Invincible Season 2 is Incredible (So Far)

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7 ай бұрын

Invincible is finally back after a long break, and it's top notch. in this video, I go over why I loved it so much. From Omni-Man to Atom Eve and much more.
Music by Epidemic Sound (
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Special thanks to Andrew Elliott (Stalli111: / stalli111 ) for editing this video.

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@captainmidnight 6 ай бұрын
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@KrevalHawk 6 ай бұрын
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@watchdariustv 6 ай бұрын
I'm new to KZfaq and wanted to build my channel. How is the best way to contact you?
@Vivi_9 6 ай бұрын
Everything you talked about in this video was completely spot on, your analysis is amazing and the best I've come across on this platform!
@superlol178 6 ай бұрын
The problem never was super hero fatigue...the problem was lack of creativity fatigue...
@Zombiesnyder13 6 ай бұрын
You mean lack of creativity?
@Elvusmiw 6 ай бұрын
James gunn said the same thing
@sideactivist 6 ай бұрын
@@Zombiesnyder13probably better worded as: “a fatigue of the lack of creativity”
@checksoverstripes2498 6 ай бұрын
And the other problem was going woke and inserting identity politics
@Batt-man 6 ай бұрын
“The problem was never superhero fatigue, it was creativity fatigue..”
@Grittizard 6 ай бұрын
I love Nolan asking his son sincerely why he, “feels this way”. It’s a man whose lived for thousands of years reaching out to his 17 year old son trying to understand what comes so naturally and quickly to those with short life spans (or at least those who presume that to be the case). It really hammers home how precious and fleeting life is, which is not a concept that has ever actually struck Nolan. The bluntness is actually the point of that statement.
@RasmusVJS 6 ай бұрын
I don't think it's the life span that's the important part. It has more to do with the "survival of the fittest" culture of Viltrum. He wasn't taught to be compassionate, so he doesn't know how to respond to it. Though I haven't read the comics, so maybe they explicitly state why there.
@NeutralGuyDoubleZero 6 ай бұрын
​​@@RasmusVJSIts absolutely an important part. Season 1 finale has Nolan explicitly yelling at Mark about how he'll live to watch everything he fights for crumble away to dust. Living for thousands of years would absolutely mess with how youd view the value of lives. So much time to double down and grow jaded to what others think or say. So much murder over time that outside of viltrum, other life forms are just meat. Its also shown in his view of debbie as a pet, he enjoyed and remembers the years they spent together, but to his viltrumite logic shes a spot on the road, a flicker in his lifetime that he'll need to move on and forget. At least until his son got through to him anyway
@jameswo4794 6 ай бұрын
Yep I thought the bluntness said a lot. The video claims how this was done was “ungraceful” but I think it shows how bad Omni man’s cognitive dissonance is
@rm8874 6 ай бұрын
SPOILER WARNINGS Viltrumite's didnt get to such an advanced technological state by murdering eachother. That happened when a lunatic ruler took over and mixed "survival of the fittest" with mass genocide of "the weak". That culture evolved into a world conquering culture that bares some resemblances to Sparta and some less... fondly remembered groups. You can see humans are capable of this exact mentality as well. It comes from a life devoid of empathy. The Viltrumites had "humanity" and then rejected it which led to them forgetting it. Once they all come to earth thats when they all suddenly start rediscovering those social instincts. In other words, they had to rediscover their lost humanity they always had but had long been conditioned to suppress. You will find real world cults do this, they condition into the follower to always follow and obey the cult and that empathy is reserved for members within the cult but does not take priority over duties to the cult. The Viltrumites were not always monsters, they achieved their advanced technology long before they were turned into the genocidal maniacs you see in the earlier parts of the series. Nolan had forgotten his humanity, forgotten what it felt like to care so deeply. He always cared about Mark and the rest of his family but always kept them at arms length. Debbie hints at this in the first or second episode stating Nolan was great at many things but sharing his thoughts and feelings was never one of them. This is common with people who keep others at arms length emotionally as a form of coping and numbing ones self to emotional pain. Nolan is the second Viltrumite if I recall correctly to regain their sense of compassion and becoming disillusioned with what the Empire had become. They are all hundreds and even thousands of years old so the psychological conditioning has had time to deeply ingrain itself in them. Point is the Viltrumites were indoctrinated into a violent genocidal cult that took over the empire and stripped them of their "humanity". They spend time around humans and rediscovered what it is to love and care and have friends and families and someone to come home to, the very things they themselves had for so long but lost and forgot about. Coming to earth broke the conditioning and when Nolan took charge of the Empire his first decree is literally to repurpose the empire into a force for good and to reform the Viltrumite way of life. Mark takes over and further restores the Viltrumite name and way of life. They needed to be around a species with similar enough social behaviors to start getting those mirror neurons firing again.
@rafaelsoto4742 6 ай бұрын
This series is gonna be peak television. Robert Kirkman went on record saying he wants to rewrite things for the show so it flows better than when he wrote the books.
@thetrailerparkonesies3225 6 ай бұрын
Oh my God that's amazing. The pacing towards the end of the comics is very very lacking in development, it feels super rushed and characters that should not have turned completely villainous ended up doing so
@rafaelsoto4742 6 ай бұрын
@thetrailerparkonesies3225 Yeah, like episode 2, for example, the whole Atlantean part was totally filler in the books. Almost pointless, but I like that they made something of it when the monster incapacitated mark using super sonic noises. And cecil recording it was a nice detail I got hyped for.
@Tyler_W 6 ай бұрын
The fact Kirkman is directly and much more intimately involved than he was with The Walking Dead is what really got me pumped for this series. It's always best when creators have direct and meaningful influence on the adaptations of their work. That doesn't happen nearly as much as it should. Unfortunately, I hear that he has also said they're not going to do "that scene" with Mark and Anissa and will introduce Anissa's family a different way. They don't need to be explicit about it. In fact, it might be more powerful if it was shown in trauma induced flashbacks that skowly reveal what happened until someone finally spills the tea, but it would kinda suck if they completely omitted that part of Mark's character arc altogether, especially when it tackled a really important subject matter and did it as well as they did. What they do instead better be really good if they want to justify that big of a change.
@spiraljumper74 6 ай бұрын
@@Tyler_WI don’t need to see it again, those panels were really rough, I haven’t felt a cold, hollow pit in my stomach like that since Berserk. But I hope they don’t remove the plot entirely, I think they dealt with it well and anything that helps people empathize with male victims of sa is probably a good thing to take the time to depict right.
