounts anyway, you have nothing else to spend it all on. That was so thematically genius to me. In that same fashion, I like when games make the stats themselves thematic too, my example this time being the more recent Yakuza games, 7 and 8, which are both turn based RPGs and therefore, your main character has a list of stats, but on top of the normal stats like strength, defense, and magic, they have personality stats such as Passion, Style, and Kindness, which raise based on certain things you say in some conversations and also just doing side content. These do not have much to do with combat, instead helping you unlock new jobs. What they actually do isn’t why I like them though, they just fit very well for a game set in a modern society where you play a middle aged Ex Yakuza who is so obsessed with Dragon Quest that he sees everything in his life like it’s a JRPG, right down to viewing his own personality like it’s video game stats lol.
@fasgamboa 4 ай бұрын
The no cloth thing reminded me of Zelda BOTW and my son was talking to the guy that you have to prove you are scared and I was just like, take your clothes off 😅
@luiscamilo5166 7 ай бұрын
i would love games to hove a feature to be left handed in games with character creation. for a lefty like me it would mean the world for immersion.
@echoness_ 8 ай бұрын
I love the Nuka-Cola Vending Machine will launch a bottle at player based on luck roll after kicking it.
@flexcat 8 ай бұрын
I am visually impaired and the absurd lack of accessibility options in Starfield was mind boggling. With a budget that large their scope to not include anything is just crazy to me. Also this year, I have a huge appreciation for the stuff available in Jedi Survivor including the fantastic layered map (icons are also customizable!). Despite performance issues, that game had great features.
@tedbrownlow4617 2 ай бұрын
The "nice hat" comment reminds of the open-world zelda games where half the citizens freak out if you're wearing the yiga mask
@stillness5304 8 ай бұрын
reactivity is not a minor thing, when I was a kid a game was really cool if it was realistic, and what we meant by that was that you could do meaningful stuff, first GTAs were not realistic and not "free" because although you could get around freely nothing you did mattered. Ofc we didn't think about "okay, designer sees what we're doing", it was just the game felt alive and that was amazing. Hopefully AI, maybe NPC voiceover generation will fix the problem that this type of freedom is absent in most modern games.
@flamingburritto 8 ай бұрын
To reflect on the point you made about NPCs reacting to small things, I remember that if you wear a marauders outfit in outer worlds, npc characters like Reed tobson will comment on it. Also, Tho it's not a small thing, i love that how in fallout 1 if you wear the vault dweller's suit when interacting with NPCs, some of them actually comment on it. And especially in vault city.
@voiceofreason1098 7 ай бұрын
Regarding the unskippable cutscenes point - I wholeheartedly agree. At the same time, one of my gripes with The Outer Worlds were the unskippable companion attacks... It might have been updated by now, I have played it long time ago.
@RobLang 8 ай бұрын
Brilliant question and a very thoughtful, useful roundup. Thank you, Mr C!
@burningsheep4473 8 ай бұрын
The fact that people in Arcanum comment on Dread Armor is indeed a nice touch. Same for them freaking out about the Orc summon that was trailing behind me. I also really like the wind in Far Cry 2 even though it doesn't matter that much. But it is just so immersive/atmospheric.
@Lee-of4gt 7 ай бұрын
the wind? i havent played FC2. is it like the wind in Ghost of Tsushima where it is like a subtle quest marker?
@burningsheep4473 7 ай бұрын
@@cowboylou Yeah, and it also influences how fire spreads. Some minor effect on stealth as well I think.
@axone9413 8 ай бұрын
7:19 It is called "environmental storytelling".
@snailman7989 6 ай бұрын
in kingdom come deliverance, there's a feature where if you're galloping on a horse and try to go under a shed or a low hanging branch, you clothesline yourself and fall off your horse. i laughed for 5 minutes straight when i discovered this and immediately did it again
@SirCarcass 6 ай бұрын
One of my favorite instances of delaying leveling up is the original KOTOR. You could delay leveling up until you become a Jedi and end up with more Jedi class levels.
