Can We Define Wokeness in 30 Minutes or Less? | The Good and Basic Podcast Episode 34

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Good and Basic

Good and Basic

9 ай бұрын

In which Joseph and Joseph try to define that hotly contested term, speedrun style. Their answers may surprise you.
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@jeffandthings77 9 ай бұрын
Pursuing humbly is an amazing way to discuss this. I have long held that dogmatism is one of the most dangerous way to hold ideas, but I love that more positive way to say that!
@DrewskisBrews 9 ай бұрын
This was valuable to help identify why 'woke feels like a bludgeon.
@MatthewDiamond96 9 ай бұрын
This was very interesting to hear your perspective on. I feel like this really solidifies for me how similar the extremes of both sides of thought are in the US currently. The way you both describe your thoughts on those who adopt those monikers parallels heavily what I see from the other side of the spectrum. This is especially true for those who have the same sense of hidden knowledge and superiority, much like those on the Q conspiracy side of things. It seems to me that both sides, when taken to the extremes, generate boogeymen to energize their base and then isolate them from all other viewpoints in a similar manner.
@jameter21 9 ай бұрын
The evolution of language seems to be at the root of communication issues like these. There are situations where a new word is when someone postulated the existence of a completely new particle, the Higgs boson. Confusion arises when one group begins to use an existing word in a new way. In the case of the term "woke", it seems some actors exploit that confusion to further divide people who may otherwise have begun to understand one another. Would Galileo have seen parallels to his experience with the Roman Inquisition in 1615? Is the debate about the natural resistance to incorporating a new idea into our established worldview? As always, thanks for contributing to our conversation about this issue.
@EoThorne 9 ай бұрын
We're in the age that apples are indeed oranges.
@toddellner5283 9 ай бұрын
It's like "PC" or "Liberal" or "Progressive" or "Socialist" or any of the other terms the Right has used to brand all dissent as evil and satanic. It's a way of masking complete intellectual and policy bankruptcy with hatred for, rage at, and ideally violence towards the Other.
@GoodandBasic 9 ай бұрын
Yeah, in some sense language lags experience, right? Which then raises the question, what new experiences are we facing that give rise to the linguistic need? And are they really 'new' experiences at all? Good questions. -JF
@jameter21 9 ай бұрын
@@GoodandBasic We learn most of what we think we know by "standing on the shoulders of giants", whether that be our mother or a gifted predecessor. In that sense, these experiences are only "new to us", and not new to our tribe. To be able to add understanding to the frontiers of knowledge seems to be a rare thing. Unambiguous language seems key to either process. At what point in our lives do we switch from being part of that human collective collaborating with one another in this quest to favouring only ourselves or our tribe? I can't even see the entrance to this rabbit hole from here...sorry.
@PKMartin 9 ай бұрын
My "comment before watching" answer of what I think it _ought_ to mean: both aware of, and ideologically opposed to, systemic injustice resulting from past or current prejudice. Unfortunately such a politically charged word will have additional meaning hung on it according to the beliefs of whoever uses it, so it becomes a muddy catch-all term thrown back and forth in a culture war
@Nobody32990 9 ай бұрын
Correction, "PERCEIVED injustice".
@tonyd9799 2 ай бұрын
“Woke” when self applied meant something like holy or virtuous. Conservatives and liberals who haven’t accepted the secular, humanist, neo-religion flipped “woke” around to mock and deride.
@tonyd9799 2 ай бұрын
You mentioned “secret knowledge”. Are you familiar with the links between Gnosticism, and mysticisim, Marxisim, & wokeisim?