@CatsLilaSalem 6 ай бұрын
@@rafaelsoto4742 The Atlantean part came sudden, but i do really like it especially the introduction of the sound weakness. But most things that feel kinda strange are also good on an rewatch, the whole thing togheter is just so good with Invincible. With season 2 the Debbie stuff feels kinda slow, but thats fine on a rewatch and i do still like it and get why its like that
@Okkotsu86275 6 ай бұрын
I really like Mark’s progression as a hero is constraining with the struggles he and Debbie are facing in their personal lives. I really like that the show is not speeding or glossing over the pain and trauma they were obviously dealing with it. I really like the drama in this show.
@LuisSierra42 6 ай бұрын
Nolan having a kid with a bug so fast was kinda weird tho
@reaperraider999 6 ай бұрын
​@@LuisSierra42Its a coping mechanism. He's trying to get back what he ruined on Earth ASAP
@Mayakran 6 ай бұрын
@@LuisSierra42true, although I’d argue this guy isn’t the *best* at processing his emotions (like grief, regret… basic empathy, etc)
@dsnein 6 ай бұрын
@@Mayakranexactly! he’s finding his humanity for the first time and so despite being 4 digits old, we’ve seen him as a toddler having fits and now as an angsty teenager coping at best.
@awesomedavid2012 6 ай бұрын
​@@LuisSierra42that's the point. We're seeing it from Mark's perspective. It's supposed to be weird and fast and shocking
@Rmb2489 6 ай бұрын
In addition to Eve's dad you also had that construction worker making the entirely reasonable point that they had no way of knowing if Eve's magically constructed building was up to code. They were framed as a jobsworth, and sure they seemed not particularly nice, but they were 100% right. In a world where people can wave their hands and build things you still need to know if what they've built is safe, what their qualifications are, limits of their powers etc.
@wooblydooblygod3857 6 ай бұрын
The father even revealed that the building collapsed
@Marcus-gw4bb 6 ай бұрын
I think Capt midnight SEVERELY downplayed Eve's recklessness. Her not being aware that the new playground she "built" was off of an unstable foundation caused the death of a mother and her daughter. Her father wasn't being insensitive or egoistic when his daughter gave them a golden apple to sell to get some money. He recognized that his own daughter still has much to learn about the real world, herself and the limitations of her own powers.
@wooblydooblygod3857 6 ай бұрын
@@Marcus-gw4bb they didn't die. He says "it's a miracle no one was killed."
@Marcus-gw4bb 6 ай бұрын
@@wooblydooblygod3857 my bad. I went back to verify it but still the newspaper column mentioned dozens injured and my point still stands that Midnight should've highlighted the consequences of Eve's recklessness
@wooblydooblygod3857 6 ай бұрын
@@Marcus-gw4bb yeah. I think it worked real well as a way for the show to say "eve is being an idiot" while also not making her have to deal with such a heavy weight
@alexdigg 6 ай бұрын
Something that I thought about after watching the last few episodes is that the "1 year lifespan" that the new family's species has, is probably not that different from Nolan's perspective to his previous family in the grand context of his own lifespan
@Tyler_W 6 ай бұрын
That is more or less how he felt about them, but to the show's credit, there was a bit more subtlety to what they were doing with Nolan than Midnight gives them credit. They never felt the need to outright articulate why Nolan even went out of his way to involve himself with the Thraxans in the first place, especially when they're an even less evolved species than humans in some respects (granted, they're more advanced in others). The fact thst he went out of his way to act compassionately towards a species much weaker and more short-lived than even humans goes to show that Mark really did connect with him, and that he's trying to grow and figure things out. By helping the Thraxans, he's sort of exercising his mental muscles for compassion and empathy because even though he doesn't fully get it yet, he knows it's something right that he's being compelled to do by whatever changed in him on that mountaintop with Mark. The fact that Mark doesn't recognize his father's self-evident progress by virtue of the fact that he's even there in the first place makes their dynamic even more interesting. He's so messed up by what happened that he can't see the obvious change that's right in front of his face. He's too hurt at the moment to give credit where it's due and is looking for any angle possible to find the malice and cruelty in what Nolan is doing there. To be fair, Nolan brought it on himself, but it'll be interesting to see how the show tackles their ongoing relationship in comparison and contrast to the comics.
@nimoquaquam8708 6 ай бұрын
Commenting instead of liking cause golden like number
@ArcAngle1117 6 ай бұрын
​@@Tyler_WGoddamn this makes me really hope we get more time with Mark and Nolan
@GeneralTaco155555a 6 ай бұрын
​@@Tyler_W This thread is exactly what I thought. Midnight here takes Mark's perspective a little too much. To Nolan, there is no difference between humans and these literal bugs. 80 years vs 1 year barely makes a difference to someone who will live seemingly forever. His life with Debbie and his brief life with his bug wife are essentially equivalent because he doesn't see any of them as people, and yet his feelings are overriding the Viltrumite dogma of supremacy that has been ingrained in his mind. He's learning to accept his ability to empathize with mortals, he isn't "moving on" shallowly.
@RasmusVJS 6 ай бұрын
Was it explicitly stated that it's only 1 year? I knew they matured quicker, but I don't remember that being mentioned in the episode.
@Keykatriz 6 ай бұрын
I think what impresses me most of the time about Invincible is that unlike most superhero deconstructions that will take a trope and then make a joke about it, Invincible tries to be logical but earnest. Like with the underwater kingdom...sure, it's weird to us, but it exists in the universe so there's no reason for Mark to act like it's weird. It's a situation he's in and he has to navigate it.
@kasplachproductions6198 6 ай бұрын
Invincible isn’t really a deconstruction of the superhero genre. It’s just a superhero story that’s dark and very well thought-out, which makes it stand out from so many that aren’t those things.
@Tyler_W 6 ай бұрын
What's great about Invincible is that it isn't really just another deconstruction. It's actually a self-aware but nevertheless still sincere in its affection fir its material. It uses lessons learned from deconstruction to build it back up. It's aware of what it is and confidently asserts itself. It's a reconstruction.
@Keykatriz 6 ай бұрын
@@Tyler_W yeah, thinking it over I want to say it's the deconstruction of the deconstructions, which sounds pretentious and silly so I like reconstruction. It's a little too tropey for me to think it's not in some way a deconstruction, but it's done earnestly enough that it's actually a good piece within the genre. I love this trend in media, the absolutely hopeless dark parody has been played out to a lot of its possibilities.
@spiraljumper74 6 ай бұрын
@@KeykatrizI’d call it a loving pastiche, personally.