@NotFamousReal 8 ай бұрын
Good video Tim. Strange set of features I've been adding to many of my games is "Auto X" and I've been torn on it. Essentially settings to Auto use Items, auto summon allies, auto choose upgrades, auto pick level up perks... Some people don't like this kind of automation but many in my Discord keep wanting more of it.
@lrinfi 8 ай бұрын
Seems most games I've played resolve that issue by making auto-actions optional perks the player can invest in or not. As a player, I'm not going to invest in perks such as "stepping on land mines no longer set them off" and the like. Nope. If I'm not vigilant enough to be on the lookout for and deactivate (if that's an option) those landmines, I should have to pay the price for my lack of vigilance. :) I've actually foregone perks further along a "tree" I wanted to invest in just to avoid those kinds of auto-actions.
@chandgrit 8 ай бұрын
I know that feeling i really liked final fantasy 10 but the long unskippable cutscenes have made me never play it since the first time.
@Tegurd 7 ай бұрын
Yes not being able to choose when to level up really annoys me. Actually when I think about it I get mildly irritatated anytime control is taken away from me without warning. Like a companion interrupting me with a dialogue tree when I'm in the middle of looking around. I just want to scream at them "in a minute! Calm down I'll get to you but right now I'm checking if there's a hidden door behind the bookshelf." The absolute worst are tutorial messages that freeze the frame and pop up a window telling me to jump with spacebar or whatever. I just watched Tims video on first impressions, and that's one way to really turn me off a game. Constantly interrupting me and taking away my control to tell me shit I can figure out for myself can really sour my mood for a game
@ianfrazier9896 8 ай бұрын
Fun vid! Request for you: I’d love to see a Tim Cain deep dive on BG3. :) Not a review per se, but just digging into all your thoughts on it, what you found interesting or cool in it, what you learned from it, etc.
@liaminwales 7 ай бұрын
Reactions to clothing is under used, having the world react to player actions and communicate it back to the player is cool. Always cool to see text pop up as you run by NPC's. I liked the news updates in elevators in mass effect, it was used to hide loading and I suspect may be broken now as new computers load to fast.
@ZanDatsu 8 ай бұрын
Damage numbers are a feature that I feel sometimes gets treated as being insignificant, as though they were put in with almost zero design consideration. I personally love damage numbers and think their implementation can be an art form in terms of design. How and where they display on the screen, the font used, how/if different types of damage (e.g. elemental) are distinguished, how critical hits are displayed compared to normal hits (hint: don't just change the color, but make it POP on screen), how DoT damage displays along with burst damage, and on and on. The fact a 20 year old MMO (WoW) still has pretty much one of the best implementations of damage numbers all these years later is disheartening to me. I wish developers put more thought and love into this, what some may consider 'insignificant', feature. If you have any stories about the specific implementation of a small thing like this and how all those little choices get made, I'd love to hear about it in a video! Are some things like this left entirely up to one person to implement, or is there always multiple people coming to a consensus over what works best? Are there things that feel unimportant during development but upon reflection should have been given much more thought in terms of their implementation? I feel like damage numbers may be one of those things that can feel as though they were left to one person and done in the most basic manner, such that it feels like they just never got much consideration during development.
@gargamellenoir8460 8 ай бұрын
I added a damage number mod to Mass Effect 2 and 3 and it's wonderful! I can tell what works and what doesn't a TON better.
@downstream0114 8 ай бұрын
I find it's much more interesting when you have enemies telegraph their health. I'd like a game jam where you need to get rid of all in game numbers in favor of other design choices like the Chicken-o-meter.
@Lee-of4gt 7 ай бұрын
@@downstream0114whats the Chicken-O-Meter?
@Victor_yay 8 ай бұрын
After playing Arcanum I've pretty much tested for clothing detection in every single game where it could be applicable. What I've learned from that is: 1. That it is very rare that developers goes to those lengths, especially as time has gone on. 2. That those types of features can really stick with you and remember a gaming experience for decades.