@GoodandBasic 2 ай бұрын
Well, it would depend what links you're talking about. I'm using "secret knowledge" here in a sense that spans everything from an alchemists belief in transmuting lead into gold (which to us generally appear silly) to the idea that if you go to a good university engineering program you'll learn specialized skills and information about friction coefficients (which is knowledge, and is not widely dispersed, and is gained through specific effort, but isn't necessarily the first thing that comes to mind when you think of "secret knowledge"). So when I talk about secret knowledge here, you shouldn't necessarily think people in robes writing spells on paper--unless of course you're thinking of a university graduation ceremony, in which case go for it. - JF
@quagmier3 9 ай бұрын
Whether you agree or disagree this content deserves a thumbs up just for the courage to post on such a charged subject. I enjoyed the intelligent conversation.
@HatefulPerfection 9 ай бұрын
Baudrillard describes a hegemonic authority which has ceased to be a classically understood authority and is internalized by the people within the hegemon. This is, indeed, comparable to the Matrix. Everyone is subject to the hegemon, but they are also potential Agent Smiths available to reinforce the hegemon should it be challenged. Baudrillard's fear is a state of hegemony which is unassailable. I believe he said something like he doesn't fear terrorism as much as he fears a state capable of eliminating terrorism. Now, I realize I'm deviating from contemporary woke thought, but this is because they fail across many domains to understand their deconstructivist compulsion. What they're practicing is something that is ironically incredibly dependent on a hegemonic system. It's abundantly obvious to me that people who are woke are operating on an unconscious imperative which has been co-opted by the hegemony of the system they think they're opposing (which if they actually read so-called postmodernists, they'd know is of supreme concern). So, the legitimate fear which underlies a state of terminal rigidity is actually captured biblically, but really I have far too much to say on this subject to easily condense the scriptural references. Still, this can be summarized metaphysically in an Aldous Huxley quote: 'Every idol, no matter how exalted, over a long enough period of time, becomes a Moloch hungry for human sacrifice'. I'm not certain if you're familiar with 'The Moloch Dilemma' (a game theory condition), but it's important to understand and when extrapolated might be considered a Moloch System; or the Beast System of Revelation. And this is, in fact, the state we find ourselves in today. Again, I'm tempted to say more but there's too much to say and I'm not really a fan of typing lengthy KZfaq replies, but I hope this provides a couple insights you can draw upon.
@GoodandBasic 9 ай бұрын
I'll have to check that out. I'm not sure, but it might be similar to an idea that I've been approaching from another angle. Always nice to see someone in the wild versed in formal postmodern theory who suspects something may have gone wrong with "wokeness" (again, whatever that is). - JF
@chaquator 9 ай бұрын
lets hear 1 hour
@ashleyhamman 9 ай бұрын
I don't really necessarily agree with "getting out of the cave" as a tool, but that could just be my world view. I see all things as tradeoffs, sometimes they are close tradeoffs, sometimes they have huge gulfs, but each one has to be a very personal assessment. "Wokeness" as I see it is the idea that there are some ideas about the world that are uncomfortable (sexuality, gender, race, systems that relate to them, etc.), but that confronting issues around these topics to make life better (ideally for all) is worth the discomfort and weakening of other paradigms that come with doing so. With regards to finding a basis beyond purely the sort of revolutionairy fervor that may be percieved of it, that is already largely happening the the urbanism movement. People particularly in North America from around the Milleninal-GenZ boundary and younger have become discontent with an environment where cars are the main way to travel, with pedestrian/bike and public transit infrastructure being severely lacking in many places. It turns out that the origin of this current way of society has basis in the 50s-70s, and the decline of public transit and rise of low-density suburban living had a hugely race-driven component. It has also been evident that the reason why many (predominantly white) suburbanites view taking transit and going to urban downtowns as very dangrous is because they get a lot more exposure to minorities who due to systemic issues didn't have the same opportunities to housing, and also due to systemic issues often also have less money. There's also some component about homelessness and housing prices in there that I can't integrate concisely. The Urbanist movement as such has really been blossoming in recent years as it is very compatible with "wokeness", and while change is slow because most people in the movement can't effectively run for a lot of higher offices yet (a lot of us are in our 20s), there has been definte politcal change. Another usage of "woke" that has risen in the last few years is that it is a counter to "based", but the usage of such is very fluid. "Based" is used to mean "cool", but for a few years and still in some circles is identified particularly with right-leaning thought, though that is dissipating. For a fair few years now "woke" has also been used as a pejorative by the left to refer to stuff such as Hollywood, famous individuals, and merchandisers who see it as an idea valuable enough to cash in on, but clearly don't understand the detail of it and so sorta overshoot so to speak.