@RasmusVJS 6 ай бұрын
You guys talking like deconstruction is always bad and edgy. Something can simultaneously be a deconstruction of super hero stories and be good and sincere. I'm not saying Invincible isn't a reconstruction, but the fact that it is good isn't the reason why.
@GreayWorks 6 ай бұрын
Only so related but what makes Invincble's genius characters so fun is that they all have their field of expertise, even if what they're able to do is beyond human. And I love how no character in Invincible has too many skills
@Madvillainy48 6 ай бұрын
Unlike MCU where every character is a super smart scientist that can go toe to toe with Kang
@Tyler_W 6 ай бұрын
​@@Madvillainy48this. It's so annoying.
@ArcAngle1117 6 ай бұрын
​@@Madvillainy48The avengers was the worst about this, I feel like half the reason they killed Black Widow is because her kicking Thanos would look ridiculous.
@spiraljumper74 6 ай бұрын
The Mauler twins are probably the closest you’d get to that kind of “super smart and also super good at fighting and planning etc,” and they’ve been jobbing to Invincible since like issue 3. And then of course there’s the further subversion that once *someone* finally realizes that their ambitions are pretty reasonable given their obvious competence and intelligence, and allows them to meet those ambitions, they just stop being villains entirely.
@LawyerAvocado 6 ай бұрын
Having one character who can do everything just makes the other key characters feel useless cought Batman cough
@michaelsummer7082 6 ай бұрын
Dude! Allen, the alien is the most heartbreaking segment in the entire show. It was beautifully sequenced, It felt out of place and jarring (To a positive effect), but still wonderfully inside of the First half of the season.
@gregvs.theworld451 6 ай бұрын
I love how they're really painting the Viltrumites as a threat. They're basically narcissistic asshole bully super saiyans who are so tough almost no character we've seen so far could probably take more than 3 of them on in a fight at one time, and they have an entire empire. I love worrying about how the hell these guys are going to be stopped. Great antagonists and I'm excited and scared to see them get even worse.
@MrOrcshaman 5 ай бұрын
A pity he has to be voiced by the most obnoxious woke piece of trash like Seth Rogan. I liked Allen in the comics though.
@ac1dnet 6 ай бұрын
small point, you said that the park atom eve built fell apart because she didnt build it well, but really it was because she built it on a sinkhole and the whole thing collapsed, which is something she woulda known if she had spoken to the proper city officials as implied by her dad and i think this makes it more impactful. i feel like you left out that detail for spoiler reasons but i think it makes the little plot twist a lot more impactful than it woulda been if the playground just fell apart because it wasnt built properly, like you said in the video
@victorapolinario2766 6 ай бұрын
Years ago we had full seasons with many episodes every year. Now we have 8 episode seasons every 2-3 years
@desmondd1984 6 ай бұрын
At least those 8 episodes tend to be better than when we used to get 26.
@Tyler_W 6 ай бұрын
If it makes you feel any better, short of another massive catastrophic disruption or another like we had with the lockdowns, we won't be waiting another 2.5 years between seasons again. That was mostly caused by work restrictions according to Kirkman. We'll probably get S2 part 2 in February or March, April at the very latest by my reckoning, and we'll probably be waiting a year or a year and a half for season 3 if I had to guess. They were already in the early stages of production for season 3 when season 2 started or not long before that.
@The-Legend-of-P 6 ай бұрын
8 episodes that are 45 minutes long and are paced beautifully is worth the wait. if animation gets better and better, then it'll take longer. you can wait since the wait for season 2 is the longest break theyre taking. itll be invicible every year
@sathrielsatanson666 6 ай бұрын
Nah. We get a season every year, just stuff got delayed because of COVID.Same happened with The Boys when season 2 was delayed by a year.
@geardog24 6 ай бұрын
I’m not sure if it’s Nolan’s training or nature as a Viltramite, but he’s still trying to understand love and caring for others after years of conquering and killing.
@Padverus 6 ай бұрын
As someone who read the comics, all I gotta say is keep watching. It's going to take a while before the show gets to some of the later arc's in the comics, but once they do, people are gonna lose their minds...
@The-Legend-of-P 6 ай бұрын
honestly I wasnt expecting Omni man until the season 2 finale so seeing him this early is weird but im excited to see what the pacing will look like until the end. Ik they get into more mature themes and stuff, but if youve only seen the show then the stuff theyve talked about already are pretty tough/deep/mature. I cant wait to see their reactions for the IW
@jamesboston 6 ай бұрын
I've finished the comics (no spoilers) and I can say it never chases its tail, never reverts to status quo. Everything that happens has consequences that aren't ignored and the characters continue to evolve and adapt. The story of this show has barely even begun.
@Tyler_W 6 ай бұрын
For real, apart from some of the later material for the supporting characters that they introduced early to flesh them and the world out, the story of season 1 was basically a prologue. People who haven't read any of the comics (or didn't spoil it online for themselves) still have no idea where this story is gonna go.
@The-Legend-of-P 6 ай бұрын
after I finished season 1 i just knew I had to read all of it. show was to good to NOT read all of it and I couldnt wait this long without knowing what happened next. Comic was peak and i havent sat down and read something like that for awhile. I bought the 3 compendiums too so i can read invincible whenever I want now@@Tyler_W
@Vivi_9 6 ай бұрын
I love hearing that the story hasn't begun, I imagine it's the same for how it goes when the change happens in Attack on Titan, it manages to make everything better while not undermining anything that happens before, so I expect a similar level of quality with Invincible!
@gregvs.theworld451 6 ай бұрын
I hope the show gets to finish. I too keep hearing we don't even know what's in store, and Kirkman said he thinks this show will need maybe 8-9 seasons to tell the full story, and I keep worrying Invincible will get canned long before then. I hope I'm wrong.
@The-Legend-of-P 6 ай бұрын
@@gregvs.theworld451 invincible won’t be canceled. Don’t worry. Since season 1 did so well, they knew they’d be fine. If the show only gets BETER after the prologue (season 1) then invincible is fine. Trust. It gets better and better every season so we’ll get invincible until like 2030
@tatakosani2531 6 ай бұрын
Another thing that has seriously elevated this show is the voice acting. My word im always amazed at how well theu can convey emotions. Especially mark's voice actors and his mom. Wow man i love this show
@Omenweaver 6 ай бұрын
I was so jazzed to hear Peter Cullen's voice, and Clancy Brown at the end
@Imfromrs 5 ай бұрын
The conflict Atom Eve has with her parents actually brings up an essential point to superheroes, that I haven't seen addressed before. It's clear her father is angry with her, not just because he doesn't understand her, but also because supernatural powers in a way, invalidates his entire existence. Imagine if superman stopped using his powers, just to fight villains, what if he decided to work as a carpenter or something? He could do the work of a thousand carpenters, in a day. So how does that make the common carpenter feel? If you spent your entire life building houses and now this kid comes over and can do better and faster than you, making you seem completely obsolete? I know this may be a little boring for a superhero franchise, but much like AI, superheroes does make it seem like the common man becomes completely obsolete and that can be a very difficult thing to come to terms with, if you like a lot of people have - have based a lot of your identity on your work - and here comes a superhero who can do everything you can do, but better and faster.