@FluffySylveonBoi 8 ай бұрын
When it comes to cutscenes, I love when on the first play, the cutscene is not skippable, but after you've already seen it, you can skip it. It prevents people from skipping the first time, and some people do it and then they don't know the story at all, which is sad. When it comes to insignificant stuff I like, it is like in Morrowind, people tell you if you have no clothing or if you look sick. Or even critically wounded. Or when people in the world notice some changes you have made and comment on them. In Fallout for example, I loved when you found a book on the floor of an outhouse or noodles in a locker etc. These little bits of world. Even little things like the scorpion at Vault 15 appearing depending on your luck value, I will remember it the next time I play that something is different with a random (more or less) chance of happening.
@vast634 6 ай бұрын
Unskippable cutscenes: there is something similar with music in many games, that tends to be just too loud on the normal default setting. Maybe the artist really wants to push his composition, even though it should be just background ambience.
@calebhearn1526 7 ай бұрын
I also love not requiring a level up once I reach the XP necessary. When I played Outer Worlds, by the time I was in the 20-30 range, I'd just keep my skill points banked until I reached a lock I couldn't pick or a dialogue wall I couldn't pass. Spend my points, get in. Incredibly fun and respectful way to level up. Thanks, Tim.
@squib308 7 ай бұрын
Oh man, the cut scene thing is 100% for me. OR , often just as bad, some games will let you skip the cutscene - the whole thing, then you don't know what's going on after it. I really liked that CP2077 let you skip any line that was being spoken, because TBH I'm gonna be reading the subtitles and know what the person is going to say -in that line-, and cancel them talking it. So I really appreciate when I can just do that, and not miss a big plot point that 'X to cancel...' just threw out everything after that. ick!
@lurkchan 8 ай бұрын
Very much agree on the unskippable cutscenes. As a speedrunner it's also annoying to have unskippable intros and tutorials that aren't particularly interesting or fun to perform upon so many resets.
@leinadisjourneys 7 ай бұрын
Great video! I'm a huge fan of interfaces that look like they're a part of the game world. Not literally but stuff like in (usually) older RPGs where the journal will actually look like a journal, where the hotbars and stuff look like they're made from an actual material. Big fan of that, and I'm always slightly disappointed when RPGs have a "neutral" UI. In fact, though I love the game, I really disliked that change to the dialogue windows in Deadfire after the first Pillars. I also love any feature that speaks on behalf of the "playfulness" of the developers. I think your comment about clothing for example is kinda like this. A lot of bigger games today feel like they're made after a strict blueprint, which makes them feel boring no matter how well executed they might be. But the little things that sort of sits outside the "main scope" of the game can make it so special. The Malkavian stuff in Bloodlines is a fun example of this stuff. Stuff that makes the game feel like it was not designed by a "committe". And sometimes, this can extend to gameplay mechanics. I get that balance is an important part of a game, but I love having when weird quirker stuff in there as well, even if that particular perk or skill (for example) are not equally powerful when compared to others. Less is more, yes, but sometimes just having more can be kinda fun too.
@lrinfi 7 ай бұрын
"I also love any feature that speaks on behalf of the 'playfulness' of the developers." I adore the phrase Noah Caldwell-Jervais used in his original assessment of Fallout 76: "fragments of creativity". I firmly believe (and someone would have a really hard time talking me out of it) that individual developers are primarily responsible for such "fragments of creativity". It may or may not be within the scope of the "official" game, but is palpable to the player, regardless. “The music is not in the notes, but in the silence between.” ~ Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
@RealGroove163 8 ай бұрын
unskippable cutscenes are THE WORST!! i agree with you 1000% tim.
@jedthefroggy 8 ай бұрын
I like when I have like 6-7 dialogue options for each NPC conversation, especially if the last 4 options are just for fun or if I am curious.
@StodgyAyatollah 7 ай бұрын
Good dialogue trees seem to be a lost art. I've played too many games where they may as well have been replaced by linear forced dialogue. They don't even present the illusion of actual dialogue well.
@bubbathedm 8 ай бұрын
Pillars definitely hS the best hoarding centered inventory system
@Norpal 7 ай бұрын
A slightly different interpretation of the title, but: I absolutely adore the "Photobooth"/poster creator in XCOM 2: War of the Chosen. It's insignificant in the sense that it has absolutely no practical gameplay effect whatsoever, it exists purely as a thing for you to goof around with between missions. And it's SO much fun.