@colorpg152 2 ай бұрын
many people who are angry at woke specially in gaming are center or left, you keep trying to pin it on politics but the simple truth is gamers and people on entertainment saw people doing bad things to the things their like (games, movies, anime subs, etc...) and every time they tried to criticize it they got called countless names by people who claimed to be woke, so eventually they associated the word woke with authoritarian people who use ideology as a shield from criticism and to forcefully push their will, whether that is accurate or not its most certainly not because of right wing anything. if a group of unknown people came to your city started trashing stuff and claimed it was because of some unknown religion then your mental image of that religion would be of someone who trashes stuff for no reason even if the religion itself has nothing to do with it, that's just plain logic.
@ThePoliticalBulldog 9 ай бұрын
Appreciate you fellas having a very nuanced and intelligent take on this, and so many things.
@GoodandBasic 9 ай бұрын
Thanks. -JF
@floramew 9 ай бұрын
I'm gonna have to listen to this one in chunks, because... Well. I'm trans, queer, and disabled -- I don't really get a choice of whether I'm considered "woke" by the right or not, just by being myself. And you know, I actually find myself *missing* the days where the term thrown around was Social Justice Warrior, or SJW. which feels bizarre bc that was also Quite Bad, but at least that wasn't used to describe Every Damn Thing that a pundit doesn't like. Like, interesting points to be had, and I'm not intentionally listening to something in order to be enraged or something -- indeed, I like your homesteading content, and want to give you the benefit of the doubt and hear out your thoughts, here. But you have the luxury of discussing this at a bit of distance, whereas this hits much closer to home for me. I don't even self describe as 'woke,' because in my experience, it's been taken and morphed into an entirely negative term. Though the idea is certainly older than 2014. I've been hearing jokes about the kind of folks who say "wake up sheeple," etc, for like... Most of my 30y of life.
@floramew 9 ай бұрын
I fall into the trap a lot of thinking "you're using the word wrong," not wrt 'woke' but in general. I call it a trap because... There's no such thing as 'using a word wrong,' functionally speaking. If it communicates the idea the speaker is intending to communicate, it's the correct word. Language isn't prescriptive, despite what language arts teachers and the school system in general teach; language is a living thing, not just by being used in speech but growing, changing. If enough people use "irregardless" for long enough, it'll be a word, even if the sum of its parts don't make sense. See: inflammable (can mean non flammable or able to be inflamed), nimrod (idiot, originally was a god of hunting but the reference was lost on Looney Tunes viewers and just understood bugs wasn't being friendly with Elmer), nonplussed (originally meant confused, now means put-off, slightly negative)... The list goes on. So, no, there's no wrong way to use the word 'woke' if the banking is understood. I think it's *hurtful* because of how folks just apply it to anything they don't like, but it's not *incorrect*.
@floramew 9 ай бұрын
It's easy for you to say this is, so far, only a war of words. I feel physically unsafe in public areas sometimes, and my medical transition is far enough along that I don't know which bathroom would give me a lower chance of being harassed, either verbally or physically. And getting that medical care is a goat rope to begin with, and I've done very little, all told. No surgery, no invasive procedures at all, just HRT. Part of the reason I haven't pursued certain other aspects of transitioning is that I'm not confident my HRT won't be outlawed, even though I'm an informed, consenting adult who has been out as trans for teen solid years now, and what I'd really like to do, if I had my HRT taken away that would leave me up shit creek without a paddle. So I take the lesser option, because it leaves me in a better position if things out of my control do in fact take that turn. And that's not the only example, just the one that comes to mind first for me, personally. You mentioned BLM, and I'm milquetoast white af so I don't really have the experience to weigh in meaningfully there, but... I mean, the fact that such a basic assertion has faced such backlash from the very start, that it grew from the police brutality experienced... It may be a war of words for *you,* but it's not for many of us.