@CptCh4os 6 ай бұрын
I feel like we got the setup for Omni-Man's breakdown and the very unsubtle "Why do I feel this way?!" in the last season. The very finale was all about Nolan denying his feelings, the connections he made on Earth and the superhero life he has led to become a good Viltrumite again. He was ready to kill his very own son for it. Or rather he thought he was. In the end he physically could not do it and took off instead, even crying which I thought impossible. All of that conflicting emotion and imagery of Viltrumite vs. Earthly family man and Superhero had been internalized back then but now with some distance and some time to dwell on it he is ready to externalize it. Even if nmot gracefully. tl;dr I don't think that breakdown lacked setup just that it's been a while since we had it. Which fits as this way it is as overwhelming to us as it is for Mark, our lense into the story
@maddog7012 6 ай бұрын
That was my favorite episode. Seeing the turmoil in Omniman, saying "why do I feel this way" while almost choking out mark is something he wanted to say on earth before he left, and when Mark says "that's how you should have felt on earth" and Omnimans response really cemented that he has been having this turmoil for a LONG time.
@croisaor2308 6 ай бұрын
Ya I always got the impression that Omni-Man was trying to convince himself even more than Mark that the people of Earth were meaningless, and the killings were him trying to correct his "wrong" internal feelings of compassion. Surely he would know his own son well enough to realise that killing thousands wouldn't turn him to his side, those killings were Omni-Man trying to show himself they were meaningless, but it didn't work.
@m0dder_archive103 6 ай бұрын
Im loving S2 so far! This show is so peak, and as someone who hasn't read the comics ive been floored with everything
@rafaelsoto4742 6 ай бұрын
I have read the comics....all I gotta say is you're in for a treat
@kblearner1528 6 ай бұрын
​@@rafaelsoto4742So when will Mark and Eve get together in the show?
@rafaelsoto4742 6 ай бұрын
@@kblearner1528 🤐
@The-Legend-of-P 6 ай бұрын
Im thinking in the second half of seasons 2 since mark still has to read some books and then actually sit down n talk with amber and then also talk to eve. sholdnt take to long since the pacing is phenomenal but i think itll happen at the end as a finale w/ some insane fight @@kblearner1528
@The-Legend-of-P 6 ай бұрын
@Ech_The_Sentiant 6 ай бұрын
Imma be honest, the fact that you included a clip from justified made me very happy. It’s a fantastic show that I don’t see nearly enough people talking about.
@roscojenkins7451 6 ай бұрын
It's one of my top ten TV shows
@Batt-man 6 ай бұрын
God you’re so right
@Ech_The_Sentiant 6 ай бұрын
@@roscojenkins7451 What’s crazy to me is how detailed the sets are, and if you pause the show and just look at the background, you can learn a lot about the character that lives there.
@ThatOrangeGhost 6 ай бұрын
I had to google because I had no clue this show existed, i love Tim and Walton in all the things they do, the fact there is a show with both of them! I'm defiantly going to check it out.
@Ech_The_Sentiant 6 ай бұрын
@@ThatOrangeGhost Yeah, i would totally recommend Justified. It takes a little bit to get good, but it’s a excellent show!
@drzerogi 6 ай бұрын
I was pleasently surprised. I expected that season 2 would fall off after the first season: which had some glaring issues (ex: everything about Amber), but they - so far - cleaned up those issues and elevated the level of writing immencely. Really good stuff so far.
@Tyler_W 6 ай бұрын
Season 1 was basically the prologue. The story has only just begun, and it goes to some wild places. If all you know about Invincible is what you've seen in the show, then you still have no idea where this going. It's gonna be sick.
@TheMedicatedArtist 6 ай бұрын
I loved that the first season had a subplot about cloning and the moral dilemma of not knowing who you truly are. I’m excited for the subplot of Season 2. It’s about death and immortality (Dupli-Kate, The Immortal, and the Viltrumites) and how it can emotionally stunt and desensitize immortals to it.
@The-Legend-of-P 6 ай бұрын
dont forget the mauler twins. also, how atom eve trying to rescue the old car couple is similar to Mark from season 1 trying to rescue the old lady from dying. Sometimes you cant save em all and I liked how they made sure to show Eve going thru the same thing Mark did. they'll understand each other even more now
@thenerdywave2007 6 ай бұрын
Invincible Season 2 is so great! Can’t wait to watch the next 4 episodes! 👍
@Bunchc2 6 ай бұрын
I started reading the Invincible comic and it’s really interesting seeing all the changes and additions the show made. I’m way past where season 2 is but the show handled Debbie so much better. The support group stuff is not in the comics and putting more focus on her was a great decision. It makes it so that, even if you read the comic, there still is new stuff to see.
@dsnein 6 ай бұрын
the author said that’s he’s treating the show like another draft beyond what made it to print. and the best writers rewrite the work to death until it’s a tight script that is always telling the story. no wonder it’s better
@Tyler_W 6 ай бұрын
I appreciate it when an adaptation has figured out the balance between faithfulness to the source material and doing new things in a manner that still remains true to the characters and the story.
@moisuomi 6 ай бұрын
Yup. Still like the comic better but that is probably because the comic is already finished 😂
@gorgit 6 ай бұрын
​@@Tyler_W Probably because the OG writer is rewriting the script himself and because he still has the passion to tell the story in its best possible way.
@The-Legend-of-P 6 ай бұрын
I wish they showed her battle with alcoholism more and only showed the 1 bottle. in the comics shes drunk 24/7 and says some hurtful shit to Mark. The atom eve changes are really nice too! I love the parallel with her and mark from S1 trying to rescue the old lady
@breadtubediet1524 6 ай бұрын
Your comments about Doland made me think of Art, the tailor. I wouldn't have batted an eye if he had been completely missing from this entire season. But instead, the writers give him an important and fitting role: to be another "normal human" who knew Nolan as Omniman. His insight into Debbie's life and family, while seemingly a bit of hyperbole, is also very apt, and exactly what Debbie needs to hear and internalize right now.