@NikolaBulj 8 ай бұрын
Wouldn't say it's a favorite feature, but I liked how in the witcher games some of the potions you take interact with each other (and poisoning effect as a limiting factor was... interesting). Many games have magic effects interact (like spray oil + fire cone, or water + cold makes ice and you/enemy can slip) but not many have potions/ingredients interact. I think Skyrim has it too and it's always interesting to find a new combo.
@somasatori9117 7 ай бұрын
I always really appreciate how much you talk about colorblind modes in games. I realize that a lot of it is largely because you are colorblind, but as a player of Paradox map games who is a strong red-green protanope, I'm glad that you're an advocate for addressing color deficiency. There are some times when things are color-coded and confusing to be nigh on unplayable.
@txdmsk 8 ай бұрын
I think some features that some people would consider insignificant are actually major selling points of games. When my brother was a kid he absolutely LOVED when he could name units on the screen. Whether it was Darkest Dungeon characters, Supreme Commander robots via mods, or Warcraft 3 units via the World Editor. He actively sought out games where he could name units or weapons, pets, armor. I think he is not alone in that. From a developer standpoint this is a super cheap, insignificant feature.
@dadman3992 7 ай бұрын
In KOTOR leveling up was voluntary and refilled your health and magic, so I'd save level-ups and use them as health items in combat
@zakatalmosen5984 6 ай бұрын
Big yea for being able to choose when to level up. It goes beyond personal taste in my opinion, especially in today's content creation world. Putting a level up button is a must if you want people to do challenge runs of your game. Also don't do that thing where you allow me to spread my stat points when I want but increase the level immediately. If I have lvl 1 stats than the character sheet should say I'm lvl 1.
@Carcerian 7 ай бұрын
Love the Ultima Maps for sure!
@NotFamousReal 8 ай бұрын
Random one that really sticks out to me - In Fortnite they have a setting that will auto sort your healing/utility items to the further slots and weapons to the first slots, even by different types. That really helps a lot.
@twynstyck7807 7 ай бұрын
I really like the old Might and Magic system where you had to go into towns, visit a certain trainer and you could only level up there. And it cost money! So every junk item was worth collecting, because you knew that it will make or break your progression. Maybe you went to the trainer and just bam, level 5, 6, 7, 8... you had enough XP already, but then [not enough xp] or [not enough gold] for level 9. And then you could go adventuring again and not worry about it until next time, but you would prioritize maybe collecting some extra stuff here and there along the way, just to be sure. tl;dr - If level ups cost money, your adventuring is uninterrupted and you're using all the resources of the game.
@nijamase 8 ай бұрын
One small thing I really appreciate in games is if they let me quickly choose to save the game AND exit the game to menu or shut the game with just 1-2 clicks. The two skeletons on a bed type vignettes was really neat in F3 but it have now been used so often (especially in F4 and F76) that it feels kind of lazy.
@lrinfi 8 ай бұрын
Yes. Reusing a good one over and over is not a good thing. Seems most every bank in Boston was enduring a robbery when the bombs fell in Fallout 4, but only one house apparently had a gas leak and explosion in its kitchen, throwing the stove out into the yard, in 7DTD, though several others apparently caught fire during "the event". Good environmental storytelling is essential to bringing a setting to life, getting a history of scarcity, chaos and desperation across in the case of both these games, but I remember delighting at the first "robbery" scene I stumbled across in FO4 and becoming progressively annoyed/numbed by those that followed.
@vaultgamer6875 7 ай бұрын
Tim you gotta talk about the Fallout trailer!