@GoodandBasic 9 ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing your perspective here. It is valuable to hear. JB
@colorpg152 2 ай бұрын
if you do not admonish the people who are using these labels for their own benefit and do not make a effort as a community to separate yourselves from them then logically the result will be that you will became associated with them, you cannot have it both way just like feminism originally mean gender equality but as people began to use for other purposes people who want community equality stopped identifying as feminists, the onus of separating the word woke from bad actor is most certainly not gonna fall on people who know nothing about wokeness, that is just basic logic.
@toddellner5283 9 ай бұрын
I can do it in much less: 1) Anything that makes a white, homophobic, sexist, Christian man feel like he isn't the center of the Universe and the Lord of Creation 2) Anything reveals the history of the oppressed 3) Anything which acknowledges that science works and facts don't care how hurt your feelings are 4) Anything which seeks to remove privilege or which enshrines the idea of one Law for all - no more "In groups the law protects but does not bind and out groups whom the law binds but does not protect"
@GoodandBasic 9 ай бұрын
We could do it in less too, but we couldn't do it well. I don't think you have either. 1) This point carries all of its own conclusions inside it. It's only persuasive to people who already agree with you. For one thing, if this were correct, all non-white, non-Christian civilizations in history would be woke. Was Chinese female footbinding woke? How about the Mongols building pyramids of skulls in medieval Arab cities? It would be a strange position to take. 2) You're relying on an in-group term - "oppressed" - that has intuitive meaning for you but not for people who don't already see your point. And formally defining oppression is harder than you pretend. Is there never, ever, a situation in which it's right for anyone to act oppressively towards another? If we say no, and say that if there is it's not oppression because it's justice, then how exactly are you formally distinguishing between those two? People often find that tricky and if you don't you're either very wise or else a little oblivious to the real questions here. 3) Again, you're using a term - "science" - in a way that your in-group understands and accepts, but which isn't persuasive in the least to anyone who doesn't already agree with you. Nor should it be persuasive. Many reasonable people believe that science works, but don't believe in wokeism. Their differing scientific analysis is not denial of science itself, it's a competing argument about what conclusions the science works towards. Moreover, many "woke" ideas are, at minimum, open to scientific question. Rejecting the possibility of differing analyses would be the truly unscientific position. 4) This is your strongest position and it should have gone first. It isn't perfect - after all, surely you mean getting rid of specifically unfair privileges, not all privileges wholesale, and it's not at all clear where you think the intersections between rights and privileges are and therefore whether you're advocating for dispensing with all rights - but the idea of ensuring that rights walk hand in hand with obligations is one that rings very true to me. - JF
@Nobody32990 9 ай бұрын
Point number 3 is beyond rich coming from your sort lol.
@toddellner5283 9 ай бұрын
Sorry, conspiracy theories aren't science. Neither is creationism, anti-vax stuff, climate change denial, so on and so forth. Tell me what you studied and how many years you've spent working in a scientific field. I'll wait @@Nobody32990
@colorpg152 2 ай бұрын
you are judging people based on their religion, gender, skin color, because you have been made to think one group of people is to blame for everything in the world, its impressive how easy it is to manipulate people when you make them think they are fight for a righteous cause and the proceed to demonize a scapegoat, the same technique used by every tyrant in history including Germany, its sad to see that same trick are used over and over again over all history and yet somehow the masses always manage to fall for it.
@tarstarkusz 7 ай бұрын
30 minutes? Woke can be defined in a single word: EVIL.
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