@The-Legend-of-P 6 ай бұрын
that part was great and made me so happy for debbie! she needed to hear that the only reason why the earth isnt a slave labor is BECAUSE of how SHE raised Mark. Beautiful writing! And iirc it was completely added to season 2. meaning it wasnt in the comics. so it gave more to Art and how he feels. cause imagine ur best bro is just a serial killer and thinks ur some insignificant ant. shit must hurt.
@nickymo 6 ай бұрын
Its so neat that you wrote a comic book good for you dude! Must be so exhilarating to see the art for the first time and watch your ideas come to life
@steveslothstorm1155 6 ай бұрын
The Boys is formulaic in that each season reaches a stage where they are close to dealing with Homelander but don't quite manage it? That's nowhere near accurate. It's not "basically true". Only season 3 saw the boys approach causing any lasting effect on Homelander. It's formulaic in that the boys are building up gradually to oppose Vought but it's not fair to say they're repeating the same beats. In season 1 and 2, they aren't even close to the idea of "finally offing Homelander". It's not even remotely a fair criticism.
@Raining_Potatoes 6 ай бұрын
That's what I'm saying 💀
@Urmomsaredpanda 6 ай бұрын
That’s why season 3 is so good
@theblackphantomthief 6 ай бұрын
Yeah, the people who are saying that The Boys is formulaic in that at the end of every season, they come close to killing Homelander but never manage to clearly need to rewatch seasons 1 and 2, season 3 is the only season so far where The Boys actively try to go after Homelander and kill him.
@Wattobro 6 ай бұрын
Almost finished my first read through of the comics… you guys are in for a wild ride.
@CaptainCraptain 6 ай бұрын
Episode 3 was my favorite episode of the whole show so far. Wow. Just wow that one made patience worthwhile
@AndrewDasilvaPLT 6 ай бұрын
Thank you for your work.
@epileptictrees5213 6 ай бұрын
Absolutely *love* the Black Sails shoutout. Would be cool to see more of your thoughts on it.
@astrogrizzly0 6 ай бұрын
It’s been so good!
@ZiroWatt 6 ай бұрын
im glad I read the comic because it gives you so much more of an appreciation for what the heart of this story really is, its pretty crazy, the comic is just as streamlined as a tv show, and has such a modern storytelling style to it. It hit me when reading the comic that it really is, to its core, a family drama with superhero style to it
@The-Legend-of-P 6 ай бұрын
yep! seeing debby battle alcoholism immeditately after omni man was a big shock to me. I didnt think stories could talk about REAL problems like that. It made me happy that they included it and even effed up shit down the line like Eve's abortion and the emotional toll it takes on you. and then obviously Mark being a victim of SA, and other shit in there
@gregvs.theworld451 6 ай бұрын
@@The-Legend-of-P Fucking spoilers. You do know there are a lot of people not reading the comics and catching up with the show yeah? Maybe that was on me for looking through the comments of an invincible video but fuck.
@SydneyPayne87 2 ай бұрын
Can’t wait to hear your thoughts on the second half of the season.
@rustyshackleford2792 6 ай бұрын
I loved u showed justified clips. Captain midnight knows good tv.
@matcha_zuki5597 6 ай бұрын
Anyone else notice Shockwave or whatever his name was was introduced to be replacing Rex and being the new top dog. He was never shown or mentioned again
@jfoster8624 6 ай бұрын
Bulletproof and he's got his own story in the future he's not massively important but pretty sad and messed up
@matcha_zuki5597 6 ай бұрын
@@jfoster8624 I had a feeling it was shock or bullet related haha Ahh makes sense, it’s so weird he didn’t get ANYTHING this season, I legit forgot he was even a character.
@banquetoftheleviathan1404 6 ай бұрын
oh, so just because he's black, he's gotta have electric powers? Racist
@masontoy1976 6 ай бұрын
I think it's pacing is a little wonky and the animation could use a little work, but overall it's just a solid show and definitely has more highs than lows. It's a competent show with more then enough twists to keep you on edge, but not so much that you get nulled to it
@jfoster8624 6 ай бұрын
The animation looks better than season 1 by far
@somestuff7876 6 ай бұрын
@@jfoster8624 there are difference between animation and style. Rewatch Debbie's breakdown scene or lack of subtle change in characters expression with close up on their face. Scenes with dialogue badly "shot" for a lack of a better word (conversation at Eve's treehouse, at college, between Rex and Cate at the gym etc). In season 1 they had slightly simpler style, but characters ability to emote never suffered because of it. Now style is a bit more complicated, but they can't keep up with it.
@jfoster8624 6 ай бұрын
@@somestuff7876 i don't see anything wrong with the facial expressions at all I think y'all just were expecting Way too much when they were working on both seasons back to back
@somestuff7876 6 ай бұрын
@@jfoster8624 how?! Quick test did you see teaser trailer for Invincible? If so, did you notice that animation (understandably) matched pretty badly with lips, and it was slower? And choppy? Too lesser extend that how a lot of scenes feel in season 2. Stop right there. We expected too much?! We... nobody asked for them to change their style and to make it more complicated aka more time consuming than in season 1! Season 1 didn't had outstanding style or animation (especially outside of action) to begin with. It worked, it fit well together. Especially in the 1st episode to lure you into style of older cartoons. They nailed movement, speed and impact in action scenes. Editing felt fast and even helped with comedic timing in some scenes. In most aspects bar was pretty law. Maybe don't fix what's not broken and take money from Amazon for more important things than adding new celebrity voice cast?
@abdelali9279 6 ай бұрын
Really looking forward the second half of the season
@uchihabomber1296 6 ай бұрын
Honestly I agree with what James Gunn said about there not being any superhero fatigue but more so the way that everything is written for those superhero stories in media. Cuz personally I’ve never gotten tired of superhero movies either but I do want more interesting ideas for those movies
@Desiko3722 6 ай бұрын
I’m rlly excited to see the rest of season 2 and specifically how it’ll look animated and executed (I already know what will happen and you can find out through the comics obviously and lemme just say, y’all are in for a crazy finale and season 3 holy, imagine the omniman vs invincible right but x2 and that’s what you can expect man) also I will say that it seems that a lot of ppl have forgotten or maybe have just not known that season 3 was greenlit along side season 2, meaning the reason why season 2 took so long was bc it wasn’t just season 2 being worked on, season 3 was too, they were made in unison (fun fact; all voice lines and animatics for each episode of season 3 are already done, you can search this stuff up or something, also the strike thing, we prolly would’ve gotten season 2 and 3 sooner if it weren’t for that)
@Tyler_W 6 ай бұрын
Absolutely. Continued effects of lockdowns and work restrictions are primarily what caused the delay, and then the strike probably delayed the premiere by at least a few months. I think there's a reason they released a single Atom Eve special in August. That's when they wanted to release it but couldn't, so they decided to release the one episode that was completely in the books.