@Anubis1101 7 ай бұрын
I relate 100% with all of these things, and it really gives us a window into the designer's headspace. Even colorblindness; I'm not color blind, but I hate the idea that someone can't enjoy the game just because the colors aren't right. Especially with modern tools and post-processing effects, there's no excuse for any moderately-funded game to not provide those options. And every time I have to follow an NPC who walks at an odd speed, or spend several minutes fussing with inventory organization, I know they didn't have the time or inspiration to fine-tune the experience. Likewise, every time I see a "mark as junk" button, or follow an NPC that matches my speed (and doesn't cut off their dialogue), I know they spent time and care making sure we'd have a good time with their game.
@Anubis1101 7 ай бұрын
Also, the dialog thing got me thinking... How exactly does one plan for that? I know you've touched on dev planning before, bit I mean dialog specifically; every line has to be written, and often voiced, and then translated for any language you'd want to support. So do you set a fixed maximum of lines? A set number of branches away from the 'main path'? Branching dialog can quickly balloon out, so I guess what I'm really asking is how do you reign it in and keep it within scope? I know dialog isn't your thing, but I was wondering if you had any insight on it.
@yuin3320 7 ай бұрын
I'd love to know your thoughts on Rpgs that have progression not tied to "level ups" or that otherwise diverge from some traditional Rpg progression system.
@USJbroly 8 ай бұрын
Thank you for your perspectives! I particularly liked hearing your opinion on immediately levelling up. I'm the opposite. I'm worried I'd forget that I can increase points/whatever
@StodgyAyatollah 7 ай бұрын
I think games like Diablo 1 and 2 handle that well. You get a very distinct hud icon when you have unspent points. I've played games that don't telegraph level ups well so know exactly what your talking about.
@thatradiogeek 8 ай бұрын
I love when interfaces are themed for the game and I hate when they aren't *cough*Skyrim*cough*
@Olematonnimi 11 күн бұрын
I like unskippable cutscenes if you haven't already played the game. But I would make cutscenes important so there is a point of why they cannot be skipped. There are too many people skipping cutscenes and then wondering "how the hell did I get here". The best way really is to not make cutscenes and instead try to make them within the gameplay.
@JustinGoffinet 8 ай бұрын
The menu options in Death Trash let you cycle options hitting left/right, but also let you hit confirm on them to show the whole list you can choose from.
@DefinitelyNotSade 7 ай бұрын
Regarding NPC's noticing little things, I had a very fun moment in The Outer Worlds: There's a quest called Makes Space Suits, Won't Travel, which I personally don't enjoy much as it's a rather tedious fetch quest for most of it. The twist ending is sort of interesting, but it's really the overpowered Chimaera suit for Leader/Charisma builds that makes it worth it. What surprised me though is if you wear that suit (or maybe other Jolicoeur apparel? I haven't tried) in certain places in Byzantium. The guy behind the desk in the Bureau of Exploration, Allonzo Vallejos (i.e. NOT the assassin), where you do the first quest for Adjutant Akande, will make a derisive comment about your sense of fashion/taste, specifically saying something along the lines of "I know everything about your style, wearing that Jolicoeur trash in here". I know there's already reactivity to some NPC's if you wear Marauder or Spacer armor sometimes, but this _really_ felt specific, and I really liked it. I LOVED that little bit of reactivity from a quest I didn't enjoy the design much otherwise.
@nw42 2 ай бұрын
"So I like if I take off all my clothes and I walk by someone and they go, 'Hey, you forget your pants?'" - Tim Cain, _On Gaming_
@nw42 2 ай бұрын
I'm so sorry.
@TheGreatCigma 8 ай бұрын
I have a question: how do you decide on transportation/travel options? For example in Arcanum there's waypoints (both within a town and on world map), trains, ships, and teleportation. But no horses (although strangely there are carts but I digress). In Morrowind there's levitation, and teleportation to a marked location, etc. How do you decide what features should be ruled out and how do you account for impacts on different play styles? (Drawing from the examples, in Morrowind you can't really explore all of the game of you can't levitate. In Arcanum, going from town to town by walking is kind of a nonsensical proposition. If you're a tech character, get ready to use world map waypoints more than a conveyance mage).
@valdenn3073 8 ай бұрын
Forced leveling is one of the only real issues I had with Fallout: New Vegas.
@Arnechk 8 ай бұрын
Today I was pondering about the exact thing. I really enjoy it when a game does something that isn't telegraphed via a popup or some kind of mention and tutorial, but you stumble across it while normally enjoying the game. One example would be having some kind of energy weapon that overheats and there is the ctsshhhhh sound when it has to cool down for x seconds, but you just accidentaly walked through a waterfall and it cooled it with the water. Or mayve using the same weapon in winter setting makes it overheat slower and cool faster. Intuitive things that you repress because its a game, but it is availiable anyway. I love stuff like this as I know the devs were thinking one step ahead and had the restraint to shove it in my face.
@lrinfi 8 ай бұрын
I loved RDR2's tutorial for that very reason.That must be the longest tutorial in gaming history, but RS used all that time to set up the whole game; its story; introduce the gang members; and, as an added bonus, introduce the game's mechanics to the player in bite-sized chunks. Beautifully done, imho.
@Arnechk 8 ай бұрын
@@lrinfi Good example, but for the most part they force you to do an activity to showcase it's feature. Imagine that you found out that you can drag people around with the lasso just on your own. It would be twice the amazement.
@lrinfi 7 ай бұрын
@@Arnechk lol True, but I think it works for a game like RDR2 -- the prewritten protagonist; linear mission/story type game. I usually don't play those, but RDR2's (along with Witcher's) characterizations and story was so compelling I gave it a go. I..uh, wound up modding it in pretty short order to be a horse ranch simulation instead of RDR2. (Love those horses!) Rockstar would make a mint if would put out a game for horse lovers. "Horse" games are pretty darned awful.
@Arnechk 7 ай бұрын
Of course it works, RDR2 is the best game out there if you take into account the scale. But there is some diminishing returns that comes with developing it. If you compare GTA4 and GTA5, 4 is more intimate, while 5 has on paper more to do, but it's like sctretching a jpeg picture to some absurd resolution can calling it a igger picture, despite it being pixelated to hell and back. I'm wondering how GTA6 and TES6 will feel.@@lrinfi
@DigitalProphet 8 ай бұрын
1. Being able to rename save games or write a short description for each save. This used to be standard and now it isn't. 2. being able to add and save custom notes and markers on the map. 3. NOT having giant UI elements or announcements pop up that block my view. Yes, thank you for telling me I completed that quest, or I leveled up, but i'm still in the middle of combat or in a dangerous area, please do not obscure my vision for 5-10 seconds with your giant flashing announcements.
@pissbong 7 ай бұрын
ik you dont do game reviews, but you should make a video reacting to the new fallout trailer that just dropped! it looks pretty cool
@whiteegretx 8 ай бұрын
To me, these insignificant features seem to be able to add up and become very significant to the game overall.
@Mireneye 8 ай бұрын
I'm curious about your opinion on this Tim. Considering your point about cutscenes. I think there's some space where, if your game is of a bigger nature. Over some number, let's say 50 hours. And 5 minutes of those are un-skippable cutscenes. Used sparingly to only emphasize very special things. Like setting the mood in an intro. Some ending sequence and a few key moments. Giving the world some flair. Would you still feel as if that's not respecting your time?
@hpph7133 8 ай бұрын
I'm not colorblind and actually tend to score high on color distinction tests I've tried out but I really love the game FTL's color blind mode because I tend to play games at night to unwind and will have a heavy blue light filter enabled. Colorblind mode allows me to play very easily with that As for skipping cut scenes, I like when it's a press and HOLD to skip, so that when my clumsy hands drop a controller, I don't have to leave it on the floor and wait for it to be over to pick up again for fear of skipping something I did want to see.
@UlissesSampaio 7 ай бұрын
Hey Tim, what are your thoughts on the Fallout series trailer? You should call your friend Todd for a collab :D
@siarheipilat8152 7 ай бұрын
Awesome! Any examples of games with such inventories??
@mylesfrost9302 7 ай бұрын
i would love to know some more but the only example that comes to my mind is bordelands onc console you tap l3 to mark as junk and and again to mark as favourite to avoid accidently selling it enxt time you go to a vendor you have sell all junk button
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