@The-Legend-of-P 6 ай бұрын
dude the Invicible war in the middle of season 3 and ending with the conquest fight is going to be fucking insane to watch!
@NeutralGuyDoubleZero 6 ай бұрын
Having little fun adventures here and there is a pretty essential part of superhero content I believe. Even if the story is focused on dramatic shifts and dark subject matter, having little moments where characters can just do their thing for a bit is important to making the world feel a bit more filled out. Mark immediatly turning around when the monster gets loose made me really appreciate how standup and mature he is.
@choco698 6 ай бұрын
I am so hyped for gray suit mark to get animated, some of my fav stuff there.
@jaealxndr 6 ай бұрын
best part of this show is it is only 10/100th of how fire it will continue to get.
@NeutralGuyDoubleZero 6 ай бұрын
Nolan asking his son why he feels this way felt pretty real to me. He nearly completely lost himself, had a suicide attempt not too long before Mark met him again. And so now these sudden and intense emotions are hitting him as he sees the deaths of these insect people he wouldnt bat an eye at all his life previously. THOUSANDS of years of mental controlling and indoctrination being unravveled over the span of less than a year, because of what his son said to him right before he nearly killed him.
@torva360 6 ай бұрын
This season, especially Episodes 3 and 4, reminded me why I enjoyed the comic so much. It treats it characters with care in the sense that it has destinations in mind for most of them... usually pain and death, but still. Definitely setting us up for the absolute madness that will come from Angstrom.
@dyotoorion1835 6 ай бұрын
Thanks for the Heads Up! :-)
@uhobme2028 6 ай бұрын
Just love the similarities between episode 4 and the season opener
@jeffyracks1463 6 ай бұрын
Love a good black sails reference, great show
@alexism9656 6 ай бұрын
The playground Eve built didn't fall apart because she rushed it. The ground under it was unstable and it caved in which is why the city never cleaned up the mess that the mom was complaining about.
@GreyMagee74 6 ай бұрын
As an OG comic book reader, this is the right way to adapt something, I've loved every "retread" and every change because they are hitting the tone and themes of the comic perfectly.
@DorkoDoes 6 ай бұрын
Justified and ringtones gemstones are amazing but if you really wanna see Walton Goggins at his best watch Vice principals 🙏
@adam_nathan 6 ай бұрын
I’ve been reading the invincible comic book lately and the thing I would say separates it from every other superhero comic more than anything else is its ability to let the characters grow and change, also to actually have an ending at all (which most superhero comics never do of course). The TV series has been overall pretty faithful to the comic apart from some very welcome improvements (the female characters are written a lot better in the show for instance) but - without saying too much - it appears set to diverge in the second half of season 2.
@nkthmpsn3712 6 ай бұрын
I clicked the vid and am watching because it was your first positive thumbnail that’s been served to me in months
@HarvestStore 6 ай бұрын
Great video.
@justice4051 6 ай бұрын
Love that the alt cover looks like amazing fantasy 15 that’s awesome
@TheFunkMaestro 6 ай бұрын
One of my favorite things about Season 2 so far is that it’s taking a bit of time to breathe and set things up. I’ve seen some critique of the pacing being less tight than Season 1, and while that is true, I don’t think it’s a bad thing. I’m genuinely Season 2 didn’t its first episode with some massive reveal meant to serve as the hook for the next 8 episodes like Season 1 did. The pacing may be looser, but the stories worth telling are still there.
@tankeater 6 ай бұрын
2:40 "I know, I know, I should get back to Invincible." Continues to talk a The Boys for 10 more seconds 😂🤦‍♂️
@twiceshy9773 27 күн бұрын
Oh poor Mark, he's growing up!! They all are I guess- Donald's arc had me bawling, Mark's bestie's boyfriend's story had me tearing up and aww, even Debbie was trying to move on, it was so heartbreaking... Ohoh- and that last episode (8) had EVERYTHING!! I was in tears for half of of (gigglesnort yeah okay, admittedly I cry at everything but come onnnn!! "I will not let anyone hurt my family!!" That was just beautiful!! And so beautifully done, it looked so good, with such a good meaty problematic "villian", all the themes this season were more nuanced I love it, had me crying and cheering all over the I'm so into least until "The Boys" starts up again😂😉💖💖
@futuristicbus61 5 ай бұрын
I’ll never understand people who watch something just to see the ending. Same thing with games, playing something just to end it is astounding to me.
@superchamploo1155 6 ай бұрын
Hear me out. I don't hate any of the things that are happening this season so far, but I just feel like the pacing is extremely slow... Before this, there isn't the ticking time bomb like we had in season 1 with Nolan killing the guardians, and it feels like they skipped the part where they watch back the episodes and cut out any fluff to make the pacing tighter. I don't dislike Debbie going to therapy or getting to see Alvin's life, or Mark getting tricked into going to another planet...I just wish they were snappier and didn't drag so much. There's so many scenes with extra dialogue and awkward pauses of silence... I feel like a crazy person lol is no one else noticing this? Maybe tiktok has fried by brain 🤷 lol
@treytison1444 6 ай бұрын
I agree with you on the Debbie stuff for sure but slow in general? This show is moving at lightspeed compared to the comics.
@spiraljumper74 6 ай бұрын
Might honestly be the TikTok, friend. It feels deliberately paced to me. And as someone who’s read the comic I gotta say they’re covering the material very gracefully and extremely efficiently.
@corenlavolpe6143 6 ай бұрын
That's really funny because the biggest issue with the comics at the start was how the pacing was way too fast, like it skipped over interesting things to get to the most impactful events. It improves to the point where it's fast and doesn't feel like it skips over anything and I really liked it. I think the first season did a good job expanding on what was there in the issues it adapted, but I also do worry that they'll keep adding when it's not necessary and end up ruining the pacing in the opposite direction.
@superchamploo1155 6 ай бұрын
@@corenlavolpe6143 i haven't read the comics though, and I'm not comparing it to them im comparing it to season 1. And just to clarify, when i talk about pacing, im referring also to the pacing within the episodes as opposed to the whole four episodes. more to do with directing and editing
@LoKaioh 6 ай бұрын
I do it was slow and boring felt I was watching a bad soap you were spot on
@orgindes2363 6 ай бұрын
Would love it if you talked about blue eye samurai!
@A.Mortem 6 ай бұрын
I must be missing something everyone else is seeing, because in my opinion this season just feels like it’s lacking something. I couldn’t tell you what it is, whether it’s pacing or just what’s being shown on screen, but it just feels different from the first season and not in a good way. All this is my opinion of course but i just feel a bit disappointed by it. The funny thing is i don’t remember feeling like this about the Atom Eve special, but it is what it is i suppose, maybe i just don’t like this series past the ending of the first season
@DrEnnui 6 ай бұрын
It's only half of the season, so I think feeling that something is missing is completely normal.
@somestuff7876 6 ай бұрын
Yeah, quality dropped on every aspect of the show except for voice acting. With Atom Eve's special I only felt this way towards the end, with questionable solution that shouldn't really fix her situation if more than 2 people were in the know or had any paper trail, which they should tbh. But animation and how it was... well, shot was on the same level as season 1. Pacing. Cuts between different storylines felt jarring. I feel like the biggest problem comes from the attempt to cut the budget on scenes where characters have dialogues: so they sitting, barely move, stop walking when they talk. They are constantly using wide shots for those scenes and in general characters just say the information other character needs to hear for the scene to end without any real prompt (Rex and Cate exchange was the worst of them; William and Mark close second). On top of that characters models now way less expressive. The only scene that felt normal was between Debbie and the tailor. Season 1 rarely had a scene where characters interactions were simply boring to look at.
@christopherhofland8409 6 ай бұрын
does no one else think the animation is super choppy? like they are animating on the 2s/3s? Like if you watch something like castlevenia the first season tha came out like 5 years ago or even like mongatori that came out like 10-12 years ago there is such a fluidity. but the story is good.
@cannonade8985 6 ай бұрын
Walton needs more! Amen man! CM, can you please do a video on Justified!?
@Elvusmiw 6 ай бұрын
Invincible the show is really good at improving things from the comics also wasn't eve's fault the construction workers were working at a place that's dangerous.
@benwasserman8223 6 ай бұрын
Yeah. But Eve’s dad is still a piece of shit. Even by bad Viltrumite standards.
@a_fine_edition2746 6 ай бұрын
The whole reason the workers were there was to fix the place so it wouldn’t be dangerous lol. Eve recklessly tried to rush the process and didn’t even think about the terrain or location. The park she created was being built on top of unstable ground and caused the whole thing to sink, which wouldn’t have happened if the workers were allowed to get on with their job in the proper fashion.
@Elvusmiw 6 ай бұрын
@@a_fine_edition2746 so it wasn't the apartment that fell apart
@spiraljumper74 6 ай бұрын
@@a_fine_edition2746If they’d thought to mention there was a sinkhole there it would’ve been fine. And they probably knew it too, otherwise they’d have been using the empty lot to store heavy machinery and materials.
@Elvusmiw 6 ай бұрын
@@spiraljumper74 but they didn't yet the dad knew?
@The-Legend-of-P 6 ай бұрын
HEY MIDNIGHT! Hearing your tv show finale rant and how you like seeing writers grow and change w/their actors made me think of a show youd absolutely adore. I HATE the office, but watch THE COMMUNITY! show is sadly 6 seasons, but it actually has the best writing on a tv show id ever seen. Best characters and so on the nose its hilarious. oh and best finale in a tv show ever. wraps up so perfectly you just need more since its so good! You can binge it quickly
@captainmidnight 6 ай бұрын
I’ve done many Community videos! Love that show
@The-Legend-of-P 6 ай бұрын
of fr???? I'll try my best to find em! thanks for the response! Stay safe and get ready for more invincible. show kinda doesnt stop being good once the omni man stuff happens. shows 1 of a kind and youre in for a treat 100%@@captainmidnight
@Godsen5 6 ай бұрын
Comparing The Boys and Invincible is more of a far stretch than it seems. In Invincible we have a pretty grounded superheroes world (except for whatever common feature the universe must have for all these kinds of superpowers to exist) and it is best exemplified by what immediately entered my top-10 superhero stories' moments of all time (the community park sinking into the ground). The Boys is about us, in our real contemporary world with social media, politics at the exact current state, capitalism at the exact actual current state, etc. Superheroes are just highlighted characters, the protagonist of the story is (once again) us: even us watching the show itself (the whole Stormfront story actually used meme that were invented by real people about the first season).
@firecat4529 6 ай бұрын
6:42 Didn't Adam say that the ground was unstable and that is why everything fell apart, not cause she build it wrong (since we did not hear anything about the house she fixed falling apart for instance)?
@elir842 6 ай бұрын
yeah but if she planned/knew what to do, she could have fixed the ground as well. So yeah but I would also say that she built it improperly by not planning
@wobblywack5531 6 ай бұрын
yeah people died too, kind of weird that he didnt mention that
@RasmusVJS 6 ай бұрын
@@wobblywack5531 Didn't he specifically say "you're lucky nobody died"? So presumably nobody died.
@Salvage_cheetah 6 ай бұрын
I would love to see.
@lugaruclone 6 ай бұрын
If the show follows the comic let me tell you this... it does not have a status quo. It kind of just keeps moving forward until the end with almost no 'resets' or 'return to normal'.
@unrealkinoart 6 ай бұрын
I can't imagine how many years it will take them to adapt the whole comics series. Honestly, I didn't have the patience to wait for the second half of the 2nd season. And I started reading the comics from the very start and I'm halfway through and soooooo much shit happened. I just can't believe that they'll finish the animated series. With the current schedule it Will take them 5 years I guess.
@ElizibethHarmony 6 ай бұрын
i cant wait for you guys to see season 2 episode 7 and 8, in the comics those moments where insane as fuck
@spideyboy2358 6 ай бұрын
I just hope the animation is better in the second half
@codymills2393 6 ай бұрын
I would gladly watch a Justified video from you
@blaiddgwyn1910 6 ай бұрын
Only issue ive had this season is that the animation seems weaker than the first season
@ice00700 4 ай бұрын
I guess it was pretty obvious, but I'm just now realizing the intentionality of Adam refusing the "fruit" (the golden apple). Might just be a joke, but interesting nonetheless.
@CaMpEeeeerX 6 ай бұрын
Every time someone mentions Black Sails it is a good day.
@kevinandrewsphoto 6 ай бұрын
My biggest problem is how little invincible we’re getting. I haven’t looked into this much. But season 1 came out 2.5 years ago. And they returned and only released 4 episodes. I see no reason why this show couldn’t be made faster. The animation (which is perfect) is very simple and is similar to old cartoons which they churned out weekly. Im guessing the writing is based on Kirkmans pre existing “Invincible” run. What’s causing the delays?
@legendarybroly2 6 ай бұрын
The creator confirmed season 3 is almost done being animated so they’re delaying it to keep the hype going lmao
@kevinandrewsphoto 6 ай бұрын
@@legendarybroly2 - season 3 is almost done? Where is the rest of season 2? lol.
@schrodingersjet1043 2 ай бұрын
I sure hope that, during the long wait for season 3, they give us at least one additional episode of Atom Eve.
@Crimson28 6 ай бұрын
I know many have said it but I’ll repeat it anyway. There is no superhero fatigue. It’s BAD superhero fatigue. Invincible and The Boys being successful is proof of that. I know most credit the violence and gore as the reason for its success but that reason is a cop out. It may be the sugar on top, but they both tell a mature superhero story and it’s not afraid to take risks and maintain the status quo that Marvel and DC has to do.
@colbymclemore7642 6 ай бұрын
I can’t stand the fact they cut the season in half after we’ve already waited two years. I had to start reading the book because this is going to take yeaaars to finish.
@dannydagerous 6 ай бұрын
@zachkeenankacey4945 6 ай бұрын
Whoop whoop
@justadishwasher2162 6 ай бұрын
@mvpfireant5188 6 ай бұрын
One of the best super hero stories ever put to screen!
@andygettelfinger438 6 ай бұрын
More Invincible content plz
@idanlewenhoff2295 6 ай бұрын
Just here to mention that the animation was really good and seemed to improve more
@tankeater 6 ай бұрын
4:12 he found out her spouse was Omni-man... That guy has ZERO clue who TF Noland Grayson even is 😂
@TogetherEvery1AchievesMore 6 ай бұрын
#TogetherEvery1AchievesMore TEAM‼️
@jacobe2995 6 ай бұрын
the scene where he stabs his own arm and says "thank god" but then looks at the knife and they show the tip bent. like OH CRAP! is he some kind of super solder?
@MrTeamFoolish 6 ай бұрын
I think the 1st season had better moments than the 2nd season so far. Season 2 is still decent imo
@jeremiahbennett3004 6 ай бұрын
I feel like that's because so far this season has been mostly setting up the new plotlines in the wake of the season 1 finale, it needed time to recover the story to where new arcs could be told, and i feel like now at the episode 4 mark we're really gonna start getting some crazy stuff now that the viltrumites are more directly involved with earth's affairs, also angstrom levy is probably gonna do something big. (i haven't read the comics)
@playman350 6 ай бұрын
Captain, you can't talk about Walton Goggins' work without mentioning The Shield !
@aonghus7759 6 ай бұрын
Not watching this until after I'm done just dropping a comment for support
@ChiePet_ 6 ай бұрын
The amount of people ive heard say "omg not more multiverse stuff everythings a multiverse now" dont know how old Invincible really is lol.
@maddog7012 6 ай бұрын
I guess im an outlier here. Season 1 was pretty good story and charactor development, and i had high hopes for season 2. But my god some of the story directions and dialogue seems so amateurish, sometiems just dumb. And my god the Eve special was really cringe at some points. And her parents where just terribly written. Its like they couldnt decide if they wanted them to be good loving parents or crappy deadbeat parents. And the other blond "evil" child, goes from hating Eve trying to beat her face in, to crying and trying to sympathize with her. My expectations are pretty low for the rest of season 2.
@kadegetslaid634 6 ай бұрын
Definitely in the minority on this one
@maddog7012 6 ай бұрын
@@kadegetslaid634 I wish I liked it more, it just seems like there isn't any reason why some things happen the way they do except for basic story progression, so some things feel like they have no meaning. I also feel music is overused, trying to force emotions instead of amplifying them.
@kadegetslaid634 6 ай бұрын
@maddog7012 I get where you're coming from, personally it's my type of show, especially because I'm a huge fan of the comics, hopefully you like the second half of the season more
@LoKaioh 6 ай бұрын
You are not alone s2 was boring terrible follow up from s1 lot's of dumb and boring writing
@KasumiKenshirou 6 ай бұрын
Another movie that proved to me that it's not "superhero fatigue", but "crappy movie fatigue", was the recent Venture Bros. finale movie.
@rman88 6 ай бұрын
Note, whenever i see people go against eves dad. I always kinda feel bad for him. Picture yourself in the shoes of a man who knows that being a super hero is in a way a good way to be put in the ground. A allegory for this is having a child Gung ho into going into the military and only desiring the most dangerous missions. Feeling like its his Nationalistic duty to do this and that not doing it makes him a coward. Even thou in reality the farther just doesn't want to bury the child. That is who eve is at this point. Eve is in may ways someone who takes everything including her own life for granted. great example of this is when she tells off the construction workers. Who were upset that she was going around fixing everything. As she dose not think things threw. In fact the reason why the playground caved in wasn't because of her own failure to use her own powers. No it was because the city detected a sink hole so they decided not to deal with it. And lets be honest how many residents would have even known this fact? She just took the word of one women who was mad the city didn't instantly fix the problem. And insisted that it was just the evil city not doing their duty. Eve is arrogant, and in a field like being a super hero. This is a trait that can easily get you killed. As many of the villains could easily kill her in a single hit. hell a single Vilturmite would be able to crush her skull in an instant. Regardless of what her powers are. And if i was a farther, i would be terrified that one day i would get a call that my child died being a hero.
@BrendanPappas 6 ай бұрын
I love “Invincible” and “The Boys,” but I have to agree that the former is definitely better. “The Boys” also does a fantastic job of subverting the typical superhero mold, but I personally feel that it often gets way too indulgent with the visuals of its sexual humor to the point where it considers it just as important as its main story (very specifically that “one scene” in S3E1). “Invincible” spends a lot more time focusing on its central messages and narrative, as well as developing its characters and homing in on their personal and emotional struggles. Trying to make “The Boys” equal parts black comedy as it does action-adventure ultimately weakens its story.
@uploadist980 6 ай бұрын
When the hell episode 5 for season 2 coming out I'm with for 2 dam weeks
@Shift_Salt 5 ай бұрын
I actually really like the Atlantis episode, they really updated that story to not be as trite and tropey as it was in the comic. Given how much time has passed and what the show is going for it was a welcome change from the source material and made for a fun watch.
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Invincible is A Must Watch
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Tubi is the Quiet King of Streaming (and Beating Disney)
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The Amazing Evolution of Aubrey Plaza
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The Rise and Fall of Bart Simpson Mania
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Invincible Season 1 Review: Was it Too Brutal?
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Invincible Season 2 - An Exploration of Trauma
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He sees meat everywhere 😄🥩
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